Heart Research Paper

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This has been caused by a wide array of interesting, sometimes obscure factors. An X-ray machine is
used to detect narrow spots or blockages revealed by the dye. The drugs, unfortunately, are not safe
to use on people who are prone to internal haemorrhaging as the drugs interfere with the normal
blood clotting mechanisms at sites outside the heart. The pains do not always occur in the person’s
chest. He went to the hospital for his first heart attack because he was having chest ains. If an
individual feel too tense most frequently, they can become vulnerable to various conditions,
including high blood pressure and heart attack. The tendency to develop heart disease can be genetic.
Addiction is another social determinant of coronary heart disease. How the social determinants of the
disease in Merced County compared to California and the US. Although all organs of the body
require a blood supply, some more than others and some need a continuous flow. Keep on browsing
if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Work stress is one of the important
determinants of CHD among the working - age group. This can then contribute to development of
atheroma ( atherosclerosis) narrowing the coronary arteries with a build up of atherosclerotic plaque
and reducing blood flow to the heart. I look forward to working with you moving forward ”. Divya
muscle naturally contracts and relaxes without any instructions from the brain. Hence, heredity has a
major role to play in the CHD disease. Tiny electrical impulses are produced from the pads and this
is displayed on the ECG, electrocardiogram. However, the article also asserts the fact that these heart
diseases can be prevented by means of introducing certain changes in the lifestyle. On the other
hand, active body that is the body, which is always under exercise, have its openings sufficient and
will give the room to flow of blood through the body. The doctor injects technetium (radioactive
material) into the vein. In relation to this, individuals who hung around the smoking zone are likely
to encounter the effects of smoke. When exercising, it is most helpful to do aerobic exercises like
walking, jogging, or swimming because it can help decrease blood pressure. A stent (mesh tube) is
sometimes left in the artery to help keep it open. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the
heart. In Merced, work has both negative and positive impacts to the health of individuals. However,
without a pump, blood is next to useless if it cannot get to the cells in the first place. This has a very
thick muscular wall which enables it to contract strongly and exert sufficient pressure to pump blood
into the aorta and all the way around the body. The country's leadership ensures that it properly
educates its citizens in line with health issues. A heart attack commonly occurs when a blood clot
develops in one of the coronary arteries.
A good conclusion should summarise key points from within your essay with reference to why this
are important and you should include a personal response to your topic. The main point that stands
out as being plausible to me is that environmental tobacco smoke increases blood platelet activity
causing the blood to thicken and clot. This is why chest pains are seen as being very serious. The
overall result of this is the development of a clump of fatty material covered by a smooth muscle and
fibrous tissue on the inside of the artery; this is known as an atherosclerotic plaque. This causes
chest pains and discomfort that occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood. Community
nursing and setting goals for providing care for a family and child. Electrodes are attached to the
patient's skin and impulses are recorded as waves are displayed on a screen (or printed on paper).
The research will emphasis on the possible causes of the coronary disease as well as its prevention
mechanisms. In line with the research carried out by the national institute of health in Merced
country carlifornia,coronary heart disease one of the disease that causes most deaths in the city.
These individuals, known as resistant hypertensive patients, require three or more anti-hypertension
treatments, to help manage their blood pressure. You should briefly describe your topic and you
should then go on to state exactly what you plan to discuss so that the purpose of your essay is clear.
Sometimes nuclear medicine or echocardiographic techniques are used to take pictures of the heart to
find out whether there are any blockages in the heart arteries - such a blockage could be causing the
heart failure. This test also helps distinguish systolic from diastolic heart failure (the heart is stiff and
does not fill properly). To what extent was the ku klux klan responsible for the failures of reconstru.
