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Sentence Subject Complement

- A sentence is a group of words that has a - It either renames or describes the subject and is
complete thought. usually a noun, pronoun, or adjective.
- It is composed of a subject and a predicate. - It occurs when there is a linking verb within
the sentence.
Object Complement
- Doer of the action/ topic of the sentence.
- Is a word (usually a noun or an adjective) that
- It is what (or whom) the sentence is about. It
remains the direct object or state what it has
may be a noun or pronoun.
Basic Sentence Patterns
- Tells something about the subject.
1. Subject + Linking Verb + Complement (S-
Linking Verb LV-C)

- It expresses a state of being, not an action, and 2. Subject + Intransitive Verb (S-IV)
is followed by a predicate noun or pronoun
3. Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object (S-
which tells what the sentence is or renames the
subject in different terms, or by a complement
adjective, which describes or modifies the 4. Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object +
sentence subject. Object Complement (S-TV-DO-OC)
Transitive Verb 5. Subject + Transitive Verb + Indirect Object +
Direct object (S-TV-IO-DO)
- It expresses an action that has a direct object or
receiver of the action. Subject Verb Agreement
Intransitive Verb 1. Subjects and verbs must agree in number.
- It expresses an action but does not have a 2. Don’t get confused by the words that come
direct object that receives the action. The subject between the subject and verb.
of the sentence performs an action but not to,
3. Prepositional phrases between the subject and
for, or against anything or anybody.
verb usually do not affect the agreement.
Direct Object
4. If a sentence starts with “there” or “here”, the
- Is the noun or noun phrase that receives the subject will always be placed after the verb.
action of the verb
5. Subjects can come after the verb in questions.
Subject + Verb + Who or What
6. If two subjects are joined by “and”, they
Indirect Object typically require a plural verb.
- It is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that 7. If two subjects are separated by “and” refer to
occurs in the addition to a direct object after the same thing, the verb is singular.
some verbs and indicates the person or thing that
8. If both subjects are singular and connected by
receives what is being given or done.
or, nor, neither/nor, either/or and not only/but
Subject + Verb + Direct Object + To Whom, also, the verb is singular.
To What, For Whom, or For What
9. f both subjects are plural and connected by the - Refers to simple, progressive, and Perfect.
words or, nor, neither/nor, either/or, and not
Verb Tenses: Simple Tenses
only/but also, the verb is plural.
1. Simple Present Tense
10. f one subject is singular and one plural and
are connected by the words or, nor, neither/nor, - Indicates that an action is taking place at the
either/or, and not only/but also, use the subject time you express it, or an action that occurs
that is nearest the verb. regularly.
11. Units of measurement usually use a singular Example:
The students listen attentively. [an action taking
12. Collective nouns usually take a singular place when it is expressed]
13. Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are
treated as singular.
14. Two infinitives separated by and take a
plural verb.
15. Gerunds alone take a singular verb. Gerunds 2. Simple Past Tense
linked by and took a plural verb.
- Indicates that an action is completed and has
already taken place.
16. f the words each, every or no come before Example:
the subject, the verb is singular.
Ms. Lea gave the examination last week. [an
17. Most indefinite pronouns take singular action completed in the past].
3. Simple Future Tense
18. Both, few, many, others, and several take a
plural verb. - Indicates that an action will or is likely to take
19. When the subject is all, any, more, most,
none, or some, this is the ONLY time you must Example:
look at the object of the prepositional phrase to
Later today I will clean my room. [a future
determine whether it is singular or plural.
action that will definitely occur]
20. Only the SUBJECT affects the verb.
Verb Tenses: Perfect Tenses
Verb Tense
- Designate actions that were or will be
- Is a combination of “time” and “aspect” of an completed before other actions. You can form
action. the perfect tenses with the appropriate tense
form of the helping, or auxiliary, verb have plus
Time the past participle.
- Refers to past and present—some would 1. Present Perfect Tense
include future.
- Refers to an action that either occurred at an
Aspect indefinite time in the past or began in the past
and continued to the present time. This tense is - Indicates two kinds of past action.
formed by have/has + the past participle.
Poe’s writing was becoming increasingly bizarre
I have written an excuse letter. [an action that and dark. [a continuing action in the past]
began in the past and is finished at the present]

3. Future Progressive Tense

- Indicates a continuing action in the future.
2. Past Perfect Tense
She will be attending a wedding next week.
- Indicates an action occurring before a certain
Verb Tenses: Perfect Progressive
time in the past. This tense is formed by had +
the past participle. - Is used to say that an event or action is, was, or
will be continually occurring (progressive) but
that it is, was, or will be completed at a later
Jisoo and Lisa had eaten lunch when Jennie and time, or that it relates to a later time (perfect).
Rosé came.
1. Present Perfect Progressive Tense
3. Future Perfect Tense
- Indicates action continuing from the past into
- Indicates that an action will be finished by a the present and possibly into the future. This
certain time. This tense is formed by will + have tense is formed by has/have + been + the
+ the past participle. present participle.
Example: Example:
By Thursday, the President will have apologized The teacher has been grading since yesterday
for his mistake. afternoon.
Verb Tenses: Progressive Tenses 2. Past Perfect Progressive Tense
- Express continuing action. You can form them - Indicates that a past action went on until
with the appropriate tense of the verb be plus the another occurred. This tense is formed by had +
present participle. been + the present participle.
1. Present Progressive Tense Example:
- Indicates that something is happening at the Mary had been living there for a year when she
time you express it. decided to move to Korea.
Cha Eun-Woo is listening to his favorite song.
2. Past Progressive Tense
4. Past Subjunctive
- It is used to express an untrue condition or
possibility, or a wish or a desire.
3. Future Perfect Progressive Tense
- Indicates that an action will continue until a
certain future time. This tense is formed by will I hope to see you again.
+ have + been + the present participle.
- A process or activity of paying attention to
On Tuesday I will have been working on this what one hears and trying to understand or to get
paper for six weeks. the meaning conveyed or implied by the
- Listening can be acquired, learned, and
- Is the form of a verb that shows how it is
- When we listen effectively, we pay attention
Kinds of Mood
and think about what we hear.
1. Indicative Mood
Take Note!
- Used in statements. This states facts, opinions,
- Listening and hearing are not the same.
or asks questions.
- Listening is not a natural process.
- Listening requires effort.
She is driving the car.
- All listeners do not receive the same message.
2. Imperative Mood
Type of Listening
- Is used in commands. It expresses a command
or a request. 1. Appreciative
Example: - Deriving entertainment, enjoyment, or pleasure
from what he/she hears.
Please Drive the car.
2. Empathic
3. Present Subjunctive
- To provide emotional support for the speaker.
- It is used to express a suggestion, a necessity,
There is an attempt to understand what the other
or an indirect command / order.
person is feeling.
3. Comprehensive or Active
I suggest that Dawn drive the car.
- When a listener hears the sound, tries to
understand it, remembers it, and most
importantly acts on it intelligently.
4. Critical or Analytical
- It is when one has decided whether to accept or
reject what one has told, or decide on the true
worth of information mentioned, make a
judgment on the claims made, and make

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