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The Perfect Luna

By Marissa Gilbert


Riannon stood there watching how her husband, Alpha Bran of six years brought his
true mate Roxy to their packhouse. Although he was insisting that his mate was only
there to appease his wolf, Ria knew the hard truth. In less then a year this little
abused shy omega would destroy everything that Ria loved and treasured. Being the
Perfect Luna was simply not enough for her beloved husband when his mate bond
kicked in. But also… their divorce wasn’t enough for the evil omega. Right before
her own Luna crowning ceremony, she ordered to brutally kill Ria and everyone who
was still loyal to her.

However, the Moon Goddess had other plans. Ria was returned to the exact moment
where her life turned upside down with a chance to change everything. A chance that
she was not going to waste.

Her husband and Roxy are shocked to see the sudden change and Riannon enjoys her
sweet revenge.

But what she did not expect was that the changes that she was making, were creating
a chain reaction. Thanks to that, she soon meets her own mate — the most powerful
alphs wolf in the world. And that’s when the story truly begins.

Stary Writing Academy Ill — Girlpower — Rebirth of the Heroine.

Chapter 1. Stunned


Riannon stood there not quite believing her eyes. Her husband of six years had his
arm wrapped around a petite girl in the middle of their pack house. The cute ginger
head peeked at her discretely and Ria could swear that she saw a smirk for half of
a second.

“Ri, dear,” Brayden, her legal husband, chosen mate and the Alpha of their pack
addressed her in a way he always did when they were alone, “l need to confess… I
have found my true mate. Her name is Roxanne.”

The silence in the room was deadly from the moment the two of them walked in,
holding hands. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and all eyes were on the
three of them. The Alpha, the Luna and the Alpha’s mate.
Ria couldn’t force herself to say anything, so Brayden took the lead.

“Listen, I know that we are chosen mates and you will always be my Luna, I assure
you of that. But since my wolf saw Roxy, he is going nuts. It would be bad for the
pack if I rejected her now.

He wouldn’t be able to deal with it. And it will weaken us.”

There it was - the excuse!

The two of them were school sweethearts, the perfect couple. Rhiannon was a
daughter and the heiress of a powerful Alpha from a very strong pack. Brayden was
her father’s best friend’s son and the future Alpha of his own pack. Since they
started dating when she was just 15 and he was 16, everybody couldn’t stop buzzing
that they were true mates. They were always the IT couple and everyone envied their
love. Besides, as a daughter of any alpha, Ria was educated to become a Luna one
day. And not just any Luna. The perfect one. She spent all her free time studying
what she would have to do for the rest of her life. And she mastered every single
thing to perfection. So that when she was 18 and ready to marry Bray, she would be

But Bray’s 18th birthday was before hers. She trembled to meet him on that day,
longing to hear the one and only most significant word of both of their lives -

He got to her pack early that day and she ran down the stairs to greet him. But as
she ran, both their smiles faded a bit. She couldn’t feel anything, but he already

“We are not mates, aren’t we?” she asked, tears trickling down her chin.

“Not the fated ones,” Brayden sighed heavily and locked her in his arms, his lips
touching her hair. They stood like this for quite some time, waiting for the
disappointment to wash away. And when they were ready, Bray took her face into his
hands and said, “It doesn’t matter, Ri! I choose you! I will always choose you! No
matter what, no one can break the love between us. You will be my mate, my chosen
mate! My one and only!”

It did help that their families practically planned the whole wedding at this
point. Her father had no son anymore since Riannon’s older brother died young
trying to save their little twin sisters from the rogues. All of them died as a
result and Ria was the only one left. So, there was a pressing matter of who would
be inheriting the pack. And Bray seemed like the obvious choice. The two of them
loved each other and no family members were against the merger of the two strong

A contract was drawn but Bray suggested waiting until Riannon was 19. He told her
that he had made his choice but wanted her to try and find her mate before she made
hers. They were visiting other packs for the whole year before her next birthday.
And then got married one month later, since no mates were found but their feelings
were only getting stron ger.

They became the power couple of the werewolf world and merged both their packs into
one, year by year, working to make it stronger. And now, at twenty-five, Ria was a
renowned Luna whom everyone loved and admired.

Riannon traced her gaze around the room and saw the shocked faces of her packmates.
Yet she couldn’t help but notice that not everyone seemed startled by the recent
events. Her husband’s Beta was watching quietly from the distance, his hands
crossed on his chest. But absolutely no surprise in his eyes.

However, the most stunned among them all was still Riannon herself. Although not
for the reasons that they all assumed.

Her fingers were trembling and lips twitching slightly as she looked at her husband
and his true mate with wide eyes.

“No,” she muttered, “It couldn’t be!”

Why would the Moon Goddess return her to that exact moment in time when all her
life was turned upside down, leading to her demise?

What was going on ? For her it was one year ago. Andjust seconds ago, Ria was
crawling on the ground in the woods, fighting for her life as two creatures
followed her closely. The wolf found her first, digging his sharp canines into her
flesh and making her wince in pain.

She was a strong wolfherself, but unfortunately, someone drugged her with aconite,
making her weak, unable to shift and practically paralysed.

The wolfgrowled as he ripped a part ofher thigh offand, for the first time during
this attack, Riannon screamed loudly.

“You can shout all you want,” the girl who stepped forward said, “No one is going
to hear you here. Especially now.”

Ria recognised that voice at once. Her tormentor was none other than her husband’s
true mate, Roxanne.

“You?!” Ria panted, trying to sit up, “Why are you doing it? You already took
everything from me! My husband, my position as Luna, my pack…

The wolfgrowled at her and she tried to recognize him, but it was too dark and she
was too weak. The only thing that she knew was that the werewolf was brown, Yet
there were many brown wolves in the world, so it did not help.

“l have my reasons, ” Roxy smirked, rubbing her round belly, “And I don ‘t have to
explain them to you. Not anymore. Your time has passed. You are done, Riannon.”

“They will find everything out!” the ex-Luna pleaded, “You will not get away with

Resounding laughter was her answer as Roxy kneeled next to her and grabbed a
fistful of her hair, “Dear, Riannon, don ‘tyouget it? I already did!”

She then forcefully threw Ria towards the ground and ordered the wolf, “Finish her
off Make sure nothing is left.”

Her arms and her legs were not listening anymore as Riannon watched Roxy walk away
leisurely. As ifshe did notjust order her murder. A tear trickled down Ria ls cheek
as the wolf had a moment ofhesitation. She did not deserve it!

It was not fair!

Ifshe had another chance, she would do everything differently.

“l am waiting!” Roxanne ‘s sweet voice broke her train of thought as the wolfjumped
over her and ended her life in seconds.

Riannon gasped as she suddenly found herself in the reception room of her house.
Something was off because all the old furniture that she loved so much was in
place. She couldn’t understand what was going on until Bran walked in with Roxy in
his arms and she recognized the day as exactly one year ago.

“The Moon Goddess has some sick sense of humour!” Ria thought to herself, “Out of
all of the moments of my life, she brought me back into this most miserable and
unpleasant one. What is up with that?!”

Luckily, she was always reserved and knew how to hide her feelings pretty well. So,
she just lifted her chin up and met her husband’s gaze. “l understand that this is
very sudden,” Bray tried to sound considerate and she barely managed to hold back a
scoff. Sudden? He had no idea!

“l know our agreement, but my wolf is going nuts. You are not only my Luna, but
also my best friend, who always understands me. And know that you always want
what’s best for the pack. Roxanne is an omega and an orphan in her pack. Ri, it was
horrible how she was treated there! They abused her and treated the girl like a
slave! I couldn’t leave her there. It would be horrible and my wolf would never
forgive me. I just need her presence here. That’s all.”

He finally let go of Roxanne, leaving the redhead alone and went to his wife,
taking her hands in his.

“Let her stay in the pack for the sake of it. My wolf is stronger next to her, the
rejection would kill him. And we can give Roxy a peaceful life here. She will. .

“No,” the answer sounded calm yet loud enough for everyone to hear…

A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Hello, this is my first published book on Dreame and I am
very excited to start this journey. I promise you a bumpy ride with loads of twists
and turns. Don’t be shy and leave me a comment. I also have a group called Marissa
Gilbert’s Reading Circle where readers discuss chapters, characters and share

Right now the book is taking part in the Dreame Ace Book Contest. Please, consider
giving it your vote by clicking on a gift box or finding the book on the ranking


o Marissa Gilbert

Hello, this is my first published book on Dreame and I am very excited to start
this journey. I promise you a bumpy ride with loads of twists and turns. Don’t be
shy and leave me a comment. I also have a group called Marissa Gilbert’s Reading
Circle where readers discuss chapters, characters and sha
Chapter 2. Rejection

They all stared at her in shock. Bray’s eyes were as wide as two saucers.

“Ri, my wolf ” he started the same song again and she wanted to laugh. She had
already heard it all back in her previous life. He was bringing up his wolf every
time he wanted to spend time with Roxy. He never rejected her like they agreed and
very soon she became his m istress.

Riannon tried to close her eyes even though it was extremely painful for her. But
she was the one who truly cared about the pack and tried to drown herself in work.
This was her other mistake. But since she got a second chance, she was not going to
repeat it. She was going to get rid of Roxy here and now. Before it was too late.

Back then, Bray told her that it was her choice, and she chose wrong. Letting
Roxanne stay for the sake of the pack was a big mistake.

People died because of that and not only her. Ria’s eyes met with her best friend
Maya’s and tears almost rolled in her eyes. Maya was one of those killed in Roxy’s
schemes. She had her doubts before, but now she knew for sure. She was going to get
rid of this evil once and for all.

“l said no,” she repeated herself and looked back at her husband with coldness, “We
talked about this before and came to an agreement. We’ll find a good pack for her,
who will take care of her. But she will not stay here. You need to reject her just
as we agreed

One question that was bothering her was why Bran chose to have this conversation in
public. But it wasn’t the time to think about it. Now she had more pressing

“Riannon,” Bray suddenly got serious, stepping in front of Roxanne, who was hiding
behind him and shaking like a leaf in the wind, “Think about this. I wouldn’t ask
you if it wasn’t important. I am the Alpha of our pack and my wolf is going crazy
for his mate. We can’t risk. .

“Brayden,” she addressed him calmly, “Our pack is one of the strongest in the
country. We are not at war with anyone. And you are a strong Alpha. I believe in
you, I always did. You know that. I am sure that rejecting your true mate would not
be easy, but we will get through it. As a family that we are.”

“l just want what’s best for the pack,” Bray mumbled, not sounding so sure anymore
and Ria felt a prick of hope.

“If you want what’s best for the pack, do it now,” she said, “The longer you put it
off, the harder it would get. And if she is anything, she is your weakness. You
already go back on your word and this is day one.”

His lips twitched slightly, and Ria knew what it meant. Her victory was close. She
almost got rid of this redhead monster.

Sighing, Bray turned to Roxanne and spoke to her softly, “l am sorry. I’ll make
sure to take care of you afterwards. I promise. ..”

Ria did not notice how hard she clenched the fabric of her dress. Was it always
this easy? Could she stop all the disasters that happened to her if she simply said
no at once?
“l, Alpha Brayden Thorn of the Silver River pack, reject.. her husband started to
say in a firm voice, when the omega in front of him fell to her knees, bursting
into tears.

“Please, no!” she whimpered, “l am still too weak! I will die if you reject me now!
Please! I’ll do anything!”

Bray froze. He couldn’t bring himself to reject this little delicate mate of his.
And this was the moment when Riannon realised that everything was lost. He turned
to face her again and she held his gaze with pride.

“Please, Alpha!” Roxy started to sob and Ria had to give it to her. If she didn’t
know who was before her, she would have bought it too. “l will be your slave! I can
clean and I can cook! I can do anything! Just, please, spare me! Don’t do this! I
will serve your Luna!”

A wave of electric shock went through Ria at the mention of her. She looked at her
rival and met a gaze full of well-hidden hatred.

“Please, my Luna!” the girl kept begging still kneeling, “My fate is in your hands!
Please, don’t kill me! Please, spare me! I will be your slave forever. Don’t kill

No one spoke a word and the only sounds in the room were the pitiful sobs and
sniffs of Roxanne.

“Sweet girl,” Riannon decided to try one last time, “There is no need for all that.
You will be well taken care of, but just not here.”

“Please, my Luna!” Roxy crawled to her way faster than Ria managed to dodge her and
grasped her dress, “The rejection will kill me!

Please, spare me!”

Ria wanted to say something but a

loud growl made her stop.

“Enough!” Brayden roared, looking at her with his eyes shining red, meaning that
his wolf was at the surface.

“Calm down,” his Luna said firmly but yet another growl emerged from him as he was

“l said enough!” Brayden appeared next to Roxanne in no time and scooped her in his

“She is staying! We’ll find a way around everything!”

He walked firmly towards the huge staircase, taking his mate upstairs to one of the
guestrooms. Ria knew very well which room it would be - the one in the far corner
of the mansion, where her husband would practically move in no time. Roxanne’s head
was tucked into Brayden’s neck and Riannon was sure that it was not a coincidence
that she was now breathing into his collarbone, right where a mark should go.

Automatically, she touched the mark he gave her when she was nineteen and caught
the omega’s gaze on herself. Roxanne was watching. And Ria knew that today she lost
just ike the last time.
Nothing changed. Her words and actions on that day played absolutely no part in
what happened. It was like a very bad movie on repeat…

“Ri!” Maya came up to her when their Alpha was gone, “Are you okay?”

Riannon looked at her best friend, the one that she lost. Not thinking twice, she
threw herself in Maya’s arms. After the death of her parents, this was the only
person, apart from

Brayden, whom she could trust with everything.

“There, there,” she patted her long platinum blonde hair, “It’s going to be all
right. He will reconsider, I am sure.”

Only now did Ria realise how everything looked like to the people around her and
distanced herself at once. She already lost her husband, there was no need to lose
her face too. “l am fine,” she said and caught the Beta’s gaze on her.

Ash nodded and gave her a soft sympathetic smile, before shouting loudly, “l feel
like everyone forgot what they were supposed to be doing! The work is waiting!”

“Let’s go to your room,” Maya suggested, “We’ll talk about everything there.”

No, Ria did not need this conversation. She remembered it very well. Because they

had it.

What she really needed now was some time alone. Because she needed to process
things and to come up with a new plan.

She couldn’t save her marriage, but she could still save Maya, other people who
died with Roxy’s help, her pack and her own life.

“l just can’t right now,” she smiled at her friend, squeezing her hands, still not
quite believing that she was here, “Let’s talk another time. I have a lot of work
to do.”

“Work?” Maya’s eyes grew wide, “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Ria fixed the creases on her dress, “Now that our Alpha is… busy, I have to
step in.

The pack comes first.”

She gave her friend another warm smile and added, “Everything is going to be all
right, Maya. We are going to be fine. All of us.”

Riannon locked the door of her Luna office and tried to control her ragged
breathing. Too much! Everything was too much for her. She needed to clear her head
and think of everything. She needed a plan. And a good one. She had to save
everyone, herself included.

But the office was too stuffy. And she

needed to breathe!

Only one thing could help her and it was shifting into her wolf.
Riannon went into the woods that were surrounding their pack and stripped,
preparing to change her form.

But nothing happened.

“Onyx, are you there?” she spoke to her wolf for the first time since her sudden
rebirth less than an hour before but did not get a reply. It was alarming. Onyx was
there her whole life.

“Onyx!” Ria called for her second half but was met with silence. Angry, she ran as
fast as she could using her human legs. She was still super fast and strong, which
could only mean that her wolf was somewhere there. She was not weak. But what was

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hello, if you will read this chapter at any moment in time-let me know. It would
for sure make my day. And let me know what you think.

Chapter 3. The Call


The Call

It did not take her long to get to her most favourite place in the world - the
Silver Mirror Lake. This was the only place where Riannon could be alone. It was
far enough from the packhouse and close to the borders of the pack. But it was safe
since they did not have any rogue attacks in that area. Just one pack away from
here was the Lycans territory and it was rumoured that the Alpha King residence was
also somewhere close. No one was foolish enough to enter these lands and check

So, Ria did not think twice when she stopped by the ledge of the lake, naked, and
jumped into the water. It was cold but at the same time, it was exactly what she
needed to calm herself down.

She let herself embrace the dark night when only the full moon shone upon her,
making crystals of water sparkle on her skin when she felt someone’s presence. It
was powerful and dominating, yet did not belong to her husband

and made her alert at once.

Pretending that nothing happened, Ria carefully looked around and her eyes caught a
figure of a huge wolf at a hill on the other side of the lake. He was dark,
probably black. And his eyes were shining golden.
It was a bad sign. Very bad.

Riannon decided not to risk it and went underwater, getting to the shore as soon as
she could and running for her life. Only a loud howl followed her.

She was back in the safe territory in no time. Luckily, her clothes were right
where she left them. She pulled her dress on and tried to do the zipper at the back
but her fingers were not reaching it.

“Let me help,” two hands touched her back and Beta Asher helped her with her little
problem. Ria wondered if he had been there the whole time. But it did not matter in
the long run. Werewolves were used to naked bodies. It wouldn’t be the first time
he saw her without clothes. It wouldn’t be the last… probably. “What are you doing
here?” she asked the man, turning to face him.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he said with an

unreadable expression on his face, “Found your clothes and understood that you were
on a run.

But why didn’t you shift?”

“l did,” she lied without blinking. If anyone knew that she couldn’t shift, then
her fate would be decided even sooner. She couldn’t afford that. Ria knew that she
needed time. “But that’s not important,” she decided to change the subject quickly,
“There was an intruder at the Silver Lake. Send wolves to check it out.”

“Of course, Luna,” he said and his eyes lost focus for a second as he was giving
orders via the mind link.

Riannon decided not to wait for him and walked slowly into the house. But Ash
caught up with her quickly and opened the door to the mansion for her.

“It’s going to be alright,” he said to her all of a sudden and she stopped. Back in
the day, he used to say it to her all the time. Yet when decisions had to be made,
he always took her husband’s side. It was one of the betrayals that hurt the most
because she was sure that her relationship with the Beta was good prior to all
that. Yet he didn’t even object when they stripped her of her title. .. There were
a lot of things that she wanted to tell him but she couldn’t.

So, she just placed her delicate hand on his broad shoulder and looked him in the
eye, smiling sadly, “You knew, didn’t you?”

His expression changed as if a flash of lightning hit him and his lips parted
slightly. “Yes, Luna,” he confessed, darting his eyes to the ground.

“It’s okay,” she patted him, “l understand.

You can’t go against your Alpha’s command.”

“If I could.. .” he started to speak but she placed her finger to his mouth making
a shushing sound.

“Doesn’t matter,” she shrugged her shoulders, “At least I will always have your
support, Ash. Right?”

“Always, Luna,” his breathing became heavy and Ria tilted her head, watching him.
This was an interesting development. Why was he reacting like that?
“Then, of course, I’ll be fine,” she chuckled and went inside. She had to think of
what to do next.

Ria locked herself in her bedroom. She knew that Brayden would not be coming back
tonight to share the bed with her. As far as she remembered, he hadn’t been
sleeping with Roxy at that point yet and spent the whole night in his private
office drinking and thinking of life. In the morning, he would bring her flowers
and gifts… and an apology even. But Roxy would still stay.

After a long and relaxing bath, Ria went to her desk and got her old journal. She
hadn’t been using it for many years, but it was dear to her heart. And it was just
the right place to write down every single event that was important and that was
going to happen within the year leading to her death.

She tried to remember everything while she still could.

And she knew very well what she was going to do with this information. The game was

The plan was simple, really. Since she couldn’t change the main event and get rid
of Roxy, she had to leave. But she couldn’t leave without her pack and without
making sure that all her dear friends were alive and well. Not to mention, that it
was particularly important to try and show Brayden and the rest Roxanne’s true
face. Everybody around thought that she was an angel while, in fact, she was the
devil. Ria was afraid to even think what would happen if Roxy became the Luna for
real, because she for sure wouldn’t have the pack’s interests at heart.

And although Ria’s own heart craved revenge, she didn’t want her life’s work to be
ruined. Plus, she didn’t have it in her heart to hate everyone. She saved it for
just a selected few. The ones who betrayed her trust and led to her demise, the
ones who promised her respect and protection but gave her humiliation and
suffering. Yes, those were the ones she was going to concentrate on.

The door suddenly opened, and Brayden walked in, making her close the journal with
the list of events and names rapidly and hide it back in the drawer. Luckily, he
didn’t pay attention to that.

Guilt was all over his face and Ria wanted to roll her eyes, but held herself back.
She couldn’t give herself away. This event did not happen prior. In her past life,
he didn’t visit her that night. This was new and she had to be cautious.

“Ri,” he walked further into the room, “Ash informed me that you encountered an
intruder. Are you okay?”

This was funny. She was sitting there, clearly looking well and in one piece. Who
was he kidding? Was it guilt because she put up a fight and he still chose his

“It was unpleasant,” Riannon shrugged her shoulders and stood up. If he decided to
ignore the big pink elephant in the room, she could do the same. In the end, it was
for the best. Their past conversations about Roxy never ended well. He would never
believe what a monster his mate was. So, the less Riannon talked about her, the

“And also disappointing”, she went to the window to hide her facial expression.

“How so?” Brayden caught the bait.

“We are one of the strongest packs and some wolf is just wandering on our
territory, spying on your Luna who is swimming naked in the lake…”

“He what?” Brayden growled possessively. Back in the day, it would drive her crazy
in the best sense of the word. But right now… she was annoyed. He just claimed
another woman in front of so many people. He had no right to growl like that in her
presence anymore. She didn’t put it into words, of course.

“You heard me,” she said, “And instead of looking for that wolf the Alpha is doing
goddess knows what. No offence, but this is exactly what I was talking about
earlier today. Your mate already distracted you from what was important.”

It was a low blow. But she needed him to be busy with something else right now. In
the past, the closer he got to Roxy, the more power and supporters she received.
And the worse it got for Riannon and her close people. If she could postpone the
wheel of events for at least one day, she would do it.

“You are angry,” he sighed, “l understand, of course. I broke my promise to you.

l.. .”

“Let’s not speak of it,” she stopped him, “It is what it is.”

“Ri, baby,” he nibbled on her neck, right where he marked her years ago, bonding
their two wolves forever, acknowledging her as his chosen mate. “l hurt you and I
will do anything to fix that.”

Not everything. She knew that too well.

“Only you can be my Luna, you know that, right?” he started peppering her neck with
kisses, trying to unzip her dress at the same time.

This was… odd. She hadn’t slept with him for a while. Their paths went in different
directions more than half a year ago in her past life. She was his abandoned and
rejected wife… Ria clenched her fists and then turned to face him.

“No!” she made him stop, “Not today.” Or ever. He had his last chance and he blew
it. She did not want him anymore. If her wolf Onyx was here now, she would be
howling from pain as she was attached to Brayden’s wolf Ragnar. But she didn’t feel
Onyx now. She wasn’t under her influence. And she was furious.

She did not show it though. Her mom trained her well to conceal emotions. Finally,
it was useful.

“Ri?” Brayden looked at her in shock. Before this day they were happy together.
Which reminded Ria that he probably found Roxy earlier and was lying to her for the
past few days. Or maybe weeks. “Honey, don’t do this. I love you and we are family.
We will always be family.”

“Believe it or not, but I am not feeling well after everything that happened
today,” she looked him in the eye, “But it will make me happy if you bring me the
intruder’s head.

He nodded quietly, “Anything for you, Ri.”

Her husband brushed her cheek and she tolerated that. Even forced a smile for the
sake of the show.

“You’ll have his head in the morning!” he promised before leaving her alone.

Maya tried to reach her mentally but

Riannon just asked her to wait until the morning.

After a mostly sleepless night, she knew what she had to do and she also knew her
first step.

In her office, she dialled the number that none other werewolves would risk
dialling. But she was left with no choice.

“Hello, Beta Reid speaking,” the annoyed male voice sounded on the other end and
Riannon gulped before speaking.

“Hello, Beta. This is Luna Riannon Thorn.

Nee Michaels.”

It didn’t ring a bell to him.

“And?” he seemed bored.

“Seven years ago I saved your nephew during a rogue attack in one of the boarding
schools. Back then you gave me this number and told me that you owe me one.”

The lycan paused before answering her.

“And I guess you are calling to collect?” he chuckled, “And here I thought that
there were selfless people in this world..

“l wouldn’t ask if lives did not depend on it,” she interrupted him. Lycans were
hard to get in touch with. They did not mingle with regular werewolves with rare
exceptions. But sometimes they attended elite boarding schools for shifters. That’s
when Ria’s luck was on her side.

“Fine,” the man agreed, “What do you want then?”

“l need to speak to the Lycan Alpha King,” Riannon said firmly.

Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 3. Eek. I will be updating the book on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
until the end of the month. I plan to start daily updates in December. Please. let
me know if you read the book. You have no idea how much it will mean to me.

Chapter 4. Royal Confrontation

“Bold, aren’t we?” the Beta chuckled and Ria didn’t know what to think. “Do you
think that the King will do whatever I tell him?”

“l hope he respects you enough to do you a little favour,” she bit her lip. She was
walking on thin ice here and was aware of that.

But she had no choice either.

“Fine,” the man grunted softly and for the first time Ria wondered what he was
doing, “Crystle, dear, that’s enough of sucking. I need to go.”

Then he groaned again and Riannon’s ears turned red with embarrassment. Was he in
bed with someone? Why did he pick up then?!

There were sounds of rustling and a female voice, “See you tonight, Beta.” And then
sounds of steps.

“Just so that you know,” the Beta spoke again, “l am sacrificing a lot right now to
pay you back. So, after you talk to him, Consider us done.”

“Of course,” Ria cleared her throat, “l appreci ate your… sacrifice.”

He chucked and then she heard a sound of a creaking door.

“Hey, G. I need you to speak to someone,” the sounds were muffled but she could
still understand everything.

“Not interested,” the other man growled and now Riannon was very afraid. She
thought if the king was… busy as well. He sure wouldn’t sacrifice his pleasure time
for her.

“l am not trying to set you up with anyone,” the Beta burst out laughing, “It’s
just some werewolf Luna. I owe her one, okay?”

“Not interested,” was the reply and Ria’s heart sunk. This was it. It was her best
chance… In her past life, she called Beta Reid as well. Later in the timeline of
events. But he never picked up. Lycans had some kind of trouble in their lands too
by the end of the year. He was probably too busy by the time she gained the courage
to call. She called him again and again until the calls stopped coming through,
meaning that he probably blocked her.

“Give her 5 minutes,” from the sounds of it, the man shoved the phone into his
king’s hands. Another growl emerged and Ria was about to give up. But then she
heard a resounding metallic voice.

“Hello, Alpha Gideon speaking,” the man said and she sucked in a breath. He didn’t
even use his title. Was that really the Lycan King?

“Hello, your majesty,” she decided to address him formally anyway, ” My name is
Riannon Thorn. I am the Luna ofthe Silver River pack.”

He was silent and it bothered her. But she remembered that she only had 5 minutes
with him.

“l need your help,” she breathed out, “My husband is the Alpha Brayden Thorn and we
are planning to divorce in the nearby future.”

“Fascinating,” the man said without any emotions in his voice, ” But what does it
have to do with me? You can divorce any time you like without my help.”

“l know, Alpha,” she agreed and heard him growl slightly, “That’s not the part that
I need your help with. You see, we are chosen mates.

And when we got married, we merged our packs. What I really want from you is to
help me to get my people and my territory back. You are the Alpha King and when I
raise this dispute, your word will be the last at the Alpha Council. They wouldn’t
be able to decline.”
“Hmm,” he sounded amused, “And you

think that the case would go that far? You do know that the Alpha council consists
of male alphas. What makes you think at least anyone will support you?”

“They will if they know that you are on my side,” Riannon felt braver now, “But
also I have proven myself as a leader and warrior. This shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Then maybe everything is awesome and you don’t need my help at all?” He chucked.

“l do, your majesty,” she assured him, “l really do. And I would really appreciate

“This is a complex matter,” he said after a short pause, “Not something I would
decide over the phone. And to be honest, it doesn’t sound serious enough to

Ria felt rage boiling her blood. Was he serious?! Was that it?!

“But. .

“There is nothing to talk about. You got married and gave your pack to your
husband. You didn’t think this through and it was your mistake only. Now it’s too
late,” the Alpha King seemed bored, “He will still owe you generous alimony
according to our laws. You will keep your luxurious lifestyle if that’s what
bothers you.. “It’s not about that!” She gritted her teeth, “l can’t leave my
people with them

“Them?” The king scoffed, “So, this is the problem. He found another and you are
bitter about it?”

This was useless. Ria hit her desk with her fist, almost breaking it. This kind of
mocking was not new to her. By now she heard it all. Even from the people who were
considered her friends.

“l am not bitter!” She spat, “l am furious. Because only now do I see how many
flaws our system has! How unfairly and unequally women are treated when a male
doesn’t stand by her side anymore! How few chances we are given to prove ourselves.
Sure, you will make a woman a warrior and speak about equality but when it comes to
higher positions, you will make a woman work three times harder than a man to even
consider her for the job! I was doing an Alpha’sjob for years by my husband’s side
and I’ve done it flawlessly. But all you see is a wounded woman who can’t get over
her husband’s betrayal. And you know what, it hurts like hell but here I am, not
whaling in pain but trying to figure out my next move. You don’t even know what is
going on but you already judged me. What a disappointing introduction to my king!”

She threw her phone away with force, looking at how it smashed over the wall into
several pieces.

What a joke!

Gideon sat in his huge leather chair behind his desk staring at his Beta’s phone.
What the hell was that now? Did she scold him and then hang

“O-kay,” Reid carefully took his cell back, “l see that went well.”

“Remind me again who was it?” Gideon looked at his friend furrowing his thick
“What?” Reid let out a nervous laugh,

“Before I tell you… Are you going to kill her or.. .”

“REID!” Gideon growled so loudly that probably all members of his pack heard him

“Fine!” the Beta fell into the chair opposite of him, “She is the Luna of the
Silver River pack.” Silver River… not far from Silver Lake. “What else?” the king
tapped his fingers over the top of his desk impatiently.

“Her name is Riannon Thorn, if my memory does not fail me, she has been a Luna for
five or six years. Seven maybe.

“You said that you owed her,” Gideon was piercing Reid with his gaze, “How so? Is
she one of your many whores?”

“Of course not!” the Beta sounded offended, “She… she saved Kyle seven years ago.
The rogues attacked his boarding school and she was visiting some event there. She
wasn’t a Luna back then, by the way. But she was preparing for the role.”

“She saved him?” Gideon rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Yes, she killed a few rogues and protected him. He wasjust 12 back then. If she
didn’t come on time…

“Why didn’t you tell me?” the king groaned.

“There was no time!” Reid shook his shoulders, “And how could I know that you would
be such a d*ck to her?!”

“Is there a good time to be a d*ck?” the Beta chuckled, just annoying him more.

“Find out where I can meet her,” Gideon cut him off, “l am intrigued. She does
seem… feisty.”

“Just the way you hate them,” Reid stood up but when he noticed his Alpha’s glare,
he wiped the smile off his face, “I’ll go… get to work.”

Gideon threw his back over his chair. He had

a lot on his mind already and this woman… she got to him on some level. A smile
curled onto his lips. It had been a while since someone dared to speak to him like
that. Luna Riannon was amusing indeed.

And since she saved Kyle, he owed it to her to at least have a look at her case.

So be it.

Riannon prepared herself for the breakfast. She put on a simple yet elegant dress
and brushed her hair so that it fell down her shoulders in soft waves. She didn’t
use any makeup today because she knew very well what she was going to face once she
went downstairs.

But she almost bumped into Maya at the door.

“Ria,” her friend tried to smile carelessly but she could tell that the latter was
nervous, “How about we eat here and chat. Just the two of us?”
Riannon smiled. She knew that Maya tried to protect her from the new harsh reality.
But luckily, she was ready for everything.

“Maybe another time,” she said, taking Maya’s hand and still not believing that she
was alive, “Right now I need to do something. Just be

by my side, okay?”

“Always,” Maya’s eyes glistened with tears.

The dining room was buzzing, but as soon as she stepped foot into it, everyone got
quiet. On her first day in the pack, Roxy already sat at the table with the
highest-ranked wolves and was clearly in the centre of the attention.

“Luna!” she jumped to her feet after she let Ria watch her succeed, “P-please,
forgive my rudeness! I know my place!” Here we go again. ..

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Leave me a comment if you read this ;)

Chapter 5. The Beta Female Best Frie nd

Goddess, she hated her. Roxy was looking at Ria with huge doe eyes in front of
everyone and even shaking slightly to add some drama. She always did this. Their
every meeting was a performance.

Riannon used to always be reserved towards her, leaving it her priority to supress
her feelings and hide how hurt she was with the whole situation. And Roxy used it
to her advantage masterfully, painting herself as the sweet girl and the Luna as
the icy queen.

Well, Riannon wasn’t going to let her do this anymore. This pattern had to change.
Luckily, she had just the best teacher - Roxanne herself. She put her through so
many awkward and humiliating situations in the past that now Ria was ready for

Moreover, she knew that what she did before did not work.

So, she was going to try something else.

“l am so sorry, Luna,” Roxy prepared to fall to her knees again but Riannon rushed
to her aid and gave her the biggest of hugs. The two women froze together like this
while the room filled with awkward silence. Someone dropped a fork and from the
corner of her eye Ria noticed that it was her friend Maya.

“Roxy,” Riannon finally distanced herself and sighed with a sad smile on her face,
“l can call you that, right? I want you to know that this is a safe place for you.
No one will ever hurt you. We are nothing like the pack that you came from. You
will always be treated nicely here since you are a member now. The hard days for
you are over.”
She grazed her eyes quickly over the room to see stunned expressions on the faces
of her pack mates. They did not expect that. Back in her past life, she tried to
ignore Roxanne as much as she could, while staying polite when they had to talk.
Everyone understood but the more Roxy cried, the more they felt pity towards her.
She found her way into people’s hearts. Overtime, a lot of them stood on her side
because she was, after all, their Alpha’s true mate and she had a hard ife prior.
Meanwhile, Riannon was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. And however great of
a Luna she was, they thought that it wasn’t a big deal since she was born and
trained to do it. No one understood how much she worked and what she sacrificed to
reach this perfection.

Suddenly, Roxy threw herself in Ria’s arms again.

“Thank you!” she whined, making Riannon want to strangle her. If Onyx, her wolf,
was here, it could have ended fast. But Onyx wasn’t close and she knew that this
was a battle of acting skills now. Meanwhile Roxy went on, “l was sure that the
nightmare in which I lived in this whole time would repeat here as well! But you
are so kind! I am ready to do any job! However hard it is…1‘11 be your personal
maid if I have to.”

At the head of the table, her husband Brayden was watching them with his lips
clenched. It was hard for Ria to hold back a laugh, since she knew by the way he
looked that he had been busy all night looking for the intruder. He hated that his
mate was ready to become a cleaner. And on top of that, his wife did not behave the
way he expected her to. She was sure that she shocked him for life now.

Get used to that, my love.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Roxy!” Ria gasped and even forced a small tear to roll down
her cheek. After all, hugging her worst enemy was horrible and a part of her did
want to cry. “You suffered enough and my heart goes for you. I will assign you work
according to your abilities. And if they aren’t enough at the moment for a decent
job, we will send you to study at the local college. Everything will be fine, do
not worry. You will not be mistreated here. Our pack is a fair one.

Brayden and I were building it for years.

Everybody gets what they deserve. And so will you.”

The omega frowned but quickly regained herself. Did she know that it was a promise?

“l am the luckiest girl alive,” she smiled innocently, flapping her eyelashes,“No
wonder my mate… I mean, the Alpha is so in love with you, Luna. Now I see that what
people say about you is true.”

“Oh, you will have to tell me later!” Ria giggled and pushed Roxy back to the chair
she was sitting at prior. Luckily, she didn’t risk taking the Luna’s seat or the
one right next to Bray. She would soon take it of course. But at least Ria didn’t
have to deal with it today.

“l will be happy to!” Roxane shook her red locks and the oversized t-shirt that she
was wearing fell off her shoulder “accidentally”, making Brayden look at her with
eyes filled with lust. The damn mate bond was already working. And their time was
slipping away.

“By the way,” Riannon took a sip of her coffee and it seemed more bitter than
usual, “We need to assign a budget for Roxanne.”

Once again, the whole room went quiet. “Are you sure, Luna?” Beta Asher spoke, “She
is just an omega and.

“She is not a simple omega,” Riannon raised her chin high and put a perfect smile
on her face, “She is our Alpha’s mate. He did not reject her and she is a part of
our pack now. She needs to look the part, so it’s time to throw away the worn-out
t-shirts and jeans.”

“That’s very kind of you, Luna,” Maya couldn’t stay silent anymore, “Some would
even say too kind. I mean, considering. ..”

“l do what I can,” Ria sent her best friend a warning gaze and as always, Maya
understood her without words, “And let’s make this clear once and for all. I was
very serious about Roxy being treated nicely here. I don’t want anyone to bully her
just because the three of us are in a peculiar situation now. I wish her no harm
and will have zero tolerance to the ones who try to do it.”

And with that, she started to eat her omelette as if nothing special happened,
catching glances of her pack mates on her.

There they were. The looks they used to give to Roxy. Now they were rewarding Ria
with those. Only that this time there was more respect than pity.

Back in the day, Ria did all the same things. But her mistake was not to announce
it in front of everyone. And in the end, Roxy played them and made them believe
that Ria mistreated her where she could.

She caught Brayden’s gaze on her and sent a small smile his way, startling him. At
least she was getting exactly the reactions that she wanted. For the first day
back, this was good.

Right after the breakfast Maya pulled her into the Luna office and made sure to
lock the door properly. The room had sound isolation and they could talk in private
without the fear of being overheard.

“What the hell are you doing?” she hissed at her friend, “You are welcoming his
mate?! You should have insisted again and again on him rejecting her!”

“Oh, M,” Ria couldn’t help herself and hugged the girl once again. She still
smelled of almonds and this made her broken heart warm again.

“Stupid perfect Luna! You can’t be this kind!” Maya almost sobbed, “You loved him
all your life! He marked you for Goddess’s sake! What was he thinking?!”

“l know,” Ria sighed, stepping away, “But that ship has sailed. No one can fight
the mate bond. That battle was lost the moment he met her and didn’t reject her.”

“You are so calm about it! I can’t believe this!” the girl shook her head, clear
signs of worry on her face.

Ria contemplated for a few seconds but deep inside she knew, that if she could
entrust this secret to anyone, it would be her best friend since childhood.

“l need to tell you something,” Riannon took Maya’s hands and led her to the
armchair, sitting on the verge of her desk. “But I will need you to be open-minded
about what I am about to say.”

She spoke and spoke, and the more she told her, the paler her friend became. She
omitted the part about Maya’s own death. There was no need for that. She knew that
the small fragments she was ready to share now would be enough for her. When she
was done, Maya looked at her with red eyes, “It’s. .

“Unbelievable, I know,” Riannon sighed

“Horrible!” her friend took her hands and gave them a tight squeeze, “Rial That’s
awful! What you had to go through.

“Wait, you meant you have no doubts in what I said now?” the Luna raised her brow.
She expected that she would need longer to persuade her bestie.

“You wouldn’t joke about it at a moment like that,” Maya leaned back on her chair,
“And as far as I know, you were madly in love with Brayden just yesterday. But now…
You are so calm that it’s frightening. So this explains a lot. You don’t get over
love like that in one day.”

That was true. Riannon did not know for sure if all love she had for Brayden was
gone, but she definitely wasn’t the same girl from before. She was twenty-five but
it felt as if she lived much longer now. Suffering and broken heart could do that
to people.

“And it doesn’t bother you how crazy that sounds?” Ria decided to make sure they
were on the same page.

“l believe in the Moon Goddess,” Maya shook her shoulders, “She may have wanted

Brayden to be with someone like that… Roxanne.

But I will never believe that she would want such

a death for you! Anyone but you!”

“l missed you so much,” Ria couldn’t help herself and gave Maya another hug. She
went quiet for a bit and I gave herself a promise that whatever happened, she would
at least save her best friend. She was not going to lose her again. “So, what’s the
plan?” Maya went into the battle mode fast. She was one of those underappreciated
wolves. They called her Luna’s assistant and both of them hated that. She had pure
Beta blood and could take down an Alpha if she tried hard. Maybe not any Alpha but
definitely most of them. They thought too much of themselves and always
underestimated pretty gi rls.

“The plan is to divorce and take our pack back,” Ria smiled, knowing that she had a
great ally on her side now, “The Pearl Moon.”

“Is this even possible?” Maya whistled, “l mean, if you quickly get pregnant with
Brayden’s baby and then we kill him, we could get this all. ..”

“No, thank you,” Ria first with laughter, “Goddess you are so bloodthirsty!”

“My hands are just itching to cut his di. .

“l got you!” the Luna covered her face with her hands, trying to suppress another
outburst of giggles.

“You know what, I have an idea!” Maya said all of a sudden, “How about we ask
lycans for help?! This may actually.

“Been there, done that. Their king is an a$shole,” Ria rolled her eyes.
“You what?!” her friend’sjaw dropped to the floor.

“l had one lycan who owed me and asked him to arrange a conversation with his king.
But you have no idea how arrogant he is!” Ria explained.

“Worse than Brayden?” Maya chuckled.

“Worse than Brayden,” Ria confirmed.

“Okay then, what’s next?” the Beta female never gave up and this was one of the
very many reasons they became friends in the first place.

“Simple, really. I need to get the support of as many Alphas as I can,” Riannon
exhaled loudly, “So that when the divorce comes into force, they give me their
votes when I raise the matter in the Alpha Counicl. And I will.”

“How many do you think will support you?” Maya asked bluntly, getting her cell our
of her pocket, “Count on the alphas where mu cousins are Betas. I’ll take care of

“Not sure yet, but I know where to strike first,” Ria tapped her fingers over the
cold wood of her desk, waiting for Maya to tear her eyes off the phone and spare
her a look.

“Do tell!” the girl seemed genuinely interested.

“The most important event of the year that is just around the corner,” Riannon
smirked, “The annual Alpha ball”

Marissa Gilbert Writer

I am so incredibly happy that now I have at least a few readers. You sent me over
the Moon today with you comments. I hope not to disappoint you. A lot is planned
for Ria in this story. Thanks x

Chapter 6. Dress to Impress

“Ri,” Brayden’s head popped out of the door of Riannon ‘s office right when she was
finishing discussing the pack’s primary school budget with the headmistress, “Do
you have a sec?”

“Yes, we are done here,” Ria handed the papers to the woman in front of her and the
latter gave her a sympathetic smile. The Luna remembered very well that she was the
one who stood by her by the very end. That was one of the reasons she managed to
squeeze in a little extra cash for the school.

“Luna, Alpha,” the headmistress bowed her head and left, leaving the husband and
the wife alone for the first time in a while. For the last few days, Riannon tried
to avoid Brayden at all costs. She remembered too well that their every meeting in
the past life was ending badly during those days. Back then she tried to keep her
dignity and not approach him first. They had meals together with pack members as
And work meetings with Beta, Gamma and so on. But other than that, every time Bray
wanted to talk to her, Riannon was finding a perfect excuse to escape. There was no
point in talking to him since nothing could be changed. She debated telling him the
truth about her rebirth but swept that idea under the rug. He could decide that she
was crazy and use that during their divorce when she planned to get her pack back.

The silence was getting awkward.

“Long time no see,” he came closer and she remained behind her desk to make it
harder for him to approach her.

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” Ria threw herself back in her chair, “Is it about the
Alpha Ball?” “Did you get my flowers?” he asked.

The flowers kept coming. He was probably still feeling guilty.

“Yes, they are lovely,” she forced a smile, “Thank you. So, did you come to speak
about the Alpha Ball?”

They already had this conversation. He caught her in her office and broke her

“Yes,” Brayed pulled the collar of his shirt to make it easier to breathe while Ria
watched him with an indifferent expression that was clearly making him
uncomfortable. “It’s about Roxy… I mean Roxanne.”

“What about her?” she pretended not to

know what it was about.

“Listen,” he sighed and averted her gaze, “l kind of promised her that I would take
her to the ball as my partner.”

“Oh, really?” Riannon tilted her head, “l wonder when and how that happened?”

“It’s. a long story,” he cleared his throat, “Please, understand. My wolf is dying
when she is unhappy. And she has never been to a ball like that.”

“Oh, my,” Ria gasped and shook her head, “Should I maybe take Enzo with me? He
hasn’t seen an event like that either. And neither did Cole.”

She mentioned the hottest single warriors of the pack on purpose. And heard a growl
emerge from her husband’s chest. That served him right.

“What is it with you lately, Ri?” he looked at her in disbelief, “My Luna will not
be going with someone else!”

“But it’s okay if my Alpha goes with someone else? How is that fair?” she shot her
brow up, challenging him. And Brayden hated challenge.

“Maybe you should sit this one out then!” he snarled at her and for the first time,
she started to get worried here. She needed that ball. She needed it badly.

“No, thanks,” the Luna crossed her hands on her chest, “l got my own personal
invitation. Besides, it’s important to mingle with other Lunas for the sake of our
pack. We still need to organise student and warrior exchanges and a couple of
mating events for over 18s. Or do you expect Roxy to be able to deal with it
instead of enjoying her first big ball? What kind of Cinderella she would be then
if she would have to work again?!” He exhaled through his nostrils and she knew
that she managed to win.

“Fine,” he grunted standing up, “But you will go with Ash then. He is going anyway
since he is the pack’s Beta.”

“Now you are sucking the fun out of his life too?” Ria chuckled, “l am sure he had
a girl to take there and impress.”

“He already agreed to be you plus one,” Brayden informed her, “He’ll protect you
there too.”

“How thoughtful,” she decided just to go with it. Getting rid of Ash would be easy
anyway. He would see some Alpha’s daughter and off he would go.

Brayden prepared to leave but stopped at the door and turned to look at her again

“Ri,” he looked her in the eye, “It’s just a transition period. We will get through
this and everything will be fine.”


“l will never take another Luna except for you.”


“l still love you, it’s just that she had such a hard life and I am not a monster.
She is just a sweet girl, she will never take your place.” Lies, lies, lies.

“Thank you for telling me that,” she nodded, “l needed to hear that, Bray.”

She even forced a smile.

“Look, when the ball is over, let’s take a day off. Just you and me. What do you
think?” he suggested all of a sudden and now she looked at him in surprise. This
was new. It didn’t happen in the past.

“We’ll have to see our schedules for that,” she stretched her lips further, “But
it’s a nice idea.”

“Then I’ll see you around?” he suddenly looked relieved as if he got rid of some
kind of trouble here.

“l am your wife, am I not?” she chuckled and his smile faded.

He left and Ria’s phone buzzed with a notification that the dresses should have
already arrived.

She paused just for a second. It worried her that he offered that day off thing.
Was it a good sign or a bad? She wanted to change the events that caused so many
disasters but this exact one wasn’t in her plans.

In the end, she was late for the fitting and entered the room full of the most
important females of the pack. Maya was there along with their friends Tatiana and
Aria. They greeted her in their usual friendly way. On the other side of the room
sat Harper and her minions.

Harper was Brayden ‘s sister. And for some reason, she never liked Riannon too much
since they were younger. She was one of the first to openly support Roxy. She was
the one who opened the door for others who didn’t know what to do and actually
promoted the evil redhead monster.

“Bring in the dresses,” Ria commanded

firmly. She wanted to be done here quick.

It was a tradition of their pack that outfits for the ladies invited to the Alpha
ball were chosen together and paid for by the pack. After all, they all were
representing the Silver River pack and it was important to let others see how well
they were doing.

A few omegas rolled in clothing racks with the most beautiful evening dresses from
the top designers. Luna always was the first one to choose and then they went
according to their ranks. The rest of the clothes was sent back.

Riannon knew very well which dress she was going to pick but still pretended to
look at them all to avoid suspicion.

“How about that emerald one?” Harper suggested the colour that would never suit
Riannon blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Do you like it?” she got the hanger and placed it to her chest with a smile, “It’s
Zac Posen .”

“Beautiful!” her sister-in-law sneered.

“Then I will leave it for you,” Ria returned the facial expression and kept going.
Soon she reached it. She remembered that dress well.

Peach and shiny, with loads of rhinestones on the


She was choosing long enough and she took that one, moving to the mirror.

Any second now…

The door opened and Roxy barged in, gasping, “Oh, my goddess! Luna! I am so sorry!
I’ll just go away not to ruin your mood.”

She was already doing it. Implying that just a sight of her was affecting Riannon.

And it was. But it was mean to bring this up.

“Stay,” Ria smiled gently and noticed how everyone was watching the two of them,
“You are going to the ball too and you need an outfit.

“l already got one,” Roxanne mumbled,

“From all the money that you gave me. I got it in

One of Harper’s minions snorted.

“This will not do,” Riannon turned and sighed, “You need a dress good enough for
your new status.”

“And what is that?” Harper couldn’t help but ask the provocative question.
“Member of the Silver River pack,” Ria replied without any hesitation, “Look
around. What do you like?”

A little sob emerged. And then a sniffle. Everybody turned to see the crying Roxy.

“This is so sweet!” she whined, “You are such a great Luna to take care of someone
like me. I never had such a beautiful dress in my life!” She pointed to the one
that Riannon was holding.

“l thought I’d never. ..have… an opportunity.”

She burst out crying and Ria did her best not to roll her eyes.

“You can have it,” she stretched her hands with the garment towards the omega and
pretty much everybody in the room was in shock.

“But Luna!” Aria gasped, “You need to be the first.”

“That’s fine,” Riannon shook her shoulders,

I saw a red one that I like too back there. Roxy can have that one since it’s the
one that made you cry like that.”

Roxanne seemed a bit startled and Luna came closer, pushing the tasteless peach
dress that was good enough for a middle school prom in some village.

“No, really,” Ria smirked, “l want you to have it.”

Their eyes met and Roxy gaped, realising that she had just been tricked.

“Now go to your room and try it on. It will look beautiful on you.” Or hideous.

As soon as Roxy left, Ria quickly went back to the rack and grabbed the first red
dress she saw.

“l like this one,” she went out of the room as quickly as she could, followed by
Maya, “Choose what you like, ladies.”

They came straight to Maya’s bedroom and as soon as they closed the door, they
started laughing hysterically.

“Oh, my goddess!” Maya chuckled, “This was fun!”

“Indeed,” the Luna agreed, throwing away the red piece of fabric she had. Because
the real dress that she was going to wear to the ball was right here. It was the
most beautiful dress she had laid her eyes on. It was a stunning wine red off-
shoulder gown made of silk chiffon, draped beautifully around the breast and down
to the waist, creating a geometrical pattern and, but flowing freely to the ground.

It was a gown fit for a queen. And in the past life, Ria didn’t even order it for
viewing as it was

way out of her budget. But this time around she saw it again and thought to herself
- just why the hell not?!

The last time she went to the Alpha Ball, it was the most awful experience for her.
Roxanne was wearing a beautiful white dress and looking like the little innocent
omega she loved to pretend, gain ing everybody’s sym pathy.
At the same time, Riannon gained pity from the Alphas and was mocked by some of the
Lunas who never liked her. It was humiliating as it was to come as the third wheel
for her husband and his mate. But on top of that, Brayden spent the whole evening
by Roxy’s side. Ria was in a sour mood the whole time although she still managed to
negotiate a few things.

This time, she knew what to expect and was ready. This time, she was going there to

“Do I look nice?” Maya grinned as she stepped out of the bathroom in a royal blue
tight gown.

“You took one too, I see,” Riannon giggled as her friend twirled in front of her.

Today was a success thanks to Maya. She was the one who received all the dresses
before the pack omegas got them and brought the one

Ria wanted to her room without anyone seeing it.

“Of course,” she placed her hands onto her hips, “We are leaving this pack, so I am
not going to save them money.”

“Just don’t shout about it around the mansion, okay?” Ria rolled her eyes, “It’s a
secret after all. But you do look nice.”

“Thanks!” Maya seemed to agree, “Shame I am not going with you. But there is always
next time, right?”

“When I am the Alpha and you are my Beta, you will attend it every year,” Luna
winked at her.

In the evening, Ria finished her makeup and hair and walked out to the main part of
her bedroom to find a blue box on the little table together with a new bouquet. She
opened it and saw a luxurious and probably crazy expensive diamond necklace
together with a simple card with one word only on it. Sorry.

“Huh,” she bit her lip, remembering that last time Brayden gave it to Roxy. And he
got her some ruby earrings which she never wore. That changed too.

However, now wasn’t the time to think about all that.

She put the necklace on since it was finishing her look just perfect and left for
the ball.

She was walking down the stairs, the skirt of her dress flowing beautifully as she
looked at it. Most of her hair was up, with a few curly locks falling down her bare

“You look beautiful tonight,” a male voice made her flinch.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hi! I am so shocked by how many follows and comments this book received. Thank you,
everyone. Let me know what you think of this chapter. The next one will be up
Chapter 7. Because I let you

Beta Ash was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Not her husband. In a
black tuxedo and offered her his hand when she was close which Ria was reluctant to
accept at first. But she went with it in the end since he hadn’t betrayed her yet.
She couldn’t count on him, yea. But she still could change events with him. Or at
least give it a try. If the Beta supported her at the Alpha Council when the
divorce would take place, everything could go smoothly. It was worth a try.

“Nice dress,” he gave her another compliment and she rewarded him with a brief

“Thanks,” they were walking towards the car that was already waiting for them and
she frowned when she realised that it was a limo. Meaning that she would have to
ride with her husband and Roxy. How unpleasant.

“This is not what you usually wear,” the Beta said, and she looked at him, slightly
shocked that he even noticed.

“l am in the mood for some changes, Ash,

Riannon smiled and tilted her head a bit, noticing

the werewolf’s eyes get darker. Well, this was new.

He opened the door of the car for her and helped her inside, holding the train of
her dress and placing it gently to her feet. Maybe she overdid it a bit? Dancing in
that could be problematic. Not that she planned to dance much. Today had a
different purpose.

She gave a brief look to Brayden and Roxanne who sat way too close to her liking.
And she even managed to hold back a grin when she saw the omega wearing the tacky
peach dress, covered in cheap rhinestones. The colour did not suit her red hair at
all and made her look a bit too… orangey.

“Luna,” Roxy greeted her awkwardly, clinging to Bray, while he carefully removed
her arms off his and showed her to keep them at her knees. At least he still tried
not to be too disrespectful in her presence. If one could say that, of course.

“Ri,” he couldn’t even manage a smile, “You look breath-taking.”

“Thanks,” she managed her own fake smile without any trouble, “Ash here already
told me that.”

Heavy silence lingered over all of them as the car drove off.

“Luna,” Roxanne just couldn’t shut up, “The dress you are wearing… It’s truly

“Thank you,” she spared her just one glance, “1 guess I do have good taste. Yours
is nice too. I hope you enjoyed picking your outfit first.”

“You got to choose first?” Brayden sounded surprised. This wasn’t how the omega
told him about the whole thing. She mentioned that the Luna was kind enough to give
her one of the dresses that no one wanted. Which was fine of course, since she
didn’t have to give her anything at all.
“Didn’t you know?” Riannon shot her brow up, “Roxy was so emotional when she saw
the racks of clothes. I thought it would make her happy to pick whatever she wanted
before anyone else since it was her first time and all.”

The Alpha looked at his plus one questioningly but the girl pretended not to

“l did not see this dress though!” she said innocently, trying to point out what
Ria did.

“You did not look well,” Luna’s lips curled into a smile, “You just wanted to take
the one that I had in my hands without bothering to look at the rest. And I let you
have it. So, there you go.” They all looked stunned and. Ria just turned to the
window and pretended to enjoy the scenery.

They arrived at the North Star pack in a few hours and by then Riannon was fed up
with Roxy’s tales of her hard life. She was beaten, she was starved, she had to
work as a slave in her previous pack where even the kids were bullying her. Every
man that she met wanted to take her yet by some miraculous coincidence she still
remained a pure virgin. That one she was repeating over and over. So much that even
Ash snorted at some point. And only Brayden seemed to listen to all that with a
very serious face. Ria wanted to roll her eyes. Why wouldn’t he cry also while he
was at that? It did not seem realistic at all. Even rogues are not that cruel in
their groups. She could believe that someone would pick at an omega, of course, but
Roxy’s story was questionable at least. In her past life, she tried to check it and
everything matched up. But the more she was thinking, the more she came to the idea
that maybe she didn’t look thoroughly enough after all. Making just a simple
request as a Luna of her own pack. The other Alpha admitted way to easily that Roxy
was mistreated. Why wouldn’t he deny that? No one needed this kind of reputation.

“Luna,” Ash offered her his hand again and she realised that they already arrived.

They the mansion and went through a very basic security check and were about to
enter the hall where the party was taking place when Ria turned to the Beta.

“Ash, I forgot my clutch in the car,” she smiled at him softly, “Would you be so
kind as to bring it to me. My phone is there and I do not want to miss any
important calls in case anything happens.”

“Of course,” he nodded and ran away quickly.

This was not a coincidence, and she totally did this on purpose. She did not want
to enter the room with her own plus one. She needed this shock and pity factor
today, so when the servants opened the doors before Brayden and Roxanne, she made
sure to follow right after them with her head held high.

A Luna betrayed by her husband. A Luna, who had nothing to be embarrassed off. A
Luna, who knew her worth. They were already at the bottom of the grand staircase
and she waited a bit at the very top of it with a vague smile on her

lips. She could hear growls here and there in the room. And whispers. So, many of
them that it was slightly overwhelming for her hearing at first.

And yet she soaked in the attention, descending slowly. When one growl overpowered
them all…
Marissa Gilbert Writer

Guys, the daily updates will start on the 1 st of December. I hope you are ready!
Thank you to everyone who reads the book.

Chapter 8. The Alpha Ball

Ria was descending the stairs slowly and with grace, noticing how Brayden turned to
see what everybody else was looking at. He was shocked that it was his own wife.
And Riannon found this offensive. So, when he offered her his hand to the
displeasure of princess Peach… ghm, Roxy in her ugly peach dress, she ignored that
and went past them as if they did not know each other. The move made another wave
of whispers erupt. And in the werewolf world whispers were nothing - everyone could
hear what the conversation was about.

Ria went to greet a few couples that she knew, all of them stretched their best
smiles for her, not commenting on the awkward situation. She was done with that
quickly and since the party seemed to go on, she decided to go and get herself some
liquid courage. Goddess knew she needed some today.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that the balcony on the other side of the
room, the one that was usually used by the owner of the house, Alpha Richards, was
covered with white curtains to hide what was going on inside. She could see a few
figures moving there but that was about it. She was curious what it was about but
not to the extent to actually go and check for herself.

“Luna Thorn,” a male voice appeared behind her back and she turned to face an
unfamiliar alpha. He was one of the new and younger ones as she didn’t know him. In
some packs, alphas were changing frequently due to power struggles. She and Brayden
managed to avoid those and were considered something like elders even though she
was 25 and he was 26. “Hello,” she greeted him with a soft smile. After all, it was
only polite.

“Alpha Zach Morgan,” the man introduced himself and he looked to be in his late 20s
as well, “The Alpha of the Emerald Mountain pack.”

“Ah, I’ve heard,” Riannon was now interested. Everybody heard the rumours about the
alpha’s bastard child who challenged his elder brother (who was a moron, by the
way) and won his title, “Impressive!”

“A compliment from someone like you is a compliment indeed,” he smirked and

gestured for the barmen to serve them drinks,

“Champagne for the lady and brandy for me.”

He didn’t even ask her. Alphas were like


“Riannon,” another Alpha appeared from her other side, “Looking gorgeous as ever.”

His hand wrapped around her waist as if it belonged there, making Zach growl
quietly as a warning.

For a second there Ria wasn’t understanding what was going on. But then it occurred
to her. They both thought that she was back on the market.

How funny!

But also useful. Because she was, after all, on the market. Even though she had
another man’s mark on her neck. But that man was with someone else now, enjoying
his time. As far as Ria remembered from the previous life, the two of them had a
blast while she was forgotten. She hid in a corner in a modest dress and left
early. Alone. Her heart was broken and she couldn’t even talk to anyone, although
she did her best. As always. Now the game was on. Her heart was not aching anymore.

Well, maybe a bit. But she could still think clearly now. And she could see the
hungry gazes everyone had on her. Every. Single. Male. And maybe it was petty, but
she loved the attention.

She craved it after everything that happened. She needed to feel like a woman
again. And a beautiful at that.

Another loud growl emerged from somewhere and it had such power to it that they all
looked around. For a second Ria thought that it could be Brayden who finally
noticed her, but he was in the other corner of the room, introducing Roxy to his
Alpha pals. He gave her a glance when he felt her looking and an apologetic smile
to go with it. How annoying.

Then who was that growling?

“Don’t mind it!” a third Alpha joined them, “It’s just Lycans going crazy. Riannon,
you are simply breath-taking today! What a dress! The colour suits you

“Lycans?” she flapped her lashes, thinking that she was probably hearing things,

“Yeah,” Zach snorted, “Everyone is shocked. They are invited every year but they
never attend, probably thinking that they are too good for us! And yesterday Alpha
Jones received a call that the Lycan King himself will be visiting but they need a
private VIP area. Can you imagine?”

“Snobs!” another werewolf next to her let out a laugh, “So, Ria, will you save me a

“l don’t see why.

“No,” she heard a firm voice behind her back and turned to see her Beta, who looked
less than thrilled with the whole situation. What was his problem? “My Luna
promised to dance with me tonight,” he lied without blinking and this got her
annoyed. Was he doing that for Brayden? Not to let her talk to anyone?

This was too much and it didn’t coincide with her plans at all.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Ash,” she giggled and then gave him her signature don’t-you-
dare look she used with her subordinates. “We talked only about one dance in the
car. And after that,” she glanced over the company of at least five single Alphas
around her, “l can dance with my old.

friends. And the new ones as well.”

Some of the men adjusted their collars at her words and it pleased her that she had
the desired effect on them. The dress was a good investment, after all.
“l still insist on being first,” the Beta offered her his hand and she accepted it.

“I’ll be back,” she winked at the other guys and they all either nodded or smirked
at her. She wasn’t thinking of them seriously, of

course. Although she knew very well that some of them were serious about her. There
was Alpha Maddox, Brayden’s old rival. He stated more than once his desire to take
her as his Luna back in the day. And Alpha Grayson was showing her signs of
admiration before too. She always pretended not to notice before but she knew very
well how they looked at her. Females with pure Alpha blood were rare. Her wolf had
an immaculate silver coat, which was unique as well. On top of that, she was
beautiful and smart. She was the Perfect Luna that everyone wanted. And Brayden was
lucky to have her.

Shame all that did not help her when he met his mate… Even in spite of them wearing
each other’s marks and having a bond of their own, it did not help.

“You shouldn’t give them hope, you know,” Ash told her all of a sudden and she gave
him a surprised look.

“You read too much into everything,” she looked in a different direction because
his gaze seemed to burn through her skull, “l am having fun.”

“You are the Luna.

“And my Alpha is right there having the time of his life with his mate, Ash,” she
rolled her eyes,

“What do you want me to do? Get in the far corner of the room and cry my eyes out?
He made his choice and. ..

“And you are looking for a new Alpha already?” his grasp on her became tighter, “Is
there really a need for this?”

“And you think there isn’t?” she gave him an intrigued look.

“Of course, not!” his voice was firm,

“Brayden will never divorce you. This girl is just. .

for his wolf. You can find someone like that too. In our pack.”

“Or I can go and look for my mate too!” she snorted and ignored his frown, “l am
not into that kind of thing, Ash. That’s not me.”

He clenched his lips but luckily the music came to its end and she left him
quickly, trying to go deep into the crowd.

“Did you see? How shameless of her!” some girl was talking at the distance, “No
wonder her husband did not reject his mate even though he already marked her! Maybe
there is more to that story considering how she hangs herself on every Alpha she

Riannon grazed her eyes over the girl. It was just some bimbo one of the Alphas
brought. Not

even a Luna.

However, she realised that the rumours would be spreading. And not everyone would
be on her side even though she had no choice.

Oh, well.

She deliberately left Ash on a side of the hall opposite from where all the single
Alphas were waiting for her. Of course, she would work on them too. But they were
not too reliable. If they wanted from her something more than just becoming allies,
she couldn’t give them much.

She did not want to marry for the second time. At least, not now. All she wanted
was to get her pack back. And she needed help.

So, she started out by approaching her father’s old friends. The ones she knew were
supporting Brayden only thanks to her. A little hint here and there and one by one
they promised her their support. Four in total within half an hour. Not much but it
was a start.

“There you are!” Alpha Zach caught her when she was on her way to talk to one of
her ex-classmates, “Someone promised me a dance.”

His hazel eyes looked darker now and she knew that she couldn’t avoid it any
longer. She noticed Bray not far from her, with Roxy clinging to him. His eyes,
however, were on his wife. And the look in them did not promise her anything good.

“l did, didn’t l?” she smirked, enjoying this moment. She hoped it hurt him too.

Zach was about to take her back to the dance floor when a ridiculously tall man
with a playful grin crossed their path

” Long time no see, Luna,” she addressed her as if they knew each other and she
tried to remember really hard who he was when it suddenly occurred to her.

“B-Beta Reid?” she gasped, recognising the lycan she met years ago.

“In the flesh!” he showed off her pearly whites, “It’s such a coincidence to run
into you!”

“At the annual Alpha Ball that all Lunas attend every year?” she arched her brow,
“Not really!”

“Well,” he chuckled, “l am here for the first time, so. .. Any-way… My King is here
too and he wishes to see you.”

“I’ll make sure to deliver Luna Thorn as soon as our dance is over,” Alpha Zach
tried to lead her away, but the Lycan stopped him.

“l am afraid, you will have to find another dance partner,” he looked friendly but

sounded menacing. So menacing, that Alpha Zach stepped away, giving them way.

The lycan led her to the balcony while pretty much everyone in the room, including
her husband, watched them and opened the white curtain before her, motioning for
her to enter. Another loud growl sounded as soon as she walked in…
Marissa Gilbert

So, daily updates start today. I really hope I will be able to keep this up. Thank
you to everyone who reads this book, you motivate me so much to keep going!

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Alpha Markus

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TAGS alpha shifter mate

Chapter 9. M ate

Gideon was pissed.

He avoided werewolf events for a reason. They were always so… tiring. The annoying
weaklings were clinging onto him like leeches, trying to place their daughters
under him. He hates it.

And yet here he was. Sitting on a private balcony and watching everyone who was
arriving through a small open space between two curtains. He asked to place them to
have some privacy. He hates to have all gazes in him. He wanted to be done there
quickly and be gone home, where piles of work were waiting for him. Something was
going on in the South of his kingdom. He needed to read all the reports, he needed
to analyse them and come up with a solution.

