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: 108 ; ome tntermediate English Partai (New style, E> gus h —_— 3 COMMON ERRORS ERRORS IN THE USE OF NOUNS 1. The news are not thie, 1. The news is not true, 2. Your hairs are grey. 2. Your hair is grey, 3. Politics are his chief interest. 3. Politics is his thief interest. 4. His sheeps ate in the field, 4, His sheep are in the field. , S. There are a lot of fishes in this 5, There are a lot of fish ‘ river. this river, S.THF sceneries of Murree are 6. The scenery of Murret ‘wonderful, is wonderful. 7. Shp bought some stationeries. 7. + She bought some " stationery, S: He'gave me ten-rupees note, 8. He gave oe a ten-rap: note, 9.1 take pain over my work, 9. 1 take pains over my ¥ work, » 10.He issued order to release 10.He issued orders to 4 him. release him, ‘ 11.He lost his trouser, 11.He lost his tro eA 12.We have read many poetries, 12:We have reatl riany é poems, 2 19.He has given up his study. 19. He hes given up his studies, 14.The room hay no furniture. 15.Ten miles is a long distance, 16.He gavememany | pieces of advice, Ts qe x rs Bo eit is EGEND COL or EEGEN Guim 14.The room has no furnitures, 15.Ten miles are a long distance, | 16.He gave me many advices, | | yea 23.1t is me- 24.1, you an and he will help the 24 yO ar: the , 2" se agntone of these TWO has failed. 25. Neither of thee two Ap 0: thas failed : vad pees ‘oa two : Soe Kay one ofthdee pwo boys 1S _ 26.Either o! Lave ts aDsgnt * ro tell None remains absent. Qi.None remain to tethe story 27° of that tragedy- the story of that : tragedy- 28,Each of the students has paid 98.Each of the students, has paid his fee. One must not forget one's duty. 30.Any one can do it ifhe one can do it if one tries. E tries. zi 31 as committce oe divided in 31.The committee were rena = divided in their opinion. plese: fan is my brother who 32.The man who oe you their fee. 29.0ne smust not forget his duty. 29. A met you yester eae ‘day. yesterday:is my Four brother. ~” 2 ae Playing with 33.Four gipls were playing ae with one another. 34.The two dister i 3 loved ons 34.The two sisters loved each other. ' NE 110 2Surrent Ltermediety c 9, *8Only one 4 r i f the riminaly were 36.0niy NG Of the ® C re +. : Sriminals was rrested, ‘ae wls37.your SNITt i lidce Khauia, 37-Your shict ie like yes id's a ‘ ob 38.Such things which you say 3g Such ‘Kings "8 You aay os a4) are not tue. : Fe not true ¢ fel. Avanes older than fi 39. s {8 Older than beet Hr a0, nye YOM WERE to seg> 40.14 MM want to < 1a" " L | ‘ 7) “Either sajig °F Khalid come Sajid or Khaniig ° Le ye here daily, Nant? here daily, | " A2.Nelther-Shahig MOT Majid are 42. Neither Shahid nor i OWN to me. bs 3, Sia Whe ia to blame, Batis “He is one of the mi, has we the country, or BEEy WHO woricy hard he Thewt the cous 45.The boy who works hard will pass “6-Thoae who are Proud they are a6.7y wil not happy, who as * Not hapen UeE oF ADIECTIVEs $740 18 very ae , Se:tt le very not teen much Dik for 4°-This nou, i Dig for YOu and me. He ig the by =... ¢ shorter. is ie no maney to buy a ee. le 51.lam too tired to attend to ‘any. work, : book Worth-reading. 94.1 have only a few Srigtids. 