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The Paulicians: A Bibliography

This is intended as a general research aid, given the relative obscurity of much recent
literature on the Paulicians. I have no knowledge of Armenian or the Slavic
languages, so this is mainly restriced to Greek and the Germanic and Romance
languages. I have only included secondary sources and have focused primarily on the
medieval period. The aim is to be exhaustive rather than selective, so I can by no
means vouch for the quality of all of the below. If there is anything missing, by all
means let me know.


Wolińska, Teresa, "Paulicjanie w Bizancjum – uciekinierzy i przesiedleńcy," Prace

Historyczne 148: 2 (2021), pp. 247-62.

Czarnecki, Piotr, "Cathar "Time-Focused Dualism" – an Argument for the Eastern Origins
of Catharism," The Catholic Historical Review 107:4 (2021), pp. 482-502.

Dixon, Carl, "Between East Rome and Armenia: Paulician Ethnogenesis c.780-850," in
Transmitting and Circulating the Late Antique and Byzantine Worlds, edited by Mirela
Ivanova and Hugh Jeffery (Brill, 2020), pp. 251-73.

Seyfeli, Canan, "Byzantine Paulicians: Beliefs and Practices / Bizans Pavlikyanları: İnanç Ve
Pratikler," Journal of Religious Inquiries 3:1 (2020), pp. 45-68.

Saldzhiev, Hristo, "The Apocryphal Bulgarian Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom on the Origin
of Paulicians and Manichaean Dimensions of Medieval Paulician Identity," Studia
Ceranea 10 (2020), pp. 425-44.

Kusabu, Hisatsugu, "Seminaries, Cults and Militia in Byzantine Heresiologies: A Genealogy of

the Labeling of "Paulicians"," in Radical Traditionalism: The Influence of Walter Kaegi
in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval Studies, edited by David Olster and Christian
Raffensperger (Lexington, 2019), pp. 181-96.

Dixon, Carl, "Paulician Self-Defence and Self-Definition in the Didaskalie," Nottingham

Medieval Studies 63 (2019), pp. 61-80.

Wolińska, Teresa, "Sergius, the Paulician Leader, in the Account by Peter of Sicily," Studia
Ceranea 9 (2019), pp. 123-40.

Mormino, Mauro, Fozio di Costantinopoli, "Contro i Manichei", Introduzione, traduzione e note.

(Rome 2019).

Saldzhiev, Hristo, "Continuity between Early Paulicianism and the Seventeenth-Century

Bulgarian Paulicians: The Paulician Legend of Rome and the Ritual of the Baptism by
Fire," Studia Ceranea 9 (2019), pp. 657-79.

Radeva, Donka, "Павликяните Като Фактор В Имперските Доктрини На Византия И

България VII-Х Век [the Paulicians as a Factor in the Imperial Doctrines of Byzantium
and Bulgaria 7th-10th]," in Империи И Имперско Наследство На Балканите.
Сборник В Чест Ва 70-Годишнината На Проф. Людмил Спасов, edited by Dimitar
V. Dimitov, Simeon Katsarov, Rusalena Pendjekova-Hristeva and Damyan Borisov,
(Plovdiv, 2019), pp. 151-72.

Fumagalli, Stefano, L'eresia dei Pauliciani: Dualismo Religioso e Ribellione nell'impero

Bizantino (Milan, 2019).

Tsibranska-Kostova, Mariyana, "Paulicians between the Dogme and the Legend," Studia
Ceranea 7 (2017), pp. 229-63.

Radeva, Donka, "Павликянството Между Легендите И Историята VII – ХVII Век."

Пловдивски исторически форум, година І 1:2 (2017), pp. 3-57.

Tayyara, Abed el-Rahman, "Muslim-Paulician Encounters and Early Islamic Anti-Christian

Writings," Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 27:4 (2016), pp. 471-89.

Tolga Cora, Yaşar "Localizing Missionary Activities: Encounters between Tondrakians,

Protestants and Apostolic Armenians in Khnus in the Mid-Nineteenth Century." In The
Ottoman East in the Nineteenth Century: Societies, Identities and Politics, edited by

Yaşar Tolga Cora, Dzovinar Derderian and Ali Sipahi (London, 2016), pp. 109-32.

