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Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Course No: CE 6201

Course Title: Advanced Concrete Technology


Submitted By:

Name: Raisul Islam Shuvo

Student ID: 0422042302

Semester: October 2022

CE 6201: Advanced Concrete Technology
Assignment -2
1. Design a Blended Portland Cement Concrete mix for the following application, using the
ACI‐211method of absolute volume

Design Environment
Exterior Column (reinforcement clear spacing = 100 mm) in Khulna subjected to severe
chloride induced corrosion. Required compressive design strength is 30 MPa with a standard
deviation of 3 MPa from 50 tests.

Available Materials (Mineral Admixtures to be added as Volume Replacement of Cement)

Cement: All types have a specific gravity of 3.15
Fly Ash: Bulk density = 2300 kg/m3 (Use 10% in total binder)

Coarse Aggregate: 25 mm maximum size crushed aggregate;

Bulk Specific Gravity (OD) = 2.58; surface moisture = 0.1% (on OD); absorption
over SSD = 2%; dry‐rodded unit weight = 1650 kg/m3.

Fine Aggregate: Bulk Specific Gravity (OD) = 2.53; surface moisture = 1.2% (on OD);
absorption over SSD = 4.5%; fineness modulus = 2.67.

Water Reducing Admixture (WRA): It reduces the water demand by 10% when used at a
dosage rate of 4 mL/kg of cement. Assume that the chemical admixtures have a density close
to that of water.

Find the following and complete the table below:

i. Target Strength
ii. Slump
iii. Air Content
iv. Water Content
v. w/b ratio
vi. Cement content
vii. Coarse aggregate content
viii. Fine aggregate content
ix. Moisture adjustment
x. Amount of admixture

Table: Mix Design for a Trial Batch in kg/m3

Water Cement Fine Aggt Coarse Aggt Fly Ash Silica WRA
(Added) (SSD) (SSD) Fume

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