Just Add Water: How To Build A Wildlife Pond

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just add water

7th Edition

How to build a wildlife pond

Froglife’s work Just Add Water is a
is underpinned Foreword:
step-by-step guide
and guided by

By Simon Barnes, author & journalist.
Conservation to wildlife ponds
Evidence. in your garden. No Sun plus water
equals life. That is
For more matter what size the equation that
information pond you create, governs almost
please visit: everything that
your efforts can
lives on this planet.
www.froglife. help local frogs, We who live in
org/info-advice/ newts and other a damp country
celebrate the
just-add-water wildlife flourish. return of the sun
every spring: those
who live in dry places long for wet and
celebrate with joy when the rains come.

We can’t bring the sun to our gardens.

That is beyond our control. But we can
bring water: and when we bring water we
add immeasurably to life’s possibilities.
Cover image: Water can be drunk, water can be lived in,
Common Toad/Oliver
Kratz water can bring in, like a trick of magic,
animals and plants that simply weren’t
Froglife is a registered
charity in England & there before.
Wales (no.1093372)
and in Scotland (no.
SC041854). Froglife A pond is a small miracle, one that brings
is concerned with
the protection and life to a place and joy to those all around.
conservation of native A new pond is a soft explosion of life. So
amphibians and reptiles
and the habitats they here’s what you can you do after you’ve
depend on. read this publication. You can light the

© Froglife 2009 green fuse, step back - and wonder at the
7th Edition printed 2021.
forces you have unleashed.
Paper sourced
from FSC-certified


Written by Froglife:

page 4 page 6 page 16 page 24 page 28

Francesca Barker, Lucy
Benyon, Sam Taylor,
Rebecca Turpin, Kathy
Edited by Jules Howard.
Designed by Mich
© Jules Howard/Froglife

Graeme Skinner/Naturally Wild

In the wider countryside
Not sure if you have space for
ponds are disappearing.
a wildlife pond? Think again.
Any pond size is good for
One third of ponds are thought some form of wildlife: from
a buried water-filled bucket,
to have disappeared in the last
to a textbook wildlife pond
fifty years or so. This has had (complete with pond-dipping
an enormous effect on wildlife, platform and bird-hide). The
particularly amphibians. Frogs, point is, wildlife ponds can be
for everyone, whether you
toads and newts are dependent have a backyard, allotment or
on ponds to breed; if ponds garden.
disappear, so do they. Yet, there
Don’t be put off by price
is a solution. either. Creating a pond can be
as cheap or expensive as you
Creating a wildlife pond helps want it to be. You can spend
£5 or £500. Similarly you can
wildlife locally. Big or small,
spend two hours, two days or
adding water to your garden two weeks. Whatever you do,
or backyard is a really good Just Add Water.

way to do your bit for the

neighbourhood’s wildlife. In
addition, ponds can be fantastic
places to spend time, relax and

Animals to spot:

Frogs and toads return to There are three species of The distinctive yellow and A healthy pond will quickly The pond may be visited by
4 ponds in early spring to lay newt in the UK. The most black collar of the grass snake colonise with various hungry birds like kingfishers
their eggs. (Photo: Dawn Leppard) common is the smooth newt. makes it easy to identify. invertebrates, including pond and herons, or thirsty
Grass snakes are excellent snails, dragonfly larvae and mammals like foxes and
swimmers, so encounters are water boatmen. hedgehogs.
often fleeting.
MAKING YOUR WILDLIFE POND Liners come pre-formed or cut-to-fit. Cut-to-fit liners allow


you the freedom to make your wildlife pond your own shape,
size and depth.

Pre-formed Liner ponds: Liner types:

ponds: Lining a pond with a Rubber: Rubber liners
flexible material that can are flexible, strong and
Many garden centres
be cut to fit allows you durable. There are lots of
sell pre-formed ponds,
to be more creative with different grades available
usually made of plastic or
Materials checklist: fibreglass, largely designed
shape and size. Many for different prices. It is
websites have special available off the roll in
BASICS □ Wheel barrow for housing ornamental
calculators to help you find some garden and pond
□ Something for marking out EXTRAS
fish. These need to be
out how much liner you centres or can be ordered
carefully dug beforehand,
the pond e.g. pegs & string □ Rocks and pebbles need, or you can ask your online.
but can last a long time
□ Tape measure □ Aquatic soil (many over twenty years).
supplier for advice.
PVC: This is a lot cheaper
□ Spirit level □ Baskets, bags or hessian The downside is that there
UNDERLAY: The than rubber, but is not as
□ Something to line your pond squares to put plants in
is no room for creativity,
disadvantage of using flexible or durable. It too
and many pre-formed liner
with (see right) □ Marginal plants these liners is that they can be purchased in stores
designs are exclusively
□ Source of rain water □ Oxygenating plants fish-friendly, lacking slopes
can be prone to punctures, or online.
often from sharp stones,
□ Spade □ Floating-leaved plants for other wildlife to get in
(plus the occasional Clay: A good quality liner
and out.
claw or beak). Don’t let but can be difficult to
this put you off though, install and is more costly.
Some people choose to
just be sure to add an However, if installed
make raised up garden
extra protective layer correctly this is the most
ponds with troughs or
underneath - an old carpet natural option. There are
raised pre- formed liners.
or a layer of sand will form different types available
Remember that many
a protective barrier under which require different
animals will find this much
your liner. techniques to be installed.
harder to get in and out of,
Get inspired to create your pond with so include some rocks or
our FREE Android app! Search for stones to help them.
Froglife’s ‘Wildlife Pond Ideazone’ on vi
the Google Play Store d

eight Steps to Pond heaven:

6 Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8.
Mark out Get digging Put in the Put in the Start filling Tidy up the Plant up Maintain
the shape underlay liner with water edges and enjoy! Water fleas (Daphnia)
MAKING YOUR WILDLIFE POND Levelling off your pond: When


digging, ensure the edges of your
pond are level. Use a spirit level,
Any sized pond is beneficial to a flat length of wood or stringed
pegs to level your pond.
local wildlife, though amphibians
will prefer ponds over 1-2 metres Before laying your liner!
in diameter. Ensure you remove any sharp
stones or pebbles. Add a layer
Where to put your pond: Your pond will of sand, geotextile or some old
need a lot of sun, especially in early spring. carpet between the soil and the
Frogs prefer warm and shallow water to lay new liner to lessen the likelihood
spawn. A bit of shade is not a bad thing, but be of punctures.
wary not to put ponds underneath big trees:
the falling leaves can clog up ponds in autumn. 2m Laying out the liner: The liner
will stretch and move as it is filled
Shape: Generally, it’s a good idea to add with water, so it is a good idea
some shape to your pond edges - don’t go for to fill the pond at least part way
straight sides, instead add some curves. This Sloped before finishing the edges. As the
will help add to the number of microhabitats area for pond fills you can fold and tuck
found in your pond, and makes it more beach excess liner to neaten it up, and
attractive to wildlife. Many people go for the cut off the edges to form a 30cm
kidney-shaped pond style. Use a rope or hose 30cm border around the pond.
to mark the pond edges before you start 3m
digging. Don’t forget to add a sloping aspect to Liner edges: When tackling the
at least one end of the pond - this will ensure 30cm edges of your pond, dig a small
wildlife can get in and out. trench around the pond into
30cm which the liner can sit firmly. Use
Depth: A pond should ideally have a section small rocks to hold the liner in
at least 60cm deep to protect certain place. You can replant some turf
animals (like frogs) from weather extremes cuttings from your earlier digging
(particularly in winter). on top of the liner trench. This will
Inner ring to be
hide the liner edges.
covered by liner
Shelved areas: Shallow, shelved areas are and form edge
good for basking invertebrates and tadpoles, Filling the pond: Read on to
and can be the most diverse and abundant learn how to ‘Be wise about water’
area of a pond. (page 10).

Use 20cm
surp s soil to
nkment 35cm
Trench d
make an emba

. Fo r more
near the pond 35cm Liner
ncing Your
info see Enha
8 Wildlife Pond
, page Underlay
Damselfly larvae
You could recy
ms when


household ite
ildlife pond.
making your w

Sam Taylor
Be wise about water… s:
e suggestion
Water worries: Ponds can be filled with Here are som
Old bath
tap-water that has been treated first. Tap-
Butler sink
water contains chlorine or chloramines, rrel
Half a wine ba
both of which are harmful to amphibians. paddling pool
Sunken plastic
Chlorine will naturally dissipate over time but
chloramines need to be removed (inexpensive
products are available). Topping ponds up
during the summer is also generally fine,
though be aware that extreme changes of
water temperature can ‘shock’ animals if
added in large amounts at once. Ideally,
consider a water butt nearby or even run
roof drainage directly into the pond. Don’t
be overly concerned about evaporation in
hot weather - in most years the pond will top
itself up naturally during the winter.