5 69. The: few friends that 1 vay ‘ears always cted. 70.Thé Climate of Multan is hotter than that of Lahore. . is preferable A Wealth, » 77-She is the Most unique 77.She is a unique teacher eit teacher in SUF college, in our college. - 7B.This ig the last news.that we 78.This is the ¥ . * it we have: ved. ~ 79.His Mame i, the latest in the. 79.His name is the last in Seine Fs the lise. : | 80.He is &® miser man, 50.He is a miser, Or He is miserly : Bw Cow perso 81. © is a coward. Or He MS Pally Somer RRORS IN THe USE oF ARTICLES 82.Ravi is famous river, Ravi the largest area river in Pakis 84.The Muslims brave People, is the language of ~ 85.English is the Janguage ~ English, ofthe English, oly Quran every 86.We recitt the Holy ~ ay. aa 5 TaN ev, S 87.THE gold ig More valuable 87.Gold is more valuable an the silver. than silver. * wiStiom is the gin or Sed 88.Wisdom is the Rift of xf God. ea 82.The honesty is the best Policy. g9, Honesty id the best e Policy, 90:Saima is taller Of the two 90.Salma is the taller oft sisters! the two sisters. 91 Horse is a faithful animal, 91.The Horse is « falthnay as : al, . 92-More we get, more we want 92, & the:knot. 103:Loaisp thie word in 204-1 hung the picture an the Wi, 105.The murderer was at 2 = 1o6.e Ree sees 107.She igs got admission in college. ; ’ 108.He refised to go 28 c a thers.) ee '109.He déflined my 125.Me absenteg from the class 126 They went to the fair ana enjoyed, ‘ PP AAT voc, hard lest | fait, 130.She iy il for ten days 131.The workers AFE On strike for ‘ a week. ~ 132, ted himseir lass, 120-They went to the faie and ehjoyea themseives, ‘i work hard lest 1 should fai). 128. He suit help me, 129.He has been Sullering from fever for ten days, 130-She has been itt for ten days, 131.The workers have been on strike fora week, 127, ‘hat he coula -He came here yesterday, . 133.They ™Et Us two days ago. _ Current intermediate Englleh Part-il (New Style) f eee a ; mi 134.They visitea Lahore some 134.They.had visited -days' before, : Lahore some days : ate ago. | 335.4. had gone there yesterday. 135. He went there . ; * yesterday. — 136.1 had not written any letter 136.1 did not write any last/night, letter last night. : 1371lived in this house since 137.1 had been living in __ 7900, ; this house since 2000. ee 138.If you win Some to me, I will 138.1f you come to me, I ; help you. will help you. * | :139.He did nothing but Played. 139.4 dig nothing but | ; ; Play. a . , BRRORS In Tis USE OF ADVERB, ee is too Strong. 140.He is very Strong, been auch interesting 141ltis a very interesting . book, -> 142.1am very SUrprised at this. 142.0am much surprised ‘ 143.1 ‘ 5 at this. a ~ 8M Very obliged to him, 143.1 am’ much obliged to him. : e044: i ii : S ee 4S MUch tired, 144.He is very tired, am much Pleased wig, HH 1451am very pleased Wis. 146: . With it, : 46.-The a 4S Very hot to drink, 46.The tea is too hot ta : : drink. u 47.She was named as Saima, 147.She was named oF Saima. 148.tie W@S Promoted as 148.He was Promoted fessor. Professor. 149.This task is much too difficult for me. 190.1 hardly work on 2 Sunday. 1S1.He seldom comes here. 1S2.He often somes late. 1S3.He behaved like a coward. is sitting in the tree.” angry with you. 161.He writes in red ink. 162.This year, he will sit for the cxamination. 163.She sat ‘in the shade ofa tree, ” 64. etn i ii oa ny 165.This cheque is on National Bank. 196.This is a cheque for Rs.20007- 167.He swore by God. 168.1 can say it to his fe 169.He dicd of Cholera, 170.He is ill with fever. 171L.The teacher beat hi Fm rate) oe arp ee wees Ay ufrent ntrm ate English Part-ll (Now Sty 176.She was Married with her * 176.She was married to cousin, her cousin. Y 177.No, Pakistani is in inthis 177.No Pakigtani is on committee, this commitice. 178.She is like a sister for me. 178.She is like a sister to me, |! \ 179 write it ¢ 9h the margin of 179.Write it in the margin oy your boo] of your book. . 180.India igfjn the cast of heb 180 india is'to'the cast of \ Pakis: t Pakistan. 181.4 wil Come to ofice sinc 181.He will come to office tomorrow. from tomorrow. 