Yet the thought of two girls was not leaving him. One of them was his mate. The one
he was waiting his whole life for, the one who should belong to him and him only.
He met her just a few days ago, the beauty swimming naked in the lake on his border
that he was patrolling that night. He could still remember how her skin was glowing
in the moonlight, how her breasts were poking out of the water when she was
relaxing on her back and how her long blonde hair was flowing around her. This was
a picture that he couldn’t throw out of his mind. The picture that was driving him

But what was driving him crazy even more was that she did not sense him. While her
scent was coating all over him and made him enter werewolf territory to find her,
she didn’t even notice him at first. However, what was worse, when she did, she got
scared and fled.

There could be no mistake. He recognised what was his at once. He wouldn’t confuse
her with anyone. Why couldn’t she do the same? Why did she run away?

He told himself many times that she just got scared. Some women were like that.
Especially since he was a Lycan and much bigger than a regular werewolf. He knew
what kind of rumours were spread among wolves about his kind. That was probably it.
And now he had to find her. There were three packs close to the lake where he met
her. And he hoped to speak to the Alphas or Lunas there in hope of discovering her

But there were more reasons to speak with the Luna of one of those packs. As she
was the reason why he decided to attend this exact event and not just go to the
three packs in turns.

Her voice was haunting him for some reason. And so were her words. He was in a very
bad mood when he spoke to her on the phone since his mate just escaped him. But as
soon as she hung up? He regretted everything he said. As an Alpha King, he had to
be more understanding. And she had a good point.

Not to mention that Lycans owed her. And they weren’t that arrogant to consider
talking to them a favour.

So, Gideon decided to listen to the Luna’s arguments. And if she was right, he
would help her to get her pack back during the divorce. It wasn’t her fault that
her husband couldn’t keep his word. A man shouldn’t mark a female and take her as
his Luna if he is not sure that this is a final decision.

“Do you see her?” The king asked his Beta while enjoying his drink in a comfortable
seat provided especially for him.

“No,” Reid replied, “but I see a lot of other fish in the sea. And I would like to
go fishing. Can “Of course you can,” Gideon chuckled, “As soon as you bring me Luna
Thorn here. then you’re free to fish as much as you like.”

“Fine!” His best friend groaned, “I’ve done my research by the way. All the packs
are roaming about it.”

“What do they say?” He was interested to find out all sides of the story.

“They say that her husband found his true mate and their bond appears to be so
strong but she decided to bring her to his pack. he claims that this is required
for his wolf’s wellbeing,” Reid snorted, “Such an as$hole if you ask me. Even I
wouldn’t do that.”

“And what did she do?” The king took a sip of his drink.

“She didn’t make a tantrum, that’s for sure,” the better sounded as if he respected
the Luna, “They say that although initially, she asked for him to reject her when
he refused, she was actually nice towards the poor omega.”

“His mate an omega?” Now Gideon found this funny, “Let me guess, a poor wee
creature who everyone tortured? This tale is as old as time.”

“But apparently not everyone learned their lessons from the fairy tales,” Reid
rolled his eyes, “The alpha is quite smitten with his mate. He even brought her
here as his date.”

“Seriously?” The king decided to check for himself and stood up, coming closer to
his friend, “Where are they?”

“If I remember the pics from the dossier correctly,” his brother pointed his finger
add a couple with a handsome man and a little cute redhead in a tacky dress,
“That’s them.”

“The girl is nothing special,” Gideon stated plainly.

“It’s a matter of taste,” Reid shook his shoulders.

His Beta was saying something else but suddenly the king stopped caring. Because
once again he felt the scent that was now too familiar to miss.

His mate was here, and he couldn’t believe his own luck!

The doors opened and a beautiful girl walked in, immediately drawing everyone’s
attention to herself. She had a beauty of a porcelain doll and was wearing a wine-
red dress that hugged her body in all the right places. For a second there it
seemed that he forgot how to breathe because she was even more beautiful than he

Any moment now she would feel that he was here too. And he was curious what she
would do this time. Would she run away again? Or would you start looking for him?

But to his surprise, she did absolutely nothing and reacted in no way took his
presence. She was descending the stairs while the eyes of every male in the room
were glued to her. Gideon heard a few possessive growls that annoyed the hell out
of him.

He let out his own. Not just a growl, it was a true roar that made everyone else
shut up. His mate flinched but kept walking.

“Oh, there she is,” Reid pointed his finger at his woman, “Luna Riannon Thorn.”

Marissa Gilbert Writer

So, the ones of you who guessed about the Lycan King being her mate were correct.
Get ready for tomorrow’s chapter, a to is going to happen there.

Chapter 10. Behind The Curtain.

He was standing there and watching his mate with his mouth opened.

No, it couldn’t be! It was some kind of a joke!

Yet that was her… a Luna that belonged to another Alpha… At first, Gideon felt as
if his heart was broken. She did not wait for him. His mate, the one and only woman
chosen for him by the Moon goddess, did not wait for him…

She got married, became someone else in Luna and even let this man put a mark on
her neck.

He had many flings, but he never even considered marking a woman other than his
mate. He was ready to never meet her, but he always knew one thing - if he would
ever place his mark on someone, it would be his mate.

Pain washed over him quickly and although Reid next to him was constantly telling
him something, all his attention was on Riannon Thorn.

He repeated her name and it brought him to his senses. He remembered their phone
conversation. She wanted to divorce her

husband. Their marriage was over.

This brought a little smile to his lips, yet it wasn’t making him particularly

“Gideon,” his Beta had to smack his arm to get him out of his daze, “What the hell,
man?” “What?” the lycan king didn’t even spare his friend a glance.

“Should I call the Luna? You came here to speak to her, right?” Reid looked at him
with his eyebrows kn itted.

“l want to watch her a bit first,” Gideon couldn’t take his eyes off his beautiful
mate. But he did not like what he saw. She was surrounded by men, men with hungry
lustful eyes. And he could sense that each of them wanted to claim her now that
they had a chance again. Everybody knew that her marriage was in ruins. And no one
wanted to miss that chance.

“Who is her husband?” a spark of interest appeared inside his mind against his

“That guy over there,” Reid did not have any problem locating the jerk whose mark
his mate was wearing, meaning that he did his own research already. That guy never
showed that he cared but Gideon knew that he never forgot the ‘favour’ Riannon did
for him. He wanted to pay

her back properly in one way or the other.

The guy he pointed at was good looking. And Gideon did not like to admit it. The
prick looked like a true Alpha, tall and handsome. When he was saying something,
people around him were laughing or nodding at once. Meaning that he had some

But a tiny redhead was glued to his hand. She leaned towards him all the time and
he wrapped his hand around her as if trying to protect her from everyone. That was
probably the so-called mate. The one he brought into Riannon’s house.

It was good and bad. Good, because he was doing Gideon a favour. And bad, because
he was hurting the Luna.

He looked back where he left her, but his mate was not there. It didn’t take him
long to find her though as all the men that were surrounding her before looked in
one direction - the dancefloor. The girl was dancing with another handsome guy who
had his hands on her and was pressing her way too close for Gideon’s liking. He
didn’t even notice how another feral growl escaped him.

“What is wrong with you today?” Reid looked at his Alpha in shock.

“Bring her in,” the lycan king commanded,

His Beta left and suddenly he felt uncomfortable. His wolf was howling inside and
he tried to shut him up as fast as he could because he needed to think straight.

He sat in the chair that was provided for him. But immediately felt stupid and
stood up. He felt her getting closer and closer and in the end decided to have
another drink, walking to the table with beverages. But then it occurred to him
that it might not look good in her eyes and he discarded the idea.
“My king,” Reid cleared his throat and he turned to face him and the woman who was
haunting his dreams for the past few days. She was beautiful, there was no denying
it. Her piercing blue eyes were studying him with interest. And she had good taste,
looking regal in her wine red dress. There was a huge diamond ring on her finger.
But the worst thing of all was the mark that was poking out right next to the
expensive diamond necklace.

What was he to do now?

Riannon tried really hard to control herself. She was still shocked that lycans
arrived and still couldn’t believe that the arrogant Lycan King summoned her.
Suddenly she was regretting the things she said when they spoke last. What if he
wanted to punish her? Make an example out of

“My king,” she forced a smile, bowing politely.

“Luna Thorn,” he acknowledged her, realising one very important thing. She was
still giving him no reaction. While all he wanted to do was to grab her in his arms
and growl “MINE” letting everyone here know who she belonged to. How the hell did
that happen? Why didn’t he feel it? Was it the mark on her neck? But her husband
didn’t have any trouble sensing his mate. So why couldn’t Riannon do the same? What

The silence became awkward fast but the girl in front of him was not going to speak

“Please, take a seat,” he motioned for her to choose any and she walked to one
ofthe chairs with her back straight and head held high. He loved the way she moved.

Ria was sitting elegantly under the heavy gaze of the king and felt… awkward. His
heavy gaze was at her at all times, and she felt as if he expected something from
her. Was it an apology for shouting at him over the phone? Her cheeks flushed
slightly at the memory, but she was not going to say sorry. She meant every word
she said and she was too tired to look for excuses.

“l am not going to apologise,” she warned him at once and his lips parted in shock.
Maybe it was the wrong move after all.

“l am not asking you to,” he said after a pause and now she was the one gaping.

“Then to what do I owe the pleasure?” she tried to sound as formal as possible, her
hands on her knees.

For a second there Gideon contemplated simply telling her everything and getting to
the bottom of things. She was his and he needed her to know that.

Then again, he did not want her scared. She was already in a horrible situation,
and he did not want to cause her any distress. But he desperately needed to get
closer to her, to get some answers.

“Your fiery speech made an impression on me,” he smirked, making her swallow

I have to say that some of the things you said were correct.”

After these words, he received a curious gaze from her. Now wary, not scared, not
pretend. This was something.

“Just some?” she arched her brow and he chuckled at that. She was also funny.
“Let’s not get carried away,” he walked to the armchair opposite of her and sat
down, “This is your chance to change everything, Rian non. Tell me everything from
the very beginning…”

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
and I will appreciate your support!

o Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hello, sorry that the chapters are short for now, I am trying to figure this whole
thing out still. I am grateful to everyone who is reading all this. Thank you very
much. I am overwhelmed with the response and the pressure is high

Ria and Gideon will continue their conversation tomorrow.

Chapter 11. The Deal

Riannon tried to stay calm. It wasn’t easy in the Lycan king’s presence, but she
did try her best. It did not help that he was incredibly good looking. Neither did
it help that she remembered very well how he brushed her off and humiliated her
over the phone. The memory was still fresh in her mind, and it bugged her. He
bugged her. He made emotions raise inside of her and she did not like it. She was
trained well enough to conceive them at all times. Although werewolves were beasts
and had animalistic instincts, it was considered bad manners for a Luna to show
them. A perfect Luna couldn’t growl, couldn ‘t get angry, couldn’t display what she
felt for everyone to see. A perfect Luna had to be. well, perfect. At all times.

And Ria was always considered one of the best in that regard.

Yet with the Lycan king, she wanted nothing more than to come up and slap his
incredibly handsome face. Hard.

She did not even want to do that to

Brayden. Although the rational part of her knew that he deserved it more.

But that man in front of her, who did not take his eyes off her. irked her. To the
point that she wanted to do something about it. And his scent of coffee and
sandalwood, which was the mixture of the two things she loved the most, bothered
her too.

Ria wished Onyx was there with her. Her wolf had better instincts and could help
her to figure out what to do. She had her all her life and now it was hard to be on
her own.

Yet she had no choice.

“What exactly do you want to know, Your Majesty?” she tried not to show her
irritation, but a little smirk still touched his lips.

“Everything, Riannon,” he addressed her by her name only, which was way too
intimate for their first meeting face to face. But he was a lycan. And they were
arrogant and considered themselves the higher class of wolf species. Everyone else
was below them. So, Ria had to swallow that.

“Should I start with my childhood then?” she couldn’t help making the snarky remark
and bit her lip as soon as she said that, making an internal growl leave his body

Okay, no more jokes then.

“You asked for my help,” he reminded her. “And you refused to help me, Your
Majesty,” she pointed out in turn.

“Gideon,” he practically gritted through his teeth.

“Excuse me?” she darted him a surprised gaze.

“Call me Gideon, I hate all those formalities,” he undid the button on his collar
while she was gaping, trying to figure out if he was joking.

“l can’t. . she tried to protest but noticed how his eyes got darker at once.

“It’s an order,” he said coldly, making her gulp.

She wasn’t his biggest fan at the moment but she definitely did not want to make
him her

“Very well,” she clenched her fingers together on her knees, holding her back
straight, “Gideon.”

He relaxed in front of her, hearing his name coming out from her lips. It sounded
nice. He wanted her to repeat it over and over, but, of course, couldn’t tell her
that. At least not now.

Something was very wrong and she did not feel that he was her mate. Although, the
longer they were this close to each other, the more he knew that she was the one
for him. This was frustrating and agonising. All he wanted was to grab her and take
her back to his lands, to make her feel what he felt, to love her and make her
forget all the other men in her life.

His eyes darted to the mark that was visible on her neck. Was that it? Was this the
reason why she couldn’t feel their connection? He wanted to sink his canines into
her and try to erase that, try to fix that… But of course, he couldn’t. Not without
freaking her out and causing a political scandal, which he couldn’t afford now.

“So, you are divorcing your husband,” he said, trying to focus on the positive
here. Soon she would be free and he could make his claim then.

“Uhrn, yes,” she replied after a little pause and he did not like it. Was she
hesitating now? Her husband was literally with another woman in front of everyone
at this very moment.

“Is it decided?” he sounded more menacing than he hoped and she shuddered a bit.

“It is,” Riannon replied calmly and he let out the breath he did not know he was
holding, “But

he is not aware of it yet.”

“Oh?” the Lycan king arched his brow, watching the woman in front of him in
amusement. What kind of game was she playing? “How so?”

“For now he thinks that he could have it all, her lips curled into a smirk and the
beast inside of him was howling at her sassiness, “His wife, his mate and his

“But you have other plans in mind?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful and
noticing how Reid who was still also in the room gave him a puzzled look.

“You know that very well, Your… Gideon,” she corrected herself and he smiled. She
was learning fast. “l will not be staying a Luna to a man who betrayed my trust.
When we gave each other promises to stay loyal, I took that seriously. If I met my
mate, I would reject him on the same d ay.”

He swallowed at the thought.

“And what if he was way better than your husband?” the words left his mouth before
he could control himself, “What if he really loved you and was, say. .. a noble

“It did not matter back then,” she snorted,

“He could be the only son of the Moon Goddess! I used to love Brayden. I would have
kept my promise to him and honoured our marks. But since he didn’t do the same for
me. ..”

“Wasn’t it just a few days?” Reid interjected, “He could still reject his mate for
you anytime.”

“But he wouldn’t,” the girl replied way too coldly, “And it doesn’t matter anymore.
You can only break someone’s trust once.”

“Very well!” Gideon decided to agree fast until his i *t of a Beta offered her a
solution on how to fix the relationship with her husband, “Divorce it is then

They both looked at him in shock and he cleared his throat.

“But what was it about the pack?” he decided to change the subject quickly.

Riannon explained to him very patiently how they merged the two packs when they
were getting married and why she wants to take it back. She had good reasoning when
she spoke and he found himself agreeing to everything way too fast. Was this the
power of their mate bond? She also mentioned a few times how much she and her
husband used to be in love in and he found himself frowning at that every time.

“So,” she asked him, arching her brow and he realised that he had been quiet way
too long, staring at her and thinking of something else. This was the time for him
to answer and he could tell that she did not expect much. If anything, she seemed
eager to return back to the party, where all those alphas were all over them and he
was sure at least half of them was going to offer her their support in hopes of
getting her for themselves. He knew how they looked at her. As if they all were
hungry for her.

He also came to the conclusion that he made the worst first impression on his mate
if she couldn’t wait to leave him. And he needed to fix that fast.

“l will support you,” he said and her lips parted. He could tell that she did not
expect that. He had a lot of work before him.
“You will?” Riannon decided to make sure she wasn’t hearing things.

“Yes,” a vague smile appeared on his face, “There will be some conditions, of

“Like what?” the Luna crossed her hands on her chest in a defence motion. She was
expecting the worse from him and he only had himself to blame.

“Cooperation,” he said the first thing that came to his mind. The only condition
that he really wanted to name was for her to become his but he could sense that it
wouldn’t work well. Not now. She didn’t feel the bond and he did not know why. He
needed time. Desperately. And he needed to find a way to be close to her still.

“What kind?” she asked.

“The usual,” he cleared his throat, “If I am on your side, you are on mine. I also
need you not to marry or date anyone until I give you perm ission

“Why?” she mumbled, slightly shocked by the bizarre conversation that they were

“l have my reasons. Take it or leave it.” It was a gamble and Gideon knew it. But
something told him that she was going to take it. His wolf calmed down too now. He
clearly enjoyed her company.

“Unless,” she looked him in the eye with some kind of determination and he got
scared that she would decline his offer, “Unless I find my mate.”

He tried to hold back the huge grin that was about to spread over his face but was
failing miserable, noticing how Reid was watching the pair with his brows knitted.

“l can accept that,” he smirked, “If you find your mate, you are free to embrace
your bond.”

“Then it’s a deal,” Riannon stood up and stretched her hand to him for a handshake,
which he used to pull her closer, startling her.

“Good,” he wrapped his hand around his waist to the shock of his Beta and led her
to the exit, “Shall we go then?”

“Where?” the Luna looked at him with her rosy lips parted.

“We have a show to give. ..”

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hi, thank you for still reading my book. I hope you like the first interaction
between Ria and

Gideon. It probably wasn’t what you expected. Or am I wrong?

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Alpha Markus

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Chapter 12. Allies

Reid opened the curtain for them and Riannon tried to hold her head straight since
she knew that all eyes would be on them now. In all her years as Luna, and even
before that, she saw lycans just a few times. They usually weren ‘t mingling with
the werewolves and it was considered an honour to just meet one of them, regardless
of their rank. Back in the day, when Ria got acquainted with a Beta, it was the
talk of the surrounding packs for months. And all he did was tell her that he owed
her one and handed her a card in front of a few witnesses.

Still, Brayden was proud and was telling everyone that a lycan owed their family.
It sounded impressive.

Well, now Brayden did not look that proud anymore when his wife was descending the
stairs holding the mighty lycan king’s hand. Although this was supposed to be an
honour beyond any.

Yet she could feel how her husband was gritting his teeth and saw how he wasn’t
even reacting to the words of his precious redhead mate. Roxy didn’t look excited
to be at a ball

anymore either. It was a disaster. For her.

Unlike in the previous life, where she was the star of the event, the little
innocent omega who overcame many hardships and stole the heart of a powerful Alpha,
now she was second-hand news. Now everybody was questioning what got into Brayden
Thorn’s head that he abandoned his wife of six years like that. The wife who
clearly was the centre of attention today and for all the right reasons.

Not only wasn’t she embarrassed by her situation, she embraced it, attracted every
single male wolf in the room to the power that she was emitting. Alphas loved
strong women. It was a given. That was why often mates were chosen.

Because not everyone could become a suitable Luna, not everyone could bear the
burden of responsibilities and pressure. And today Riannon proved that she was one
of the very few who could do all that flawlessly.

So that even the most powerful man in the room got interested in her. So that all
the gossips in the hall had to shut up. So that on the day when she was supposed to
be humiliated, she came out on top.

“Smile, Riannon, smile,” the king’s lips curled into a smirk, “You don’t want to

everyone who is watching.

“Sorry,” she mumbled as he led her to the very centre of the dance floor and
gestured for the musicians to start playing again. The sounds of a slow melody
filled the room and they started moving. And when Gideon pulled her closer, so that
their bodies were touching each other, Ria realised what a gift he was actually
making her.

It was a display of great favour. And everybody in the room knew it.

She wanted to think of what she would be doing next, to strategize… But the
proximity of the man in front of her was clouding her mind. His scent was
overwhelming, and he was emitting dominance and power. More than anyone she had
ever met.

“l can tell what you are thinking about,” Gideon chuckled softly.

“That’s not surprising,” she replied calmly, bet everyone here is thinking of the
same thing now.”

“And that would be?” he looked at her with amusement.

“Why are you doing this?” she lowered her voice so that only he could hear her. And
he lowered slightly so that it was easier for them to

talk, resulting in his hot breath burning her cheek and earlobe.

“You know why,” he whispered, creating goosebumps. This man was too handsome to not
react to him.

“You could have simply said a word for me at the next Alpha Council,” she tried to
reason, “But instead you are doing this.”

“l have my reasons for everything,” he confessed simply and she shot her brow up.

“And that would be?”

“l am territorial, Riannon,” his lips curled into a smile, “l want everyone to know
what is mine so that they in turn knew that if they touch it, it would cost them
their lives.”

He said those last words loudly and there was no chance that couples who were
dancing right next to them hadn’t heard every single word.

“But I am not yours,” the words left her mouth before she realised what she was
saying. And she could swear that his eyes got darker and grip on her became

“You are my,” he hesitated as if he was making a very important decision that very
moment, “My ally. And I will make sure that everyone respects you one way or

The Luna’s lips parted in shock but otherwise, she managed to keep a neutral facial
expression. What kind of dumb luck was it? Why was he so generous?

He danced surprisingly well, leading her firmly and making her look even better
than she usually did. His every move was precise and Ria was shocked with his

“You are very good at this,” she praised him, smiling and arching her back in his
arms when she heard him growling softly for some reason.

His breathing got heavier and she wondered what was the reason. He surely wasn ‘t
tired after just one dance.

“Riannon,” he made her look at him, “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course,” she nodded. After what he did for her tonight, she was ready to answer
any questions.

“What is your wolf’s name?” he asked and she suddenly got sad. Which did not escape

“Onyx,” the girl said quietly.

“Is Onyx around?” the Lycan kind bent to whisper the words in her ear, saving her
the humiliation as her eyes grew wide.

Just how would he know about something like that?

She didn’t know what to answer, so muttered the first thing that came to her mind,
“She is. resting.”

“Ah,” Gideon nodded with a mixture of emotions on his face, “Well, Ria, it was a
pleasure. But I am afraid it’s time for me to go.”

She did not know how to react to that. Did she do something wrong or was it really
the time for him to leave? Yet somehow she felt disappointed that it was happening

“l will call you tomorrow,” the kind said and she almost choked on the air, “And we
will need to meet again very soon. To talk.”

“Sure,” she smiled nervously and felt his grip on her tightening. It was as if
he. .. did not want to let her go. .

“Then I will see you soon,” the music stopped and he bowed to kiss her hand, making
the room fill with gasps at once, “It was a real pleasure, Riannon.”

The lycan king made a gesture to his Beta and they both left the room abruptly.

Ria wanted to return to the bar and order herself a drink when Brayden stood in
front of her.

“What the hell was that right now, Riannon?!” he growled.


Marissa Gilbert

Hi, I know you all want longer chapters. I will try to do what I can. But this is a
very busy month for me with exams and holidays approaching.

So, I am counting on your understanding. Thank you so much for reading my book.

Chapter 13. Brayden

Riannon gave her husband a very cold stare but he did not seem to notice how
everybody around them became quiet once again.

“Brayden,” she said without a trace of emotion in her voice, “Let’s talk about it
at home.

I have a few people I still have to talk to.”

She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm to stop her and she had to turn and
face him. In all honesty, Riannon did not want to make an ugly scene. But she was
annoyed with him beyond belief. What was he even thinking?!

“l think you already talked to enough people tonight,” he clenched his fingers
tighter around her slim arm and if Onyx was there, she would let her take control
for a few moments and show him her Alpha force. But now she had to be more careful
since she was alone. She knew very well that now she was in a position to only use
her witts.

“And what is the problem there exactly?” she gave him her best and fakest smile,
“You need to take care of your wolf and for that, you need to give that poor girl a
good time here tonight.” Ria gestured at Roxy who stood right behind her husband
with a perplexed face. “And in the meantime, I need to take care of our pack since
you are busy. And for that, I need to actually talk to people, Brayden, build
relations and so on.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing? Building relations?” he gritted through his teeth,
“How come you are only doing it with men when you could talk to all those Lunas?”

“The Lunas are already on my side, trust me,” Ria smirked, “But men require to get
to know me better. Besides, what if I manage to meet my mate here too? Imagine how
great our pack would be when both our wolves suddenly get super strong thanks to
that. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”

His grasp on her became so strong that she knew there would be bruisers. Not that
she cared. It was satisfying.

She heard a few laughs here and there as people that gathered around them
appreciated her joke.

But Brayden did not. He was always the superstar of every event. And this was
exactly how he was counting to be perceived at this event. He already had the best
wife and Luna there could be. But now he also found a mate who he took into his
pack. A mate that was sure to become his mistress over time, he only held back
thanks to his respect for Riannon. But it was simply a question of time.

He was sure that he could have it all and tod ay’s ball was supposed to be proof of

Brayden believed that other alphas would get jealous of him but that his main
supporters would slap his back in approval. Wasn’t it every man’s dream to have two
perfect women?
Riannon was perfection… She was the rare girl that had everything and he knew that
she would be his Luna the first moment he saw her. She was a true beauty with her
silky skin and shiny blonde hair that was always falling in perfect waves down her
shoulders. She had the perfect fit body which was neither too thin and nor too
muscly, with soft curls in all the right places. But her looks weren’t the best
part of her. She was clever. And funny. And calculating when it was needed. But on
top of that, she was kind and sincere towards the people she cared about. Her blue
eyes seemed to look right through you and sometimes Brayden believed that she knew
what everyone around her was thinking about. She fell in love with her almost
instantly and managed to get her attention. They dated for years at school and
married almost after they graduated. They were always in perfect sync when they
ruled their pack, she never failed him and he gave her everything that a Luna like
her should have.

When he met Roxanne, he wanted to reject her almost instantly. But… he couldn’t.

Everything happened so fast when he was visiting one of the neighbour packs. She
was running out of the woods when he was talking to the Alpha with a few wolves
chasing her. He froze at the sight, realising that she was his mate. He didn’t
think that he would be able to find her. He looked. He wanted to know what it was
like but he was also in love with Riannon and decided to abandon the idea for her
when they married and he marked his wife.

And now there she was… That pitiful girl who was so tiny. And vulnerable. And had
absolutely no one to protect her. He opened his mouth to say the words but she
fainted in front of him and he couldn’t do anything. He found a place for her
outside his pack and kept it a secret. No one knew except for his Beta Ash. He was
visiting the girl every day to keep a check on her healing. It took her a while
since she was an omega. And he couldn’t reject her before she got well since he was
afraid she might die… But a few weeks passed and he still wasn’t able to break
their bond. The way she looked at him, the way she behaved… Everything was so
different from Riannon. And it was enticing.

Ria never needed his help much. She was his partner, she never relied on him.
Sometimes it even felt as if she was the Alpha in their relationship.

And he loved that.

But sometimes… It was too much.

It was hard to keep up with her.

While with Roxy it was always so easy. Simple things made her laugh, she was
grateful for even the smallest of gifts, even a spec of his attention was bringing
a smile to her face. And she was. dependent. Without him, she was afraid to even
take a step.

He liked the way she looked at him, he liked how weak and fragile she was, his
instincts were heightened next to her with the constant desire to protect her. So
that was why he couldn’t keep her outside of his pack anymore. It wasn ‘t safe. And
that was why he couldn’t reject her when

Riannon demanded it and Roxy fell to his knees. He wasn’t that cruel. He couldn’t
do that to the little omega.

But after some thinking, he was sure that there was a way for them all to be
together. His mate didn’t have to be his wife or let alone Luna.
She could just stay in his pack and live a comfortable life, satisfying his wolf
when it was needed. And Riannon could still remain his queen. Their relationship
could go through anything. She wouldn’t be happy at first, of course, but in the
end, she would make the required adjustments for the sake of the pack. The rational
side of her would win. She could deal with anything and still do it with dignity.

That was why he was shocked when he saw her today. He thought that she would spend
a quiet evening with her friends here. But that dress… and that behaviour were not
what he expected at all!

She seemed so different now and when she went upstairs to meet the Lycan King he
almost lost it.

But it was when she came back with him and they danced that he couldn’t bear it any
longer. It felt as if every man in this room wanted his wife! And although they
always did, it was the first time that they were also ready to act on it. And… she
did not stop them.

Now she was giving him the coldest stare

that he ever received from her, with a crooked smile to top it off. As if she was
daring him in front of everyone. The old Riannon would never do that in public! Was
a person able to change so fast? Or maybe he just didn’t know his wife to begin
with. ..

“Are you drunk?” he wanted to put a stop to it and he knew that the only way to do
that was to trample her pride, “l thought you were better than this and accepted
Roxy as a part of our pack.”

Something changed in her eyes. The cold glare changed to the death stare in an
instant. His lips almost trembled at that so he had to clench them so hard that
they formed a thin white line.

“Is that the best you could come up with?” she arched her brow, “How about we just
do what we came here to do in the first place? Take your hands off me. You are not
even my partner tonight.”

His fingers unclenched as he watched the reaction of people around them. What was
he to do now?

“Right,” Ash appeared out of nowhere and stepped right behind Riannon, “l am the
said partner. How about I take it from here?”

She seemed slightly annoyed with him too

and it brought Brayden relief as his Beta took her hand and led her away to the

“Alpha Brayden?” Roxy called his name and he turned to see his mate with her eyes
filled with tears. Guilt washed over him as he realised that he neglected her
completely. Yet his own gaze kept returning to his Luna who was now dancing and
talking to his Beta.

He couldn’t help but feel that the evening was ruined. But everyone was watching
and he had to keep his face.

“How about some drinks?” he asked the almost crying redhead who clung to his hand
and a wide smile immediately bloomed at her face.
Yes, Roxy was so easy to please…

Ash wasn’t leaving her alone and it was extremely hard to talk to the other alphas
in the room. The plan had backfired a bit, yet Ria found herself smiling every time
she thought of her dance with the Lycan King.

“We have to leave now,” the Beta leaned lower and whispered into her ear.

“What?” she looked at him in shock, “Why?

It’s too early.”

“Alpha orders,” was all that Ash answered and she pursed her lips, looking at her
husband drinking cocktails with Roxanne at the distance. When did he even manage to
mind link his right hand?

But she had enough of ugly scenes for one night and it was hard to make any
progress with him glued to her. She would have other opportunities and she already
made her statement tod ay.

“All right,” she sighed, following him out of the room and to the parking lot.

She noticed that he wasn’t to where the limos were parked and tensed at once. But
the Beta clicked the button and one of the huge Range Rovers nearby blinked.

“We’ll take the car others used,” the guy smiled at her, taking off his blazer. And
to her surprise, he wrapped it around her shoulders without asking permission. “You
look cold, my Luna,” his lips were too closer to her ear when she heard a loud
growl behind them.

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
and I will appreciate your support!

Chapter 14. The Phone Call

Riannon distanced herself from the Beta, but he immediately wrapped his hands
around her, pushing her behind his back and taking a stance.

The lycan king and his beta with his hands in his pockets walked out of the
darkness and Ash growled at them loudly.

“You seek death or something?” Ash smirked. He had a smile on his face but did not
look friendly at all. The lycan aura was dominating.

“It’s okay, Ash, step away.” Riannon tapped her Beta’s shoulder but he did not
change his position.

“l think your Luna just gave you an order,” Gideon said calmly but the werewolf’s
eyes only narrowed at him.

“l was given a task by my Alpha to protect her at all times,” he snarled at the two

“Commendable obedience,” the king smirked, “But no one is attacking your Luna and
you are being rude.”

The Beta straightened his back and Riannon

tried to move forward but he held her back. “Whatever you need to say, you can say
in my presence,” he insisted.

“Ash!” Ria tried to bring some sense into him.

“That’s fine,” Gideon chuckled and stepped forward while Reid was eyeing the daring
wolf in front of him. Riannon saw the Beta fighting just once. Back when she
managed to save his nephew. But this memory was enough to know that he was a
killing machine and Ash stood zero chances if it came to a real battle.

Her eyes met with the king’s and a faint smile appeared on his face when he
stretched his hand. Ash growled but she ignored him and took the thing that he was
offering her, realising pretty quickly that it was a phone. She eyed him
questioningly, but he simply turned and started walking away without saying a word.

Still, she took it as a good sign.

“Don’t do that again,” she turned to look at her Beta and he clenched his lips.

“It’s my job..

“Your job is to listen to me and do as I say,” she cocked her head and shot her
brow up, “l am your Luna before anything. At least for now.”

His face changed and he placed his palms onto her shoulders, “You will always be my

She wanted to laugh at that, remembering the past. How he just stood there when
Roxy was slowly coming to power, how he watched when Brayden stripped her of her
title… She knew very well that she couldn’t rely on him.

“That’s very sweet of you to say that,” she sighed, “But as you can see, you may as
well have a new Luna soon.”

Riannon walked past him and got inside the car. She was about to pull the train of
her dress in, when Ash kneeled next to her, doing it for her carefully. Their eyes
locked just for a second and his shone blue as he said, “Brayden may have a mate or
a new wife even. But I will only have one Luna.”

He closed the door for her before she could say anything and got to the driver’s

Just then the passenger door opened and Harper, Brayden’s sister tried to get in.

“Oh, good, Ash!” she giggled, “l want to go home early too!”

“You’d better find another car, Har,” the Beta said dryly.

“But I ” the girl seemed stunned and

looked at Ria questioningly.

“She can ride with us,” Riannon sighed. She really did not want to. Harper was
almost never nice to her. And she did not want to make her even angrier than usual.

“No,” Ash said dryly, “l have my orders to take Luna home alone. For safety
reasons. Find another car, Harp.”
“But. . she tried to object but a loud Beta growl made her leave the car in an
instant. Ash rarely used his dominance but today he did.

The car doors locked, and he drove off. They spent most of the road in silence,
just exchanging a few phrases about the party.

“The lycan king. . Ash muttered, “What is that about?”

“He is just trying to maintain the friendly relationship with our kind,” she shook
her shoulders and looked away.

“And yet he spoke and danced with you only,” the Beta noticed.

“Turns out he heard about my work,” she lied without blinking, “You sound so
surprised. Is it so strange for him to pay me attention?”

“Of course, not,” Ash cleared his throat and grasped the steering wheel tighter,
“If anyone

deserves recognition, it’s definitely you. I am just surprised he arrived at all.”

It was true. Riannon was surprised as well. Back in her previous life, he never
arrived at the Alpha Ball. They never met.

She did not know what to think of it. The future was changing. On the one hand, it
was a good thing as this was what she needed - to change everything. But on the
other hand, it was scary. Because if the changes were drastic, she wouldn’t know
where she could place a safe bet.

Everything was com plicated.

They arrived back at the pack late at night and Ash offered her his hand to help
her out of the car. His fingers grasped hers and he did not let go when she was
already out. This was odd. He wasn’t like that before.

Ash was Brayden’s best friend since high school, but theynever actually hit it off
as friends. He was quiet around her although he performed his duties just
perfectly. She used to rely on him and take it for what it was. Yet his betrayal
still came as a shock to her.

As a Beta, he gave her a vow when she became the Luna. And he didn’t keep it.

It was probably because his vow to the

Alpha was more important. But it still hurt her.

So, it was strange for her now to receive his affection. Not to mention that it was
very new even if the betrayal neber happened.

They walked inside the mansion and everything was already quiet.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, “l am going to get some sleep.”

“Of course,” he suddenly appeared way too close to her in this dark reception area,

No, Riannon… I think that Brayden is an idiot.”

She did not know what to respond to that. But decided to go with the first thing
that came to her mind.

“That makes two of us,” she let out a little laugh, “Shame he can’t help it.”

But then the silence between the two of them became awkward and she simply turned
and started walking up the stairs. When she turned to look at him, she noticed how
his eyes shone blue and gulped, saying nothing and just speeding up.

Back in her bedroom, she locked the doors behind her.

“What’s up?” Maya looked worried sitting at her desk with a sketchbook. Ria was
relieved to see her best friend here and she gave her a relieved smile.

“Nothing. Just came back early.” She sighed, throwing off her heels. Maya put her
sketch away and Riannon noticed that it was a caricature of Roxanne this time. And
a very good one. The girl was smiling way too wide while holding a knife behind her

“That bad, huh?” she asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“Actually, it went great!” Ria grinned at her and demonstrated to her the phone
that Gideon gave her, “You wouldn’t believe it but the Lycan King himself was

“What?!” Maya gasped and jumped to her feet, “For real?! What did he say? What did
he do? Did you talk to him?”

The two girls talked until it was way too late. Riannon told her best friend
everything and then they were planning and strategizing for the next few days. They
had to be in perfect sync for everything to work.

Before sleep, Ria sighed, looking at the cell phone which she placed on top of her
bedside table. There weren’t any numbers in it, no instructions. It looked like the
phone was brand new.

Just why did the king give it to her? What was the point? He had her number anyway,
he could call anytime.

She caught herself on the thought that this man wasn’t leaving her mind. She was
supposed to think about her husband and his betrayal, yet thoughts of king Gideon
prevailed. He was unusual. Even for a lycan. The way he spoke, the way his lips
curled into a smirk… It seemed like he knew something that she didn’t.

And that dance… It was short but it made an impression. And not only on the guests.
On her as well.

“l have my reasons for everything,” he said and she could only wonder what those
were in her case. He went really fast from ridiculing her to giving her the chance
of her life.

She was still thinking of him when the phone rang.

She hesitated before swiping her finger to start the conversation but did it

“Hello?” she hated how her voice trembled. “What are you wearing?” the lycan king’s
voice was huskier than she remembered.

What kind of question was that? She started to get worried that he was interested
in her for the wrong reasons.

“l am not answering that,” she said.

“Why not?” he asked as if this was not the first time they were doing it.

“Because it’s inappropriate!” she scolded him, “Who even asks a married woman
that?! What are you wearing, Gideon?!”

She couldn’t control her rage and used his first name, biting her lip at once.

“Easy,” he chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation, “l am wearing nothing,


She swallowed. Because her brain went to imagining just that no matter how hard she
tried to control herself.

“That was… I didn’t mean to. ..” She tried to explain herself, blushing. This was
not going well.

“No offence taken,” he assured her, sounding amused, “And I bet you wear something
lacy and. .. cream. You look like the cream kind of g,rl.

She looked down at herself, almost cursing under her breath. He was right. She was
wearing a cream slip with lace. Most of her nightgowns looked like that.

“l am not going to deny or confirm that,” she tried to sound professional, “And if
that’s the only reason for your call, then I have to hang up now. ..”

“That’s not the only reason,” he said without any kind of worry in his voice.

“So?” she felt like he was playing with her and she did not like it. Yet she
couldn’t bring herself to end this either.

“l will be visiting your pack tomorrow,” he said and she sat up on her bed.

“You will?” her throat suddenly went dry.

“l will,” he snorted, “But unofficially. Out of all your pack, I only want to see
and speak to you. We need to discuss a lot of things.”

“That we need,” she agreed with ease, feeling how her mood went up instantly.

“Then I’ll be seeing you tomorrow,

Riannon,” he said and she just knew that he was smiling.

“See you then, Gideon,” she grew bolder. But before he managed to say anything
else, she switched off the phone and fell back to her pillow. What was she doing?
And most importantly, what was he doing?!

In the morning, Riannon had her breakfast in her room, trying to figure out what
she could and couldn’t say to the Lycan king when he would arrive.

Brayden was out since early morning with Ash. They both trained the pack warriors
at that time.

That’s why Ria was surprised when she heard a commotion in one of the drawing rooms
of the packhouse.
She opened the doors and dozens of eyes met hers. The room was filled with omegas
having some kind of a tea party. A party that she wasn’t even aware of.

“Oh, Luna!” Roxy ran up to her, “l am so sorry! I think you don’t mind that I
gathered my friends here! This. .. we.

Fake tears started forming in her eyes again and Ria had enough…

Marissa Gilbert

Thank you everyone for your tremendous support! My agent is trying to connect me
with an e****r so that they help me to get this book signed. So, I am staying on
Dreame. Hopefully, it will be done soon. The daily updates continue. I canlt
believe how many of you supported me here! I am so grateful.

Chapter 15. The Tea Party.

Here she went again.

It was extremely hard for Riannon not to roll her eyes. That girl was beyond
annoying. And absolutely shameless.

It was pretty clear what she was trying to do here with all those omegas. She did
it in the past too. Since she didn’t have a chance with higher-ranking wolves
before, so she tried to get all the lower ranking ones on her side. This was one of
Riannon’s first serious defeats. Back in her past life she used to be respected by
everyone and believed that their loyalties would stay with her until the end. Their
pack was always good to omegas, after all. And she personally saw to it.

There was one thing that bothered her a lot.

As far as Rhiannon remembered, last time or Roxanne started acting much later.
Those parties with omegas took place months after she appeared at the pack. And now
she was already at it. It was another change and Rhiannon didn’t like it. However,
luckily, in the past, she was thinking a lot about her mistakes. This one always
seemed like the hardest one to fix, but she had to at least try.

“Luna,” Roxy was almost crying, “I’m so sorry that I invited all the omegas over.
But I felt so bad for them since it never happened chance to enjoy things like
that. And especially at the packhouse. Please, don’t be angry at us. I assure you,
we all know our places in the hierarchy.”

This was going to be funny. Ria looked around, scanning the room. Roxy was serving
them biscuits and sandwiches. So, she gave her guests a wide smile and entered the
room, taking the central seat.

“Roxy,” she said with a grin, “you are still very new here. As I always tell you
during your panic attacks, this pack is very different from the one you came from.
Omegas can enter this house anytime they like as any other member of this pack.
Everyone is welcome here, although it would be better if you let us know beforehand
about big gatherings like this. Our omegas don ‘t lack biscuits or sandwiches. If
you really wanted to treat them, we could have prepared something a bit better.
Like what we do at our seasonal parties. You enjoy those girls, right?”

“Of course, Luna,” a few of them squeaked, feeling slightly awkward.

“Oh,” Roxy took another seat, “l didn’t


“Don’t worry, dear, no one expects you to learn everything so fast,” Riannon
chuckled as someone handed her a cup of tea, “That’s why we are going to take care
of your education from now on. Did you decide what you would like to do already?
Remember, we already talked about it? You have absolutely no limits on what you can

Ria tried to sound nonchalant. Yet her main aim was to draw the line between them.
Roxy liked to exploit her background and get all the pity from the people around
her by playing the poor and abused omega. The Luna wanted to take that from her.
She wanted the other omegas to know very well that they weren ‘t the same. Roxanne
stopped being a plain omega the moment she entered the pack as the Alpha’s mate.
That wouldn’t work with everyone, of course, but at least as far as they didn’t
have that unity…

“l am not sure,” Roxy mumbled, “It’s all so sudden… I don’t know if I would ever
get used to something like that.”

“Of course you will!” Ria tried to sound really sincere, “You looked like a natural
at the

Alpha Ball yesterday! I would have never thought that it was your first. The
designer dress and diamonds fit you well.”

The silence in the room became awkward and Riannon got worried that she overdid it.
“Th-thank you,” Roxy tried to force a smile, “It’s all thanks to your kindness,

“Don’t thank me,” Riannon put the teacup down, “It’s not like I have much of a
choice here. Not every day your husband brings home his mate and makes us live

Now the silence was deadly.

“And how are you, Luna?” One of the girls asked, playing with the hem of her dress
and darting her eyes to the floor, “l mean…


“Considering everything,” Ria leaned to the back of her chair and sighed, “l am
trying to cope. It’s not easy when it happens to your family. You have married a
chosen mate too, right Alice?”

The girl looked at her, shocked that the Luna of the pack knew her name and even
such details about her family.

“Yes, Luna,” she nodded, “Mark and I are chosen mates.”

“Then you can probably imagine how I feel right now,” Ria smiled sadly and brushed
away a non-existent tear off her lashes, “It doesn’t help that Roxy here is such a
sweet and caring child. I couldn’t hate her even if I wanted to.”
“You are very kind,” someone else said and others started agreeing with this.

Soon Roxy’s party turned into the support event for Riannon and she made sure that
she let them all know that she was aware of their names, position, problems and so
on. When they were leaving, they were thanking her for everything and Ria was now
able to smile genuinely. She noticed that a few people were still hanging around
Roxy. But this was inevitable. Those were the calculating and scheming women who
wanted to get to power in the pack. They had no chance to attach themselves to
Riannon, so the alpha’s new mate was their best bet.

But at least now Ria knew what to expect.

“Thank you so much!” One of the omegas gave the Luna an awkward hug, hearing that
she just approved the increase in the school budget to make sure that omegas could
be trained physically along with everyone else. This was something that Brayden
opposed for a while and thanks to that, omegas rarely could compete for a warrior
place. Although some of them weren’t born to fight, some were just as strong as
deltas and it was a shame that they never had a chance to prove themselves.

However, Riannon was one of those who wanted to change that.

“Don’t worry,” she smiled, “The plan is to give everyone an equal chance. I am sure
that sooner or later everyone will get on board.”

They were walking out of the mansion, saying their goodbyes and Roxy kept quiet. A
few of her newfound friends kept close to her, realising that tod ay’s battle was
mostly lost.

“l am sure you will be able to do all that and more,” Roxy said, grinning widely,
“Our Luna is now friends with the Lycan king, after all. There is hardly any
problem that she can’t solve now!” That was the definition of false advertising.
And it was dangerous.

“We talked once, Roxy,” Riannon almost gritted through her teeth, “That hardly
makes us BFFs.”

“But the lycan king. . The redhead wanted to say something else but they all heard
a burst of resounding laughter.

“And who the hell are you to speak for me?!” Gideon Stormhold, the Lycan King
himself, took off his sunglasses as they all turned to the sound of his voice and
saw him leaning over a huge black car at a distance.


Marissa Gilbert

Thank you everyone for your ongoing support for the book. I still can’t believe how
lucky I am that so many people read my book. Thank you all so much! This feels
Chapter 16. How Dare You?

“l am asking you again, omega,” the Lycan king growled, “Who do you think you are
to say such things?!”

All other omegas bowed their heads and only Roxy stood there, trembling.

Riannon’s lips parted in shock as she took him in. Today he was wearing ripped
jeans and a grey T-shirt that was slightly too tight around his muscular body. He
had sunglasses on which he took off right before their eyes met.

He was a fine specimen of a Lycan. Tall and broad-shouldered as if he spent most of

his time training and fighting. Yet his green eyes gave away his sharp mind and
experience. Someone like him wouldn’t buy the pathetic lies of the scheming omega
in front of him. And for some reason, it made Riannon very happy inside.

“l am so sorry, Alpha,” Roxy started stuttering and Ria thought to herself that for
the first time ever this might have been genuine. The aura around the Lycan King
was deadly and even she could feel it.

“l am afraid a simple sorry is not going to

cut it, little girl. You are not that little thought to not know any rules. Or now
that you found out that you are the Alpha’s mate you decided that you are above
everyone and anyone?” Gideon chuckled darkly, “l hate to break it to you, but even
Alphas are not above our laws. And you are still a no one as of now. I don’t see a
mark on your neck, do P”

No one dared to speak and Roxanne’s head was getting lower and lower.

“Not to mention that even if you did have a mark,” the Lycan king stepped closer,
“l could still demand your life as a tribute to me for your insolence. And, trust
me, your Alpha would kill your himself in an instant just to appease me. If he is
not a complete i *t, of course. Which I am starting to doubt.. .”

“What is going on here?” Brayden showed up from the side leading to the training
field with Ash and his best warriors, all sweaty after yet another exercise round.
He looked worried when he saw the scene unfolding before him and Ria decided to
take a step back simply watching what would happen.

“What happened, Alpha.. Gideon paused, not even trying to hide that he did not
remember Brayden’s name.

“Thorn,” the wolf tried to suppress a growl but it did not work very well.

“Alpha Thorn,” Gideon practically spat the words and Riannon enjoyed that way more
than she should have, “Your mate here disrespected me. And your Luna too. She is
too brazen and absolutely doesn’t know what can and cannot be

said .”

“My apologies, King Stormhold,” Bray was forcing the words out of his throat. He
was a strong Alpha and submitting came hard to him, “It is my fault. I have to
teach her better. She didn’t have the opportunity to learn since in her previous

“l don’t want excuses,” the lycan did not even try to hold back his growl, “There
are things that even mice in the house know. And if she is that not ready to meet
people, maybe you should look into that and stop parading her at parties for the
time being. After all, you don’t want the whole pack to pay the price for the
stupid words that leave her mouth, right?”

“Of course, not,” Brayden got pale. No one wanted to mess with the lycans. This was
a war lost before it even started and everyone knew that. There were less lycans
than werewolves in the world but they were bigger and stronger, and way more
powerful. And there was a reason why everyone obeyed them. There had been wars
where werewolves tried to end lycan’s dominance and they all ended badly for the
wolves. So, no one tried that before. It did help that lycans, however cruel if
crossed, seemed to be reasonable rulers. They implemented laws that more or less
took care of everyone under their wing. However, there was one thing that they did
not tolerate and it was disrespect.

“l am so sorry!” Roxy rushed to fall into Brayden ‘s arms with eyes full of tears
again. The girl was shaking uncontrollably as her mate wrapped his hands around her

Gideon turned to look at Riannon and she sighed, rolling her eyes, which only made
him smirk and clench his fists. He looked like he was ready to tear the omega apart
any moment now. That got Ria worried. For the first time, she realised that now she
really needed Roxanne alive for her plan to come true.

A small part of her still cared for Brayden and it made her mark ache to see him so
protective of his mate. But in the end, more than anything now she wanted her
freedom. And her pack. If Gideon killed Roxy now, Bray would be devastated, yes.
But he would survive. And never ever give her a divorce. And she wouldn’t have
grounds for that and for taking her pack back as well.

No, this was not good for her.

“How about we forgive her just this once,” the Luna stepped in between the lycan
king and her husband who held his clinging mate in his arms, “We will all teach
Roxanne and next time we will be sure she is not even around when you visit if
that’s what you like.”

“As you wish, Riannon,” Gideon raised his chin but his facial expression warmed up
as he looked at her. Everyone around them was stunned at how easily he listened to
her and how he called her first name like that. But, of course, no one was stupid
enough to comment on that. “Anyway, I came here to discuss a few things and to have
a look at your pack. How about you show me around?”

“It would be my pleasure,” she gave him a soft smile and this time he worked really
hard to suppress an internal and possessive growl.

“l will go with you,” Brayden said all of a sudden as Roxy still had her fingers
dug in his skin.

“l think you have your hands full, Thorn,”

Gideon chuckled not even bothering to add the title Alpha, which probably meant
that he wasn’t considering his opponent one.

For the first time ever Bray looked at his mate as a nuisance as his wife came
closer to the king. But he couldn’t do anything about it in front of so many

“Then at least my Beta. he wanted to suggest Ash go with the two of them.
“There is no need,” Ria smiled innocently, “This is an informal visit, Bray. And I
am not in any danger from King Gideon. Go deal with your important matters and let
Ash do his work. While I’ll do mine.”

With that, she turned on her heels and gestured for Gideon to follow her which he
did after giving her husband a look of disdain. Making others feel inferior to him
was a gift sent to him by the Moon Goddess.

They walked in silence for a while and Ria contemplated how to start a conversation
with him. She was telling him this and that about the pack but he did not seem
interested at all. And from time to time she caught him watching her with a gaze
that made her lose her breath and feel the heat inside.

She tried to control her emotions just the way she was taught but couldn’t do
anything about the blush that appeared on her cheeks. Just why was she reacting to
him like that?

“And here we plan to build a few new rows of living houses. Our population
increases rapidly in the past few years and we want to create more separate houses
for new families,” she went on and on, even though she knew that he was not
interested. But he kept listening to her and watching her every move without
interrupting her.

Until they came to the main gardens of the pack and walked up to a little lake with
ducks swimming in it.

She did not know what else to say and was about to ask him bluntly what the real
reason for his visit was when he turned to face her with a very serious face.

“Riannon, I need you to tell me something and be honest about it,” he said and she
swallowed. Just what was it that he wanted to know?

“Of course,” she mumbled, feeling worried. “What happened to your wolf?” the words
cut through her mind.

Chapter 17. Stinging

Riannon did not know how to react to this question. How did he guess?

Maya told her that she still smelled like a werewolf and an Alpha at that. So, it
couldn’t be her scent. Yet somehow the Lycan king already knew that her wolf was
missing. This was not the first time he was asking about Onyx. And Ria wasn’t
stupid to consider it simple politeness. He wanted answers.

But so did she.

Even though everyone around them was ready to faint as soon as they were close to
Gideon, she did not feel this way at all. She was sure that he wasn’t going to hurt
her. Not at all. He did not give her that vibe. He felt like… She wasn’t sure like
what. Not a friend. Definitely not a friend.

Anyway, this was not important as he was staring at her expectantly with his arms
crossed on his chest. His deep green eyes were on her and she felt pressured to
give him an answer.

“My wolf is not talking to me,” she said, choosing her words deliberately. She did

want to lie to him. For some reason, she knew that it was very important to never
lie to him.

And it was the truth at the end of the day. Some part of Onyx had to be there since
she still had her werewolf senses and physical strength. But no matter how much
Riannon tried to call for her wolf, Onyx did not reply to her. Thus - they were not

“Hmm,” the Lycan king was watching her with a hint of doubt in his eyes, “For how
long?” “A few days,” Ria coughed. What was it? An interrogation?

“What happened prior?” he asked and it made her flinch, letting him know that there
was something there.

She paused and he got tense. Just what was it that made her wolf go away? Did
someone hurt her? Sometimes, in very rare cases, wolves were retreating to the back
of their host’s mind to recuperate if something terrible happened to them. Gideon’s
fists clenched on an instinct as he imagined that someone may had hurt his precious

“It’s personal,” she said, turning away. But he couldn’t let it like that.

“Riannon,” he stepped right behind her,

itching to close her in his arms, “It’s okay. You can tell me. If you want, it will
forever stay just between us. But I need to know.”

For a second there she contemplated telling him the truth. Would he believe her?

Maya did.

But Maya was different. They knew each other for so long that they were practically

While Gideon was new in her life. For goddesses’ sake, he wasn’t even her kind. He
was a lycan and a royalty. And she needed his help to get her divorce and pack back
before anything. What if she told him everything now and he considered her crazy?
There would be no way he would let a crazy Alpha take reigns of her pack.

No, telling him that she died and was brought back in time wasn’t an option at all.

She needed something else. But not a lie.

“Well,” she turned to face him, finding him way too close. But she gathered all her
strength and looked him in the eye. “What do you think happened?” she furrowed her
brows, “My husband of 6 years brought home his true mate, breaking our sacred
promise to each other and destroying everything I believed in within one day in
spite of me being the one wearing his mark.”

She noticed his Adam’s apple twitching slightly as if it was suddenly hard for him
to breathe.

“Is that why she is gone?” he asked menacingly and for the first time, Riannon felt
a shiver go down her spine when she was with him.

“She did not tell me for sure,” Riannon chouse her words carefully again, “So, I am
just assuming.”
His face suddenly looked relieved. And also slightly. .. hurt. Why did he take
those matters so close to heart?

Then again, this was probably why he was considered to be such a good king. He was
concerning himself with the matters of his subjects.

Unknowingly, Ria rubbed the mark on her neck as it started stinging slightly. This
was happening a lot to her lately.

“This omega,” Gideon continued, “Is she always like that?”

“Usually she is worse,” the Luna muttered under her breath, but it did not escape
the lycan.

“Then your husband is an I t, the man snorted and it made Riannon smile, which she
tried to get back under control immediately.

“Don’t hide that smile,” he told her at once, shocking her slightly, “It looks good
on you and I prefer my. allies to be honest with me about their feelings.”

She swallowed. So, her inner hunch was correct. He did not like being lied to. Not
that anyone did, but for some people, honesty was extremely important. Riannon was
a too skilled politician to know that. So, she just nodded to him and curled the
corners of her lips a bit again to his satisfaction. His eyes lingered on her lips
for far too long and she turned away from him, feeling how unnecessary heat was
rising inside of her by the minute. Just why did this lycan had been influencing
her so much?

“So,” she cleared her throat, “You are seriously considering helping me?”

“l already promised you, didn’t l,” he stood right next to her and his hand
accidentally brushed over hers, making her feel… tiny tingles. Tingles! Her eyes
darted to his at once but he only looked at her expectantly.

No, this couldn’t be. This was probably in her head. At least that was what she
tried to convince herself in.

And also it was nothing like the mate tingles. She experienced those after Brayden
marked her and this was definitely more intense.

Her mark started stinging again and she rubbed it more furiously while trying to
gather her thoughts.

“What is it?” Gideon looked at her with sincere concern on his face and she opened
her mouth to try and explain it, but he already took her hand into his, opening the
view of her mark and lowered himself to have a better look at it.

She felt slightly embarrassed at that. The marks of chosen mates were just red ugly
scars. Everybody knew what they were of course, but it wasn’t the same as what true
mates had. No matter how they wanted to pretend that it was.

True mate marks looked like two crescent tattoos looking at each other. And deep
inside this was what Rian non was dreaming of every time she looked in the mirror.

But Gideon’s hot breath on her neck distracted her from her thoughts. He was close.
Almost too close and he brushed his thumb over her old scar gently, making her feel
“It looks a bit inflamed,” he said with worry in her voice and she gasped.
Inflamed? Why the hell was her mark inflamed?!

A loud growl distracted them from each other and Riannon turned her head to see one
very pissed werewolf glaring at the two of them. ..


Marissa Gilbert

Sorry, the update came out later than I promised, The day was a bit too hectic.
Also, I am trying to respond to each of your comments but noticed that either my
phone or my app are mixing things up. So, don’t be surprised if you receive an odd
answer from me 101. Thank you for all your support!

Readers also enjoyed:

Enslaved By The Alpha

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TAGS revenge alpha love-triangle

Chapter 18. Not Greedy

Riannon froze with the lycan’s hand still on her neck when she saw her Beta baring
his canines at the two of them. What was he thinking? This was offensive to any
lycan and the one next to her was their king for Goddess’ sake!

“Do you have a problem?” Gideon angled his head to look at the intruder, still not
taking his hand off Ria’s neck. He looked absolutely unbothered on the surface, but
the Luna did not let herself be fooled. She could feel fury radiating from his
body. Fury and something else. She couldn’t get what it was though

But she knew one thing - Ash was in big trouble now.

“Yes, I have a problem,” he said, clenching his fists, “You have your hands on my
Luna and I demand..

It was just one second and Riannon felt cold as the king’s arms left her. One
second - and he already stood next to Ash with his fingers locked around the Beta’s
neck, lifting him in the air as if he weight nothing and making her gasp. She knew
very well that lycans were faster and

stronger. But she couldn’t even imagine that the difference was so vast. If they
ever had to fight for any reason then werewolves would have zero chances at

Ash was now making gurgling sounds and Ria hurried to the two men.

“Please, no!” she begged the king and he looked at her unexpectedly softly.

“He was insolent,” Gideon tried to explain to her but seeing a spark of fear in her
eyes brought him back to his sense. He was doing it again. Making the wrong
impression on her. All he wanted was to find out why she did not feel him and make
her used to his presence in his life, but he was showing her this feral side of
him. Instead of the one, she could potentially be attracted to.

So, he placed the Beta back to his feet, even though in reality he wanted to snap
that neck of his. He never let anyone doubt him in his life except for his sister
and Reid. And if anyone did . .

“Please, forgive him, Your Majesty,” her formal voice was cutting his ears. No, no,
no. This was wrong.

“Gideon,” it slipped off his tongue faster than he realised, and he met her widened
eyes. “Don’t forget that we are not using formalities anymore,” he cleared his

“Of. .. course,” she mumbled, not knowing how to behave now.

“Luna!” Ash tried to gather himself, still panting. But before he managed to say
anything, she gave him the look. The one that meant, shut up now or I will not be
able to help you next time. “Did anything happen?” she tried to change the subject,
“Were you looking for me?”

“Yes,” he practically gritted through his teeth, adjusting his shirt that now
looked all crumpled and stuck out of hisjeans, “The mail came.”

“And?” Riannon raised her brow not grasping what it had to do with her.

“l think you need to see this,” the Beta turned around and she looked at the king,
shaking her shoulders.

“Well, if you have to,” he chuckled friendly as if he did not just try to murder a
member of her pack. But yet again, Riannon did not feel any dangerous vibes from
him that was why she waved at him to follow her. Living him alone wasn’t an option

At the entrance of the packhouse a few cars were packs and people were getting
boxes out of it, big and small, as well as huge extravagant bouq uets of flowers
that filled the air with their overly sweet scent.

For a second there, Riannon frowned. Back in her past life, something like this
happened. Brayden decided to give his mate “what she deserved” since she had
nothing and showered her with gifts. In this life Roxy already had a budget
allocated for her needs. And it was annoying that he still did it without any kind
of excuse.

However, next, her eyes were dawned on her gloomy husband standing on the stairs
and Roxanne, sheepishly hiding behind his back. She wasn’t jumping with joy like
the last time. And he did not have the smug smile plastered all over his face. ..
Something was off.
“You seriously thought that I would want to see this?” Riannon tried to hold back
her annoyance as she darted her eyes at Ash.

“Why not?” the Beta seemed puzzled there for a second, “The alphas of so many packs
sent their regards to you. I thought.

“l am sorry, what?” she opened her mouth in shock and the beta grazed his eyes over
her lips.

“Those are gifts sent by alphas for you,

Luna,” he said calmly as he took his eyes off her, “They are.

“. ..not wasting their time!” Gideon said in a very deep and cold voice while
placing his hands in his pockets. Just why did he think to bring her anything? It
was so obvious! You court a woman you give her gifts. He wanted to swear at himself
but this was not the time.

“Oh,” Ria looked back at the people who seemed to be taking the boxes to her rooms.
This was an unexpected development!

But nonetheless good.

She could use this in so many ways. It was giving her options for her plan and she
immediately started to think of what to do next. “Riannon!” her husband growled,
coming closer.

He did not look happy. Of course, he didn’t. Back in the day no one would dare send
gifts like that without a special occasion to his wife. But now they all thought
that she would be back on the market soon. He gave them this impression when he did
not reject his mate and even brought her to an important event for everyone to see.
And now he was reaping what he sowed.

“Yes, Brayden?” she flapped her eyelashes a few times. Even though he was furious
and she had no wolf, the Lycan king was still standing by her side. And for some
absolutely ridiculous reason, this was giving her even more confidence than she
usually had.

“What is the meaning of this?” he demanded as if he still had the right to do so.

She was annoyed by his behaviour and looking at him now she wondered what the hell
happened to him? Had he always been like this? Or did she not see his true self
before because she was in love?

“l don’t know, Brayden,” she said in the most innocent tone, “l am as surprised as
you are. So, if you want to know what is the meaning behind all those gifts from
other alphas for your wife, you would probably better call them and ask them.”

They all knew that it would not be possible. If it was just one Alpha, Brayden
could call him out and challenge him. They could have a fight and Bray would
probably even win. He was one of the strongest after all. But there was one little
problem. .. There were far too many gifts there. From far too many alphas. He
couldn’t challenge them all - they would gladly kill him and share his lands. He
couldn’t challenge one or two of them they would ridicule him for the rest of his
life for not being brave and strong enough to do it to all of them. Even in turns.

It was a game where he couldn’t win. And everybody knew that now.

So, for the first time in his life, Brayden would have to swallow the insult. Hard.
And it brought a newfound feeling of inner satisfaction to Riannon. That may have
been his first time, but she sure as hell would make sure that it wasn’t his last

“Anyway,” she chirped, turning to the kind and wrapping her arm around his in a
friendly manner, “We still have so many things to discuss. How about we do it in my

They moved past the stunned Alpha and Beta and when they were on the stairs leading
to the entrance, they almost bumped into Roxanne with trembling lips and gleaming
eyes. She was about to give another show as soon as they left, so Ria stopped right
next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“No need to cry, Roxy,” she said loudly, “Just pick what you want and take it.
Don’t insult your Alpha and Luna. I think I already proved that

I am not greedy and I can share those insign ificant things with you.”

She kept on walking without waiting for a response. She knew that she already
achieved the desired effect.

Gideon next to her had an inner fight this whole time. His wolf Mars was roaming
inside trying to get out and claim what was his. He wanted Riannon so badly, that
it was getting dangerous for everyone around them. The Lycan king was used to their
inner fights. All royalties had powerful beasts inside them because only they could
contain them. But this was getting out of hand. Having their mate so close and not
being able to do things to her was maddening.

But at the same time, he couldn’t help but admire the woman who was now calmly
walking next to him after dealing with the ones who oppressed her without even
needing his help.

A true queen. A treasure.

He was always wondering ifthe Moon Goddess would be sending him an equal. And now
he knew that she did not fail him. For Riannon may have been a werewolf and not a
lycan, but she did not lack anything.

“Here,” she pointed to the door that led to her own spacious office and he opened
it for her, letting her in first. But as soon as he closed it, he scooped her in
his arms, making her squeal from

the shock and took her to the desk, gently placing her on top of it.

All that he wanted now was to remove her clothes and take her roughly right there,
the way Mars insisted.

But of course, he couldn’t. .. Her big wide eyes told him that. She still did not
feel the bond.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she practically stuttered looking around and he tried
really hard to show her his most harmless facial expression. But it probably did
not go that well because it made her flinch.

“Your neck,” he coughed, pointing at her so-called mark, “It’s still inflamed.”

“It is?” she touched it with her fingers and realised how hot it was. The lycan was
right. “l should probably call the pack doctor,” Riannon prepared to mind link her
trusted friend, but Gideon took her face in his hands.

“l can help,” he said, looking straight into her eyes and for some reason, she
trusted him instantly, “Would you let me try?”

“Erm,” she trembled, “Okay.”

She had no idea what she was agreeing to and when he buried his face in the crook
of her neck, she forgot how to breathe. His hot breath was on her skin, making her
feel all kinds of things. The man had this strange effect on her which she could
not name.

“What are you doing?” she asked, starting to pant at their closeness.

“You know,” Gideon almost chuckled into her hair, “Lycans have this. healing gift.”

“They do?” she asked. She never heard of it before.

“Kind of,” he avoided a straight answer and she wanted to question him more but
then she felt a slow and torturous stroke of his tongue onto his sensitive skin.
She couldn ‘t believe what was happening.

The Lycan king was licking her now!

Note: My attempt at a longer chapter resulted in me being late with the update 101.
Sorry. Hopefully, you like the latest developments in the story. Thank you for all
the ongoing support. I appreciate it really much!

Marissa Gilbert

Note: My attempt at a longer chapter resulted in me being late with the update 101.
Sorry. Hopefully, you like the latest developments in the story. Thank you for all
the ongoing support. I appreciate it really much!

Chapter 19. Unexpected Passion

Her first instinct was to push him away. But his tongue on her flesh felt so good
that she couldn’t bring herself to actually do it.