Chemical concerns: In some cases ponds

may collect run-off during heavy rain. In most
places this is not a problem, but be wary
of nearby sources of pollution (e.g. garden
Tub-ponds: ponds
fertilisers, crop run-off). ‘Natural’ and ‘bio for anywhere
active’ pond treatments are an option.
Ponds for wildlife don’t
necessarily need to be big.
Filters and pumps: These aerate and clean
Smaller ones can still benefit
the water, which is more of a necessity for
amphibians as places to cool
those with ornamental fish. For wildlife,
off in summer, plus many
filters and pumps aren’t necessarily useful:
other animals can use them as
their ‘vacuum’ action can kill phytoplankton

a pit-stop.
and zooplankton, which can affect animals
Just remember that animals
further up the foodchain. Carefully chosen
plants can be very effective in keeping your will need to get in (particularly
water clean (see Pond Plants, page 12). frogs) and out of the pond

(froglets!). Ensure at all times

that there are sloping sides,
10 using pebbles, log-piles and
planted areas.
Water boatman
(Photo: Dorling Kindersley)
other native
Some non-native pond
MAKING YOUR WILDLIFE POND plants that should be left plants for


well alone: (1,2,5) Floating
pennywort Hydrocotyle
garden ponds
Planning for plants 1 2 ranunculoides; (3) Parrot’s Deeper water (submerged
and oxygenating plants):
Once a pond has been created, plants It can be tricky to locate suitable sources feather Myriophyllum
Common water-crowfoot
will colonise it naturally over time. For of native pond plants. Some garden aquaticum; (4) New Zealand Ranunculus aquatilis
a quicker outcome, you could get some centres are unclear about the origin of pygmyweed or water Curled pondweed
cuttings from trusted local garden ponds their plants. Do your research, use a stonecrop Crasulla helmsii Potamogeton crispus
(often sold as Tillaea Water-starwort Callitriche spp.
(with permission). specialised centre or consider buying
3 4 recurva); (6) Water fern Water-violet Hottonia palustris
online. Willow moss
Alternatively, you could plant-up your Azolla filiculoides; Nutall’s
Fontinalis antipyretica
pond, making some careful choices. For more information about plants to and Canadian pondweed
Floating-leaved plants:
Avoid at all costs non-native plants, many avoid see Defra’s Be Plant Wise campaign Elodea spp.; Curly Broad-leaved pondweed
of which could have a detrimental impact (http://beplantwise.direct.gov.uk). pondweed Lagarosiphon Potamogeton natans
on local wildlife. The best practice is to major; Water primrose Fringed waterlily
5 6 Nymphaea peltata*
keep it local and keep it native. Ludwigia grandiflora.
Yellow waterlily Nuphar lutea*
Yellow flag iris* Marginal plants:
Iris pseudacorus Amphibious bistort
Purple loosestrife Persicaria amphibia
Soft rush Lythrum salicaria Brooklime
Cuckoo flower Juncus effusus Veronica beccabunga
Cardamine pratensis Creeping Jenny
Lycopus europaeus
Hydrocharis Lysimachia nummularia
Bogbean* morsus-ranae Lesser pond sedge
Menyanthes Carex aucuparia
Lesser spearwort
Water mint
Mentha aquatica
Ranunculus flammula
Caltha palustris
Flowering-rush Rushes Juncus spp.
Butomus umbellatus Water forget-me-not
Myosotis scorpioides
Water plantain
Alisma plantago-aquatica


White waterlily*

Nymphaea alba

12 Rigid hornwort Common water-

Spiked water-milfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum
Ceratophyllum starwort
demersum Callitriche stagnalis
*Can dominate so for large ponds only Ramshorn snail


