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Date: February 26, 2024

Year level: Grade 9 - St. Jude
Length of class: 1 hour (60 minutes)
Prepared by: Ms. Edralyn Curbo

Learning Competency:
EN9WC-IIIh-9.5: Use literary devices and techniques to craft a play synopsis

I. Outcomes
 Distinguish the different types of literary devices
 Identify the literary devices used in sentences
 Share and relate life lessons from text presented
 Construct meaningful sentences using different literary devices

II. Subject Matter

A. Lesson Title: Literary Devices
B. References: Grade 9 book
C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, TV, Book, Pen and Paper


A. Preparatory Activity
 Classroom Management
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Priming/Activity
 Presentation of outcomes
 Introduction to topic
 Discussion
 Assessment and Evaluation
 Assignment
 Concluding Activity

B. Activity Proper
Teacher will present a meaningful poem that uses literary devices. Then, teacher will ask the students if they
have observed something from the poem.
In the garden of dreams, where shadows dance,
Whispers of hope in the moonlight's trance.
Stars weave tales of love and loss,
As the night sky hums a melody across.

A symphony of silence, a canvas of light,

Where dreams take flight in the still of the night.
In this world of wonder, where reality bends,
We find our truths in the stories life sends.

C. Abstraction
The teacher will first introduce the learning outcomes. Then, teacher will start the discussion with
preparatory activity. After that the teacher will introduce the Literary Devices. After that, the teacher will
expound the ideas and informations and will ask the students if they have any questions or clarifications
about the topic. Then, in application the teacher prepared drills for the students to answer and to check if
the students understood the lesson. And in assessment and evaluation the teacher prepared an activity and
will let the students to answer.

D. Analysis
The teacher will give further insights and will discuss the introduction of the lesson. In the preparatory
activity the teacher will let the students read the poem, and will ask them of what they have observed.
When the students answer the teacher will introduced the literary devices used in the text. Then, teacher will
discuss the topic and will give examples for the students to understand the topic.

Identify what type of literary device is used in each sentence.
1. This tree is the god of the forest. (Metaphor)
2. This tree acts as the god of the forest. (Simile)
3. The wind whooshed through the trees, rustling the leaves. (Onomatopoeia)
4. The kettle whistled shrilly as the water boiled. (Onomatopoeia)
5. Sally sells seashells by the seashore. (Alliteration)
6. Their relationship was a controlled chaos, full of passion and order. (Oxymoron)
7. The famously frugal millionaire went bankrupt. (Irony)
8. The moonlight danced across the water, painting shimmering patterns on the surface. (Personification)
9. I'm so tired, I could sleep for a week. (Hyperbole)
10. The bright darkness of the night sky captivated my attention. (Oxymoron)

E. Assessment and Evaluation

Activity 1.
Compare and contrast the following literary devices.
1. Simile and Metaphor
2. Hyperbole and Alliteration

Activity 2.
Construct one meaningful sentence for each literary device.
1. Irony
2. Personification
3. Oxymoron
4. Onomatopoeia

F. Assignment
Research a short poem online and identify the literary devices used.

G. Concluding Activity
"Literary devices are the building blocks of great literature, transforming words into works of art that
captivate and inspire." - Unknown

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