Case Study - Agri - Global Agriculture Trading Company Improves Decision Making With Eka CTRM

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The power of one.

Global agriculture trading

company improves decision
making with Eka CTRM

A global trading company was using SAP accounting software
and Excel spreadsheets for its reporting requirements. The
process required considerable manual effort for commodity trade
capture, shipments, settlements and other activities. Reconciling
several custom-made Excel spreadsheets from different users
was difficult and time consuming. Long reporting cycles did not
provide real-time information and inhibited decision making.

The existing system did not provide enough insight into

counterparty risk exposures and risk reporting. It did not produce
proper daily or month-end reports, especially on vessel P&L and
other physical and derivative P&L. The company needed a solution
that could provide real-time data, advanced analytics, and
enterprise-wide transparency.

Business challenge

The amount of manual effort required to create reports and the lack of real-time information were
hampering decision making. Commodity business contracts, shipments and settlements were recorded and
tracked inefficiently. In many cases, contracts and reports were duplicated across systems. There was no
proper counterparty risk tracking, risk management or related reporting.

Company decisions were based on outdated information, resulting in suboptimal decisions. The reporting
process was inefficient and not standardized, tying up resources and increasing costs.
Inducting new employees into the organization was difficult, since the company was using several custom-
made spreadsheets.

Eka’s platform eliminates the need to create

SAP journal entries and removes a lot of extra
paperwork. AP and AR invoices, EOD results and
counter-party master data feed directly from Eka
to SAP.

Business solution
The company adopted Eka CTRM to track business transactions (contracts/
shipments/invoices etc.) and minimize duplication of information across
multiple systems. The solution manages and optimizes the entire commodities
value chain, including trade capture, logistics, invoicing, and settlement. The
organization is also using real-time position and coverage visibility to manage
exposure across physicals and derivatives and advanced analytics to drive more
profitable business decisions.

A seamless integration with SAP increases efficiency and productivity by

automatically posting invoices, end-of-day results, counterparty data, and
other information. The system records and tracks counterparty risk and helps
establish trading risk management. It provides real-time position and coverage
visibility to manage exposure across physicals and derivatives.

The implementation process was quick and didn’t require a heavy IT investment
or additional IT infrastructure and service costs.

Business benefits

Better decision making Decreased costs Real-time access

Decision making has improved Eka CTRM has helped the company Because it is a cloud-based solution, it
with Eka’s real-time scenario and improve operational efficiency is accessible from anywhere, anytime,
intelligence capabilities. The solution by automating manual processes on a secure internet connection in a
posts AP and AR invoices, EOD for posting invoices, end-of-day SaaS mode. The company does not
results, and counterparty master results, counterparty data, and other experience service disruptions or bear
data directly from Eka to SAP and information. Eka’s CTRM reduces any additional costs to upgrade the
updates payments/ receipts against redundancies by tracking everything in underlying hardware/software.
the AP/AR invoices from SAP to Eka. a single system.
Thus, it eliminates the need to create
SAP journal entries, saving time and
eliminating duplicated efforts. They
make better decisions faster.

Easy scalability Increased profits

The system also makes it easier to Eka’s advanced analytics help drive
induct and train new employees due more profitable business decisions.
to a standard system and easy-to- It provides real-time position and
use screens and functionalities. It is coverage visibility, ensuring the
easily scalable, so they can add new company more effectively manages
business units and users as and when exposure across physicals and
needed. derivatives.
The power of one.

One team, one vision, one platform.

We help enterprises build the bridge We put customers, employees and our We forge long term relationships
between commodity management and community first. through one strategy, one team and
direct materials. one platform.

Experience the power of Eka’s To learn about how Eka

commodity risk management can add value to your
software operations.


About Eka Software Solutions

Eka Software Solutions is a global leader in providing innovative solutions that help customers digitize and improve their direct
materials business functions across agriculture, energy, metals, mining, and manufacturing industries. Built to accelerate
customer’s digital journey to the cloud, Eka’s platform-driven solutions enable businesses to quickly adapt and overcome complex
challenges in trading and risk, supply chain, business collaboration and financial management.

Eka supports over 100 customers globally and has proven industry expertise in helping customers achieve digital transformation,
solving complex business challenges in an environment of continuous change.

For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and on Twitter.

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