And it did feel better. So… it could only be wise to consider it as a treatment.
Like when you go to a doctor. Yes, this was the best way to look at it. Gideon was
her doctor. A tall, insanely handsome, ridiculously hot doctor who was now sucking
on her most sensitive spot, while the fingers of one of his hands dug into her
waist and the ones on the other were tugging her hair to give him better access.

She tried to push him away. But not really. Riannon’s mind was elsewhere because of
all the sensations that the Lycan king was bringing her with his… treatment.

It was hard to breathe, and she bit her lip almost to the point of bleeding when a
moan escaped her. This, in turn, made Gideon lose the tiny bit of control he had
left. Touching her like that was all he wanted just a minute ago. But now that he
was intoxicated with her scent and closeness, it was suddenly not enough. He
wanted more. To take her, to claim her, to take her away and bring her where she
really belonged.

Not here. His house.

Mars was howling and growling in his head. The damn wolf was even crazier than he
initially thought.

And when her hand went up to his chest and touched the bare skin on his own neck,
he almost lost it, not even realising anymore what he was doing to her.

Riannon could swear that between all the sucking and licking she felt his sharp
canines grazing over her skin. A wave of shock went through her body yet she still
did not push him away, not even knowing why. However, in just a few seconds his
tongue returned to work, and she forgot about all that.

Healing came first.

Just then the door swung open, and Maya froze at the entrance with several huge
present boxes in her hands, making Riannon finally return to her senses and push
Gideon away to his displeasure. The lycan king grunted and for a second there his
eyes shone golden light indicating that his wolf was almost in control. But he
furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose, and Ria
just knew that she had nothing to worry about.

Except for her best friend grinning at her and her brother poking out from behind
her back.

“My, my!” the Beta girl snickered as she barged in, jabbing her sibling, “Close the
door, Dean. We don’t need the wrong people to see this!

The guy followed his sister’s orders and Riannon sighed. He was one of those who
were hard to see in her new life. Back in the past, after Maya was killed, he
changed a lot. The nice 20-year-old boy with freckles was gone. Replaced by a
person she wasn’t sure she even knew before.

The worst of all, he was one of those whom Riannon lost too. No, he was not killed.
He turned away from her, blaming her for Maya’s death. In the end, he couldn’t even
spare her a word..

But now he was here, blushing as he always used to in their childhood. He was
younger than both Ria and Maya, but he was dear to both of them. When Riannon’s
siblings died, Maya and Dean became her family. Along with Brayden.

“Is it normal for just anyone to barge in like this in the Luna’s office?” Gideon
raised his brow, looking at the two intruders.

“Ah,” Maya shrugged, “He isjust the way you described him!”

Riannon covered her face with her hands as she jumped off the desk. The lycan
looked at her questioningly and she gave him an apologetic smile. No, she was not
going to tell him that she described him as the biggest prick who ever lived

“Gideon, this is Maya,” she decided to just introduce them to change the subject,
“She is my best friend and my future Beta.”

“Really?” now he looked at the girl with interest. He wanted to get to know
everyone who was important to his mate. He knew that Betas were not chosen on a
whim, there had to be a connection. And that made this Maya girl extremely
important to him at once too.

“And before you say anything,” the she-wolf placed the boxes on top of the table
and narrowed her eyes, “l will earn my place. I am already earning it.”

“l was not going to say anything,” Gideon chuckled, “And I have no doubt.”

The girl looked at him in amazement but hid it very quickly under a crooked smile.

“Well, well, well,” she snorted, “l guess it’s

true that lycans do not see a trouble in high-ranking women

“Why would we?” the king replied politely, “If the person is capable, then it
shouldn’t matter what their gender is.”

“l cannot agree more,” Maya darting a mischievous glance at her friend, “And now he
is so not the way you described him

Gideon caught that just fine and turned to look at the Luna with a smirk on his
face, “Now I am just dying to know, how DID you describe me to your future Beta?”

“l told her that you are a mighty and respectable king!” Ria cleared her throat,
shooting Maya a death stare, “How else?”

“Anyway,” her friend grabbed her brother’s arm and pulled him back to the exit,
“We’ll be going, and you can continue to make out! But I suggest locking the doors
next time. You are so lucky that it was us. You do realise that it could have been
anyone else, right? At least, Dean and I can keep a secret. But that cannot be said
for anyone else in the house.”

“We weren’t making out!” Riannon tried to explain.

“Yeah, yeah,” Maya waved her goodbye,

clearly not buying it.

The doors closed and they stayed alone again.

“Your mark,” Gideon turned to her with a clear impression to continue where they
left off.

“Is fine now!” Riannon touched it automatically and it indeed felt normal, so he
distance herself from the man, walking all the way behind her desk, “Those lycan
healing abilities are indeed amazing!”

The king tried to hide his disappointment, trying not to think of the many things
that they could be doing on top of that desk if she felt he was her mate.

However, tod ay could be considered progress anyway, since she clearly was reacting
to him. It couldn’t be confused with anything else. He just needed more time. And
more effort.

“Lycans will surprise you many times in the future,” he chuckled as she handed him
some folder with papers, while her cheeks were deliciously pink.

“l have no doubts in that,” she smiled politely and he frowned, realising that she
was in her business mode now. He did not like it. But he couldn’t do anything about
it now. She was clearly putting up her guard now after what happened.
It hurt him a great deal to know that the wolf was gone because she was heartbroken
for another man. He would take any other reason, but this one was torture to think

Nevertheless, at least she wasn’t dead. He and Mars would do anything to bring her
back and make Riannon theirs.

“So, as you can see,” she pointed out with her delicate finger as she stood right
next to him again, coating him in her scent, “l have made the proposals for the law
changes. And here you can find the suggested statements we can use.”

“Where?” he furrowed his brows, knowing really well where everything was. But he
moved the folder further away and she had to bend lower, giving him a few seconds
of closeness.

This was not nearly enough for him, but he knew that this was all that he was
getting. He didn’t even try anything, just enjoyed those crumbs…

“Here and here,” she was patient with him. And he liked that about her because he
was often hot-headed. He always thought that he needed his Luna to be on the
rational side of things. And it made him smile that the Moon Goddess heard his
silent prayers.

“So,” she bit her lip impatiently. She did that a lot. “What do you think?” she
asked, worry on her face.

“l think it’s a way bigger problem than I initially thought,” Gideon closed the
folder, “We will need to brainstorm it for a few days at least. And we need to run
it by the lycan laws as well.” “Of course,” she agreed, “We can arrange a call any
time that is convenient for you.

“No,” he tried his best not to smirk when he said it, “l think we need to meet. You
will have to come to the lycan territory for a day. Or two. Or three… Clear a whole

“But,” she gasped. This was not what she expected at all.

At this moment in time, they heard a knock on the door, knowing at once that it was
Brayden. Alphas had the strongest scents.

“l hope I am not interrupting,” he walked in without permission and quickly scanned

the situation in the room. His whole body relaxed when he saw the folder in the
king’s hands.

“Of course, not,” Riannon answered dryly. She did not want him to get suspicious
before the time came but she wasn’t in the mood to be nice to him after everything

“What is it that you discuss here?” he asked expectantly, and she almost rolled her

“There are a few laws that require adjustments,” Ria said, “Mainly to give women
more rights. You know how it is. Some are good warriors but can never be considered
for the position unless they have a high-ranking blood type. There are many other
little things too.” “l know,” he pretended that he was aware the whole time and she
wanted to laugh.

However, it was what happened next that she did not anticipate at all. Brayden came
all the way to her and wrapped his hands around her waist possessively, brushing
his cheek over hers.

am so proud of my beautiful Luna. You truly are the best, Ri,” he murmured almost
intimately, “That’s why I love you so much.”

Gideon’s friendly expression dropped at once and his fists clenched…

Note: I am sorry the update is late. But the good news of today is that my contract
was signed and the book will stay on Dreame forever! This wouldn’t have happened
without you and I am very grateful for all your support.

Chapter 20. Don’t Go.

Riannon shifted slightly in her husband’s hands, trying to get out of his grasp but
he held her in place. Just like he did in their youth when someone looked at her
and he suddenly got in his possessive alpha mode. And she always was the popular

Before Ria was sure that he was like that because he loved her. Well, that
assumption was long dead now. It turned out to be as simple as him not wanting to
share his toys with anyone. And that realisation hurt her even now.

Besides, the look in Gideon’s eyes worried her. He looked as if he was ready to
kill now. And she did not get why would it have such an impression on him. Apart
from that “healing” episode, there was nothing between them. Was it possible that
he liked her?

However, in just under a second, everything became clear on that end too.

“Don’t you think you are a bit too disrespectful to behave like that during a
business meeting, Alpha.. , even though he knew his name very well, Gideon still
raised a brow

implying that he had forgotten it again.

“Thorn. Just like my wife here. Brayden Thorn,” the werewolf tried not to show how
that insulted him. He had a bigger problem at hand. No one wanted to piss off a
lycan, even if they did not like them. But the Lycan King went without saying. Even
he, the strongest werewolf alpha, couldn’t afford to offend him. At least not now.

So, no matter how much he did not like his wife next to that man, he had to act
politely at all times.

“My apologies.. .“He waited for the king to let him know how to call him.

“King Gideon,” the lycan smirked darkly and Brayden clenched Ria tighter in his
hands. Almost to the point of hurting her.

“My apologies, King Gideon,” he tried really hard not to grit his teeth, “It’s just
that I missed my wife so much that I couldn’t handle myself properly.”

“Hmm,” Gideon sneered this time, “And here I thought you were an Alpha. Shouldn’t
you be able to be more in control of your emotions? Besides, you were just fine
without your wife the other day as far as I remember.”

This jab Brayden had to swallow too. There

was nothing to tell to that. And Riannon used that moment to get out of his hands
and step away, which made Gideon relax at once. He felt as if a heavy boulder was
lifted off his chest when she appeared to be closer to him than to her own husband.

“Anyway,” she tried to sound businesslike, “The king and I were discussing the new
laws, Brayden. We need more time to..

“Of course,” he interrupted her as usual, not caring for her Luna duties as always.
This was a habit of his since he knew she would be handling everything impeccably,
so there was no point to take part in any of it. He had a lot of things on his own
mind and did not need to add to that. However, when they were deciding on how to
handle general pack matters, that was when he wanted her opinion always. Because in
most cases it was very helpful. To him.

“Take as much time as you need, my dear,” he wanted to touch her but she crossed
her hands on her chest demonstrating to him that he was better not to.

“That’s good that your husband is so helpful and agreeable,” Gideon suddenly looked
much happier than before, “We were just talking about how some of the lycan laws
may be helpful in our case. And that there is no way to discuss this properly
during a short meeting or over the phone. We need to actually work together. So, it
was decided that the Luna will come to my kingdom for a week.”

Riannon almost choked on that but played her part, concealing all the emotions.
They hadn’t agreed on anything yet.

“A week?” Brayden’s mouth opened as he was processing what he just heard, “This
is…” “Not enough?” Gideon chuckled, “Let’s make it two then.”

“No,” the Alpha growled and the king’s eyes glowed gold. Even Riannon got tense
watching the two of them.

“So, you do believe that your wife would be able to deal with everything in one
week?” the lycan was forcing him to give him an answer that he wanted to hear. And
the werewolf knew very well that in fact, he had no choice in the matter. “She can
even deal with all that faster,” he tried to play the game.

“Let’s not be cruel to the Luna,” Gideon smirked again, “We don’t want to overwork

Riannon was perplexed about all that. They

were discussing it as if she was not there and she did not like it one bit.

But if she was honest, this was playing out nicely. Roxy was quiet in her first
weeks in the pack and did not do much except for the crying. And it could be good
to let Brayden concentrate his attention on her without the feeling of guilt that
he had at first. Not to mention that the help from the lycan king was priceless.


Her mind went back to when his lips were on her skin, to how he made her feel and
lose herself. .. Could it be that his motives weren ‘t that great? And if she was
right about that, could she still use his help?

But then she remembered her people. And realised that for them she would have to at
least try. Gideon did not look like a man who would force her into anything. Not to
mention that there was a great risk that he wouldn’t even have to. The thought
alone of their closeness brought colour to her cheeks and she touched them to cool
down, which did not escape the lycan king’s attention.

He had a very hard time controlling his wolf inside as it was. Mars wanted to get
out, kill

Brayden and everyone else who would dare to object to him claiming his mate. And
then he wanted to place a big fat mark on her right on top of her old one. The
worst thing was that it was this last part that bothered him the most. He did not
want Mars to go on a rampage and hurt his beautiful mate.

So, he had to restraint him extra harder this time, which caused him physical pain.
And Riannon’s blushing cheeks were not helping him with all that. He knew he had to
get out of there as fast as he could, even though he hated the idea of leaving her
alone in this place.

He had to constantly remind himself that

Ria wanted to go through with her divorce. And Goddess would sure help him to make
it a speedy one. Then the minute she would be free, he would state his claim and go
from there. But for now, his main task was not to scare her off. And this had to
do. He had to believe in her.

“Of course, we don’t want that,” Brayden seemed displeased.

“So, it’s a done deal then,” Gideon prepared to leave, itching to touch her again,
“l will send a car tomorrow.”

“That fast?” the alpha next to him frowned.

“l have no time to lose,” Lycan king was not even looking at him. He looked at
Riannon and he was talking to her, “The faster we start, the sooner we will be

She gave him a faint smile, getting his hint and his lips curled at that a bit too.

“I’ll be leaving,” he announced dryly since the alpha ruined their potential
goodbyes. He was sure that if he asked Riannon to see him off, the husband would
tag along. And he couldn’t see him anymore without slashing his claws over his
neck… He had to leave this place. Fast.

Ria sighed as she watched Gideon through the windows going to his car. He looked as
if he was in a rush. But right before he got in, he turned and looked right where
she was standing. He couldn’t see her through the white curtains but it still felt
as if he knew she was there.

“Don’t go. Ria heard a faint whisper inside of her mind and her whole body
shuddered at the realisation that it was Onyx.

Onyx was alive!

“Onyx!” she called her, “Are you there? Are you okay?”

Riannon wanted to ask her so many questions but her wolf was not responding
anymore. And she still couldn’t feel her.

However, this was good. This was hope.

“l really don’t like him!” only now the Luna noticed that her husband was standing
with her the whole time with his hands crossed. He watched the lycan leave and only
then did he let out a deep sigh. “Ri, you need to be careful with him. I don’t
trust this guy!”

She looked at him in amusement. Was he serious? Did he think that now they would go
have a drink like they used to and discuss everything?

“It’s just business, Brayden, relax,” she tried to sound casual and stepped away
from the window, “Besides, a link with the lycans is a good thing for our pack.”

“l think that he is the kind of man who would give you empty promises and nothing
in the end,” the Alpha stated with a frown.

Ria looked at him. The audacity. Wasn’t he the one with empty promises in her life?

“Still,” she tried to gather herself, “Other packs wouldn’t know. All they would
know is that our Luna is working with the lycans. Imagine the fear that would feel
before us.”

“They are already afraid of me enough,” Bray grunted and she almost snorted.

“Can’t deny that,” she decided that she

would get rid of him faster if she simply agreed with everything, “By the way, do
you need my help with something? It’s unusual to see you here at this hour.”

“l. He did not know how to phrase her. He knew this woman for so long and she was
an important part of his life. With her he shared everything. And yet now it seemed
harder than ever. “Throw away the gifts,” he coughed, clearing his throat, “I’ll
buy you whatever you need or want. Better than what they sent you.”

“l have no doubt,” she tilted her head watching him in amusement, “But it’s not the
point, is it? We can’t be rude. And we already talked about this. However, I was
serious that Roxy can take whatever she likes. I think in her case everyone would

The silence between them quickly became awkward. Not for her. For him.

“You take it better than I thought,” he said finally, and she wanted to laugh,
getting back behind her desk. He had no idea!

“It’s not like you left me any choice, is it?” she looked at him through her lashes
and he sighed, coming closer to her.

“Let’s talk about all that, okay?” he sat on the verge of her desk, “l don ‘t want
you to feel

threatened by Roxy.”

“How kind of you,” she scoffed, “Bray, let’s not do this now. I am not ready to
discuss this.”

“Fine,” he smirked and scooped her in his arms in less than a second, placing her
on top of the desk to her horror, “Then let’s not talk. Let me prove my feelings to

Note: A slightly longer chapter tod ay. Someone is getting possessive of his wife…
way too late.
Marissa Gilbert Writer

A slightly longer chapter today. Someone is getting possessive of his wife… way too

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TAGS possessive kickass heroine

Chapter 21. The First Time

Riannon couldn’t believe what he was doing. Didn’t he get that they weren’t in the
right place right now? How did he see them having s*x now?

Surely, he had to be aware that he hurt her with his actions. He did not know that
she already lived a whole other life and fell out of love with him. But he had to
have some idea about human feelings. And he brought his future mistress home just
one week ago.

“Ri… You look so beautiful today, babe,” He lowered himself to try and capture her
lips, but she dodged it. She couldn’t risk it too much because she did not need him
suspicious at this moment in time. However, sleeping with him was absolutely out of
the question.

“l am not exactly in the mood, Brayden,” she averted his lustful gaze and heard him
sigh excessively.

“l know,” he said with a bit of regret in his voice, “and I know that it’s all my
fault. But I meant what I said, I will find a way to make it up to you. Just tell
me what you want, even if it is a completely new packhouse. Or the biggest diamond
in the world. Or.

He was contemplating what things he could buy her while she wanted to laugh. Could
he buy her some dignity that she lost because of him? Or some magical painkillers
that could ease the pain in her heart which was caused but his actions.

But even if he could, it was too late for that now. She did not need any of those
anymore. She was fine on her own.

His hands started travelling up her thighs, giving them a light squeeze as he tried
to part them while digging his head in the crook of her neck, peppering it with

She found it… repulsive. Back in the day, she would be melting in his arms, happy
at their sudden closeness. When Roxy was still new in the pack, she believed that
it was just temporary and they would be able to overcome this. So, when he was
sleeping with her, just the way they both enjoyed, she was on cloud nine.

This was not the case anymore. All that she was thinking of now was how to get out
of this situation.

“l miss you, Ri,” he whispered, trying to seduce her into giving in. And then he
froze. Something was not right there. She pushed him away, realising quickly what
was the problem.

Gideon was… healing her right there before. A werewolf couldn’t miss that.

“You reek of that lycan!” Brayden said angrily.

“And you reek of your mate,” she said the first thing that came to her mind and it
came out wrong.

“Did you do something with him to avenge me bringing Roxanne in the pack? Is that
what your business is all about?” he threw accusations at her one by one.

“Of course, not!” she tried to look appalled even though he was absolutely right.

“Then why do you smell like him?!” the Alpha demanded.

“Because my mark was inflamed, and he checked it!” she decided to go with partial
truth. After all, Gideon could confirm it for her, “Lycans have the strongest
scents. And I bet their king is even worse than that. So, that’s why it stayed on

Seconds seemed like years as she waited for her husband to respond, to make his

“l am sorry, Ri,” he said after a while and moved closer to her again, “Let’s pick
up where we left off.”

“Let’s not!” she quickly jumped off the table, “The mood is gone anyway, and I
still have a lot of work to do. And I bet so do you.”

“The most important thing that I have to do is my wife,” he growled. He was not
used to refusals. Riannon always wanted him. Their passion was never dying down and
this was literally the first time when she felt fine yet said no. He did not like
that one bit.

That was when a door knock disturned them and they both turned to see Roxanne
standing in the doorway.

“Luna, Alpha, I am so sorry for disturbing you,” she mumbled.

“That’s fine, Roxy!” Ria was happy to see her nemesis for the first time in her
life, “We are done here. What did you want?” she was playing with the hem of her
new dress, “If I could talk to the Alpha.

“l am busy!” Brayden snapped and tears glistened in Roxanne’s eyes.

Usually, Riannon would roll hers seeing that. But right now Roxy was her saviour
and she decided to use her arrival to the fullest.

“Don’t be cruel, Bray! Look at the girl! She is crying!” she tried to speak as
expressively as she

only could, “The poor child had a hard enough life! Don’t make her cry!”

Now even Roxy was looking at the Luna with an opened mouth. That woman was
surprising her time after time and she did not know what to expect from her. And
Roxy liked her prey predictable. This ruined a few of her plans already.

“l wasn’t planning to. ..” the alpha tried to explain himself but he got
interrupted again.

“The two of you need to speak,” Ria stated dryly, “Go to your office. Or some other
private place. I need to work.”

She met her husband’s puzzled gaze and just shrugged her shoulders, getting a few
big folders from a bookshelf and demonstrating that she was busy.

“Fine, sorry,” Brayden said and stormed out of the room, motioning for Roxanne to
follow him.

However, as soon as they were out, he told her to come and see him later.

He contemplated for the rest of the day on what to do with his wife. He loved
Riannon but everything was complicated now. Sitting at a chair in his office, he
was smoking a cigar and

trying to relax at least a little bit. And failing.

Something was bothering him. Riannon changed so much since the day Roxy arrived. It
was as if two different people were living inside of her.

“Alpha,” this time Roxanne walked in without any knocking. He wanted to send her
away first but her innocent expression made him stop. It was already dark behind
the window and he wondered how many hours he had spent thinking about Ria.

“You wanted something?” he asked the girl, noticing that she was wearing an
unusually tight and short dress for her, which hugged her petite body in all the
right places.

“l wanted to make sure that you are feeling fine,” she said in a sweet voice while
her fingers brushed over his shoulder as if by accident, creating waves of tingles
over his skin. She was afraid to do more and he liked how obedient she was. Riannon
was a lot of things. But obedient was never one of them.

“What makes you think that I am not?” he looked at her with a dare, eyes on her
impressive cleavage. He hadn’t slept with her. Yet. And now he was asking himself a
question, what was holding him back.

Slowly, she knelt right before him, making him swallow as her delicate hands landed
on his knees.

“l am not blind, Alpha,” she looked him straight in the eye, licking her lips, “l
can see when you are not happy. I am your mate, so I feel what you feel. And I want
to make you feel better.

If you let me, of course.”

Her hand travelled all the way to the zip of his pants and paused as she waited for
his approval. Brayden nodded without even thinking twice. They were mates and it
was inevitable. He gave her time to adjust to his pack but it was time for him to
take what was rightfully his.

She crawled in between his thighs, fitting there just nicely and dipped her head
all the way down, taking almost all of him in her mouth. And as she did this, she
looked straight into his eyes.

Brayden relaxed more into his chair and laced his fingers into her hair, helping
her find the rhythm that was the best for him as she bobbed her head diligently,
moaning softly on his hardness.

It felt good. She felt good. And he wanted more since he wasn’t an i *t and knew
that Riannon wouldn’t let him touch her for at least a few days now. He knew his
wife too well.

He understood. She was punishing him and it was the only thing that she could do in
her situation. But sooner or later, she would get used to it too. And everything
would be back to normal. Just better.

“Alpha,” Roxy moaned desperately as if she felt that his attention shifted
elsewhere. Her eyes were teary again from all the effort and he made his decision
very quickly.

“Dress off,” he commanded her with anticipation in his voice, “On the carpet on
your fours and as.s in the air.”

She let his flesh out of her mouth with a pop and stood up obediently, letting her
dress slide down to the ground. And then her tiny panties followed after which she
turned her back to him, giving him a good view of everything and at the same time
doing exactly what he told her.

Brayden already knew that she was a virgin. She made it clear to him several times,
so he decided to be gentle with her. They had an awkward relationship since he did
not wait for her and marked another. But the attraction between them was
undeniable. And he loved how she depended on him as if he was her air. Although it
was important for him to have a strong Luna by his side, he could definitely see

the appeal of a damsel in distress.

Riannon was always strong and collected and it was what the pack needed and what he
admired about her.

But Roxy was so simple to deal with. She craved his attention and was happy to
receive even a few crumbs of ot.

He pushed two fingers inside of her, trying to work her out and grunting
satisfactory at the fact that she was already wet for him.

“Please,” the girl whined, “l can’t do this anymore, Alpha. I want you so badly!”

He brushed his hands all over her body, cupping her breasts and grasping her bottom
delicately, all while placing his tip at her entrance. He started to push in slowly
but firmly, letting her adjust to him and happy that he decided to take her after
all. Being with her felt amazing.

“You don’t have to be gentle,” she said when he inserted himself to the hilt, “l am
your mate, and I was made for you. I can take whatever you want to do to me, Alpha.
Trust me.”

This was all the permission that he needed to start moving inside of her. Roughly
and possessively, staking his claim over her body so that everybody would know who
she belonged


He was pumping into her vigorously, stilling in just a few minutes and filling her
with his seed as she moaned under him from all the pleasure that she was getting.

“Good girl,” he praised her, slapping one of her ass cheeks gently and realising
that he probably should have hold back and not c*m inside of her. Riannon was
supposed to give birth to his first alpha heir. And then a spare.

Now that he was thinking about it, he did not need potential omega children at all.
So, he had to start using condoms next time.

“Dress up and follow me,” he said dryly, zipping his pants.

“Where, Alpha?” Roxy flapped her long lashes, covered only with her luscious red

“You don’t seriously think that we are done, do you?” he chuckled, brushing his
hand over her cheek, “l am just starting with you.”

Riannon was in her room when she felt her mark stinging again. She came to the
mirror to check it and saw how red it got again, remembering the lycan king and how
he helped her the last time. A smile touched the corners of her lips when she heard
loud and distinct moans.

And then more of them followed, mixing with growls and grunts.

Brayden’s bedroom that he used from time to time when they did not sleep together
was separated from this room by a thin wall and there was no denying what was
happening there this very moment.

It was annoying. He was disrespecting her right there and then.

But other than that, surprisingly, it did not bother her.

Before, she used to sob in her bed each time she heard the two ofthem having fun.
But today was different. Today she did not care anymore.

Maybe it was because Onyx was not there still. She called her many times after what
happened today but to no avail.

So, after her nighttime routine, she went to bed, ignoring the loud banging behind
the wall.

Closing her eyes, she thought of king Gideon for some reason. The sooner she went
to sleep, the sooner his car would arrive at the pack territory to take her away.
And with those thoughts, she drifted off to sleep peacefully.

In the morning, she watched the omegas gather her things for the travel, after
which she went downstairs to have some breakfast. She woke up early today, feeling
refreshed and did not want to waste any time.
But when she was close to the kitchen, she heard two voices she was sure she would
never hear together. ..

Marissa Gilbert Writer

I feel panic attacks uploading this chapter. Be gentle with me 101. So, it happened
between Roxy and Brayden and the latter is not the winner of “The Hopeless Romantic
of the Year Although I have a few prize ideas for him in mind. Do you?

Chapter 22. Surprise

Riannon walked into the kitchen to check if her assumption was correct. And it was.
Roxy was giggling and eating her cereal in the company of Dean, Maya’s brother. The
young man was blushing and his freckles were becoming more obvious on his face.
This was bad. He was still young and one of the guys who were easy to impress. And

“You are not serious!” He chuckled, not even sensing his Lun a’s arrival. He was
too engrossed in the conversation he had with the cure redhead omega.

“But I am!” Roxanne placed her hand on his, was working at the stables in my
previous pack for many years! There isn’t a single thing that I don’t know about
horses. I loved taking care of them.”

“And I thought that you were only treated as a slave in your old pack,” Riannon
scoffed, “Werewolves don’t let omegas take care of the horses. They are afraid of
us and if we keep one, we need to take care of it ourselves to create a bond. For
omega to take care of a horse would be

a luxury.”

For the first time, Roxy did not burst into tears in her presence while being
confronted. Neither did she shake or tremble. Ria wondered if having s*x with her
husband gave her newfound confidence and she wanted to laugh at that.

“Our pack was different,” Roxanne smiled sweetly and took her hand off Dean’s,
making the guy even more flustered. “Not every pack has an

Alpha as amazing as Alpha Brayden. My previous Alpha thought that it was beneath
him to take care of a horse. He kept them just for show and omegas had to do the
dirty work. But you are right, it was amazing and felt like a gift,”

“l see,” Riannon went to the coffee station and started preparing herself a cup.

” Luna,” Roxy’s voice was overly sweet, “l can make you a cup. After all, I am the
omega and you are the Luna.”

Riannon rolled her eyes while she was facing the wall. She would take a cup of
coffee from Roxanne’s hands only if she was suicidal and wanted an easy way out.

“As you just said,” she remained calm as she loaded the coffee machine, “This pack
is very different from yours. I can make my own coffee, thanks.”
“Ria,” Dean stuttered slightly, “l will go. I have battle practice soon. It was
nice to see you. And nice to finally meet you, Roxy.”

“I’ll see you around, Dean,” Riannon turned just in time to see the omega brush her
palm over her friend’s arm and tilting her head, making him leave even faster.

Goddess, she hated her. She was absolutely shameless!

As soon as Maya’s brother was gone, the two women left in the room locked their
eyes. The smile on Roxy’s face faded. Did she decide to stop pretending?

“What,” Ria couldn’t help herself, sipping her coffee and taking a seat at the head
of the table, “No tears today?”

“You don’t like them, do you? I don’t want to offend you with them,” a smile spread
over the omega’s face.

This was new. She didn’t behave like that before she had Brayden’s affections
secured in the past life. And right now they just had their first night together
and she was already so brazen. What was that about?

Riannon tensed inside but did her best not to show that, continuing with her drink.

“You are only having coffee?” Roxy almost sang the words with a smirk on her face,
“A sleepless night, perhaps?”

“Not really,” Ria mimicked her, “Actually, I slept like a baby. And I always start
my day with a cup of coffee. So do millions of people. Don’t read too much into

“l have to give it to you,” Roxanne scoffed, “You are holding up just great.”

Yes. This was definitely new. They never talked like that in the past. It was
refreshing but at the same time, it worried Riannon. What was that woman up to?

“Can’t say the same about you,” Ria said calmly, tempted to go on, “All that
crying. .. It gets repetitive, you know. And Brayden gets tired of repetitive
things very fast.”

“That’s great advice actually,” Roxy grinned, guess it’s coming from your
experience? Anyway, you underestim ate the power of mate’s tears. Probably because
you don’t have one.” That was a low blow. And if Onyx was there, she would tear her
apart for that.

That was when it hit her. What ifthis was exactly the purpose of all that? Roxy was
provoking her to be able to play the victim again after the Luna lost her patience.
There wouldn’t be a more perfect opportunity than that.

Right now Riannon was supposed to be in deepest pain and depression. Back in her
past life, the first time she felt Brayden being intimate with his mate, her mark
was hurting her like hell and Onyx was going crazy inside of their shared mine from
all the pain. It was incredibly hard to deal with it and the first day, she simply
stayed in her bed, stating that she was sick. She only left her bedroom when she
was feeling better and could control Onyx again. Hence… they never met like that.

But right now was the chance of Roxy’s life. If she attacked her now… it would be
understandable, considering the circumstances. Ria was hardly the only witness to
the audible love-making of her husband. But it would look bad. For her. And it sure
as hell would earn some points for the omega.
“Nice try,” Ria chuckled softly and took another sip, making Roxanne frown. She was
not going to give her enemy the satisfaction of humiliating herself like that.

“l think you misread what I was trying to say,” Roxanne looked at her again with
some kind of new determination, “What I really meant to let you know is that you
can go to the lycans and work as long as you want there. I will take care of
Brayden. Just like I did the last night.”

“l am sure of that,” Ria snorted but just then her opponent’s face changes to the
grim ace of horror.

“l am sorry, Luna! This was so insolent of me! I should choose my words properly,
you are absolutely right, I am just a piece of lowly trash!” the omega had tears in
her eyes again and had her head lowered in submission, showing off her neck.

Ria stared at her in shock. What was she doing now? There were no witnesses. .. But
it was right then that she sensed the pack’s chef walking in. The woman looked at
the two of them, taking the whole scene in, and then mumbled an apology and left

Did Roxy sense her before she did? Was that even possible? Did her not having Onyx
presence make her weaker now?

She concealed her worries again. This wasn ‘t the time.

“Seriously?” Riannon put her cup of coffee away. This was getting annoying.

“It’s nothing personal,” Roxanne stood up,

“A girl has to do what a girl has to do.”

She looked at her rival and then with all the force that she could master, she hit
her head over the table, making Luna gasp.

“What are you. Ria almost choked on her own breath when she saw Roxy smiling at her
with a face covered in blood. She broke one of the plates and there were a few
pieces of glass poking out.

What was that woman? The devil?!

“You are crazy!” Riannon hissed.

“On the contrary,” Roxy smirked, “l am the sanest person you would meet.”

And with that, she threw herself through the French windows, breaking them, and
into the garden.

Riannon parted her lips in shock, knowing very well that now she was screwed. Dean
was running in the distance with a worried face and a few other people with him.

A loud growl emerged not too far from them and Ria recognised her husband.

He was the first to reach Roxanne, who was now properly injured and bleeding in
several places.

“It was my fault,” she whispered loudly so

that every werewolf around could hear her, “All me. My fault. I was too… too…
disrespectful. The Luna did not want to.. .”

Brayden’s head snapped in Riannon’s direction at once and she knew that the omega
managed to set her up again. ..

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
and I will appreciate your support!

o Marissa Gilbert Writer

I saw on ** that a few people wanted a group to discuss the book. I created one for
you, the name of the group is Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle. I plan to keep it
as a book club to discuss this book and any future ones. Also, it would be a place
where I would be announcing the news etc

Chapter 23. Explain Yourself

TRIGGER WARNING. There may be some triggering events mentioned in this chapter
(self-harm, abuse, mental illness etc). Please, read at your own discretion.

She kept sitting in her place. This was the only thing that she could do now. They
all were looking at her, expecting some kind of reaction.

She gave them none, keeping composure at all times and thinking hectically in her
mind of what to do next.

“Alpha, she is bleeding so badly!” Dean knelt right next to the couple, “She needs
to be taken to hospital! She is an omega and can’t heal quickly.”

“l will be. fine,” Roxy sighed so heavily as if breathing was actually hard for

Brayden tried to drill a hole in his wife’s skull with his eyes.

“How could you do this?!” he gritted his teeth, his eyes shining red meaning that
his wolf was trying to get through. Did his wolf want to hurt her? Or were they
fighting for control because Bray was unreasonable now? Ria thought that she always
had a good relationship with his wolf. But she wasn’t so sure about it anymore now
that mates were in the game.

“What makes you assume that I did anything?” she raised her brow calmly, holding
her cup with fingers that were almost trembling. Almost. She still could keep her
cool even in a situation like that. She had to. Especially now that she was about
to be accused of snapping and harming her husband’s mistress.

“My mate covered in her own blood says that it’s you!” he hissed.

“And?” Ria shot her brow up, “Since when is she more credible than your wife and
Luna of six years. Besides, she did not say that I harmed her. She said that I did
not want to. And you know what, I did not want to harm her and I didn’t. I was
sitting here, drinking my morning coffee as I always do and minding my own business
when your sweet little mate started harming herself.” “You are not serious right
now!” Brayden looked at her in shock.
“Oh, but I am,” Riannon took a sip even though there was practically nothing left
in her cup. But she needed this little break to gather her strength. “You know her
for what, a few days?

Weeks if you had been lying to me. That’s not that long to get to know someone
properly. She may be your mate but that doesn’t make her a good person. Or a sane
one. To be honest, I am as shocked as you are that she did something like that.
There was absolutely no reason for that. We were just having a more or less
friendly conversation. Dean was here just a few minutes before. He can confirm.”

“lt. .. It’s true, Alpha,” the guy stuttered and was grateful that he did it in
spite of clearly being infatuated by Roxy.

“B-but the cook,” the omega pointed her trembling finger at the woman who was also
already here, “She heard how you treated me and I was apologising for..

“She is not a cook,” Riannon rolled her eyes,

“She is a chef. And what exactly did you hear, Maggie?”

, the older lady was bothered with the situation, “Roxanne was apologising and
calling herself worthless trash.. .”

Brayden growled.

“Did you hear me telling her anything?” Ria asked.

“No, Luna,” Maggie replied honestly. “And that’s only because I didn’t say

anything of the sort,” she shrugged her shoulders.

“l am telling you. She was fine one minute and then went absolutely nuts the other.
I believe there are a few mental conditions that could cause that.”

Everyone was silent and she was not sure if it was working or not.

“For Goddesses’ sake!” Maya appeared from the back door followed by worried Ash,
“You know our Luna for many years! It’s ridiculous that anyone even thinks of
accusing her! She is the most rational person ever! She is even calm during rogue

“It’s true,” someone muttered at the back, “Our Luna is better than this.”

“Agreed, even though she is in her right to beat the crap out of this omega, she
wouldn’t stoop this low!”

It suddenly became slightly easier for her to breathe, and she relaxed into the
back of her chair.

“And while we are at it,” she continued, “l am an Alpha by blood. If I threw her
through these windows, she would fly way further than she did. Not to mention there
is no way there is my scent on her. And I have none of hers on me. Do I even need
to continue?”

“Exactly!” Maya placed her hands on her hips and stood behind her friend, “And look
how her wounds healing way too fast. Is she even an omega herself? We know way too
ittle about this woman! An omega would be healing for days after something like
It was an incredibly good point and now Riannon found herself standing up and
walking to her husband and Roxanne. Feeling cornered, the girl started to cry

“They are right,” she mumbled, “l hit my face myself over the table. And then broke
the glass myself. I did everything myself. It is not

Luna’s fault. I will never cross Luna again! I swear.” Riannon clenched her fists.
She was at it again. Implying that it was her after all even though all the
evidence was against her. The audacity ofthis redhead devil had no boundaries!

She kept on crying in Brayden’s arms but he motioned for Dean to take her and the
guy readily obliged. Ria knew that her husband still did not believe her. But at
least he doubted Roxy. She could tell by the perplexed look on his face.

“Alpha,” Ash stepped in, “l think we can solve this matter easily. There is a
secret camera installed here. I did it a month ago. I believe

everything will be on tape.

Riannon tensed, turning to look at the Beta. If there were cameras here, she would
have known and used this first-hand. But there were none.

What was he doing? Did he try to help her or bury her? Given their history in the
past life, she just could n ‘t tell.

“Fine, let’s check the footage in my office, Brayden said, his voice changed
instantly, “Ash, place some guards at Roxy’s door in the hospital. I don’t want
anyone to get in. .. or out.”

This was interesting and Riannon did not know how to read this. Was he protecting
his mate or was this the first sign of his distrust?

“Riannon, dear,” he stretched his hand to his wife, “Follow me. I am sure all this
is just a big misunderstanding.”

People behind their backs were puzzled.

But at least, she won that battle to some extent.

Ria decided against accepting her husband’s hand and turned away, walking out of
the kitchen first. The last thing that she noticed was how worried Maya looked,
seeing her brother holding Roxy gently in his arms while she clung to him, sobbing.
They would definitely have to speak of

this later.

The two of them were silent all the way to the Alpha’s office. And only when
Brayden closed the doors behind him, a loud growl escaped him.

“What the hell was that Riannon?” he looked at her as if he was accusing her again
and she knitted her brows.

“Clarify that one, please,” she sat in one of the chairs, “l am starting to have a
headache here

“Why didn’t you take my hand in front of everyone when I chose to protect you?” he
asked spitefully, “l didn’t know how to do it before but luckily Ash gave me a good
idea with those cameras. You and I both know that they don’t exist! There is no

“But logic does exist, Brayden,” she threw her head back and closed her eyes. It
was morning and she was already tired, “If you wanted to protect me, you could
start with not accusing me in the first place. I did not touch your mate. She is
crazy. It is what it is.”

He exhaled through his nostrils.

“l am sorry, it just did not look credible at first!” he confessed, “But I would
have never punished you even if l… I mean… I understand where your aggression could
come from

“Only that there is no aggression,” she looked him straight in the eyes, “You and
your little mental miss can do whatever you want. I am not going to dirty my hands
by touching you. That’s your prerogative. But do me a favour, handle her properly
so that she doesn’t pull stunts like this anymore! I demand at least this little

“Ri,” he knelt on one knee before her, “l am sorry about yesterd ay. My wolf.. .”

“Oh, my Goddess,” she snorted, “Please, not this again! I just can’t listen to this

Sleep with her as much as you want. Whatever.

Just don’t feed me those wolf stories.”

Brayden clenched his lips and stood up.

“You changed so much, Ri,” he said, distancing himself from her and not looking at
her anymore.

“That makes two of us,” she scoffed.

“You know, given recent events, I think you and I will need to spend some time
alone. We need to work on our marriage.” He went to the window with his hands
clasped behind his back.

“We can even go for a vacation if you like.”

“There is no need,” she said, “You and I have

too much work to take vacations.”

She hated the idea of staying alone with him now. And there was no marriage there
anymore to work on. Only that she couldn’t afford to say it out loud for now.

“That’s the problem,” he chuckled, “Too much work. I believe I need to unload you.
Maybe Maya could help you with the papers more.”

“She will,” Riannon decided to agree with him at least on something. Alphas needed
that. “And speaking about work, I don’t think that you going away for a week to the
Lycan kingdom is such a good idea now.”

Now, this was bad for her. She needed to go there. She needed to see Gideon! For
purposes. Not because she couldn’t stop thinking of it.

“And how do you imagine refusing the Lycan king considering that we already agreed
on everything?” she snorted, trying not to give away her true feelings, “Because I
am not making that phone call!”

“Fine!” Bray snapped, “l will make it! I will tell him that there is no way in hell
I am letting my beloved wife go to his kingdom alone for a whole “And why the hell
not?” a metallic voice sounded right behind her back, creating goosebumps. She
couldn’t believe that he was here! He only said that he would send a car for her.

But when she turned, her eyes met with the Lycan King’s.

NOTE: Thank you to everyone who joined Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group of FB
yesterday. Feel free to create your own posts there, all discussions are welcome.
Next chapter Lycan Kingdom trip. What are your expectations about this one?

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Thank you to everyone who joined Marissa

Gilbert’s Reading Circle group of ** yesterday. Feel free to create your own posts
there, all discussions are welcome. Next chapter - Lycan Kingdom trip. What are
your expectations about this one?

Chapter 24. Car Trip

He wanted to keep his cool and give her space. He really did. Only that he couldn’t
wait anymore. He needed to see her. He needed to breathe in her wonderful scent.

So, he took a big pile of folders into the car with him to… He did not know why he
took them. Was it to pretend that he was busy and not crazy about her at all?
Because it was perfectly normal to work in your car at 7 am in the morning on the
way to another pack.

Even his driver gave him an odd look. Not to mention the look that Reid gave him.

“Documents?” he scoffed, “Are you trying to impress her or bore her to death?”

“Shut up!” Gideon pushed through him, throwing the papers at the back seat, “Like
you have a better idea.”

“l do!” his friend chuckled, “Much better! Take condoms and tell her that you are
her mate! Or wait, then you wouldn’t need condoms..

“Ha-ha, you are so funny and smart. I am starting to question my decision to make
you my

Beta,” the Lycan king was annoyed beyond belief.

Some reassurance would be nice. But he and Reid weren ‘t doing that.

“l know you don’t mean that,” Reid jabbed him with his elbow, “Anyway, go and bring
our future queen here fast. Your sister can’t wait to meet her.”

A chill went down Gideon’s spine.

“Don’t tell me that you already blabbed everything out to her!” Gideon growled.

“How could I not? Savannah can get information out of anyone!” his Beta tried to
defend himself.

“Puppy eyes are not an attack of the supreme lord, you know that, right?” the king
run rolled his eyes, “Man up!”

“You know I can’t refuse her anything ever since your parents died,” his friend
reminded him and Gideon knew very well what he meant. After the previous king and
queen were killed during a massive rogue attack, he had the hard task of leading
the Lycans when he wasjust nineteen. It took all of his time to keep the kingdom in
one piece. At it had a price.

His sister Savanah was only thirteen and Reid was responsible for her protection.
So, they spent a lot of time together and the princess grew on him. She called him
her brother too and every time she did - he melted. Thus, she could do, say or ask
whatever the hell she wanted, knowing that he would be there to make her every wish
come true.

“Nevermind,” Gideon grunted, “Just make sure she doesn’t spill the secret when Ria
arrives. If anyone tells her that we are mates, I want it to be me.”

“Understood,” Reid nodded, “So, I’ll go and cancel the party that she is about to
throw?” “A party? What freaking party?!” the king growled from inside ofthe car.

“Got it!” his Beta chuckled, “Cancel the party. Have a safe trip!”

Gideon relaxed into the leather seat, taking a deep breath. He hoped that no one
would screw it up for him.

The ride was short this time as he made the driver overspeed most of the time. And
they ended up being at the pack way too early. However, he still chose not to wait
any longer. It felt that if he didn’t see her now, he would die.

The atmosphere in the pack seemed strange as he walked through the main entrance

of the huge mansion without asking for permission.

“Of course, our Luna did not do that!” someone said at his right and he darted his
gaze where two omegas were cleaning the room with brooms in their hands. They both
closed their mouths shut and stopped their work when they saw him, bowing their
heads in respect. They could feel the power that his whole body was emitting on a
physical level. It was too much for most omegas as they were much weaker even than
an Alpha. A lycan Alpha was crumpling their wolves by mere presence.

“What happened to your Luna?” he asked them and they trembled, not being able to
respond. He knew that he wouldn’t get any information out of them unless he was
willing to consider torture.

“You are here!” Maya walked out of the adjacent room and lit up when she saw him,
“Come quick. I will tell you everything!”

She filled him in briefly on what happened before his arrival and now he wanted to
kill someone. Preferably Brayden Thorn. Some Alpha he was if he was falling for
such tricks!

“And now they are talking in his office,” she said with a worried face, “Riannon
really did not do it.”

She looked at him with eyes begging to believe her story and Gideon realised that
this girl really cared about his mate.

“Of course, she didn ‘t,” he curved the corners of his lips a bit, “l believe you.
Now, lead me to that office.”

They were already at the door and he hadn’t heard a thing, realising that the room
was soundproof. So, he did not hesitate to turn the handle and simply walk inside
as ifthe whole place belonged to him.

“Fine!” the Alpha was fuming as he looked at his wife, “l will make it! I will tell
him that there is no way in hell I am letting my beloved wife go to his kingdom
alone for a whole week!”

Riannon did not seem impressed by the threat. Yet everything inside of him was
filled with fury and the desire to kill Brayden Thorn here and now.

“And why the hell not?” Gideon growled, making both of them flinch and look at him.
Ria had her soft pink lips parted in disbelief as she saw him standing in the
doorway. For a second there he thought that she would run up to him, hug him and
call him his mate. That was the look she had on her face. But no such thing
happened, and he tried to calm himself down desperately.

“King Gideon?” the Alpha seemed shocked, “What are you doing here? I thought you
were going to send a car for Riannon?”

“That is not an answer to my question,” he changed the subject bluntly, “Why the
hell don’t you want to send your wife to my territory? Are you perhaps implying
that lycans would harm her in any way?”

He walked inside, strolling past the many shelves and looking at the expensive and
ridiculous things stored on them. His gaze stopped at a photo frame and he took it
without asking permission, letting Brayden know that whether he was an Alpha or
not, the lycan king still could do as he pleased. He never used his power and title
like that but there was a first time for everything. He needed that prick of an
Alpha to know his place. Especially after today. He had his beautiful mate as his
wife but treated her badly. If the laws weren’t tying his hands, Gideon would
already be tearing his head off and taking Ria away. But unfortunately, with a
werewolf uprising on his doorstep and Riannon’s own aspirations, he couldn’t afford
that. He had to suppress his urges and do everything quietly. Legally. With her own

“Of course not,” Brayden cleared his throat, “It has nothing to do with lycans.
It’s. ..personal. My wife and I are going through something right now and.

“Oh, yeah,” he couldn’t help himself, “You found your mate and did not reject her.
I remember.”

He regretted saying it the moment the words left his mouth as he noticed Riannon
balling her fists tight. She did not like being reminded of that and he hated that
she cared. It was a vicious circle.

“Yet I don’t see how this personal drama of yours is more important than the work
that Luna and I are doing together,” Gideon looked at the photo in his hands.
Brayden had his hands wrapped around Riannon and they both seemed very happy as the
wind blew her beautiful blonde hair. They also seemed a bit younger than now. He
hated this photo and made sure to put it face down when he was placing it back.

“It’sjust… not the best time,” the Alpha tried to explain himself, still not
realising that this battle was already lost.

“There is never a great time,” the lycan chuckled, “This project is important and
unless you have a real reason to decline, I have to insist.

And as for you, you can use that time to think about everything, get to know your
mate and so on. In the meantime, your Luna will be doing something important and
earning credit for your pack.”

The silence in the room was heavy. But this time it was Riannon who broke it.

“It’s just one week,” she snorted, “And a very good cause. I am sorry, Brayden, but
whether you want it or not, I am…

“You can go,” her husband said quietly.

Riannon never doubted that it would end like this. He was at the stage where he
wanted his time with Roxy. Back in her past life once he claimed his mate, he
became addicted to spending time with her. She was surprised that he was making
such a big deal about her leaving now. That seemed very out of his character.

“Great,” Gideon grinned and offered her his hand, “Shall we?”

She decided not to waste any time and followed him. They were already at the car
when she heard her friend’s voice.

“Wait!” Maya shouted as she ran with a rose golden luggage bag behind them, “Your
things!” “Oh, right!” Ria couldn’t believe she was just

about to leave her pack without anything. Why on Earth did she forget? This was so
unlike her.

She stretched her hand to take it, but Gideon grabbed the handle first and got it
into the car while her eyes met Maya’s and her friend winked at her.

“Have fun!” she practically sang and Riannon pulled her into a tight hug.

“Watch Dean and watch out for Roxy,” the Luna mindlinked her future Beta, feeling
how tense she became at her words.

“Do you want me to make her disappear?” Maya offered with her brow shot up.

“No way,” Ria smirked, “Keep her safe and sound. We need her to get out of here.”

They said quick goodbyes and Riannon joined the king. The car drove off quickly as
if someone was rushing the driver to leave the Silver River Pack.

“Gosh,” she looked around, “You have so many folders in here!”

Once again, he felt how stupid his idea was but he had to go with it.

“Yeah, I don’t like to lose time so work wherever I can,” he said instantly
regretting the words.
“l see,” she smiled politely, “Well, don’t mind me. I will be as quiet as a mouse.”

And then she looked at him expectantly with one of her legs on top of the other and
her hands resting on top. He had no choice but to grab one of the folders and start

“So stupid Mars growled.

Riannon tried to think of practically anything but what happened the last time they
were alone. The driver was behind a soundproof wall and it made her think about
things she shouldn’t have.

She watched how handsome the king of lycans was with his straight facial features
and dark hair falling carelessly down his face. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top
and she imagined that underneath it he probably had the most perfect body too.

She blushed and turned away to pretend to look outside of the window. What was she
even thinking? And why?

In the meantime, Gideon couldn’t do this anymore. Her sweet scent of lavender and
honey filled the space around them, and it felt intoxicating. He needed to touch
her at least somehow.

“Make a sharp turn!” he found himself ordering to the driver, who was already
shocked with the orders he received tod ay.

“But. .. my king,” the unlucky man mumbled.

“Make a super sharp turn. Now.” He repeated darkly, “Don’t make me say that again.”

The next moment the car shook and all the folders flew into the air. And at the
same time, Riannon found herself thrown straight into the hands of the Lycan
king. .

Marissa Gilbert

Hi! there probably will not be an update on the

24th of December as my family is celebrating Christmas and this day is very busy. I
will still try to update on the 25th. Thank you all for supporting my book x

Chapter 25. Serious Intentions

It felt so good to have her in his arms, looking at him with those beautiful clear
blue eyes that widened at the shock of being in this kind of situation.

“l am… sorry,” she mumbled under her breath as he kept holding her. Tight.

“Another turn! Now!” he commanded his driver mentally and the car shook again,
Gideon using this moment to properly place her on his lap. Even if it was just for
a few moments, it was so worth it.

“Oh, Goddess!” her cheeks became delicately pink again and he wanted nothing more
than to brush his palm over one to feel how silky her skin was. Her sweet scent was
all over him, making his head dizzy. Yet he was still sober enough to control the

“Don’t worry,” he smiled, not intending to let her go at all, “It’s a very bumpy
road to the Lycan Kingdom.”

“Really?” she did not look like she was buying it and he was afraid to overdo it.
But Mars was purring inside of him at her closeness, and he wished to prolong it as
much as he could. Even if it were just mere seconds.

“Something to work on,” he smirked, feeling her fingers digging into his flesh and
realising that she was not pushing him away. Or even trying to distance herself.
Just right back when he was covering her neck with hot and wet kisses.

Which reminded him of. ..

“How is your mark?” he gently removed her golden locks off her shoulder, exposing
her neck to him. The desire to touch her again like that was too overwhelming. He
thought of their ‘healing’ session way too many times after it happened.

“It’s fine,“Ria muttered and he could feel her heart beating faster. She was
feeling something too and he knew it. Even if she couldn’t understand it yet.

So, he felt bold and placed his fingers on the top button of her blouse, asking
permission with his eyes to unbutton it.

“May l?” his voice sounded lower and huskier than usual, and he could see the
hesitation in her eyes.

“We’d better not,” she turned away quickly and he had to unclench his fingers,
letting her come back to the seat opposite of him. At least, it was something. It
didn’t matter that it didn’t last long. They would have their whole life together
once he found out how to get her wolf to come out and play. And luckily now they
had a whole week to figure it out.

His eyes grazed over her beautiful face and he sensed at once that something was

“What is wrong?” he asked bluntly. He did not want any secrets between them. He
also wanted her to get used to the idea of sharing everything with him.

“Nothing,” she said as she stared in the window with her hands crossed on her
knees, which now were perfectly pressed together in the most royal pose ever. He
could just tell that it wasn’t nothing.

“Riannon,” he cleared his throat, “Talk to me. Is there something you don’t like?”

She took a deep breath and bit her lip, which almost drove him crazy.

“l am starting to think that you have a very wrong impression about me,” her eyes
met his with a challenge.

“Why would you think that?” he had to handle it carefully but the blush on her
cheeks was tempting him to tease her, “Did l. .. do something wrong?”

She turned away, letting him know at once that he did. And a little smirk crept on
his lips. She wasn’t a teenager anymore and judging by the Alpha Ball she knew very
well how to handle men and make them crazy about her. Yet he managed to make her
blush like that several times. It was giving him the hope he needed. And now even
the tips of her ears were red.

Riannon did not know how to proceed with this. On one hand, she was ready to do
anything to get a divorce and her pack back. But on the other, she knew that if the
lycan king was helping her only to get her in the bed, she would be crushed inside.

For some reason, it was important to her that he saw her as more than just a bed
toy that he wanted. Not to mention that if that was all he wanted, she may end up
with nothing in the end. She was conflicted on so many levels here. It was stupid
to deny that she did like him to some extent. She definitely did. But this wasn’t
the way she wanted to carve her path to freedom. And would that even be freedom?

“l would like to keep our relationship professional,” she said firmly and looked
him in the eye again, noticing a grin on his perfectly handsome face.

“And may I ask why?” he relaxed into his seat with a content expression on his

Okay. She did not expect that kind of a reply.

“What do you mean why?” she knitted her brows, “Because this is… appropriate.”

“Appropriate?” he chuckled, clearly having fun which made Riannon slightly furious,
“That’s one way to put it.

“There is nothing funny,” she shot him an annoyed glance, “When I asked for your
help, this wasn’t what I was counting on. I don’t want you to think that I am the
sort of woman who will be paying with..

“l don ‘t,” he interrupted her at once, getting serious, “Riannon, I don’t think
that about you. And I don’t want you to think that I am the kind of man who would
expect something like that from a woman.”

Ria felt slightly puzzled. Did she misread his sign als then?

“You licked my mark,” the words left her mouth before she realised it and she
wanted to bite her tongue.

“For healing purposes,” Gideon coughed, trying to hold back laughter and enjoying
her flustered face. He wanted to bring out more of that. But he also wanted her to
know something. “Having said that, I do like you, Riannon. And I intend to court
you and make you mine.”

He tried not to stress out that last word but it practically sounded like a growl
in spite of all the effort. The one that he was suppressing ever since he saw her
for the first time.

Her lips parted as she met his intense gaze and realised that this wasn’t a joke.
The Lycan King was serious about wanting her.

“But. .. I am married,” she said the first thing that came to her mind.

“l am literally helping you to get your divorce,” he snorted at her weak objection.
He hoped that she wouldn’t have any others, so he added quickly, “Before you say
anything, my intentions are serious. I am not looking for a fling.

“But. .. You are a lycan and I am a werewolf!” she still tried to find an excuse,
“Lycans on ly.
“Yes, it’s rare,” he admitted, “But there are exceptions. And you are going to be
one of them .” “Why?” she let out a laugh. He couldn’t be serious!

“There are reasons,” for a second there he contemplated telling her that she was
his mate. But judging by how shocked she was at his sudden confession; it was too
early. She could simply not believe him.

He wanted to play it safe. Because she was already hurt by one man she trusted. And
their trust was just forming. He had to prove himself to her first.

“So, is that why you are helping me?” Ria tilted her head slightly.

“That’s one of the many reasons. And before you assume anything, not all of them
are personal. But I would be after you even if I decided that it was best not to
help you get your pack back after the divorce.”

“That would be incredibly hard she teased him with the corners of her mouth curled.

“l have a few cards up my sleeve,” he radiated confidence and she had to admit it.

But wasn’t all that too much? He was a powerful Lycan King and she was… At the
moment she was a Luna in name only. She had nothing to offer him and him wanting
her so much didn’t make sense.

And also, the sad truth was that Brayden

broke her heart. She had no idea anymore if she even wanted a man in her life.
However, just looking at Gideon. .. the idea was tempting.

But there were other things to consider. If he wanted her then what would stop him
from simply claiming her? Some Alphas were like that and she hated the kind. For
the first time, she got worried that she decided to go to the Lycan Kingdom.

“Look,” he cleared his throat, sensing the sudden mood change. He guessed where her
mind went at once. “l will not force you into anything. You will have a choice at
all times if that’s what you are worried about. But how about we get to know each
other better while you are here? I guess what I am asking from you is to give me a

She was afraid to respond. How could she trust a man after everything that happened
to her? Was it even possible or that part of her died back then in her past life?
She did not know anymore…

There were too many thoughts in her head now. It was a mess.

And this was when a painfully familiar voice went through her mind.

“Trust him,” Onyx said firmly, making her

gasp in disbelief.

Marissa Gilbert

Hi! I am so, so, so sorry that the chapter is late. Christmas preparations take a
lot of time and I am feeling the beginning of a cold. There will be another chapter
later today though. But I will probably be taking a break for the 24th and

25th of December to have time with my family.

Thank you all

Chapter 26. Greetings

“What is wrong?” Gideon could feel that something happened to her, “Riannon?”

“My wolf!” She practically gasped for air, “It just spoke to me! Just for a second.
.. but she was there!”

“What?” He was kneeling before her in seconds, trying to contain his own
excitement, “Are you sure?”

This was all he wanted. This was all he needed. If Onyx was back, she would
recognise him and it would solve all problems. They would be able to just be

“Yes,” she mumbled, “It is just a faint whisper, but it was her. Plus, it wasn’t
the first time. She did the same the other day.”

“What did she say?” He took her hands in his and for the first time, the driver had
to make a sharp turn for real, almost making him fall to her feet. Not that he
minded that.

Riannon stumbled. Wouldn’t it be too much sharing? Especially considering

everything that he had just told her? She didn’t want to give him false hope or…

“It’s fine,” it was as if he read her mind again, “l am sorry I asked. It’s none of
my business.”

It was his business, of course, but he did not want to push her.

He let go of her hands and returned to his seat. Yet a happy grin was plastered all
over his face. It was impossible to contain it this time.

They arrived at their destination quite soon and just by looking out of the window
Ria knew that she was in a whole new world.

Their pack, The Silver River, was considered one of the richest. But what she saw
at the Lycan’s realm was far beyond her even most bold expectations. The houses
were way bigger and more luxurious. There were fountains and elaborate sculptures
everywhere and beautifully trimmed gardens seemed never-ending. What surrounded her
now seemed affluent and screamed that lycans were the elite of shifter’s world.
She saw warriors training; she saw children playing, couples strolling around and
holding hands. It was a happy place. Not at all how she imagined it. Before she met
Gideon, he thought of Lycans as super-strong and majestic creatures…

But cold and arrogant. It was strange to see them

do all the things that people in her pack were doing.

“Ready?” He asked her as he opened the door and for a second there, she thought
that he was afraid to see her reaction.

He got out first and offered her his hand which she accepted. As soon as she was
out, she looked around with a polite smile on her face. And it did not escape her
how everyone around them seemed to stop what they were doing to look at her. This
was way more attention than she anticipated but she knew how to handle it well.
“Your pack is beautiful,” she praised the place and Gideon’s smile grew even wider.

“l am happy that you like it,” he said, wishing to add that this was going to be
her home soon. But yet again, he had to suppress the urge not to overwhelm her. He
noticed people watching them too and let out a growl to let them know that they
were better to mind their own business. And they all snapped out of it, getting
back to what they were doing.

“You are finally here!” Reid walked out and stretched his arms as if to give
Riannon a hug, but yet another growl from his king made him put those hands back.

“Beta Reid,” Ria greeted him, “Nice to see

you again.”

“Likewise, Luna,” he said, winking at his friend. He was supposed to say Luna
Thorn. Because she wasn’t actually his Luna. But even though Ria gave him a
questioning glance, he did not add his last name. “I’ll take your luggage, Luna,”
the Beta took her bag from the driver’s hands.

“Thank you,” she gave him a soft smile.

“No problem,” he chuckled, “Hmm. And it smells nice too.”

Gideon couldn’t control Mars anymore and another growl left his chest. It was
probably another joke of Reid’s but even the thought of him looking at Ria that way
made his blood boil. “Easy there, my king,” his Beta winked at him, “l am just
being polite.”

They walked just a few feet towards a mansion… No, a mansion wasn’t the correct
word here. It was a palace. A modern and extremely beautiful palace.

As always, Gideon opened the door for her and give her way. And she tried her best
not to gasp as the white marble of the interior almost blinded her. The design was
minimalistic, but you could feel class in it and Riannon loved it instantly.

“Is that her?” She heard a cheerful voice and saw a young girl running down the
stairs, followed by a guy who seemed just a few years older than her. The girl was
a very cute brunette with wavy hair reaching her shoulders and resembled Gideon a

And the guy. .. she recognised those red curls at once.

Their eyes met and she could tell that he knew who she was too. It was the same boy
she saved seven years ago. But bigger. Almost a grown man.

“Riannon!” The girl threw herself in her arms, breaking Ria’s train of thought, “At
last we meet! I heard so much about you!”

“Manners, Savannah,” Gideon grunted, running his hand over his face, and shooting a
death stare at Reid who blabbered the truth about who she was. His sister couldn’t
keep secrets even if her life depended on it.

“Sorry,” the girl giggled innocently but there was no regret in her eyes
whatsoever, “l got overwhelmed. It’s not every day that my brother finds his. .

Reid coughed loudly all of a sudden,


“His… allies,” luckily she followed his lead on time, stretching the words
unnaturally as she came up with them, c’. our house! And, we owe you so much!
I am Savannah, Gideon’s sister.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” Riannon smiled gracefully, “And it’s incredibly nice
to meet you, princess.”

“Just call me Savvy,” the girl pushed the guy next to her forward, hissing at him,
“Come on!

Say hi too! It’s her!”

He smiled at the Luna awkwardly, stretching his hand.

“Do you remember me?” He reminded her of Reid a lot. The same good looks and red

But he still had a look of innocence about him. This one did not turn out a player,
unlike his uncle.

“How can I forget,” Ria smiled, “You grew up so much since the last time I saw you,

“Luna,” he bowed and placed a small kiss on her fingers. Just like a gentleman

“All right!” His uncle interjected, “She saved your life but now you are walking on
a thin line, nephew. Trust me. The Luna needs some rest anyway.”

“Just call me Ria,” she found herself saying all of a sudden, “All of you.

They smiled and nodded at her, clearly wanting to speak more. But Gideon stood in
their way, separating them from his guest. However, his sister ignored that and he
found her taking Riannon’s hand and pulling her up the stairs.

“Come on,” she giggled, “l prepared the best room for you! You’ll see!”

“Thank you,” Ria looked at him as if she was seeking permission to follow the
princess. Or maybe she wanted his help because Savannah was practically dragging
her at this point.

“l was bold and prepared a few dresses for you too,” she went on, not caring for
anyone in the world.

“It’s very kind of you, Savvy, but I brought my own,” Riannon tried to explain to

“Are any of them white?” she asked all of a sudden.

“N-no,” the Luna shook her head as she looked back again and was pleased to see
Reid and Gideon follow them too.

“Then it’s good that I took care of it!” the princess snorted, “Otherwise, what
would you wear for the White party? !”

“The WHAT PARTY?” the lycan king growled, shooting a furious gaze at his Beta.

“Yeah, about that,” the man cleared his throat, “Apparently, it’s a done deal
already and impossible to cancel.”

“The hell the two ofyou are thinking about!” Gideon growled via the mind link.

“Oh, G,” Reid’s face suddenly got serious, “It’s not our biggest problem. Trust

“What happened?” he asked, starting to walk slowly.

“l have to report something to you,” the Beta stopped in the middle of the hallway
and they let the girls walk away first…

o Marissa Gilbert

Thank you so much for supporting the book! I wish a very Merry Christmas and
Holidays to everyone who celebrates. And if you don’t, I wish you a fun and
relaxing weekend!

Chapter 27. Evening Wea r

“So, what is it?” Gideon looked at his Beta with his brows furrowed. He knew that
Reid would never distract him at a moment like this. Not when he just brought his
mate to his house to spend time with her.

“It’s our East border again,” his friend sighed, “l had to send two squads there
this morning after you were gone as I received the news about local packs training
together with foxes and werebears right next to our territory.

“Foxes and werebears, you say?” Gideon rubbed his chin, which he had shaven clean
just this morning before meeting Riannon. Now his usual stubble wasn’t there and it
felt weird. ..

Foxes, werebears and werewolves hated each other. They were all subjects to Lycan’s
and it was usually hard to make them stay civil with each other.

And now they were training happily together. Only that both Reid and the king knew
that there was nothing to be happy about there. They all were not one hundred per
cent satisfied with the lycansls rule. All of them thought that they could do
better. Not even realising that it was the lycans who kept them from killing each
other and going to war. There was a big difference between lycans and other kinds
of shifters. And it wasn’t just the fact that they were physically stronger and
more powerful. It was the fact that in spite of their power, they could control
their feral beasts inside of them better than anyone else and were capable of
making reasonable decisions at all times.

They could have submitted everyone using raw force. Just like their ancestors did
back in the day. But now lycans preferred to avoid wars where it was necessary. And
sometimes Gideon was questioning that decision. Because ever since the lycans went
onto this peaceful path, everybody wanted a piece of them. Unfortunately, they were
not ready for the new ways.

Now the rumours were spreading all over the kingdom that an uprising was in the
works. But it was still hard to tell which packs were involved in it and when would
they start acting. Or if they already started…

“The warriors will deal with it, you know that,” Reid placed his hands in his
pockets, leaning over the wall, “But. .