Redgate, Anne E., "Seeking Promotion in the Challenging 640s: The Amatuni Church at Ptghni,
Ideas of Political Authority, and Paulician Challenge - a Background to the Teaching of
Anania Shirakatsi," Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies 9:1 (2015), pp.

Radeva, Donka, Павликяни и павликянство в българските земи : архетип и повторения

VII-XVII век / Pavliki︠︡ ani i pavliki︠︡ anstvo v bŭlgarskite zemi : arkhetip i povtorenii︠︡ a
VII-XVII vek (Sofia, 2015).

Alpi, Federico, "L'identificazione fra Tondrachiani e Pauliciani e la testimonianza della lettera N.

4 (K67) di Grigor Magistros," in Al Crocevia delle Civiltà. Richerche su Caucaso e Asia
Centrale, edited by Aldo Ferrari and Daniele Guizzo (Venice, 2014), pp. 51-75.

Minczew, Georgi, "Remark on the Letter of the Patriarch Theophylact to Tsar Peter in the
Context of Certain Byzantine and Slavic Anti-Heretic Texts," Studia Ceranea 3 (2013),
pp. 113-30.

Büyüksaraç, A., Erdal Eser, Ö. Bektaş, B. Akay, and S. Koşaroğlu, "Surface Geophysical
Investigations and Preliminary Excavations at the Divrigi Citadel, Sivas (Turkey),"
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 13:1 (2013), pp. 117-26.

Stoyanov, Yuri, "The Interchange between Religious Heterodoxies in the Balkans and Caucasus:
The Case of the Paulicians," in The Balkans and Caucasus: Parallel Processes on the
Opposite Sides of the Black Sea, edited by Ivan Biliarsky, Ovidiu Cristea and Anca
Oroveanu (Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2012), pp. 106-15.

Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, and Pohl, Walter, "Zur Stellung von Ethnischen und Religiösen
Minderheiten in Byzanz: Armenier, Muslime und Paulikianer," in Visions of Community
in the Post-Roman World: The West, Byzantium and the Islamic World: 300-1100, edited
by Walter Pohl, Clemens Gantner and Richard E. Payne (London/New York, 2012), pp.

Zambon, Francesco, "Dissimulation, secret et allégorie dans le dualism Chrétien du Moyen Age:

Paulicianisme, Bogomilisme, Catharisme," Annali di scienze religiose 4 (2011), pp.


Charalampakis, Pantelis, "Παυλικιανισμός Και Βογομιλισμός: Θρησκευτικές Αιρέσεις Και

Λαϊκά Κινήματα," Ε-ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΑ: Λαϊκές Εξεγέρσεις στο Βυζάντιο (2011), pp. 49-84.

Ohanjanyan, Anna M., "The Key of Truth and the Problem of the 'Neo-T‘ondrakites’ at the End
of the 19th Century," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 20 (2011), pp. 131-36.

Oymak, İskender, "Pavlikianların Tarihçesi, İnanç Esasları ve Pratikleri," Dinî Araştırmalar 11:
31 (2008), pp. 137-57.

Stoyanov, Yuri, "On Some Parallels between Anatolian and Balkan Heterodox Islamic and
Christian Traditions and the Problem of Their Coexistence and Interaction in the Ottoman
Period," in Syncrétismes et hérésies dans L'orient Seljoukide et Ottoman (XIVe-XVIIIe
Siècle), edited by Gilles Veinstein (Paris, 2005), pp. 75-118.

Merzian, Harry C., "Tephrikē/Divriği: A 9th Century Paulician Castle and a 12th Century Seljuk
Mosque," in Alpaghian: Raccolta Di Scritti in Onore di Adriano Alpago Novello, edited
by Gianclaudio Macchiarella (Naples, 2005). pp. unnumbered.

Hamilton, Bernard, "Introduction," in Contra Patarenos Hugh Eteriano, edited by Bernard

Hamilton, Janet Hamilton and Sarah Hamilton (Leiden, 2004), pp. 1-102.

