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Name Ziyan Ahmed

Ziyan’s Age 8 years
Ziyan’s Education 2 Standard
Father Name Muhammad Ahmed
Mother Name Irum Ahmed
Siblings 6
Birth order Ist
Family Size 5 members
Family Type Nuclear
Residential Area Urban
Family income per Annum 2.5 Million
Address Lahore
Socio-economic Status Middle
Referral Relatives
Personal Identification:
Ziyan Ahmed is an 8-year-old student currently enrolled in Class 2 at Dar e Arqam (Muslim
town Lahore). Ziyan was the focus of my educational psychology assessment. He was born on
25 October, 2015. Ziyan resides with his family at model town Lahore. Ziyan is a male student
with a keen interest in playing video games, watching cartoons, and playing street cricket. He
is Showing a vibrant personality within the school community. Ziyan's primary guardians are
his parents Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Ahmed named as Miss Irum Ahmed. They hold a significant
role in his educational journey and bringing up. Ziyan’s father is 36 years old guy who is
serving in bank as bank manager in UBL as well as his mother miss Irum Ahmed is 34 years
old lady who is also working in the bank as cashier in Allied bank. The annual income of
Ahmed’s family is roundabout 2.1 Million. There are 6 members in his family including his
father, his mother, his younger brother and his little sister and their grandmother. He is eldest
at all among his siblings. The family structure of his family is nuclear and belongs to a middle-
class stratum. Ziyan belong to a Punjabi family, mostly the language spoken in his home is
Urdu and English, in addition he is also familiar with Punjabi language and Punjabi culture. In
terms of health, Ziyan's medical history is clear. Sometimes due to weather changes he has to
suffer with seasonal sickness. Ziyan is little bit weak in his studies, this is because his parents’
professional engagements so that they cannot focus on Ziyan and his studies. According to his
school record including all assessment and results of last class his writing speed is very weak
as he is unable to complete his writing exams but he is very good in oral assessments. In
previous exams he just completed his 70% of his paper of his term but he while giving oral
assessment he did it very well. As I embark on understanding and addressing Ziyan's writing
challenges, this comprehensive personal identification sets the foundation for a nuanced and
tailored intervention plan that considers his unique background and circumstances.
Presenting complaints
According to parents:
According to ziyan’s parents the presenting complaints are as follows:
• Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Irum Ahmed express genuine worries about Ziyan's academic
progress, particularly his struggles with writing.
• Due to demanding 9-5 schedules in the banking sector, finding consistent time for
Ziyan's studies is challenging, even on weekends.
• Ziyan's school records indicate weak writing speed, resulting in difficulties completing
written exams within the allotted time.
• Despite writing challenges, Ziyan excels in oral assessments, revealing a significant
gap between his written and oral performance.
• Ziyan's parents actively seek guidance and support for a tailored intervention plan,
recognizing the impact of their professional engagements on Ziyan's academic
According to teachers:
As per report requirement, I discussed with ziyan’s mother (she is my cousin sister) that I have
to do a meeting with ziyan’s school teacher regarding him. On my instructions, she go to his
school and told her teacher the whole scenario. The teacher agreed to do meeting on phone call.
After that, I did a phone call to his teacher named as Mam Maria. She told me the academic
circumstances reguarding Ziyan. From the perspective of his teacher, a set of presenting
complaints emerge that highlight certain challenges:
• Writing Speed and Completion of Exams
• Discrepancy between Oral and Written Performance
• Academic Struggles and Impact on Progress
After this whole scenario, I decided to meet ziyan, tried to have some informal interview so
that I can assess him, his cognitive abilities, his interests and have some discussion about this
whole problem so that I can find out the reason behind this and made some specific and
effective intervention plan for him to enhance his writing speed.
School assessment: (Pre-intervention)
In the previous class, Ziyan's teacher raised a concern regarding his slow writing pace,
impacting his performance in written exams. Despite demonstrating proficiency in oral
assessments and receiving commendable grades, the teacher noted that Ziyan faced challenges
completing written exams within the given time frame. The content of his written responses
was accurate, but the incomplete papers led to point deductions. The report assessment issued
by his school is also attached in the last. This situation highlights a specific area for
improvement enhancing Ziyan's writing speed and time management during written
assessments. A strategic approach is required to address this concern that could potentially lead
to a more balanced academic performance, leveraging his oral strengths while ensuring
efficiency in written tasks.
