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Jack Ma's story is like a cool adventure filled with challenges and victories.

Even though
he struggled with math and had to try hard to get into college, he never gave up. He
loved English and became a teacher, but his trip to America changed everything when
he saw the internet for the first time.

Jack Ma didn't just sit around after seeing the internet. He came back to China and
created Alibaba, which is like a magical website where small businesses can make big
deals. He also made Taobao, where people can find treasures to buy and sell. Even
though he faced some tough times, like when people started asking lots of questions,
he never stopped believing in himself.

Now, Jack Ma's story teaches us that even if things seem hard, we should never give up
on our dreams. Just like Jack, we can turn challenges into opportunities and create
something amazing. So, let's always remember to keep trying and believing in ourselves,
just like Jack Ma did!

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