Finishing touches
planting up your pond:
There are a number of options for putting
plants into your pond. Many garden
centres sell plastic planting baskets or
bags to be filled with aquatic compost and Fish: what’s the
pebbles. The bags tend to balance better
on uneven surfaces or shelves. Another big deal?
environmentally friendly option is to wrap The best wildlife ponds generally
roots and soil in a square of hessian sack have no fish in them. This is because
and tie with natural string. Ensure soil has fish can quickly dominate a pond,
not been contaminated with pesticides or eating much of the other pond life and
fertilisers. This can lead to algal blooms limiting the variety of wildlife in your
further down the line. pond. Their excretions can clog up the
pond too, meaning the pond requires
plants for amphibians: cleaning out more regularly.
Tadpoles will often be seen feeding on

algae and decaying matter in the pond. Written consent and health checks are

Debbie Armstrong
On warm spring days you might see them
the Swap!
required from the Environment Agency
congregate in shallower areas of the pond, to move any wild fish (or fish spawn)
particularly if there is an algae-covered to inland waters in England and Wales. t donate
that you do no
rock on which to graze. For tadpoles and This is to minimise the chances of Froglife advise eners, or
n to other gard
adult frogs, it’s a good idea to have an spreading disease. your frogspaw your own
ct fr og sp aw n to deposit in
area of tightly arranged plants at one end colle given to help
The advice is
of the pond at least, to provide cover from garden pond. read of invasi
s to stop the sp
predators. national effort phibian di se as e.
nd pl an ts , an imals and am up
po ns will turn
You can help attract newts to ponds by Attracting animals: Transferring animals: In nearly all ca
ses, amphibia
eeding in
growing pond plants on which they can cord, often br
It is best to allow animals to arrive at your
Moving animals (or their spawn!) is of their own ac
lay their eggs. A wide range of plants with pond naturally. Amphibians often find the first pond
generally to be avoided. Even if the pond
thin and easily folded leaves are used for their way to a pond within a year or two
egg-laying. These include Water forget- you have in mind is a good quality, well-
and some can travel over a kilometre or
me-not Myosotis scorpioides, Water-mint so to get to new ponds. Likewise many
established pond there is still risk that
you may accidentally introduce disease

Mentha aquatica and Marsh-marigold Caltha invertebrates like dragonflies, water

palustris. or undesirable animals or plant life (see
boatmen and pond snails have surprising
Ponds and the Law, page 30).
14 abilities to colonise.

Pond skater
(Photo: Dorling Kindersley)
POND Summer:


As young frogs, toads and newts When cutting the lawn or strimming
make their first tentative steps onto lawn edges be especially careful of
Like the wider countryside, ponds change with the land, summer ponds are full of all sorts disturbing frogs, particularly young ones.
of other emerging life. Dragonfly and Long grass is a favourite summer haunt
seasons. They can go from an icy murky pool in winter to a
damselfly larvae can be seen climbing and many injuries occur to amphibians by
colourful wildlife metropolis in summer. As a result, pond out of ponds before turning into majestic mowers and strimmers during this time.
management is a seasonal job. flying adults. Water boatmen flourish You can limit the damage by walking the
and pond snails hatch out in droves to garden length thoroughly before mowing.

Spring: hoover up the pond algae. Like spring,

it’s a great time of year for torching. Be
Most frogs will hop away once disturbed.
Consider leaving parts of the lawn to grow
For many people, spring is all about the If left unchecked, these can smother ponds
wary of stone slabs near the pond at wild and ensure mown areas are kept
arrival of frogspawn, but there is far more and limit growth of other plants. To tackle
this time of year - in hot, sunny weather short throughout.
than this going on. Each day there’s new these problem plants nothing beats hard
emerging amphibians can quickly dry out
wildlife arriving or new buds sprouting. work. Carefully run a net along the surface
and die on hot paving slabs. You can stop In some parts of the UK, you might
Spring is a fantastic time of year to use a to scoop up duckweed, and twist a cane or
this happening by covering these areas come across lots of dead or dying frogs
torch to see what’s going on after dark. stick amongst the blanket weed to pull this
temporarily with a damp towel, or a moist throughout the warmer months. If this is
Throughout the months of spring you could out. Always leave removed pondweeds to sit
lawn roll or by adding logs and plants to the case please contact Froglife and help
see female newts serenely laying their eggs next to the pond for a day or two. This will
the edge of the pond (see page 26). our research on amphibian diseases
on the leaves of submerged plants. allow animals accidently scooped up to fall
back into the pond. Don’t leave pondweeds
Problem plants can be a continuing issue
As far as jobs go, spring can see blooms in there for too long though, otherwise their
in the summer months, and in many Summer is also a likely time to see
two particularly fast-growing pondweeds: nutrients will fall back into the pond. After a
years some of the pond plants may need grass snakes make hunting forays into
blanket weed and duckweed. couple of days, add the pondweed to your
cutting back. Be mindful of causing too gardens, particularly in areas where there
compost heap.
much havoc at this time of year - many are lots of amphibians. Grass snakes are
invertebrates are particularly sensitive to the ultimate compliment to your wildlife
disturbance. gardening.
Mark Rowe

s no s
there’ too much
as s
thing gspawn!
fro so vi
tely lay

o g s d little
F r use so
n beca
w ur

p a
much s s. If yo
t u a ll y survive ’t
of it ac o n
y full, d
oks ver rally
pond lo will n a t u
t h in g s
worry - e out. Dragonfly larvae