School assessment: (Post-intervention)
Following the implementation of my intervention, the December assessments in the last
working week of December revealed a noteworthy transformation in Ziyan's academic
performance. A comparative analysis between the final result of the previous class and the
December assessment results of the current class showcased a significant positive difference.
The attached assessment report card vividly illustrates the impactful outcomes of the
intervention, with Ziyan consistently achieving high grades. This tangible improvement
underscores the effectiveness of the tailored strategies employed, reflecting not only academic
progress but also the successful integration of targeted interventions in fostering Ziyan's overall
growth and development.
Ziyan’s Interview:
As ziyan is not young enough to understand this intervention plans or strategies. As he is 8
years old, and he is very attached to me so that was a plus point for me to take any action for
him and very easy for me to talk to him and he was also so comfortable that he gives the
answers of my all questions. The summary of interview is as follows:
“Ziyan Ahmed, an 8-year-old enrolled in Class 2 at Dar e Arqam in Muslim Town, Lahore. I
have gained a detailed understanding of the difficulties Ziyan faces in school and his personal
situation. The evaluation revealed that Ziyan grapples with difficulties in writing, particularly
evident in his inability to complete written exams within the allotted time. A significant aspect
influencing Ziyan's educational journey is the professional engagements of his parents, Mr.
Ahmed and Mrs. Irum Ahmed, both employed in the banking sector. Their acknowledgment
of limitations in providing focused attention to Ziyan due to work commitments sheds light on
the need for a holistic intervention plan. Moreover, a notable discrepancy surfaced between
Ziyan's performance in oral and written assessments, with his writing speed appearing
considerably weak. Emotionally, Ziyan expressed feelings of pressure during exams,
emphasizing the importance of addressing both academic and emotional well-being. Despite
these challenges, Ziyan exhibited a positive attitude, expressing a sincere desire for
improvement in his studies. The interview process further revealed a high level of comfort and
attachment, creating a positive rapport that will serve as a foundation for effective
communication and intervention implementation. The gathered insights from this assessment
lay the groundwork for a tailored intervention plan that takes into account Ziyan's unique
background, circumstances, and academic needs.
In my analysis, it appears that Ziyan's struggle with writing speed stems from a lack of
consistent parental attention and focus on his academic development. The fundamental cause
revolves around the demanding professional commitments of both his parents, who are actively
engaged in the banking sector. The nature of their employment requires dedicated time and
energy, leaving limited opportunities for them to provide continuous support to Ziyan's studies
on weekdays. Despite the constraints posed by their work schedules, Ziyan's parents make
concerted efforts, especially during the weekends, to allocate time for his educational needs.
However, the availability of this time can be variable, dependent on the demands of their
respective roles in the banking sector. Nevertheless, Ziyan's mother, in particular, plays a
crucial role in bridging this gap. She dedicates time daily to guide him through his lessons,
ensuring that he comprehensively understands the material covered in school.
In addition to assisting with daily lessons, Ziyan's mother actively engages in overseeing his
homework assignments, affirming that all tasks provided by the school are completed. This
demonstrates a proactive approach to his education, as she strives to supplement the limited
time available during the week with focused attention during the weekends. While the
challenge persists due to the intricate balance of professional commitments, Ziyan's parents are
committed to addressing his academic needs. The dynamic interplay of their efforts, especially
his mother's consistent involvement, creates a foundation upon which a targeted intervention
plan can be built. The aim would be to enhance not only Ziyan's writing speed but also to foster
a supportive learning environment that accommodates the realities of their busy schedules.
Ziyan’s daily routine:
Ziyan's daily routine is a well-organized blend of school, family, and religious learning. Six
days a week, he embarks on his educational journey, attending school from 8:00 AM to 1:00
PM. The timing of his school day adjusts with the changing seasons, mirroring the shifts from
summer to winter and vice versa. Upon returning home, a comforting routine unfolds. After a
wholesome lunch, Ziyan immerses himself in the world of television, surrendering to a peaceful
nap around 3:00 PM
The arrival of his mother marks a new beginning. Following a refreshing break, it's time for
Quran translation. A dedicated tutor joins the household for Quranic teachings, a spiritual
journey that lasts until around 7:00 PM. This enriching session not only imparts religious
knowledge but also weaves a sense of spiritual grounding into Ziyan's routine. Post-Quranic
studies, Ziyan, and his siblings are ushered into the study room by their mother. Here, the
diligent checking of Ziyan's diary ensues, and lessons are tailored according to the instructions
provided in the school diary. This personalized approach reflects the commitment of Ziyan's
family to his academic progress.
