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Describe biking and orienteering

Enumerate the basic equipment used in biking and orienteering
Enumerate the benefits of biking and orienteering
Improve physical fitness through biking and orienteering
Demonstrate self-reliance by joining outdoor activities
Acquire an increased awareness of the importance of
environmental protection

Biking is a form of recreational activity that

involves the use of a bicycle. It emerged when
bicycles were introduced in the 19th century.
Since then, biking has become one of the primary
forms of transportation in different parts of the
Many people consider biking as a very effective
and efficient mode of transportation. It is
appropriate for short to moderate distances.
Biking must be done using the basic equipment. These
include the following:

1. Bicycle This is the most essential biking equipment. It

can be driven manually through pedaling. It comes in
various types, sizes, styles, and colors. One has to choose a
bicycle that is appropriate for his or her height, age, and
experience in order to ensure his or her own safety.
2. Helmet- This is the most important safety equipment that should always be
worn when biking. It helps protect the rider from any head or face injury. It
should fit snugly around the head and allow air inside.
Benefits of Biking as Compared to Using Other Vehicles for Transport

In comparison with using other motor vehicles for transport, biking offers a lot of benefits
which include the following:

1. sustained physical exercise

2. easier parking
3. increased maneuverability
4. access to roads, bike paths, and rural trails
5. reduced consumption of fossil fuels
6. less air or noise pollution
7. much reduced traffic congestion
8. less financial cost to the user
9. less road area required
Health Benefits of Biking
Biking also offers many heath benefits. These include the following:
1. Improves cardiovascular fitness Biking involves pedaling which raises the heart rate and gets the blood pumping
around the body. When done regularly, it can help reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and other
heart disease.
2. Increases muscle strength and flexibility - Biking is a total body workout that makes use of major muscle groups
that can be found in the shoulders, arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, and calves. The continuous movement
and stretching of these body parts during biking helps tone and strengthen the muscles and increase their
3. Decreases stress levels - Like any other mild-to-moderate exercise, biking triggers the release of chemicals
called endorphins which help reduce pain and make one feel happier. It also promotes deep and regulated
breathing and requires one to focus on the activity itself, thereby clearing the mind from the sources of stress for
the time being.
4. Improves posture Observing proper posture when biking is very important. Doing so does not only ensure a
comfortable ride, but it also increases speed and reduces the risk of developing injuries and back pain.
5. Builds and strengthens bones - Biking is a form of a resistance activity which involves pushing and pulling on the
bike pedals. This movement works the muscles which in turn pull on the bones. Consequently, this leads to the
building and strengthening of bones by keeping up bone structure and increasing bone density.
6. Decreases body fat levels - Biking on a regular basis helps burn calories. It also helps maintain a lean body
structure and promotes proper weight management.
7. Helps prevent and manage diseases - Since biking helps improve blood circulation, it also helps boost
the immune system. This keeps a person healthy and strong enough to fight off various infections and
8. Improves the health of the lungs - Through regular biking, the muscles in the lungs are trained to move
air more efficiently. This, in turn, expands lung capacity and decreases the risk of losing lung function as
one ages.
9. Increases energy levels-Biking helps increase one's energy levels by building his or her stamina and
endurance. This results to better performance in school or at work, fulfillment of one's responsibilities,
and easier execution of daily activities.
10. Improves sleeping habits - Biking as a form of exercise helps get rid of cortisol, the stress hormone
that can prevent deep and regenerative sleep. This, in turn, helps induce a good night's sleep.
Orienteering is a competitive sport played by individuals whose goal is to find their way to various control points across a vast terrain using a map and a compass.
The one who achieves the said goal within the shortest elapsed time is declared as the winner. Orienteering requires the use of navigational skills in order to be
able to move with speed from one control point to another.
Orienteering is an outdoor activity that is full of challenges and adventure. It is a combination of cross-country running, map-reading, and using a compass for
navigation. It is also called a "thinking sport" since rapid decisions need to be made to determine which route to follow so that one's time and energy are
maximized. It is an event where people of all ages are allowed to join and gain satisfaction from participating in it.
It was during the 19th century when orienteering became popular in the country of Sweden as a military exercise. 1886 led to the introduction of orienteering as a
term which was defined during that time as the crossing of an unknown land using a map and a compass.
The first nonmilitary public orienteering competition was held in Norway in 1897. This competition gained extreme popularity in the said country. Then, another
public orienteering competition took place in 1901 in Sweden.
Due to the emergence of inexpensive and reliable compasses, orienteering started to become popular in Europe by the 1930s. Then, it eventually achieved
worldwide popularity after the Second World War. It was in 1959 when an international conference on orienteering took place in Sweden. This led to the
establishment of the orienteering

