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1K Email List Engorger Challenge

From the desk of: Eddy Quan

Thursday, 6:12 AM
March 21, 2024

Dear friend

If you’re interested in getting another 1,000+ high quality subscribers to a new or

existing email list, then keep reading because I’ve got a once-off opportunity
for you.

On Monday 1st April, I’m hosting the first (and possibly last) 1K List Engorger live
challenge to help you build a list of people who will buy from you on repeat.

That means no more relying on unpredictable social media algorithms to get clients
or grow your business.

No more relying on your follower growth or engagement to grow your business…

And no more selling to refunders, tyre kickers or freebie downloaders….

What you’ll gain from this challenge is a system that adds buyers to an email list you
own on repeat.

An email list of people you can market and sell to directly without social
media algos holding you back.

These are folks who will whip out their credit cards and buy from you over and over
again when you show up in their inbox.

We’re going to pull our sleeves up side by side and implement the strategy I’ve used
to build an email list from 0 to over 14,000 subscribers since 2021.

This email list has allowed me to generate over $500,000 in online

revenue and sell anything from $10 e-books to $3,000+ coaching offers.

The best part is this strategy works for any niche.

As long as there’s a market for what you sell, this strategy will work for you.
I’ll also show you real life examples of how this strategy works across different

Here are just some of the cash-generating email-list building strategies you’ll learn in
just 5 days:

● How to build an email list of 100-1,000+ subscribers in the next 30 days for
● The under-discussed traffic source that costs $0 and adds 50+ subscribers to
my list in a single day
● My social media content strategy that adds 20+ subscribers per day to my list
even when I’m on vacation or snoozing on my coach
● How to start and monetise an email list ASAP even if you’re a complete
● The best lead magnets to create to repel freebie seekers and attract players
with money (aka people that buy from you)
● The mind-hacking exercise I learned from two 7 figure marketers to come up
with new lead magnets that add hundreds of high quality leads to my email
list on repeat
● A proven system to “steal” high quality email subscribers from your
competition. In fact they’ll be BEGGING you to steal these subscribers from
them when you do this right.
● How to make money from a tiny email list (less than 500 subscribers)
● And a whole lot more….

So that’s what we’re going to be doing in this challenge.

I put a ton of effort into this because I’m sick of seeing people get screwed around by
unpredictable algorithms.

I think this challenge will appeal to you if…..

● You already have an email list but want to make more money from it
● You have an email list you haven’t mailed for awhile and want to revive it from
the dead
● You’re a coach, consultant, content creator or expert who wants to have a list
of people who buy your high ticket offers at the right price without giving you
a ton of resistance
● You want to build an email list business because you’re tired of playing
“engagement ping pong” like so many other content creators who rely solely
on social media platforms for traffic

So that’s who I think this challenge is for.

As soon as you sign up….. You’ll get an invitation to join the challenge which starts
on Monday 1st April.

If you can’t make the challenge live, you’ll get access to all the recordings and

Now I haven’t told you about the price yet.

But don’t worry as that’s one of the best things about this challenge.

Unlike other live programs I’ve hosted in the past this challenge won’t cost $3,000.

It won’t cost $1,000.

Hell…. It’s not even going to be $500 (what I usually charge for an hour of coaching).

The price to participate in this live 5 day challenge is just $200.

So for $200, I’ll work with you side by side to show you my entire method
for building a list with your next or first 1,000+ email subscribers who
buy from you again and again.

That way you’ll be able to make sales on repeat without worrying about whether the
algorithm Gods will give you enough engagement tomorrow.

Having an email list has changed my life because even though my engagement is
down over 50%....

Just in the past 12 months alone, my list has let me:

➢ Sell all 10 spots of a $2,000 offer in two weeks

➢ Enrol 6 people for a brand new high ticket coaching offer in 10 days
➢ Make over $50,000 in affiliate commissions from emails that took me an
average of 20 minutes to write
➢ Make over $15,000 per month consistently while spending only 1 hour a day
on growing and mailing my list
➢ Make over six figures a year even with the WORST engagement I’ve ever had
in my 4+ years on Twitter

Which is why I’m thrilled to show you my method in this 1K List Engorger Challenge.

Again, you’ll get an invitation after buying.

I don’t know if I’ll do this again.

So if building or growing your list is something you want to achieve in 2024…

I suggest hopping in on this today.

It’s open until midnight on Sunday 24th March.

I don’t have a sexy sales page for you.

So just head over to the check out and get signed up while you can.

>>>>>> Click here to join the [1K EMAIL LIST ENGORGER CHALLENGE] ====

See you on the inside

Your man

Eddy “email list is everything” Quan

P.S: If you’re one of the first 40 people to join, you’ll be given access to the following
bonuses at $0 additional cost.

Bonus 1 (First 20 people only): How to cook up six figure offers in 20

minutes [SOLD OUT]

This is a live training I’ll present to the first 20 people who join on how to cook up
offers that have made me and my clients six figures in 20 minutes. This is a one time
training that won’t be recorded.

Bonus 2 (First 40 people only): The $10k Email [Only 17 Left]

This is a short but profitable masterclass where I’ll reveal the one sentence email
that’s generated at least $10k everytime I send it.

P.P.S: Due to tech limitations, I can only host up to 100 people maximum so that’s
what I’m capping this challenge to. Once we hit 100 people, registrations will close
and you won’t be able to join.

P.P.S: This invitation is going out to 14,000+ people and there’s only 100 spots
which means the faster you sign up, the more likely you’ll secure a spot before it runs

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