“It’sjust the tip of the iceberg and we still don’t know who is causing all that,”
Gideon said out loud what they both were thinking and then looked at his Beta, “And
you still think it’s a good time for a White Party?”

“Actually, I do,” Reid smirked and Gideon remembered that he made him his second in
command for a reason.

“Do tell,” the Lycan king folded his arms on his chest.

“There is not much to tell,” the Beta shrugged his shoulders, “It’s simple, really.
Let them believe that we have no idea what is going on. I am sure sooner or later
they will show themselves. All we need to do is watch them carefully. Luckily, our
spies are in place.

It was not a bad idea and Gideon knew that. At least it was definitely better to
make them believe that they didn’t have a clue about what was going on. If they
stayed visibly alerted then their enemies would lay low. That wasn’t what he
wanted. He wanted to act. Fast. He wanted to be done with it and concentrate on his

“Fine,” the king grunted, “White party it is then. Why the hell it is white by the
way?” “You are asking the wrong person,” Reid chuckled, “All that is on Savannah.”

“Got it,” the lycan king prepared to leave but stopped to give a quick glance to
his friend, “And, Reid, I will have another small task for YOU…

Savvanah open the doors to a spacious light room with a loud bang and stormed in,
pulling Riannon after her.

“And this is where you are going to be staying!” the girl giggled cheerfully, “It’s
the Luna’s bedroom!”

Ria almost choked trying to say the next word, “What? Is it even okay for me to
stay here?”

“Of course!” the lycan princess waved it off, I wouldn’t have prepared it for you
if it wasn’t! My mum used to live here.”
“Your mum?” Ria suddenly felt that the room was too hot, “As in the former queen?”

“Yeah,” Savvy shrugged her shoulders, “Do you like it? Should I change anything? We
can change everything! Oh, I feel that it’s going to be so fun!”

“Erm, no!” Riannon tried to calm the girl down, “It’s amazing! I love it! No need
to make any changes. And I am. .. humbled by the honour of being able to live in
this room .”

“Aww,” a cute smile curved the princess’ lips, “You are so sweet! Reid told me that
you are sweet! And Kyle told me that you are sweet. But you are even sweeter!”

“Th-thanks,” Riannon did not know how to deal with all the excitement around her.
It was a bit too much.

“How about the dresses?” Savvanah changed the subject abruptly, “l told you I
prepared you some! Didn’t l?”

“You did,” Ria obeyed when the girl grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into what
looked like a walk-in wardrobe. Most of the shelves were empty, but one compartment
was full of white dresses of every shape, fabric and size.

“Look at this,” Savvy grabbed the first dress she saw and placed the hanger onto
Ria’s chest, “It’s as if it was made for you!”

The Luna looked at herself in the mirror, not even knowing anymore what was the
right way to proceed here. The dress in her hands was from one of the most popular
now bridal designers. “Uhm,” she mumbled, “l don’t know, Savvy.

Isn’t it a bit too much. ..of a bridal dress?”

“Of course, not!” the girl snorted, “Why would you even assume that?” she flapped
her long lashes innocently and now Ria was wondering if she was overthinking it
all. .. “Well, it’s Vera Wang,” she pointed out, showing the girl the label.

“Tsk,” Savannah rolled her eyes, “Vera Wang does evening wear too!”

Riannon forced a smile. Yes, Vera did have evening gowns in her collections. It was

this dress defin itely wasn ‘t from one of those.

“Busy?” Gideon knocked on the doorway of the room, his eyes lingering over Riannon
holding the white dress and widening slightly.

As for her, never had she ever been so happy to see the king before. Maybe he would
be able to save her from trying out all those bridal gowns?

He saw the desperation in her eyes. He knew far too well that his sister should
have been taken in small dosages and it was silly of him to leave the two of them
alone on the first day.

“Riannon,” he came closer to her with a little smirk on his face, “How about I give
you a little tour of my pack? It may be useful for you in the future.”

“What a great idea!” Savvy chimed in, “l will go too!”

“Don’t you have a party to plan?” Gideon

shot his brow up, demonstrating to his sibling that this conversation was over and
she was better to find something else to do. Luckily, Savvanah knew how to take a
hint. And this time she chose to do what her brother wanted.

“Oh, right!” she pretended to remember all that suddenly and rubbed her eyes, “l
completely forgot. And yes, you are right. There is so much to be done still. So,
I’ll be seeing you two later, I guess. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ria.”

“Likewise,” Riannon smiled, realising what kind of game they were playing and
meeting the lycan king’s gaze.

“Shall we?” he stretched his hand and she accepted it without thinking twice…

NOTE: Hi, everyone! I am sorry I did not update yesterday. As I have already said
in the comments, I was not feeling well over Christmas at all. I still don’t. I
understand that some ofyou would want to stop reading the book because of the
inconsistency in daily updates. But I am afraid sometimes things are out of my
control and what I do now is the best I can do at this moment of time. If you still
feel that it’s not worth going on with the book, it is up to you only. I still wish
you all the best and happy holidays ahead.

For the ones who stay with me on Ria and

Gideon’s journey, I will be updating daily until the

31st of December. 31 of December and 1st of January will be my day-offs as well.

And I hope to get back to normal daily updates from the 2nd of January.

Chapter 28. The Nightmares

He took his time as they walked out of the Queen bedroom. It was unbelievable that
this was where his sister placed Riannon. But it made him happy still since his
room was right next to it and he was sure that he would be able to smell her
delicate scent at night.

“So, the top floor is design ated for the royal family and our Beta,” he was
explaining as she listened politely, “High ranked unmated wolves take the rooms on
the next floor. Most of my warriors live there. You will meet them all in due

“l can’t wait,” Ria said, feeling awkward. If she was just a guest, there was no
reason for her to meet all his warriors. And she tried not to think of what he told
her in the car. She was not ready to think about it. When her mind went there, it
was turning all soft and mushy.

They went all the way to the ground floor, where he showed her a few of their
reception halls and drawing rooms, each of which was magnificent and done in its
own style and colours. But it was the library that she loved the best.

“Oh. My. Goddess.” Riannon gasped as they walked in and she saw the long room walls
of which were covered in bookshelves. There were a few comfortable chairs here and
there and a little sofa at the very end of the room. She immediately went to check
what they had on the shelves and squeaked in excitement every time she found
something rare.

So, she liked books. It made the lycan king smile too because she wasn’t impressed
by expensive vases the house had on display or overpriced pieces of modern art that
Savvy was buying as if her life depended on it. But her eyes lit as soon as she
entered this room. Surprisingly, it was one of his most favourite places in the

“Ah, I could live here!” Riannon said and for a second there he let himself believe
that she was serious about it.

“You can,” he gave her a soft smile.

“l am seriously considering this!” she grinned at him, “l would sleep on that


She pointed her finger at the tiny couch and Gideon started thinking about
replacing it with one that could fit two people.

“You can take any books you like from here,” he chuckled while watching her.

“Really?” Ria was impressed by what she saw. She always wanted a library like this.
She had one back in her pack, but much smaller and way less impressive.

“Of course,” he leaned over the doorway, realising that he could look at her like
this forever.

He took her to see other rooms, creating a whole commotion at the kitchen as they
walked in. This was the place where most of the pack members who lived in the house
hung out. And as soon as they saw her, they all stood up. Savvy and Reid must have
told them already. Which annoyed Gideon a lot. Couldn’t they keep a secret?

“It’s so nice to meet you, Luna,” one of the guys stepped forward, stretching his

“Likewise,” Ria shook his hand.

“This is Cyrus, my Gamma,” Gideon introduced us, “He is the best warrior of the
pack and is responsible for battle training of the pack.

Speaking of which, Cy, what are you doing here? What are you all doing here? Isn’t
it time for you to exercise?”

“It is,” his Gamma rubbed the back of his

neck, “We just had a break and cake here for. ..” He clearly did not know what to

“Protein shakes!” someone at the back suggested and they all started nodding

“Yeah, that’s right!” Cyrus chimed in, “Protein shakes! To grow muscles.”

“Exactly!” they all were happy that they came up with something. At the same time,
there were no shakes in plain sight and Gideon wanted to growl at them to get out
when his sister walked in.

“Oh, there you all are!” she giggled, “l sent those shakes to the training field,
guys! So, off you

She presented her brother with a dazzling smile as the warriors got their easy
“Why are you doing this to me?” he connected her via their mind link, “l am a good
brother. I spoil you. I never failed you. Just why,


“What do you mean?” she smirked, “l am helping you here! I am helping you to woo
her! She needs to feel at home here.”

“l think I got it covered, thanks,” Gideon

grunted, “l can woo my own mate.”

“Yeah, sure,” the girl rolled her eyes, “Some ten-twenty years and she will be all

“It’s none of your business, Sav,” he tried to remind her, “l am trying to earn her

“And I am trying to make her feel safe!” his sister retorted, “And also to create
some romantic opportunities for the two of you. Any normal brother would be

“Oh, I am grateful,” he looked at her menacingly, “l am so grateful that I now

can’t wait for you to find your mate so that I got to know him better.”

Riannon stood there between the two siblings, realising that they were having a
private conversation. She missed those with her own family. All her siblings were

“Excuse us,” the lycan king turned to her and took her hand without even asking
her, lacing their fingers together, “Let’s get going out of the house. We don’t
want to disturb Savvy with all her scheming… I mean, planning.”

He pulled her out of the mansion, walking fast to be as far away from it as it was
only possible. The tour then continued with him showing her all the significant
places that he like so much. Luckily, there were plenty.

Ria did not know what to think. All this was not what she expected at all. This
place was…

warm. And the people were nice. It did not feel like the business trip she was
intending it to be. It felt like a vacation she needed so much.

And this was bad. This was distracting her from her main goal.

“Can we speak about our business?” she asked him all of a sudden when he brought
her to the local river right before sunset. It was so beautiful there as the air
was filled with golden light. The water surface reflected the colours of the

“Of course,” Gideon felt slightly disappointed that this was what she was thinking
about at a moment like this, “You can ask me anything.”

“My divorce with Brayden..

“Consider it a done deal,” he said at once, “As soon as you raise this at the Alpha
summit, I will approve.”

“And my pack?” she looked at him with hope and he did not want to give her false

“That one will be harder,” he admitted, “For you to get it we need to work more on
that new law. And make sure everyone supports it. But when it’s done, there will be
nothing in your way.”

“Thank you,” Riannon gave him the sincerest smile and he wanted to kiss her more
than anything now. He leaned lower but at the last moment, she pulled away to his
disappointment, which he hid deep inside, cursing himself for rushing things. It
was Savvy’s fault to put those ideas in his head.

“You told me that you would want something in return for your help,” she looked at
him with her clear blue eyes, “Now that I am here, could you tell me what this is?”

He contemplated it for a bit. There was nothing he wanted from her other than to
reciprocate his feelings. But he couldn’t tell her that.

But then an idea struck him.

“Yes, I want you to help me with something,” he couldn’t help the smirk that was
growing on his face.

“What is it?” the blonde girl in front of him looked very interested but she did
not seem worried at all.

“l want to help you get your wolf back,” he said, startling her.

“Wh-why?” was all she asked, but after thinking some more, she added, “And how?”

“l don’t know how,” he shrugged his shoulders and a devilish grin appeared on his
face, “l am afraid we will have to experiment there. As for the why… sometimes
people lose their wolves. And I want to know if it is possible to get them back.
And if yes, how do we proceed with this. In other words, it may be good research.”

“Oh,” for some reason Riannon felt sad, realising that it was not what she wanted
to hear. “It’s getting late,” she said, “And I am a bit tired. Maybe it is enough
for today?”

“Of course,” he took her hand in his again without asking for permission. Which was
starting to bother her. Why was he doing that all the time? It wasn’t like they
were a couple. He just said it himself that he simply needed her for research. And
maybe it was what made him a great king, but she couldn’t help but feel
disappointed. “The dinner will be at. Gideon started to explain her.

“Actually, if that’s okay, I would prefer to eat alone and, in my room,” Ria heard
herself saying. It was rude to say something like that when you were a guest at a
king’s house. But it was too late


“If that’s what you want,” the man in front of her looked sad and she felt guilty
at once, “l will take you there and order to bring you whatever you like.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled, averting his gaze now.

Back in her room, she cursed herself for her stupidity. Just why would she let her
emotions get in her way. He told her he liked her. Why did she get offended by him
mentioning the research? He gave her more attention than she deserved already. Just
why did she crave more so desperately?
Was it because he was the first man that she actually liked since Brayden or was
there something else?

Her train of thought was broken when her phone rang and she saw Maya’s name on the
display. This was just what she needed since Onyx wasn ‘t there to talk to.

“Hi!” she answered the call and lay down on the spacious bed with cream satin

“How are you?” her friend’s voice sounded fine, and she felt relieved. Deep inside
she was worried for Maya’s safety.

“l am fine,” she said and sighed, “It’sjust. . Everything seems so strange here.”

“Good strange or bad strange?” the girl on the other end of the line asked.

“A bit of both,” Riannon confessed and then briefly told her everything that

“Hmm, interesting,” Maya stretched the last word.

“Good interesting or bad interesting?” Ria chuckled, covering her face with her
free hand.

“Good, of course,” her future Beta snorted, “After I saw you two making out
shamelessly in your office…

“We weren’t making out!” the Luna p rotested.

“Yeah… right,” Maya did not sound convinced, “Anyway, I currently like the lycan
way more than your husband. This Roxy b *h got out of everything without even as
much as a simple punishment! They said she had a panic attack!

Can you believe this?!”

“l can,” Riannon sighed, “I’ve been through this before, remember? But, M, while
you are there alone, please, lay low and do nothing. I need you to stay safe.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she heard a very unbothered


They talked some more about what a douche Brayden had become. And then said their
goodbyes for the day.

Ria went to sleep early since she had a lot to do the next day. Starting with
fixing her attitude. It was also the day when the princess was throwing her White

She drifted off to sleep easily. But unfortunately, this wasn’t a peaceful night.
Maybe it was the stress finally catching up with her, but she saw the worst dream.

It was the night of her death… Roxy stood above her, while she was trying to fight
for her life. .. crawling in the dirt and having a hard time moving her arms and
legs due to aconite poisoning. The redhead’s laugh was echoing through her ears.
And then the brown wolf jumped her as she desperately tried to at least recognise
him. All while she couldn’t even s m.
But in reality, she could.

“Riannon!” Gideon shook her in his arms, trying to wake her up. She looked at him
in disbelief, trembling and not understanding where they were. The unfamiliar

played a trick on her.

“Wh-what? Where. ..” she muttered as she met his worried gaze.

“You were screaming,” he said, not letting her go.

And this was when she realised that he was pressing her against his chest. All
while wearing nothing but black silk pyjama pants…

NOTE: Thank you very much for all the comments under the previous chapter. I am so
happy(and lucky) to receive your support. The book hit 50k word count today which
was the aim of the month for me. Yay!And we are almost at 40k reads. This is

Marissa Gilbert

Thank you very much for all the comments under the previous chapter. I am so
happy(and lucky) to receive your support. The book hit 50k word count today which
was the aim of the month for me. Yay! And we are almost at 40k reads. This is

Chapter 29. That’s Not The Reason

Riannon needed time to process what was happening. Why was he holding her in his
arms in the middle of the night and why did he barely have any clothes on? And now
that her mind went there, there was no going back. Werewolves were a gorgeous race,
but having her arms on a Lycan’s chest, the heat was spreading fast all over her
bloodstream. Gideon looked as if his body was carved out of stone by a true master.
With love and not sparing any effort to sculpture perfection. His chest was so hard
and all his body lines were so perfect that she couldn’t form a proper word for a

“Are you alright?” He asked her as his fingers were pressing harder into her flesh.
She realised that she herself was wearing next to nothing. Just a flimsy silk slip
was all that separated their two very hot bodies.

“My king,” she said and immediately heard a growl, not being able to decipher where
it was one of pleasure of anger. However, her heart started beating faster and her
chest started going up and down… Gideon couldn’t ignore that as it was creating
some friction between them and he was barely managing it as it was.

“Riannon,” he said in a much lower voice than usual, “Call me by my name. Please.”

She sucked in a breath because he still did not let her go. And also she still did
not push him away.

“Gideon,” was all she said, again catching herself on the thought that she did not
ask him to leave. She should have done it and yet she hadn’t.

He was looking at her as if he was expecting this but at the same time, the look in
his eyes was strange and feral. As if he was about to devour her any second. And
she doubted if she would even mind that. Just what was going on between them?

“You were screaming,” he told her, trying to clear his throat, “l was afraid that
something happened. And that’s why..

“How did you hear me?” she asked and bit her lip, which made him let out a heavy

“Our rooms are adjacent,” he clarified the situation, “Goddess, Ria, I thought
someone attacked you.”

“No, no, sorry,” she shook her head, “l am fine. It was just a bad dream.”

Suddenly, he placed his palm on her chin and made her look at him, caressing her
gently with his thumb.

“What kind of dream make a person s m like that?” he looked her in the eye in hope
that she would open up to him.

“It was. .. something from my past,” she admitted and without thinking or
considering the consequences, he pulled her into a hug. Strong and warm. And just
what she needed for a while. She relaxed into his arms and he wrapped them tighter
around her, inhaling her wonderful scent deeply as long as he had the opportunity.

“You can tell me,” he whispered and she flinched at his words, knowing very well
that she couldn’t.

Gideon was a good man, she could tell. Even though he made the worst first
expression, he was earning points back very quickly. He seemed reliable. And most
importantly, he was generally interested in her and her wellbeing. She did not have
it with Brayden for a while.

But it was one thing to ask him for help with her divorce. It was perfectly normal
and understandable in her case. However, it was completely another thing to tell
him that she already lived her life, died and came back to fix her mistakes.

Who would believe in something like that? What if he thought that she was crazy and
refused to help her after all?

No, she couldn’t risk that much. He didn’t have to know. It didn’t make any
difference in the long run.

“It’s okay,” he said, distancing himself from her slightly to give her space, “You
don’t have to tell me. It’s fine.”

She found herself nodding. And also feeling guilty for some reason. As if she owed
him the explanation.

However, all that was gone as soon as she saw him lying down comfortably on one
side of her bed. She stared at him for a while, startled and confused. In the
meantime, the lycan king folded his hands under his head and closed his eyeS.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked without any hint of embarrassment, “Go to

Riannon’s lips parted in shock. Just what did he think he was doing here?

“Excuse me,” she tapped his firm stomach.

And yes, she could have gone for his arm, yet somehow ended up feeling his
washboard abs instead. Which he, in turn, was flexing while pretending to sleep.

He did not respond and she coughed loudly. “Excuse me!” she repeated herself, “What
is the meaning of this?”

“The meaning of what?” he now looked at her curiously.

“Why are you lying on my bed?” It took all her inner strength to raise her chin and
look him in the eye at a moment like this. But the lycan king only curled his lips
into a crooked smile.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he said calmly.

“Not really,” the Luna in front of him folded her arms on her chest to his
disappointment. Only that he didn’t move a single muscle.

“l am staying here to keep you company,” he informed her.

“In bed?!” Riannon practically yelled at him but he remained reserved.

“Why not?” he asked her bluntly, “Since I am already here and you are having
nightmares that sound as if someone was killing you.”

Blood drained from her face as she heard his words. He had no idea how right he was

And yet she couldn’t let him stay.

“You need to leave,” she sighed, exhausted.

“Give me one good reason why,” their eyes locked and Riannon realised that she
didn’t have any. So, she came up with the usual.

“It’s inappropriate,” she stated plainly, and he chuckled softly. He liked that she
was like that. She-wolves that weren’t even his mates were always happy to share
his bed. He didn’t even have to say anything. Just one look was enough, and any
woman was his.

But not Ria. She respected herself. Or maybe there was another reason?

“Do you love your soon to be ex-husband?” he hated even saying that out loud.

“No,” the Luna replied and covered her mouth, realising that she answered way too

“Then again, what is the problem? I will just guard you at night and that’s it,” he
smirked, ” will not touch you. .. If you don’t ask me to.”

“As I have already said,” Riannin exhaled through her nostrils loudly, “This is
improper for us to stay like this. I mean. .. I wearing next to nothing.”
“No worries, it does not offend me,” he

grinned at her and she let out an exasperated sigh.

“But you could practically see…” she started saying when he interrupted her.

“l have already seen more,” the lycan king confessed and now her cheeks were
flushing not from embarrassment but from anger.

“l have no doubts that you have seen women of all shapes and sizes, but that
doesn’t have anything to do with me!” she now fell on the spot next to him with her
arms still crossed, “So, please, go and find one of those.. She almost cursed,
which she never did.

“Oh, no,” he rolled to his side and rested his head on his hand, watching her blush
again, “That wasn’t what I meant. I mean I saw you. .. as in all of you.”

She swallowed hard, meeting his stubborn and challenging gaze.

“What do you mean? I never. ..”

“. . swim naked in the lake close to the border?” he smiled softly, watching her
realising where he saw her the first time.

“That large wolf last time!” she gasped, “It was you!”

She remembered the majestic creature that couldn’t take his eyes off her and
swallowed hard. “Yes, Riannon, it was,” he nodded, “l saw you enjoying yourself in
the water under the moonlight and let me tell you that it was impossible to forget
you ever since.”

“Oh, my Goddess!” she closed her face with her hands, feeling the heat of her
cheeks, but then looked at him quickly again, “Is that why you want me?”

Now everything suddenly started to make sense to her. Wolves were pred ators. He
saw a prey that he wanted and was ready to do whatever it took to get her. But it
wouldn’t last if that was the case.

“No, Riannon,” he cupped her face and leaned lower, so that their lips almost
touched, “That’s not the reason. But it’s a part of it too. I am not going to hide
the fact that I want you more than anyone and anything in this world!”

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hi, everyone! Sorry for a short chapter again, it was supposed to be longer but I
am behind with everything again due to holidays. Do not worry, though, we are
approaching some action soon.

Chapter 30. The Night

They were looking at each other, a million thoughts circling through their heads.

Riannon hesitated. This was so wrong. They barely knew each other. And she was
still married. Not that she owed anything to Brayden at this point. She didn’t. And
Gideon was… He was too tempting. It felt as if he was able to fill the void in her
heart that formed after everything that she experienced. Somehow with him, she
felt… safe. That was why she couldn’t help but part her lips and this was all the
invitation that he needed.

He didn’t slam his lips into hers like she expected him to. He lowered and nibbled
them gently first, making her give him better access. And when their two hot
breaths mixed, he covered her mouth with his, deepening the kiss. Slowly. At first.
But the more he tasted her, the more he realised that the control he was so famous
for was slipping away. Bit by bit. Irrevocably. Until a wave of feral desire
overwhelmed him and he couldn’t tear himself off her anymore, towering over her and
kissing her madly, hectically. He waited for her for so many years without even
knowing. She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

But the best part was that she was responding to him. Her soft hands were now
sliding up his back, creating so many tingles that he thought he would explode. He
growled into her soft lips and she moaned, their breathing ragged. He was only
breaking away from her for a mere second here and there to gulp some air greedily
and then he was returning to her, devouring her and making her almost whimper in
his arms.

Riannon forgot about everything. What was clearly so wrong, felt so right.

But her whole body shuddered when she heard Onyx howling loudly in her mind.

“What happened?” Gideon reacted at once, worried to death that he did something
wrong. “My wolf,” Ria looked at him, shocked, “She was just here.. felt her.”

“That’s amazing,” he smiled, “Happy to help.”

He leaned lower to kiss her again but this time she placed her palm onto his chest.

“What do you mean?” Riannon quirked her brow up.

“She surfaces when you are close to me,” he smirked, “Haven’t you noticed?”

She hadn’t. She didn’t even have time to think of it because she was dealing with
too much. But now that he said that out loud, he was right. The three times she
felt her wolf alive all happened to be when they were together. What could be the
reason for that? Was Onyx reacting to the lycan king’s power? Or was there
something else?

Her phone rang and she tried to ignore it. But it kept and kept ringing. Until it
was clear that it wouldn’t stop. They both groaned as Gideon rolled off her. He
watched her crawl to the bedside table for her cell and had to close his eyes as
the thoughts of what he wanted to do with her crowded his mind, driving out the
rest of his rationality.

“Brayden?” he heard her surprised voice and his heart sunk as he sat on the bed,
watching her. Jealousy was not new to him anymore. Every time he thought of her
husband, all he wanted was to rip his head off and be done with it. Only that he
had no right to. The Alpha hadn’t offended him in any way, he played by the rules.
If he killed him now, the uprising would have their martyr to put on posters.
Especially if he took his

wife afterwards.

No, he had to do this right. Too many people depended on him.

And Riannon… He wasn’t sure that she would appreciate him doing things by force.
Some she-wolves were into this. But she didn’t look like the kind.

He had to repeat to himself again and again that her wolf would be back soon. And
then she would know. And even if the wolf wouldn’t return, he would do whatever it
took to get her out of her marriage and make her fall in love with him.

Riannon was annoyed. It was 2 am at night and he had the audacity to call her. If
he cared, he could do that during the day. But he didn’t. He just threw a tantrum
prior and that was it.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sounding impatient.

“l am sleeping,” she muttered, “What else could I be doing at this hour?!”

“l . ..” He was not saying anything and then it suddenly occurred to her. Could he
sense what she was actually doing with Gideon right now? She bit her lip

That was it.

“l missed you, Ri,” he said all of a sudden and

she noticed how the lycan king’s eyes flashed gold. Yet he hadn’t made a sound. He
just sat there, clenching his fists and watching her every move.

“That’s very nice ofyou,” she replied calmly, “But I am tired, and I want to go
back to sleep.

Can we talk tomorrow?”

“How are the lycans?” he ignored her words completely, “Do they treat you well?”

“Well enough. You have nothing to worry about.” Her response was dry and she could
sense her husband not being happy about it.

“Anyway, I’ll tell you everything when I get back.

Right now all I want is sleep.”

“Not yet, Ri,” he growled at her, “l want to talk to my wife more.”

“Fine!” now she sounded annoyed, “How was your day, husband? Did your mate try to
hurt herself again and blame it on someone else without any conseq uences?”

There was silence at the other end of the line, and she hoped that he would end the
conversation first. But, of course, he didn’t.

“Ri, I understand that the situation is not easy. I promise I will handle it. Roxy
will behave.” Brayden assured her.

“Oh, Goddess,” she covered her eyes with her free hand, “How lucky!”

“Ri,” he tried to appease her, “When you come back, we are going to take a few days
off just for us. It’s going to be great, and we will talk about everything.”

“Sounds amazing,” she lied, “l am exhausted. I need to go now.”

“Ri,” he stopped her yet again, “Just. .. don’t do anything stupid there. And if
anyone tries to force you into anything, call me. I will always come to your
rescue. No one will hurt my girl.”

Her lips parted in shock. What was in that man’s brain? It was like she never knew
him in the first place. Just this morning his precious mate tried to hurt her and
he hadn’t been there for her. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she sighed, ready to
finally hang up.

“Ri, I really miss you,” he said in that husky voice of his he always used when he
wanted to seduce her. She used to go crazy about it. But now it had no effect on
her. She was cured.

“Sweet dreams, Brayden !” she said firmly and swiped her finger to end the call,

Only now she remembered that the lycan king was watching her the whole time and she
stayed like that for a while, trying to gain back her composure.

Just when she was about to turn, a sound of a text message beeped, and she looked
at her phone again.

Ri, just remember that you are mine forever.

She stared at this message for a while before slowly putting the phone back. What
was that right now? In her past life he wasn’t that possessive of her since the
moment he met Roxanne. And the text didn’t have any sweet vibes to it. She did not
like it. She did not like it at all.

A bad feeling stirred up in her chest. She was careless. He probably felt what she
was doing and it could go wrong in so many ways from here. Husbands had more power
in this world. Her best card was him not suspecting a thing. If she lost that
surprise element. .. It could end badly for so many people. Herself included.

“You are worried,” Gideon said as he stood up from the bed and came to her. She
turned abruptly, almost hitting his chest with her face when he caught her in his
arms. And she flinched..

It hurt him on a physical level to see this reaction after she just talked to her
husband. Did she still have feelings towards him? Or was it something else? The
atmosphere in the room changed.

“It’s fine,” he said caressing her cheek, “You can tell me. l…”

“We can’t do anything,” she bit her lips as she said it and it made him growl
menacingly. He hated her husband enough already before that moment. Now he
absolutely despised him. “Do you still love him?” he asked and she shook her head.

“No,” Riannon replied bluntly, “l don’t. But I need him to be unaware of that until
I am free. Right now…”

“He felt how good you felt with me?” he chuckled, slightly relieved. And when she
nodded with a soft blush on her cheeks, he lifted her up and placed her back to the

She was about to protest when he hopped over her to the other half ofthe bed and
lay down there.

“What…” she was about to ask him what he was doing when she saw a smile on his

“If we can’t do anything, then we are going to sleep,” he said simply, “l am not
leaving you alone, though. He may feel me kissing you but he

cannot sense me in the same room as you.”

“Alright,” she mumbled under her breath, secretly happy that he did not leave. She
wanted him close.

“And just so that you know, as soon as that divorce is finalised, I am taking you
straight here,” the lycan added, making blood rush to her cheeks.

They lay like this for a while.

“Did he hurt you?” Gideon found himself asking and the pause that followed seemed
like a torture.

“Not physically,” she let out a heavy sigh, “It’s hard to explain.”

“You said that you don’t love him anymore, but from what I know, he only brought
his mate to your week a few days ago. Is it that bad?” He did not know why he
couldn’t shut up. The possibility of him not liking her answer was huge.

“It’s complicated,” Riad admitted, “He turned out to be not what I thought he was.
And as I already tried to explain you before, it’s not only about me. There are
other people that I need to get out too.”

Something wasn’t adding up to him there.

Why was she so sure that something would happen to those people? According to his
research about her, that Alpha and her were always a good team and he was more or
less fair to his subordinates.

“Why are you worried about your pack like that?” he decided to find that out.

“Because of the woman who would be the next Luna,” Riannon turned to look him in
the eye, “She is not a good person. And I am not saying that because I am offended
by her. Just this morning…”

She suddenly stopped talking, but he placed his large palm onto her tiny hand and
squeezed it.

“Just tell me what she did. What they did.” He hoped that she would be able to open
up to him a little bit. And when she sighed, he almost thought that she would ask
him to leave.

But instead she told him what happened. And he was so angry that he wanted to burn
that pack to the ground the same night. He started asking her question and she told
him everything that happened since the day her husband brought that mate of his to
their house. His blood was boiling, his wolf demanded blood. And in his fury he was
amazed how calm Riannon was talking about all that. As is… as if it wasn’t the
worst thing that happened to her.

He decided to find out everything there was to find out about that omega Roxanne. A
part of him was happy for her being Brayden’s mate, but no one could touch his and
walk out unscathed. He was going to deal with all this one way or another.

She fell asleep in the middle of their conversation and he allowed himself to brush
her cheek briefly. He scent coated him and just seeing her so close to him,
sleeping peacefully, made him happy.

Riannon woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and full of strength. A smile
curled on her lips as she turned to find Gideon next to her…

only that the Lycan king was already gone.

She pushed the feeling of dissapointment to the far corner of her mind and went to
take a shower and clean up herself properly. She wanted to look good since she knew
that she would be meeting him soon again.

A maid brought her breakfast to her room and in about an hour after, Ria prepared
all the papers that she needed to discuss with the king. She went straight to his
office and found him there with Reid.

“Morning,” the both greeted her warmly and the Beta went for the exit, winking as
he passed


“I’ll see you at the party today, Luna,” as usually he forgot to add her name to
her title, making it sound as if she was the Luna of his pack. But Riannon ignored
that as her eyes met with Gideons.

“Have a seat,” he politely motioned for her to take a chair in front of his desk
and she did just that.

“Thank you,” she smiled but he averted her gaze and it startled her. After what
happened at night, this wasn’t what she expected.

“Are those the files you prepared?” he stretched his hand and she handed him the

He was looking through them thoroughly, asking questions and making some little
amendments. And absolutely avoiding looking at her.

She knew that she told him herself that they couldn’t… do anything. But was that
it? He wasn’t interested anymore?

She tried to call Onyx in the minutes that he was busy with reading to distract
herself from gloomy thoughts. But it again felt as if she wasn’t even there.

“So, all this looks good now,” he cleared his throat, “Well done. Now just work on
the changes and we can present this to other Alphas.”

Their eyes finally locked and she felt the urgent need to break the ice somehow.

However, his Gamma walked in with some important matters and Gideon looked at her

“I’ll see you later at the party,” he gave her a weak smile and she stood up with
her head held high.

“As you wish, your majesty,” she said unemotionally and slowly walked out of the

Behind the door she stood for a moment, trying to understand what was happening and
why she felt so angry. So, they kissed yesterd ay. It wasn’t like they were
betrothed now.

And yet she was fuming inside.

She did not meet anyone on her way upstairs as everyone seemed too busy with the
party preparations. She saw Savannah in the window of her room, but the princess
seemed in the middle of a heated argument with one of her helpers. Riannon tried
pacing around the room but it did not calm her nerves.

See you at the party, he said…

She went into the walk-in closet, where all the white dresses were still waiting
for their hour. So be it. She would see him at the party. And he would see her.


o Marissa Gilbert

people were commenting about wishing to edit/proofread my chapters. I am all in.

You can c*****t me about it on or . Search for Marissa
Gilbert or @marissagilbertauthor. Alternatively, you can find me in my ** group
Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle.

Chapter 31. The Wh ite Party

Ria looked at herself in the mirror, wondering if she went slightly overboard here?

She chose a white satin dress with a deep v-cut neckline and plunging free-fall
back. The garment also had a draped and knotted train, fastened in the middle and
splitting off into two.

It was exquisite and reminded her of ancient Greece. However, she usually preferred
more modest designs. Yet today, she craved something else.

She couldn’t forget the cold shower that Gideon gave her in the morning after they
practically spent the night together. What was up with that?

Okay, they didn’t actually spend the night together. But they kissed.

And the kiss was mind-blowing. Even Onyx reacted to it, and that was speaking

She tried calling her wolf again and again. But Onyx was not responding to that. As
if she wasn’t there. Only that now Ria knew for sure that she was.

“Listen,” she sighed, “l really need you. I

don’t know why you are hiding and not talking to me. But we were always a team. And
for me, nothing changed. I know that Brayden hurt us and that dying wasn’t easy. I
understand that you might need more time. Just know … Onyx, just

long as it takes. Just come back

She waited a bit more, but nothing happened.

Her thoughts drifted to Gideon again, and she clenched her lips, lifting her hair
up and fixing it with a few pins, letting a few curly strands fall on her

She stood up, ready to leave for the event, but at the last moment returned to the
dressing table and got red lipstick, applying it to her lips before changing her

He did not want to see her? He would see her now!

A little spark attracted her attention, and she noticed something else… Her diamond
ring was still shining on her finger. The one Brayden gave her for their
engagement. She kept on wearing it for safety reasons now. But tod ay, it seemed
too heavy for her. So, she took it off, enjoying the moment of her freedom.

The house was already full of guests. All of them were also wearing white in
different shades.

Riannon hoped to stay invisible for as long as she could. Her main aim was to find
Gideon and to ask him bluntly what had happened. Because she sure as hell had no

But if there was something she wanted to know.

However, her brilliant plan of laying low was not working. Wherever she went, all
eyes were at her at all times. Most of those were friendly. She recognised some of
the warrior guys who were looking for their protein shakes in the kitchen the other
day. But some were less than pleasant.

“Could you believe the aud acity of this werewolf?” some girl snorted behind her
back. “Not only does she dare to attend our party on a false pretence, but I heard
she is also after both Beta Reid AND king Gideon!”

“Like she has a chance!” another onejoined the gossiping. “How many of these
werewolf sl.uts throw themselves at our men? They are never good enough!”

“Who knows,” the third one chuckled,

“Maybe they will give her a ride or two. But it will

never be anything serious!”

Riannon knew the she-wolves were aware that she was listening to them. Moreover,
everyone was. And now they all expected to see her reaction.

Ria learnt one thing in the years spent as a Luna of her pack. You could only make
the first impression once. And she had no idea why it was so important for her to
show these people her true worth, but she knew that it was.

So, she gracefully turned on her heels and walked towards the three lycan girls who
still had smirks on their faces.
“Ladies,” she greeted them, her lips curling into one of her most dazzling smiles.
“It may come as a shock to you, but some women have more value than simply trying
to land a male.

understand that it’s hard to comprehend for some, and while I am your king’s
personal guest, I came here to work on women’s rights. Something we can all benefit
from. That is if you have any kind of aspirations in life, of course.”

The three women froze in front of her, not knowing how to proceed. This wasn’t what
they expected at all.

“You say that, and yet you are dressed like that,” one of them finally regained her

“Like what?” Riannon decided to set a little trap.

“Yes, like what?” princess Savanah appeared right next to them in a beautiful gown
with a glass of champagne in her hand, “l should probably mention before you say
anything that I personally picked Ria ls dress for tonight. So, please, enlighten
me, what does she look like in it?” Now the gossip girls looked pale.

“It’s a gorgeous dress,” one of them stuttered while the other two nodded


“Such a great taste!”

Riannon rolled her eyes, slightly disappointed with the princess arriving too
early. She would have preferred to destroy them herself. The latter waved
dismissively at the three women, and they escaped within seconds.

“My, my!” Savvy giggled as she put her glass down and took Ria ls hand, “You are
quite bloodthirsty, aren ‘t you?”

“l don’t know what you are talking about,” a little grin appeared on the Luna’s
lips. “l just like to tackle the problems at once. And finish them off while I

“Don’t worry,” the girl gave her a warm and

understanding smile. “Those three bark, but they don’t bite. I am happy with your
dress choice, by the way. It was one of my favourites too. When my brother sees you
in this .

The princess bit her lip and stopped talking as if she had told too much. Someone
called her name, and she turned to look at the person nervously.

“Riannon, I have to leave you for now,” she said apologetically, “But I will find
you later. Go this way, okay?”

She motioned towards the stone staircase that led down to the main garden, where
white tents with beautifully draped chiffon curtains were standing, and more guests
were talking in small groups around the grounds. Beautiful music was playing;
overall, the reception looked very elegant, just to Ria ls taste.

She stood at the top of the staircase, looking around. She noticed Beta Reid
talking to two girls, both of whom sent clear signals to him while touching his
chest and biceps. He didn’t seem to mind that at all. She kept on looking when her
eyes finally locked with Gideon ‘s. He stood with a group of men discussing
something loudly and looked at her. And there was so much in his gaze, hungry and
filled with desire, that she was sure he would come up to her any minute now.

But instead, the Lycan King turned on his feet and walked in the opposite

The familiar pain pierced her heart. And it hurt more than she expected for some

How stupid was she to think that his words about her were serious? He obviously
changed his mind already, and she had to deal with it. Their relationship was
strictly professional from now on. She wouldn’t let anyone think anything other
than that. Not even herself.

Riannon straightened her back and picked up her dress, descending the stairs
gracefully. She couldn’t go back to her room and admit her defeat. She couldn’t
stalk the king in the hope of talking to him and clearing things out. She had to
keep her face at all times. And right now, there was only one thing she could do -

Luckily, after the scene with the princess just a few minutes ago, many people were
willing to talk to her. Some conversations were brief, and some lasted longer. But
whoever she was speaking to, she was catching Gideon’s gaze on her at all times.
Just what was his problem? Why couldn’t he simply come up and talk to her?

Soon Riannon found herself in the company of the pack warriors. A.k.a. the protein

guys. She found them the warmest crowd. And the funniest. They were all standing
under the roof of one of the tents installed around a giant oak tree. The sheer
white fabric flowed peacefully around them, blown by the playful wind. The rays of
sunshine were poking through the gaps in the material, creating a magical

She only mentioned the protein drinks as they all started talking about them as if
their lives depended on this.

“Look, Luna,” one of the guys rolled the sleeve of his shirt and flexed his
muscles. “Do you see the kind of effect it gives us? Try it!”

He offered for her to touch the huge bulge on his arm, while Riannon had no idea
how to get out of this mess politely.

“Jay, stop this!” the Gamma of the pack, Cyrus, ran his hand over his face while
his mate Liam tried to hold back laughter.

“What?” the guy in question rolled his eyes, “The Luna doesn’t mind, right?”

Now she was cornered.

“Of course, I don ‘t,” she smiled politely and stretched her hand to feel his
muscles. But before her fingers could reach his skin, a loud growl interrupted them

They turned to the sound and saw their king storming their way with his eyes
However, if other guests started walking away as soon as possible, the warriors
would not flinch. Riannon alreadyknew that this group was tight with their leader.

“Hey, Gideon, we are explaining Luna Thorn

here . .. .11

“Everybody out!” The lycan royalty growled, and his men bowed politely, leaving the
two of them absolutely alone in the tent.

“And may I ask,” Ria walked past him to the huge oak trunk to try and distract
herself from the kaleidoscope of emotions going through her right now, “why did you
just do it?”

“To make sure you don’t make any silly mistakes,” he replied, still clearly trying
to get his own feelings under control.

“And what mistake would it be?” she looked at him with interest, watching his chest
heaving up and down. He was wearing just pants and a shirt unbuttoned at the top.

“You know very well,” he stepped closer, but she did not budge.

“No, I really don’t,” Riannon shook her head.

“What kind of a mistake would that be to check out that man’s bicep? And why do you
even care? You’ve been ignoring me since this morning.”

” Ria, . I wasn’t ignoring you.” Gideon didn’t know what words to choose to explain
to her what was going on with him. Back in her room at night, when she was sleeping
peacefully, he realised that if he stayed in her presence, his wolf would go crazy
and take over the control sooner or later. He couldn’t afford that. So, he decided
to take the easy way out and try to see less of her. At least until the evening,
since his sister invited this many people to their house.

“It’s all right,” Riannon said with a heavy sigh. “You don’t owe me an explanation.
We owe each other nothing, and I understand that last night probably didn’t mean
anything to you.”

“Nothing?” he growled and grasped her arm, pulling her behind him all the way to
the oak tree, where he slammed her against the trunk.

“What are you.. Riannon wondered when his hot lips crumpled hers in one beautiful
and absolutely magical kiss. This time he did not even try to be gentle with her.
And she loved it. This kiss was mad, raging, all-consuming. It seemed like the two
of them had gone crazy as he pressed her against the tree, shaking with desire.

“Just what is going on?” she demanded an

explanation, trying to distance herself from him unsuccessfully. “Why are you hot
one minute and cold another?”

He opened his mouth to tell her everything. Gideon wanted to let her know how
precious she was to him. He did not think he could hold this secret to himself any

But right when the words were ready to slip off his tongue, they both heard loud
screams and snapped their head in their direction.

NOTE: I will post a picture of Riannon’s dress in Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle
group on FB. Don’t miss it.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

I will post a picture of Riannonls dress in Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group
on Don’t miss it.

Chapter 32. The Attack

When Gideon woke up, he found himself holding Riannon in his hands. And although it
was the best feeling in the world, having his mate so close, so tight. .. There
were parts of him that were in pain. Literally.

He wanted her. Badly. And there was no denying that. His hardness was poking at her
back, and all he wanted was to roll her and relieve her of her flimsy nightgown
that left little to the imagination anyway.

But he knew that this was not the way. Not in their situation.

Mars was going crazy inside of him, begging to claim their mate.

“She is ours,” he chanted. “What are you waiting for?”

“She doesn’t know it yet,” Gideon had to push him to the back of their mind. “We
can’t just take her. It doesn’t work like that with humans. If her wolf was around,
it would be easier.”

“Her wolf is there,” Hawk snarled, not ready to give up. “She doesn’t respond to
me. But I can feel her.”

“Well, that’s it then. Until she doesn’t respond, there is nothing we can do,” the
King wanted to close the subject, but he could feel his beast trying to gain
control. He knew very well how lycan wolves were. His primal instincts would take
over, and he would do something stupid. Something that he would never be able to
take back.

No, Gideon couldn’t afford that. He was ready to do anything to protect Riannon.

So, he placed one little soft kiss on her shoulder, savouring the moment, then tore
himself off her and left the bedroom as soon as he could, locking the door between
the adjacent rooms.

After a very cold shower, he calmed down a bit, still having to listen to his
wolf’s bickering. Mars usually wasn’t the most talkative. He was a best of action.
But for the first time ever, he was so invested in something this much. For the
first time ever, he couldn’t get what he wanted.

When Riannon came to see him in the morning, he had a hard time concentrating on
anything. Gideon knew that if he allowed himself to look at her more, he would
simply throw her on his desk and do everything he had desired to do since the
moment he saw her in that lake. Mars was howling inside, begging him to submit to
their desires. The wolf couldn’t understand that Ria was simply not ready for all
that. Without her wolf, it would look like aggression and not love. He tried to
reason with him. But one couldn’t really reason with a beast.

He knew they had to talk and that he couldn’t hide the fact she was his mate from
her much longer. However, thanks to his proactive sister, today wasn’t the day. Too
many people were around, thanks to the White party. And as their King, he had
obligations to talk to most of them.

So, the best course of action was to avoid Riannon at all times until they could do
everything properly.

Nevertheless, that proved to be more of a challenge than he originally assumed.

Because since he saw her walking out of the mansion in that dress … his whole mind
exploded into myriads of pieces.

The beauty of his mate was captivating, and everyone around them saw that. Men
turned their heads in her direction, and so did women. The dress she had on hugged
every curve of her perfectly, but when she turned her back to him .

This was when he went absolutely nuts. The two

pieces of fabric that were flowing elegantly down to the ground left too much of
her skin open for him to see.

He wanted to touch her. Badly. But he knew that if he did, he wouldn’t be able to
stop, and that party would be over.

She moved gracefully as if she was born to be a queen. Which she probably was. And
he traced her with his eyes wherever she went.

The conversations he had with people did not seem to be working. He couldn’t
concentrate on them and had to just stay silent most of the time and play it cool.
Luckily, no one dared to call him out on that. No one wanted to anger their King.

But when she started hanging out with his best warriors, he couldn ‘t tolerate it
anymore. They were his most loyal men and clearly knew who she was, thanks to Savvy
always being the object of their common affection.

Yet now they were around Riannon, and that playboy Jayden was flashing his biceps
at her. This was too much.

He growled so loudly and menacingly that people around them hurried to get as far
away as possible, pretending not to see how he grasped the Luna that wasn’t even
his yet and dragged her all the way to the oak tree.

He slammed his lips into hers because he couldn’t do this anymore; he couldn’t
pretend he did not want her. And he did not wish for her to misunderstand him.

She was his everything. He wanted her, needed her, he desired her and craved her.
She was all he thought about even though he had a war on his doorstep. And she
tasted so good .

He tore off her to take a deep breath, wishing nothing more than to get back to
what they were doing. And then more…

But she pressed both her hands into his chest to stop him while she furrowed her

“Just what is going on?” she demanded, piercing him with her beautiful eyes. “Why
are you hot one minute and cold another?”
He wanted to explain to her. He couldn’t stay silent anymore, and he did not care
about anything now that her warm little body was in his arms, pressed to that huge

Unfortunatly for him, as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a loud scream.

They both snapped their heads toward the sounds and saw people running in panic.
Mostly women and children.

“What the!” Gideon growled when he saw a few brown wolves jumping out of the
thick bushes surrounding his garden.

Rogues. Those were clearly werewolf rogues. But what were they doing here?

“Riannon, get back into the mansion, please,” he squeezed her hand into his as he
glanced at her. He should have already been there, protecting his pack and kingdom
from intruders. But right now, her safety was his priority.

“But…11 She wanted to say something, but he had to cut her off.

“Riannon, please,” he tried to sound calm, “we have enough warriors here to deal
with this. I don’t want any of my guests to take any risks. Let alone you. I . ..
don’t want anything to happen to you. So, please, get back there and find Savvy.

She may need some help in there.”

Ria never ran away from a fight. Ever. But now she remembered that she couldn’t
shift into Onyx and had to swallow her pride.

How pathetic . .. . She did not want Gideon to see her as one of those females who
always needed help and protection. That wasn’t in her nature. She was an Alpha.

However, he was still here, looking at her with pleading eyes. And he needed to be
there, leading his warriors. She couldn’t stall him anymore. So, she simply nodded
and gathered up her dress.

He let go of her hand and watched her walking fast in the direction of the house
with dignity. While everyone else was running. She saw a woman struggling to get
her children inside. Ria rushed to her and picked up one of the two toddlers. Now
that she had a purpose, she started to move faster, and Gideon could turn away and
shift in the air, letting a loud growl leave his beast’s lungs.

Whoever ruined his day with Riannon and dared to enter his palace in such a way,
was going to pay for it. His warriors were already tackling the situation when he
sprung into action. Those werewolf rogues were d aring to attempt this attack.

“Leave one ofthem alone,” he commanded via the mind link as he snapped someone’s
neck. It would take way more of them to appease his anger.

But that wasn’t a problem. Dozens and dozens of rogues were appearing out of the

This wasn’t how they behaved. Not at all.

Rogues wanted to get something and be gone. They were usually fighting for their
life and survival. But not these. These had some kind of goal, but at the moment,
it was hard to figure out what that was. He needed to clear the place from them as
soon as possible. And get back to her.
“Reid,” he said suddenly, “get back and .. “Protect the Luna?” his Beta chuckled.
“And I thought you’d never ask. I’d be honoured. Although, trust me, she knew how
to defend herself and others even when she was a teen.”

He ran away in the direction of the house.

Even though Reid never left a fight early before.

Gideon ripped off someone’s throat, thinking of how Ria didn’t have her wolf at her
disposal now. And he did not like that thought at all.

Meanwhile, Riannon reached the main hall with the woman she was helping and her
kids. The toddler in her arms seemed unsettled, and she started rocking him gently
before his mother found a seat and gestured for her to give her the child back. She
had twins and a girl around 5 with her. A lot to handle in a situation like that.

“Thank you, Luna Thorn,” she smiled at Ria.

“You are very kind. I am sorry for the inconvenience.”

“It wasn’t an inconvenience,” Riannon smiled at them and patted the kid on his
head. “It was a pleasure and the best company I could ask


“There you are!” she heard Savannah’s voice and turned to see the lycan princess.
All the playfulness was gone from her face. The carefree girl looked more like a
general in a pretty dress now. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Sorry,” Ria smiled apologetically. Il l was with Gideon when that happened, and
then I was helping someone.”

A faint smile of approval appeared on Savvy’s lips, but she suppressed it quickly.

“Listen,” she said, guiding her to the middle of the room, “l may need your help
here. Believe it or not, but not every lycan is a great warrior. And we need to .

She did not get to finish as a giant grey wolf jumped into the hall through the
window, shattering the glass into hundreds of pieces that flew around.

“Take care of the people!” Savannah said

and shifted into a beautiful white wolf with black ears. She growled menacingly and
charged at the intruder without hesitation, grabbing his throat by her sharp
canines and throwing him back where he came from. And then she jumped right after
him, probably to finish him off.

“Onyx!” Riannon called for her wolf in her mind, “Now would be the great time to
come back!”


Right then, another window broke, and a huge chocolate brown wolf snarled at
everyone inside. This one was too close to the woman that Riannon was helping
earlier. She clenched her little kids closer to her chest and pushed her girl
behind her back protectively as the beast growled, baring his yellow teeth.

“Onyx!” Ria called for her wolf again. If she could shift, she would be able to
deal with this easily. But it wasn’t the case. Something was stirring inside her,
but she didn’t have a response.

However, she couldn ‘t waste any time either and pushing some fear-stricken girl
off her chair, she grabbed it and charged at the rogue, hitting it over his head.
The chair splintered into several parts as the enemy whimpered from pain. His
yellow eyes darted at her, and there was no doubt that she was his new goal.

Not backing away, Riannon slowly lowered herself to the floor and wrapped her
fingers around one of the legs of the destroyed chair. It wouldn’t help her, of
course. It was nothing against the beast.

Then again, she still had her strength and speed. So, when the wolf charged at her,
she did the same, startling him as she thrust the sharp piece of wood right into
his eye, avoiding his sharp claws.

The rogue growled in agony but managed to get the thing out quickly. He looked at
Riannon and jumped her, making her fall to the ground and pinning her to the floor.
His sharp claws dug into her belly and arm, making her cry out from the pain.

She hated this weak position. And she hated how the wolf was looking at her. As if
he had already won.

His canines were too close to her, and she grabbed his face with her free hand,
trying to push him away.

This was the moment when something snapped in her. She could feel power circling
through her bloodstream as she slowly managed to move the head away from her.

It was a miracle and couldn’t be called anything else. Now the rogue on top of her
did not look so sure anymore. And she wanted to break his skull for attempting to
kill her and the kids before that.

Her fingers were digging deeper and deeper into his flesh, and she could feel her
eyes glowing. Just the way she felt it when she had Onyx with her all the time. She
could sense that her wolf was very near

Marissa Gilbert Writer

A few revelations wait for us in tomorrows chapter. Stay tuned.

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Chapter 33. Fake Scent

Something was happening. Something new. Something amazing.

Ria was an Alpha. Power and strength were not new to her.

But what was happening right now was beyond anything she had experienced before.
She now saw fear in the wolf’s eyes. She inhaled his scent and smelled fear as

She knew that she could crack that skull of his with ease with her bare hands.

And he knew this too. He could tell that his end was near and tried to distance
himself from her but now she was holding him with her fingers dug too deep into his

However, at the next moment, a beautiful grey wolf jumped at her enemy, startling
her and knocking her prey off her.

Riannon tried to steady her breathing. Everything around her seemed to be happening
in slow motion.

“Onyx,” she called her wolf, feeling how the two of them were together again. But
at the next moment, that feeling was gone.

Ria could barely breathe and felt warm blood trickling over her hand and belly. The
werewolf managed to cut her in a few places.

She saw the grey wolf dealing with him, while mothers were covering young children
‘s faces.

And in just a few seconds Reid was next to her. Kneeling next to her face while
having no clothes on and making her come back to reality fast.

“Luna,” he took her arm and started looking at the wounds, “ He managed to
hurt you.” “It’s okay,” she hissed from the pain as he helped her up, “Just a

“It doesn’t look like a scratch,” the lycan

Beta looked worried, “Gideon will kill me for this.”

“Why?” Ria’s eyebrows shot up as the feeling of power washed away from her

“Why?” the voice of the mighty Beta was unusually high pitched, “Because he
entrusted me to protect you and this is what happens!”

“l don’t see how it is your fault!” she gave him a reassuring smile, looking
around. At least there were no other rogues in plain sight.

Savannah walked in through one of the doors, getting leaves out of her hair. And
one of the women threw her a shawl which she immediately wrapped around herself. It
didn’t help much since the fabric was sheer but at least it was something. “Oh,
my!” she looked at the two of them

“Reid, you are so dead!”

“l know,” the man chuckled nervously.

“What’s the big deal,” Ria shrugged her shoulders, “Just lick it and we’ll be

The silence in the room suddenly got heavy.

“Lick it? As in lick you?” Savvy snorted, “Now you just want him to die, do you? Is
it like an old grudge or something?”

“No, I mean the lycan healing,” Riannon said, slowly realising what was going on.

There was no lycan healing.

“Oh, that!” Savannah couldn’t help a sly grin spreading over her face, “Lycan
healing. Duh! Why didn’t we think of that, Reid?”

The Beta turned away, trying to hold back a laugh and Ria felt like an i *t.

She was going to do what the rogues couldn’t. She was going to kill the lycan king.

Just then Gideon appeared through a wide passage and everyone started gasping at

sight of their kind covered in blood. They could smell that it wasn’t his own and a
wave of sighs of relief rippled through the room.

In the meantime, Riannon forgot how to breathe, let alone what she wanted to say.
Her eyes were glued to his perfect body. She saw it just the previous night. But
back then only the moonlight was letting them see each other. That and the werewolf

But right now. .. In broad daylight, she couldn’t take her eyes off his stone-hard
muscles. Sculptures of ancient gods had nothing on that man. For his body was
immaculate. Each line was perfect from top to bottom. And even the line of dark
hair leading from his belly button all the way down to a piece of fabric he had
wrapped around his lower part.

“Brother!” Savvy snorted, “Riannon here is in need of some urgent lycan healing.
She asked Reid to lick her, but. .

“l didn’t!” the Beta practically shouted as the princess giggled next to him. But
the next second the two of them were pushed away by their king, who grabbed Riannon
and lifted her in his arms effortlessly.

“l thought I told you to protect her!” he growled angrily at his second-in-command

as he clenched the woman he treasured to his chest.

“And he did,” Ria said finally, startled by everything that was going on, “He saved
my life.”

That calmed the king down a bit.

“l will take you to your room,” he said, ignoring everything else around him.

“There is no need,” she tried to protest, “l can walk myself and also… Don’t you
have more things to do here?”
“It all can wait,” he muttered walking away, “All the rogues are dead anyway. Reid
and Savvy will deal with everything else.”

“They were not rogues,” she said and he stopped, darting his piercing blue eyes at
her. “What?” Gideon furrowed his brows. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Why don’t we go to the office?!” Reid appeared right next to them again, pushing
them slightly in the correct direction.

Gideon grunted but even he had to admit that this conversation had to take place in

As soon as the door behind them closed, the Beta went to one of the drawers and got
a pair of jeans out of there, pulling them on quickly.

“Riannon, what did you mean just now?” he asked her while Gideon held her pressed

his chest. Unknowingly, she leaned over him, relaxing in his firm grasp. It did not
even occur to her to ask him to put her back to her feet. He seemed comfortable.
And so was she.

The Beta had to cough a few times to bring their attention back to him.

“So, about our matter,” Reid tried to insist, “You said that they weren ‘t rogues?”

“Yes,” she nodded, “l am positive they are not rogues.”

“Why?” this made Reid agitated, “Their scent is pretty obvious.”

“l thought that they were rogues at first,” she said, “But then… When this wolf was
on top of me. ..”

Gideon growled. He hated the thought alone that she was this close to death. She
was his and they didn’t even get to be together properly. And yet he almost lost
her tod ay. He cursed inside. This was outrageous!

“You know how rogues smell, right,” Ria was choosing her words carefully, “They
have that burnt scent. When they are exiled from their packs, the link on their
aura that connects them is burning out together with their true scent. They only
smell like fire or smoke. They cannot have any other scent unless they are accepted
into another pack and a new link is formed, restoring their aura.”

“Yes,” Gideon confirmed everything she said.

“Well, that wolf also smelled of sandalwood and sage,” she informed them, “It was
faint, but it was there. His true scent.”

“But that’s. Reid rubbed his neck.

“Impossible,” Riannon agreed, “For a rogue. But if he isn’t a rogue. If he only

pretends to be one and this burned scent is fake while his own is suppressed..

“Then it would explain a lot,” the lycan king and his Beta were now staring at each

That indeed explained a lot. Because no rogue would be so stupid as to attack the
roya lycan palace.
“This was a very useful observation, Ria,” Gideon looked at her with gentleness in
his eyes, and she flinched as it was the first time he used her short name. It
sounded so nice on his tongue that she wanted him to repeat it. Their eyes met and
his got darker at once. At the same time, his grasp on her tightened.

“Check this out, Reid, and report to me,” the

king said walking in the direction of the door, “l will wait for your full report
in a few hours. But right now I am going to take care of the Luna.”

“Of course,” the Beta held the door for them, trying to mask his smirk with a
serious facial expression. But it wasn’t working that well.

Gideon took her all the way upstairs to the bed room where they slept together the
previous night. Just the memories alone made his breathing speed up. He carefully
placed her back to her feet as she kept holding his shoulders.

“You are hurt,” he stated in a very low and husky voice, “l am afraid I have to
check your…


“If you must. was all she said.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

I made a mistake in Gideon’s wolfs name in the previous chapter and called him Hawk
instead of Mars. But now I need to leave only one name. Which one do you prefer? I
will fix it tomorrow.

Chapter 34. Shower

She looked at him and he did not take his eyes Off her.

Gideon cursed himself inside. She was clearly hurt but all he was thinking about
now was how much he wanted her. The realisation that someone tried to kill his mate
just a few minutes ago was angering him.

And also bringing him pain. He couldn’t lose her. Not like that. Not in any other
way. He couldn’t lose her at all.

“Are you going to use that magical lycan healing of yours?” she taunted him with
one of her brows up and a slight smile on her lips. The lips that he wanted to kiss
so desperately that it was all he could think of now.

“If you will allow,” he leaned lower and touched her shoulder that was already
healing slowly. It pained him that this happened on his watch. The wounds on her
stomach seemed worse but blood stopped dripping already.

Gideon took the piece of fabric that was holding the dress in place and slowly
moved it off her shoulder. His eyes were asking for her permission too.

“Well, it hurts,” she co.cked her head up to meet his gaze and held it until the

“We need to clean you up first,” he said with his hands still on her shoulders, his
thumb making tiny circles on her skin.

“You are the expert in healing,” she tilted her head slightly, “l will trust you
with this one.” The lycan king lifted the girl in his arms once again and took her
to the huge marble shower room. She threw her shoes away before he placed her on
the cold floor as if she would break if he made the wrong move. The water switched
on, the autom atic tropical shower took care of them both before he even managed to
warn her. And now they all were all wet. But it didn’t seem to bother them.

Standing behind her and feeling the heat that her slender body radiated, Gideon was
afraid to make a wrong move. His large palms slid up her bare back, hooking the two
pieces of fabric that held the whole thing together and sliding them all the way
down to her waist. He could see the blood tainting water at their feet but he knew
that the more he touched her, the sooner she would heal.

And he wanted to touch her badly.

Riannon was conflicted. What the hell was she doing? She did not need this. She
knew very well already that no magical healing existed. So, why didn’t she tell him
to leave? Why was she standing topless with her back to his chest and. .. wanted
him to do something about it.

She couldn’t do it. Brayden could sense that and everything would be ruined.

And yet… She did not stop him.

She felt his gentle touch on her shoulder first, as his fingers traced her wounds
carefully. The wounds were healing way too fast. It was supposed to be slower. Not
that she wanted to complain about it.

There were other sensations too. New. Pleasant. Alluring.

His palm moved lower, cupping her breast gently. Riannon threw her head back,
resting it on the mighty chest of the lycan. His other hand took the pins out of
her hair, making her blonde locks fall down her back. At the same time, his lips
placed a gentle peck on her shoulder.

Her chest was going up and down as he still held her breast in one hand, tugging
the n ple between his fingers and making it firm.

“Riannon,” he muttered in her neck as he

traced the line of it with his tongue. She tasted so sweet, the woman he desired
more than anything. She didn’t struggle against him, she didn’t try to stop him.
And he knew that he wouldn’t be able to do that himself.

His hands went down her back, he tried to find the zip of her dress unsuccessfully.
So, when he gave up on that, he tore the wet fabric to relieve her of the clothes.

The woman in his hands started to breathe heavily, driving him crazy. He knew that
if he made one wrong move, this magical moment between the two ofthem would be

He tore off the piece of clothing that he had wrapped around himself, it couldn’t
hide his hardness anymore anyway. Not after he had been so close to her. Not after
she allowed him to touch herself that way.
He took her delicate neck in his large palm and made her turn to look at him,
tracing her lower lip with his thumb.

“Are you sure you want this?” he couldn’t believe that he was asking this question
now, risking her coming to her senses.

“Yes,” was all Riannon said and the next moment she felt his other hand brushing
lightly all the way down her abdomen and in between her thighs, parting them
slightly. He caught the hem of her lace panties and moved it slightly to give
himself access to her core. Gideon teased her folds gently, probing and studying
what was his from the very beginning.

He watched her gaze as he slightly moved her creases apart and thrust one finger
inside of her, moving it back and forth slowly.

A moan escaped Ria’s lips and Gideon captured them the very same moment, not
wasting his chance.

Mars was howling inside of his mind, because never before the two of them were able
to be so close to their mate.

Riannon closed her eyes because it felt so good. It wasn’t like he did something
she never experienced before, but it was the way he did it. .. As if she was the
most precious thing to him. As if he was afraid to scare her off.

She loved it. She loved how he made her feel about herself. And she loved how every
contact of their skin was bringing her tiny bursts of pleasure.

He added another finger to her, deepening the kiss at the same time. Ria moaned
into his mouth as drops of water were falling all over their bodies.

A soft growl left the lycan king’s chest and something stirred deep inside of her
soul as well.

“More,” she whispered, and he picked up the tempo in teasing her. Warmth and
pleasure were building up inside of her slowly, a sweet feeling of being on the
edge. She felt Gideon showering her shoulders with kisses, paying special attention
to her neck.

“l want you to be mine, Riannon,” he muttered into her ear, tightening his grasp on
her, “Only mine. No one else’s.”

The words pulsed through her mind at the same time as the cli.max rippled through
her body, as she clenched again and again on his fingers. Ria threw her head back
and relaxed into his chest as he held her tight, not letting her fall down since
her legs were weak now.

She felt his hot breath right on her neck, where her mark was. Even in spite of
water pouring over their heads. His canines grazed over her skin, pressing into it
softly and she… froze.

So did he. He was afraid to move because he lost himself just for a second there
and she noticed. Did she get scared? Or maybe she was excited? He had no idea but
he didn’t want to risk it, so he turned her to face him and then knelt before her,
throwing her thigh over his shoulder before she managed to even say anything.

He was the mighty and fierce lycan king and he never knelt in his life. Until
today. His mate was the only one who would ever receive the honour of looking down
at him.

He pushed her slightly so that she leaned her back over the marble wall and only
then when he made sure she was secure at all times had he dipped his head in
between her legs.

She squealed as his tongues stroke her. She barely came from her previous high and
he already started building up another. He took his time pleasing her and Riannon
laced her fingers into his hair, tugging on it to make sure he wouldn’t stop.

But Gideon had no desire to stop. He loved listening to her moans and whimpers. He
loved that he was the one to make her produce those sounds. He loved every moment
of what they were doing.

Ria screamed as she climaxed again and this time she was sure to fall down and
properly hit herself over the hard floor. But he caught her before that, pulling
her closer in his arms. He walked out of the shower cabin and went straight to the
bed, throwing her on top of it.

“Mark. Her,” Mars growled possessively,


The fight for control was too much. Especially when she lay in front of him wearing
nothing. He looked at her innocent face and swallowed. She had no idea what kind of
fight was going on in his head.

Only now Gideon noticed that her phone was ringing all the time. Something that she
also chose to ignore. They both knew who it was and he never hated anyone as much
as he hated her husband. The man who had what was his and hadn’t even appreciated

He saw his faint mark on her neck. That weakling even couldn’t do that properly!

And all he wanted now was to put his own lycan mark on that neck. To make the whole
world see that this woman was his.

“Do it!” Mars growled possessively and he knew that if he stayed there for at least
one moment, he would obey his wolf and mark her without permission.

