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PO Box 3393,

Port Elizabeth, 6056

South Africa

The Majlis
12 Ramadhaan 1445 – 23 March 2024




Please can Moulana give Naseehat regarding girls Madressas and maybe put a front page
article in the Majlis paper.

I had home-schooled my children and even did madressa work with them from small.
Alhamdulillaah, they learnt well with the fadl and taufeeq of Allah Ta’ala and there was
tarbiyyat training and time to assist in the house also. They were good children.

Then, they and their father decided it wasn't good enough and they needed to go to a Madressa.
I wasn't in favour of it at all, because I have come across many aalimahs, and I'm ashamed to
say, but their akhlaaq just never impressed me. There are exceptions, but the majority of them
are filled with pride and arrogance.

I had no choice as their father made arrangements even with regards to transport getting
another lady to take them as I don't drive Alhamdulillaah.

So now my daughters are out of the safety of their home 5 days a week from morning to
evening. Their Apa is their ‘sheikh’, and they practically bow down to everything she says.
They have lost respect for me as their mother, back-chatting without evening a second’s
thought and with no shame or conscience about the consequences. They walk out if I try to
advise them with anything, and needless to say they now refuse to assist with any house

I had written to this Apa once informing her of the nassehat a senior aalim gave regarding this
matter and she completely ignored the message.
She obviously has her own interest in mind thinking she is earning great thawaab teaching
deen, regardless of the deterioration that is occurring in these girls’ akhlaaq in the process.

I know of other mothers who have daughters in the same madressa who are struggling at home,
having to look after all the small children while the big daughters run away to these madressas
to escape the house chores and learn deen.

In the name of deen they have not only been lured out of the safety of their houses, they have
become arrogant, and completely disrespectful and disobedient to their mothers.
Was salaam Grieved mother
(End of the mother’s lament)

Girls’ Madrasahs are haraam aberrations which destroy the Akhlaaq of the girls who study in
these unnatural, un-Islamic institutions. Most of the girls churned out by these unnatural,
shaitaani institutions are jaahilahs, not aalimahs. Their jahl and takabbur are staggering.

What type of ‘deeni’ education is imparted by these Ibleesi institutions operating under Deeni
guise? What type of ‘deen’ is it that makes the girls insolent? What type of knowledge is it that
creates pride and arrogance in the moron girls. These unnatural institutions aggravate the
natural nuqs fil aql (deficient intelligence) of the girls.

The dacoits of these madrasah rob the girls of the best period of that segment of their lives
which has to be incumbently spent at home under the supervision and training of their mothers
to prepare them for the wifehood/motherhood role for which Allah Ta’ala has created them.

Girls who squander years at these unnatural and haraam institutions become insolent, remain
stupid, suffer from arrogance and pride, waste the time in gheebat, develop an aversion for the
role Allah Ta’ala has created for them, fail in their duty to their mothers and husbands, and
develop audacity and shamelessness.

The niqaab is their deceptive front for advertising piety of which they are bankrupt. Piety is not
restricted to the niqaab and the cloak. The seat of Taqwa is the heart. But their hearts are
indurated and corrupted by these haraam institutions. And, the villainy is multiplied manifold if
the teachers happen to be males. The mock-purdah between the girls and their male teachers is
ludicrous and in gross violation of genuine Hijaab. The girls emerge from these madrasahs
utterly shameless – behayaa.

Their relationship with the Ilm of the Deen is dissonant. They pretend to know a lot when in
reality are stupid. Their compound jahl constrains them to believe that they are ‘mujtahideen’
when the truth is that the smattering of kitaabi knowledge they have received at the madrasah is
of a kindergarten kind.

It is Waajib for girls to remain at home and acquire basic Deeni Ta’leem from their parents or
from reliable Islamic literature. It is not permissible for parents to dump their daughters in
these unnatural institutions which ruin the Akhlaaq of the girls and which ultimately
disastrously affects their Imaan.

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