As the evening progresses, Ziyan's father assumes the role of guide and mentor. This familial
relay of education continues until 9:00 PM, signaling bedtime. The evening serenity is overseen
by the watchful eyes of his grandmother when both parents are fulfilling their professional
roles at the banks. Weekends introduce a slight deviation from the weekday routine. His parents
engage in tests covering the material from the previous week. However, the ebb and flow of
life sometimes disrupt this rhythm, leading to occasional delays due to time constraints.
Nonetheless, the commitment to education remains steadfast, underscoring the importance of
continuous learning in Ziyan's household.
This dedicated effort showcases the family's commitment to Ziyan's academic success, with
his mother prioritizing time off work during exams to provide essential support. It emphasizes
a collaborative approach between family and education, demonstrating a shared commitment
to Ziyan's well-being and educational achievements.
Reason and source of referral:
Ziyan is my relative, as this report is requirement for this course so when my teacher mentioned
and told me all the details about the report, I meet ziyans’s family in family function and at that
time I was also looking after the target (child on which I have to work upon), I discussed this
with ziyans’s mother and told the whole scenario. During this familial interaction, Ziyan's
mother, providing me a comprehensive overview of the educational intervention I was tasked
with. In the course of our conversation, Ziyan's mother revealed that they had previously
enrolled him in an academy.
However, Ziyan didn't find it conducive to his learning style and discontinued attending after
just one month. And now we are looking after his studies. She told me that he is very good and
intellectual in studies but Ziyan's teacher has noticed that he struggles with writing speed,
leading to an inability to complete exams within the expected timeframe. Like he has slow
writing speed and unable to complete his assessment and exam’s. Moreover, Ziyan's mother
conveyed the insightful observation that he shares a close bond with me. This familial
connection, she believed, could potentially enhance the effectiveness of the intervention.
Ziyan's comfort and familiarity with me, coupled with the familial support system, create an
environment conducive to positive outcomes. His mother expressed optimism that, through
collaborative efforts, we could address his writing challenges and bring about a positive change
in his academic performance.
This familial collaboration and the trust established between Ziyan, his family, and me serve
as a foundation for a targeted and personalized intervention. The goal is not only to improve
his writing speed but also to create a learning environment that aligns with Ziyan's unique needs
and fosters a positive attitude towards academic pursuits.
Psychological assessment:
To conduct a comprehensive evaluation of Ziyan's cognitive capacities, verbal intelligence,
problem-solving proficiency, abstract reasoning, and to identify any potential issues related to
brain function or perception. The administered on ziyan are as follows:
1. Color progressive matrices (CPM)
2. Soliosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)
The qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the psychological tests are as follows:
Color progressive matrices (CPM)
Administering the Color Progressive Matrices (CPM) test to Ziyan is necessary to evaluate and
understand his non-verbal reasoning abilities and abstract reasoning skills. This test allows me
to assess Ziyan's cognitive functioning in areas that don't rely heavily on verbal communication
or language comprehension. By analyzing his performance on the CPM test, I am able to gain
valuable insights into Ziyan's pattern recognition, problem-solving capabilities, and abstract
thinking skills. The interpretation of this test is as follows:
• Quantitative Interpretation:

No. of errors 11

Score Obtained 25

Percentile 90

• Qualitative interpretation:

Ziyan's performance on the Color Progressive Matrices (CPM) test indicates advanced non-
verbal reasoning abilities. With a high score of 25 and a percentile rank of 90, he excels in
pattern recognition, abstract thinking, and problem-solving. The limited 11 errors showcase his
ability to navigate visual scenarios accurately. Ziyan's cognitive functioning in non-verbal
domains is notably advanced, positioning him among the top performers in his peer group.
Recommendations include providing challenging visual puzzles to further stimulate his
exceptional non-verbal reasoning skills. Overall, the CPM test highlights Ziyan's strengths and
informs tailored approaches for optimizing his cognitive development.
Soliosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)
The Soliosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT) offers insights into Ziyan's fine motor
skills, visual-motor coordination, and graphic abilities. Through tasks assessing accuracy,
precision, and attention to detail, the test provides a qualitative evaluation of his drawing
performance. The results help understand Ziyan's fine motor control, efficiency, and overall
proficiency in executing complex patterns, guiding strategies for fine motor skill improvement.
• Quantitative interpretation:

Number of errors 06

Total score Above 85 %

• Qualitative interpretation:
The quantitative interpretation of the Soliosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT) for Ziyan
indicates a high level of proficiency, with only six errors and a total score above 85%.
