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Name : Aqib Pranata

NIM : 1910117210024
Subject: Academic Writing

Definition of Academic Writing according to different authors.

Sidiq Harim (2020)
Base on Sidiq, Academic writing is scientific writing written to express intellectual thoughts
in a particular discipline.
This definition emphasizes the existence of a scientific concept that is the basis of academic
writing. Many novice researchers or students find it difficult to write academic papers. Often
the reason is n ot because they don't understand the definition, but because they are not
used to writing it.
HM Nur Fawzan Ahmad (2019)
According to Fawzan, Academic writing is an activity that aims to produce academic writing.
Academic writing is written work written by academics to obtain an academic degree, for
example a dissertation to achieve a doctoral degree (S-3), a thesis to achieve a master's
degree (S-2), a thesis to achieve a bachelor's degree (S-1). Scientific writing can also be used
to fulfill academic tasks, such as research reports, papers for
discussions/seminars/symposiums. Papers to fulfill the task of a course also include
academic writing.
A. Gillet
From Features of academic writing, Gillet said Academic writing in English is linear, which
means it has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of
argument, without digressions or repetitions. Its objective is to inform rather than entertain.
As well as this it is in the standard written form of the language. There are ten main features
of academic writing that are often discussed. Academic writing is to some extent: complex,
formal, objective, explicit, hedged, and responsible. It uses language precisely and
accurately. It is also well organised and planned.


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