“l am sorry,” he grunted and walked out into his own adjacent room, leaving Riannon

She was disappointed. And she had questions. Just what was that right now? Did he
seriously leave her at a moment like this? When she practically offered herself to
him on a platter?

This was far from over!

Ria jumped off the bed and found a silk robe to wrap around herself hanging over a
huge mirror.

However, this was when she truly felt shocked. All the wounds that she received
today were gone.

But it was impossible! It was too early. She knew very well that something ike that
had to take hours to heal. And it had barely been one since she got hurt. So, what
happened there?
Her eyes darted in the direction of where the lycan king disappeared just moments

“Go to him,” she heard Onyx’s voice inside her mind. And this time she had no
doubts what to do next.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

NOTE: I was stressing for hours with this chapter and am still not sure if it was
worth it. It will need some extra editing too. Let me know if I managed to pull it?

Chapter 35. M i n e

She decided not to waste any time and pulled the silk robe on, storming after the
Lycan king. Her hair was still wet, and water was trickling down her skin but she
did not care. She had to see him, she had to speak to him. She was dying to find
out what was going on.

Luckily, he did not lock the door and she entered his own bedroom with ease.

It was dark as the curtains in the room were shut and they seemed to be with a
complete blackout effect. This was a manly room in dark shades. Very tasteful and
minimalistic. Very him.

She saw Gideon at once as he stood by a desk breathing heavily with one of his
hands covering his eyes. This posture startled her and she paused.

But it was too late since he sensed her presence and snapped his head in her

“Not now, Riannon,” he said, and it sounded like both warning and begging.

“Just what is going on?” she stepped forward and his eyes landed on the wet silk of
her robe that wasn’t hiding anything from his gaze. “Oh, Goddess!” he muttered,
turning away and feeling how desire was overwhelming him again.

“Gideon, speak to me!” the Luna was not giving up, “You are giving me some
seriously mixed signals here!”

Mars was howling in his head, and he couldn’t stay close to her anymore. He had the
best self-control for a lycan. But this was too much. He had nerves of steel. He
wasn’t made of


So, the king did the only thing that he could and opened the heavy curtains,
letting the light in and stormed out to the balcony to take a deep gulp of air.

He needed to cool himself. But the shower wasn’t going to help him anymore. The
thought alone of any kind of water procedures now was bringing him back to his

“Gideon!” she was already behind him, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled that
sweet scent of hers, knowing that it would be best not to turn back and look at

“Ria,” he would have chuckled at how they suddenly dropped all the formalities now
if he wasn’t in physical pain, fighting his body and

Mars seemed hard. Too hard. “What is it that you really want?”

“Answers!” she replied without even so much as a shade of hesitation, “Tell me what
just happened! You clearly.

Her voice broke as did her bravely. Wasn’t she too bold with him? With the Lycan
king of all the people?

But she clenched her fists and pronounced the next words firmly.

“You clearly want me,” she said and he couldn’t hold back a snort, turning to face

“You think?” he raised her brow at her. “Then what was the problem right now?” she
did not budge.

“The problem, Riannon?” he made a step in her direction and for the first time
since they met she managed to see something menacing in his eyes. It was the same
handsome face, the same person that he knew, but somehow the air between them got
different suddenly. “The problem is that I more than just want you. I want you all.
For myself. Without sharing you with anyone else in this world. I wanted you like
that from the moment I saw you and it gets worse every day. The things I want to do
to you… You can’t imagine! But if I take you now, I am going to mark that pretty
little neck of yours.” She gulped, trying to process the information.

He told her before that he wanted her as his woman. She even believed him. But
marking her… He couldn’t be serious about that.

“But I am already marked,” the words left her lips without her realising as her
hand went instinctively to the place where her husband made his claim once. She
couldn’t feel it. She couldn’t feel the scar that was there for years.

“Really?” Gideon chuckled darkly, “Where is it then? All I see is two little red
stains on your skin .”

What? When did that happen?

“B-but,” she stuttered, “A mark would seal us together for life.”

“How terrible!” he rolled his eyes, coming closer. And now she was backing away.
“And what if I don’t mind?”

She didn’t know what to say to that.

At the same time, he was studying her scared face, coming to the sad conclusion
that she still wasn’t ready.

“Go back to your room, Riannon,” he said, turning away again and hoping that she
would just simply obey him for once, “Go back and close your door. Make sure that..

“Why?” she interrupted him and he flinched, “Why do you want me so much? I am not
even a lycan! It doesn’t make any sense! Why does mostly everyone here react as if
it was completely normal? Why does my wolf react to you? Why did my wounds heal so
quickly tod ay after you… Why..

He did not let her finish as he was right next to her in less than a second,
piercing her with his eyes that were glowing golden.

“Why do you think?!” he growled as he grasped her waist and her pink lips parted

Riannon was startled, to say the least. She did not know why she came here in the
first place. From the very beginning, all this was wrong! So, why couldn’t she push
him away? Why did she crave him so much?

“Mate.. .”. Onyx whispered, turning the Luna’s world upside down.

“Mate,” Ria repeated her wolf’s words and at the very next moment, Gideon ‘s lips
crashed into hers possessively.

“Mate,” he growled into her mouth, lifting

her up with ease.

Riannon wrapped her thighs around his waist and her hands around his shoulders as
their tongues were intertwining wildly.

It was surreal. How could she miss this? How could she miss that he was hers this
whole time? He slammed her back over the cold stone wall, pressing himself tightly
against her.

“You said the word,” he muttered still conquering her mouth, “Now I don’t know if I
would be able to stop.. .”

“Don’t… stop,” she responded and he snarled into her neck, peppering it with

“Very well,” the lycan king said as he pulled the tie of her robe, making her
bre.asts bounce freely. He tore off her for a second, to take a breath and looked
at them, taking on in his hand and kneading it gently.

Ria sucked in a breath and he lowered his head to inhale the firm ni.pple, finally
being able to enjoy her to the fullest. Her fingers laced into his hair, tugging it
gently, and when he released her flesh, their eyes met. Without any words, there
was an understanding between them now. He grasped her bottom and moved them to the
bed, throwing her on top of it as if she weighed nothing. She watched his every
move as he unzipped hisjeans and got rid of them. And she forgot how to breathe
when he got onto the edge of the bed and took one of her ankles into his hands,
placing a soft kiss onto it. And then one more a little higher, and one more…
Slowly, he was moving up as she bit her lip, starting feeling the tingles.

They definitely weren ‘t there before. But they were here now and Riannon had a
very hard time holding back the moans that were desperately trying to escape her.
He was at her core in no time and she felt his tongue flickering over and over her
most sensitive bundle of nerves. Arching her back in delight, she clenched the
sheets and arched her back as she got yet another mind-splitting release from him.

He let her come down from it, watching her and trying to remember every single

Their eyes met again, and he felt her hand running all over his length. Her fingers
wrapped around it as she stroked him slowly several times without breaking their
eye contact.

Ria liked what she felt. She was going to enjoy it for sure.

Understanding her silent command, he positioned herself at her entrance, nudging it

with his head.

“Are you sure?” he asked, and it was obvious that it was hard for him to even say
the words, “Your. ..plan. .

“l think I am going to need a new plan,” she admitted honestly, holding his gaze,

Storm hold, if you don’t take me right this very..

He entered her in one swift move. Not gently at all. He couldn’t be gentle anymore.
He waited enough. She was his everything and he craved her from the moment he saw
her. And now she was finally his.

Just watching her face as he pulled almost out and then roughly thrust back, making
her moan, did things to him. He hooked one of her thighs to give himself better
access and repositioned himself.

“Gideon!” she muttered his name as he started pounding into her, each thrust
cementing their bond. Mars was howling inside because they both were getting
exactly what they wanted. Their Luna.

Riannon was completely overwhelmed with all the sensations. The only man she had
prior to the king was her husband but it never felt like this. It was so good that
she wanted to laugh and cry, and s m, and beg him for more. All at the same time.

He was hittingjust the right spot over and over while she could feel pleasure
building at the lower part of her. He took up the tempo and she didn’t even notice
how her fingernails dug into his back and arms. They were both mad. And hungry for
each other. Whatever they did it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

He lowered himself as his canines grazed the skin on her neck and for a second
there she thought that he was going to mark her. The thought alone brought her over
the edge and her mind shattered into millions of pieces as her body trembled in his

Gideon watched his mate letting out a loud moan under him as she cli.maxed and this
made him speed up, even more, making a few deep thrusts and stilling inside of her.

He spilt every drop of his seed into her, not wishing for it to stop.

“MINE!” he growled as he fell on top of her, panting but still searching her lips.
“You are mine, Riannon,” he repeated.

“Yes,” she said, locking her arms around his neck and feeling happy and content to
be with this man.

He traced the place where he had to mark her with his fingers and looked at her. It
was a question and they both knew it. So, she shook her head, telling him that it
wasn’t the time yet.

And he had to accept this. At least now he knew she was his. Whatever happened
next, it was only a matter of time. His mark would be decorating her neck. She
would be his Luna.

“l am sorry,” she whispered, knowing what he was thinking about. She hated that
this was how everything was starting for them.

He cupped her chin and made her look at him, claiming her lips for another sweet

“It’s perfect,” he said, brushing his thumb over her lower lip, “We’ll deal with
everything together and I will mark you. And trust me, I will do anything for it to
happen faster. And in the meantime..

A devilish smirk appeared on his face.

“You don’t want to rest?” Riannon shot her brow up.

“My Luna, we are only starting.

Back at the Silver River Pack, Brayden was enjoying his own little mate. Roxy was
obedient and learned what he liked very fast. He could allow himself to do things
to her that he wouldn’t

want to do with his wife. His wife was perfect. Too perfect for things like that.

“Yes, Alpha, yes!” the omega whined as he took her from the back, slapping her when
he felt like it. He was already so close to his own release when something changed.

It felt as if someone was chocking him and the mark on his neck was stinging. He
tried to control it at first but it wasn’t letting him go. By the end of it, it got
so bad that even his hands were shaking.

“Alpha,” Roxy, looked at him over her shoulder. She was already doing all the job
herself. “Is everything ok?”

He pulled out of her, having difficulties breathing.

And on top of it, his mark was hurting… The mark!

“Leave,” he commanded curtly, and she knew better than to argue.

When the door behind her closed, he took a deep breath and made himself stand up
from the bed.

On wobbly legs Brayden walked to his desk and got out a flask from one of the
drawers, gulping greedily the burning liquid. His gaze fell onto his reflection on
the standing full-length mirror in front of him and he did not like what he saw in
there. Hid mark. .. was inflamed.

“Riannon!” Bryaden gritted through his teeth…

NOTE: Sorry for the delay, But / hope it was worth it foryou. This one was also
longer. The next update will be on Sunday evening.

Readers also enjoyed:

Alphas Broken Mate C)

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TAGS billionaire alpha sex kidnap

Chapter 36. Tell Me What Happened

Riannon couldn’t believe her own happiness when she opened her eyes and saw him
lying in front of her and watching her.

A mate. She had a mate. A real one. Not a chosen one.

A smile curled onto his lips and she reciprocated it. There were no regrets.

This was very different from what she had with Brayden back in the day. Now that
she thought about it, if this was what Brayden felt when he met his own mate, she
could understand why he couldn’t reject Roxanne.

She would never reject Gideon if she knew.

This did not cancel all the horrible things that Roxy did to her and to others in
their power struggle. But she could understand now.


This was not changing her plan. But it gave her some understanding.

“Onyx,” she called her wolf, “Are you there?”

At first, all she heard was silence. But then

the familiar voice sounded in her head.

“l will be soon…”

She tried calling her again, asking what was going on. But Onyx spoke no more.

However, this was better than nothing. This was a promise. And just knowing that
her wolf didn’t abandon her made Riannon smile wider. The motion did not go
unnoticed. Gideon pulled her closer. So that her head was now tucked into his
chest, and he was able to dig his face into her hair and breathe in her scent that
he loved so much was able to enjoy for the first time.

“l can’t believe this is real,” he muttered, “From the moment I saw you.. I dreamt
of this.

Of holding you like this, of having you as mine.”

She looked up at his handsome face and slid her hand to brush his cheek with a
short stubble that prickled her fingers slightly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked.

“Would you believe me if I simply told you?” He arched his brow at her.
“l guess not,” she admitted honestly. She had too much on her plate to simply
believe some lycan who approached her out of the blue insisting that she was his
mate. Even if he was a king. Not to mention that Onyx, the little hyena, never told
her that they were mates on the rare moments she spoke to her. She couldn’t believe
her wolf would waste her strength to tell her to trust him or for him not to leave
her. But never mentioned one word that could change everything.

On the other hand, Onyx was smarter than regular wolves. Ria always knew that. She
proved it to her many times. And to be honest, maybe it was for the best that she
did not throw them into a situation where Riannon knew that he was her mate from
the very beginning yet did not feel the connection. In that way, Gideon had to work
for it and earn her trust.

Yes, that wolf of hers wasn’t simple at all. She took a bet and look at where it
got them..

“Yesterday,” he traced his fingers over her bare hand, “You said the word. You
called me Mate. How did you know?”

“Onyx called you that,” Ria decided to confess. Now that they were together, she
did not want secrets from him. It was hard starting to trust the new man in her
life but what they had was so much different from what she experienced before.

It was bigger. And better. And so special.

Everything one could wish for.

“Is Onyx back?” Gideon asked with hope in his voice. They were already together but
he would still feel much better if he knew that the wolf was there.

“Partially,” Ria gave him a vague smile, “l feel her presence somewhere there
inside of my soul but she is not at full strength yet. I think she is trying to
restore after…”

She stopped talking and he suddenly got serious. This was not a joke to him at all.
He knew about a few people who had lost their wolves. He started reading about them
when he found out about Onyx’s absence. This was rare. But it did happen several
times in shifter’s common history.

When the beast was lost, the host was becoming just an empty shell as half of their
soul was gone. That did not happen to Ria yet. But a mostly missing wolf was a bad
sign. This wasn’t a destiny that he wanted for his mate.

But there was another thing that bothered him. Those people he read about were all
warriors who fought in battles. Sometimes against forces much stronger than them.
In the very few cases known in history, it was always the same. When on the brink
of death, the wolves, foxes, bears or other creatures sacrificed themselves to
protect their hosts. The hosts survived but at the same time were deadly wounded
and hardly ever lived longer afterwards.

And when the beast died, the owner was slowly becoming just a mere human. A fate
worse than death.

It was one thing to be born a human. But it was another to be a shifter and to lose
a half of yourself. To stop seeing through your beast’s eyes, to stop sensing what
he or she could sense…

It was the same as losing hearing, sight, and ability to move properly at once for
humans. Probably even worse because something inside was missing as well.
Everything was lessened, everything was different… Less vibrant. It was the same as
sucking the joy out of life. That most vital part of a person was gone forever.

And not everyone could cope with that.

He could tell that Riannon was one of those who would be able to cope, though. She
was strong. In some sense maybe even stronger than him.

But he did not wish for her to have that kind of fate. For her, he was ready to do

Then again, there was another thing. He

didn’t know of any recent battles she took a part in. As far as his research on her
showed, and his spies were among the best, her life was a typical Luna life. She
had her hardships but nothing too major happened.

Just what was done to her in that pack behind the closed curtains that made her
almost lose her wolf?

“Ria,” he said, “l am going to ask you this again. Regardless of me asking you this

But this time I want you to be absolutely honest. You can trust me. All that I do
from the day I met you is for your protection. You are my Luna even in spite of
being another man’s wife. You are mine.”

Riannon smiled at the words even though she knew that she wasn’t going to like the
question that was about to follow.

“Did he hurt you? That husband of yours?” Gideon tried not to show it, but she felt
his inner rage by the way his grasp on her tightened.

“Yes and no,” she sighed. How could she tell him everything that happened to her
and expect him to be okay about it?

“Did he hurt you physically?” the Lycan king asked through clenched teeth.

“No,” she said at once to calm him down. Luckily, it was the truth.

“But something happened to you,” he took her chin into his large palm and made her
look at him, “Something that made you want not only divorce but fight for your
pack. Something that broke you so much that your wolf almost died.”

Her eyes widened slightly at his words. She was afraid to even think about it, but
Onyx did sound weak every time she spoke. She tried to convince herself that it was
just a temporary weakness due to their rebirth and their chosen mate bond breaking.
But what if it was everything? And more..

“l don’t even know how to say it,” she sat up, wrapping the Egyptian cotton sheets
around herself, Gideon following her motion not to miss any trace of emotion on her
beautiful face. “You will probably think I was crazy,” she muttered, covering her
face with her both hands.

He took them away so that she could see him. He hoped that she would understand
that no matter what was happening, he was going to be by her side. Whatever she was
going to tell him. .. “l am hard to scare off, Riannon,” he gave her a soft smile.

“Let’s hope so,” she gave him a nervous


And then, taking a very deep breath, she pronounced everything in one go as she was
letting it out, “l already lived this part of my life. With Brayden and his mate
Roxy in my pack. He never rejected her as he promised, and she took everything away
from me. She killed the people I cared about, made Brayden reject and humiliate me,
taking my title. And even then, after I already lost everything, she still killed
me with the help of one of the wolves from my own pack. It was horrible. But then I
somehow came back to the very moment it all started. Gideon, I literally opened my
eyes when the door opened and the two of them walked in into our packhouse. This
was when I lost Onyx. And since that day I had to live again during the most
horrible days of my life. Only that I didn’t want for everything to repeat. I
wanted to change what happened. And I started tweaking things one by one. Big and
little. I changed them and they were changing the reality. Yet main events are
still the same. For example, when I tried to fight Roxy joining the pack, I still
lost. But when I called you earlier this life than I did before it resulted in
this. .. And then the Alpha Ball. ..”

She stopped when she noticed the frozen

9/1 5

expression on his face. Did she overdo it? Was it too much for him? Should she have
stopped after the rebirth part?

Gideon tried to process it. He thought that she was joking at first, but she was
too serious and nervous about that. And now that he was thinking, it all made sense
to him.

All right, not all. But some ofthe things did.

Their very first conversation. She was already sure that bad things would happen.

And then her appearance at the ball. Her husband brought out his mate and mistress
for everyone to see. Anyone would be crushed by that. But not Riannon. She held her
head so high as if this wasn’t her first rodeo. She knew what everyone expected of
her and gave them exactly the opposite.

Not to mention the way she spoke to him. No one was that bold. Unless. they were on
the brink of death and had nothing to lose.

“Gideon?” she called his name, biting her lip. He could see how worried she was
about everything and wanted to tell him to forget about all that.

But in the next moment, he grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest of hugs.

He didn’t say anything, but she knew that he believed her. And it did not change
anything for him.

“l am so sorry you had to go through this,” he said, kissing her hair as he

couldn’t reach anything else from this position but didn’t want to let her go yet.

Slowly, she wrapped her arms around him too, embracing his warmth and his wonderful
scent. Embracing the feeling of safety that he gave her. And for the first time
ever she cried..
She rarely did. Almost never. But right now at this moment, she could finally
afford to let it all out. The pain, the loneliness, the fight, all her raw emotions
were out finally.

And it felt so much better.

Gideon was holding her in his arms as long as she needed, hurting together with
her. Even

Mars was howling inside feeling their mate’s pain.

She was done way faster than he expected. But his beautiful Luna never ceased to
amaze him. She was perfect. His perfect Luna. . Riannon looked at him with puffy
eyes, embarrassed by her little outburst.

“Now,” he said as he wiped the last tear away with his thumb, “Tell me everything
from the very beginning.”

They spent the whole next day in his room. Only ordering food in and talking about
everything. They talked so much but still, none of them felt like they were done.
It seemed that there was always more. It started with the rebirth and then went on
to their previous life. Then they were discussing their possible theories of what
everything that had happened to her could mean. But later they started to simply
plan what they would do next.

Ria knew well how to work in a team. She was doing it with Brayden for years. But
it was so different with Gideon. And not at all what she expected. They weren ‘t
finishing each other’s sentences. He wasn’t agreeing with everything that she told
him the way Brayden did.

The Lycan king had his own ideas. Often much bolder than hers. And much more

He mostly wanted for her to sit back while he slew her husband and his mistress,
and all the brown wolves in her pack. Something that she couldn’t agree with. So,
the plan was changing and evolving, and they were both tired by the next night. Yet
it felt so satisfying to do this with…

an equal.

Because this was what they were. Equals. Partners.

They were finishing their dinner, still wearing nothing but sheets when someone
knocked on the door.

“It’s Reid,” Gideon tolled her with an eye roll, “Give me a sec. I’ll get rid of
him and then maybe… we could take a bath?”

“We already took a shower together, remember?” she teased him.

“l do,” a smirk stretched on his face as he winked at her.

He opened the door but stood there, obstructing the Beta’s vision.

“So, this is how it is now?” Reid said in a fake spiteful tone, “You have secrets
from me?

After everything we’ve been through?”

“Ha-ha,” Gideon said emotionlessly, “You are welcome to come in, of course. But if
you see something that you are not supposed to see, then I just have to kill you.
Your choice.”

“Here is fine!” the Beta chuckled, but then added in a serious tone, “The report is
ready. And you are not going to like it.”

“That bad, huh?” the king asked, taking the papers. He spent a few minutes reading
and then Riannon heard a grunt.

“Shall l?” Reid asked bluntly.

“No, I think this is something I have to do personally,” Gideon cut him off, “You
will look after Riannon. She is…”

“No need to explain it,” the Beta replied, “l get it. I will protect her with my

She cleared her throat and came up closer to them.

“Excuse me,” she said calmly, “But while we are at it I want you both to remember
that I still have my own obligations… to my old pack. I can take care of myself

“Ria,” her mate looked at her with a mixture of begging and warning.

“l will act on my own if I have to,” she insisted folding her arms on her chest.

“But you will use lycan protection at all times and let Reid know everything,” he
said. “Fine!” she had to agree. Not that lycan protection was a bad thing.

“Okey-dokey,” the Beta said awkwardly, “So… I think I am going to go for now. ..”

Gideon shut the door in his face and pulled his mate into his arms, pinning her
against the door.

“You have to go,” she said.

“l have to,” he admitted.

“For how long?” she asked as he removed the sheet that was covering her and lifted
her up, entering her in one swift move. It already felt so natural to the two of
them… Yet the crazy attraction wasn’t fading away.

“A day or two,” he grunted into her neck, showering her with kisses.

“Do we really have time for this,” she panted, digging her nails into his back and

“No,” he chuckled, speeding up his thrusts, “But I don’t care. If I am not going to
see you for this long, I am going to make it a goodbye to remember.. .”

She came back into her room after he was gone. She even watched him leave through
the window. Like some pathetic wife-wannabe..

She chose this room as the Alpha suit smelled of him too much. And she needed a
clear head to think of everything.

Only after a quick shower, she go to check her phone, discovering that the battery
was off. She put it on the charger and soon it was on again, showcasing to her all
the missing calls from her husband. There were so many of them. She knew very well

And she didn’t want to deal with any of it. There were messages too. She did not
open them so that he wouldn’t get the notification.

But then she saw one from Ash. And she couldn’t ignore that one.

“Maya is in big trouble,” was all that he texted her.

NOTE: This is a much longer chapter than usual, but please don’t get used to it
101. We need just 77 people to reach 1k in Marissa Gilbert’s

Reading Circle group btw. Would you help us do

Chapter 37. The Dark Side

Brayden couldn’t sit still ever since he felt it. He felt it way too many times in
the past 24 hours for it to be nothing. The soul-shattering sharp pain that started
in his march and then was echoing through his whole body. Unfortunately, he knew
exactly what he was experiencing, and he hated the thought alone of his wife being
taken by someone else.

“Alpha,” Roxanne wrapped her arms around his neck leading from the back of his
chair and brushed her fingers softly over the part of his chest that was exposed
through his unbuttoned shirt, “You don’t look too well. If anything, you look like
you are in pain. Maybe I can help you to get rid of it? A mate’s touch is healing
for another mate. Let me help you. Let me ease your pain.”

He never thought that he would say it out loud but he had enough of bl.ow jobs and
her suggestion wasn’t as appealing as she probably hoped. It was amazing to have a
mate and he loved every minute of it. Someone ready for him any time, someone happy
to receive just a speck of his attention, someone who was ready to drop to her
knees at him simply implying it, someone who was ready to do everything to please
him. She was HIS. He did not have to conquer her; he did not have to keep up with
her. With his mate everything was easy. She felt his mood swings very well and knew
when to back off. She was working around him, eager to please, ready for
everything. Just the way it should be.

Yet his mind kept coming back to his wife since his mark was hurting him.

Riannon was with someone else and there was no denying it. Moreover, he was pretty
sure that it was that as.shole, the Lycan king. The way he fought for her to come
to his kingdom was way too obvious. And the worse thing was that there was nothing
he could do about it now. It wasn’t like he could march into the lycans’ lair and
demand his wife back. They were more powerful.

He couldn’t start a war with them. His pack would be wiped out quickly and no other
alphas would support him in such an affair. They would probably even be happy to
see his fall and try to claim his territories afterwards.

This wasn’t the way.

“Damn, Ri, what are you doing?!” he groaned as he texted her for one thousand’s
time, not even expecting to receive a reply anymore.

It did not help that he knew that she was angry with him. For not rejecting Roxy.
Was she with the lycan king willingly now? Was it her little revenge on him?

If it was, he knew he deserved it. He handled it all wrong, hoping that she would
just do what was best for the pack. And him. The way she always did in the past.
Riannon was born to be a Luna, was trained to be one, this was all she was. She
knew how to make the necessary sacrifices and he really hoped that she would take
one for the team this time too.

The joke was on him as he overdid it. He should have taken his mate to some remote
forest cottage and kept her there with some guards, visiting her when the need was
arising. But he wanted it all.

Knowing how his wife was loyal to their pack and how they loved each other, he was
sure that she would get used to the idea. After all, Roxy was never threatening her
position as an omega. No one would want her as their Luna. And Brayden never saw
that as an option. He just wanted her close to enjoy their mate bond and all the
extra sensations that came with it.

Sometimes he was getting bold and imagined the three ofthem living together. .. But
this was where it all went wrong. For Riannon was an Alpha too and did not want to
share what was hers.

An Alpha female… He loved it about her and hated it about her at the same time. She
was always a challenge, always on top of things.

Whenever he had an idea, she had a better one. Whenever they had a problem, she was
the one coming with the best solution.

He was a better warrior and there was that. .. But sometimes he wished that his
wife was more submissive to him.

This was when Roxy fitted just perfectly. For she was giving him what Riannon
couldn’t. With her, he was superior in everything. And he loved that.

However, it wasn’t enough. She lacked in many areas. Starting from her low rank to
her education. Could someone like her even be compared to Riannon?

So, now he was facing a really big problem. What was he to do now with all that

He wanted Riannon back. She was his. This was undeniable. If he had to choose
between his mate and his wife, he would pick the wife. She was something that
everyone wanted, and Brayden wasn’t going to lose that.

Besides that, he loved her. Yes, they were not mates but she was his chosen mate.
They spent years together and never ever had he doubted his choice. She was
beautiful and smart. A full package. And she knew him better than anyone else.
Their union proved to be successful in many ways. The only thing they were lacking
was an heir. And this was something they agreed to try for next year.

But considering all the changes, maybe he had to push the date closer. It would
probably be a good idea to do that now. An heir would give Riannon security and
peace of mind in her position. The child would probably make her happier too.

Yes, it was a good decision.

There was only one problem - how was he to get her back into The Silver River Pack?
What if the king decided to leave her there permanently?
“My love,” Roxanne, who was massaging his shoulders this whole time called him, “l
can see that you are worried.

“Don ‘t concern your pretty head with things like this,” Brayden told her, sighing
heavily and closing his eyes.

“How can I ignore this when you are not happy?” she purred into his ear, almost
annoying him, “l can see you texting her for the past few hours. Is this about your
wife again?”

He grabbed her hand forcefully and yanked her to her knees before him.

“Don’t speak about my wife and your Luna!” he growled but then saw tears forming in
her eyes and his wolf snarled at him in his mind for making their mate sad again,
“She is off-limits for you. Got it?”

“l am sorry,” she said, sulking slightly, “l understand the vast difference between
the two of us. I just want to help.”

“How can an omega help an Alpha?” a cruel laugh escaped him.

“l may be just an omega,” she placed her palms back on his knees, “But I am still a
woman and understand some things from a female’s perspective.”

Now she got him interested and he tilted his head slightly, watching her and giving
her a reassuring nod to speak.

“Your wife is hurt because of me and it probably made her do some wrong choices,”
the girl on the floor said, averting his gaze, “It’s very sad that she betrayed you
when you had your first difficulties. But… never mind. You want her back here,
right? But she wouldn’t come on her own if I assume everything correctly.”

“And?” he was growing impatient.

“Then you need to make her want to come,” she glanced at him and there was
something dangerous in that glance. However, it was gone quickly, replaced by her
usual eagerness to please.

“l am afraid this time a diamond necklace isn’t going to cut it,” he scoffed.

“Nothing nice will,” Roxy nodded her head, “But I would come anywhere if something
was to happen to you.

“Again,” he rolled his eyes, “We are not in the right place for that right now.”

“l understand,” she agreed with him again, “But I bet there is someone else in that
pack who she cares about.”

He watched her for a few seconds before what she meant registered. It wasn’t what
he liked to do. But desperate times…

“There is that best friend of hers,” Roxanne continued, “They are practically like
sisters to each other..

Their eyes met and she held his gaze with her lips curled slightly.

“If I touch Maya.. He started saying when she interrupted him.

“You don’t have to do anything,” she smirked for the first time, “l can take care
of that.

Just support me when the time comes.”

“All right,” Brayden sneered and watched his mate jump back to her feet and leave
the room.

Maybe, just maybe, that omega mate of his was worth more than he thought.

NOTE: Like Chandler Bing would say: Could Brayden & Toxy BE anymore disgusting

And the answer is yes 101

Chapter 38. Maya

Riannon gathered her hair at the back of her head and dressed up quickly into a
pair of blue jeans, comfortable leather boots and an oversized blouse, part of
which she tucked under her belt.

All while she was calling Ash and Maya in turns. But to her disappointment and
horror, none of them was replying.

She tried to steady her breathing as panic almost overwhelmed her.

She couldn’t lose Maya. Not again. She already lost her once and it almost broke
her. It did break her. This was the point from which everything went downhill.

She remembered every detail even now.

Roxy was launching attack after attack on her. But Maya was helping to protect her
best friend and helped Riannon to avoid traps more than once. She was very snarky
towards Roxy always and quickly got under her radar.

So, one day she was accused of treason. There was no evidence against her. Just a
confession of a warrior from one of the enemy packs from the East, who insisted
that she was trading secrets with them in the hope to become the next Beta after
Ash was accidentally killed. Even Ash wasn’t convinced but her loyalty was
compromised. And that was when Brayden came up with a good solution as he called
it. To send Maya to the border to serve as one of the guards there. Just several
days later her post out of all others was under attack. Moreover, she was one of
the very few dead.

Closing her eyes, Riannon felt a tear roll down her cheek as she remembered driving
all the way to the border with Ash as soon as she received the news. Brayden
couldn’t look her in the eye and she did not want to see him anyway.

The Beta brought her to one of the small cottages of the border village and there
on a table lay her best friend, covered with a white sheet. They already cleaned
her body after they heard that the Luna was coming. But they still couldn’t do
anything about the claw marks which didn’t grow well together after she shifted
back to her human form after her death. Those ugly uneven scars were going through
her face and neck, some were on her chest. And just by looking at them, Riannon
could tell that several beasts were attacking Maya.

She was so cold. So lifeless. A shell of the

person that she knew. It was hard to recognise in that vacant face the person that
Maya was. The strong girl, who was a fighter in heart and could barely spend a
minute without cracking a joke wasn ‘t there anymore.

Riannon remembered how she wept over her friend’s body. How painful it was. How Ash
tore her off and how she cried into his chest for hours in that cottage. ..

But all that happened much later in time in her previous life. What was happening
now? If only someone answered the phone!

She took her bag and went downstairs, hoping not to meet anyone and find a car
easily. If anything, she was sure she could ask for some assistance from Savvy. The
princess seemed like someone who could understand the situation.

However, the first person Riannon met was Reid. He was reading something in his
Ipad in the living room when she passed it. But hejumped to his feet as soon as he
noticed her and followed her.

“Where are you going?” he asked, slightly shocked seeing her ready to leave.

“l need to get back to my pack,” the Luna stated plainly as she kept walking to the
exit. “Absolutely not!” Reid blocked her way.

“l don’t think that I asked your permission,” Ria arched her brow, “l simply
informed you that I am going.”

“Luna,” the Beta tried to reason with her, “l am sorry. But I just can’t allow it.
Gideon will kill me when he comes back.”

” Let’s drop the formalities, Reid,” she looked at him with a challenge, “If I
don’t go back to my pack now, my best friend in the whole world may die! I just
cannot let that happen.” ” But

“l will hate Gideon forever if you stop me now because of him,” she lied. She would
never hate the lycan king. It was simply impossible. However, she knew that this
was the right button to push on the Beta. Nevertheless she decided to sweeten it a
bit, “Reid, I can’t lose her. I almost lost her once and it was the worst thing
ever. For me, she is my Beta…

Something changed in his eyes at her words. Something clicked. Because after that,
he opened the door for her himself, saying, “l will d rive.”

She decided not to argue with that. A lycan by her side could prove useful.

The drive to the Silver River pack seemed terribly long and they barely spoke to
each other the whole time.

“This friend of yours,” Reid decided to break the silence, “Is she at least hot?”

“Hotter than fire,” Riannon scoffed, “But way out of your league.”

“Excuse me?!” the Beta pretended to be offended although his eyes gleamed as if he
has accepted the challenge, “Any girl will be happy to land a lycan Beta like me!”

“Not Maya though,” Ria chuckled, “She is different. She doesn’t care about title
and she is not your typical she-wolf.”

“Tell me more!” Reid insisted and she did. She was telling him story, after story,
after story about Maya, relieving years of their friendship. The guards let them
into the pack territory with ease, greeting their Luna.

“Wait for me here,” Ria told the lycan when he parked in front of her house and she
jumped out of the car.

The door of the mansion opened at once and a very troubled Ash walked out of it. He
looked her up and down as if he was checking for something and then took her hand,
pulling her behind him.

“Where is she?” Riannon asked him, not even trying to struggle.

“In the barn,” he replied dryly, “Everyone is there! I have to tell you that it
doesn’t look good, Riannon.”

“Ash, stop for a second! Explain to me what is going on! What happened to Maya?”
she begged him.

He stopped, inhaling deeply and then turned to face her.

“Goddess knows what is happening, Riannon,” he said, “It started yesterday but it
escalated rather quickly into something com pletely else!”

“Details, Ash, I need details!” she urged him.

“Yesterday, out of the blue Roxanne announced at the pack dinner that she saw Maya
stealing from your jewellery box while you were missing,” he started explaining.

“What nonsense!” Ria rolled her eyes, “Maya would never! And anyway, she can take
whatever she likes from my jewellery box if she needs it.”

“That’s what we all thought,” the Beta nodded, “Only that it did not end there. All
of a

sudden Brayden got very angry and ordered to search Maya’s room.”

“Of course, he did,” the woman gritted her teeth.

“But that was when they found Maya hiding a secret phone in her room,” Ash went on,
“The Alpha ordered her to unlock it and this was when the shift hit the fan.
Because on that phone she was texting with foxes and werebears. And even lycans
from the Eastern kingdom. And I mean texting about upcoming attacks on our pack.
She was giving them information on when would be the best days to attack us. .

“That’s impossible!” Riannon splashed her hands, “Maya would never. ..”

“Again,” he interrupted her, “Everyone said so. But right now, this escalated even

That’s why you need to go to the barn with me. You need to see this.”

She could only hope that it wasn’t what she thought it was. The history couldn’t be
repeating itself!

Yet when the doors of the barn were opened before her, she met Brayden ‘s gaze. And

Roxanne’s too. Maya was right next to them.

But Riannon was already staring in the pair

of smoky grey eyes. She would never forget them…

Marissa Gilbert

Hold your seats for the next chapter. I wanted to make this one a big one but later
decided to split it into two parts. After talking to my e some other Dreame authors
and holding a vote in the Reading Circle group, a decision wasmade to move the book
to pay-to-read program. I hope you can st

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The Alpha’s Rejected Silen..

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Chapter 39. Interrogation

Riannon knew that she would never forget that face and she recognised him at once.
The man who accused Maya of being a traitor. The man she interrogated personally
for many hours. The man even Ash interrogated and he was by far one of the cruelest
interrogators she knew. And yet that man never cracked.

She remembered his perfect face being broken in many places and yet he kept saying
the same story over and over again. He was the one to blame for what happened to
Maya back in the past. Because he helped to set her up.

Riannon always knew that this man was connected to Roxy somehow. She knew it. She
just had this gut feeling inside telling her that she was right about that.

He watched her walking inside of the barn with Ash by her side and she could swear
that she saw a vague smile in the corner of his lips. His hands were chained and
lifted up and he was shirtless, revealing his perfect muscles.

A warrior. This was what he claimed to be. His long brown hair was reaching his
shoulders and was not bloody yet, meaning that no one tried to beat the truth out
of him. Yet.

“Ri,” Brayden stormed her way but stopped when she gave him a death stare.

“What is going on here?” she walked past him and stood in front of the man. Maya
was in the room too and they exchanged knowing glances. No words were needed. But
Riannon tried her best to signal her friend that everything would be fine. Whatever
it took now, she would make sure that nothing happened to her in this lifetime. She
wasn’t going to lose her again.

She noticed a few warriors and their Gamma in the room as well. All of them looked
concerned. Maya was everyone’s favourite and some of the men were even after her in
hopes to get her as their chosen mate.

At least, she could hope for their support if it came to this.

“Nice to see you, Ri,” Brayden stood next to her right in front of the man with the
grey eyes who was watching her with some kind of amusement in him, “l missed.

“l asked what is going on here!” she demanded not even bothering to look at him.
“Unfortunately, our Maya is compromised,

her husband sighed as if he was sad. He wasn’t. She knew that he wasn’t. He did not
care. She wasn’t his friend. If anything, they were NOT each other’s biggest fans
although there was never an open confrontation.

“Nonsense,” she interrupted him.

“Luna,” Roxy dared to speak, “We found out that Maya…

“Shut up!” Riannon said calmly but loud enough for everyone to hear, “You may be my
husband’s mate but that’s about it. What are you even doing here?! This is
something that only higher-ranked wolves should deal with and as far as I remember
you are still an omega. Unless something changed in the few days that I’ve been

Everyone looked at her. And she only lifted her chin up higher.

“l understand that you are upset, Riannon,” Brayden said, finally not using her
nickname anymore, “But Roxy… Roxanne here was vital for the investigation

“l have no doubt!” she let out a laugh that was stone cold. “Helpful ittle omega,
isn’t she?

How did all this start again?”

Roxy started to form tears in her eyes

the way she always did, trembling.

“There, there,” Ria came to her and patted her shoulder, “You were so brave and
full of yourself just three seconds ago. I am sure you can handle an adult
conversation without bursting into tears for once if you try really hard .”

Again, no one spoke a word. They all just looked at her, stunned.

“Maybe you need emotional support?” Riannon went on, “We can do that too! Luckily
your mate is right here! Come on, Bray, give her a hug. The girl needs some
strength! For the sake of her wolf and all.”

Her husband clenched his lips tight. But before he was to reply something, Roxy

“All I did was notice she had your bracelet under her shirt when you left. I didn’t
think much of it, but later I followed her and saw her walking into your room. She
went straight to your jewellery box and took something else from it.” “Right,”
Riannon nodded a few times, “And to that, I have a very important question.”

She made a pause and walked back to the chained man because she needed to see his
reaction as well as everyone else’s.

“Which bracelet?” she asked and noticed

how the man’s eyebrows twitched slightly. Just a second of movement. Nothing more.
Not enough for anyone else to notice. But she knew that he was surprised.
“Excuse me?” Roxy seemed startled as well. But that did not come as a shock.

“Which bracelet did you see on Maya?” she repeated the question slowly as if she
was talking to a stupid child.

“Err-n. A diamond one,” Roxy stuttered.

“There are many diamond bracelets in the world,” Ria scoffed, “Yet you were sure
that Maya had mine on. You must remember the details well then. It must be one of
my memorable ones,

“It was the one with an emerald in it,” the omega said quietly, hugging herself and
lowering her head as if the pressure was too much for her.

“Oh, really?” Riannon sneered, “And how would you recognise it if I never wore it
in the few days that you stayed here?!”

This time she got a few gasps from the people around them.

Roxy was lost for words. But just for a second. Then she looked straight into the
Luna’s eyes and said, “l looked at your pictures in the

magazines and saw that one.”

“Did you see others?” Ria did not want to lose the momentum and kept going, “Can
you describe them? You seem to have quite an eye for jewellery if you remembered it
that well from just one pic.”

” the omega looked at her mate and Brayden stepped in at once.

“Riannon, enough! That’s not about the bracelet anymore!” he practically growled at

“On the contrary,” she turned to look at him, “The bracelet is the most important
part here! It was enough for you to suddenly search my best friend’s room! Like I
couldn’t have given her the damn thing! And you know that I would let Maya have
anything she wants from my jewellery box! Not that she would want anything! So, why
did you order that search?!”

” Because I wanted to get to the bottom of this!” he snapped, “And I am happy that
I did! Because that phone is the main issue now, Ril Not the bracelet!”

“How convenient!” she narrowed her eyes at him.

“The phone unlocked with her fingerprint!” he snarled.

“Big deal!” she scoffed, “Like those are hard to get nowadays! All you need is a
glass that the person used!”

“You haven’t seen what’s inside!” Brayden was breathing heavily now. He did not
like to be contradicted.

“Were there her pictures with our enemies?” she rolled her eyes, “Videos maybe?

Texts are no proof, Bray!”

“They are if they lead us into capturing the intruder!” her husband spat the words,
“It’s too much of a coincidence!”
“This part I agree with!” she folded her hands on her chest and came up closer to
the man with grey eyes, “It IS a bit too much of a coincidence that everything got
solved so easily. And Maya, who is not an i *t, by the way, was stealing my
jewellery and wearing it in front of everyone while at the same time keeping this
very important phone in her room with all the messages that describe all her
betrayals and future plans plainly. I mean, come on! I know Maya since we were
children. She is not that dumb! She would at least use a code!”

“And yet she didn’t!” now Brayden was properly angry, “You should listen to what
this man says before you continue to embarrass yourself protecting a traitor.”

“She is not guilty unless proven otherwise,” Riannon snapped, “And I am not
convinced at all.

But you are right. Let’s listen to that very important witness who you got at the
most convenient time.”

She already did this in the past. She interrogated that man and knew what did not
work. Because she didn’t break him and neither did anyone else. He was good. Very
good. Which meant that he was dangerous.

So, she had to try something else. Something that he wouldn’t expect.

She came much closer to him, regretting that he was much taller than her. It did
not give her the desired effect. But she had to work with what she had.

Slowly, she traced her fingers over his face and all the way to his chin, cupping
it gently as he did not tear his eyes off her.

“You are very beautiful,” she said, and his lips parted slightly.

“Th-thank you, Luna,” he said in a hoarse voice,

“Don’t thank me,” she took her hand off him, happy to throw him off his course even

little bit, “It’s just a fact. Not a compliment.” “Riannon, what is the point of
this?” Brayden was losing his patience.

“No point, really,” she shrugged her shoulders, “Just stating the obvious. He is
very handsome. That’s all.”

She could hear the sound of her husband’s teeth-gritting.

“All right, handsome, tell us everything. Who are you? Why are you here? And what
is your connection to Maya?” she looked straight into his eyes, not even flinching.

He impressed her in her past life but right now he was even more impressive. His
game was on point.

“What pack are you from?” she asked and immediately answered in unison with him.

“Crimson Moon,”

He looked at her with a newfound surprise.

“They caught you on the border. What were you doing there?” she gave him a soft
smile while playing with the loose strand of her hair.
“l was.

“Waiting forMaya,“she said together with him again. She remembered every line of
his. She never forgot a single one since he didn’t give

anything new no matter how many times she asked. And just a few days later he
escaped to never be seen again.

“Continue,” she waved for him to go on.

“She was supposed to meet me under the willow tree andgive me the information, “he
stopped talking when again she pronounced all the words at the same time as him.

“Couldn’t she just text it to you?” Riannon scoffed, “You didn’t seem to have any
problem communicating through texts, right? Why meet

“She said that it wasn ‘t a phone conversation,” they said in unison again and now
Maya snorted loudly.

“Riannon, what is going on?” Brayden stepped closer to her, mixed emotions evident
on his face.

“Just an interrogation,” she angled her head to look at him, “Why? Don’t you think
that his replies are so natural and flow nicely?”

“How do you know what he is going to say?” her husband asked.

“Because I have my sources, Brayden,” she chose to lie this time because she
couldn’t possibly explain to him how she knew all that. But she knew that he would
buy that. “And they told me that this would happen.”

She turned to the man with grey eyes and asked, “What is your name?”

“Axel,” he said, and she was glad that she didn’t try to answer together with him
this time. The name that he introduced himself with in her past life was Everett.
He caught up with her game very quickly. She knew that she would hardly get
anything out of him anymore. Not even through torture.

But she couldn’t help and did one thing.

Riannon leaned lower and whispered into his ear.

“Nice try, Everett.”

His face was void of emotions, just his lips twitched a bit as if he had a
momentarily need to smirk.

“Anyway,” she now was facing her husband,

I don’t see any good evidence here to accuse Maya. Just a bunch of badly thrown
together clues and two very unreliable witnesses. I have more questions for them,
to be honest.”

She raised her brow at Roxy and the latter started trembling visibly, probably
playing the victim again.

“Fine, you are right,” the Alpha agreed,

“Maya is almost family. I wouldn’t punish her severely anyway. We will send her to
the border since her loyalty has been compromised. It will be just for a year or

“No,” Riannon said firmly. She knew that she couldn’t lose that argument.

“Ri,” he took her arm above her elbow and pulled her closer, “Be reasonable now.
This is the best decision. She’ll be fine.”

“l said no!” the Luna furrowed her brows, “Maya will stay by my side at all times!
She is the only one I trust and this will never change!”

“Ri!” this time he shook her roughly and she almost fell down from the impact, but
Maya and Ash were next to her side to catch her just in time.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Maya growled angrily. She was surprisingly calm prior
to this but now even her nerves gave in.

She pushed her Alpha and in less than a second he was back grabbing her throat
tightly. “Brayden l” Riannon screamed, “Let her go!”

“l will f g snap her neck for this!” he snarled and Ria was ready to attack him
herself. No matter what it cost her.

But this was when a loud menacing growl interrupted them all.

“Take your hands off my MATE!”

NOTE: Hi, Circle! Thank you for all the messages of support that I received today.
I am still going through them but will try to reply to everyone. This will probably
be my last long author’s note as the one they have is limited to 200characters. So,
it will be a bit harder for us to communicate. I will edit out my previous notes as
well. I may be leaving some extra important info in comments and in Marissa
Gilbert’s Reading Circle group in the future. So, stay tuned.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Hi, Circle! Thank you for all the messages of support that I received today. I am
still going through them but will try to reply to everyone. This will probably be
my last long author’s note as the one they have is limited to

200characters. So, it will be a bit harder for us to communicate. I will e

Chapter 40. Leave

They all froze, watching Reid breathing heavily as he stood at the entrance of the
barn. He wasn’t supposed to be here. And he did not look his usual self with messy
hair and crazy eyes that were glowing blue now. Eyes that were looking at Maya

“Who the hell are you?!” Brayden growled, his head snapping in his wife’s
direction. However, he quickly realised, to his own relief, that the intruder
wasn’t looking at her. So he placed Maya back to her feet. Riannon cuddled her
friend at once. Nevertheless, Maya wasn’t her usual self either.

“Mate,” she whispered and, for the first time ever, Riannon saw a tear running down
her cheek.

Maya never cried before. At least, she hadn’t had any memories of her doing that.
Maya was tough. And yet her mate managed to bring the emotions out of her within
just a mere second.

“Mate,” Reid smiled at her, stepping inside.

“l am going to askjust one more time,”

Brayden clicked his fingers to make his warriors spread out evenly through the
room, “Who are

“Brayden,” Ria snapped at him, “This is Beta

Reid Frazer, he is king Gideon’s second in command. A lycan! Didn’t you see him at
the Alpha Ball?”

The warriors were visibly perplexed but none of them budged. They all stood ready
to defend their Alpha and Luna if it was necessary and Riannon felt proud of them
at that moment in time. Even though they were personally trained by her husband and
not her. While she handled inner matters and politics, Brayden was the one who took
care of their army and their training. This was something he was very good at. But
she did not want their people to fight a lycan. And Reid of all the people in the
world. “There is no need for this,” she stepped in between them hoping to

“Of course, there isn’t,” her husband said through his teeth, “Just leave our
territory and.. “Not without my mate,” the lycan balled his fists, muscles flexing
on his arms and chest.

“You mean Maya?” the Alpha looked at the girl who stood next to his wife and an
idea struck him at once, “Well, you need to know that from this day in our pack she
is considered a traitor.”

“Brayden!” now Riannon wanted to slap him even more than when he was sleeping with
Roxy in the next room to hers. She glanced at her friend and noticed how she
clenched her lips. This wasn’t what anyone wanted their first meeting with their
mate to be like.

“Maya is a beautiful name,” was all that Reid said to them as he took another step.

“And Maya will have to leave now to the border for her punishment,” Brayden said
coldly, “You can make a formal request and.

“She will be leaving,” Reid quirked his brow up at the Alpha, acknowledging him for
the first time, “To the border with the Lycan Kingdom.

And then she will cross it to go and leave with me. Today.”

“This is not how these things work!”

Brayden said with a smirk, “There are procedures that have to be done and.. .”

F k the procedures!” Reid snarled and the warriors got tense, “l am not leaving
her! She is mine! And unless you want to offend a Beta of the lycan kingdom..
“l can’t!” Maya said and they all looked at her. The pain was evident on her mate’s
face, but he stayed strong. “l cannot leave Riannon here alone.”

Ria bit her lip. She didn’t tell Maya that she had found her mate yet. She did not
want to do that over the phone. She couldn’t do that now. However, she was sure
that it was an extremely good idea to get her out of this pack. She would be safe
with the lycans. And they would reunite after the inevitable divorce.

“As I have said,” Brayden interrupted them, “Right now you will go to the border.
And we will go from there.”

“No,” Riannon said loudly, “She will not go to the border. She will go with Reid,
her mate!”

“Ria!” Maya looked at her pleadingly. She knew for a fact that her friend would be
in danger here now. She tasted it just a few minutes ago when she got framed so
easily and no one could do anything about it.

“Maya, it’s okay,” the Luna tried to reassure her friend, “We’ll take you to the
lycan kingdom now and I will explain to you everything on the way, but. ..”

“About that,” Brayden interjected them and they all looked at him warily,
“Considering everything that is happening lately, I think that it would be best if
you stayed here, Ri.”

She froze, not knowing how to react to that. She knew that she had to come back at
the end of the week, but she sure as hell did not want to stay here today. Gideon
would be back soon and she counted on spending the little time they had left
together until the big game had to start.

“But I am not done with the work in the lycan kingdom,” she said calmly, concealing
all of her emotions the best she could.

“l am sure your work was very productive,” Brayden looked at her with veiled anger
in his eyes, “l felt it even when you were far away from me.”

She knew what he meant. And she knew that she had been defeated in that argument
already. He wouldn’t let her go and she had to suck it up.

“Very well,” Riannon nodded curtly, “But

Maya goes with Reid.”

“She is a part of our pack for now,” Brayden sneered, even though he actually
wanted the

Beta girl gone. But he knew that he had to make Riannon struggle with this one to
make her think less of herself.

“Well, I am the Luna!” she snapped, “l let her go and live her life with her mate!”

“Ria,” Maya sighed with regret in her eyes. Reid was next to her the next second,
pulling her in his arms and taking a deep breath, inhaling her scent so that it
would feel his lungs for the first time.

“No, worries, little one,” he said to her, “Everything is going to be okay.”

“He is right,” Riannon smiled at the two of them, “Go, M. I will pack your things
and Dean will bring them to you.

“But,” Maya was still not sure what to do. For her, Ria was not just her best
friend and Luna, she was her Alpha.

“It is better forme ifyou go now, ” Rian non mindlinked her, “Just trust me on this

Maya nodded and Reid pushed her towards the door. He knew that he would be in huge
trouble with his king. Because right now, to get his own mate out, he lost the one
who belonged to Gideon.

At the door, he turned to look at Ria and she gave him a reassuring nod, letting
him know that she would be fine.

“Go,” she mouthed to him and he took it as an order. Maya looked at her with worry
written all over her face. The girl was panicking but her mate hugged her tighter
as he led her out.

The doors behind them closed and Ria felt sad and happy at once.

“So, this is done,” Brayden exhaled as if he was relieved and she hated him at that
moment. He was very happy with himself, even though everything in the pack was a
mess. “Roxy,” he turned to his mate, “Leave now. I will see you tomorrow.”

The omega pouted her lips but said nothing and just left the room quietly.

Riannon wanted to follow her example but at the last moment, she turned and
immediately met the gaze of their prisoner.

“Ash,” she said to their Beta, “Take him to the underground prison. Use chains and
whatever else we’ve got there to keep him locked.

Use only the guards that you person ally trained. No one else.”

“You pay him way too much attention,” Brayden chuckled as he laced his hand around
her waist.

“He just framed my best friend,” she tried to shake his hand off but he held her in
place almost forcefully, “He did not speak a word of truth and I am sure he knows a
lot of useful information. I want him imprisoned until I am done with him.”

“l love it when you are feisty,” her husband growled and commanded their warriors,
“You all heard your Luna. Ash, do as she said.”

She looked at their prisoner again and for a mere moment there she could swear that
she saw a smirk. She did not like it one bit but at the moment a much bigger
problem was pulling her out of the barn.

They walked towards the mansion slowly and met quite a few people as it wasn’t that
late yet. The pack members were smiling at them and greeting them, probably
thinking that the happy couple had finally reunited as Brayden had his hands
wrapped around his wife.

Ria was thinking hectically of what she could do or say in the situation she was
in. She wasn’t surprised when he led her straight to her bedroom. But she really
did not like it when he locked the door behind them.

“Was all that really necessary?” she asked, walking deeper into the room and going
behind her desk, so that there were more obstructions between the two of them, “Did
you believe even for a second that Maya was a traitor? Or was this all just to get
back at me?”

“It was both,” he admitted without any kind of hesitation, “My main aim was to get
my wife back home.”

“What for?” she looked at him, unimpressed,

“Did you get bored with your sweet little mate?”

“l missed you,” he got closer and then sighed, “Look, I know that I hurt you. And
it was wrong of me. But I had to obey my wolf’s needs! And what you did with the

“Was obeying my wolf’s needs,” she chuckled, “You are not the only one with a wolf,
you know?”

The Alpha slammed his fist on the desk between them so hard that a crack formed in
the wood…

NOTE: Let me know ifyou see the author’s note below, please. I am testing it.

Marissa Gilbert

Hi, perfect lunatics! The book moved to the paid program today and I know that some
people would probably be leaving us because of that. I am still grateful for them
giving my book a chance. And I am super grateful to everyone who sticks to the book
until the end no matter what. Thank you!

Chapter 41. Tell Me What To Do

He kept looking at her and breathing hard. Panting almost. And she saw his eyes
glowing just for a moment there, knowing what it meant.

“There is a big difference, Riannon!” the

Alpha looked at her with menace in her eyes, “Roxanne is my mate! I can’t help it!’

“And he was a lycan king. I can’t help it either,” she said, “No one says no to

Brayden. Not even you. Not to mention that MY wolf was in pain, and he helped to
distract her and took care of both of us better than…”

He groaned painfully and then grabbed the whole massive desk and threw it at the
wall, clearing the space between them.

“You are my wife!” he growled, “You were supposed to come to me if you needed

” Really, Brayden? After everything?” she coc.ked her brow up at him, “It’s like
you don’t know me at all!”
He closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. Deep inside he knew that she
was right and that he needed to fix that, not make it worse.

Threatening and force would never work with

someone like Riannon as she was an Alpha herself. He knew that far too well. This
would only push her further away from him. And now, knowing that she had been with
another and.

enjoyed that… that another man had been her consolation while he was too entranced
into his omega mate, was making him crazy mad.

His chest tightened. He couldn’t be losing Riannon. His perfect wife. His perfect

She was his. He wanted her back. He wanted to fix all that and make her forget
about his mistakes and about that other man who was making moves while he was

They had been together for years and he knew everything that she liked. They had
many quarrels in the past and he always found a way to appease her. He would find
such a way now too.

Starting with the obvious. ..

He had made just a few steps in her direction, but she stood up from her chair and
walked to the window, trying to avoid the pieces of her broken desk scattered all
over the floor. She knew that he wanted to caress her, to try and seduce her and
make her forget about everything. As if he forgot about one of their anniversaries
and not betrayed the bond that they both chose. Brayden slowly shifted in her

standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her the way he always did in the
past. He traced his nose up the column of her neck but instead of her relaxing into
his arms, he felt her trying to struggle and get out.

“Ri, let’s finish all this,” he murmured in her ear, “You know I love you. You wear
my mark. You are my wife, my Luna. . am sorry. For

She did not know how to get rid of him. Just the thought of him touching her
repulsed her. Even being this close she felt like she was betraying Gideon. She
knew she would have to endure living with her husband a few more days, but sleeping
with him was out of the question.

“Brayden,” she tried to remove his hands but he attempted to keep her in place
instead, “Let me go.”

“l missed you so much,” he ignored her completely as he lifted her in his arms and
went in the direction of the bed, “We need to reconcile. And I am not taking no for
an answer.”

“You will have to!” she gasped and kicked him in the abdomen right as he threw her
to the bed.

“Ri!” he growled at her and grasped her hands tightly, yanking her whole body back
“l am serious, Brayden! I am not in the mood!” she yelled at him and prepared to
hit him again if she had to. The bad news was that he was stronger than her. But at
least she never considered him capable of taking a woman by force. She hoped that
she was right about this now more than ever.

“Ri,” he pulled her into a hug and tucked his head into her neck again, “What do we
do now?

How do we fix this?”

She sighed, knowing very well that right now he was inhaling her scent that was
still mixed with Gideon ‘s. And it probably only made him angrier.

“What do you want me to say?” she pushed him away and distanced herself from him.

“Tell me what I can do to mend this. I will do anything! Whatever you want, babe,”
Brayden looked desperate at this point but she did not buy it.

Unfortunately for him, they already had a similar conversation in the past when she
spoke of their divorce for the first time after she couldn ‘t tolerate Roxy
anymore. But he was against it. He promised her things. Things that he did not
fulfil later. And then he dumped her off the cliff..

Metaphorically, of course. But it still hurt the


This was why she did not have any moral problem going on with their plan with
Gideon. Brayden had a part to play in it as well.

“l don’t know what could be done here, she sighed, “l guess I need time to forget.
But also… No, never mind.”

“No, tell me, Ri,” he placed his palms onto her shoulders.

“l want to be heard, Brayden! I want to be supported!” she said and noticed the
relief in his eyes. Of course, the reasonable thing would be to demand him get rid
of his mate. Yet she did not go there.

“Okay,” the Alpha nodded simply, “l am ready to give you that.”

“Then let me finish my work on that women rights law I’ve been working with king
Gid. ..” “No!” he snapped in less than a second, “Don’t even say his name!”

“Very well,” she rolled her eyes, “But you do realise that He Who Shall Not Be
Named wouldn’t abandon that project. He likes it and he needs it as he is trying to
change the image of lycans. From ruthless to at least civilised. He would want to
finish it and propose it at the next Alpha summit. And for that he needs me. As I
do the heavy lifting here.”

He did not say anything this time and it got her worried, so she continued.

“You don’t even care.. she tried to walk away, but the Alpha caught her and held
her close to him.

“How sure are you in this project of yours?” Brayden asked. In his mind, he was
calculating ways to use all that to his advantage.
“Don’t insult me at least!” she snorted, “It is my project from top to bottom! I
have no doubts about it!”

“Then I will make sure it gets approved, Ri. I swear to you, you wouldn’t have to
go to that lycan ever again!” the werewolf in front of her now looked very excited.
He loved to be the star of the summits. He sure as hell would be one soon.

“Very well,” his wife shrugged her shoulders,

“At least that’s some kind of a start for us.”

“See?” he smiled at her, “We are still a team.

Still, a force to be reckoned with.”

“That we are,” she agreed and his grasp on her became tighter, his breathing
ragged. She distanced herself at once to avoid any kind of confusion. “l will need
to speak to quite a few alphas to explain to them the law.”

“We will take a few each,” Brayden suggested, “To save time.”

“Good idea,” she praised him. This was turning out better than she hoped.

“So,” he smiled at her, “Am I forgiven?”

“Of course, not!” she rolled her eyes, “This is just step one, Bray. After this is
done - then we talk about what’s next.”

“Fair enough,” he nodded, “I’ll start talking to people about it and would ensure
as much support as I can.” He was still slightly unsatisfied that he didn’t get her
to fall into his hands, but at least there wasn’t a rift between them anymore. He
addressed the issue and dealt with it. Just a little bit more time and effort, and
he would get her back in his bed too.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Don’t thank me yet, Ri,” he smirked, ” have a condition.”

Every muscle in her body got tense.

“What is it?” she quirked her brow up.

“A kiss,” now he simply looked smug and she wanted to facepalm, but she knew that
too much was at stake.

“A kiss?” she repeated.

“Yes,” the Alpha brushed his thumb over her lower lip, “A kiss. Just one kiss…
Unless you wouldn’t want to stop afterwards.”

Brayden was sure that as soon as she gave in, he would find his way back into her
heart. And bed.

“Fine! Deal!” she decided to go with it, “Bun until then keep your distance! I am
serious, Bray. I want to see how serious are you about it.”

“l am very serious,” this time he caught her hand and brought it to his lips
without breaking their eye contact, “You’ll see.”
“l sure hope so,” she sighed and took her hand away, “And now give me some space.
There are a lot of things I need to think about. Too many.

“Fine,” he had to agree with her. Even though he did not want to leave so soon.

But Brayden knew that she needed time. He needed some too. There was no hurry.

He prepared to leave when he turned to face her again.

“Ri, I need to read that law of yours,” he said firmly and this was something she
was ready for. “Of course,” she agreed with ease, “l will

send you the file. As soon as I get all of this sorted .”

She gestured at the mess he made and he felt guilty. But not too much.

However, this was when Ash mind linked him about something important and he had to

Riannon sighed as the door closed behind him. Phase one was done.

She took a long, nice bath while the omegas cleaned her room from the pieces of the
broken desk. It was getting late and she was surprised that when she walked out of
the bathroom, wearing nothing but a flimsy silk robe, her bedroom was dark. She
looked for a switch but when she pressed it, it did not work.

“What the hell?!” she muttered under her breath and wanted to go and get her phone
to use the buildin torch, when she noticed an unfamiliar figure standing at the
entrance to her balcony with curtains blown by the wind, covering his face from

But she knew exactly who that was…

Note: Sorry for the delay today. I had a headache and fell asleep before I managed
to finish the chapter. Today’s might be late as well as

it will be a very important one too and I will need to work on it more.


Marissa Gilbert

Sorry for the delay today. I had a headache and fell asleep before I managed to
finish the chapter. Today’s might be late as well as it will be a very important
one too and I will need to work on it more.

Readers also enjoyed:

The Alpha’s Rejected Silen.

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TAGS shifter se f-improved omega

Chapter 42. The Mystery Guest

It took a few good seconds for Riannon to realise who that person was. And it took
her a few more to gather herself and not give in to panic.

She tried to think calmly. She knew very well that it was best not to s m. No one
would be here fast enough to save her. And she wouldn’t have a chance in a fight
with a professional warrior now. Not without her wolf at full force.

To her disappointment, Onyx still wasn’t showing up. So, she had to think in a
completely different direction.

Axel/Everett or whoever this guy’s name was never showed up in her previous life.
He escaped without a trace. It would be easier for him to kill her quietly and do
just that while she was washing in the bathroom. But it looked like he was waiting
for her, meaning that her life wasn’t what he was after.

At least not now.

It was surprisingly convenient how his story helped out Roxy. And Riannon did not
believe in the coincidences like that.

“Impressive, Everett” she smirked and

praised him as she stepped closer, folding her hands on her chest to cover herself
at least a bit. She used that name on purpose to let him know that he didn’t
mishear her the first time.

“Right back at you, Luna,” the man-made a step forward as well. He had a few cuts
and bruises here and there and was topless, wearing just a pair of jeans. Not his,
because they were sitting too tight on him.

“Did you lose your shirt on the way here?” she co.cked her brow up at him.

“Do I really need one?” he flexed his muscles playfully while his lips curled into
a sly smile, “l find clothes restricting when I kill people.”

Riannon’s chest tightened at his words. Those were her people. Moreover, she asked
Ash to make sure only the best ones guarded him. And his best warriors were the
strongest among the werewolves. .. If he took them down, then… She prohibited
herself to think about that now. Now wasn’t the time.

“So, I guess, I have to thank you for fetching some trousers on then,” Ria slowly
walked to one of her armchairs and gestured for him to sit on the opposite one.

“l have to admit,” ‘Everett’ said, “You surprised me. And that doesn’t happen

“My pleasure,” she shrugged her shoulders, “So, what brings you here. .. Excuse me,
I still don’t know your real name, Everett. Or Axel. What is it again?”

“l will tell you one day. When the circumstances would be different.” A sneer
formed on his lips. He was incredibly good looking. But she did not like the vibes
that he was giving her. He was dangerous. She always knew it. In this life and in
her previous one.

However, now it was different. Something about him definitely changed right now
even compared to a few hours ago when she saw him last. Her lips parted as he let
her feel it more.

“You are an Alpha,” she whispered, not being able to hide her surprise. She
suspected him to be a Beta or a Gamma at least. But not an Alpha. Alphas were rare.
They weren’t disposable like that. No pack would send an Alpha to a dangerous
mission alone because they were valuable even if they weren’t the actual alphas of
their packs. And Everett was risking a lot. She could have ordered to kill him
earlier and the warriors would obey after some persuasion. Yet he still did it.

Even now, he was risking a lot. This kind of confidence was frightening.

“And you are a Luna,” the man in front of her smiled and his left eye gleamed in
the darkness with the red colour, making Riannon swallow. Although she made sure to
keep herself in control even now. “And a very unusual one at that,” he added, “I’ve
heard about you a lot. But I thought that all the praises were baseless rumours.
Just a woman who is not bad at what she is supposed to do anyway. That was what I
thought about you, Riannon.”

“Again, it’s not polite to call me by my name without introducing yourself properly
first,” she tried to trap him but he did not buy it. His grin, however, grew wider.