As soon as someone thinks they may be having issues they should get help and not wait. This
ischaemic heart disease is the cause for most heart attacks. Some of the tests that are done are:
coronary angiography, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, electron-beam computed tomography,
exercise stress test, heart CT scan, and a nuclear stress test. Unfortunately these symptoms are not
always noticeable. In relation to the quantitative data,Merced is rated to be the 46th in the number of
death used b coronary heart disease basing on the age, the mortality rate in the year 2006-210, 25
deaths per 110,000 of the population caused by coronary heart disease. When someone has a heart
attack the cause of the heart attack cannot always be determined. The patient may have to use a
treadmill or exercise machine, or take a medication that stresses the heart. Development of an Axial
Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) from Incep. Thus helping reduce stress that can lead to
coronary heart disease. 6. Sometimes the symptoms are obvious and sometimes there are no
symptoms at all. Therefore, health systems in any given country form the social determinants of
coronary heart disease. 5 It's the social responsibility of an individual to ensure that one strictly
adheres to the laid rules and regulations that govern health issues of any given country. In addition,
obesity being one of the causes of coronary heart disease, it is also ranked top have affected 29% of
the total population of Merced county. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of
Adaptive Radiotherap. The body is designed to be able to handle such requirements. The arteries
which carry oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. The research will help the people as well as the
government of Merced county on how to control the deaths that are caused by coronary heart
disease. FDA changed food labeling to clearly depict trans fat in ingredients.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterized by electrocardiogram, which shows left ventricular
hypertrophy. It is brought on when the heart is working harder than usual, such as during exercise.
The pains do not always occur in the person’s chest. It affects people in a way deeper than regular
speech. Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease. The heart consists of four
chambers; an atrium and a ventricle on the right, and an atrium and ventricle on the Non-lipid risk
factors contributing to Cardiovascular Disease Introduction Coronary artery disease (CAD) and
stroke are the primary types of Cardiovascular Disease. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. This allows others to look up the resources you have used. This can then be transferred to
a computer and results can be made into graphs and charts. The illness in my family that I feel poses
the greatest threat to me is heart disease. It has 3 flaps which allow blood to flow freely from atria
to ventricles, but when the blood pressure in the ventricles exceed that in the atria, the valves prevent
backflow from ventricles to atria. The study by Muntner and colleagues Calhoun, Orlando Gutierrez,
M.D.,Edward Inscho, Ph.D., Oparil, David Pollock, Ph.D., Jennifer Pollock, Ph.D., and Martin
Young, Ph.D., is investigating the incidence of non-dipping in distinct racial groups, as well as the
potential mechanisms leading to this condition. On the other hand, Hypothesis is a tentative
statement that speaks about the relationship that exist between two or more variables that the
researcher intends to work on them. To have a good start in life means to have full support from
parents to their young ones. Unfortunately these symptoms are not always noticeable. Relaxing
music Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart resulted in significant reduction of heart rate and also significant
reduction of heart rate variability. Pseudoscience paper sample paper - essay Pseudoscience paper
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- essay Web quest ms. rollison know about behavior in order to help joseph - sample p. The
mechanisms related to the study which was utilized in all the articles proved successful at adequately
evaluating what it was supposed to measure. In addition to the systemic circuit, there is a path that
the blood can take through the mesenteric artery that allows it to pass through the hepatic portal
system. Poverty is another social determinant of coronary heart disease, because individuals who are
well off can seek adequate medical attention in time. To what extent was the ku klux klan
responsible for the failures of reconstru. Unbalanced diet amongst individuals will also increase the
chances of one suffering from the disease. These monocycles will penetrate between the endothelium
cells and inside the tunica media, where they develop into macrophages, which will accumulate the
fatty materials such as cholesterol and triglycerides. The blood is then passed through the one-way
mitral valve into the left ventricle (“Pulmonary Circulation,” n. d. The system circuit covers a much
larger area in the body than the pulmonary circuit, and is responsible for bringing the pulmonary
circuit’s oxygenated blood to the capillaries and body tissue, to use their strength and function as
they should. You can develop your introduction further by trying to engage the reader which you can
do with by stating an interesting fact or including relevant background information. Lipoprotein (a)
forms when an LDL particle attaches to a specific protein. The study showed that nebivolol
treatment for elderly patients with heart failure either systolic or diastolic dysfunction reduced the
composite risk of all-cause mortality or hospital admission due to cardiovascular illness. The laser
holes are about a millimetre in diameter and the hole made creates a channel in the hearts wall
allowing blood rich of oxygen, from the lungs, to reach the heart muscle. Coronary Heart Disease
and Stroke Deaths — United States, 2009. One or some of the following diagnostic tests may also
be ordered.