Qualitatively, this suggests that Ziyan demonstrates excellent fine motor skills and visual-
motor coordination. His ability to maintain accuracy, precision, and attention to detail in the
drawing tasks reflects a strong foundation in graphic abilities. The results imply that Ziyan
possesses advanced skills in executing complex patterns, showcasing efficient fine motor
control. The qualitative interpretation underscores his competence in drawing tasks and
suggests a positive foundation for further refinement and enhancement of fine motor skills if
Informal assessment:
The informal assessment of Ziyan plays a role in uncovering hidden talents or interests that
formal evaluations might overlook, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of
Ziyan's strengths. Importantly, the dynamic nature of informal assessments allows for an
evolving perspective, capturing changes and progress over time. Ultimately, the insights earned
through this process inform the development of targeted intervention strategies, with a focus
on addressing reported challenges, such as Ziyan's writing difficulties, and enhancing his
overall learning experience.
As I delved into addressing Ziyan's reported writing issues, the first step was to conduct a
comprehensive psychological assessment. Taking the initiative, I visited Ziyan and his family
at their home in Lahore on October 13, 2023. This pivotal day commenced with discussions
with Ziyan's parents, wherein I gathered valuable insights into his background, family
dynamics, and the concerns they had regarding his academic challenges. On this day, I also
conducted a detailed interview with Ziyan to understand his perspectives, preferences, and any
emotional aspects that could be influencing his writing abilities. The insights gained from this
interaction would serve as a foundational element in tailoring an intervention plan that
resonated with Ziyan's unique needs.
Furthering my commitment to a thorough assessment, I sought input from Ziyan's teacher to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the academic environment and the specific challenges
he faced in the classroom. The teacher's insights provided a crucial external perspective,
complementing the information gathered from Ziyan and his parents. Acknowledging the
collaborative nature of this endeavor, I engaged in a detailed discussion with Ziyan's mother,
emphasizing the importance of her cooperation in implementing the intervention plan
effectively. Given the challenge of balancing my university classes and the demands of this
intervention, I articulated a strategy that involved periodic visits to Lahore on weekends.
During these visits, I would assess Ziyan's weekly progress, provide guidance, and make
necessary adjustments to the intervention plan. In my absence, I entrusted Ziyan's mother with
the responsibility of implementing the plan and maintaining consistent communication.
Despite the logistical challenges, Ziyan's mother exhibited a remarkable willingness to
cooperate. Understanding the significance of this intervention for Ziyan's well-being, she
expressed her commitment to following through with my instructions and ensuring a seamless
execution of the plan. The mutual understanding established during this discussion laid the
groundwork for a collaborative effort between the family and me. Over the course of the
intervention, I dedicated five visits to Ziyan's home, strategically timed over the 8-week period.
These visits encompassed the initial week, the third week, the fifth week, and the last two
weeks consecutively. This meticulous scheduling allowed me to fulfill both my academic
responsibilities and the requirements of the intervention, ensuring a comprehensive and
effective approach to addressing Ziyan's writing challenges. The collaboration between Ziyan's
family and me exemplifies the commitment to his academic progress and well-being,
underscoring the importance of a unified effort in fostering positive change. A comprehensive
intervention for Ziyan's writing challenges involved thorough assessments, including
discussions with parents, interviews with Ziyan, insights from the teacher, and collaboration
with Ziyan's mother. Strategic scheduling of visits and a collaborative effort between the family
and me emphasized a unified commitment to Ziyan's academic progress and well-being.
Working week 01:
After managing everything strategically, so it was the first week that was starting form Monday
October, 16 2023. I called ziyan’s mother and told her to keep the record of his homework,
like in how much time he completes his homework. According to his mother, on his first day
of work he started his work at 7:00 PM and ends the work at 9:00 PM. This was the first day,
I assessed the overall speed rate in all the subjects. For a more nuanced assessment, I directed
Ziyan's mother to focus on specific subjects on consecutive days. The second day involved an
overview of his English subject, followed by assessments of his Urdu and math speeds on
subsequent days. This meticulous breakdown allowed for a targeted understanding of Ziyan's
performance in different areas.

As part of the assessment process, I traveled to Ziyan's

home in Lahore at the end of the week to analyze the
recorded data and formulate an intervention plan tailored to
his needs. This visit became evident that Ziyan faced
challenges in writing. To delve deeper into his capabilities,
I devised an informal testing criterion.