Redgate, Anne E., "Catholicos John III's Against the Paulicians and the Paulicians of Tephrike,"
in Armenian Sebastia/Sivas and Lesser Armenia, edited by Richard G. Hovannisian,
(Los Angeles, 2004), pp. 81-110.

Haleblian, Krikor, "Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Armenian Church," Exchange 31:1 (2002), pp.

Merzian, Harry C., "The Church Ruins Neighboring Divriği’s Citadel Walls," Annali di
ca'Foscari 41:3 (2002), pp. 51-67.

Nazmi, Ahmad, "The Paulicians (Al-Bayāliqa) in Muslim Sources and Their Role in Wars
between Arabs and Byzantines," Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyczne 9 (2001), pp. 44-60.

Dancheva-Vasileva, Ani, "La commune des Pauliciens à Plovdiv pendant le Moyen-Age." Revue
Bulgare d'Histoire 2001:1-2 (2001), pp. 27-51.

Stoyanov, Yuri, The Other God: Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy (New
Haven/London, 2000).

Pogossian, Zaroui, "The Frontier Existence of the Paulician Heretics," in Annual of Medieval
Studies at Ceu, edited by Katalin Szenda and Marcell Sebők (Budapest, 2000), pp.

Patapios, Hieromonk, "St Theodore the Studite and the Problem of the Paulicians," Greek
Orthodox Theological Review 43:1-4 (1998), pp. 143-54.

Hamilton, Bernard, Hamilton, Janet and Stoyanov, Yuri, Christian Dualist Heresies in the
Byzantine World: c.650-1450 (Manchester, 1998).

Ludwig, Claudia, "The Paulicians and Ninth-Century Byzantine Thought," in Byzantium in the
Ninth Century: Dead or Alive?, edited by Leslie Brubaker (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 23-35.

Dadoyan, Seta, "The Paulicians and the Muslim Factor," in The Fatimid Armenians: Cultural
and Political Interaction in the near East (Leiden, 1997), pp. 36-54.

Russell, James R., "The Last of the Paulicians," Hask hayagitakan taregirk‘ 7-8 (1995-1996), pp.

Moutafova, Krasimira, "The Paulicians - "Different" for All." Études balkaniques 4 (1993), pp.

Ĭovkov, Milcho, Pavliki͡ani i pavliki͡anski selishta v bŭlgarskite zemi XV-XVIII v. (Sofia, 1991).

Nersessian, Vrej, The Tondrakian Movement: Religious Movements in the Armenian Church
from the Fourth to the Tenth Centuries (London, 1987).

Ludwig, Claudia, "Wer hat was in welcher Absicht wie beschreiben? Bemerkungen zur Historia
des Petros Sikeliotes über die Paulikianer," Varia 2 POIKILA BYZANTINA 6 (1987), pp.

Kahane, Henry, and Kahane, Renée, "Religious Key Terms in Hellenism and Byzantium: Three
Facets," Illinois Classical Studies 12:2 (1987), pp. 243-63.

Vertanes, Charles A., "The Rise of the Paulician Movement in Armenia and Its Impact on
Medieval Europe," Journal of Armenian Studies 2:2 (1985-6), pp. 3-27.

Huxley, George, "The Historical Geography of the Paulician and T'ondrakian Heresies," in
Medieval Armenian Culture, edited by Thomas J. Samuelian and Michael E. Stone,
(Chico, 1984), pp. 81-95.

Hoffman, Joseph, "The Paulician Heresy: A Reappraisal," Patristic and Byzantine Review 2:2
(1983), pp. 251-63.

Thayer, Paul M., "A History of the Paulicians," M.A. Thesis (Ohio University, 1983).

Korres, Theodoros, "Οἱ διώξεις τῶν Παυλικιάνων ἐπί Μιχαὴλ Α'," Byzantina: epistēmonikon
organon Kentrou Vyzantinōn Ereunōn Philosophikēs Schōles Aristeleiou Panepistēmiou
10 (1980), pp. 203-15.