Autumn: Winter:
Ponds are quieter in autumn. Most Ponds are largely silent in winter,
animals have reproduced and moved on with little plant growth and almost no
or died off. A few species have moved movement from the depths. Common
back into the pond ready to see out frogs are the only larger animal that

Wendy Sabine
winter (like frogs). Plants have died back, might be visible. Male frogs lie dormant
leaving their seeds for the following year. on the bottom of the pond and on sunnier
If necessary, look at re-stocking native days you might see them occasionally stir.
plants as this will help ensure there is
plenty of oxygen in the water over the The biggest threat to pond animals in
winter. winter comes from ice. Prolonged
freezing stops gases from moving in
This is the best time of year to give the and out of the pond, leaving the water
pond a clear-out, since the least number susceptible to a build-up of toxic gases
of species will be affected. Be wary of and chemicals released as animal and
removing too much of the silt on the plant matter continues to decompose.
bottom of the pond - it contains eggs, This can seriously damage the pond
grubs and other insect larvae (see page ecosystem, affecting a number of animals
20). (not least frogs, which can die of so-called
‘winterkill’). To avoid this, remember
Falling leaves in large numbers could to clear fallen snow from the ice,
clog up ponds and cause a nutrient this means light will still be able to reach

Ruth Carey
overload in autumn. This can lead to plants in the water so they can continue
algal blooms in spring. Steer clear from making oxygen. If you are able to, you
using pond-netting though, sometimes could also make holes in the ice during
the animals you’re trying to attract (like frosty weather. Do this by leaving a pan
grass snakes or hedgehogs) can become of hot water on the ice surface to melt
caught and die. The best solution is to a circular hole. Alternatively leave a
try and get out there daily to take some ball floating in the water the previous
of the leaves out with a net. Alternatively day, and remove this once the pond has
consider cutting back nearby trees. iced over. Never use salt, antifreeze or
You could use the off-cuts to create a log chemicals. Don’t be tempted to smash the
pile (see page 26). ice either, the shock-waves can kill wildlife
and ice shards could puncture the liner.

It’s important to remember that in severe

winters, despite your best efforts, frog
18 deaths are almost unavoidable.

Tony Wharton
Caddisfly larvae
(Photo: Dorling Kindersley)


If you regularl
leav and
Pond nutrients and Pond restoration: remove dead
your pond then
vegetation from
blooming problems get the wellies... you might only
need to clean
or ten
ce every five
Nutrients are plant food. They exist in the Autumn is the time of year best suited to your pond on s will
er, most pond
soils, float freely in the water and they are pond clearance, since many of the plants years. Howev le ast
earance at
released when dead plants, leaves and animals and animals are dying back and frogs are need some cl s.
so year
decompose. not yet returning to ponds to lie dormant every three or
through winter.
Nearly everything The presence of free nutrients in the water
can lead to so-called ‘algal blooms’. Being Bucket out the water, or use a pump if you
that goes on in small and quick to reproduce, the algae (or have one, until there is only a small layer of
your wildlife pond phytoplankton) can replicate exponentially water on the bottom, along with the pond
relates to the causing a murkiness or algal cloud (sometimes silt. Carefully remove the uppermost layer
quite thick) to form in the water. Often of silt and put this in a bucket. This layer is
nutrients in the
what’s lacking in these situations is an animal where most invertebrate eggs and larvae
water. predator - a classic is the water flea (Daphnia), are lying dormant, so this will need to go
a species capable of reducing phytoplankton in back into the pond once re-filled.
a matter of days.
Put all pond plants into buckets while
If your pond lacks water fleas then (with doing the work. Excess plant matter can
permission) consider asking a nearby garden be composted. You might also come
pond owner for a small amount of silt and across amphibians (particularly frogs in
water, but be careful about transferring plants late autumn). If so, carefully place them in
with it (see page 12). Daphnia can also be a bucket (remember air-holes) with lots of
purchased. damp vegetation and release them back into
a covered area (e.g. under a bush, a log-pile)
Alternatively, to treat the immediate problem next to the pond as soon as the work is
try barley straw or barley straw extract. finished.