On Sunday, I assigned Ziyan the task of writing the alphabet (ABC...) on a page, which he
completed in a commendable 4 minutes. Building on this, I challenged him to write an essay
titled "My Favorite Thing." The time taken for this task was noted at 14 and a half minutes.
The contrasting durations between writing the alphabet and composing an essay served as a
dynamic measure to assess changes in Ziyan's writing speed. This initial week of assessment
provided valuable insights into Ziyan's baseline performance and set the stage for the upcoming
weeks of targeted intervention. The observations made during this period informed the
subsequent intervention plan, which aimed to address specific challenges identified in his
writing abilities.

In summary, During the initial week of assessment, starting on October 16, 2023, Ziyan's
homework completion times were recorded, and a detailed breakdown of subjects revealed
challenges in English and Urdu writing. Further analysis was conducted. An informal testing
criterion involved tasks such as writing the alphabet (4 minutes) and composing an essay titled
"My Favorite Thing" (14.5 minutes). This provided dynamic insights into Ziyan's writing speed
changes. The week's observations guided the formulation of a targeted intervention plan to
address specific writing challenges identified in Ziyan's baseline performance.
Working week 02:
After completing the initial assessment week, we transitioned into the second week, starting on
October 23, 2023. During this week, I told ziyan’s mother to focus on him as more as possible.
Like in this week she has to focus on ziyan with enormous amount of time. I told her to ensure
that, in this week ziyan has to do his work in your supervision with full attention and affective
time. Before delving into our designated working weeks, Ziyan was permitted an hour of
cartoon time daily, post-school and before his midday nap. In an attempt to motivate him, I
suggested that completing homework promptly could earn him additional cartoon time before
bedtime. The hope was that this strategy might prove effective. She followed this whole week
and at the end of the week there’s no effective and visionary change in the speed. There was
just slight change in his speed in the mid-day of week but after this now followed by other days
and can be seen on the last day of this working week.
So, the change depends on some factors. It might
possible that at those days the work quantity form school
may be less or its also possibility that the attention and
time given works or it’s also possible that his urges of
watching television cartoon urges him to do work as
soon as possible. But at the end of week there was a not
affective change. But change was minor.
As the week wrapped up, an informal testing criterion was conducted on behalf of me. This
time, he completed the ABC task in four minutes and wrote the "My Favorite Thing" essay in
14 minutes. While there was a slight improvement in essay writing compared to the previous
week, it did not represent a significant change. Recognizing the need for a nuanced and tailored
intervention plan, we acknowledged the importance of adapting our strategies to navigate
Ziyan's unique academic challenges in the upcoming weeks effectively.
In summary, Ziyan's mother focused on him extensively, with increased supervision and
attention. Despite incorporating motivational strategies, such as earning extra cartoon time for
prompt homework completion, there was only a minor change in Ziyan's speed. Factors
influencing this included varying schoolwork quantity, the effectiveness of attention and time
allocation, and Ziyan's own motivation. An informal testing criterion at the week's end revealed
a slight improvement in essay writing, with completion times of four minutes for the ABC task
and 14 minutes for the essay. Recognizing the need for nuanced adjustments, the importance
of tailored strategies for Ziyan's unique challenges was emphasized for upcoming weeks.
Working week 03:
Entering the third week of this journey, starting on October 30, 2023, things got a bit hectic
due to my semester exams. Given the circumstances, I had a quick chat with Ziyan's mom,
outlining a simple strategy for the week. The goal was to ensure that my exams went smoothly
without any disruptions. For this specific week, I suggested a somewhat stricter approach for
Ziyan. I advised his mom to be a bit firmer and not give him too much freedom. The idea was
to apply some consequences or punishments throughout the week to test the waters and see
how this intervention plan would unfold. It was a week of experimenting with a more
disciplined routine.
After completing my exams, I made a visit to Ziyan's home to check how things were
progressing. To my surprise, Ziyan's mom took the stricter plan seriously and adhered to it.
She implemented a bit of discipline and applied consequences when necessary. It was a week
focused on creating a more structured environment for Ziyan. As the week concluded, I
conducted an informal testing criterion to gauge Ziyan's progress. This time, the results were
promising. He completed the ABC task in just 3 minutes and wrote the "My Favorite Thing"
essay in 12 minutes. This showcased a substantial improvement from the first week,
highlighting that a more organized and disciplined approach could indeed make a real
difference in Ziyan's productivity.