Bartikian, Hratch, "Les légendes Byzantines, Arméniennes et Bulgares sur l'origine des
Pauliciens, et leur fondement historique," Byzantino Bulgaria Sofija 6 (1980), pp. 57-62.

White, Despina S., "Contra Manichaeos: A Question of Authorship," Manuscripta 23 (1979), pp.

Barnard, Leslie W., "The Paulicians and Iconoclasm," in Iconoclasm: Papers Given at the Ninth
Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham, 1975, edited by
Anthony Bryer and Judith Herrin (Birmingham, 1977), pp. 75-82.

Bryer, Anthony, "Excursus on Mananalis, Samosata of Armenia and Paulician Geography," in

Iconoclasm: Papers Given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies,
University of Birmingham, 1975, edited by Anthony Bryer and Judith Herrin
(Birmingham, 1977). pp. 83-84.

Alexander, Paul J., "Religious Persecution and Resistance in the Byzantine Empire of the Eighth
and Ninth Centuries: Methods and Justifications," Speculum 52:2 (1977), pp. 238-64.

Dragojlović, Dragoljub, "The History of Paulicianism on the Balkan Peninsula," Balcanica 5

(1975), pp. 235-44.

Huxley, George L., "The Emperor Michael III and the Battle of Bishop's Meadow (A.D. 863),"
Greek, Roman & Byzantine Studies 16:4 (1975), pp. 443-50.

Speck, Paul, "Petros Sikeliotes, seine Historia und der Erzbischof von Bulgarien," ELLHNIKA
27 (1974), pp. 381-87.

Loos, Milan, Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages (Prague, 1974).

Loos, Milan, "Deux publications fondamentales sur le Paulicianisme d'Asie Mineure,"

Byzantinoslavica 35 (1974), pp. 189-209.

Garsoïan, Nina G., "L'abjuration du moine Nil de Calabre," Byzantinoslavica 55 (1974), pp.

Yuzbašyan, Karen B., "Photios sur l'origine du nom "Pauliciens"," Revue des études
arméniennes 10 (1973/74), pp. 185-88.

Lemerle, Paul, "L'histoire des Pauliciens d'Asie Mineure d'après les sources grecques," Travaux
et Mémoires 5 (1973), pp. 1-144.

Yuzbašyan, Karen B., "De l'origine du nom "Pauliciens"," Revue des études arméniennes 9
(1972), pp. 355-77.

Bartikian, Hratch, "Encore un fois sur l'origine du nom 'Pauliciens'," Revue des études
arméniennes 9 (1972), pp. 445-51.

Barry, David Sheldon, "The Paulician Attitude toward Images: A Study of the Influence of
Iconoclasm Upon the Paulician Heresy in Armenia and Byzantium from the Seventh
through the Tenth Centuries," M.A. Thesis (University of Wisconsin, 1972).

Canard, Marius, "Le conte de l'Île-Baleine et son utilisation dans la polémique byzantine contre
les Pauliciens," Revue des études arméniennes 9 (1972), pp. 379-84.

Garsoïan, Nina G., "Byzantine Heresy: A Reinterpretation," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 25 (1971),

pp. 85-113.

Garsoïan, Nina G., The Paulician Heresy (The Hague/Paris, 1967).

Loos, Milan, "Gnosis und mittelalterlicher Dualismus," Listy filologické/Folia philologica 90:2
(1967), pp. 116-27.

Gouillard, Jean, "L’heresie dans l’empire byzantine des origines au XIIe siècle." Travaux et
mémoires 1 (1965), pp. 312-24.

Dujčev, Ivan, "L'epistola sui Bogomili del Patriarca Constantinopolitano Teofilatto," in

Mélanges E. Tisserant II. Studi e Testi (Vatican City, 1964), pp. 283-316.

Loos, Milan, "Zur Frage des Paulikianismus und Bogomilismus," Byzantinistische Beiträge
(1964), pp. 323-32.

Loos, Milan, "Le mouvement paulicien à Byzance," Byzantinoslavica 24 (1963), pp. 258-86.

Gouillard, Jean, "Deux figures mal connues du Second Iconoclasme," Byzantion 31:2 (1961), pp.