Both duckweed and blanket weed are Refilling the pond with tap-water is
indicators that the pond has a lot of free generally fine, though sensitive animals (e.g.
nutrients in the water. To tackle this consider overwintering dragonfly larvae) may need to
adding larger pond plants - their growth will be kept out of the pond until the water has

use up some of the free nutrients in the water been treated (see water worries page 10).

and hinder growth of problem plants. If this
Wendy Sabine

doesn’t work it might be worth considering

cleaning the pond out the following autumn.
(Photo: wellies/Emma Scott)
Tadpole (common frog)


Wildlife ponds can be made safe if you have small
There are dangers associated with children. Here’s how...
water, particularly for smaller children, Never leave young children unsupervised near any
but these can be overcome. large container holding water. This includes large
plant pots, tub-ponds, paddling pools and garden ponds.
The educational benefit In recent years, there have
to children from having been a handful of cases of Encourage children at every opportunity to respect
a pond in their garden or young children drowning water. This will benefit many children as they grow and
backyard is enormous. in garden ponds. The could have wider positive impact. Many more drownings
Where else locally can resulting media coverage occur in water bodies other than ponds.
they learn about the of these events can lead Put up a fence. Make sure it is at least 1.1 m high. The
seasons, life-cycles, to many worried parents fence can be made of strong wood, unclimbable grating
wildlife communities and wanting to fill-in existing or with vertical railings no more than 100mm apart. Don’t
adaptation? Where else ponds. forget to leave a small gap between the ground and fence
can they see tadpoles grow to allow animals access. A childproof, lockable gate is
legs, colourful dragonflies Froglife believes that filling another option. Some people find willow-fencing more
lay eggs or hedgehogs in ponds should always aesthetically pleasing.
quietly having a drink? be a last resort, since
Real-life experiences the damage this can do Install a pond grille. Install a rigid mesh or grille across
of this kind cannot be to wildlife communities the pond to create a secure pond cover. The grille needs
matched by TV. locally can be enormous. to be able to support the weight of a child and should
remain above the surface of the water at all times.
Sadly though, the Garden centres stock grates and newer products are
educational value of easy to install.
wildlife ponds can be Gently sloping sides. These are important for wildlife,
overshadowed by some and for people too should they fall in.
fears surrounding child
deaths in garden ponds. It’s worth stating that these can be temporary measures
while children are smaller. Once children are older you
can remove these features, promoting the pond as a

place for enjoying and learning about the natural world.


Smooth newt


Animals favour ponds for different reasons. Adult Amphibian wintering
sites: For amphibians you
amphibians use them to lay their eggs. Grass snakes use could consider making a
them to search for frogs and tadpoles. Birds use them ‘hibernaculum’: an area
to drink and bathe. The best wildlife ponds and gardens where frogs, toads and
newts can see out the
cater for all of these needs by providing a rich variety of
winter. To do this lay down
terrestrial habitats around the pond. some old logs, brick-rubble
or even hardcore, and
Ideas to get you started: cover this with excavated
soil. Make sure your
Damp areas: Emerging amphibians are Bog gardens: A bog garden is a marshy for im
very susceptible to drying out (dessicating) wet area that is invaluable for wildlife, hibernaculum is in an pe rmeable soils
in the sun. Avoid dry features (like slabs and it’s great for wetland plants too. Many area which is not in full
and cobbles) that heat up quickly. amphibians use these areas to stay cool in sun, and that the soil
summer and they are also attractive for a drains well. Encourage Amphibian hibernacula recipe: split logs, dead wood,
Grass piles: After mowing your lawn range of invertebrates. moss and grass to rocks and bricks, loosely filled with topsoil (or turf/moss).
consider making a compost heap. Secluded grow on the top of
sunny spots are best and wildlife visitors Bog gardens are simple to make, just dig stones and bricks by
might include hedgehogs (to hibernate) and a hole to a depth of 30cm and lay a cheap covering with a layer
grass snakes (to lay eggs). rubber liner inside the hole. The removed of soil or turf.
soil can then be placed back on top of the for free-draining soils
Toad homes: Build a toad home for liner. Pierce the liner with a garden fork
your back garden (visit www.froglife.org/ to allow some drainage. You can choose
resources). All you need is some basic DIY to leave your bog garden bare and let
skills. With adult supervision, this can be plants colonise naturally, or alternatively
an excellent exercise for children. When you could consider planting some native

