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Part-time jobs

Talk about students’involvement in part-time jobs.

You should tell:

1. What kind of jobs student take?

- There are many different types of part-time jobs suitable for students to take such
as food service.

2. What the reason students take part-time jobs?

- A part-time job can be a great option for students who want to make extra cash or
take a break from their loaded coursework.

3. How students can balance study and working time?

- A part-time job is a form of employment that allows individuals to work for a
limited number of hours per week.
- Therefore,students can work part-time during school holidays or on weekends.

4. The drawbacks/benefits of take part-time jobs for studens.

- In conclusion, having a part-time job can provide students with a variety of
benefits. It not only provides them with financial stability, but it also helps to

develop social skills and gain valuable working experience in a specific field. In

conclusion, having a part-time job can provide students with a

variety of benefits. It not only provides them with financial stability,

but it also helps to develop social skills and gain valuable working

experience in a specific field.

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