Anastasiou, Ioannes E., Οι Παυλικιανοί - Η Ιστορία και η Διδασκαλία των απο τῆς εμφανήσεως
μέχρι τῶν νεωτέρων χρόνων (Athens, 1959).

Anastasiou, Ioannes E., " Οι Παυλικιανοί εις την Βαλκανικήν κατά την περίοδον της
Τουρκοκρατίας," Επιστημονική Επετηρίς Θεολογικής Σχολής Αριστοτελείου
Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης 4 (1959), pp. 65-146.

Anastasiou, Ioannes E., "Οι Παυλικιανοί," Θρακικού Λαογραφικού και Γλωσσικού Θησαυρού 24
(1959), pp. 3-136.

Loos, Milan, "Deux contributions à l'histoire des Pauliciens. II: Origine du nom des Pauliciens,"
Byzantinoslavica 18 (1957), pp. 202-17.

Koukouzian, Bernard Assadour, "The Paulician Movement as an Expression of the Principle of

Puritanism," (M.R.E. Biblical Seminary, 1957).

Yuzbašyan, Karen B., "K istorii Pavlikianskogo dvizheniia v Vizantii v IX v," Voprosy istorii
religiya i ateizma IV (1956), pp. 246-79.

Loos, Milan, "Deux contributions à l'histoire des Pauliciens. I: A propos des sources grecques
reflétant des Pauliciens," Byzantinoslavica 17 (1956), pp. 19-57.

Alexander, Paul Julius, "An Ascetic Sect of Iconoclasts in Seventh Century Armenia," in Late
Classical and Medieval Studies in Honor of Albert Mathias Friend, Jr., edited by Kurt
Weitzmann (Princeton, 1955), pp. 151-60.

Scharf, Joachim, "Zur Echtheitsfrage der Manichäerbücher des Photios," Byzantinische

Zeitschrift 44 (1951), pp. 487-94.

Scheidweiler, Felix, "Paulikianerprobleme," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 43 (1950), pp. 10-39;


Grégoire, Henri, "Pour l'histoire des églises pauliciennes Καινοχώριον du Pont, Episparis en
Φανάροια," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 13 (1947), pp. 509-14.

Grégoire, Henri, "Précisions géographiques et chronologiques sur les Pauliciens," Académie

Royale de Belgique, Bulletin Classe des Lettres 5e série: 33 (1947), pp. 289-324.

Runciman, Steven, The Medieval Manichee: A Study of the Christian Dualist Heresy
(Cambridge, 1947).

Der Nersessian, Sirapie, "Image Worship in Armenia and Its Opponents." Armenian Quarterly
1:1 (1946), pp. 67-81.

Der Nersessian, Sirapie, "Une apologie des images du septème siècle," Byzantion 17
(1944-1945), pp. 58-87.

Nersoyan, Tiran, "The Paulicians," Eastern Churches Quarterly V:12 (1944), pp. 403-12.

Gill, Everett, Protestants of the East: A Study of the Paulicians of Armenia and of the Bogomils
of the Balkans (Bucarest, 1941).

Grégoire, Henri, "Communication sur les Pauliciens," in Atti del V Congreso Internazionale di

Studi Bizantini (Rome, 1939), pp. 176-77.

Grégoire, Henri, "Autour des Pauliciens," Byzantion 11 (1936), pp. 610-14.

Grégoire, Henri, "Sur l'histoire des Pauliciens," Académie Royale de Belgique, Bulletin Classe
des Lettres 5e série: 22 (1936), pp. 224-26.

Grégoire, Henri, "Les sources de l'histoire des Pauliciens. Pierre de Sicile est authentique et
'Photius' un faux," Académie Royale de Belgique, Bulletin Classe des Lettres 5e série: 22
(1936), pp. 95-114.

Goergizian, Arsen Aghajan, "The Paulician-Thondraki Movement in the Armenian Church,"

(B.D. Union Theological Seminary, 1935).

Safford, George Chester, "The Paulicians," (B.D. Chicago Theological Seminary, 1913).

