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Life expectancy at birth in Africa as of 2023, by country

Country Name 2024 Life Expectancy
Algeria 77.3
Cabo Verde 76.9
Tunisia 76.9
Mauritius 75.7
Morocco 75.2
Seychelles 75.0
Libya 73.3
Western Sahara 71.2
Egypt 70.8
Senegal 69.3
Sao Tome and Principe 68.9
Tanzania 67.6
Rwanda 67.4
Eritrea 67.3
Ethiopia 66.6
Eswatini 57.7
Somalia 57.4
South Sudan 56.5
Central African Republic 55.5
Lesotho 54.9
Nigeria 53.9
Chad 53.7

Source: Life expectancy in African countries 2023 | Statista. (2023, September 22). Statista.

Tabular representation of this qualitative data

Class Limits Class Boundary Class Mark Frequency LCF GCF
53.7 – 57.6 53.65 – 57.65 55.65 6 6 56
57.7 – 61.6 57.65 – 61.65 59.65 10 16 50
61.7 – 65.6 61.65 – 65.65 63.65 21 37 40
65.7 – 69.6 65.65 – 69.65 67.65 10 47 19
69.7 – 73.6 69.65 – 73.65 71.65 3 50 9
73.7 – 77.6 73.65 – 77.65 75.65 6 56 6

Total 393.9 56
Graphical Representation of the data

Life expectancy at birth in Africa as of 2023





53.65 – 57.65 57.65 – 61.65 61.65 – 65.65 65.65 – 69.65 69.65 – 73.65 73.65 – 77.66
1. Mean (Average):
o The mean value of 64.5 suggests that, on average, the data points are centered around this value.
o However, the mean can be influenced by extreme values, so we need to consider other measures as well.
2. Median:
o The median value of 63.94 indicates that half of the data points fall below this value and half above.
o Since the median is close to the mean, it suggests a relatively symmetric distribution.
3. Mode:
o The mode at 63.65 represents the most frequent value in the dataset.
o The fact that the mode is slightly lower than both mean and median hints at a negatively skewed distribution.
4. Overall Analysis:
o The data appears to have a slight right skew, with a concentration of values below the central measures.
o To gain deeper insights, consider dispersion measures (such as range, variance, and standard deviation) and
graphical representations (histograms or box plots).

In summary, this dataset exhibits interesting characteristics, and further exploration is warranted to understand
its distribution fully. 📊
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in addition the standard devation is 2.26, what can u say?

Certainly! Considering the standard deviation of 2.26, we can make the following observations:
1. Spread of Data:
o The standard deviation measures the spread or dispersion of data points around the mean.
o A larger standard deviation indicates greater variability in the dataset.
2. Comparison with Mean:
o Since the standard deviation is relatively small (compared to the mean of 64.5), it suggests that the data points
are not widely scattered.
o This aligns with our earlier observation of a slightly right-skewed distribution.
3. Precision:
o The standard deviation provides a measure of precision. Smaller values indicate more precise data.
4. Outliers:
o If there are any extreme values (outliers) in the dataset, they could impact the standard deviation.
o Investigate whether any data points significantly deviate from the central measures.

In summary, the standard deviation of 2.26 complements our understanding of the dataset’s variability. Further
analysis, including visualizations, can help reveal additional insights. 📊

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