“But you surprised me,” he continued, ignoring her words. “l can’t say that a lot
of things surprises me lately. I usually hate surprises.” She clenched the armrest
of her chair a bit tighter, and this did not escape his gaze. “Don’t worry,”
‘Everett’ added quickly, “This one was a pleasant one. I thought this mission would
be boring and painful. But needed to see with my own eyes what I am dealing with.
But you completely changed the game for me.”

“How so?” she now rested her head on her fist lazily.

“This also something I will reveal to you at different circumstances,” he avoided

answering her question.

“Why bother coming here in the first place if you aren’t even planning to speak?”
she sighed, pretending to be annoyed.

“l just wanted to make sure you would remember me,” he chuckled and the sound
echoed through her empty room, “Selfish, I know. But also, I wanted to make sure
that I wasn’t wrong about you. And it looks like I wasn’t.” “What that’s supposed
to mean?” she looked at him with knitted brows.

“That means that the most precious thing in your pack is not the power that comes
with it,” he averted what he was asked again.

She knew that he wouldn’t crack, so decided that it was pointless to ask him

“So, you confirmed what you came here to confirm. Seems like it’s about the time to
leave for you,” she gestured at the balcony door he came from.

“What, you aren’t even going to try and s m?” he looked properly amused, “What if
the warriors manage to catch me while saving their Luna.”

“Considering the kind of guards that you just escaped, I highly doubt it!” she
snorted and he stood up. He was right next to her in less than a second, cupping
her chin and making her look at him.

“This was entertaining,” he admitted simply and then let go of her. He went in the
direction of the balcony as if he wasn’t in a hurry at all.

“All right,” she stood up quickly, “How about you ask me one question and I ask you
one in return. And we both tell each other the truth.” He turned to look at her
slowly with his lips curled.

“Since you offer it yourself,” he leaned over the doorframe. “Shoot.”

“Why did you really come here?” Riannon asked the question that bothered her the

“To make sure that you remember me, to make you think about me until we meet again
next time.” He sneered, “l already told you that. But you just wasted your
question. Now it’s my turn .”

She really thought that there was something else. Maybe he was not honest with her.
Or maybe he was this crazy and she got his attention.

“How did you know that I was supposed to call myself Everett here?” his face
suddenly got very serious. He really did not expect anyone to know a thing about
him here.

Riannon contemplated for a second whether to lie to him or not. But then decided
that there was no point. She could use the same trick she just used.

“You told me yourself,” she tilted her head, smiling viciously with her hands
crossed at her front.

At this exact moment, someone started banging at the door.

“Luna,” Ash screamed from the other side, “Please, open the door! I need to ensure
your safety according to the protocol. If you don’t open I would have to knock this
door out in thirty seconds. Twenty-nine! Twenty-eight. ..

Ria turned to look at her guest again, but he was already gone.

Sighing, she went to open the door. It was clear that Ash wouldn’t be joking. And
she had enough of her furniture destroyed for one day.

“Are you okay?” he looked at her and

grasped her arms without seeking any kind of permission, “The scent in your
room.. .”

“Shhh,” she pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. Although her husband
wasn’t probably even there. They had to alert him about the intruder first. And he
was probably checking on his mate’s safety now. How pathetic was that? Not that she
cared anymore.

“He.. .” Ash looked at her with a desire to kill in his eyes, “Did he do anything
to you?”

“Nothing,” she replied calmly, “But if you consider yourself my friend or at least
my Beta, you would stay quiet about it.

He looked at her with a perplexed expression on his face, clearly not knowing what
to do.

“l have to tell him according to protocol,” he said finally and she decided not to
hide her disappointment. She noticed that he hesitated and when he went back to the
door, she decided to stop him.

“Ash,” Riannon called his name and made his turn, “l want to speak to you. Stay.”

She never did this in her past life and she always regretted it. The way he chose
Brayden time, after time, after time… It was painful because she was sure that they
had a good relationship prior.

However, this time, in this lifetime he seemed different. Just a bit. But she
wanted to check.

If he chose Brayden again, it wouldn’t change anything for her. But she wanted to
give him the benefit of the doubt. So that at least she knew that she tried

“Ash,” she stepped closer to him and at that time the lights started working again
so that they were able to have a good look at each other. His eyes lingered around
her body in the thin gown quickly returning to her face. “l am not sure how long my
marriage to Brayden would last,” she said calmly and he didn’t even flinch as if he
was expecting it. “When it happens, you can only be with him or with me. Not with
the two of us. And after we split it will be too late to make that decision. I
always thought that we were friends.. .”

“And we are,” he interrupted her speech, “We are more than friends.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me about Roxy?” she looked him in the eye and he licked
his lips before responding…

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the

Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts and I will appreciate your support!

Note: There is a pic of ‘Everett’ that’s trending in Marissa Gilbert’s Reading

Circle group. And trust me, it’s worth joining to look at. Just saying. Who has
already seen it?


Marissa Gilbert

Note: There is a pic of ‘Everett’ that’s trending in Marissa Gilbert’ Reading

Circle group. And trust me, it ls worth joining to look at. Just saying. Who has
already seen it?

P.S. Don’t worry. Gideon will be in the next chapter.

Chapter 43. Guilt

Maya was crying quietly all the way down until the Lycan kingdom and Reid didn’t
know what to do. She did not show it to him and neither did she sob or weep, but
her eyes were red and puffy and she was wiping them with her palms every few
seconds as she turned away to stare at the window.

He never wanted a mate in the first place, never looked for one. And when he saw
how finding a mate changed his best friend Gideon, he decided to stay away from
wolf mingling events and stick to the she-wolves he already knew, considering them
safe options. Luckily, there were quite a few who were always ready to keep him

It was supposed to be for the best. He wasn’t a family man anyway. Maybe a funny
uncle material. But this was it. He was a Beta and needed his focus on his work at
all times.

Yet when he first sensed this amazing scent of almonds and something floral that
evoked everything feral and primal inside of him within seconds, all his rules and
self-taught mantras went to hell. He struggled for a few minutes in his car, trying
to talk himself out of going there and finding his mate. But gave in rather quickly
under the pressure from his wolf, Nox, who was eager to meet their mate.

He had to see her too; had to know who she was.

And when he saw her with another man who tried to hurt her, all his instincts
flared up. It was a done deal. That woman was his and he wouldn’t let anyone touch
her, let alone hurt her.

He disobeyed his king’s orders for the first time ever and left Riannon behind
without any support. Before that, they planned for him to stick around with her as
a representative of the Lycans on the pretence of helping her with their new law
project. That would allow him to be there to protect her if needed as it was
required from their positions. She was already his Luna regardless of being marked
and married to some annoying werewolf Alpha.

And now his Luna was on her own.

It was her silent order, of course, to take her best friend out of this place. For
some reason, she considered that more important than their initial plan and he
decided to trust her instincts as Maya’s safety suddenly became of prime importance
to him too.

But he knew that he would pay for this. Because Gideon trusted him what he
treasured the most and he failed his Alpha and his king.

“It’s going to be okay,” he decided to try and break the ice but his mate snapped
her head in his direction and glared at him with the intention to kill. As if he
was at fault before her. Which he wasn’t.

“Really?” the girl co.cked her brow at him, “What is your name again?”

She wanted to hurt him on purpose and he let it slide. He could sense that his mate
was using her snarky attitude to hide how worried she had been inside. And he could
understand that. He liked Riannon a lot, but she was new in his life. If he had to
leave Gideon in the sea full of sharks, he wouldn’t be happy too. He couldn’t be
happy now either. The guilt was washing over him in waves. But it had already been
done and he had to trust Riannon with this one. Hopefully, she knew what she was

“Reid,” he stated calmly.

“Reid, let me tell you a little story,” she spoke in a voice one would speak to a
child that wasn’t bright. “Once there lived three girls and they were the best of
friends. A lot of sh*t happened, some dead parents, dead siblings, boyfriends being
as*holes, terrible life choices, but the three of them stuck together. Then one of
them died too, living the other two. And they swore to stay by each other’s side no
matter what! Guess who these girls are, Reid?”

“You and Ria,” he answered plainly, allowing her to let out the steam on him.

“Correct! What a clever boy you are!” she praised him, “l… I left her there! You
have no idea what is going on there and what it means to me! She. .

“She is sticking up for you, Maya,” he interrupted her speech and she looked at him
with wide eyes, “Just like you promised. It was her choice, not yours or mine. You
were in a far worse situation there according to her. And I had to take her lead.
Knowing Riannon, she can take care of herself. And she will not stay there for a
long time, trust me.”

Maya bit her lip almost to the point of bleeding and turned away to the window to
hide the tears forming in her eyes again. She had to do something about this stupid
liquid secretion. She knew that he was right. Riannon did what she would have done
if she could. It did not make her feel better though.

They parked the car in front of what looked like a modern palace. However, Maya
wasn’t in the mood to admire it. And all Reid wanted was to get her inside of his
room as soon as possible.

Before he met…

“Reid his king’s voice sounded behind him and he turned to face his Alpha. Gideon
stared at him in disbelief and then slowly shifted his eyes to Maya. He balled his
fists, trying to hold back his rage.

He was already angry when he found out from Savvy that Riannon left the pack and
the kingdom. But he got calmer knowing that his Beta was with her. And now there he
was. With some girl and not his Luna!

But it was when Reid lowered his head in submission that he knew that everything
was bad.

“Where is Riannon?” Gideon growled.

“At her old pack,” his Beta replied honestly, not trying to hide the truth, “There
has been a situation and she had to stay as a result. And this


“l don’t care what new wh*re you picked up and where,” the lycan king was on the
edge with his rage.

“She is my MATE!” Reid snarled at him, his protective instincts taking over, “l had
to get her out of there!”

It didn’t help Gideon calm down at all.

“l am sorry,” his friend continued, stepping closer, “It was her decision and in
the heat of the moment it seemed like the right one.”

The punch was so hard that it broke Reid’s nose and knocked him off his feet. He
stayed on the ground, covering his face with one hand, trying to stop the blood
until regeneration kicked in and knowing that he deserved that. He stayed down out
of respect to his king whose trust he broke today.

“How is leaving my woman behind was the right decision?!” Gideon tried to hold back
his fury. If he didn’t, he didn’t know how this would end for Reid.

“You are her mate!” Maya whispered and for the first time since she got here he
looked at her properly, “You are Ria’s mate! But. how?”

“The Moon Goddess works in mysterious ways,” he grunted, slowly realising that this
girl wasn’t just somebody. They already met. He noticed her red cried out eyes and
her messy hair. She did not look like herself but he recognised her now.

She also did not look like Reid’s usual type. Which was funny since she was his

“l am Maya,” she tried to explain and his whole body tightened at her words, “l am.

“Her sister,” Gideon nodded, letting her know that Riannon told him everything,
“You… You are very dear to my mate.”

“l know,” her lips trembled, “She just. I am the one to blame, not Reid. She came
there because of me and she had to stay there. He wouldn’t let her go. And Roxy..

She filled him in quickly on everything that happened. Gideon clenched his fists.
It was unbearable. But in the short time that they knew each other, the very first
thing that he learned about her was that if she made a decision, she would stick to
it no matter what. And also he knew that she cared for Maya too much.

“What do we do now?” the girl in front of him asked as she gave a hand to her mate,
who was still on the ground. Reid took it with some kind of hope in his eyes and
Gideon realised that he already got a hard time with her. Not that it excused him.

However, he did not want to lie to himself either. He would have made the same
choice in his place.

“We continue with the plan,” the kind said. “The plan?” Maya gasped, “l haven’t
heard a thing about a plan!”

“Let your mate fill you in then,” Gideon spared one glance at Reid and realised
that it was too soon. Anger was still boiling in his heart and Mars demanded blood.
But it wouldn’t be the blood of their Beta that he would offer to his wolf.

expect you in my office first thing in the morning,” the kind muttered and left the
Beta couple alone.

He went straight to their room, which still had her scent inside even though the
omegas already changed the sheets like they always did.

They were discussing the possibility of her going back to her pack and what she
would be doing what she had to. So, he had to stick to those thoughts. Riannon knew
what she was doing when she stayed, and he had to trust her with that.

However, he had to listen to her voice. He needed it on a physical level.

So, he picked up his phone and called her, waiting to be connected with his eyes
closed by his palm. Being separated from her again felt even worse than before now.

“Ria!” he started speaking the moment the call was answered.

“Excuse me, who is this?” the male voice on the other end of the line seemed
confused. He recognised her husband at once.

“This is King Gideon Stormhold,” he held himself back from growling, “l need to
speak to Riannon. Now.”

“Your Majesty,” the Alpha sounded apologetic, “l am sorry. This is a bit

inconvenient right now. It’s too late and she is sleeping. We just reunited after
the days of not seeing one another and were too hungry for each other if you know
what I mean. She was too exhausted by the time we were done with each other. It
would be cruel to wake her up now. She needs her rest. We are trying for a pup, you

Note: I am currently writing the next chapter and the question is - do you want it
earlier today or tomorrow after midnight? I can do both, so let me know in the
comments what you prefer.

P.S. Sorry I mixed up the name. It’s Reid, of course, not Ash.

Chapter 44. Ash

Ash let out a heavy sigh and went all the way into the centre of the room, sitting
in the exact chair where the mystery guest was sitting just a few seconds ago. He
sniffed the air around him and his head snapped in Riannon’s direction. She simply
nodded confirming his suspicions and then sat back into the opposite armchair.

“So?” she looked at him hopefully. It had to be something important if he decided

to put away catching the intruder personally and stayed to talk to her instead.

“Do you remember how my mate died?” he asked, and she clenched her lips, giving him
a nod again.

“How can I forget?” Ria lifted her knees all the way to her chest and hugged them,
“Chloe was one of my best friends at school.

“l remember,” he smiled, “She used to call you and Maya her sisters.”

“That’s what she was for me,” Riannon admitted, “Family.”

“After she died,” he gulped and looked at her, but meeting her gaze chose to look
away and

out of the open balcony door, “l was shattered.

Broken.. .”

“l remember that too,” his Luna said quietly.

“She was my light,” he rested his head on the back of the chair, “My everything.
And after her death, nothing mattered anymore. I was in the darkness. The darkness
that nobody could understand. Nobody but you.”
He looked at her again and she nodded silently. Ash lost his mate a few years after
she lost her siblings. She did know very well what he was going through. Although
they said that losing a mate was worse than anything. But still, the experience was

She remembered that after giving him some space to grieve, she saw that he was
slipping away. And she remembered how she fought to make him stay and live the life
he was supposed to live. As the new Beta of their pack.

Brayden was angry at times because he couldn’t personally get any of this and had
to commence his Alpha training alone, without his Beta. At some point, he even
wanted to choose a different Beta, but Riannon talked him out of this.

Luckily, back then her opinion mattered to him. He gave them time to “fix” his
friend while he covered for him.

Slowly, day by day, Ash was getting stronger. He was never the cheerful guy they
used to know back at school again, but he remained reliable and loyal, which was
way more important.

But when a tragedy happened and her and Brayden ‘s parents were killed, Ash
suddenly stepped in for the sake of them both. They could trust him in their hard
time and he performed his job impeccably.

Ria always thought that he found a new purpose in life when Brayden finally became
the Alpha and named him his Beta. This was Ash’s turning point according to her.

“You brought me back to life, Riannon,” Ash told her and this time he pierced her
with his hazel eyes, “If not you. .

“Chloe would have wanted that,” she shrugged her shoulders, “l know we never were
close friends before that, but.. .”

“l never wanted to be your friend in the first place,” he stopped her before she
could finish that sentence, “This is not how I see you, Riannon. You are not my

That hurt her to some extent, but she chose not to show it.

However, when he kneeled before her and took her hands, locking his eyes with hers,
she opened her mouth in shock.

“You are mean more to me. Even before

Chloe, I saw you more than a friend,” he said, “When Brayden introduced you to me,
I was only sorry that I didn’t get to meet you first. No offence, but Bray never
saw you for who you were. He cared for your looks, your strength and your skills.
But not for the person that you were.” “And when you met Chloe?” she tried to walk
away from the uncomfortable subject.

“She was my mate,” he sighed, “She filled my heart and soul, made me believe that
what felt for you was just a childhood crush. But she was gone, Riannon. And I knew
that she would never come back. I fell into despair after her death, thinking that
everything was over and there would be nothing good in my life ever again. This was
when you entered my life again.

Do you remember how I tried to push you away at

She nodded, not even trying to say anything anymore. This was a new side of Ash she
had no idea even existed.

“This was because I felt that by liking you I betray my Chloe,” he smiled with
sadness in his eyes, “She was gone and although I remembered our bond, you were the
one helping me heal. Even my wolf wanted to be close to you for some reason. As if
he accepted you.” She furrowed her brows.

“But that’s.

“Impossible,” he chuckled dryly, “l know. But this is exactly what happened to me.
The more time I spent with you, the more my old feelings were coming back. Chloe
was letting go of me and. .. To be honest, sometimes I think that she blessed us.
As if she knew that you were good for me.”

“Oh, Ash,” she didn’t know how to get out of this. His confession was a bit too

“Ria,” he squeezed her palms in his, “Just think about it, okay? I know that you
didn’t see that coming. I tried to keep my distance when I could, you were happy
with Brayden. But. ..”

She stared at him with her lips parted when the realisation struck her. But they
weren’t happy anymore. Everything changed and Ash saw a possibility for them to be
together. What if that was why he always took Brayden ‘s side in the past? Each
time he did this, it was only breaking her marriage further apart.

“He is exploring new things now,” Ash went on, “Why can’t you? I would never push
you into something that you don’t like. You became my peace once, now let me be
yours. I am ready to do whatever it takes. If you want to keep this façade of
marriage and stay the Luna, I will be your lover in the shadows. If you want to
leave Brayden and start a new life, I will gladly become your husband. A wife of a
Beta is not that bad, right?”

She licked her lips as they became too dry and his eyes lingered on them. Yet he
wasn’t done.

“And even if you decide to have a new political marriage and marry some Alpha, I
would follow you too. As your guard or whatever. Just let me be with you.” She
stared at him and he did not blink or budge. His hands were still holding hers and
she knew that she had to be honest with him.

Not fully, of course. But in regards to him and his feelings.

“Ash,” Riannon carefully slip her hands out of his grasp, making him sigh from
disappointment, “l can’t. I just. ..”

“Brayden doesn’t even respect you anymore!” he snapped momentarily and then rubbed
his eyes, trying to focus, “He is sha.gging his mate all over the place! It’s over
between the two of you.”

“l know,” she confirmed and saw hope in his eyes which she had to destroy, “But it
doesn’t change anything. Ash, you. .. remind me of my dead brother. You don’t see
me as a friend, but this is what I see you as. And for me, you are Chloe’s mate. I
couldn’t do that even after her death. It’s never going to work.”

“We could try,” he stood up and turned away, “Slowly and. ..”

“No,” she said firmly and stood up again, respect you enough, to be honest with
you. This would never happen. I need you in my life but as a friend, Ash.”

He did not turn to face her but she saw him clenching his fists and lowering his

“Are you sure that this is all that I am to you?” he asked, his voice dull and

“Yes,” Riannon did not hesitate, “So, this is the decision that you would have to
make. Will you take my side as my friend and support me until the end? Or will you
stay with Brayden?

Whatever you choose, I will accept. But this is it.”

“l am his Beta,” he reminded her.

“l know,” was all she said.

And then, without adding anything else, he left the room abruptly.

Riannon felt so tired as the door closed behind him. But it wasn’t the rest that
she needed. She wanted at least to hear her mate’s voice.

So, she went back to her bedside table where she left her phone prior. Only find
out that it was missing.

She started searching all over it hectically. But it was nowhere, and she had a
very bad feeling about this.

Unfortunately, she did not memorize Gideon’s number yet, so couldn’t call him from
the line number. She needed her cell back!

She, however, remembered her own number well. And when she dialled it and heard the
phone ringing right behind the wall, she knew who was to blame.

There was no point to waste time as now even Brayden knew she was aware that he was
in possession of her phone. So, when she knocked on his door just a few seconds
later, he opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. “Riannon?” he gave
her his most seductive smile, “What a pleasant surprise!”

“Cut the cr.ap, Brayden!” she hissed at him and pushed him, walking inside, “Why do
you have my phone?!”

“One of the maids brought it to me after cleaning the mess in your room,” he was
clearly lying, “But I glad that you are here. Why don’t we talk? I feel like…”

“The mess you made!” she decided to remind him, “And why would a maid bring MY
phone to you?!”

“That’s a question for her and not me,” he shrugged his shoulders, “You can ask her
tomorrow. And what makes you so worked up about it? It’s just a phone and it’s
nighttime already.”

“Just give it back!” she rolled her eyes, folding her hands on her chest.

“Or what?” he was next to her in less than a second, pinning her to the wall, “Who
are you going to call? Your lover?!”

“Should I call your lover?” she snorted and hit him with her knee where it hurt the
most, making him groan from the pain. He released her hands and she started looking

Nevertheless, he recuperated fast and moved to his desk, opening one of the drawers

and showing her the phone.

“l don’t want you to speak to him!” he growled, “Ever!”

And with those words, he crashed the device in his palm…

Note: Remember that this was the evening’s update. But maybe I will finish
tomorrow’s early as well. It will be a super important one.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

I know that it’s not what you expected (Gideon’s reaction is coming in the next
chapter) but this had to be told first.

Sorry about Ash/Reid mix up last time. I wrote part of this chapter first and then
decided to switch them. But my mind was still stuck on Ash 101.

Readers also enjoyed:

My Surprise Mate

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TAGS sex pregnant mate independent

Chapter 45. Use Logic

Riannon had to calm down. This battle was lost and the phone was gone. But there
were other ways to reach out to Gideon and she would find one as soon as possible.

Right now, however, she had a bigger problem. Her possessive Alpha husband was
getting out of hand. And this wasn’t the state she needed him in for her plan.

“Well, congratulations, Brayden,” she folded her hands on her chest after she took
a deep breath, “Now I can’t call Maya!”

“That’s not her you were going to talk to and we both know it,” he growled, not a
hint of remorse on his face.

“l was going to talk to many people. Tomorrow.” She replied calmly. “But thanks to
your little tantrum that’s impossible now! But today I wanted to talk to my best
friend whom my husband banished from our pack. I think I deserve at least that
after everything!”

He clenched his lips and then let out an exasperated sigh.

“Ri, l. ..” he took a step in her direction but

she motioned for him to stop, Il l didn’t actually banish her.”

“No, I think I had enough,” she said, “You know, I never thought that I would see
you so scared in my life!”

His facial expression changed rapidly and he was next to her in less than a second.

“What do you mean?” he snarled at her.

“Just the mention of the lycan king drives you to a point of madness,” she pointed
out, “But like it or not, we are going to see him again. And very soon. As I have
already told you before, he needs that project and he is inclined to see it through
even if it doesn’t get approved on its first try. So, potentially, we are looking
at months of me working side by side with him and there is absolutely nothing you
can do about it. You’d better face those facts now.”

She could see his nostril flare up and his chest going up and down.

“l am going to see to this project being accepted on the next Alpha summit,” he
gritted through his teeth, “Even if it’s the last things I do!”

She held back a smirk that was trying to desperately form on her lips. She couldn’t
let him see that this was exactly what she wanted and

“Do what you want,” she shrugged her shoulders and prepared to leave but he stopped
her when she almost reached the door.

“Ri, you are breaking my heart,” Braiden whispered, “We are supposed to be a team,
remember? The way we always were.”

She froze at those words. There was so much she really wanted to tell him. But this
could potentially ruin everything that she tried to build.

“l just need time,” Riannon said without turning to see him, carefully selecting
her words. She did not want to lie even though she was deceiving him. “l am too
tired from all of this tod ay.”

Brayden unclenched his fingers and let go of her. She used this to leave him as
soon as she could. She didn’t want to spend even a minute longer in his room than
she had to. There must have been a few new extra phones downstairs in her office
and in Brayden’s too. And all she wanted was to get one.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t been this lucky and when she was in the middle of the
stairs, she saw Roxy coming up. Their eyes met and this time the omega decided not
to pretend to be the ignorant crying fool.

When they got to each other, both of them stopped.

“Careful there,” Riannon raised her brow as she decided to attack first this time,
“We don’t want your self-harming habits to hit you in the middle of the stairs.”
“Are you threatening me, Luna?” Roxy covered her mouth with her hand but then took
it away to reveal a smirk on her face.

“Threatening?” Ria beamed at her, “What are you talking about, Roxanne? I am
genuinely concerned by your mental state. I just discussed it with my husband.”

“You were done quickly,” the omega sneered, “When we. .. talk, it takes longer.”

“No doubt,” Riannon snorted, “You are very talented at. . talking. For a virgin
omega who spent her whole life as a slave that it.”

“Some talents are just natural!” Roxy retorted, flipping her red hair back, “Not to
mention that the mate bond makes us want each other all the time. It’s hard for
mates to tear off each other, you know.”

“And yet here you are. Not with him,” Ria pointed out, “Speaking of which, as far
as I remember, you were told to stay in your room.”

“Oh, that,” Roxanne rolled her eyes and touched the necklace on her neck playfully,
“l was so worried after I heard about that prisoner escaping that I came out to
check if I could help.”

“Because an omega without any kind of training would be of so much help in a

situation like that,” Ria smirked, “What’s more interesting, how did you find out
that he escaped?”

“l heard the commotion outside,” Roxy said and then I met Dean later and he told me
everything. I have been with him this whole time. He was worried about his sister,
and I felt like he needed someone to talk to.”

“How sweet of you to take care of him after you pushed his sister under the bus,”
the Luna started to lose patience. Roxy was too much even for her.

“He doesn’t see it that way,” the girl giggled and that sound echoed painfully
through the Luna’s brain. It was practically identical to that time when she
struggled for her life. She remembered how Roxanne grabbed her hair and laughed in
her face. The desire to push her off the stairs and be done with it was immense.

She could do it. Bray would probably even cover for her since he now wanted to keep
her at all cost. She could get away with it.

But she had to stop herself.

It wasn ‘t this easy. Especially after tonight since ‘Everett’ paid her a visit.
She knew that nothing was simple and all her suspicions were now back in her head.
It could have been that Roxy wasn’t even the problem here.

So, she decided to test that theory instead of lowering herself to violence. Roxy
was almost at the top when she turned to look at her not to miss her reaction.

“Oh, by the way, tell your friend to use the door next time,” she said calmly, “And
not my balcony. It’s creepy and not romantic at all.”

The omega froze and Ria saw for a second how her claws elongated at once. For the
first time ever she had problems hiding her emotions. And this just confirmed
everything that Riannion was suspecting.

Roxy wasn ‘t just Brayden ‘s mate. Or was she even his mate at all? Was she an
omega? There were just too many things about her that did not add up.
However, the girl quickly gathered herself and threw one menacing look at Ria.

“l don’t know what you mean,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you don’t?” the Luna smirked, “Too bad. I thought of asking you if I should
him Axel or Everett. But never mind, he said that he’ll visit me again soon. I’ll
ask him then.”

Roxanne’s eyes shone red. Red! None omegas had this colour of their wolf energy.
They usually had something simpler, like green or white. The girl in front of her
suppressed it quickly, though.

“Oh, Goddess, Luna! Have you seen this prisoner? Are you confessing?” she gasped.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head with it,” Riannon chuckled and went
downstairs, not interested in any more interactions with her enemy today. It was a
long day, and she was tired. All she wanted was to find a new phone and try calling
the lycans. She was sure that Gideon was already trying to reach her too and could
just hope that Brayden didn’t pull any tricks while in possession of her phone.

She found Dean when she was passing the kitchen on the way to her office and
stopped, sighing heavily. One more stop before calling her mate was necessary. She
realised it when his lips curled into a tiny smile as he kept staring in his cup
while sitting alone at the table.

His sister was just exiled, and he was

smiling. Was it too late to get him back to the Light?

“You do know that she is guilty of what happened to your sister today,” Riannon
leaned over the doorframe.

The look of surprise was evident on his face.

“Ria,” he cleared his throat, “What… Who are you talking about?”

“Roxy,” she decided not to kick around the bush and when his mouth parted slightly,
she knew that she was right.

“No, Ria,” he shook his head, “You are wrong about this. I just talked about it
with her and she apologised. She just mentioned to Brayden that Maya had your
bracelet and he got mad. But she thinks that he was just angry at you and wanted
you to come back. You never separated like this before.”

“Oh, really?” she smiled, “So, you are telling me that she says that it’s my fault?
Open your eyes, Dean, you haven’t been there. She stood and accused Maya again and
again. Without any kind of mercy! And that phone in her room. Do you really think
that Maya is a traitor?”

“Of course not!” he had his brows knitted now.

“Then think what a fine coincidence it was that right after Roxy accused her of
stealing of all things, they found an evidence of her betraying our pack right in
her room! She was set up, Dean. And if she hadn’t met her mate today, it could have
ended badly.”

“She said Brayden only wanted to get her to the border,” the guy in front of her
gazed at her hopefully. He was still a child even in spite of being twenty.
“Things happen at the border, Dean, Riannon was too exhausted to explain, “Not to
mention how they tried to humiliate her.”

“But if it hadn’t happened, then she wouldn’t have met her mate,” he tried to find
at least something and Ria ran her hand over her face.

“It was her destiny to meet Reid,” she said, “And today he was here thanks to me.
It could have been very different..

The boy did not look convinced and she felt disappointed.

“Anyway, it’s too late,” she turned away since she couldn’t be doing any of this

“Just think of something. Use logic when you do. Maya always locks her door. It’s
her thing. Just how did this phone get inside when only you and I have the keys for
emergencies and I was not here. Because I am sure that you did not unlock her door
for anyone. Knowingly.”

She decided not to stay anymore and just went to her office. It was on Dean now.
She couldn’t help him see things if he did not want to see them. It was his choice.

Gideon was sitting in his bedroom alone with lights off. It was too painful to even
think of what Brayden Thorn told him.

“Those are lies,” Mars grunted, “You know far too well that if someone was touching
Riannon, we would have felt it.”

“Are you sure? She isn’t marked by us yet,” it hurt him to even say those words. He
should have done it when he had her here. He really wanted to help her with her
pack and revenge but this was more important. He shouldn’t have been a gentleman,
he should have let his Alpha side control this. Then she would be here now. Then
she would be safe.

“l am sure,” Mars said with confidence, “Our souls are connected. Mark or no mark.”

He ignored the knock on the door and when it opened anyway, his head snapped in the
direction of the intruder.

Reid gave him an apologetic gaze.

“Now you are just asking for me to beat the crap out of you,” Gideon growled.

“Actually, I have Maya’s phone here,” he stretched the device to his king, “Someone
special here wants to talk to you. ..

Note: The next chapter is THE SUMMIT! Be mentally prepared. I see that a lot of new
people joined us in the past few days, be sure to say hi and don’t be shy in
comments. Also, visit Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group for more fun.

Chapter 46. The Small Print

The lycan king grabbed the phone not even bothering to say thank you to his Beta.
“Gideon,” just hearing the voice of his beloved calmed him down.

“Ria,” he breathed out her name, so happy to hear her that he probably sounded
desperate at that moment. But he did not care. “Are you all right? Did he do
anything to you? I am going to kill him! I swear, if one hair from your head.

“l am fine,” she assured him, “Really. No one touched me, everything is going
smoothly here. With the exception of Brayden stealing my phone.”

“Goddess Riannon,” he exhaled loudly rubbing his forehead, “For a second there I
was afraid that he forced you..

“No,” she stopped him, “Braden is a lot of things, but I don’t think that he is
capable of that. I am fine. Trust me on this.”

“l still want to kill him,” he grunted, sitting back in his chair. Just the thought
that a man who called his mate his wife existed was unbearable for him.

“You still can’t,” Ria smiled. It felt nice that he wanted to protect her so much.
Or maybe he was just possessive of her? It felt nice either way. As long as it was

“l still might,” Gideon said.

“l need to tell you something,” Riannon was afraid that someone would interrupt
them and she wanted to give him the important piece of information. Apart from
Maya, he was the only one willing to help her.

“l am all ears,” the lycan king straightened his back, knowing that as long as she
was ready to spare their precious minutes, it was important. “Remember my husband’s
omega mate?” Riannon played with the hem of her robe nervously.

“How could I forget?”

“Well, the thing is, I don’t think she is an omega anymore,” the Luna was eager to
discuss this with her partner in crime, “Gideon, just talked to her and was able to
get emotions out of her. Her true emotions! For the first time! And you know what
happened? She let out her claws and her eyes shone red. Red, Gideon

“Did she attack you?” he growled menacingly.

“No, but she lost it. Just for a few seconds, but I know what I saw!” Ria grinned,
“She is definitely not an omega! Besides that, it’s what got her to show her true
colours that matters. So, there was this captive prisoner who tried to frame Maya
right before Reid took her back. I was questioning him in my past life and I tried
to crack him now. It didn’t work, but I also got some kind of reaction. He escaped
again, even though I made sure that the best guards were guarding him. And then he
came to see me…”

“What?” now Gideon snarled. The desire to shift and get to that damned pack to get
his mate the old fashioned way was taking over him.

“Let me finish first,” she brushed him off, “So, he came to see me and was waiting
on the balcony. We talked and he is also not so simple. And yes, his eyes also
shine red. I didn’t learn much about him. He introduced himself as Everett in the
past and as Axel tonight. Anyway, simply mentioned him to Roxanne, and she snapped.
Just a bit, but I never was able to do this before. She knows that man.”

“Goddess, Riannon,” Gideon frowned, “My list of men to kill is growing by the hour
thanks to you.”

“Sorry,” she chuckled to that.

“Don’t be,” the lycan , “You are worth every effort.”

She blushed, happy that he did not see her now. With him, it was hard to conceal
her emotions the way she used to.

“l think I am really onto something here, the Luna said excitedly, “Don’t you

“l agree. But I don’t want you to do anything about it until you are here with me.
Safe.” he told her honestly. “Your safety comes first before anything.”

“Okay,” she agreed, Il l know how to wait.” “Good,” he praised her. “Now, tell me
everything about this guy that you can remember. How he looks, how he talks, where
did they catch him. Any little piece of information could help. And don’t worry, I
already have people looking into that Roxanne girl. Omega or no omega, there would
be some kind of information on her.”

She told him everything from her both lives and when she was done, they both
remained silent.

“l miss you,” Gideon gave up first. He wanted to see her, he wanted to be with her,
to hold her in his arms and to take her as many

times as he could. He wanted to tell her more than those words. But he did not want
to do it like that. She deserved more than being told that she was the love of his
life over the phone. That it was hard for him to breathe when she wasn’t close. And
that all that he was thinking lately was sinking his canines into her neck to leave
his mark. So that every man around knew she was his. So that he had the right to
kill anyone who would dare to think otherwise.

“l miss you too,” Riannon sighed. She was afraid to tell him that he made her heart
beat faster and that she couldn’t stop thinking of how good she felt in his arm,
how safe… That he was the only man she wanted to wake up next to in the mornings
and that she still couldn’t believe how lucky she had been to be gifted such an am
azing mate.

“l can push the summit a day closer,” he said suddenly.

“Don’t,” she regretted it the moment she said it. But they had a plan. . “l still
have to convince a few people,” the Luna confessed,

“Even with your support, I want to play it safe.

Lives depend on this.”

“l know,” he groaned painfully, “But the next time we meet is final, Ria. I will
never let you go again no matter how it goes.”

“l really don’t mind that,” she smiled. But the smile dropped when she heard
footsteps behind the door.

“l need to go now,” she whispered, “l will call tomorrow. Tell Maya to text me your
number and I will learn it by heart.”

She switched off the phone and hid it in a secret compartment that no one but her
knew about. Not even Brayden. Not even Maya.

The next day, Brayden ordered her to stay inside of their house while he left to
talk to his Alpha buddies about her new law. He also ordered Ash to make sure that
she doesn ‘t leave on pretence of caring for her safety and it felt as if she was a

However, it was good. Because as long as her husband felt that he was in control,
she had the opportunity to work from her end.

She was calling all her father’s friends and old allies, telling them about her
project and dropping Gideon’s and Brayden’s names occasionally. Then she was
sending files to them with what they prepared, knowing that some

Alphas would oppose that after seeing some of the clauses. However, this was the
law. She had to give them full information prior to the Summit.

Brayden came home late at night and she pretended to be asleep. It surprised her
when he sat on the edge of her bed and she felt him brushing her hair with his
fingers softly. The way he did when they just got married. It used to make her toes
curl but now had hardly any effect at all. Lies. She was repulsed slightly.

For her, he lost the right to touch her, and she counted seconds until he left her
room. Probably to go and check on Roxy.

The next day was the last one before the Alpha Summit. And the most important one
by far. Both her and Brayden were on their phones in their offices, trying to
persuade people to support the law changes.

Ria just ended a call with one arrogant Alpha who believed that women had way too
many rights already and that once they got married, it should be their final
decision. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, she just started to look for
ways to end this. He was one of those she’d never get on her side. So, there was no
point to waist time.

The door knock interrupted her thoughts and to her surprise, Brayden walked in with
a very

unexpected guest.

“Ri,” he beamed at her, “Alpha Zack Morgan wanted to personally talk about our
project. I hope you have a minute.”

When did it become their project? Riannon did not comment on the audacity of her
husband and just gave the two alphas her most beautiful smile, suppressing the wave
of protest in her.

“Of course,” she pointed at the two seats, am happy that you spared us your
precious time, Alpha Morgan.”

“The pleasure is mine,” their guest chuckled. She recognised him as one of the men
who were after her attention at the Alpha Ball. He had a folder in his hands which
she personally had sent to him the day prior. His opinion was important since Zack
was gaining influence rapidly among the newest and youngest alphas. “How can we
help you?” Brayden went all the way to her and stood behind her chair, placing his
hand possessively on her shoulder. “It was a very interesting read,” Alpha

Morgan smirked and placed the folder on

Riannon’s desk. She stretched her smile a bit, not knowing what to expect. She was
about to say something when her husband interjected.
“l am happy that you think so,” he said with pride, “We’ve been working on all that
for some time.”

“So, you read this?” Zack looked at him, quite bemused.

“Read it?” Bray snorted, “l helped writing the most of it.”

Riannon realised that he was taking credit for it. Probably just out of spite for
Gideon since she mentioned that the king needed that project. This was her
husband’s little revenge, the only one he thought he would be able to get on the
mighty lycan.

She quickly calculated that this could play to her advantage. Men trusted men.
Brayden was respected as the strongest werewolf Alpha and a warrior. And if he said
that he was behind all that, would they even be reading all that? All the sixty
pages of boring text filled with elaborate phrasing and terms. Ria and her mate
made sure to bury everything important deep in those papers. And not in the small
print, because they knew that Alphas would pay special attention to that.

“Is that so?” Zack Morgan in front of them sounded impressed but his eyes landed on
the Luna as he nodded slightly, “Well done.”

“Thank you,” Brayden sounded so natural

as if he really had a hand in all of this, “We really want for this law to pass on
the first Summit. As you know, for that we need the majority of votes. May I ask
where you stand on this?”

Their guest gazed at Riannon again and his lips curled into a soft smile.

“You have my vote. That’s for sure. I just wanted to make sure that I understand
everything correctly, but now seeing you two together, I think I can relax. This
matter is in good hands.”

“Brilliant,” Brayden walked all the way to him to shake his hand, “Thank you for
your cooperation. I plan a big dinner right after the summit for our allies. I hope
you could join us.”

“l will have to check my schedule and confirm it later,” Alpha Morgan smiled
politely and stood up, “l see that you are both busy, so I will not take any more
of your time. I learned everything that I needed to learn.”

Riannon stood up to see him out as well. To her, it was clear that Zack Morgan
definitely read the papers thoroughly.

“Thank you for your support. I personally would never forget it.” She stretched her
hand to him but instead of shaking, the man bowed and kissed her fingers.

“l have nothing against women in power,” he chuckled, “l am very impressed with all
your work, Riannon.”

He exchanged a few words with her husband and left, leaving them alone.

“Women in power?” Bray looked at her questioningly when the coast was clear,
“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That women like Maya would be able to become Betas if they prove themselves,” she
decided to give him a partial truth but at the same time distract him with the
feeling of guilt which he was hopefully experiencing.
“Hmm, fine then,” Brayden agreed, “As long as they can compete fair, I don’t see
why not.”

His phone rang and he had to pick up, signalling for her that he was going back to
work. She tried avoiding him for the rest of the day and succeeded at that. The
next day was going to be the show.

The next morning, she came down the stairs, wearing a white business suit with a
belt tied in a relaxed bow around her waist with flared trousers. Brayden waited
for her downstairs and watched her with pride in his eyes as she

descended slowly, holding a leather folder in her arms.

“You look beautiful, Ri,” he said and wanted to kiss her but she dodged to his

“Makeup,” she explained, realising that this could have been a mistake. But,
luckily, Bray ignored that.

“Later then,” he smirked at her, “Do not worry about today. Everything is going to
be great. And about me saying that I worked with you… Ri, I hope you understood why
I did that.” “To help me, of course,” she lied with a smile, “And I am grateful.
Let’s go.”

The drive to the hotel where the Alpha Summit was held this time seemed never-
ending and Riannon counted minutes until their arrival. Finally, the car stopped
and in a few seconds, the driver opened the door for them.

The red carpet was in place as if it was some kind of awards ceremony and hotel
employees were greeting them at the doors. They walked in into the glassy luxurious
foyer and Riannon felt the scent of her mate at once.

Note: Sorry it took me a while and I didn’t even get to the actual Summit. It’s a
longer chapter though. Who is ready for the Summit?

Chapter 47. The Summit Part I

She scanned the room desperately looking for that one person only and when their
eyes met, it was the hardest thing for her ever to not give away her true emotions.
Because Brayden was right next to her and watching her every move. He wrapped his
hand possessively around her waist and pulled his wife closer.

Gideon wanted to kill him. The man didn’t even realise how thin the ice he was
walking on was. If he gave him the smallest of reasons, he would snap his neck in
less than a second. And would never regret it.

But looking into Riannon’s blue eyes he knew that it was neither the place nor the
time. What he really wanted was to have his hands on her, to have her close to him.
And all he had to do now was wait. Just a little longer.

Without even so much as a nod or wave, he turned away and left the foyer, going
straight to the room where the summit was supposed to be held. Reid and a few
guards followed him closely behind.

Brayden released his grip on her as soon as

the Lycan king was gone. Riannon would have scoffed if she could, but she also knew
that it could cost her. Everything in due time.

“Bray!” she heard a familiar sweet voice and couldn’t believe it.

She didn’t even manage to turn her head when Roxy had already jumped into her
husband’s arms, making him let her go. The foyer was full of Alphas, their Betas
and Gammas, and Lunas who came with their spouses. Not to mention that practically
each of them had guards around. And all of them watched the show.

Riannon tried not to give them any reaction. She had to remember that soon this
humiliation would be over.

“What are you doing here?” Brayden seemed as startled as she was, “You are not

“l came here to support you, of course,” the redhead smiled innocently, “Your
sister Harper drove me here. She said that all mates come here to support their

“How sweet of her,” Ria let out a little laugh.

“Did I do something wrong?” Roxy looked at him with big eyes that were already
filling up with tears. That girl probably drank more than two

s of water per day. Her tear flow was limitless.

Brayden did not know what to say. It was already inconvenient and awkward. He
learned his lesson at the Alpha Ball, which did not go the way he planned. But if
Roxanne made a scene here right now, started to cry or drop to her knees to beg
forgiveness, it would be too embarrassing. He couldn’t afford that.

“Of course, not,” he took his mate’s shoulders, rubbing them gently, but still
distanced her from himself a bit, “You just surprised me. That’s all. And where is
Harper?” He wanted to make his sister babysit since she was the one to cause that

“She drove away,” Roxy flattered her eyelashes innocently. “She said she was going
shopping and that you can take me home when you are done.”

“My dear,” he coughed, glancing at his wife, can’t. I am busy.”

“We still have a few hours before the start,” Riannon said, “Go show her around. I
am sure it’s her first time at a place like that.”

“It is!” Roxanne took his hands in hers, “Can you really go with me now?”

“What are you going to be doing?” Brayden

looked at his wife suspiciously, but she pointed at the entrance to the restaurant
on her right - the opposite direction to where Gideon went.

“l am going to say hi to the other Lunas. We usually gather there. Some of them
helped me to persuade their husbands and I need to thank them too,” Riannon said
indifferently and then gave Brayden a look, mindlinking him for the first time in a
while, “Make sure she behaves and do not let her run around the place embarrassing
our pack. She represents us now.”

He wanted to reply but she already cut him off and turned on her heels, walking to
the restaurant. It was actually good for her that Roxy would keep him busy until
the start. If she had a task from whoever worked with her, it would probably be to
split her and Brayden to weaken their pack. For once, they had the same goal.

“Riannon,” her friend Mariyah stood up as soon as she saw her and waved for her to
join their group. And it was a big one. At least a dozen women were sitting at a
big round table and about the same number were standing around them. They all
stopped talking when they saw her and she felt that somehow it was different

“Ladies,” Ria flashed her pearly whites at

them, not knowing what to expect. It could go either way. Some of them were
friends. Some were frenemies. And some simply enemies. For one reason or another.

“You’ve been busy!” Mariyah chuckled.

“And you look gorgeous too,” Ada, one of her frenemies added. Surprisingly, this
time she sounded sincere.

“Thanks,” Riannon smiled modestly.

“We heard about your project,” said Luna Helena. She was one of the oldest women
here and was once her mother’s friend. “It’s very impressive. And we want you to
know that we all stand with you on this one.”

“It was about time for such changes,” someone chimed in at the back.

“The times have changed and so must our laws,” Ada took a sip from her glass, “l
told my husband that if he doesn’t support this project with his vote, he won’t get
any of this anymore.” She pointed at her perfect body in a tight yet elegant red

This was probably the friendliest conversation they ever had. Lunas started
talking, telling her the stories of how they learned about her project and how much
it meant for them.

Most of them were mated to their husbands and did not have problems with them.
However, they had daughters, sisters and nieces to worry about.

Riannon felt a bit guilty. They praised her too much. And she did all this for the
most selfish reasons.

In her past life, she had been thinking about it too. But also, after she got to
experience first-hand what it was like to be dumped by a powerful man who owned
everything they shared prior.

However, she decided not to think about that. This wasn’t important now. She was
adding many clauses to this law with the thought of anything that could happen to a
woman in a man’s world. So, she was helping them all. And she chose to concentrate
on that part.

They spent the next half an hour talking but soon she heard a loud announcement,
recognising Reid’s voice.

“The Alpha Summit is about to start. Please, come and take your place if you are
taking part,” he was repeating the words over and over.

So, Ria said goodbye to her friends and left, surprised that they were starting

“Wait,” one girl caught up with her and

Riannon looked at her questioningly. They didn’t know each other that well, as the
girl just recently got her title. However, she heard some stories about her and her
mate, who wasn’t the best of Alphas. It did not escape Ria’s eyes that she was
wearing a turtleneck dress and too much make-up too, probably covering her many

“Yes?” she gave the girl a sympathetic smile. But the latter just pulled her into a
right hug and whispered.

“Thank you. If it works, I will be free,” she said, and then stepped away. And
without adding anything else, returned to the Lunas’ table.

Riannon met Brayden back in the foyer and he was happy to see that she was where
she promised him to be. Roxy was not around, meaning that Ash was probably the one
taking care of her now.

They walked into the Summit conference room together and, for the first time ever,
Ria saw what everything really looked like. A long glassy table that was now filled
with dozens of Alphas. Gideon was sitting at the head of the table and Bray grunted
when he noticed this.

Just for a second, Riannon allowed herself

to look at her mate. She needed to see the support in his eyes, she needed to feel
it. He nodded at her just like he did with everybody else, but his eyes were
telling a different story and she knew it.

Everyone was taking their seats and only Brayden and she stood in the same place.

“What is wrong?” she asked him. “The king took my seat,” her husband replied and
she shot her brows up.

“That’s actually my seat,” Gideon said in a very relaxed tone, leaning over his
chair that was bigger than everybody else’s. “Thanks for warming it up for me.”

“Here are a few empty seats,” one of

Brayden’s friends said, gesturing for them to join their group. He looked nervous
and Riannon did not like his facial expression. Something was off. “Why are there
so many empty seats?” she tried to distract her husband.

“Sorry, Bray, I need to tell you something urgent,” his Alpha friend interrupted,
bending to whisper something in Brayden’s ear. Now, this was a problem. A real one.
He then started showing him something in the folder with her law project.

9/1 5

“That’s because foxes and werebears did not come again. The empty seats belong to
them,” a woman with sleek black hair next to her purred and Ria looked at her with
interest. She was the only other woman in the room today and that made her the
Alpha of one of the werecat packs.

“l am Ramina Knight, by the way, the. ..” the woman started introducing herself.
They had never met before because werecats were the recent addition to their union.

“l know very well who you are,” Ria smiled and wanted to tell the woman how she
admired her for leading her pack, but that was when Brayden grabbed her hand under
the table and squeezed it almost painfully.

“Bray, not now!” Riannon said playfully and loudly to draw the attention of
everyone in the room to them, “The Summit is about to start.”

He took his hands off her and immediately she felt how he tried to mind link her.
But she did not let him.

“That’s right,” Gideon growled, hardly being able to hold himself back from tearing
the werewolf to pieces for the scene, “Let’s start. We have a few important matters
to decide tod ay.”

“But, my king,” someone said, “It’s

supposed to be at least one hour before we start. Why are we in such a rush?”

“l have places to be,” Gideon cut him off, “Or can you work only at designated
hours of the day? No? Then I don’t see the problem since everyone is present. Let’s

He gestured at Reid, who was sitting next to him, and the Beta stood up.

“As you are all probably already aware, our main problem at the moment is the
uprising of foxes and werebears in the East.” He switched on the big screen behind
Gideon’s back with a map where the locations of every pack of their union were

“You mean your main problem,” one of the Alphas said with a smirk, “They are
attacking your borders, not ours.”

“And what do you think will happen after they are done with us?” Reid asked him.

“Isn’t the whole point of being mighty lycans that no one can destroy you?” someone
chuckled and a few othersjoined in.

“The point is that they would not be able to destroy us,” Gideon sighed as if he
was already tired of all this, “And when they give up on that idea, they would
start looking at your packs and your lands. At least six of you have borders with
them if I remember correctly. The question is if we will come to your rescue if you
don ‘t fulfil your obligations to the lycans now.”

To that, no one had what to say. Shifter wars were always brutal. Strong men and
women were dying and the population was decreasing. Behind their Union were other
lands. More werewolves, another lycan kingdom and many other creatures. None of
them were friendly. If they got weaker, everyone would suffer. So, to some extent,
they were all trapped in working together.

“Besides that,” Ramina started speaking, “l think the foxes and the werebears
mostly have problems with wolves in general. Thanks to your domination in the
shifters’ world

“How would you know that?” Zack Morgan asked.

“Because they approached me to join them,” the woman sneered, “But werecats have no
interest in ruining our comfort life with lycans as our allies just to stroke our
ego. We do not care about that. It was peaceful since the lycans took us under
their wing. We are not ready to lose that.”

They were all processing her words.

“We would of course fulfil all our obligations

according to our treaty, king Gideon,” one of the Alphas said. He was one of
Riannon’s father’s old friends.

The room started buzzing as they were discussing to what extent werewolves would be
involved. It took them some time and Ria knew that this meeting today wasn’t the
end of it. Her mate would have much more work with all of them.

“Anyway,” he cleared his throat when they were done with that topic, “The next
matter that we need to look at today is the new Women’s Rights law project by Luna
Riannon Thorn. I guess you have all read it and have your opinion ready for the

“l have a few adjustments to make,” Brayden raised his hand, throwing a folder in
Gideon’s direction.

He knew everything and Riannon tapped her shoe nervously under the table.

“There are procedures for that,” Gideon pushed the folder back to him, “You can
propose adjustments at the next Summit. This time we are voting for this version of
the new law since everybody is familiar with that.

The tension in the room was palpable.

“Shouldn’t we at least discuss it first?” Brayden gritted through his teeth.

“Why?” Alpha Zack Morgan interrupted him, “We were talking about it just yesterd
ay. And you were fully behind it. You assured me and others that everything was
fine in that folder since you were the one who did most of the work. I personally
believed in your project since you were involved. And I did not find anything wrong
inside. So, what is the problem there now? Are you going back on your word?”

It was a masterful trap and Riannon knew that she would be thanking the Alpha for
this later. Now Brayden had no choice.

“Of course, not,” her husband sounded nervous for the first time in his life, “It’s
just that it could be even better. ..”

“As King Gideon already said, there is always a next time for minor changes,” Zack
said innocently, “You’ve done a good job there, Alpha Thorn.”

“Good job indeed,” Gideon smirked, “So, how about we vote to save ourselves some
time? I am sure real men want their wives, sisters and daughters to be treated
fairly. Reid, make sure that the count is visible on the board

The Beta nodded and they saw two squares

on the screen. One was for the law and the other one was against it.

“l will start,” the Lycan king announced, ” vote for the approval of the law.”

Immediately, the count on the screen changed to 1-0.

The next one was alpha Dixon, Luna Ada’s husband. He voted in their favour and
seemed very eager to do so. He probably wanted access to that gorgeous body of his
wife after all.

Riannon swallowed as one by one alphas started voicing their votes. The numbers
were changing and it looked like the difference in numbers would be minimal. Most
of Brayden’s pals voted against it. But some, surprisingly, supported the law.

Finally, it was done and Ria was afraid to even look at the board.

“So, we have 39 to 35 votes. The law is accepted by the Alpha Summit and is
effective immediately,” Gideon announced, and only now did she open her eyes to
look at him. He was smiling.

It was done…

NOTE: Sorry, guys, I had to break the Summit in two parts since the chapter was
already too long. Prepare for your minds to be blown with the rest tomorrow.

Readers also enjoyed:

My Surprise Mate

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TAGS sex pregnant mate independent

Chapter 48. The Summit Part I l

Brayden desperately tried to get into her mind and this time she let him.

“Riannon,” he growled, grasping her hand again, “What have you done?”

“A lot of things. For example, I helped to create a very good law,” she tried to
call Onyx as well. Right now her sharp claws would have been of great use in
helping her free herself.

“Ri, what is going on?!” He sounded as if he was on the verge of breaking mentally.

“You will find this out right now,” she said coldly, “And now let me go. People are
watching. You already made a spectacle of yourself when you voted against the law
you personally wrote according to your own words. That was stupid

“Ri,” he wanted to say something else but Gideon started speaking again and she
shut him off, finally getting her wrist back as he unclenched his fingers.

“The next issue to deal with for today is a divorce between a Luna and an Alpha,”
the Lycan king announced, and a wave of whispers went through the room. Some were
not surprised, of course, some were shocked and some were openly displeased. Zack
Morgan gave Riannon a reassuring smile and the werecat next to her looked at her
with amusement on her face.

“For real?” she snorted quietly, “You are something, Riannon Thorn!”

“What is the reason for the divorce?” an Alpha she did not know too well asked.

“Breach of their marital contract,” Gideon lazily tilted his head to look at the
one who spoke, “The Alpha in question and his Luna were chosen mates. They marked
each other. Yet the Alpha met his true mate and did not reject her. He brought her
to their house and made them leave together.”

“This is not how it happened Brayden gritted through his teeth as now everybody in
the conference room was concentrating their attention on him. The rumours of their
story spread fast and the law project only accumulated them.

“Right,” the lycan chuckled, “Since Alpha Thorn spoke first, why wouldn’t he
explain to us what all that was about and how it really happened, since I don’t
have the right information at my disposal. We are listening to you.”

“Roxanne was abused in her old pack. She would have died if I had left her there.”
Bray said, carefully choosing his words. He already realized what kind of trouble
he was at and crystals of sweat were trickling down his spine.

“And that’s an honourable thing to do,” one of his buddies tried to support him.

“Indeed,” Brayden agreed, ” you could still have rejected her, though. And not
bring her to your home. You have the biggest pack out of all the werewolves. I am
sure there was a place for her to stay. But you chose this place to be your house.
The one that you share with your Luna.

What did you expect to happen?”

“This was necessary at that moment in time,” Brayden grunted, and Riannon wisely
chose not to participate in their exchange of words. Her mate was handling it well.

“How so?” Gideon played with the pen in his hands.

“Does it matter?” the werewolf in question almost growled at the Lycan king and the
room suddenly became quiet.

“Of course, not,” the latter agreed, nodding sympathetically, “If you agree to the
divorce, then it doesn’t matter.”

“l do not agree!” Brayden protested, slamming his fist over the table.

“Then I am afraid you will have to elaborate what was that need to keep your true
mate in the same house with your Luna and not reject her in the first place. It
went beyond simply helping a poor omega,” Gideon gave him a cold stare that was
almost menacing.

“It was required for the sake of my wolf,”

Riannon got embarrassed for her soon-to-be-ex-husband the second he sounded his
pathetic excuse. What was he counting on? If they were still together, this would
have been the moment where she would have to take the word and smooth the situation
over. But they weren’t together. Not anymore. He lost her back in her previous
life. This time she was fighting only for herself.
“Your wolf agreed to accept the chosen mate and you two placed a mark on her neck,”
the Lycan king said the words through clenched teeth, as it was physically hard for
him not to tear that pathetic excuse of a man to pieces. “This was a union of two
souls. But you chose to break it. You are not the only one in the world with a
chosen mate. You are also not the only one who met his true mate after marking
another woman.

Moreover, you are not the only one who has faced something like that in this room

Ria looked at Gideon in shock, as this was the first time she had heard about this.

“Alpha Dominic,” the lycan nodded at one of the oldest Alphas in the room, “Twenty-
five years ago you were in the same kind of situation.

What did you do?”

“My king, I apologised to my true mate but I still had to reject her. I made sure
that she was well taken care of later. But I had made my choice years before I met
her and her appearing in my life did not change anything. I loved my wife and Luna
until the day she was taken from me in a battle.” The man told his story and
Riannon’s heart skipped a beat when she saw how sad his eyes were just remembering
his late wife. This was how it was supposed to be. She knew that now.

“And what about you wolf?” Gideon sneered, looking at Brayden. Alpha Dominic looked
at him apologetically too but replied honestly.

“My wolf was the one to recognize her. There was a pull. But the marks me and my
wife already placed on each other’s necks were stronger. She was the love of my
life, without a

doubt. She gave me wonderful kids and heirs. She was my perfect Luna and even after
her death I wasn’t tempted to go and look for my true mate again.”

“Well, I hope it answers all the questions,” Gideon summed up, “So. .

“But we don’t have kids yet!” Brayden said all of a sudden, “Pups make the
connection stronger. Everybody knows that.”

“True,” the Lycan king nodded, “That’s why the divorce will be easier for you two.”

“l will not agree to this,” the werewolf said firmly, crumpling the documents
before him.

“You don’t need to agree to this,” for the first time Riannon spoke, “l have a
right to divorce you. I don’t need any form of permission from you. This is over.
Just accept it already and stop embarrassing us both.”

“Kids,” he said suddenly and she sighed because she was tired from all of this
already, “You may be with my pup this very moment. According to our laws, you
cannot be divorced before it is confirmed that you are not pregnant.

And if you are. ..”

“l am not,” she opened her leather folder and handed him a piece of paper, “l
visited the

pack doctor yesterday for the req uired check-up. There are no babies in my womb if
that’s what you are worried about.”
He took it from her, not even being able to read it. He knew that she thought this

She always did. She was always one step ahead. And he f**cked everything up. Big
time. He had to notice earlier how displeased she was. He had to do something about

He was sure that he had been tackling this matter for the past two days when he was
helping her to get what he though she wanted to please her. But he was mistaken.
She played him and she played him well.

Brayden sat back in his seat, still holding the doctor’s note.

He couldn’t lose her. Not like that. Riannon was always his. He was not giving her
up, not without a fight.

He saw how everyone stared at him. He had never been humiliated this way before in
his life.

“After looking carefully at all the facts, I approve the divorce,” Gideon
interrupted his train of thought, “Effective immediately. I already have the papers
signed by Riannon Thorn. The signature of Brayden Thorn is not required anywhere
except for the delivery of the decision


“Riannon Michaels now,” the woman who stole everyone’s attention today corrected
the king, “l will use my maiden name from now on.”

“Very well,” Gideon allowed himself to smile at her for the first time, “Riannon
Michaels, you are a free woman now. Congratulations.”

She smiled at him too. It probably wasn’t the end of their troubles. But it was a
victory nonetheless.

“And since we just approved the new law which was effective immediately as well,”
her lycan smirked, “Riannon has the right to all the property, lands and funds that
belonged to her and her family members prior to the marriage and to which Brayden
Thorn received access through their union.”

“l object,” the Alpha almost shouted, “We merged our packs. We cannot separate them
now after six years. People wouldn’t want that!”

“Then we will ask them which pack they want to live in,” Ria said calmly, “After
you move out of my land. I will gladly give people a choice.”

“They have homes on that land!” Bray breathed out sharply through his nostrils. His
handsome face did not look that handsome


“And that is exactly why they would have a choice,” his now ex-Luna responded

“And who would be the Alpha of your new pack?” he looked at her with a bitter

“The Pearl Moon is not a new pack. We existed decades prior to the Silver
crescent,” even Riannon was slowly getting annoyed by his outburst. “And as for
your question, I would be the Alpha.”

Another wave of commotion rippled through the room.

“You must be kidding!” Brayden shook his head in disbelief.

The werecat next to her snorted and mumbled something that was hard to decipher.

“Oh, no, I am dead serious,” Riannon responded to him one last time and turned

“All right,” Reid coughed a few times since the room was silent for too long, “We
have a few sm aller matters to discuss. The budget for…

“Excuse us!” Brayden stood up in one abrupt movement and yanked Riannon by one of
her arms towards himself, pulling her to the doors, “My ex-wife and I need to talk

A loud menacing growl that shattered the

walls stopped them all from what they were doing. And even Brayden stood still,
turning his head to glare at the Lycan king who looked as if he was ready to
transform and tear his head off. “Take your hands off MY MATE!” Gideon snarled,
standing up. ..

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
and I will appreciate your support!

NOTE: Sorry for the late update. My daughter is really unwell and tested positive
for covid today. l am not sure ifl will be able to update again today, but I will
try to let you know in the group.

Chapter 49. Live Our Lives

Brayden did not let her go. If anything, now he clenched her towards himself
tighter in a useless hope that he had misheard the Lycan king right now.

But when Gideon stood up and moved in their direction, he knew that he had lost. He
had just lost everything.

“l don’t like to repeat myself,” the lycan looked at him with a challenge in his
eyes, “You need to step away from my mate. Now.”

The silence in the room was long and awkward but after a while Brayden unclenched
his fingers and Riannon stepped away. Gideon did not waste any time and pulled her
towards him. Rubbing her arm where her ex-husband was just holding her.

“Ria, did he hurt you?” he asked in a fake-sweet tone, and Riannon knew that if
they did not want the bloodshed, she’d better shake her head and deny everything.
He waited for them to be together for too long and his patience had its limits too.

“No, I am fine,” she said and her mate

brushed his palm over her beautiful face, enjoying the tingles that the touch
created. He could stay this way forever, but a sound of laughter distracted him.
It was cold and unnatural laughter on the verge of madness.

“Are you kidding me?!” Brayden rubbed his eyes and threw his head back, trying to
calm down. Too many eyes were on him now and he needed to get the situation back in

It was bad. He was losing his wife and at least half of his pack. No one would ever
look at him in the same way again. No one would let him ever forget what happened
here today. So, he had to act and he had to act fast.

“So, was this the plan all along?” he scoffed, “This is how the lycans now try to
get our lands? You don’t want war, so you are just going to marry daughters of
Alphas and grab their packs in the process?”

Neither Ria nor Gideon liked what he was implying now. And some of the alphas in
the room became visibly more anxious. In the end, the territory was one thing they
were all ready to fight for. Always.

“Can ‘t you see what he’s doing right now?”

Brayden continued, “He is using my wife to

weaken me and to expand his Kingdom! I’m sure that he’s not even your mate, Riannon
! Are you sure that this is not some kind of witchery? You two met before and
neither of you seemed to be shouting that you were mates.”

“You’d better shut up about it now,” Gideon growled, “before you say something that
would really require me to kill you. Because, trust me, 1 1 m tempted already!”

Ria knew exactly what kind of game her now ex-husband was playing, so she placed
her palm on the king’s chest. The gesture immediately calmed him down. Their eyes
met just for a second, but he already knew that she was going to take this from

“It may come as a surprise to you,” she started speaking softly, but it was only
pretence, “but some people know how to control their wolves and their urges. It
requires tremendous willpower that you clearly do not possess considering the
situation we are in now, but it can still be done. We simply controlled ourselves
and behaved like people and not animals. Out of respect for you and our marriage in
the first place. You should try that sometimes. And as for my lands, they will
always remain mine. Gideon has enough of his own. He doesn’t need to take anything
from his woman other than love.”

That was a low blow and she knew it. After all, their packs were merged through
marriage. This was how Bray got to his current position that was now slipping away.

But she was cutting the cord today. It had to be done.

“And as for proof of us being mates, not that we owe you anything,” she continued,
“l think the fact that the mark you gave me started disappearing when we met should
be proof enough.

She moved the part of the white blazer that she was wearing and demonstrated to him
the now pale stains on her skin, where she used to have scars left by his canines.
It was there before, only that he did not notice. He did not check. He did not pay

Brayden’s face lost colour as his mouth parted slightly. His eyes were filled with
pain now and for the first time, she felt sorry for doing this to him. But then she
remembered how he sunk his canines into Roxy’s neck right in front of her. Mere
minutes after he denounced her as his Luna in front of the pack. It was unnecessary
cruelness that she did not deserve after everything they put her through. For her,
it was the moment when she stopped loving him. After months and months of struggle,
she was finally free from that feeling that was eating her up from the inside. This
was when she was going to leave quietly, knowing that there were places where she
would be accepted. But it wasn’t destined to be this way and she never managed to
leave her pack. Maybe because it was her destiny to get it back after all. And fix
everything that happened.

Brayden’s hand went to his neck instinctively where he tried to find the mark that
she left on him. Two small scars were still there, palpable. He couldn’t comprehend
what was going on.

“Impossible,” he mumbled.

“Yet here we are,” Riannon sighed, “l did not want to do it like this. But it seems
that you will cause trouble if I don’t.”

“Ri,” he tried to stop her, stretching his hand in her direction but Gideon growled
as a warning, “Don ‘t…”

“l, Riannon Michaels, reject you, Brayden

Thorn as my chosen mate, my husband and my Alpha. Starting from today, there is no
bond between the two of us.” The words left her mouth and she was afraid to feel
the pain. But nothing happened. The lycan king looked at her with concern on his
face but relaxed when she gave him a little calm smile.

Brayden, however, did not look too good. He was already pale prior to all that, but
now he looked as if he was about to collapse. Beads of sweat formed on his
forehead. He kept standing, but it was obvious that he could feel their bond being

“How could you?” he stared at her now with pain in his eyes, “We… after so many

“Go to your mate, Brayden,” was all that Riannon said to him, “And leave me and my
mate alone.”