This surgery is also known more commonly as open heart surgery. The test may also reveal any
damage to the heart from a heart attack. Exercise is also another factor that is emphasized to make
sure that the health of its citizens is properly controlled. Addiction is another social determinant of
coronary heart disease. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. Lack of exercise
can also be another major social determinants of the coronary heart disease. Web quest ms. rollison
know about behavior in order to help joseph - sample p. How multiculturalism informs our ideas of
tolerance colorblindness and post i. The main point that stands out as being plausible to me is that
environmental tobacco smoke increases blood platelet activity causing the blood to thicken and clot.
Secondly, there was not readily accessible to the readily available quantitative data. Conflicts in
ResearchIt can be stated with reference to the above context that although there have been
differences of emphasis as well as interpretations, the basics of medical ethics was deciphered to
remain similar across all the cultures. Office for National Statistics shows that one in every five men
and one in every six women dying from this disease. Secondary Prevention in Uppsala Primary
Health Care Project (SUPRIM). The pain that one experiences differs depending on the person (B,
14-15). Sometimes the symptoms are obvious and sometimes there are no symptoms at all. After
leaving the heart, blood goes to the lungs where it gathers oxygen. Heart disease cannot be cured,
but it has been proved that people can reduce it by making some changes in their lifestyle. Although
all organs of the body require a blood supply, some more than others and some need a continuous
flow. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the heart. These drugs reduce the main
material that deposits on the coronary arteries. This contracts and pumps blood through the
pulmonary artery into the lungs. If the heart does not get enough blood that means it is also not
getting enough oxygen and nutrients. My grandfather passed away after having a heart attack as
well. The major clinical manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease include gradual loss of memory and
language. Excess levels may encourage the clumping of platelets, resulting in the formation of clots.
By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. The stated
factors further lead to harmful health outcomes which triggers unfavorable influences upon
individual’s motivation and social environment. The habit of smoking is highly conducted in a social
set up, and one can be either a direct smoker or a passive smoker. Unbalanced diet amongst
individuals will also increase the chances of one suffering from the disease. It is also estimated that
almost half of British children are exposed to tobacco smoke in there homes.
The research findings will aid in the preparation of such strategies. Applicability of Findings to
Clinical IssueThe findings obtained from the articles can be easily applied to the clinical issue. In
addition, the government of the three countries ensures that it provides employment opportunities to
its citizens in order to control as well prevent the increasing incidences of coronary diseases. Another
option for treating blockages is coronary angioplasty. Researchers do come up with the hypothesis of
a given particular theory, or they can build it basing on the previous research. A conclusion should
answer the initial question and summarise your key points. Through the use of state-of-the-art
imaging and other methodological strategies, research at UAB is untangling these circuits, and
translating the findings directly toward novel therapeutics. The changing nature of life has led to
change in lifestyle which has led to increased cases of lifestyle diseases. The research on coronary
heart disease had a lot of downfalls; first, the resources for studying coronary heart disease were
carried out by the secondary resources like the journal article and the website. How Will New
Bioabsorbable Polymer Drug Eluting Stents. He ended up changing his mind and was lucky he did
because he needed immediate care. Coronary heart disease is a major cause of illness and death. An
underlying theme in Zhou’s research involves the idea that impairments in energy metabolism during
heart failure negatively impact the maintenance of normal electrical properties of the heart.
Lipoprotein (a) forms when an LDL particle attaches to a specific protein. The medication that is
administered to the patient depends on what is safe for the patient. This is more commonly known as
stents and it is non-surgical (A, 27-29). If an individual feel too tense most frequently, they can
become vulnerable to various conditions, including high blood pressure and heart attack. In addition
to this, you demonstrate interest in your subject which is always a good thing and the extra
information that the research allows you to include in your work can make your essay more
interesting to read with is another plus. For example, following a heart attack, it is important to
replace both heart cells, as well as blood vessels, in order to prevent heart failure. Aside from the
physical challenges experienced by patients, they also have to endure psychological changes such as.