However, it's essential to approach this with caution. Dealing
with a child too strictly may not be conducive to his well-
being and mental health. It's a delicate balance that needs to
be struck between discipline and creating a supportive
atmosphere. Looking ahead, it's evident that some
adjustments might be needed in our plan. The focus will be
on ensuring Ziyan receives the support he needs in a manner
that suits him best.
This way, we're not just concentrating on academic progress but also on cultivating an
environment where Ziyan can thrive positively and feel supported in Ziyan’s overall growth
and development
In summary, a stricter approach was experimented due to the examiner's semester exams,
resulting in a more disciplined routine for Ziyan. While this approach significantly improved
productivity, caution was emphasized, highlighting the need for a balanced and supportive
environment to foster both academic progress and Ziyan's overall well-being.
Working week 04:
Entering the week starting from November 06, 2023, I decided to switch gears in our
intervention plan compared to the previous week. This time, the focus was on creating a
friendly and positive environment for Ziyan, reversing the approach from the prior week. The
goal was to ensure a more pleasant and encouraging atmosphere for Ziyan's academic tasks.
Before returning to my university, I thoroughly briefed Ziyan's mother on the modified plan
for the upcoming week.
As the week began, Ziyan's mother adopted a different strategy. Instead of implementing any
form of punishment or strictness, she aimed to provide a positive and friendly environment for
Ziyan's schoolwork. She motivated him by promising to bake a cake if he completed his tasks
quickly and even granted him an extra hour to enjoy his favorite cartoons before bedtime.
Surprisingly, this approach yielded positive results, with Ziyan completing his work half an
hour earlier than usual. The entire week continued with this positively reinforced environment.
To keep things interesting, Ziyan's mother introduced
variations in the rewards throughout the week. She replaced
the cake with chocolate on the second day and planned a
special outing on the following day, deviating from their
usual routine. This approach resulted in a week filled with
positive reinforcement, leading to significant
improvements in Ziyan's work habits and completion time.
At the end of the week, an informal testing criterion was conducted by Ziyan's mother on my
behalf. This time, Ziyan completed the ABC task in just 2 minutes and wrote the "My Favorite
Thing" essay in 10 minutes. The results were highly promising, showcasing a remarkable
improvement compared to the initial and previous weeks. The modified intervention plan
proved to be effective, demonstrating the impact of a positive and supportive approach on
Ziyan's academic performance. This positive shift not only highlights the success of the adapted
strategy but also emphasizes the importance of tailoring intervention plans to suit the individual
needs and responses of the child.
While rewarding Ziyan for good behavior has worked well, there are some things to be careful
about. If we give him treats or rewards all the time, he might only do things for the reward, not
because he enjoys them. Also, changing the rewards too much might make him focus more on
getting treats quickly instead of really understanding his work. Another thing to think about is
whether his mom can keep up with giving rewards all the time. We want Ziyan to enjoy doing
his work because it's interesting, not just because he gets something in return. There's also a
concern about Ziyan learning to prioritize tasks based on rewards rather than intrinsic value.
Sustainability is another issue, considering the extensive effort from Ziyan's mother and the
risk of the strategy losing effectiveness over time. A balanced approach is needed to promote
both intrinsic motivation and holistic development. Regular evaluations and adjustments to the
intervention plan can help mitigate these challenges.
Working week 05:
In the week starting from November 13, 2023, I decided to conduct an experiment to
understand how much attention, time, punishment, and reinforcement impact the duration of
Ziyan's homework. For this week, the plan was to remove or minimize all these factors and
observe the results. I communicated this plan to Ziyan's mother, explaining the details and with
the goal of improving Ziyan's capabilities for his upcoming exams in December.
Ziyan's mother, understanding the experimental nature of
the plan, agreed to follow the instructions, even with the
concern about the upcoming exams. Throughout the week,
she implemented the plan, removing positive
reinforcement, reducing full-time attention, and refraining
from using punishment. Ziyan continued to complete his
work during the usual time from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM,
similar to the period before the intervention plan started.
At the end of the week, I visited Ziyan's home to conduct an informal testing criterion
developed by me to assess the changes in his speed over the week. This time, he completed the
ABC task in 3 minutes and wrote the "My Favorite Thing" essay in 12 minutes. The results
were comparable to the first week but not as positive as the previous week, indicating that some
level of attention and reinforcement might be beneficial in improving his work speed. This
experiment provides valuable insights into the factors influencing Ziyan's performance,
guiding us in developing a more tailored and effective intervention plan.