This wasn’t how she planned to do it. But it was too late now since it was done.
There was nothing between the two of them anymore.

The room became silent.

“You know what,” Alpha Zack Morgan stood up, “how about we take a little break and
cool ourselves down a bit?”

“l don’t know,” the werecat leader smirked at him, playing with her hair, “l
haven’t been to a Summit this entertaining for a while!”

“We’ll meet you back here in half an hour,” Gideon said, taking Riannon’s hand and
bumping Brayden’s shoulder with his as they walked out.

He pulled her behind him, not caring where they went and as soon as they made a
turn, he immediately slammed her back over the wall and placed his hands on both
sides of her. The lycan crashed his ips into hers, tasting them as if he had never
done this before. His fingers dug into her hair, and she moaned softly when he
thrust his tongue into her mouth. She missed him. Even more than she realised.
“If I don’t take and mark you now, I will die,” he muttered as he peppered her neck
with kisses, his canines grazing over her sensitive skin.

“Not here, Gideon,” she said, panting and yet not pushing him away, “This is not
the right place. And..

“l don’t care,” he growled, pulling the belt of her blazer, and sliding his hands
underneath it to feel her exposed skin. She was wearing a lace cropped top
underneath and he couldn’t appreciate it more.

“Gideon,” she let out a little nervous laugh, “The place is packed with Alphas who
can hear everything. My ex included. Don’t prove him right and don’t give him
control over the narrative of our story. Don’t make him a victim here.”

He stopped, still breathing heavily into the column of her neck.

“We just claimed that we can control ourselves,” she reminded him, “We can’t.. .”

“l get it,” he groaned and pulled away from her. However, a happy grin was
plastered all over his face. Her lips curled into a smile too.

“l am free,” she whispered, still afraid to say it out loud.

“No, you are not,” he grunted, “You are mine.”

“Yes,” Riannon nodded to that, “l won’t argue with that. l.

A confession almost left her lips but she stopped herself because this wasn ‘t how
she wanted to do it.

“Come on,” he told her, “Maya is waiting outside. I bet you would love to break the
news to her personally.”

“Really?” she gasped, “You brought her here too

“Of course,” he chuckled, “Not that it was a choice. Your friend is… let’s call it

“That she is,” Ria agreed as he led her back to the foyer, while holding hands.
They passed a few Lunas who were waiting for their husbands and she saw the looks
of shock on their faces.

A lot of people expected her divorce but no

one expected this.

When they were outside, Gideon called his driver and asked to bring Maya to the
main entrance. But the car took too long to arrive and he decided to go check what
was going on. “Stay here,” he said, “I’ll be back quick.”

Riannon smiled to herself as she stood there, waiting for him. But soon she heard a
familiar voice.

“How could you do this to me, Ri?” She turned to face her ex-husband and sighed.

“What’s done is done, Brayden. Let it go,” she tried to sound calm, but even her
patience had its limits, “You have your mate and I have mine. Let’s live our
“You just destroyed my pack!” he said through clenched teeth.

“No,” she shook her head, “l saved what I could.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he furrowed his brows.

She opened her mouth to respond to him when they both felt it. The change in the
air as it got heated. And the deafening sound of an explosion.

The glass walls of the hotel shattered to myriads of pieces that were flying their
way. This was when the blast wave reached them too. At the last moment, Brayden
jumped in her direction and they both fell to the ground as he covered her with his
body. It took just a second or two, but it felt like forever.

The whole world fell into silence…

NOTE: Thank you forallyour messages! We spent yesterday in hospital, but today my
daughter is home and feels much better. I really appreciate your support,

P.S. Remember | told you that the Summit would blowyour mind away? I meant that

Chapter 50. The Aftermath.

The silence was deadly and Gideon stood up, leaning over the car next to him. He
looked around, trying to comprehend what was going on, and realised that he was the
only person standing. Right next to him, Reid and Maya were still confused, lying
on the floor and trying to get up.

Gradually, he started to hear the sounds of the car alarms which had all been
triggered by the explosion.

Explosion! He missed a breath, looking at the shattered hotel in front of him and
seeing pieces of glass that used to be its exterior

Gideon ran as fast as he could to where he had left her. His mate, his Riannon. The
woman who was his whole life now. The woman he had just announced as his and then
so carelessly left alone.

He was back at the entrance in no time, but he couldn’t see her in the clouds of
dust and smoke. The fear seized him for the first time in his life. Primitive
animalistic fear.

He couldn’t lose her like that. Not when all the obstacles were finally gone.

Just then, he saw something white on the ground next to the entrance and recognised
her platinum blonde hair as well. The relief washed over him.

Riannon had her head pounding from the fall and the noise made her temporarily
deaf. The first thing that she recogn ised was Brayden ‘s scent. He was lying on
top of her and breathing heavily.

The hearing was coming back slowly as he rolled off her and then tried to help her
get up.
“Are you okay?” she heard her ex-husband through muffled noises. But she could only

“Ria!” Gideon appeared out of nowhere and lifted her into his arms in less than a
second, “Oh goddess! Thank goddess that you..

“l know,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing herself a few moments of
weakness. A few moments of being cuddled against his chest and breathing in his
scent to calm down. A few moments of feeling safe.

“You are welcome, you know,” Brayden said through clenched teeth, and Gideon glared
at him for daring to speak to them now. But then he noticed that the Alpha was
bleeding heavily and realised that he had actually covered his mate during the
explosion with his body.

“Put me down,” Riannon tapped his shoulder and turned to face her unexpected
saviour, “Thank you.”

The words sounded awkward considering everything that just happened between them,
but he smiled painfully.

“Whatever happens, I will always protect you, Ri,” he stepped towards her, making
Gideon growl, and then let out a little groan, turning his backs to them slowly and
demonstrating several big pieces of glass stuck in his flesh. His suit jacket was
soaking from the blood.

The lycan king had to take himself under control. He hated that man, but he would
hate it more if one of those glass shards was now in Rian non’s face instead.

He had responsibilities before his people. He had to go inside and check on them,
see who was injured and who survived.

Reid and Maya were running their way, the girl throwing herself in his mate’s arms.
His Beta and the king exchanged glances. They both knew what they had to do.

“Go,” Riannon told him, and he was relieved that she understood everything as well,
“l will help Brayden to get the glass out and join you.” “No,” the king protested,
“Stay here.”

“Yeah, sure!” Maya snorted, rolling her eyes.

“We’ll be there helping the survivors as soon as we are done here,” his mate said
calmly, “There are people who need our help there and we are not sitting this one

“Ria,” Gideon wanted to say something, but seeing the determination in her eyes, he
gave up. The Moon Goddess sent him a Luna who wouldn’t be hiding in a situation
like that and would want to help their people. He had to learn to accept it, even
if his instinct was to hide her from the cruel world around them. “See you there,”
he said and rushed inside. They couldn’t waste any more time.

Riannon traced him with her gaze and then returned to the back of her ex-husband,
who was waiting patiently. She took off her belt and started using it for soaking
blood as she removed piece after piece. Luckily, he was an Alpha and she could see
that he was healing fast.

“He doesn’t know you the way I do,”

Brayden hissed as she got a big shard out of him, “No one does.”

“That’s questionable,” she stated plainly, keeping up her work, “Sometimes I wonder
if you knew me at all.”

“Of course, I did,” he sighed, “It’s just. The mate bond, Ri. It’s stronger than

“l can agree with that,” his ex-wife seemed preoccupied with what she was doing, “l
can understand how one can’t reject their mate now. I would never reject Gideon .”

His whole body shuddered at the mention of the lycan king.

“But I would still choose to handle the matter differently,” Ria confessed, “l
wouldn’t expect you two to live together, share me and be happy about it.”

“l was only thinking about you,” Brayden tried to turn his head to look at his now
ex-Luna but Maya stepped in closer with a menacing expression on her face.

“Oh, look! I see one!” she declared and grabbed one of the bigger shards, twisting
it in his flesh and only then getting it out, “There. We are wasting a lot of time

The Alpha winced from pain but said nothing.

“There is only one thing that bothers me,

Bray,” Riannon said when she was done with him, “You talk so much about your mate
and this bond of yours. But right now there was an explosion in the hotel we were
all in and you are here, talking to me and not out there - looking for her. How
does that work?”

His mouth parted slightly. As if he had remembered something important.

“I’ll see you later,” he muttered, and ran inside of the hotel.

Maya and Ria looked at each other and followed him.

Inside of the foyer that was sparkling and shining just seconds ago was messy and
dark, because now all of the lights were down. They could still see properly thanks
to the werewolf vision though. And Riannon did not like what she was seeing.

Disoriented people walking here and there, a familiar Alpha clenching his Luna in
his arms while the woman did not seem to respond. And a few dead bodies.

It was a disaster. And someone planned it.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a woman dragging another woman from where
the restaurant was located. She recognised the Alpha of the werecats, Ramina and
went to help her.

“How are you?” she asked.

“What will happen to me? I am a cat,” the woman snorted, “l have nine lives. Well,
eight now. Six if I am honest. But I was lucky that your ex caused a scene and I
went to check on my Luna. I didn’t get there in time for the second explosion .”

“The second explosion?” Ria looked at the werecat in shock.

“Yes,” Ramina gritted through her teeth, “Whoever did this, arranged one attack for

Alphas and one for the Lunas.”

“Luckily, most Alphas went out for the break,” the woman continued, “But
unfortunately, that couldn’t be said about the Lunas.”

Riannon and Maya looked at each other and went inside the restaurant where, less
than an hour ago, she was meeting with her friends. And they both gasped at the
sight before their eyes. ..

NOTE: Sorry for the shorter chapter today and for all your comments and wishes. I
feel like I am starting to have some covid symptoms myself so I will keep in touch
with you about the updates. For now, I intend to keep daily updates but a lot will
depend on whether or not I will get down with the virus.

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A Love Story Somewhere I C)

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Chapter 51. First Help

The dust was settling down and they saw bodies scattered around the room. It was a
terrible sight to see and Riannon gulped as she recognised her friends. It smelled
of burnt bodies and blood. An internal s m was desperately trying to leave her body
but she knew that this wasn ‘t the time to sob or panic, so she turned to Maya, who
was equally petrified.

“We check their pulses and get them out of here if they are alive. Assess injuries
and decide if they need extra help before regeneration kicks in. Especially if
their rank is below Gamma,” she instructed, and her Beta nodded, “We need to keep
them alive until the medics arrive or until they can heal themselves.”

It was easier for her now that she voiced her plan. It was a task that she herself
could concentrate on.

They got to work. One by one they were checking the Lunas who were unconscious.
Luckily, most of them had pulses still beating their rhythm. Yet some of them did
not. Riannon closed the eyes of Luna Selena as a tear trickled down her cheek. Her
mother’s friend did not make it. She remembered how many times she visited The
Pearl Moon pack back when she was still a child and her siblings were alive. It was
a true loss…

She heard a noise right next to her and saw some movement under a pile of wood that
was once a table. She recognised the red dress at once and rushed to help Luna Ada
to get out.

“Hold on,” she mumbled as she was getting the pieces out of her way, “I’ll be there
in just a sec.”

Ada was covered in cuts and breathing heavily. However, Ria was positive that she
was going to make it. Her frenemy was of Alpha blood and was supposed to heal

She got her out and dragged her out of the room in hope that the healers were
already there. They always had a few teams ready for each Summit.

“My husband,” Ada winced from the pain, “My husband… Where.

“People are already looking for them,” Riannon told her as she placed her on a
bench outside, “l am sure he is fine.”

“Your law. ..did you manage.. the woman

had trouble finishing her sentences.

“Yes, we did it,” Ria tried to calm her down, smiling gently as she brushed the
hair out of her face, “It worked. Alphas went on a break, so most of them left the
building. I am sure your husband is one of them.”

“Good,” the Luna in front of her nodded and waved her off, “Go, help the rest.”

Riannon did not waste time and, together with Maya and a few other people,
including the alphas who were unharmed, who joined them, worked through the
restaurant, getting out the injured. Now the foyer’s floor was covered with bodies
of the ones who died.

The rest were taken outside. Luckily, some of the werewolves were regenerating fast
and some were even able to join the search party.

“l think we are done in that part of the building,” her Beta told her, “The
upstairs was not damaged too badly but it would be best to evacuate people in case
the building collapses.” “Yes,” Riannon agreed, “Can you arrange

“On it,” Maya said and disappeared at once.

This was why she would be the best second-in-command ever. She was a woman of

Ria broke one of the vending machines that survived miraculously and got out all
the water bottles they had there. She went outside, offering them to the people who
were slowly coming to their senses. At the same time, she tried not to think of how
many did not have that luxury today. And there were too many…

She took a deep breath of air, throwing her head back. Too many thoughts were
circling in her head. Ambulances started to arrive and she knew that they would
take it from there. But just then she noticed a dark figure behind the cars.

He was standing at a distance and it seemed as if he was looking at her and only at
her. A black coat, brown hair that touched his shoulders and stormy grey eyes.

She clenched her fists and wanted to get to him and kill him. However, he was gone
in less than a second and she did not know where he went.

‘Everett’ definitely had something to do with it and now she was sure of it more
than ever.
But that also meant that Roxy had something to do with it as well.

Her lips parted at the realisation. Of course!

There was no point for Roxy to be here.

Something told Riannon that Roxanne had read the documents she had prepared for
sure and was supposed to know what she was planning. She was supposed to benefit
from the divorce. So, why come when everything was going smoothly for her anyway?

Unless she had a completely different purpose.

Ria got her phone out and dialled Harper’s number.

“Yes,” her ex-sister-in-law was not happy to hear her. As always.

“Are you okay?” Riannon decided to play nice for a start since she needed
information, “There was an attack on the Summit and Roxy said that you were

“Oh, Goddess! How are Bray and Roxy?” Harpers’s intonation changed. She didn’t
inquire about her health, though.

“Bray is fine,” she frowned, “We are still looking for Roxy. Tell me, what time did
you bring her here?”

“l don’t remember. Why?” Harper was as careless as ever.

“We are trying to build a timeline of events

here. This is important,” Riannon lied. Partially.

“l think I dropped her off at about eleven,” the girl hesitated with her answer,
“Do you want me to come over?”

“No need,” the ex-Luna replied, “Go back to the pack. It’s safer that way.”

She hung up, not waiting for a response. She already knew what she wanted to know.
Roxy was here even before they arrived. Everyone knew that she was an Alpha’s mate.
After all, Brayden paraded her at the Alpha Ball. So that meant that she could
wander freely in the hotel without being suspected of anything.

Could she be the one to do it? Or was it just a coincidence?

A moan not far from her stopped her train of thought and Riannon went to that
person to see how she could help. However, the medics got there first and she
decided to go inside and check what else she could do.

Inside, the atmosphere was grim. People were crying over their dead beloved ones.
She noticed a line of bodies at the other end of the foyer that wasn ‘t there
before and counted at least eight people.

Just then, Gideon appeared with another

man in his arms. Their eyes met and he carefully placed the Alpha, who was dead on
the ground next to the others.

A few seconds and they ran into each other’s arms. The lycan king pressed his Luna
hard into his chest, burying his face in her hair.
“l love you,” he said, and she flinched. Deep inside, she always knew it. He was
not hiding his feelings from her from the very beginning. But it was the first time
he said it out loud like that.

“Gideon,” she looked at him and he took her face into his hands.

“l am sorry,” he smiled sadly, “This wasn’t how I wanted to do it. You deserve so
much better than this. But seeing how many people lost their mates today. .. They
will never be able to tell them those words again. And just that thought that it
could be you and me… That I could die without letting you know how much you really
mean to me. I decided that I need to tell you this now. And not waste any more of
our time together. I love you, Riannon. More than anyone. More than anything. For
me, there will never be another. Only you. You are my life. And I need you to know

“l love you too,” she wrapped her arms around his neck. She wanted to tell him so
much more than that, but he couldn’t wait any longer and his lips crashed into
hers. The kiss was ragged and mad, with the two of them only taking breaks to take
a sip of air. She felt so guilty to feel this happy during such a disaster, so when
they heard another s m, they both forced themselves to stop. There was still too
much work to be done here to be lost in each other now.

“Help!” they recognised Brayden ‘s voice and saw him running with Roxy in his
hands, “My mate is woundedl”

“l need to check on that,” Ria told Gideon. The redhead was her prime suspect now
and needed to know as much as it was possible. She needed proof because she knew
that simply pointing at the girl wouldn’t be enough. Especially if it was her.

She went to Brayden and pointed him to another empty bench while the medics were

“Calm down,” she told him, checking the girl’s pulse, “She doesn’t look too bad
compared to others. Where did you find her?”

“In one of the shops at the back,” her ex informed her, seemingly annoyed.

“Then it’s good,” she muttered, “It’s far from the restaurant and the conference
hall. You could

even say that she is lucky.”

“Lucky is not the right word here, Ri,”

Brayden snapped at her, “She is an omega and for her it’s not as easy as for the
top-ranked wolves!”

“And yet she barely has a few scratches,” Ria pointed out, but he ignored her. His
attention concentrated on his mate now. It was interesting how he went from
forgetting about her to only caring about her so quickly.

“Anyway,” Riannon stood up, “Good luck to the two of you. But I am sure she’ll be

She went back inside. After all, she already knew everything that she needed to

It went on and on. And even after everyone who was alive got the help they needed;
it did not end. As the Alphas stayed to discuss the next course of action.

“Well, at least now it’s obvious who did this,” Zack Morgan said, rubbing his chin.

“Hardly,” one of the Alphas shook his head, “We have zero proof to blame anyone at
this point.”

“Because the foxes and the werebears not appearing at the Summit is not proof

Ramina snorted, folding her hands on her chest, “Wake up!”

“There are a few other alphas who did not arrive,” someone said, “We can’t cross
them out this easily from the list of suspects.”

“We will check everyone,” Gideon said, not happy at all with how this was going.

“We need to return to our packs for now,” Alpha Caleb of the Jade Moon pack said,
“In case there will be any attacks. Whoever did this, wanted to weaken us before
something major.” “True,” Riannon said, “But their plan didn’t work that well.”

“Is that what you think?” one of the alphas growled at her, “My mate just died! And
so many of our colleagues!”

“l am sorry about that,” she sighed,

“However, it would be even more devastating if the Lycan King didn’t start the
Summit earlier than it was supposed to start. We would all be in that room. And no
one who stayed there is alive now.”

“Or maybe this is exactly what the plan was all along!” Brayden gritted through his

“Everything is going so smoothly for the mighty Lycan king! He wanted us to take
part in his war and we were reluctant. But look at us now! Everything is pointing
at the foxes and the werebears and, of course, any alpha would want to avenge Luna
or their dead friends. And just how lucky is this that the king announced the break
right before the bomb went off so that he and his precious new Luna could get out
just in time? l”

NOTE: Thank you for all your messages and wishes of health. I am feeling much
better now. The story goes on. I love reading your theories btw. Keep them coming.

Chapter 52. Back To The Palace

Riannon wanted to smack him. She knew very well what kind of game her ex was
playing right now. And she knew that he was very good at it. He knew just what to
tell the other alphas to make them concerned and to make them doubt.

After all, he was one of them. And Gideon wasn’t.

This was his chance to get back into the game and he wanted to use it. However,
what they were in now was bigger than him and his need to bounce back. So, she
couldn’t let him have his way this time.

“To throw accusations like that, Alpha Brayden, you need hard proof,” she said
firmly, suppose you have something to confirm your words. Otherwise, it’s just
slander and you will lose the last bits of respect for you that still remain.”

Their eyes met and Bray knew better than to continue. It was different now that she
wasn ‘t on his side anymore. He used to count on her support in matters like this,
knowing that she would find the right words. But not anymore. Now she was defending
another. And it hurt. “Let’s not drag this. I think we just got lucky tod ay,”
Ramina, the Alpha of the werecats sighed, “And let’s be thankful for that. Right
now, we need to gather our strength and mourn the ones that we lost.”

“But it doesn ‘t change the fact that it was probably just one part of the plan,”
Gideon said calmly. Surprisingly, he seemed absolutely unaffected by the
accusations of his mate’s ex, “My guess would be that phase one was to decapitate
packs by killing the alphas and, in case that did not work, make alphas weaker by
killing their Lunas. And that means that phase two is about to start and we need to
be ready.”

“l agree,” Zack Morgan nodded, “We need to make sure our warriors are always ready
to answer the call of our neighbours if there is such a need in the future. We
united for a reason and right now it is time to prove that our alliance is worth

“l will dispatch lycans to each pack that borders the foxes and the werebears just
in case,” Gideon announced, “They will help you train and also help you defend your
territories in case of an attack.”

“That would be greatly appreciated,” an

Alpha of one of the packs in question nodded and others agreed with him as well.

“As for the deceased Alphas,” the king went on, “Right now their Betas will have to
step in as leaders unless they have heirs of an appropriate age. New alphas should
be appointed within this week. I am afraid it can’t take any longer.” And again,
everyone had to agree.

“Then this is it for today,” Gideon announced. Everyone was too tired by now after
everything they went through. “We’ll be in contact,” he said, and the leaders
started to say their goodbyes. Brayden was among the first ones to leave and
Riannon was able to breathe easily when he was gone from her sight. She knew that
his pride would always stand in his way of accepting the new order of things. And
she didn’t have the emotional strength to fight him tod ay anymore. She was too

Her mate was still talking to a few alphas and she decided to go and get some air
while she waited for him to be done. No one was asking for her opinion on things
for now, since her pack was still in the making. Not that she wanted to share her
thoughts before she discussed everything that was on her mind with Gideon.

Outside, she saw her ex leading Roxy out of one of the ambulances. The omega
stumbled on the way and dropped right into her mate’s arms helplessly.

Riannon rolled her eyes as she turned away from the sight and almost bumped into
Ash’s chest. For a few seconds, she and the Beta were just staring at each other.

“Is this true?” he asked, placing his palms into the pockets of his trousers.

“Depends on what you mean,” she couldn’t read his facial expression and thus did
not know what to expect from him.

“You have a mate,” Ash said in a broken voice, “A real one this time.”
“It’s the truth,” she nodded. There was no point in denying anything. Neither did
she want to.

“The Lycan king, huh?” the Beta snorted. “Trust me, I was as surprised as everybody
else,” she gave him a weak smile.

“And you are not coming back…”

“Oh, Ash,” she smirked, “l am definitely coming back for what is mine. Just not
today.” She noticed a faint smile on his lips as he gave her a nod.

“I’ll be waiting,” he said, and for a second there was silence between them.

“Ash, can I ask you something?” she decided to try her luck one more day tod ay.

“Of course,” the man seemed to be relieved for some reason. As if he didn’t know
how to talk to her anymore and was happy for her to initiate the conversation.

“Were you with Roxy during the explosions?” she asked and he furrowed his eyebrows,
getting at once why she was asking that.

“Yeah,” he confirmed, “Brayden asked me to stay with her for protection. I was with
her literally

“And what was she doing right before the explosion?” Riannon did not give up.

“Shopping,” he replied honestly, “She… liked that lingerie shop they had there.
Then when everything happened, she was right next to the glass window and it was
broken from the impact. Roxy was thrown over the wall. I spent most of the time
trying to bring her back to her consciousness right until Brayden came looking for

“l see,” Riannon nodded. This wasn’t much and didn’t help her in her suspicions at
all. Then again, it was more important what Roxanne was doing prior to the Summit.
When no one even knew that she was there.

“Come on, Ash!” Brayden growled through the open window of his car, “We need to get
back to our pack.”

For a second there their eyes met and she knew that he was about to say something
to her. Probably something hurtful this time since he was obviously angry with how
today went for him. So, she turned away before he had a chance to do so. She did
not owe him anything anymore.

“See you around, Ash,” she said and walked away.

Gideon, Ria, Maya and Reid drove home together. The lycan king had his hands
wrapped around his mate while she rested her head on his chest. They were supposed
to have their triumphant return home but the recent events did not let them indulge
in their happiness. Too many people died and they both felt guilty for the
happiness that they felt.

It also did not escape Ria’s gaze that her best friend and her mate were not even
touching each other. Maya sat with one of her legs on top of another and her hands
folded on her chest, looking everywhere but at Reid. At the same time, the lycan
Beta was throwing glances at her from time to time, obviously eager for more

But he did not push her, giving her the space she

Riannon told them everything that happened today with Roxy, starting from the very
beginning and they all listened carefully to her. “l know it’s not much,” she said
when she was done, “But I do feel that she is not that simple. Considering
everything that she did in my previous life…”

“Wow,” Reid suddenly straightened his back, “Previous life? Did I miss something?”

“Apparently a lot,” Maya snorted and again her friend wondered what was going on
between her and her mate, taking a mental note that she would have to address this

“I’ll explain you later,” Gideon chuckled, pulling his Luna closer. He couldn’t get
enough of her. “It’s worth checking, my love,” he kissed her temple, “Luckily, the
video footage was saved in the cloud. So, we will be able to check everything that
happened before the Summit.”

“Really?” Ria looked at her mate, “Then we will be able to find that Everett guy as

Every muscle in Gideon’s body tensed. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.

“l saw him again today,” she confessed, “Just a glimpse, but I saw him. Right after
the explosions when we were getting people out. I am sure that the two are
connected. Now more than ever.”

“Then it’s good that he appeared,” the Lycan king’s grip on her became tighter,
“It’s best to know our enemies in the face.”

When they arrived back at the lycan kingdom, it was already dark. Gideon and Reid
had a few matters to deal with, so the girls went to their rooms first. Riannon
decided not to bother Maya tonight since her friend already looked exhausted enough
after the long day they had.

She was also tired, but after a long and relaxing shower her strength replenished
and she was disappointed not to find Gideon in her bedroom. She was even more
disappointed not to find him in his bedroom since it was the middle of the night.

However, she had a pretty good idea of where she could find him.

She threw a black silk robe on top of the matching slip and went downstairs. All
the way to the lycan king’s office, where she found him staring at his laptop.
Luckily, Reid was nowhere in sight.

“Is this how it is going to be, Your Majesty?” she mocked him with a soft smile on
her lips as she closed the door behind herself. He lifted his eyes to look at her
and his mouth parted slightly. He could look at her forever and still be stricken
with her beauty every time.

“l am sorry,” he tilted his head to have a better look at her and liking what he
saw, “l just wanted to make sure that the footage was checked as soon as possible.”

“And?” she got closer to his desk and his eyes lingered on her slender frame.

“Unfortun ately, there is nothing to incriminate that omega,” he sighed, “And as

for that Everett guy, the cameras were not filming the side of the car park. This
is probably why he was so bold and let you see him. It’s another dead end

“Disappointing,” she sighed and circled the desk, placing one hand on his shoulder
and another on the laptop, closing it, “But this also means that you may be done
for tonight. And your Luna doesn’t have to feel lonely in bed.

His eyes flashed golden as he took the laptop and threw it into one of the drawers,
immediately bringing her closer by her waist. “The things you do to me,” he smirked
and pulled the belt of her silky robe.

“Maybe it’s time for you to do things to me?” Riannon shrugged her shoulders and
the robe fell all the way down to her feet, making her mate growl. She bent down to
him, lacing her fingers in his hair and kissed him greedily. Gideon’s hands were
roaming her thighs and as his fingers reached her most sensitive part, a snarl of
approval rumbled through his chest as he found out that she didn’t have any
underwear on.

With both his palms, he grasped her bottom and placed her on the desk before him,
spreading her legs for him. Riannon was watching his every movement as he stood up,
towering over her and started covering her body with kisses, making her slip fall
down to her waist.

“l am definitely the Moon Goddess’ favourite,” Gideon chuckled, kneading her

breasts in his hands, “How else can one explain me having you as my mate. The
perfect woman.” “Gideon l” she arched her back, needing more action from him now
than what he was giving her and he happily obliged, sucking in one of her n***les
and at the same time inserting two digits into her.

A moan tore off her lips as the pleasure started to build inside of her. In the
meantime, the lycan’s lips were travelling lower and lower her body, until she felt
his hot breath on her bundle of nerves and then his canines grazing over it softly.
And as soon as he started working on her with his tongue, she lost it, digging her
nails in his shoulders and moaning his name. He curled his fingers inside
masterfully, bringing her over the edge quickly.

She panted as he stood up again to watch her as if she was a work of art. But
Riannon was not nearly done, so she tugged on his belt, unbuckling it clumsily,
since she was still coming back to her senses after her rel**se. His hardness
sprung out of his pants and she stroked him a few times, teasing and making his
eyes go darker.

He grasped her thighs and yanked her closer towards him, pressing his head at her
entrance and at the same time lifting her legs higher.

“You are playing dangerous games, little mate,” he taunted, and a nervous laugh
escaped her lips.

“l am feeling brave tonight,” Riannon smirked at him and Gideon lowered himself to
capture her lips, at the same time entering her in one rough move which she enjoyed
to the core.

“l love you so much,” he breathed into her mouth as he thrust into her and she
scratched his back, tearing off his shirt in the process.

“l love you. too,” she managed to confess in between his powerful thrusts, “So. ..

“Mine,” he growled out loud and lifted her up in the air, to which she immediately
hugged his waist with her thighs tight. He pumped into her again and again, making
her bounce on him while giving her back the support which she needed. Riannon
screamed in pleasure as he was filling her perfectly, the tingles of their mate
bond spreading over her body more than ever before. She felt Onyx howling inside as
she cl**max at the same time as him and bit his shoulder from the inten sity of the

Gideon was holding her tight, his most important treasure. Slowly catching his
breath, he sat back in his chair, placing her on top of him and pressing her to his
chest. She leaned into him as if she belonged there and it was the most natural
thing for them ever. His fingers were brushing her hair softly and, for the first
time on this very hard and uneasy day, they both felt happy and at peace.

“l want to mark you, Riannon,” the Lycan

exhaled heavily and waited for her reply.

Only to get none.

“Ria?” he caressed her cheek and realised that his mate had dozed off already.

“Should have done it while she was moaning,” Mars grunted, not happy at all with
how the night turned out.

“She is ours now,” Gideon smiled as he covered her naked frame and lifted her up in
his hands to take her to the bedroom, “Day earlier, day later - it makes no
difference anymore.”

Riannon woke up alone in their bed, but there was no disappointment whatsoever, as
she knew very well that her workaholic mate was probably already performing his
royal duties. A white rose on his pillow and a sweet note only confirmed her

She did not want to waste any time either and after a quick clean up, dressed to
impress and went downstairs.

However, she paused at the doors of the dining room when she saw Maya standing
there alone. She was clearly eavesdropping and this was so not like her friend.

Her Beta noticed her at once and motioned for her to stay quiet, signalling for her
to start listening too. ..

NOTE: Sorry for the delay, but it’s a longer chapter today. Hope that you will like

Chapter 53. Preparations

Riannon quietly got closer to her friend and concentrated on her hearing. Whatever
it was, it seemed important to Maya and she never ignored her friend’s requests.

“l am telling you, he will be over this mate business in less than a month!” some
she-wolf snorted, “It’s Reid of all people! He will never be able to stay with just
one woman!”

Ria turned to look at Maya but the girl averted her gaze, clenching her lips tight.

“Unless she will be willing to take part in his orgies,” another girl chuckled, and
a group of them burst out laughing.
“And even then,” someone added, “Reid likes to switch it up! If that girl thinks
that she has any kind of future with him, she is delusional!” Riannon had enough
and she really wanted to walk into the room and explain to those women to keep
their mouths shut about matters that were none of their business. But her Beta
grabbed her hand, shaking her head and motioning for her not to do that.

The Luna sighed and pulled her friend into

the next available room, which looked like an empty study with a desk, a few chairs
and a long bookshelf. She looked around, taking a mental note that this was the
perfect place for a queen ‘s office.

“M, you can’t let it bother you like this!” Riannon said as soon as she locked the
door behind them, “Those girls can talk but it doesn’t mean anything!”

“Easy for you to say,” Maya shuddered slightly and went to sit in one of the
chairs, don’t hear anyone saying things like that about Gideon. They are all very
happy that he found you and no one has any doubts about his feelings towards you.”

“So?” Ria sat on the armrest and leaned over the back of the chair, “The only
opinion that should matter here is Reid’s. What is going on between the two of

“l don’t know. ..”. The confession did not come easy for the Beta female. “It all
started so hectic with what was happening to you. And then the king was angry with
him. He had to work and sat there alone, waiting and not being able to do anything.
When we try to speak, it’s awkward. And he hasn’t made a single move on me. I don’t
know what to think, Ria. He doesn’t seem to like

me at all.”

“You’ve been thinking about all this too much,” the Luna chuckled, “And from the
wrong angle.

“Elaborate on that, please.” Maya shot her brow up and Riannon saw how hopeful her
eyes were. She really needed this to work.

“Well,” she made a dramatic pause, “Reid is a known playboy but he hasn’t made a
move on you yet. Don ‘t you think that this is because you are special to him? He
doesn’t treat you like any other girl in his life because he respects you and wants
more from you than just s*x. You were in a very difficult situation when you met
each other and the way I see it, he is giving you space.”

“Or it is just your wishful thinking,” the Beta girl snorted bitterly, turning

“Tell me something,” Riannon continued, “What happened yesterday during the


What did Reid do?”

“He covered me with his body,” Maya smiled and bit her lower lip, “But in all
honesty, think he would do this for anybody.”

“Right,” Ria smirked, “And what do you think of him as the Beta of this kingdom?”

“He is great,” the girl said at once, lifting up

her knees to hug them, “One of the best I have seen. Even better than Ash.”

“Then think of the fact that for you this amazing lycan Beta disobeyed his own
king,” Riannon stood up, “He had a task to stay by my side at all times. But the
moment he saw you, he chose you over his king and future Luna. If that’s not a huge
signal of what you meant to him, then I don’t know.”

Maya stayed silent. She hadn’t thought of that before.

“You see,” Ria brushed her hand softly over her friend’s hair, “From day one he saw
you as the most important person to him. Maybe he doesn’t know how to express it
yet. But neither do you. In that sense, you are charmingly the same.”

It was the truth. Maya wasn’t big on dating either. She had flings but never
anything serious. It was as new for her as it was for Reid.

“And what would you suggest for me to do?” she looked at her Alpha questioningly.

“l would suggest for you to claim your man,” Riannon chuckled, “So that no she-wolf
here would have any ideas on his account anymore. And so that he knew where you
stand. After all, you are a Beta. And not some unconfident omega.

Act like it, M.”

She wanted to say something else but the door opened and they both saw Reid’s head
poking in.

“l hope I’m not interrupting,” the lycan smiled awkwardly, “Luna, Gideon is looking
for you everywhere. He ls in his office now.”

“Great,” she beamed, “then I will leave the two of you alone. Maya wanted to talk
to you about somethin g.”

She left them as soon as it was possible, patting the man’s shoulder as she was
passing him and hoping that the two would be able to figure everything out over

However, all she wanted now was to see her own mate. She found him sitting by that
same desk that they deflowered yesterday and she felt her cheeks flush from the
sweet memories.

“Morning,” she smiled, and Gideon growled approvingly at the sight of his Luna.

“Come here,” he stood up and met her in the middle of the way, pressing her against
himself and crashing his lips into hers. He left her warm body in his bed just a
few hours ago but was already missing her as if he hadn’t seen her for ages.

“Slept well?” he asked her with a smirk.

“Like a baby,” she replied, not getting his little hint.

“You know, Riannon, you are the first woman to fall asleep so fast after having s*x
with me and I don’t know where to take that as a compliment or if I should be
worried,” the lycan taunted her.

“You should be worried if you want to compare notes to what was happening to all
those other women in your bed,” she quirked her brow up at him and he cleared his
throat nervously, realising his mistake.
“Anyway,” he lifted her into his arms effortlessly and went back to his chair,
sitting in it and placing her in his lap, “l have something for you.”

“Oh?” she laced her arms around his neck and watched him producing a folder from
the depth of his desk, “What is it?”

“Just what you asked for, my love,” he said, did the research on that omega.”

“Really?” Riannon grabbed the folder and opened it, greedily reading the few pages
inside while her mate was caressing her bare arms and playing with her long blonde
hair which she left loose today.

“It’s not much as you can see,” Gideon commented when she was done, “But everything
inside is confirmed.”

“It’s more than I ever had before,” she turned to kiss him, “Thank you for that!”

“You don’t need to thank me,” he slowly brushed his palm over her cheek, “l will do
anything for you.”

“l will be going to my pack tod ay,” she told him, “l need to claim my land and
make sure that the separation of the packs will go smoothly. It cannot be

“l will go with you,” the king said, but she shook her head.

“No, Gideon, you have your own matters to attend to. The war is not going
anywhere,” she reminded him, “And I have to deal with it myself. Otherwise, they
will never respect me as an Alpha.”

“l am just worried about your safety. That woman has killed you before and your ex…
How do I put it mildly.

“. an a hole?” Ria giggled, finishing the sentence for him.

“Yes,” he pulled her closer and breathed in her scent, “l don’t trust any of them.
And you still

have no wolf. I guess I am just worried about your safety.”

“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, “The pack is full of my people. I am sure that
they will follow me. And Maya will go with me too. And as for

Onyx.. felt her again yesterday. She is there.”

“l would be calmer if you could shift,” he said, and she felt a prick of pain deep
inside. It was hard still not knowing what was happening to her wolf. He sensed
that through their bond and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “l am sure she will
get back,” he added, “As soon as we are done with our current affairs, we will give
all our attention to smoking her out of her sleep.”

“l take your word for it,” Riannon smiled, relaxing in his arms, “She only reacts
to you anyway.”

“l am honoured,” the king chuckled, but then got serious again, “However, I insist
on you taking Reid with you as well as a few of my best warriors. Safety first,

“Gideon!” she rolled her eyes.

“Ria,” he placed his finger on her lips to stop her from protesting more, “Just do
it for me. Otherwise, I would not be able to concentrate on my work today and will
end up coming with you anyway. You are a queen now and a few guards around you is a

“l am not a queen yet technically,” she reminded him.

“You are my queen since the day I laid my eyes on you, my love,” he did not buy it
and she decided that it was easier to let him win this battle.

“Fine!” she groaned and kissed him on the cheek, “l will take them.”

She stood up and took the folder with her, preparing to leave.

“Ria,” Gideon looked at her thoughtfully, “When you come back we will also have to
decide what to do next. How are we going to arrange our life with you being a queen
and an Alpha.”

“l am sure we are going to come up with something,” she leaned down to kiss him one
last time, “l am not going to refuse any of the titles. I want it all.”

“And all you shall have, my beautiful mate,” he made her a promise that he intended
to keep.

Riannon left his office in the best of moods and bumped into Reid and Maya in the
hallway. The girl had swollen lips and the guy had a smug smile on his face, which
told her that they finally were able to take that first step towards being true
mates. It was something!

She informed them briefly about what they agreed on with Gideon and Reid went to
get the warriors to take with them. But to Ria’s surprise, Savvy was the first to
join them in the car as they were waiting, followed by Kyle.

“What?” the princess snorted, “l am one of the best warriors in our pack and so is
Kyle. And I am not missing the opportunity to see what all the fuss with your pack
is about.”

“Actually, I am glad that you’ll be joining,” Riannon confessed, “My brand is all
about girl power and you will fit just fine.”

“See,” Savannah sneered, “This is why I like you! I always wanted to have a sister
just like you.

And now I have two!”

Soon the preparations were completed and they drove all the way to The Silver River
pack, discussing their course of action when they would arrive.

However, when they reached the main territory, they were stopped at the main gates.

“What is going on?” Ria looked out of the window and the three guards looked at her

“l am sorry, Luna,” one of the men

practically stuttered, “We have an order not to let you through..

NOTE: Hi, I know this chapter is far from perfect but the covid finally got me too
and it’s bad. I will probably be taking a break tomorrow to try and get better (not
100% sure about that though). But even if I miss tomorrow’s update, I will
definitely post one on Sunday. I hope you can understand. Thank you for all your
support throughout the book. It means a lot to me.

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Chapter 54. Regrets

Riannon frowned. She was expecting things not to go smoothly tod ay, but for
Brayden to obstruct her even entering the pack was too much.

“l don’t think Alpha Brayden has a right to prohibit me from entering my own pack,”
she looked the guards up and down. They were Brayden ‘s warriors, so were supposed
to be loyal to him. He actually thought something through for once. “And also,” she
continued, “It’s not the Luna, it’s the Alpha now. Alpha Riannon Michaels.”

The men glanced at each other but did not move.

She sighed heavily and opened the car door, stepping outside. Maya and Reid
followed her, and so did the warriors who drove in another car. The whole group
looked menacing.

“We don’t want any trouble,” one of the guards said firmly, “We just follow our
Alpha’s orders.”

“Very well,” Riannon smiled softly at them and produced the papers out of her
folder, “Then you should know that your Alpha is currently trespassing my lands.
His territory starts miles from here. And I have all the required paperwork to
prove it. So, at the moment you are obstructing me from entering my own pack. And
this could be taken as an act of war. Since you are clearly in the wrong here, I
have the right to call other packs and the lycans to support me. And what will
happen after that will be out of my control.”

They stood there, gaping at her. And when one of the lycan warriors played with the
knuckles on his fists, making them click, they retreated.

“Apologies, Alpha Michaels,” one of them said, “We were not aware.”

“That’s fine,” she gave them a gracious smile as they opened the gates for her,
“Can’t blame you for a simple misunderstanding.”

She asked the driver to drive slowly this time as she wanted everyone to be a
witness to her arrival. So, when they parked in front of the main mansion and got
out of the car gracefully, there was a crowd already.

“Ria!” her friends Tatiana and Aria got to her first, “How are you?”
“You have no idea what is going on here!” they were both speaking at once.

“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea,” she chuckled, happy that she could still
count on the two she-wolves. She knew very well that loyal friends were priceless.

“Is that true?” Aria lowered her voice, “Did you really divorce Brayden?”

“Can you blame her?” Maya joined the group and Tatiana gave her a hug. They were
all shattered by everything that was going on in the pack lately and were happy to
see her doing well.

“l guess not,” the bubbly blonde giggled,

“But is it true that you both are mated to lycans?”

“Yes,” Riannon couldn’t help but smile and pointed at Reid, “Meet Maya’s mate Reid
Frazer, the Lycan King’s Beta.”

“My, oh, my!” Tatianna jabbed her friend with her elbow, “Lucky you!”

“It’s not the time for all this,” Maya interrupted them, blushing probably for the
first time in her life, “Right now we have more pressing matters. Help us to gather
the pack members. As many as possible.”

“Just give us a sec!” both girls nodded and disappeared in two different

In the meantime, Riannon took a deep breath and pushed the door into the house that
had been her home for many years.

Brayden was sitting in his office with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Everything
felt wrong and he knew exactly when and how it started.

“My love,” his omega mate wrapped her arms around his shoulders, trying to massage
them gently, “You are doing everything right. You can’t let her win after what she
did to you. You are a good man and it’s her mistake for not seeing you for who you
are. She started it.”

And yet he hesitated as his hand froze above his laptop’s keyboard. One push of a
button and Rian non would never have access to their pack’s money.

“Just do it,” Roxanne pushed him, “And within a month the whole pack will be yours
again. People wouldn’t tolerate an incompetent Alpha. They will choose you over
her. She will be left with just her land and no pack members.”

But at least half of this money came from the merger of their packs and businesses.
He knew very well that if he did this, it would be wrong on very many levels. And
his ex-wife would be able to go to court and even win the case. But by then, her
pack would be done.

He frowned. They were his people once too. He knew that most of The Pearl Moon pack
would follow Riannon. It was a given. Not to mention that they had their homes on
her land. And he did not want to harm them. They also helped to bring him to his
former glory.

His ex-wife was the only one he wanted to punish. For betraying him and for making
a fool out of him in front of everyone. He wanted this even though he knew that she
was in her right.
He humiliated her first. And now he saw it. His omega mate was whispering something
in his ear, but he did not listen. He has started to resent her lately. Something
that started so great ended up being such a disappointment.

He never wanted to make Roxanne a Luna. She wasn’t fit for the role. She was sexy
as hell but there was no comparison between her and Riannon. Despite helping him
back with Maya once, she couldn’t offer him much. She couldn’t lead their people in
battle, considering how weak she was. She couldn’t take care of pack matters since
she didn’t have the proper education. So far, she was just a pretty face. And this
wasn’t good enough. It was definitely a downgrade from what he used to have, and
everyone would see it that way.

He regretted bringing her into his pack. Now he was even thinking that he should
have rejected her as everybody had been telling him to do. Then everything would
have been different. .. He still couldn’t believe that Riannon was lost to him.
Even if he managed to destroy her pack, she wouldn’t be back. She would be the
lycan queen. And his enemy forever.

It hurt. Having her as his enemy was painful since she had been his best friend for
many years. He shared everything with her and was sure that she would understand
the need for his mate.

But this was what broke them. He saw that now and he regretted it. If he had known…
If he had a chance to change the past, he would have.

No matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t in love with his mate the way he was with
his ex-wife. However strange that sounded. He wanted Roxy 24/7, the pull was there
and his wolf wanted her too. But she didn’t feel like the other piece of his soul,
she didn’t feel his mind the way Riannon used to. He now knew that mates were

Then again, he did not mark her. That could be it. They didn’t have that connection

His hand instinctively went to the mark on his neck, the scars still protruding
from his skin.

When the lycan king mentioned the mark disappearing on Riannon’s neck, he was in
shock. It wasn’t supposed to be possible. And yet here they were.

He needed more time to figure out what was going on and how to bounce back from all
this. But time was one thing that he did not have.

“You are hesitating,” Roxanne sighed and circled his chair, moving the laptop away
from him and sitting on the edge of his desk, “l really did not want to do it this
way, Brayden. I just wanted you to choose your own future and understand that your
ex-wife is not worthy of you But you are losing this battle to her, and I can’t
stay behind like this anymore. There is something I need to tell you.

“What is it?” he was slightly annoyed as he needed to think about everything.

Preferably alone.

But when she took his hand and placed it on her belly, his lips parted in shock.

“l am with child, Brayden,” the redhead smiled, “With your child. Your heir.”

“That’s impossible,” he muttered, “l only forgot myself once and.

“Once is enough for true mates,” the girl

bent down and placed a kiss on his lips, igniting his inner desire for her, “This
is what happens when you are with the right partner. I will give you a son, Alpha
Brayden Thorn. He will be an Alpha among all alphas.”

He caressed her belly, lost in his thoughts. There was a reason why he did not want
to risk it with her. Since she was an omega, she could give him low-ranked pups.
Which would be unforgivable. It would make him the laughingstock amongst other
alphas. Not to mention that it would jeopardize his pack’s future. And he couldn’t
afford that.

This was one of the reasons why Riannon was a perfect partner for him. With her
alpha bloodline, she could guarantee alpha pups to her husband.

He regretted once again that he didn’t have children with her yet. That would have
solved all their problems. The pups would be his and she would never leave him as a
result. They would build their alpha empire together just as they dreamt when they
were younger.

But instead, they were both caught up in their work all the time and kept
postponing it. This was one of his biggest mistakes.

Now it would be next to impossible to get

her back. She was with the Lycan king of all people. She was his mate. .. And even
if she wasn’t, it would be too hard to compete with him. He had power and money.

Brayden stared at the screen of his laptop. He needed it more now than Riannon did.
This was the only way for him to remain powerful enough.

“Will you say something?” the omega pouted her lips, “l know it’s too early to
tell, but I can feel that our baby is an Alpha! It’s like the power has been
circling through my bloodstream since I got pregnant.”

This gave him hope. Maybe his mate could act as a Luna after all? She had already
proved to him her scheming skills once. That might come in handy in the future
again. But if she managed to become a mother of an Alpha, then others would respect
his choice too. This could be the way out that he needed.

Yes, he had a new family now. And it was Riannon’s fault. She made him look like an
i *t at the Summit and he owed her nothing anymore.

He pressed the button and looked at the screen, relaxing only when he saw a
transaction confirmation message. It was done.

“l am so proud of you, Brayden,” Roxanne

jumped onto his lap and this time he let her, “There is something else I need to
tell you. Something about your ex-wife that I learnt recently. I think you are
going to like this information.”

He looked at her with a newfound interest.

“Do tell,” he encouraged her and she leaned all the way down to his ear, whispering
what she knew and making his eyes go wide.

But at the next moment they heard

Riannon’s voice in the nearby hallway, “Honey! I am home!”

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
and I will appreciate your support!

NOTE: Thank you for all your sweet messages. I hope to return to updating the book
daily, but the time may be random for now. The next update will be posted on Monday
evening London time.

Chapter 55. The Accusations

She waited for him in the middle of the spacious hall and wasn’t surprised at all
when the redhead devil appeared right behind him flapping her long lashes

Brayden had a mixture of emotions on his face, and she knew at once that he
wouldn’t make it easy for her. Not that she was counting on it.

“Was it really necessary?” She arched her brow at him, but not a muscle flinched on
his face.

“Don’t blame me after what you did at the Summit.” He told her and she tilted her
head to look at him. Ash walked out of his office and a few other people were
gathering around them as well.

“l had the right to do what I did, and I don’t think anyone in their right mind can
blame me,” Riannon shrugged. She knew that she had to choose her words carefully
now, but she also wanted to be honest with herself.

“You tricked me,” he said finally.

“Let’s agree to disagree,” she sighed, “You

had the project in your hands the whole time and it’s not my fault that you didn’t
read it carefully. Or worse - you read it but didn’t understand the meaning.”

“Forgive me for trusting my wife,” he gritted through his teeth, “You could have
told me that you found your mate as well. Like I did. I was honest about it.”

“Should I have brought him to live with us as well?” she rolled her eyes, “Because
my wolf needs it?”

“Does she now?” Brayden sneered and for the first time Riannon had a bad feeling
about this. Especially when she saw Roxy smirking behind his back too. Something
was up with the two of them and she did not like it.

“Anyway,” Ria decided to change the topic, “There is no point in postponing the
inevitable. You will need to leave my land today. The papers have been processed.”

“And what about my people?” Brayden growled.

“Your people live on your land,” she explained to him calmly, “And whoever decides
to stay here today, will be my people.

“How do you see them leaving their

houses?” the Alpha in front of her clenched his fists.

“This is exactly why they would have a choice. They can either stay with me or go
with you. I am not going to force anyone. The same goes for people in your
territories. If they want to join The Pearl Moon, we will find a place for them.”

“Very well,” Bray flared his nostrils, trying to keep himself under control, “How
do we do it

“We meet in the garden, where we always discuss pack matters with the members. And
we let them choose. Tod ay.” She held his gaze, and he finally gave up.

“Okay,” he pointed at the door, “Let’s go then. After you. Ash, call pack members
to the garden. We will let them vote for who they stay with today.”

“Most are already there,” Riannon informed him and he couldn’t hide his annoyance
at her taking the lead in this.

“Are you really sure you want to do this?” he asked her, “We could still go back
now. It’s not too late. But it will be late after the vote.”

“l am sure, Brayden,” she nodded, “l

haven’t been sure of anything so much in my life.” He frowned at her words, but she
ignored it, turning on her heels.

A crowd was already waiting for them outside, forming a circle around the white
garden house. Riannon saw how worried people were and a little guilt washed over
her for disturbing their lives and turning them upside down. But she had to think
of a bigger picture here. Leaving those people to Roxanne would be worse. Every day
Ria was sure more and more that the omega wasn’t that simple. And that what
happened to her in her previous life was just the tip of the iceberg.

There was something menacing about the omega, who was now clinging to her ex-
husband and whispering something in his ear. Besides, there was this undeniable
connection to Everett. And possibly the explosions too.

No, she was right about this. She had to do this. She had to protect as many of her
people as she could. With her and Gideon, they would be safe.

Brayden went straight for the centre of the circle, and she followed him to his
dismay. However, there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

“l guess you all are already aware why we gathered you here today!” the man started
talking , “Riannon and I got divorced yesterday. And as a result of that and the
new law that was accepted back at the Summit, we will be separating the two packs.”

A wave of whispers rippled through the crowd. In spite of everything, not everyone
knew what was going on and some were clearly shocked by the new developments.

“But why, Alpha?” someone shouted in the back and Brayden sighed heavily.

“Your Luna made that decision for the two of us,” he said, and Riannon had a hard
time not rolling her eyes. Of course, he would blame it on her. How typical of

“Too many things happened,” she decided to take the word to control the narrative
from him, “Both Brayden and I found our true mates and it became impossible to stay
together. Not to mention that we see the future of our pack differently. According
to the new law, I can claim back what was mine before our marriage. And that is
exactly what I am going to do. All the lands and assets that belonged to the Pearl
Moon pack are now mine again. And today you will need to make a choice for
yourselves - whether you will stay with alpha Brayden or with me. We understand
that it may cause some inconvenience for you, and we apologise.

Whatever pack you choose, you will be well taken care of.”

“Just as me and my warriors took care of you for the past six years, nothing will
change in the Silver River,” Brayden smirked, “l will still be protecting you and
we will keep the same course as always.”

“And as for me,” Riannon knew how to play that game very well, “l actually see
plenty of places for improvement. I want us to grow and not be stuck in the past.
Other packs around us are changing for the better and evolving. And I think that so
should we.”

“You can’t evolve if you are not protected properly. We live in a cruel world.”
Brayden snorted, trying to diminish her promises.

“The lycans will ensure the protection of The Pearl Moon if there will be such a
need,” Reid interjected loudly and everyone looked at him, impressed that a lycan
was present there, “We are sworn to protect our Luna and future queen. And we will
defend her people as our own.”

“And what will be the price for that?” the

Alpha gritted his teeth, “What will the mighty

lycans want in return?”

Riannon clenched her lips. It wasn’t her place to make any promises on behalf of
lycans. At least, not yet.

“We don ‘t charge for protecting our family,”

Savanah stepped forward, “And any family of Ria’s is our family now. We will assist
our Queen ‘s own pack as if it’s our own.”

“Now that we are done with that,” Riannon smiled at her future sister-in-law,
thankful for her help, “How about we get to business? We will both be able to
ensure our packs’ safety one way or another. So, let’s.

“Are you sure?” she heard the voice that she hated more than anything and saw Roxy
stepping forward.

“This is not a Q&A,” Ria folded her hands on her chest, “And this is not the time
for interruptions.”

“Forgive me,” the omega said in a shaky but loud voice, making sure that everyone
heard her, “But this is important and I think that people have the right to know.”

“Know what?” Brayden raised his brow at his mate although it was obvious that the
two of them were together on this, “Speak, Roxanne.” “Uhm,” the girl bit her lip as
if she was perplexed about what to do, “But can an Alpha really lead a pack if she
doesn’t have a wolf?”

Riannon froze. This was her secret. And just a few people knew about it. She
trusted each of them with her life. So, how on Earth did Roxy find out?
Her eyes met with Maya’s, who looked as shocked as she was. And when her gaze
shifted to her brother, who stood on the opposite side of the circle, Riannon knew
exactly what had happened. Dean lowered his head, also realising what he had done.
But unfortunately, it was too late for regrets.

“That’s unprecedented,” Brayden replied calmly, “An alpha is a leader ofthe pack.
He or she is supposed to be the strongest to lead the people. If an alpha doesn’t
have a wolf, it’s impossible to lead the pack. Why do you ask that, Roxanne?”

“l am sorry,” the girl mumbled, “This is not my place to speak about it. But I
think this is an important information, considering that the pack is about to vote
on who to stay with.”

“If you know something important, share it with us,” Bray encouraged her.

“Luna… I mean Alpha Riannon does not

have a wolf,” Roxy stuttered.

“Nonsense!” Aria snorted loudly, “We have known Ria since childhood! She always had

“What is this accusation? Ria was fighting along all of us many times!” Tatiana
chimed in and the rest of the pack started buzzing as well.

“l saw her,” Roxanne spoke louder and more firmly, “In the woods. She wasn’t able
to shift! She tried but it did not work!”

“Brayden,” Riannon turned to her ex-husband, “l think you should explain to your
mate that lying is bad. She couldn’t have seen me in the woods and as for my wolf,
Onyx proved herself to the pack many times.”

“Then you wouldn’t have any trouble shifting before us!” Roxy yelled, clenching her
fists, “If your wolf is in place, then it’s not a problem for you. Right?”

“It is not a problem for me to shift,” Riannon lied, knowing that a lot depended on
that now, “But do I owe you a show of all the people?”

“You want to lead a pack,” Roxanne insisted.

“And you want to become a pack’s Luna,” Ria interrupted her, “So, how about you and
your wolf? Will you care to demonstrate to us how you She actually liked this turn
of events. Because she was sure as hell that Roxy wasn’t an omega. Onyx would be
back one day, she was still inside of her. But an opportunity like this to out the
redhead demon could not present itself anymore.

“What?” Riannon smirked, “Not so brave anymore? Shift for us now and I will do the

The fake omega didn’t look so sure anymore. This clearly wasn’t what she was
counting on.

“l can’t,” she suddenly said with a newfound confidence, and placed her hands on
her belly, “l am expecting the Alpha’s child.

Ria felt a prickle of pain. Dull and not strong, but it was still there. She did
not love Brayden. Not anymore. But it still was painful to know that he had already
had a baby with his new Luna.
However, she did not let it show.

“Congratulations,” she forced herself to smile naturally, “However, I don’t see how
it may obstruct you from shifting.”

“l am an omega,” Roxy started forming tears in her eyes, “Unfortunately, my body is

very weak.

And I don’t want to hurt the child.”

“Bull!” Maya scoffed, “You are not the only omega in the world, you know. All of
them shift all the time without any repercussions. Pregnant or not.”

People around them started to nod and

Roxanne did not look so sure of herself anymore. “Don’t be shy!” Maya added, “You
asked others to shift to prove something. Do us the honours!”

“That’s enough!” Brayden growled and everyone became quiet. He went all the way to
Roxy and took her under his arm as if protecting her, “My mate will not be proving
anything to anyone.”

“Then I will reserve the same right for myself,” Riannon said calmly, “Especially
considering that I have nothing to prove.” “Fine!” he grunted, “Let’s just get it
over with

“Very well,” Riannon lifted her chin up and distanced herself from her ex and the
redhead, knowing that she had just dodged a bullet but it wasn’t the end of it.

” Members of the pack, plead your allegiance to your chosen Alpha. Please, choose
wisely.” She said loudly and breathed out. The moment that she had been fighting
for was finally here…

Note: Hi, everyone! I am starting to feel a bit better. Thank you for all your kind

Chapter 56. The Voting

Maya was the first one to leave the circle and join her Alpha’s side.

“l plead allegiance to The Pearl Moon pack and Alpha Riannon Michaels!” she
declared loudly. Tatiana and Aria were next, followed by many others.

“l plead allegiance to The Silver River pack and Alpha Brayden Thorn,” the elite
warriors announced one by one. Almost all of them, yet not all.

One by one, people were choosing their side and soon two groups were standing in
front of each other. It was more or less the way she expected it. At the moment,
her crowd was much bigger than her ex’s, but that was a given, since they were on
the land of her old pack. Not everyone was present here and she knew that it was
only the beginning.

However, Brayden was getting gloomier and gloomier with each person who did not
choose him. It probably played very differently in his head. He never lost anything
in his life before and now it was starting to look like a pattern for him.
“Thank you for making your choice,” Riannon smiled when everything was over,
looking at the people in front of her, “l know this is not an easy situation. And I
am still grateful for the years I spent as your Luna. Our ways part now, but you
will always remain in my heart. And I want you to know that I will not hold this
against you.”

Brayden wanted to say something as well but changed his mind at the last moment.

“l think we are done here,” he announced dryly and then turned to his people, “Pack
your bags. We’ll be leaving this place today for the old Silver River packhouse.”

The pack was bustling with people saying their goodbyes to each other. No matter
what was happening, they spent years as one pack and the breakup was hard for all
of them.

Quite a few people were glaring at Roxy, feeling like she was the one to blame for
everything that happened. The fake omega was playing her usual part, looking at
everyone with doe eyes and holding her belly that wasn’t even protruding yet to
evoke sympathy.

Men and women were coming up to

Riannon to say their goodbyes and words of respect even if they were leaving with
Brayden. And she made sure to thank each of them, at the same time letting them
know that her doors would always be open for them.

It was a victory. And everyone knew it. Her new pack members were congratulating
her, happy to stay under her wing.

Soon, however, the crowd dissipated, leaving just two small groups present.
Brayden’s and hers.

“l hope you are happy,” her ex said spitefully, “We are no longer the strongest
pack out there.”

“Strength is not only about the size, Bray,” Riannon parried, “l have to look at a
bigger picture here. And the safety of my people comes first.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“It means that you brought a wolf in sheepskin to our pack,” she turned to Maya and
motioned for her to give her the folder that Gideon gave her, “However funny that

“How threatened are you by a simple omega?” he scoffed and she let out a sigh as
she did not expect any better of him.

“l am not threatened at all,” Riannon rolled her eyes, “l took precautions to

protect my people. That’s what a good Alpha should do. One thinks you should know
that… But speaking of her being a simple omega, what really do you know about her?
Did you even bother checking her past before you brought her here?”

“Of course, I did,” he said, “l talked to her previous Alpha.”

“The one who abused her?” she chuckled,

“That’s some source of information !”

“He wouldn’t lie to me,” Brayden got annoyed by her insinuations, “He knows that I
would kill him.”

“Funny you should say that,” she pushed the folder into his hands, “But he is
already dead. Didn’t you notice that he wasn’t present at the Summit?”

“That’s very sad and all, but I don’t see the connection,” Bray took the folder and
opened it, running his eyes over the papers inside.

“A mighty Alpha was killed on a simple patrol of his own pack just two days after
you happened to find your poor mate in his pack. Sure, that’s not suspicious at
all.” Rian non shook her head, “Neither is the fact that most pack members say that
she appeared in their pack just three months prior to that lifechanging event of
yours. And no one except for the deceased Alpha knew where she came from

She could see how dumbfounded he became while reading the information she gave him.

But she also knew that he was a stubborn man, so she wasn’t surprised when he
closed the folder angrily.

“This doesn’t prove anything!” He said and Roxy smirked behind his back, “You are
just angry at my mate for everything that happened

“l am just stating the facts.” Riannon replied calmly, “What you do with this
information is up to you. She is your problem now. Not mine. But if I were you, I
would at least ask her to shift. To see what she really is. There is definitely
something there.”

“Don’t listen to her!” Harper appeared out of nowhere and gave Roxy a protective
hug, “She is just jealous that the two of you are happy together and are about to
have a child! She couldn’t give you one for so many years!”

“And thank Goddess for that!” Ria couldn’t hold back a snort.

“You see, this is your mistake here,” her ex-sister-in-law went on, “You think you
are so much better than everyone else! Always the perfect Luna! Always loved by
everyone! Now the joke is on you! This is the first time when something doesn’t go
the way you want it, and you just can’t handle it!”

“What are you even talking about, Harper?” Riannon rubbed her forehead, already
tired of the scene, “You sure never gave me any love. Almost from the very
beginning and I still don’t know how and why I earned all the hatred from you. And
as for the rest, nothing came to me easily. I worked for everything that I have.
But this is something you always choose to ignore. You notice when someone praises
me or when I win something, but you never notice the work that was done before
that. And this is your problem. Recognition is not given for nothing, Harper. You
have to work for it. Not that you would know what work is. You haven’t worked a day
in your life, have you? So, what do you expect?! Instead of obsessing over me and
trying to bring me down at every opportunity you have, try improving yourself and
your life. And maybe then you will finally be happy and stop being so bitter.”

Harper stared at her, gaping. But then she furrowed her brows and raised her hand,

intending to slap Riannon. She knew that Brayden wouldn’t stop her now.

However, her hand never reached Ria’s face as someone else caught it when it was
inches away.

“Ash?!” Harper looked at the Beta in shock,

“What do you think you are doing?!”

“Saving you the embarrassment,” the man replied, still not letting go of her as she
tried to get her wrist back angrily.

“She deserves it!” the girl hissed, her pretty face distorted by the ugly emotions.

“Let her go, Ash,” Brayden ordered, “Riannon is not your Luna anymore. You don’t
have to protect her.”

“She is not my Luna, that’s true,” Ash sighed heavily and looked at his best friend
since childhood, “She is my Alpha, Bray. I plead allegiance to Alpha Riannon
Michaels of the Pearl Moon pack.”

Ria’s lips parted in surprise. She didn’t see Ash making his choice and she just
assumed that he had stayed with his old Alpha. So this was now a surprise for her.
However, she was happy that her friend decided to join her side after all.

“You are not serious!” Brayden growled in

annoyance. Everything was crumbling under him today and coping with it was getting
harder and harder.

“l am,” the Beta replied, letting go of the girl’s hand, “l am sorry, man. But you
lost your way. I cannot support you anymore.”

“Ash, no!” Harper looked at him pleadingly, placing both her palms on his chest,
“You can’t leave us! You can’t leave… me.”

Ria covered her mouth with her hand, realising that there was more to the story.

Looking at the two of them now it was clear that Harper had feelings for the Beta.

“l am sorry,” the man replied emotionlessly, “It’s for the best.”

“But. ” the girl now had tears in her eyes and Riannon even felt sorry for her,
“You and l.

“There is no you and l, Harper,” Ash took her hands off him, “l told you that many
times. I cannot give you what you want.”

“But she can?!” the girl didn’t even care anymore that people were listening to
their conversation. She pointed her finger at Riannon and the latter run her hand
through her hair in frustration. How did she even get in the middle of all this
drama? “Bray, did you know that your own Beta was eyeing your Luna this whole
time?! I bet they even slept together behind your back…”

The sound of a slap made everyone gasp. And Ria scratched her hand, while Harper
was gaping at her with a red cheek.

“Would you calm down?” the Alpha female quirked her brow up, “Stop your hysteria
and stop accusing me of things you have no idea about!

Ash is my friend! And he will always be my friend.”

“Don’t touch my sister!” Brayden finally woke up from his shock, growling, “You
have no right…”
“No, Brayden,” she stopped him, “l have a right to defend my honour. And as for you
three, I think you overstayed your welcome. You’d better leave. None of you is
handling it well and it’s getting embarrassing for all of us.”

“Apologies, Riannon,” Bray gritted through his teeth, “Betrayal hurts.”

“l know it does, Brayden,” she looked him up and down, “You made me familiar with
the concept, remember?”

“Let’s go, Harper,” the Alpha tore his sister, who was now crying silently from his
ex-Beta, giving him a glare full of hate, “We have nothing to do here anymore.”

They started walking away and only Roxanne hesitated slightly, staying for a few
seconds longer. A sly smile spread over her face as she bent towards Ria and
whispered into her ear, “This is far from over.”

“Oh, I know,” Riannon sneered at her enemy, “l am just starting with you. And, by
the way, tell your friend Everett that if he wants to tell me something, he should
just do it. Staring at me from the other side of the street is just creepy.”

