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The tongue that cuts

A word stated by a human could never be as sharp as a knife. For hundreds of years,
many of the Earthlings neglected the reality of Words being the strongest weapon a
person could ever hold. Strongest as in because anyone can use it, and that it just takes
a simple breath to do it. It lies between the positivity and negativity it could give.
Negativity how worse could it be? Deaths, trust bonds broken, and the fact of kingdoms
decaying. Yes, this is the effect of Words.

Words are something that could be easily said, without thinking. It’s easy to say
something that you can’t turn or erase it back. I have committed the crime of speaking
before thinking many times in my life. This would not have had a big effect on others
yet, but some events in the past have had a big impact.

The generalized form of words being at its strongest is gossip. Gossip is a daily-used
item, that goes back and forth. Not only that it create tension and hate between people,
but it also adds up to the bonds being cut off. It’s that easy to ruin a bond, with just

The Salem witch trial is a big historic event proving that Words are the sharpest knife
ever to exist. Having nothing but the audacity to help adolescents and poor human
beings, a group of women helped them by curing their sickness. It was wonderful, that’s
what they thought. As human minds focused on the negativity more than anything itself,
other villagers started to create rumours, that they used Witch-craft. Little by little the
rumours and the words are widespread. The gossip had the people assume that they
were actually witches. In 1693, 20 people were executed. All because of gossip 20
people were executed.

Another historic event is The Rwandan Genocide, a planned campaign of mass murder
In Rwanda in 1994. Considered to be a difficult event in history causing the deaths of
more than 800000 civilians in just 100 days. Radio broadcasters were the main cause of
this event, spreading rumors and hate speech criticizing the Tutsi ethnic group in
Rwanda. Words might be dangerous but can they hit over a distance? Yes.

The Spanish Inquisition was a different one of the two examples I have mentioned. This
one was more personal towards individuals. It was a complex situation. Though the
deaths during the Inquisition were scarce it fueled many suspicions and accusations
towards each other during the inquisition. This is another kind of how words can impact
humans. Suspicions, cutting off the trust of each other, and words have drawn
unreasoned assumptions to human beings.
Gossip does not play a role only over a large amount of time but does in our everyday
lives. Words are what we use to communicate every day, as it plays a crucial role in
what kind of words we choose. Before you speak a word, think.

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