In summary, various factors affecting Ziyan's homework duration, such as attention, time,
punishment, and reinforcement, were minimized to observe their impact. Although the results
showed improvements compared to the initial week, they were not as positive as the previous
week with a more balanced approach. This highlights the importance of incorporating some
level of attention and reinforcement to enhance Ziyan's work speed, informing the need for a
more personalized and effective intervention plan.
Working week 06:
In the subsequent week, commencing from November 20, 2023, I decided to reintroduce all
the elements that were removed in the previous week's experiment. This included providing
Ziyan with positive reinforcement, full-time attention, and using punishment when needed. The
aim was to evaluate how these factors influenced the duration of Ziyan's homework compared
to the week when they were minimized.
Before implementing the plan, I discussed the
reintegration of these elements with Ziyan's mother.
I explained that the purpose was to observe the
impact of positive reinforcement, attention, and, if
necessary, punishment on Ziyan's work speed. She
agreed to follow the plan, understanding the
experimental nature and the potential benefits for
Ziyan's academic progress.
Throughout the week, Ziyan's mother ensured that Ziyan received positive reinforcement for
completing his tasks promptly. She also provided him with full-time attention and implemented
appropriate consequences for any deviations. This comprehensive approach aimed to create an
environment conducive to enhancing Ziyan's work speed. This time he had done his work from
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. As the week concluded, ziyan’s mother conduct an informal testing
criterion on behalf of me, designed to assess the changes in his speed over the week. This time,
he completed the ABC task in 2 minutes and wrote the "My Favorite Thing" essay in 10
minutes. The results demonstrated a marked improvement compared to both the first week and
the experimental week without these elements.
The findings highlight the positive impact of reinstating positive reinforcement, attention, and,
when necessary, punishment on Ziyan's work speed. This information will guide us in refining
the intervention plan, striking a balance between necessary support and fostering Ziyan's
independence in his academic endeavors.
In the week starting from November 20, 2023, positive reinforcement, full-time attention, and
occasional punishment were reintroduced after an experimental reduction. Ziyan's mother
followed the plan diligently. The results showed a notable improvement in Ziyan's work speed,
completing tasks more swiftly. This underscores the positive impact of a balanced approach
and guides future adjustments in the intervention plan to provide optimal support while
fostering Ziyan's independence in his academic pursuits.
Working week 07:
Heading into the 7th week of the intervention plan starting on November 27, 2023, a thoughtful
approach was adopted, building on the success of the previous week. As all of we we know
that excess of everything is bad. Recognizing the importance of balance, moderation became
the guiding principle. The modified plan retained elements that had proven effective while
introducing a level of moderation in each aspect. In this nuanced strategy, punishments, if
necessary, were administered with a measured approach, ensuring a fair and understanding
environment. The atmosphere maintained a moderate and polite tone, avoiding excessive
To conclude the week on a positive note, a modest
yet meaningful positive reinforcement was
introduced, possibly an outing or activity Ziyan
particularly enjoyed. This tailored plan was
communicated to Ziyan's mother, who embraced the
approach and implemented it throughout the week.
The results were notably positive, indicating that a
balanced and moderate intervention plan resonated
well with Ziyan.
At the week's end, a visit to Ziyan's home facilitated an informal testing criterion designed to
gauge the changes in his work speed over the week. Encouragingly, this time, he completed
the ABC task in a swift 2 minutes and composed the "My Favorite Thing" essay in just 8
minutes, showcasing significant improvement compared to previous weeks. This adaptive and
moderate approach not only yielded positive outcomes but also emphasized the importance of
tailoring intervention plans to suit Ziyan's individual needs and responses. It laid the foundation
for ongoing adjustments, ensuring a supportive and effective strategy as Ziyan continued on
his academic journey.
In summary, In the 7th week of the intervention plan (starting November 27, 2023), a balanced
and moderate approach was adopted, building on the success of the previous week. The plan
retained effective elements with a measured use of punishments and introduced modest positive
reinforcement. Results were notably positive, with Ziyan completing tasks more swiftly,
emphasizing the importance of tailoring interventions to suit individual needs. The adaptive
and moderate strategy laid a foundation for ongoing adjustments, ensuring a supportive and
effective plan for Ziyan's academic journey.
