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What one thing can you do in April that will attract ideal new clients for the next

3-5 years?

I'm a big believer in marketing strategies that you create once, and then use over and over
again for many years.

That's why my favourite strategy for attracting ideal clients is a THTG.

THTG stands for 'Targeted How To Guide'.

In other words its a How to Guide that is targeted at ideal clients for your business.

Here's a great example:

Back in the 1990's I had a client called Grant whose business relocated homes.

This meant they physically moved an entire house from one location and delivered it to another

The fee for relocating a home was between $20,000 and $100,000 depending on how
complicated the job was.

Grant already had the number one home relocation business in his area.

However he still wanted more clients.

I advised Grant to create a 'Targeted How To Guide' to attract ideal new clients to his business.

I told him to put in the guide some helpful tips that potential clients would find useful if they
wanted to relocate their own home.

Grant called his how to guide 'The 11 Secrets to Relocating Your Home'.

His guide was around 20 pages long and talked about the steps you needed to take to relocate
a home.

It covered some of the common mistakes that people make when relocating a home.

And explained how to avoid these mistakes.

The guide was in plain English and was very easy to read.

It also contained a number of great testimonials from clients who had already used Grant's
home relocation service and loved it.
Grant took around 10 hours to write his targeted how to guide.

He used my directions and spent around 45 minutes a day writing over a two week period.

He just wrote down the things he would normally tell potential clients if they were thinking of
relocating their home.

He then made his how to guide look presentable and saved it on his computer.

I then showed Grant how to promote his targeted how to guide to attract ideal clients.

He promoted his how to guide on his website.

And he also promoted his guide in small display ads in the local newspaper.

The first time Grant ran an ad promoting his home relocation guide in the local newspaper it
cost him $500.

This first advertisement produced 29 requests for his home relocation guide.

Grant just printed copies of his how to guide off his computer.

He then spiral bound each guide and mailed them out in hard copy format to everyone who had
ordered it.

He followed up with every person who had ordered his how to guide.

And the end result was two paid sales.

That was worth over $40,000 to Grant.

So he kept on using his targeted how to guide.

And over the next 8 years, this one 'targeted how to guide' produced 8 million dollars in paid
sales for Grants business.

So Grant invested some time and effort once to create his targeted how to guide.

He then used it over and over again for many years to attract ideal clients.

And that's my recommendation to you for April.

Invest 10-15 hours of your time in April and create a targeted how to guide for your own

Then use this targeted how to guide over and over again for the next 3-5 years to attract ideal
new clients.

Create it once and use it for 3-5 years.

I'm a huge fan of using a Targeted How To Guide to attract ideal new clients.

Over a 10 year period I created over 117 targeted how to guides for a wide range of clients.

I also created dozens of targeted how to guides for my own business as well.

I no longer create targeted how to guides for clients.

However in April I am offering a 4 week consulting service to help clients to create their own
targeted how to guides.

The consulting service is done one on one with me.

We will talk every week for at least an hour.

And I'll also email you several times every week as well.

I'll give you step by step directions on how to create a targeted how to guide that will attract
ideal new clients for your business.

I'll show you what to call your targeted how to guide and exactly the information you should put
in it.

I'll explain a clever way to 'write' your how to guide without doing a lot of writing.

I'll show you how to make this guide look good for very little money.

I'll give you 'paint by numbers' directions on how to promote your targeted how to guide.

And I'll also show you how to get a few dozen businesses to actively promote your how to guide
to their own clients as well.

Plus I'll explain how to use your targeted how to guide to attract ideal new clients for the next
3-5 years.
I'll also give you a half dozen real life examples of successful how to guides that have worked
amazingly well for many years.

The investment for my one month consulting service is either

Option A: One amount of $499UD invested now.


Option B: Two amounts of $299US.

One amount of $299US invested now.

And one amount of $299US invested in one months time.

Option B is slightly more expensive.

However it may be helpful for client's whose cash flow is a bit tight.

US is US Dollars and is plus GST for NZ clients.


My new consulting service is very hands on and fairly time intensive from my end.

So I'm limiting the number of businesses I work with in April to a maximum of 9.

And the deadline to be selected as one of these 9 clients is midday on Wednesday March 27th,
2024 NZ Local Time.

If you would like to be considered as one of the 9 clients I work with in April just reply to this
message and say 'choose me'.

I'll let you know within 24 hours if I have picked you.


If you are looking for one thing you can do in April that will attract ideal clients for the next 3-5
years then I recommend you create at least one targeted how to guide.

In the meantime:

What one thing are you going to do in April that will attract ideal new clients to your business for
the next 3-5 years?

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