182.1 am moe your friend since 182.1 am nat your friend . : from today. 183.1 was amazed ed 6a his 183.1 was amazed at his Performance. Performance. 184.Free books: should be 184.Free books should be Provided to poor Se Provided ter poor Students. 185.1 congratulate you nan your "185-4 congeansJare you cn Success. your success. 186.’ The mother loves; wish her 186.The mother loves her © children,’ 187. -They attacked om me. 187.They attacked me. 188." ‘They Teached-at the station ‘188.They reached the in time for train, station in time for the train. 189-The pen ie to write. 189.The pen js to write a with. i 190: ‘The doctor Operated the 190.The doctor Operated j Paticn: nt, Upon the patient, { : gar Fegrct fer this delayin . 191.1 Tegret this delay in Se: Teply. - Teply. } 192-She Fesembles 50 her 192.She resembles her 4 | mother, mother, z ’ 193.He ia Popular jn the People. 193.) a Ee paae With the k “ERRORS IN THE USE OF consuNGTIONG ‘ HY oi 49 Poor, then I will help §1941fhe is-poor, I will . Bs help him? < Pet 118 Current Intermediate English Parti (New Styli v 19S.Because he is honest, + ‘therefore we respect him. 196.As he is ill, so he cannot come to office, 197. Although he is old but he is’ strong. 198.He sings like his brother E » does. _ 199.Neitherhe comes nor he cS. _ writes. 0.Both-Sajid as wellas Khalid oe a are happy. 207 WGndngss as well as justice to be our Buide. 202.My friends as well as 1 am Feady to go there. 203.He cannot pass unless he ” does not work hard. 204-I had hardly (scarcely) gone out:that it began to rain. _ 20S.No sooner we reached the ‘Station the train came. «Walk carefully lest you ‘4 should not fall.. 2 -207.1 like such books which are * interesting. 208.Such boys who work hard pass. 209.1 asked him that if (whether) he was ill. : 210.He is no other but Ejaz. 211-Why'you went there? ; 212.De you want to know who am iI? CP 195.Because he is honest, we respect him. 196.As he is ill, he cannot come to office, 197.Although he is old, yet he is strong. 198.He sings as his brother does. 199.He neither comes nor . writes. 200.Both ‘Sajid and Khalid are happy. 201.Kindness as well as justice is to be our | guide. 202.My friends as well as I are ready to go there. 203.He cannot pass unless he works hard. 204.1 had hardly (scarcely) gone out when it began to rain. 205.No sooner did we reach the station than the train came. 206.Walk carefully lest . you should fall. o— 207.1 like such books as arc interesting. 208.Such boys as work hard pass. 209.1 asked hirn if (whether) he was ill. 210.He is no other than Ejaz. 211.Why did you go there? 212.Do you want to now who I am? 19 e ,Cuprent intermediate English Part-il (New Style) “A. 213 Being 4 cold, Icouldnot 213.[t being too cald, 1 go out. could not go out. 7 Crossing the river, the sun = 214.When.we crossed the 5 ate fom the clouds. river, the sun appeared from the hs clouds. aS wp patos should come 215.1 want you to come . f here. ; am very glad to 216.Good evening, | am very glad to mect you- 217.1 could not help . laughing. : + 218-1 alwayp have andalways «218.1 always have been 2. Z shall Pe friend. ‘and always shall be your friend. 219.He lost his way in the wood as 1 expected. ieee Be to be poor and ____ honest to being sich 4 and base. 217.1 could Pe but laugh. 219.He lostjbis way im the wood which I/expected. eat Zxercise|No.1 1. | Hemet me in the way. ‘ You should take pity at him © Thave returned the book last Friday. ‘He is ill for a week. You should not make noise. I, you and he will kelp her. He caught two fishes. Tam more intelligent than her.

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