Working week 08:
As we stepped into the crucial 8th week of our intervention plan, starting on December 4, 2023,
we chose to maintain the same strategy to evaluate the consistency and reliability of the
previous interventions. My aim was to ensure that the positive progress we had observed in
recent weeks was enduring and dependable. Throughout the week, we closely monitored the
outcomes, and interestingly, the results mirrored those of the previous week with minor
differences. While the variations were small, the overall trend indicated consistent and
substantial improvements, reflecting the positive impact of our intervention plan on Ziyan's
performance. This was especially noteworthy when comparing these results to the initial week
of our intervention plan.
Approaching the last weekend, a critical juncture for
evaluating the effectiveness of our efforts, Ziyan's
parents and I conducted a speed test using our informal
testing criteria. The results were remarkable, with
Ziyan completing the ABC task in just 2 minutes and
crafting the "My Favorite Thing" essay in a swift 8
minutes. These outcomes, similar to the previous week
but with continued improvements, underscored the
enduring positive effects of on Ziyan's performance.
The consistency in results from week to week highlighted the effectiveness of the strategies
employed and demonstrated Ziyan's commendable progress over the course of the intervention.
In these 8 weeks of my intervention plan, all the tests used for informal testing criterion are
attached at the last of the week’s interpretation, both assessment report cards are also attached.
Some of positive reinforcements include baking a cake for ziyan, giving him some candies,
some outings rather than routine, a visit towards cousin house etc. this whole was very
beneficial. In this whole process his mother cooperates as much as she can. In addition, coloring
in drawings are also be done by him to keep in engage with the work effectively.
In summary, consistent and substantial improvements in Ziyan's performance were observed,
mirroring the positive trend from previous weeks. A critical speed test at the week's end
showcased Ziyan's remarkable progress, completing tasks swiftly. The enduring positive
effects of the intervention plan were evident, emphasizing the success of strategies employed
over the 8-week period. Positive reinforcements, cooperation from Ziyan's mother, and
engaging activities contributed to the overall effectiveness of the intervention plan.
Case formulation
In the quest to address Ziyan's reported writing challenges, a comprehensive intervention plan
was meticulously crafted through a dynamic process of informal assessment and close
collaboration with his family and teacher. Commencing with a thorough psychological
assessment, valuable insights were gleaned from conversations with Ziyan, his parents, and
teacher. These insights served as the bedrock for tailoring a plan that would holistically address
Ziyan's unique needs. The commitment to this endeavor involved strategic visits to Lahore,
deftly coordinated with my academic responsibilities, and establishing a collaborative
partnership with Ziyan's mother.
The week-to-week assessment provided a nuanced understanding of Ziyan's evolving
performance and highlighted the necessity for adaptive strategies. The initial assessment week
served as a diagnostic phase, unveiling challenges in both English and Urdu writing.
Subsequent weeks witnessed strategic interventions, transitioning from a disciplined routine to
a positive reinforcement approach. Notably, the delicate balance between maintaining
discipline and providing support became apparent, evident in the positive outcomes of a
structured week and the subsequent need for a more amiable and encouraging environment.
Weeks five and six introduced experimental phases, where elements such as attention,
reinforcement, and punishment were selectively removed or reintroduced to gauge their impact
on Ziyan's work speed. The findings from these experiments underscored the significance of
positive reinforcement, focused attention, and occasional consequences in enhancing Ziyan's
productivity. These insights informed the continuous adjustment and refinement of the
intervention plan.
In week seven, a thoughtful and balanced approach was adopted, recognizing the importance
of moderation in intervention strategies. Elements that had proven effective were retained, but
with a measured and fair application of punishments, ensuring an understanding and supportive
environment. The week concluded with a notable improvement in Ziyan's work speed,
validating the efficacy of a nuanced and moderate intervention plan.
As the pivotal eighth week unfolded, the focus shifted to evaluating the consistency of progress.
Results mirrored those of the previous week, indicating enduring positive effects. The
culmination of the intervention showcased Ziyan's substantial progress, with consistent
improvements in both the ABC task and essay writing speed. This holistic and adaptive
approach, incorporating psychological insights, family collaboration, and dynamic
adjustments, not only effectively addressed Ziyan's writing challenges but also fostered a
positive and supportive environment for his overall development. The success of this
intervention underscores the effectiveness of a personalized, collaborative, and evolving
strategy in promoting a child's academic and emotional well-being.
The attached tests provide a comprehensive view of the journey, including assessment report
cards, informal testing criteria, and positive reinforcements such as baking a cake, outings, and
engaging coloring activities. Ziyan's mother's unwavering cooperation played a pivotal role in
the success of this holistic intervention, showcasing the collective efforts dedicated to Ziyan's
growth and well-being.

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