This can then contribute to development of atheroma ( atherosclerosis) narrowing the coronary
arteries with a build up of atherosclerotic plaque and reducing blood flow to the heart. Coronary
artery disease can also lead to Arrhythmias. The patient may have to use a treadmill or exercise
machine, or take a medication that stresses the heart. There are two types of MCS:ventricularassist
devices (VADs) and total artificial. Cardiac muscle differs from the rest of the body because it is
myogenic. Sometimes there is calcium in the lining of the arteries which increases the chance of
getting heart disease. “An exercise stress test is a screening tool used to test the effect of exercise on
your heart” (E, 1). A deflated balloon is passed through the catheter to the affected area. According
to the American Heart Association, nearly 80 million U.S. adults have been diagnosed with high
blood pressure. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023: Spotlight.
The heart is made up of muscle tissue which can be trained to handle more stress, if exercised
correctly (Theime, 2005).
Lower socioeconomic status among the citizens of Merced is one of the sociaeconomic determinants
of coronary heart disease. Strepokenase can only perform this biochemical conversion as a fluid the
tissue plasminogen activator therefore releases the plasmin directly into the clot. Web quest ms.
rollison know about behavior in order to help joseph - sample p. Comparison of health outcomes
related to the problem. A deflated balloon is passed through the catheter to the affected area. How
multiculturalism informs our ideas of tolerance colorblindness and post i. Sound waves are used to
create a video image of the patient's heart, which helps the doctor see how well the heart is pumping.
This pain then spreads to the neck, jaw, ears, arms, and wrists. In terms of remodeling, Louis
Dell’Italia, M.D., is studying the mechanisms of extracellular matrix remodeling during heart failure,
which can lead to stiffening of the heart. An echocardiogram allows doctors to see the heart beating,
and to see the heart valves and other structures of the heart” (D, 14-15). Inrelation to the above,
individual who is operating below the poverty line, cannot get access to adequate medication that
will enable early detection of illness. 2. Ultimate question reflection paper sample paper - essay
Ultimate question reflection paper sample paper - essay To what extent was the ku klux klan
responsible for the failures of reconstru. One signal that shows this is occurring is chest pains. The
exact mechanism of the plaque formation is not fully understood but studies of epidemiology, the
pattern of occurrences, of atherosclerosis show that factors occurred with producing the
atherosclerotic plaque are: Smoking, diet, obesity, high blood pressure (known as hypertension),
heredity factors, high blood cholesterol levels and diabetes mellitus. After leaving the heart, blood
goes to the lungs where it gathers oxygen. This test also helps distinguish systolic from diastolic
heart failure (the heart is stiff and does not fill properly). A Practical Guide To Writing And
Reviewing Abstracts For Pediatric Academic M. The pain can last from a few minutes to many
hours. One thing he has done is that he quit smoking after his second heart attack. An X-ray machine
is used to detect narrow spots or blockages revealed by the dye. Relaxing music Bach, Vivaldi,
Mozart resulted in significant reduction of heart rate and also significant reduction of heart rate
variability. In the same paper, his analysis of 11 long-term follow-up trials revealed that there is also
a relationship between reduction in resting heart rate and nonfatal reinfarctions. The purpose of the
present research is to examine the causes of obesity and Coronary Heart Disease, how they are
related to each other and what can be done to reduce the possibilities of developing these conditions.
Ongoing research is trying to uncover the nature of this relationship. The choice of graph type
depends on the nature of the variable being graphed. This is dangerous because one may not realize
what the cause of the pain is and may not get the proper treatment for it. Because of the social
exclusion, an individual can easily suffer from coronary heart disease. Thus showing that there is
greater possibility of the increase in death rates caused by coronary heart disease.2. The pain does not
feel any better if the patient changes position, rests, or lies down. This causes chest pains and
discomfort that occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood.

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