Moeller, Carl Rudolf, De Photii Petrique Siculi libris contra Manichaeos scriptis (Bonn, 1910).

Christian, John T., "VII. The Paulician Churches," Review & Expositor 7:3 (1910), pp. 414-33.

Arpee, Leon, "Armenian Paulicianism and the Key of Truth," American Journal of Theology 10
(1906), pp. 267-85.

Miletich, Liubomir, "Nashite Pavlikiani," Sbornik za narodni umotvoreniaa, nauka i knizhnina

19 (1903), pp. 1-369.

Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis (editor), The Key of Truth. A Manual of the Paulician Church
in Armenia (Oxford, 1898).

De Boor, Carl, "Der Bericht des Georgios Monachos über die Paulikianer," Byzantinische
Zeitschrift 7 (1898), pp. 40-49.

Anderson, John G.C., "The Road-System of Eastern Asia Minor," Journal of Hellenic Studies 17
(1897), pp. 22-44.

Friedrich, Johann, "Der ursprüngliche, bei Georgios Monachos nur theilweise erhaltene Bericht
über die Paulikianer," Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Philologischen und

Historischen Classe der K.B. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München (Jahrgang 1896)
(1897), pp. 67-111.

Anderson, John G.C., "The Campaign of Basil I against the Paulicians in 872 A.D.," Classical
Review 10 (1896), pp. 151-60.

Le Strange, Guy, "Al-Abrīk, Tephrikē, the Capital of the Paulicians," The Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1896), pp. 733-41.

Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis, "Marcion and the Paulicians," The Academy 1270 (1896), pp.

Le Strange, Guy, "On the Mediæval Castle and Sanctuary of Abrīḳ, the Modern Arabkir; with
Some Further Notes on Mesopotamia as Described by Ibn Serapion," The Journal of the
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Oct., 1895 (1895), pp. 739-49.

Ter Mkrttschian, Karapet, Die Paulikianer im byzantinischen Kaiserreiche und verwandte

ketzerische Erscheinungen in Armenien (Leipzig, 1893).

Lombard, Alexandre, Pauliciens, Bulgares et Bons-Hommes (Geneva, 1879).

Febvrel, Adrien Edmond, Des Pauliciens; Thèse presenté à la daculté de theologie protestante
de Strasbourg, (1868).

Gieseler, Johann Carl Ludwig, "Appendix ad Petri Siculi Historiam Manichaeorum seu
Paulicianorum," in Academiae Georgiae Augustae Prorector Cum Senatu Sacra Christi
Natalitia Anno Mdcccxlix Pie Celebranda Indicunt (Göttingen, 1849), pp. 57-67.

Gieseler, Johann Carl Ludwig, Petri Siculi Historia Manichaeorum seu Paulicianorum. Textum
graecum Matthaei Raderi recognovit, et de integro latine vertit (Göttingen, 1846).

Faber, George Stanley, "On the Paulicians," The British Magazine 1832-1849 15 (1839), pp.

Faber, George Stanley, "Mr. Faber's Postscript on the Paulicians," The British Magazine
1832-1849 14 (1838), pp. 642-45.

Dowling, John Goulter, "On the Rev. G.S. Faber's Account of the Paulicians," The British
Magazine 1832-1849 14 (1838), pp. 394-98.

Dowling, John Goulter, "Mr Dowling's Reply to Mr. Faber on the Paulicians," The British
Magazine 1832-1849 14 (1838), pp. 645-47.

Dowling, John Goulter, A Letter to the Rev. S.R. Maitland, on the Opinions of the Paulicians.
(London, 1835).

Gieseler, Johann Carl Ludwig, "Untersuchen über die Geschichte der Paulikianer," Theologische
Studien und Kritiken 2:1 (1829), pp. 79-124.

Engelhardt, Johann Georg Veit, Winer, Georg B., "Die Paulicianer. Ein kirchenhistorische
Abhandlung," Winer's und Engelhardt's neuem kritischen Journale de theologischen
Literatur 7 (1827), pp. 3-33; 129-65.

Schmidt, Frederick, Historia Paulicianorum orientalium (Copenhagen, 1826).

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