committee known as the International Orienteering Federation or IOF in 1961 which represented 10 European countries.
The International Orienteering Federation supported the establishment of many national orienteering federations decades after it has been established. As of
today, it has more than 60 member countries. Through the participation of these countries, world orienteering championships are being held every year.
The basic objective of an orienteering competition is to test the physical fitness, navigational skills, and concentration of the participants. Each activity is set at a
different place across a vast terrain upon the start of the competition so they do not interfere with one another. The competition is made up of different courses
that are divided into multiple legs or parts of a race. The participants compete with one another in reaching the control point of each leg within the shortest period
of time using the route each of them chooses.
Each control point of every leg is marked as a feature on the orienteering maps given to the participants. The control points are marked with white and orange flags
along the orienteering course. Each participant is required to carry a control card that is marked at each control point in order to make sure that each participant
reaches all the control points. The fastest participant to complete the entire orienteering course wins the competition.
Orienteering can also be done for recreation. It is a fun way to exercise and build wilderness survival skills.
Basie Equipment in Orienteering
Orienteering must be done using the basic equipment. These include the following:
1. Map - This is the primary tool for navigation in orienteering. It contains an enormous amount of information. Topographic map is the type
of map commonly used in orienteering. It shows large-scale details and quantitative representation of the orienteering terrain through the
use of contour lines. The different kinds of information that can be found on topographic maps include location, date, direction, distance,
elevation, natural terrain features, and other features.
a. Location - A topographic map describes every location in the terrain through the indication of a title and longitude coordinates that guide
the participants in locating a particular area in the entire terrain.
b. Date A topographic map should be updated as many changes may occur in different points of the terrain through the years. It should
reflect any changes which occurred in the entire terrain in order to avoid confusion among the participants.
C. Direction Each border on the topographic map represents each direction: north, east, west, and south.
d. Distance - A topographic map depicts how near or far each location is in the terrain.
c. Elevation - A topographic map indicates and describes the elevation in the land mass of the entire terrain.
Natural terrain features A topographic map shows the natural features which are present in the entire terrain. These may include different
bodies of water, cliffs, woods, fields, and so on.
g Other features - A topographic map shows the other features which are present in the entire terrain. These may include houses, roads,
bridges, power lines, and so forth.
2. Compass This is the secondary tool for navigation in orienteering. It supplements and confirms the different kinds of
information that can be found on the map. An orienteering compass has a base plate, compass housing, direction-of-travel
arrow, orienting arrow, and magnetic needle.
a. Base plate - This contains a scale shown in millimeters or inches on its edges. It serves as a guide for a participant in
determining his or her course of travel.
b. Compass housing This appears as a basic watch compass. It is mounted on the base plate.
C. Direction-of-travel arrow This can be found in the center of the protractor. It is the only arrow set on the base plate.
d. Orienting arrow This is also referred to as the north arrow. It is directed toward the north mark in the compass.
e. Magnetic needle This is a floating needle that rotates freely. It is - suspended in the compass housing. When there is no
object made of iron that is surrounding or near the compass, the magnetic needle points to magnetic north.
Basic Orienteering Techniques

Participants should know the basic orienteering techniques which involve map reading and traveling by the use of compass.
. Map reading The basic orienteering techniques which involve map reading include the following:
a. It is important to be familiar with the map's scale, contour interval, and symbols.
b. The map should be kept oriented. This means to keep the top part of the map facing north regardless of the direction of travel. This will keep
the map properly aligned with the terrain.
C. Fold the map to a readable and holdable size. Concentrate on its parts.

d. Visualize the terrain. See things in mind first before finding the actual location like the slope of the hills, vegetation, and other features.
2. Traveling by the use of compass-The basic orienteering techniques which involve traveling by the use of compass include the following:
a. Establish direction.
b. Set the north to south lines.
C. Take a bearing, the direction in which you want to go, by focusing on the direction-of-travel arrow of the compass.
Benefits of Orienteering
Among the benefits of orienteering are the following:
1. Trains the body and mental skills - Orienteering is not just a physical activity which involves running. It is also a mental activity which
involves thinking of the best strategies in going through the entire terrain within the shortest possible time.
2. Improves cardiovascular fitness - Orienteering is an activity in which the participants constantly walk, jog, run, hike, and climb. All of
these actions and movements help improve cardiovascular fitness.
3. Builds self-esteem and confidence - Orienteering is commonly done individually. Hence, each participant only has himself or herself to
rely on during navigation. This makes the activity more challenging. Nonetheless, being able to find one's way through an unknown or
unfamiliar terrain builds self-esteem and confidence.
4. Increases vitamin D levels - Orienteering is an activity done out in the sun. Hence, participants get sufficient amount of vitamin D during
the activity as their skin is exposed to sunlight.
5. Teaches skills and techniques that are useful and lifesaving-Orienteering provides experiences that hone the participants' navigating
and survival skills. These can be used in case they get lost.
6. Promotes environmental stewardship and awareness-Orienteering keeps the participants exposed to nature. This, in turn, makes them
appreciate its beauty and helps them realize the importance of advocating for its protection and conservation.
7. Teaches the importance of calmness and composure during challenging situations Since orienteering activities are commonly done in
vast and unfamiliar terrains, participants learn how to be calm and composed as they find their way through all the control points.

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