Plants For
the shelter is complete, just put a few marsh wild flowers. Make sure your bog
garden stays damp by adding rainwater
BOGGY area
leaves and twigs inside and pop it in the
garden. from a water butt. You could even consider
putting your bog garden near a gutter
outflow. Bugle Ajuga re
d Caltha palust
Marsh marigol
Hard rush Junc
us infle xu s
Lady’s smock
Card ine pr
am atensis
Ragged robin
Lychnis flos-cu
culi d

trife Lythrum

Purple looses pa lustris
wort Stachys
Marsh wound
Common frog
(Photo: Darren Bealing)
3 Grasses and wildflower areas: heap will produce a large amount of heat
ENHANCING YOUR WILDLIFE POND Depending on the size of your garden, as the vegetation is rotting down, which


think about a secton/strip for wildflowers, will be especially favourable to slow
1 Log piles & rockeries: Leaving 2 Lizard rockeries: South-facing herbs or even a hedge. This will create a worms, particularly if you lay some old
logs and rocks around the edge of the rockeries might attract nearby common more varied mosaic of wildlife habitats carpet over the top. Grass snakes visit
pond helps emerging invertebrates and lizards, and other reptiles into gardens. - butterflies and bees will particularly some compost heaps in the late spring to
amphibians find shelter, particularly in Use the soil excavated after digging your favour these areas. lay their eggs.
winter. In addition dead wood attracts pond.
invertebrates on which amphibians can 4 Compost heaps: Any type of Whether you add these features for the
Butterfly banks: After creating your
feed whilst they hide. Log piles can ensure compost heap can be beneficial to benefit of wildlife or to complement your
pond, consider using leftover soil to
many amphibians will stay in your garden wildlife even if it is enclosed. This is garden design, you might be surprised
create an excellent wildflower bank for
all year round. because a compost heap attracts lots of how much pleasure you can get from
invertebrates like moths and butterflies.
invertebrates such as slugs and snails wildlife watching.
Sow the soil with native wildflower seeds.
- an ideal meal for any hungry frog or
Like rockeries, south-facing sunny banks
hedgehog. A traditional open compost
are best.


Grass snake
ENJOYING YOUR WILDLIFE POND Here are some ideas to help get you going:


Pond-dipping: you can Sit and watch your the city - so why not get
buy nets or pond-dip packs pond, up-close or from out there and go in search
from many online shops a window, even for five of dragons!
or you can make your minutes a day, to keep
Keep a pond diary: ponds

Mr Cooper
own using wire, a bamboo up to date with the latest
change dramatically with
cane and netting. Carefully visitors. How long before
the seasons, with new life
collect water in a plastic you see your first frog in
turning up throughout.
kitchen container (white is the pond? When do the
Consider keeping a diary of
best). Put the net into the tadpoles start to grow
this transition. You could
water and sweep it slowly legs? Keep a wildlife
make a scrapbook (with
backwards and forwards. notebook - it might one
photos) or even make your
Gently empty the contents day be useful for helping
own blog, to inspire others
into the container full of others learn about the
about the magic of ponds.
water and see what you changing climate.
have caught. Make sure Make a pond-hide: bird-
Report your sightings:
Not only will a pond benefit all the wildlife that will use it you carefully return the hides are a really effective
Could you become a
for breeding, drinking, hiding or bathing, it can also be a animals to the pond soon way of seeing birds up
Dragon Finder? A massive
great source of enjoyment for people too! afterwards. close. Why not add one
41% of the World’s
near your pond? This
Classify the creatures amphibians and 21% of
is particularly effective
you find using a wildlife Europe’s reptiles are at
if there’s a bird-feeder
book or a Field Studies risk of extinction. You
hanging nearby. Patience
Guide (www.froglife. can help amphibians and
is the key thing!
org/shop). Classic pond reptiles in the UK by using
invertebrates to look out this app to submit your Get snap-happy: develop
for include water boatmen, sightings. With the app your patience and
pond skaters, dragonfly you can identify reptiles reactions by trying wildlife
nymphs and caddisfly and amphibians, report a photography, capturing
larvae. sighting and find out more your garden wildlife
about individual species. visitors on film. There are
There is a wealth of a number of competitions

wildlife to discover in the you can enter if you get a
tell us abo
UK - whether you live good shot.

your new po
nd in the countryside or
We’d love to he
ar how you ge
t on
e in yo ur
for wildlif

making a pond what
otos, let us know
Send us your ph

turns up using
28 #JustAddWate
Sam Taylor

ia or email
on social med
rg Grey heron
info@froglife.o (Photo: Alex Draper)
ENJOYING YOUR WILDLIFE POND Froglife - www.froglife.org
Froglife works to protect, conserve and secure a future for amphibians and reptiles
Many wildlife conservation Destroying ponds: If you know of a in the UK. We speak out for amphibians and reptiles, encouraging best-practice and
pond that is going to be filled in, and inspiring new audiences to understand and appreciate the needs of our species. Our
efforts in the UK are you have concerns about this process work addresses key threats to amphibian and reptile survival including: destruction and
held together by valuable you could ask someone else with a pond removal of habitats, non-native wildlife disease, invasive species and persecution. We
legislation. For ponds, these whether they are willing to accept stock. If also have a wide range of learning projects that involve people from all walks of life in
possible, movements should not be over our mission.
are outlined below.
one mile away. Animals should never be
released onto a nature reserve or a public
Ponds, wildlife and the law: place without consent. Release of animals
in an unauthorised place could make Five Other ways to help amphibians:
you liable for prosecution under the The
Moving plants and animals between
ponds: You should always get permission Abandonment of Animals Act (1960). 1. Become a Dragon Finder: Spot amphibians and reptiles and let us know what you
see. Your sightings can help national research on how the animals are faring. Our
from any pond-owner should you intend
Non-native animals and plants: The free app is available for download on Android and iPhone with a mobile website
to transfer species between ponds.
release of non-native animals into the for other devices. Find I.D. information, hear frog and toad calls and submit your
Movement of some species, if protected
wild in the UK is against the law. For pond sightings through your mobile. Download at: www.froglife.org
or considered damaging to native wildlife,
is illegal under The Wildlife & Countryside species this includes red-earred terrapin 2.Get Toad Patrolling: Each spring thousands of toads migrate back to their
Act 1981. Transferring fish and some and the North American bullfrog. ancestral breeding ponds. At many sites this will involve crossing busy roads.
amphibians may also require a licence or Froglife coordinate toad crossings at over 800 sites nationally, where volunteers
Laws relating to release of non-native
consent. Seek advice at every opportunity help toads across roads while recording important information. Take action
plants are currently more lax. However,
from the Environment Agency, Natural locally: www.froglife.org/toadsonroads
we urge the public to be extra vigilant and
England, Natural Resources Wales or discourage the purchasing or movement 3.Become a Froglife Friend: Help Froglife give a voice to amphibians and reptiles
NatureScot. of non-native or hybrid plant species. In by becoming a Froglife Friend. Your support helps us conserve the UK’s amphibians
the past, dumping excess pond vegetation and reptiles and you recieve publications and news on the latest research, projects
in waterways has been common and very and policies. For more information turn overleaf & www.froglife.org
4.Be a Citizen Scientist: Froglife is part of the Garden Wildlife Health project
in partnership with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the British Trust for
Ornithology (BTO) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). If you
find unhealthy or dead amphibians, reptiles, birds or hedgehogs in your garden,
please let us know. Find out more at: www.gardenwildlifehealth.org

5.Make a Donation: Every penny helps us continue our work

protecting amphibians and reptiles. There are so many
ways to help - you could fundraise for us, collect your small
change, undertake a sponsored challenge or donate via
Discover what you can do at: www.froglife.org
Froglife is a UK wildlife charity committed to the conservation
of amphibians and reptiles - working with people, enhancing
lives together for a healthier planet.

Froglife Email: info@froglife.org

1 Loxley, www.froglife.org
Werrington, 01733 602102

If you would like to become a Froglife Friend please

fill in this form, detach and post it to: Froglife, 1
Loxley, Werrington, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Get Frog Friendly:
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Address friend
Join Froglife today and help us give a voice
Postcode to the UK’s amphibians and reptiles - saving
Contact Tel. species, improving habitats and enhancing lives
in the process.
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For as little as £18 for a year you receive
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