Her words hit the goal again as the eyes of the fake omega shone red momentarily.
However, she supressed it quickly this time and fluttered her lashes innocently
again, “l don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Of course, you don ‘t,” Ria chuckled and waved her off with her hand, turning away
to face Ash.

“You and Harper, huh?” she raised her brow at the man when the omega caught up with
her mate.

“It wasn’t supposed to be anything serious. I got drunk twice and this is the
result.” The man confessed, “It’s just that she saw it all wrong and. ..

“You don’t need to explain to me anything,” she interrupted him, “Your personal
life is just yours. But if I were you, I would speak to her again later.”

“l will,” he promised, “Not that Brayden will ever let me go near her again. But I
will call her and clarify everything when the dust settles.”

“Good,” Ria smiled at her friend and squeezed his arm in a sign of support, “l am
happy that you stayed with me, Ash.”

“l will always be by your side,” he smiled back and she could tell that he was
sincere this time.

“Just don’t count on being the Beta anymore,” Maya and Reid joined them, “That
position is taken.”

“Fine,” Ash groaned, “But will you at least have me as your Gamma?”

“Gladly,” Riannon agreed, “Welcome to the team.”

“Now that we are done with that,” Maya smirked, “Excuse me, I need to go and find
my moron of a younger brother. He disappeared right before I could kick his ass for
being friends with this demon!”

There were too many matters to deal with at the pack. The members of The Silver
River left the territory when it was already getting dark and a lot of new
arrangements had to be put in place to maintain safety for everyone.
Riannon sat in her office, exhausted and knowing that she was far from done there.
The lycans were helping Maya on patrol and to search for Dean, who was still
nowhere to be found. She knew that he was aware of what he had done and probably
felt guilty about the whole thing. Dean was like a little brother to her and she
hoped that they would find him soon. After all, he declared his loyalty to her and
The Pearl Moon.

The phone rang and she smiled, seeing Gideon’s face on the display. She took that
one photo of him when he was sleeping and just the memory of it made her heart skip
a beat.

“How is it going?” he asked in that husky voice of his.

“Just as I expected,” she admitted, “But I don’t think that I will be able to get
back to your kingdom today.”

“Not a problem,” he chuckled, “l will come to you.”

“Really?” she almost jumped in her seat with excitement.

“Yes, Ria, really,” he teased her, “l am not spending a single night in my life
without you

anymore. I am done for today and I want to see my Luna.”

“l love you so much,” she confessed and heard him chuckling at the other end of the

“l know you do,” Gideon said, sounding smug, “l love you too. And I can’t wait to
hear everything about today.”

“Oh, I have a lot to tell!” she giggled, “Come faster.”

“I’ll be there as fast as I can. See you soon, Riannon.” The Lycan king said and
hung up.

Riannon relaxed her back into the chair and closed her eyes just for a few second,
when her phone rang again. She answered without looking, thinking that it was
Gideon again, ready to tell her something sweet the way he always did.

“Did you forget something?” she smiled, but that smile faded when she heard Roxy’s

“If you want to see Dean alive, you will come to meet me in one hour at the forest
tree house where you guys used to play as children. Alone.”

The fake omega didn’t sound her usual sweet self, “Bring someone with you and the
boy is dead. It’s time for us to talk, Riannon.”

Note: So, did it go the way you expected?

What do we think about Dean? Is he with Roxy or

is he a victim?

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Chapter 57. The Trap

Riannon stared at her phone, feeling that she was getting sick. What was she to do?
Dean was like a little brother to her and even in spite of him failing her numerous
times, she did not want him dead.

Knowing that Dean ‘s wolf was chocolate brown in colour, she sometimes wondered if
it was possible that he was the wolf that Roxy manipulated to kill her in her past
life. She did not like to think about it, but from time to time her mind still went

And considering all this, she couldn’t help but wonder if this now was a trap.

Well, it was definitely a trap. But what if Dean was in it and didn’t need any
saving in the first place?

However, she put this idea aside fast.

Everything was different now. Even if it was Dean in the past, it was only because
he used to be broken by his sister’s death and blaming her for it thanks to Roxy.
This time, none of this happened and he had no reason to do something like that.

He didn’t hate her enough to kill her. And that meant that right now he was
probably a victim.

That brought her to that next part. If she went there alone, she wouldn’t be able
to help him much. Not without her wolf. She knew Roxy too well to think that she
would let a witness like Dean go. Her aim was probably to kill them both tod ay.
After all, they were the only two people who knew that she was full of crap.

She tried calling out to Onyx but her wolf remained silent, angering her for the
first time. It would all be so much easier if she was at her full strength now.

Then again, it was one of the reasons why

Roxy got so bold with her. She knew for a fact that Riannon was wolfless and wanted
to use that while it lasted.

That meant that she needed a different plan. She still didn’t know the extent to

Roxanne was informed about events in her pack. Some of the people who pleaded their
loyalty to her today could have been spies for all she knew. There were a few
surprises there. The people who were supposed to stay with Brayden according to her
calculations, chose her for some reason. So, whatever she had to do now, she had to
do it quietly.

“Ash, Maya,” she mindlinked her Beta and Gamma, “Act natural right now. We have a
situation. Roxanne just contacted me. She has Dean

“What does that mean?” Ash asked her, sounding a bit startled.

“She is threatening to kill him,” Riannon explained quickly, “And it’s not a false
alarm.” “That b*tch!” Maya growled, “l am going to rip her throat out personally
for this! “

“Natural, Maya, act natural!” she reminded her friend, “We do not know who is
watching us and everything depends on it now.”

“What do you want us to do?” Ash went into a professional mode very quickly.

“She wants me to come alone to the forest tree house where we played as children,”
Ria told them, “l guess Dean showed her that place.

Maybe this is where they used to see each other.” “They what?!” Maya coughed.

“Not now, M,” she begged her friend, “All this is not important now. As I have
already said, she wants me to come alone. And I think that I am her main aim. But I
believe that she doesn’t need Dean alive either. So, we need to work carefully
here. What I want you to do, is to pretend to keep looking for him. But at the
appointed time, you should be not far from me and wait for my signal. Ash, I want
you to pick a few best warriors that we have. But not Brayden’s people. We can’t
trust those for now. And Maya, tell Reid everything and make him lead the lycans.
They will be our best bet right now.”

“It will be done,” her Beta gritted through her teeth.

“l will arrange everything,” Ash said, “But you should be careful. I know that you
are strong but you don’t know if she will have any help.”

“She will for sure,” Riannon admitted, “And it is probably a good moment to tell
you that I am not that strong at the moment. Her accusation of me being wolfless
was true, Ash. Onyx does not respond to me. I can’t shift.”

“What?!” now he sounded like he was losing it, “Then you absolutely cannot go
there! This is suicide!”

“l can and I will,” Ria stopped him, not wishing to waste any more time, “l am
still an Alpha and this is my decision. I will play for time and try to rescue
Dean. And you will help me.”

“But…” Ash wanted to retort.

“Not buts,” she put an end to this authoritatively, “Right now I need my Gamma

and my Beta doing exactly as I say. You both know what to do. Don’t fail me.”

She switched off the mindlink and sighed, closing her eyes just for a moment.

What she was about to do was risky. And reckless. Gideon would probably be so angry
with her if he knew. But he was still far from here and she needed to act fast.

Something shifted inside of her and she opened her eyes with determination. She
wasn’t going to be a coward. And she was going to try and save her friend. Not to
mention, that it could be a good opportunity to bring Roxy down if she managed to
turn the tables.
Slowly, she walked out of the packhouse, trying to act natural. She was wearing a
tight-fitting pair of jeans and a black chiffon blouse, paired with comfortable
black chelsea boots. Most people were too busy with the new arrangements right now
to pay her proper attention, so no one asked why their Alpha went into the forest

She started running, to be able to reach the tree house on time. After all, Roxanne
only gave her one hour. But as she got close, she slowed down, trying to scan the
area around her.

Everything looked so quiet. Too quiet. So

when she stepped on a twig on purpose, it seemed like the loudest sound ever.

“Onyx,” she called out to her wolf, “You said that you would come back to me soon.
No pressure, but now would be a great time to do this!”

Another broken twig and she turned to the sound to see a tall and bulky man
sneering at her. She sensed another one on her right and then one more right behind
her. The fourth one walked out of the tree house and smirked, looking down at her
from its height.

“The famous Luna Riannon Thorn!” he grinned at her and she instantly knew that he
was the leader of this little group, “Nice to finally meet you.”

“It’s Alpha now,” she tried playing for time and not looking intimidated, “Alpha


“You will probably be the shortest ruling Alpha of all time,” one of the men
snorted, coming closer to her, “Not even lasted a day in your position.”

“Well, the day is not over yet, is it?” she tilted her head while looking at him
and folding her hands on her chest, “And also, I already made it longer than the
shortest ruling Alpha in history as of now. Alpha Jeremy Vines ruled for twelve
minutes before he was killed by his own brother.


“Such a brave and clever little birdie,” the leader said with some kind of regret
in his voice, “It would be a shame to kill you.”

“Oh, is that what this is about?” she shot her brow up at him as her lips curled
slightly, “And I thought this Everett/Axel guy who was caught by us recently
promised not to kill me. If anything, he said that we would talk very soon. Is that
all cancelled now?”

The four men started looking at each other questioningly, clearly knowing who she
was talking about but not knowing what to do with this information. And she knew
that she played her cards well, winning the precious time.

“Ash, Maya, there are four of them that I see as of now. But I think at least one
or two are still hiding in the house,” she informed her people via the mindlink, “l
still do not see Dean. And there might be more of them nearby.”

“Got it,” her Gamma and Beta responded almost in unison, but she couldn’t help but
notice that Maya sounded agitated.
“What would he want with you?” the leader asked her impatiently. Whoever Everett
was, he

was important enough to make them all nervous.

“How would I know,” she shrugged her shoulders, “He promised to tell me more when
we meet next. I am as blissfully unaware as you are. But one thing for sure, it did
seem important because he has been seeking me out twice already.”

“What do we do with her now?” one of the men asked the leader, and the latter
remained silent.

“Killing her might not be the best idea if this is the case,” another one added and
she smirked at them. Her plan was working.

“What are you idiots doing?!” she heard a familiar voice that she hated so much and
saw Roxanne walking out of one of the bushes, “She is just playing with you!
Castiel doesn’t care about her! Just kill her already!”

Note: Sorry for a late update. As you know, I am still recovering from covid. But
it’s slowly getting better every day. The next update will be tomorrow around
midnight UK time.

Chapter 58. The Awakening

The men hesitated even despite the order that they had received. And now Ria knew
that even though Roxanne was important and probably held a high rank, she wasn’t
their leader. But Castiel was.

And he wasn’t there.

“Do I have to repeat myself,” Roxy was getting visibly furious, “Castiel doesn ‘t
care about her. Just kill her and let’s be done with it!”

“Is this what this is about?” Riannon decided to taunt the redhead more, “l
mentioned him to you today and you couldn’t handle it?”

The men exchanged glances at her words, and she knew that she hit the goal and made
them doubt why they were there in the first place. This, whatever it was, was not

“Shut up!” Roxy growled and her eyes glowed red for a few seconds, “Don’t think too
much of yourself! He would never be interested in someone as dull as you.”

“Then you don’t have anything to worry about,” Riannon smirked, “Either way, there
is an easy way to check whether he cares or not. You can simply call him and ask.

It was a gamble, of course. For all she knew, she could have misread Castiel’s
intentions the last two times they met, and he wanted her as dead as Roxy did. But
on the other hand, all she needed now was time for the lycans to come closer

The expressions of the four men were tense and when one of them got out his phone,
she knew that it was a little victory of hers. Her eyes locked with Roxanne’s, and
she could see her snarling.
“Hey, Cass,” the leader of the group managed to connect very quickly, “Sorry to
bother you. We have a situation here. We have that Luna. Well, she is actually the
Alpha now.

Yes, that’s the one. Roxy said. .. Oh. Okay.

Understood. She is already here… Got it.”

He switched off the phone and glared at the redhead who was standing not far from
him and clearly not happy with how everything was turning out.

“Looks like we have a change of plans,” he announced to his accomplices, “And Alpha

Riannon will have to make a little trip with us.”

Now this was better. This she could work with. Everything was so much easier now
that they obviously had an order not to kill her. It gave her more freedom of

“l am sorry,” she chuckled, “l am afraid I am busy ton ight.”

“Rick,” Roxanne turned to the leader of the group, “You owe me one. I want to
collect now, and I want this woman dead!”

“You will have to collect your debt another time, Rox,” the guy answered to her, “l
do not want any trouble with Castiel, and his orders were clear on her account. He
wants us to bring her to him. So, finish off the boy and let’s get going.”

The man looked in the direction of the tree house and Riannon just knew that this
was where they kept Dean.

“Guys! Now!” she commanded Ash and Maya via the mindlink and charged for the house
in the hope of reaching Dean first. He was of Beta blood and could fight with her
until help arrived. One of the men tried to stop her, but she twisted a bit and
forced herself to escape his grasp. However, she lost her speed due to that
manoeuvre and the next guy managed to capture her by her waist, laughing along the
way as if it was some kind of sick game.

“Nice try!” he said, “But even if you managed that, you wouldn’t go far. You didn’t
seriously think that we would wander into the enemy’s territory with just the four
of us.”

He didn’t even finish speaking when she saw glowing eyes in the darkness of the
woods. One pair, two, three… and then dozens.

She was wrong in her calculations. How didn’t she sense any of them?!

“Ash, Maya, abort!” she tried to stop her Beta and Gamma, “There are too many of

Don ‘t come here without,

Now it wasn’t only about saving Dean. It was also about not killing the rest of her
friends. Even with the lycans they had, it wouldn’t be a fair fight.

“We are not leaving you and Dean!” Maya growled, speeding up as she spoke.

In the meantime, the glowing eyes were getting closer and Riannon was finally able
to make out the creatures they belonged to.
Red and brown fur. Foxes… and bears.

They were slowly getting closer, taking their time because they were sure that they
already had their prey.

She swallowed, thinking hectically.

Roxanne was working with them. She was one of them.

Why didn’t she ever think about this before? They knew for a while who their enemy
was. This made so much sense now.

“Riannon!” she heard Roxy’s voice, which broke her train of thought. Their eyes met
and Ria gasped, when she saw the fake omega already standing on the little platform
of the tree house and holding Dean hostage. Her claws were out and dug into his
neck slightly. It did not escape her how beaten the boy looked. He was barely

“Release the pup at least,” she tried to sound as if it didn’t matter much to her.
Because she knew that Roxy would only kill him faster if she knew she cared.

“What for?” the girl giggled menacingly and tilted her head, “He is a witness that
I no longer need. He served his purpose. And now I am done with him!”

With that, she slashed her claws across his neck, making Riannon s m in horror. She
tried to get out of the man’s grasp, but he only increased the pressure on her. He
was stronger now that she was without her wolf.

Riannon’s eyes met with Dean’s as blood

was gushing out of his throat and there was so much regret in them. It was as if he
was asking for forgiveness for his past mistakes.

Tears were burning in her eyes. Angry tears. Riannon was angry at being powerless.
She had enough of this.

She turned back in time to fix things, to save people who were dear to her. And yet
she was losing family again. Because that’s what Dean was to her - family.

“You are probably wondering why he isn’t healing?” Roxy snorted loudly, “And the
answer to this is aconite.”

This was like a cold shower for her.

Aconite. They drugged Dean with aconite so that he couldn’t heal. Just like Roxanne
did to her in her past life.

She remembered the feeling of helplessness, of how her hands and legs couldn’t move
properly and how scared she was. This wasn’t the death that she wished for Dean.
She didn’t wish for him to die at all.

At that moment, wolvesjumped out from behind her, and she recognised Maya’s loud
howl. Bears and foxes charged at them, and a battle began. Growls and snarls filled
the air, and red blood splattered over the grass as each of them was fighting for
their life now..

However, she could clearly see that the powers were uneven. They were not ready for
an attack today, since Brayden took almost all of the warriors away. The lycans
were very helpful since their wolves were much bigger, but their small group
struggled with the quantity of their opponents, which seemed to only increase every

The man who was holding her, started to drag her away. Riannon was struggling as
much as she could in her position, but it was all useless.

“Stop it!” he shouted at her and wanted to backslap her, but a black and grey wolf
jumped at him, knocking them both to the ground.

Riannon recognised Ash and before she managed to say or do anything, he was already
ripping her captor to pieces.

She stood up and ran in the direction of the tree house, where Roxanne was still
holding Dean and watching the battle. As soon as she noticed her, a smirk spread
over her face, and she threw the young man at her from height.

Ria tried to catch him and fell together with him to the ground.

“Dean!” she tried to cover his neck and stop the blood flowing in a silly and
useless attempt to save his life.

“Dean!” Maya shifted next to them into her human form and her shivering hands
touched the guy, “Dean! Brother!”

Her screams filled the air around them as she clenched the dying sibling to her
chest with tears rolling down her cheek.

From the corner of her eye, Riannon noticed Roxy jumping off her hideout and
shifting rapidly into a fiery red creature. A fox. The fake omega was actually a
fox, after all!

And she tried to run away.

Clenching her fists, Ria stood up and ran after her. She wasn’t letting her go this
easily. But Roxanne was faster now than she was and soon she lost her out of sight.

However, another fox, dirty brown in colour, crossed her path. It was big and with
huge canines bared at her. Another one joined it shortly after. And then one more.
But it was when a huge brown bear arrived that she knew she was in deep trouble.
There was no way she could take them down.

Those three did not look like they were

going to capture her and take her somewhere. They looked like they were going to
kill her and be done with it.

And she was too far from anyone else.

She was ready to die when a huge black wolf appeared out of nowhere and attacked
the bear, who was clearly the biggest and most d an gerous ta rget.

“Gideon!” she whispered in relief and he growled to her in response. This wasn’t
how he expected to find her and seeing her surrounded made him beyond furious.

He killed the bear with ease, turning to the foxes, both of which charged at him at
the same time. But what was worse, another three werebears appeared, running in his
direction in all their might.
He was now outnumbered five to one and she couldn’t watch it. She hoped that he was
strong enough. He was the lycan king, after all. But what if it was too much even
for him?! She couldn’t know. ..

It was as if the world around her stopped. She saw her friends fighting enemies.
And she saw Maya rocking Dean’s lifeless body as another fox was getting closer to

It became hard to breathe. So much was going on and she was useless… Just like back

Riannon fell to her knees. Pain filled her chest. Unbearable and all-consuming. She
couldn’t let it happen again. She couldn’t lose any more people that she loved.

Not Maya.

Not Gideon…

She couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She would fight whatever
it took. Something shifted deep inside of her. Something familiar. As if a piece of
a puzzle has finally found its place.

“Onyx!” she whispered, “l need you now!” “l am here,” her wolf replied with a growl
that shattered the mountains. ..

Note: I hope you will find this chapter satisfying. And yes, Onyx is back. P.S. I
need a name for this chapter. Any ideas?

Chapter 59. The Shift

Riannon felt power circling through her bloodstream. It felt as if the shifting
took her ages when in fact it had just been seconds. But the overall sensations
were very new.

She felt powerful, she felt capable of lifting mountains… and also she felt very
different from how she was supposed to feel in her wolf form. Onyx was always a
strong wolf, but this time it was a whole new level.

What happened to her? She looked around, growling, and noticed that the battle had
stopped momentarily and now her friends and her enemies were staring at her in
shock. No one dared to move, and she didn’t know why.

“What is going on?” She asked her wolf and felt her smirking in their mind.

“You see, Riannon,” she said matter-of-factly, “l wasn’t appearing for so long for
a reason. And today you will finally find out why.”

“Well?!” Ria tried to push Onyx into elaborating on that, but at the same time one
of the bears woke up and charged at her with fury in his red eyes. She never fought
a bear in her life.

They were known to be bigger and stronger. Almost a match for Lycans. Yet she
sprinted at him and took a jump, easily knocking him off and going straight for his
furry neck with her claws. She didn’t even need to do anything else as she felt the
life under her slipping away quickly.

Onyx took the control from her and let out a loud growl that resembled more of a
roar. From the corner of her eye, she noticed how a few foxes sprinted away,
running for their lives.

She noticed Roxy and charged in her direction. The desire to kill the b*tch who
caused so much trouble in her life was overwhelming. However, three foxes threw
themselves at her, followed by another bear and she had to stop to deal with those.

Gideon watched his mate from afar, trying to get to her. He still couldn’t believe
what he just saw.

What was she? Because sure as hell she wasn’t a regular werewolf with her bigger
than average form and glowing silvery fur. Her wolf was perfection, the most
beautiful beast he had ever seen. And as he saw her dealing with their enemies with
ease, he admired her strength and grace.

Riannon would never stop surprising him. His mate. .. His woman… His queen.

The battle was over fast and to her disappointment, there was no trace of Roxy when
they were done.

“Don’t worry,” Onyx said, “We will still get her. She will be ours to kill.”

“Onyx,” Ria smiled mentally at her wolf, “l am so happy that you are back! And at
the best of times!”

“l am happy to be back too,” her wolf admitted with a chuckle, “And, Ria, you did
so well on your own. You never gave up and you stayed strong. You fought for us and
our mate. And all this taken together helped me heal and get to this point.”

“Heal?” she asked.

“Yes, Riannon,” Onyx confessed, “Our rebirth came at a price. The moon goddess
could only do this using my life force. It almost killed me permanently. My spirit
was crushed but she put me into hibernation to save me. This was why was only able
to respond to you when something big was happening, something that almost made me
awaken. But I was still too weak then and couldn’t help you much.”

“At least you told me about our mate,” Ria let out a little laugh, “You have no
idea how con fusing that was without you there.”

“And yet you managed just fine,” the wolf snorted, “He helped us the most, you
know. The closer you were to him the more my healing was accelerated.”

“He helped me to heal too,” Riannon admitted the truth out loud for the first time,

“Onyx, I was so broken inside after everything.

Our death, your absence, the last year with Brayden. .. It all took a toll on me.
Sometimes it felt as if I was beyond repair… And if not for Gideon, then I don’t
know if I could do it.”

“You would still do it,” Onyx sighed, ” because you are that strong. I am proud to
have you as my human.”

“And I am proud to have you as my wolf,” she said, “It was horrible to be alone.
But wouldn’t want any other wolf. Just you.”

“Don’t make me cry, Riannon!” Onyx snorted, “You know that I am an Alpha. I don’t
do that. And especially now of all the time!”
“Yeah, about that,” this reminded her of all the new sensations, “What is wrong
with us?

What happened? Everything seems so new and.


“Nothing is wrong with us,” her wolf corrected her, “If anything, everything is
amazing with us. The Moon Goddess returned us for a reason. We have a mission in
life now. And to help us with it, she gave us her blessing.”

“The Goddess herself?” Riannon couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It sounded
surreal even to her.

“Yes,” Onyx continued, “She chose us for a reason, Ria. Because she believes that
we can fix everything that happened. Too many things went wrong in our past life.
You had already started fixing some of those on your own and this is how Selene
knew that her choice was right. Thanks to you, she blessed us. It is a very special
type of blessing and it changes us. Over time, we will only get stronger. So no
enemy could defeat us in the war that is to come. For we are the ones who would put
an end to this.”

“A war. ..” the words echoed in her mind, making her shiver.

“After we died, Riannon,” Onyx went on, “It got really bad. Everything was so
messed up. And wolves were practically wiped out..

“Wait, but how do you know this?” She

asked, trying to comprehend the information she was given.

“The goddess showed me everything,” the wolf informed her, “l know about everything
that happened in our past life and what happened after we died. I will tell you.
But not now.”

“Ria,” she heard the voice that she loved more than anything in her life and that
brought her back to reality. She looked at Gideon, who stood before her wearing
absolutely nothing. He looked worried and each muscle on his perfectly carved body
was tense.

“We got ourselves a fine mate there,” Onyx growled in approval, “We need to mark
him asap!

I am not letting him go.”

“Neither am l,” Riannon agreed and saw Gideon stretching his hand towards her. He
looked worried, as if he wasn’t sure how she would react. The glowing fur was not
helping probably and she tried to dial that down.

Surprisingly, it worked and her fur returned to it’s norm al silvery white colour.

Gideon’s fingers brushed over her and she purred at his touch, letting him closer.

“Thank Goddess, Ria,” he kneeled before her and embraced her, “You scared the hell
out of me right now. Come back to me…”

She shifted back into her human form and he pulled her closer, pressing her right
against his torso.
“l love you so much,” he whispered as she wrapped her hands around him too.

“l love you too. I got Onyx back,” she mumbled, and he chuckled at that.

“Yeah, I noticed,” he said, kissing her neck and her hair and wherever else his
lips could reach, while breathing heavily at the same time, “We all did. Especially
the foxes and the bears you slaughtered without sweating.”

A little laugh escaped her as she tucked her face into his chest and enjoyed his
warm embrace, letting herself relax in his arms as he stroked her back. But the
sounds of sobs somewhere in the background brought her back to the harsh reality.

Someone wrapped a piece of fabric around her and she turned to see Ash. He gave her
a weak smile and continued distributing the clothes from one of the many hideouts
in this forest.

Riannon pulled on the simple cotton dress she received and rushed to Maya’s side,
who was still on the ground, rocking her dead brother. Reid was next to her,
sitting awkwardly next to his mate and not knowing how to console her.

But what could be said when one lost a sibling?

Ria kneeled right next to her friend and laced her hands around the two of them,
only making her friend sob louder.

Maya wasn’t a crier. But at that moment in time, she felt so weak and hopeless that
she couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Dean… is… dead,” she whispered, stuttering between deep breaths of air which her
body required her to take, “l was… late… My. ..


“No, Maya, no,” Riannon hugged her tighter as hot tears rolled down her cheeks too,
“It’s my fault. She did this because of me. ..

“It’s none of your fault!” Reid growled angrily, “None of you did this to him! The
one who slit his throat did this!”

Maya let out another weak sob, resting her head on Riannon’s shoulder and clenching
her brother close. Gideon lowered himself next to the three of them and carefully
placed his hands on Dean ‘s body, making his sister flinch.

They were eye to eye now and he told her calmly, “We need to get him inside. I will
take care of him. promise.”

“Let him go,” Riannon whispered, “He will help.”

Maya unclenched her fingers and in the next moment, she was wrapped in the embrace
between her best friend and her mate. They helped her up and led her back to the
house while Gideon lifted Dean’s body in his arms, walking behind them.

Closer to the mansion, Maya stumbled and Reid caught her in his arms. He couldn’t
see her hurting so much and all he wanted to do now was to give her his strength.

Their people were shocked to see them when they arrived, but like any werewolf
pack, they knew what to do when someone died and got straight to work with the
arrangements. It was hard on everyone, though, as Dean was always this lovable guy
whom everyone adored.

Riannon gave orders that were required of her and then showed Reid to Maya’s old
room. She left them alone, seeing how her friend was starting to fall asleep in her
mate’s arms. The mate bond was the best thing for Maya right now.

But as soon as she was done with all that, she raced to her bedroom to get dressed
properly. “What do you think you are doing?” Gideon, who followed her close behind,
asked her.

“l am going to Brayden’s pack. I find that b*tch and I will kill her today for
this!” she growled, unable to control the rage of her wolf inside. Onyx indeed got
stronger and hiding her emotions now was more problematic than ever.

“You cannot go like this,” her mate objected, “His pack is full of warriors
according to Reid. I doubt that they will give you their Luna just like that.”

“She is not a Luna yet,” Ria ignored him, “And even if she is - I don’t care! She
doesn’t get to live another day after what she did!”

He watched her intensely, assessing the determination on her face, and came to a
conclusion that she would probably do that anyway.

“Fine,” he sighed, “l will go with you and so will my warriors. Savvy and Reid will
stay here.” She paused just for a second to look at him as she was buttoning her

“Thank you,” she nodded at him curtly, “l really appreciate that.

The drive to the old packhouse of the Silver River pack was fast. Mainly because
Riannon was driving and she was squeezing the life out of the gas pedal.

“Onyx,” Ria called her wolf in the middle of the road, “You said you know what
happened in our past life. Do you know who killed us? Was it

“No,” was all that the Alpha inside of her said, “It wasn’t Dean. It was someone

“l see,” she gritted her teeth, “Don’t tell me now. This is a conversation for
another time!”

The warriors got alerted when their car parked with a screeching sound and she got
out of the car, followed by the lycans.

Brayden stormed out of his mansion, looking furious as hell, and Gideon had to
growl at him to make him stop.

“Where is she?!” Riannon snarled, not even bothering to try and pretend anymore.

“This is the question for you,” Brayden hissed at her, “What did you do to my

Where is she?!”

Please vote for The Perfect Luna in the Dreane Ace book Contest. Every vote counts
for a new author on the app like myself and I will appreciate your support!

NOTE: Thank you for the help with the title last time. This one was given by you as
well as I found it fitting for that chapter. How do you like
Onyx’s comeback? Was it what you expected?

Readers also enjoyed:

Secret Obsession (SPG)

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TAGS possessive arrogant dominant

Chapter 60. OUTfoxed.

She stared at him in astonishment. Was he even serious right now?

“l am going to repeat my question, Riannon,” Brayden growled, “What have you done
to my mate?!”

“What have I done to your mate?” She shot her brow up at her ex, “Your so-called
mate has just killed Dean.”

She felt tears burning her eyes again, but she was not going to give him the
satisfaction of seeing her crying in front of him. Not even for Dean. Brayden did
not deserve to see her cry.

“That’s a lie!” her ex-husband gritted through her teeth, “How on earth would Roxy
do something like that?! She is just a weak omega!

She can’t hurt a fly!”

“We have about a dozen witnesses, Bray!” she stopped him, and his mouth opened in
shock, “She is hardly an omega! Moreover, she isn’t even a wolf! She is a god damn

He stared at her bluntly, lost in his thoughts and not knowing what to say. But
then he clenched his fists and looked the crowd that came with her up and down. His
own warriors were by his side already.

“And I guess those wonderful and very reliable witnesses of yours are the lycans
next to you? How convenient! Maybe also Maya the traitor?”

She slapped him. Hard. She knew that this was the last thing that was needed right
now to get what she wanted, but it felt so good.

“Don’t you dare!” she warned him, “The only traitor in our pack was always your
fake mate!”

“It’s not our pack anymore,” he smirked,

“Remember, you ruined that earlier today?”

“l saved what I could from you and your fox!” she snapped at her ex again. For the
first time ever she felt like she really hated him. Onyx, who was growling inside
of her, wasn’t helping to calm down either. In their past life, he hurt her the
most and she still couldn’t forgive him.

“How fortunate for you!” Brayden chuckled, “Riannon the saviour! When I do
something, it’s because I am selfish. But when you do something, it’s for the
common good!”

“That’s what happens when people think of others, Brayden. You should try that one
day,” she scoffed, folding her hands on her chest, demand you to give me Roxanne. I
need just a minute with her and I will be able to prove to you who she is! Now that
I know the truth. And then I will kill her with my own hands for everything that
she has done!”

“l am tired of repeating myself,” Bray rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting out
an exasperated sigh, “She is not here! I thought that you took her. ..

“Useless!” Ria mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes. The fox won’t come back here.
Not when her identity was discovered.

Now that she thought about it, she understood what a silly idea that was. But in
the heat of the moment, she wasn’t thinking clearly, and this fiasco was the

“Let’s go,” she commanded to her people, turning away.

“Not so fast!” Brayden grabbed her hand but in the next moment, Gideon was already
pinning him to the wall of the mansion. It all happened so fast that the guards
from both sides didn’t even have time to react.

“You touch her like that again and I will rip your head off,” the lycan king
growled, squeezing his fingers around his opponent’s neck, “Not only is she and
Alpha of her own pack now, but she is also my queen. Do something like this again
and it will be your death sentence! And you will be lucky if it’s you alone.
Because if you piss me off properly one more time, I might as well wipe out what is
left of your pack! Not that there is a lot.”

“Gideon,” Riannon brushed her hand over her mate’s back, soothing him, “Please,
don’t.” He sighed heavily and let go of Brayden with a huff. The alpha almost fell
to his feet but managed to lean over the wall for support.

“You came to my territory! You did something to my mate!” he started listing the
things he thought actually happened.

“Your mate?” Gideon chuckled loudly, “Are you even serious?! Haven’t you lost her?
AGAIN. Do you even know that it is physically impossible to lose a mate or to
forget about her? I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, Alpha Brayden, but you
don’t have a mate. I mean, maybe you do, somewhere in the world and one day you
will meet her. But that fox isn’t the one.”

“She is not…” Bray tried to protest.

“She is a fox!” Riannon cut him off, “And she also works with the werebears. I
don’t know how she convinced you that she is your mate, but I also really doubt
that it’s the truth. Just think about it,


Her ex-husband looked at her with clenched lips and fists and she had no idea if he
believed them. But neither did she care anymore. It was his problem and not hers.
She knew that the next time she would meet Roxy, she would be the one to kill her.
Because her patience was wearing thin. She only regretted that she hadn’t done it
sooner. Then maybe Dean would be alive..

“Let’s go, Riannon,” Gideon wrapped his hands around her and looked her in the eye,
“l don’t think she will come back here. She is not that stupid.

“Yeah,” his queen nodded and followed his lead back to the car.

Brayden’s warriors got closer now that the lycans were gone but he pushed them away
and went inside of the mansion.

He watched his ex-wife being cared for by the lycan king in front of his eyes and
the sight still made him shudder inside. But on top of it, the news of his mate was
breaking him.

He didn’t even notice how she disappeared. And, of course, there was a simple and
reasonable explanation for that. He was busy. With his pack being broken in half
and with the move. So much had to be arranged in such a short period of time that
he forgot about her completely…

Was it normal? Could it even be happening? The lycan had a point… How could one
forget about his mate?

Riannon used to be his chosen mate but he never forgot about her. Even now, after
everything, he was still thinking about her more than she deserved it. His thoughts
today were busy with her when he had to pay attention to his true mate…

He called his top warrior, Jacob, first and promoted him to a Beta dryly, then
ordered to find out what happened to his mate.

“Find video footage from the grounds, a trace, her scent. .. whatever. I want to
find out if she walked out of here herself or was kidnapped, he told the guy and
looked him in the eye, “Be discreet about it. Until I know what happened here
exactly, I don’t want anyone to know a thing.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Jacob bowed politely and walked out.

Brayden did not count on him finding out much about it. He wasn’t Ash. His previous
Beta had an eye for details that everyone else missed. He paid attention and knew
how to stay in the shadows, unnoticed.

Jacob… wasn’t it. He was one of his best warriors, but not a match to his old
friend. The same way as Roxy wasn’t a match to Riannon. No matter how much he tried
to imagine that she was.

Was it possible that she was a fox? He never asked her to shift. Mostly because he
thought that she was an omega and was embarrassed about others seeing that the Moon
Goddess blessed him with a weak mate. But what if she wasn’t weak? What if she
wasn’t his mate?

That thought scared him. Because then he lost Riannon for nothing.

Everybody knew that foxes could change their scents, so theoretically speaking, if
Roxy was a fox, she could fake the scent of his mate. But for that, she would need
to know that scent..

Moreover, the scent alone wasn ‘t the problem. The bond was. No fox could fake
that. So, why did he want the redhead all the time? He wasn’t a manwh*re. Lust
wasn’t what he lived for and he knew very well how to control himself.

So, what would happen there if Roxanne wasn’t his mate? Could there be a different
explanation for everything? That did not seem likely. Unless witches were involved.
But that was also a far cry. Love spells did not exist. And werewolves were
resistant to any kind of spell-infused mind manipulation.

He couldn’t find an answer no matter how hard he tried.

After he dealt with all the urgent matters, he closed himself alone in his office
with a bottle of brandy.

Usually, Ash would join him for this with a conversation that would help everything
to get into the right places. Until Riannon came to end it with an even better

And then she would take him to bed. ..

But now all of this was over.

He took a deep gulp of the fiery liquid, feeling it burn his throat. However, it
did not make anything better.

His fingers ended up rubbing the mark on his neck again, which was bothering him.
It did not disappear. Even though he didn’t feel pain through it anymore. His bond
with Riannon was broken now. And it was even more painful than when she was in the
lycan’s bed.

The knock on the door broke his train of

thought and his new Beta walked in with the laptop.

“Alpha,” he said, “l think you need to see this.

Roxanne was driving fast. She couldn’t let anyone catch up with her.

Today she f*cked up big time and she knew it. Castiel would never forgive her for
destroying his perfect plan this early and for losing that many people. The bear
king wouldn’t be happy either.

But, luckily, she had a plan. She always had a plan. This was why she was the top
spy in her group. Always.

She wouldn’t come to her king empty-handed. She would bring him the peace offering.

She parked right next to the packhouse in the Fox kingdom and walked out of the
car. She knew she couldn’t go inside. And she wasn’t wrong about it, because when
Castiel walked out of the mansion, he looked furious.

He didn’t even let her say a word before he grabbed her neck and jerked her up in
the air. Her legs trembled, not finding any kind of support

and she felt his grip getting tighter and restricting her airways.

“You are either super brave to come here after what you have done, or you are super
stupid!” her king growled. In other circumstances, she would enjoy that sound. But
not now.
Now, he wasn’t playing with her. He was ready to kill her any moment now for her

“You failed your mission, couldn’t fix it and then only made it worse from there!
You blew our cover and had my men killed Castiel continued, “You almost cost me
this war! Tell me, Roxanne, why shouldn’t I snap your neck this very moment? I
don’t think I need to keep such a disappointment as you!”

One of his eyes glowed red and her toes curled. That man was always her main
weakness. “l brought you something!” she croaked, hoping to appease him, “It will

He watched her for a few seconds and after that swore loudly, dropping her to the

“This better be good!” he spat and she crawled in the direction of the car trunk.
Roxy stood up on shaky legs, trying to make her breathing steady, but failing. She
hated to be so weak in front of him. He hated weakness…

She found the key in the pocket of her jeans and opened the trunk, demonstrating to
him her little present and praying that this was enough..

NOTE: Sorry for the delay with the chapter today. I hope you like it. Any ideas of
a name for this one? And yes, Roxy is not Castiel’s mate 101

Chapter 61. The Fox Trap

“And what do you think I should do with her?” Castiel threw an angry gaze at Roxy.

“She is a princess,” the redhead tried to explain to him her brilliant idea, “Well,
of sorts. But she is important in Thorn’s pack! We can use her.”

“Thorn’s pack is now done. And not thanks to you,” the leader of the foxes frowned,
“So far you have been one big disappointment, Roxanne. For someone whom I
personally trained. Yet all your work was done by Luna Riannon Michaels instead.

“It was just a coincidence,” Roxy furrowed her brows, “She. ..”

“She played you to her advantage,” Castiel smirked, “You were supposed to destroy
her but instead she wiped her feet over you.”

Roxy had nothing to say to that and she hated that. She hated that the man whom she
loved so much was praising another. It wasn’t just a coincidence that she was the
best in her group. She worked hard for it, trained hard… in the hope that one day
he would notice her. And she was sure that he did. He took her to his bed where her
education continued. He personally showed her how to please a man and she was sure
that it meant something. He never let anyone touch her and he singled her out every
time. He paid her way more attention than to other she-foxes.

But then he sent her on a mission into another man’s bed. She was upset about it.
Heartbroken even. But she never admitted it out loud. It was not great to be used
as a tool, but she had no choice. This was herjob. And this was what he had been
preparing her for. She was ready to prove herself to him anyway. After all,

Castiel always seemed like a man of broad views. He only respected two things in
his life - power and intellect. And if she managed to have those, nothing else
would matter.
Foxes weren ‘t like everyone else. Although they were excellent warriors when
needed and could easily rival werewolves, what they actually preferred was a game
of wits. Why fight anyone if you could just trick them into doing what you needed
in the first place? Or even better, if you could make your enemies fight each other
while you watched? Everything was a challenge and foxes loved their victories.

But this was also why they were never on

good terms with the wolves. The latter always strived for dominance and this was
where the problem between the two species lay. Foxes did not like to be dominated.
And wolves really did not like to be played. They took it as an insult if they
caught someone trying to deceive them. It was much easier with the werebears, where
they were all muscle but could be manipulated if correct pressure was applied. And
even if discovered, they could agree to a certain bargain in the end. Whereas
wolves would want blood and nothing else.

This was why they couldn’t live together. So, when the foxes’ population increased
and the land they had in their possession became not enough, wolves did not want to
share. Hence, they became a problem. A problem that the foxes needed to solve. Or
better say get rid of. Whatever it cost them.

But whatever they tried was failing. And then the Union was formed to unite shifter
packs under the wing of lycans from the Western kingdom. This was the worst news
for the foxes. Back then, Castiel’s father was the king and he was not happy with
the new situation. Because since the Union was formed, if he dared to attack one
pack, the rest would come for him and

destroy him. So, the former fox king started thinking of ways to destroy the Union.

And this was how the most brilliant plan was born.

And it was now on Castiel’s shoulders. He had to finish what his father had

Roxy wished she could lift at least some of the weight off him. This was all she
was thinking of.


And how could she not? The fox king was amazing. Tall, handsome, clever, strong and
cunning. A perfect man.

But now he wasn’t happy with her anymore. He was disappointed and there was only
one person to blame for it.

Riannon Michaels.

From the very beginning, she complicated things for her. It was supposed to be a
much easier mission than it turned out. When she was studying the Luna prior to her
dispatch, she didn’t seem like a threat at all. A chosen mate, stuck up, so perfect
that it was boring. It should have been easy to get rid of her and Castiel’s order
was clear on her account. Get her place and kill her discreetly.

Yet the Luna turned out to be full of surprises. She put up a real fight and
Roxanne found herself outmatched.

Who knew that she would want to divorce this fast and manage to get through with
it, taking half of a pack with her? That ruined a lot of their plans.
But what was worse was Castiel’s growing interest in Riannon Michaels. This was
probably the most painful part. At first, he was entertained by her not behaving
the way they predicted. But lately, it has grown into something completely else.
And when he visited the pack as a prisoner, she could sense his growing interest
with the Luna. She told herself many times that it was just her imagination under
the pressure of work that was getting to her. Yet she was still in for a surprise.

She helped him to get out as soon as she could, killing good warriors for him and
risking her own life. All that only to find out that as soon as he got out, he went
to see that other woman. That one hurt her. But it was what followed next that
absolutely destroyed her from the inside. When the time came for their plan to go
into its active phase and slaughter the werewolves, she received another order that
she did not expect in the least. Castiel ordered her to make sure that Riannon
wouldn’t be there. This was the last straw.

She disobeyed her king’s order for the first time when she didn’t do anything to

Riannon from attending the Summit. In fact, she pushed Brayden to make sure that
they went there together. And personally checked that the blonde nuisance was
present, hoping that the bomb she installed in the morning would get rid of her
little problem.

Yet that time, everything also went wrong and what was supposed to be the fatal
blow to the heads of the alphas, turned into a slap that only made them angry. And
yet again, Riannon Michaels was in the middle.

Moreover, when Castiel found out that she was there and not back in her pack as he
wanted, he got furious. The man, who always remained calm, got furious over a
little and insignificant matter like that. She couldn’t stop thinking about it.

And when Riannon mentioned him coming to her again after the pack split, Roxanne
absolutely lost it.

What she did wasn’t a well-thought through plan and she knew it. But she had to try
to get rid

of that woman once and for all. Even if it would make Castiel angry. She could
survive his wrath. What she couldn’t survive was him being interested in another.
For whatever reason.

So, she contacted warriors that she knew from her training and talked them into
helping her to attack the wolves. She lied to them, saying that it was the order of
their Alpha. And then she attacked. Roxanne did what she could. But her team still
lost. And now their secret was out. Now the wolves knew that all the talks about
foxes and the bears weren’t just empty words. She knew that it was a grave mistake
and she could only pray for her king to forgive her.

This was why she brought him a gift.

Harper was tearing up in the back of the trunk with dirty fabric in her mouth,
muffling the sounds away. Her legs and wrists were chained in silver-plated chains
and she did not look her usual polished self. Roxy figured her out first with her
unrequited love for Ash. She liked the girl because she could relate to her. This
was also the reason why it was so easy to make Harper do what she wanted her to do.

Roxanne felt guilty for doing this to the girl. If she had a choice, she wouldn’t
stoop so low. But these were desperate times. .. And she couldn’t
come up with anything better in such a short amount of time.

“And what would I do with her?” Castiel rubbed the bridge of his nose as if he was
already annoyed and tired with the whole conversation. Which he probably was.

“Use her as a hostage,” Roxy suggested, “Brayden doesn’t have anyone but her now.
He would do anything to get his little sister back.” “Shame I do not need anything
from him anymore,” the fox king chuckled.

“Riannon Michaels would try to save her too if she found out about this,” she heard
herself saying, not quite believing in bringing this name up.

“You told me that they hate each other,” Castiel ran a hand through his hair.

“Hate is a strong word,” Roxanne tried to smile but her leader remained
unimpressed, “They are not the biggest fans of each other. But I am sure that she
would come to her sister-in-law’s rescue.”

“Why did you do it?” the king before her aske finally, “Why did you risk everything
we have built like an I

“The situation required it,” she lied

uncomfortably. She hated lying to him, but today her life depended on it.

“Anything else you want to tell me?” Castiel shot his brow up and looked at her

There was something important that he needed to know. That Riannon could shift and
that her wolf glowed when she did. But telling him that wouldn’t change anything
for her. She would still be punished for her mistakes. And drawing even more of his
attention to the werewolf Luna was beyond her.

“No,” Roxanne said meekly and immediately received a backslap, which made her fall
to the ground. She touched her cheek which already started to swell and looked up
at her king.

“Liar!” he spat and her heart clenched painfully, “Still thinking that you are more
clever than anyone?!”

Castiel clicked his fingers and a man walked out of the mansion behind him. She
recognised him at once as one of the warriors she took with her to try and kill
Riannon. Now she knew that she was in trouble.

“l don’t know what you were thinking,”

Castiel sneered, “But lying to me would cost you!”

“l am sorry,” she fell to her knees, mumbling,

She didn’t have a good explanation.

“As I thought,” the fox king smirked and motioned to his people, “Take them both to
the dungeon. I think Roxanne needs some time alone there to understand that lying
to her superiors is bad. And while you are at it, remind her why discipline is so
important. Show her hell.” Two men grabbed her and started pulling her away. At the
same time, a third one threw Harper over his shoulder, to which she made a few
pitiful sounds.
“Castiel, please!” she begged him, but he already turned his back to her. She knew
that if she didn’t do something now, she would probably be dead in the next few
hours. “There is something else I know!” Roxy screamed,

“Something important! It can help you! I swear it’s important.”

The men next to her stopped and she realized only now that she was panting
profusely. Castiel walked towards her and grabbed her chin, making her look at him.

“Then tell me,” he sneered, “And remember that it’s better to be good. Your life
depends on it,

after all.”

Please, vote for The Perfect Luna in the current Dreame Ace Book contest if you
enjoyed this story. Every vote is important and the readers’ support is priceless
to me.

NOTE: I was writing this chapter for a very long time, changing it many times. It’s
still far from perfect, but it’ll have to do for now. Any bets on what is the last
piece of info that Roxy has?

Chapter 62. Give Me Strength

“l hope you are not meaning to tell me that you are with a child,” Castiel sighed,
as if he was already bored and Roxanne was hesitating to start talking. However, he
stopped the men who wanted to take her back, and Roxy knew that this was her
chance. “l am already aware. You don’t seriously think that you are the only spy I
sent there,” the fox king added.

“This may be your child,” she still said out loud in the hope that it could change
anything in his eyes. But they still remained the same stormy grey colour she fell
in love with. And not a muscle on his face flinched.

“Highly unlikely,” he said, and her face fell. “But it’s good that you are

His last words suddenly gave her hope and she looked at him again through her
lashes. “You think so?” Roxy forced a little smile and saw him smirk.

“Of course,” he let out a laugh, “If it’s a wolf, then we can use him in a when
it’s born to claim

Thorn’s pack and territory if we can’t do that now.

But if we are particularly lucky, it will be a hybrid

like you are. And this opens a window of possibilities for us. Especially if the
baby inherits your siren genes. Those are the most useful for us, don’t you think?
Every fox can imitate a scent given to them, but only a siren can seduce a person
in a way that they never even suspect a thing. Your work with Brayden Thorn was not
bad in the first phase. He never even doubted that you were his mate.”

She swallowed. The future that he pictured for her child wasn’t the one she wanted.
But his cold gaze made her forget about all that quickly.
Right now, her own survival was more important. Castiel wasn’t the most forgiving
leader. And she made a big mistake today.

“So?” he raised his brow to demonstrate to her that he was losing his patience.

“l have access to all the money of the Silver River pack,” Roxy reported,
“Moreover, Brayden made sure that his ex didn’t even get a penny for her pack. She
would be done very fast.”

“Is that so?” Castiel chuckled, “l think you are underestimating Riannon Michaels
again. But never mind. Let’s go.”

He motioned for her to follow him into his office, and she tried to match his pace.
There, he opened the laptop on his desk, and she knew at once that he didn’t want
her to waste any more of his precious time.

With shaky fingers, Roxanne logged in to Brayden’s internet banking account and
stepped away.

“Is that it?” Castiel took the laptop back and circled the table to sit in his
chair. He studied the bank account, placing his feet onto his desk one by one.

“That’s all there was after their divorce,” she told him, and he looked at her
curiously, but a few seconds later he burst out laughing. He laughed and he
laughed, wiping his tears with his hands.

All the while she stood in front of him, trembling.

She never saw him like that. And it was scary.

“After the divorce?” he repeated as he ran his hand over his hair, “You must be
kidding me!” She instantly knew what he was thinking.

And she wasn’t so sure anymore about anything.

“l bet she took care of it prior to the Summit,” Castiel said nonchalantly as he
was typing something on his computer.

“You give her too much credit,” the words slipped off her tongue before she could
stop herself.

“l see her for what she is,” the fox king

retorted, “That amount is hardly enough to run a pack of their size. There is no
way their budget was this bad. .

Roxy gritted her teeth. This could only mean one thing potentially. That Riannon
already took care of that. And that she and her pack weren’t in trouble at all.

“Anyway,” Castiel closed his laptop, “that was something. But it doesn’t change
much for you. You disappointed me, Roxanne. Your reckless behaviour cost me my
plan. And for what? Did hormones make you stupid all of a sudden?”

“l apologise, my king,” She dropped to her knees. But this time she didn’t cry.
Castiel wasn’t Brayden. He would never buy that. And letting out her siren
pheromones on him could be deadly, since he wasn’t a fool and would know what was
happening. She tried that with him once and it almost cost her her life. So, she
was aware that her best chance was to offer him her loyalty and submission.
He could still use her and this was her best bet.

The fox king stood up and walked towards her, lifting her chin in his warm hand.
She leaned into his palm with her cheek, closing her eyes just

for a second and then looking back at him.

“Why did you really do it?” he asked, and she knew better than she couldn’t tell
him the truth about how Riannon made her feel jealous. So, she went for a lie that
sounded appropriate given the situation.

“As you said, I underestimated the Luna,” she still refused to call her Alpha in
her head, “l wanted to bring her to you. The trap was perfect. But it went to hell
when the lycans appeared

“Is that so?” he traced her lip with his thumb, and she was tempted to suck it in
and try to seduce him. But it was still too risky, considering his mood.

“Of course,” she nodded and in just a second he was already grabbing her neck and
squeezing it so tight that she had no air to breathe.

“Then why did you forget to mention such a small detail that her wolf is back and
that it’s ing glowing!” he snarled at her and a single tear trickled down her chin.

She didn’t tell him that, because as long as Riannon had no wolf, Castiel wouldn’t
consider her for anything serious. She didn’t tell him that because she knew that
wolf was a special one. And Castiel would want to have her now.

Everyone would want her if they knew.

But she couldn’t say that.

“l thought you knew,” she let out a weak squeak and he let go of her, throwing her
to the ground.

“And as you can see, I do know,” he chuckled. He seemed to be in a good mood just
from talking about the Luna and Roxanne hated it.

“l am so sorry,” she muttered, looking at the floor and hearing him sigh.

“You are lucky that you still have some use for me,” he told her and she did her
best o hold back her tears, “You are still going to help me to get what I want..

Maya was curling up in her chair, hiding her head somewhere in her knees. She
couldn’t bring herself to go down and look at her brother’s body. She couldn’t
believe that he was simply lying there, no life left in him.

“You need to eat something,” Reid kneeled before her and she refused to look at
him. Everything was wrong. His every touch was bringing tingles to her body,
tingles that were tempting her to close her eyes and give in to her


But how could she be happy now when her baby brother was dead? Dean was the only
real family she had left and she didn’t protect him. Riannon warned her about Roxy,
but she still didn’t pay everything enough attention. And she even fell for a trap,
which left Dean alone in the clutches of the evil omega.

It was all her fault..

“l am not hungry,” she grunted, but he refused to go away. She was pushing him away
so hard, yet he stayed by her side, trying to help her the best he could. He wasn’t
giving up on her and she did not feel like she deserved it.

“You need to eat for your strength,” Reid told her and brushed his hand over her
leg softly. “You don’t understand,” she said quietly, hiding her puffy face from

“Maybe I don’t,” he sighed, trying to find her eyes to look at, “But I can imagine.
Just like you only had Dean, my only family that is left is my nephew Kyle. The one
that your friend Riannon saved .”

She sniffed, trying to control her tears.

Although that didn’t seem possible anymore.

“That day, I wasn’t there,” he continued,

making soothing circles over her bare skin with his thumbs, “When I heard about the
attack, I was blaming myself for leaving him in that school. For not being there
when I had to be. But you know what Riannon told me back then?”

Maya looked up at him so that she could see his face.

“What?” she asked.

“She said that we cannot blame ourselves for what others did. It wasn’t my fault
that the rogues decided to attack the school that day,” Reid stretched his hand to
caress her cheek and was pleased when she did not flinch away from him, “And, Maya,
it wasn’t your fault that this fox tricked and killed your brother. You cannot hold
yourself responsible for that.”

“She warned me about her,” the girl muttered, “But l..

“You couldn’t know what she would do and when,” her mate stopped her, “You did your
best. And I am sure that if your brother was here now, he would tell you the same.”

“l don’t know what to do next,” she confessed weakly and bent towards him. Reid did
not let that opportunity slide and caught her in his arms, pressing her tight
against his body and lifting her up.

“Of course, you know what to do next,” her mate assured her, “You are a Beta. And
you are stron g.”

She locked her eyes with him for the first time and the determination in him made
her believe in what he was saying. He was right.

“First, you will get your strength back,” he murmured as he moved her to the bed,
“And then you will help your Alpha to avenge your brother and stop that b*tch once
and for all. So that no one suffers the same destiny as him from her filthy hands.”

She stared at him, realisingthat he had a point. It wasn’t over. The war was just
starting, and she couldn’t afford to be a mess now. She couldn’t afford to fall
apart and she sure as hell couldn’t let Roxanne keep hurting the people that she

“I’ll bring you something to eat,” Reid smiled at her, caressing her cheek and
neck, “You need your strength.”
He stood up and was about to leave when she caught his arm. He turned to look at
her, doubt evident in his eyes. But she pulled him closer and he obeyed her at

“Then give me strength, Reid,” she stood up before him and tore the fingers off the
shirt that she was wearing, not bothering unbuttoning it properly, “The way only a
mate can.”

“Are you sure?” he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat at the sight of
her. All they shared before that was a passionate kiss. And now she was offering
herself to him. “l don’t want to use your moment of weakness to my advantage. You
are vulnerable now.. .”

“And you are my mate,” she took a step closer, placing her palm on his chest right
where the heart was. “If anyone can make me strong now if anyone can heal me. .. if
anyone can make me forget. It would be you, Reid. Give me the strength. Be with

“You don’t need to ask me twice, kitten,” he picked her up gently and placed her
back to the bed, climbing on top of her, “l was born to cherish you. .. And this is
what I’ll be doing my whole life.”

Riannon was lying in Gideon’s arms, exhausted from what seemed to be a never-ending
day. They did not talk but the way he pressed her against his body and was stroking
her hair and arms was telling her more than any words could.

She felt Onyx shift inside of her every time his fingers were touching her skin. It
was the true mate bond, and it was so new for her. Despite being madly in love with
him, only now she realised that she couldn’t experience all the intensity of their
connection before her wolf was back.

Yet before she could explore that more, Ria knew she had to do one thing.

” Onyx,” she called for her wolf mentally and this time she responded at once, “l
wantyou to tell me who killed me and everything else that the Moon Goddess toldyou.

NOTE: Hi, sorry for the late update today. I think I mentioned already that I am
back to my studies after covid and because of that updates will probably be at
random times now. But I will try to keep them daily until the end (hopefully this
month). Would you help me to name this chapter as well?

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Chapter 63. Tea Time

“l can show you instead,” Onyx said, and Riannon felt herself drifting off to
sleep. “This is what the Goddess told me to do…“her wolf whispered.

She trusted Onyx with her life and knew that her better half would take good care
of her.
But she did not expect what happened to her next as she found herself in the one
place she never wanted to see ever again.

It was the day she died. But not the right time. It was hours before the tragedy

She remembered that well and a dull throbbing pain seized in her chest. This was
funny. .. She thought she was already done with all that. Yet now, seeing how her
pack was gathering once again for what Brayden told them was a blessing ceremony
for his future heir, was painful for her.

“Onyx, can we fast forward to…” her voice broke. Did she really want to see herself
being killed? Was it really that important? She had her suspicions and at least she
knew that it wasn’t Dean. It was good enough.

“No,” her wolf replied, “You need to see the whole picture.”

“l am not sure I want to,” Riannon confessed, slightly embarrassed of her

momentarily weakness.

“Too late now,” Onyx chuckled in her mind, “But know that if you look carefully,
you will find out more than you asked. And not only about yourself.”

This gave her strength. It wasn’t only about her. She wasn’t the only victim. If
she could get an important piece of information from being here then she owed it to
all the people she loved to try and endure.

She quickly realised that she wasn ‘t actually there. She could walk among the
people and see what they were doing, but none of them saw her. Riannon was just a
spirit observing them all and they could even walk through her, not affecting her
at all.

This also helped her to calm down. She wasn’t actually reliving the day. She was
just watching. A guest who was only there in spirit.

She noticed herself sitting in the summer house in the garden, right where they had
the voting the other day. Riannon from the past did not look that well, with hollow
cheeks and a pale complexion. She was also thinner than usual and it did not look
good at all. The year of stress and pain took its toll on her.

She wanted to tell herself that it wasn’t worth it, that something bigger and
better was waiting for her but noticed a friendship bracelet in her hands. Maya
made it for her when they were kids and after her death, she got it out and had it
close to her at all times. She was seeking the warmth and support that her friend
used to give her and this little trinket was her anchor.

“Luna,” an omega appeared next to her with a tray in her hands, “I’ve brought some
tea for you.”

“l didn’t ask for it,” Riannon from the past replied, but the girl still placed the
tray on the bench next to her.

“The Alpha sent it to you. It’s cold and you’ve been sitting here for hours,” the
omega smiled at her, “It’s herbal tea, one of your favourites.”

“Thank you,” she stared at the cup and Riannon from the present remembered how she
felt a little glimpse of hope that maybe he was at least sorry for what he had been
doing. She took the cup in her hands and slowly drank the tea, looking around at
the busy pack. She was so broken inside by this point that she didn’t even feel the
taste of her drink.

“Ria,” Ash appeared next to her, holding a huge pile of folders in his hands, “Are
you okay?”

“l am great,” she took another sip without looking at him, “Don’t you see?”

The present Riannon noticed that he wanted to say something else but changed his
mind at the last moment and walked away. “Everything is for the best,” he muttered,
“You will see.”

She knew his motivation now and knew why he made those wrong choices. But it didn’t
make her feel any better. The past Riannon finished the tea and placed the cup back
on the tray. Immediately, the same omega appeared and took it, rushing away.

A bad feeling rose in her chest. She remembered very well that she did not ask for
tea. She didn’t eat or drink much these last few days. And since she knew that
nothing important would happen to her before the ceremony, she decided to follow
that omega instead.

The girl was clearly in a hurry even though she tried to pretend that she wasn ‘t.
And that made Riannon even more suspicious. But it was when she turned in the
opposite direction from the kitchen and went all the way behind the mansion that
she knew her hunch was correct.

She sped up and caught up with the girl right when she made a turn and almost
bumped into Roxy.

It was a perfect hiding spot because it was close to practically everything but no
one was using this road. It was dark and secluded.

Roxanne was wearing an expensive black silk maternity dress and caressed her belly
every three seconds. But when she saw the maid she got a little plastic bag out of
her pocket and opened it, gesturing for her to drop the cup inside.

“Did she drink all of it?” Roxy asked with a gentle smile on her face.

“Yes, Luna,” the girl nodded and Riannon cringed. Roxanne wasn’t a Luna yet. Not
that it was the most important thing right now. This little omega girl, someone who
lived in her pack and was using her protection, without which no omega could
survive in their cruel world, was the one who poisoned her with aconite. Now she
had no doubts.

“Good,” Roxanne stretched her hand and squeezed her shoulder, “Do not worry. All is

the best. just don’t want her to make a scene tonight. This will weaken her a bit
and we will have a calm and fun night. And tomorrow you will be the personal helper
of the new Luna.”

“Thank you!” the girl beamed, not bothering too much about the details of her

“Alice,” Roxy gave her a smile that looked so sincere that Ria would probably buy
it too, “We are almost at the finishing line. Just remember that she will need one
more doze in an hour or so for it to go smoothly.”

“Everything will be done, Luna,” the omega bowed and Roxanne waved her off.
“Go now,” she said calmly, “People shouldn’t see us together yet. But in the
evening, we will celebrate. Come to my room for a glass of champagne.”

“Can’t wait, Luna!” Alice giggled and ran away quickly.

Riannon decided not to follow her. She knew what the girl would be doing for the
rest of the day. And she chose to stay face to face with her mortal enemy who was
still a mystery to her. Roxanne caressed her bump. She wondered if it was even her
ex’s child…

A dark figure appeared from the nearby bushes and Roxy didn’t even flinch when one
of Brayden ‘s warriors, Marcus, leaned over the wall next to her lazily. She handed
him the plastic bag and he took it, clearly knowing what was inside.

“Get rid of it,” the fox said coldly and nodded even though she stood with his back
to him. The woman sighed and then added, “And after Alice is done, make sure to get
rid of her too. I don’t want any traces. It’s not the time yet.”

“Will be done,” the man assured her, while Ria tried to remember what colour his
wolf was. Was he the one who killed her? Or did Roxanne have more accomplices on
their territory?

“Will you need me to accompany you in the evening?” Marcus asked before leaving.

“No,” Roxy shook her head, “l have everything ready just the way I need it. You
make sure no one disturbs us and everyone stays at the party.”

“Fine,” he grunted and walked away back to where he came from.

The fox stood, looking in the same direction and soon Riannon realised that she was
watching the past her. Her lips curled into a smirk and eyes glowed red just for a
second, but she took it under control fast.

Riannon followed her as the day unfolded, however, nothing was happening for a
while other than Roxy being Roxy. By this time she already stopped pretending that
she was a weak omega and positioned herself as the Luna of the people. She was
throwing herself to help everyone she met but, of course, her huge belly prevented
her from doing anything and won her the sympathy vote from everyone.

It was painful for Riannon to watch this. Yet she forced herself to. Since if she
was to get useful information from anyone, it had to be Roxy.

Finally, the fox went to her room to change for the event but once she was inside,
she just sat in a huge armchair with her phone in her hands. After a while, the
phone rang and she immediately picked up so that Ria had no chance to check the
caller ID.

“Cass,” her voice became sweet and Riannon sat closer to be able to listen to the
phone call on both ends.

“Is everything ready for ton ight?” the familiar voice sounded, making her cringe.
Of course, he was the mastermind. Not Roxy.

“Yes,” his subordinate replied, “Brayden is ready. And his Luna will go tonight.”

“Good,” Castiel sounded indifferent. Like it

wasn’t a big deal for him at all. And this made her furious. He was deciding their
lives and didn’t even seem to care.

A smile formed on Roxanne’s face at the little piece of praise she got.

“Make sure there are no delays,” the man added, “l need this pack by the end of the
week. A lot depends on it. It’s crucial for killing the western lycan king. He is
our last obstacle on the way to victory. And he is this close to making a deal with
the northern king. If that happens. ..”

Riannon’s world froze at the mention of her mate. Those bast.ards didn’t just want
her pack. Gideon was their aim. While the pack was just a tool. And now that she
thought about it, of course, he was. If they wanted to destroy the wolves, then the
leader of the lycans would be their target number one.

“l know,” the pregnant girl sighed, stroking her round belly, “It will be done.
Just tell me when you want Brayden dead.”

“End of the week,” Castiel said calmly, “And make sure there is no one to lead the
pack. Luna, Beta and anyone else who may take Alpha’s place in case of an
emergency. They all have to go.”

“Got it,” Roxy agreed easily as ifthey were discussing a grocery list. Riannon
noticed that

she was fidgeting with her hair and stood right in front of her trying to read her
facial expression. “Castiel,” the woman changed her tone to a more seductive one,
“l miss you.

“Gross,” Ria muttered to herself. To her, it was already clear that the two foxes
had something going on between them. Yet the man’s reply startled her.

“Just concentrate on the mission,” the fox king cut her off, “And don’t you dare to
use your siren powers on me. Even over the phone.”

Roxanne’s facial expression dropped at once, while Riannon covered her lips with
her palm as if she had to stay quiet.

A siren! Of course. .. That explained so much and yet it was hard to comprehend
since she hadn’t heard about anyone seeing them for the past few decades. Not to
mention that she knew for a fact that Roxy was a fox too. All this made her a
hybrid. And very dangerous.

“l am sorry,” the glint in Roxanne’s eyes disappeared as if someone sucked the life
out of her, “It’s hard to control myself now due to hormones.”

She wanted to say something else but then took the phone away from her ear and Ria
realised that he had hung up on her.

The girl’s eyes filled with tears. A usual sight for her. Yet this time it seemed

“You really like him, don’t you?” Riannon chuckled to herself when the door opened
and Brayden walked in. He was wearing grey trousers with a grey waistcoat and a
white shirt, looking good.

“l thought you were going to change,” he looked his ‘mate’ up and down.

“l wanted to, but your heir is so strong. He keeps kicking me,” Roxy used that
sweet tone again and stretched her hands to Alpha, “Here, help me to stand up.”
“Are you ready?” the man did as he was asked and she gave him a soft smile.

“l can’t wait!” she giggled, making Riannon want to throw up a bit.

The two of them walked out of the room and she followed them closely with a smirk.

Unknowingly, they gave her an idea of how to win that war. And the evening was only

NOTE: Sorry for the delay. I will try to post the next chapter today as well. And I
need the collective mind again for the chapter name. I probably need to add that I
need the titles not to spoil what the chapters are about. The winner for the
previous chapter is “Give me strength” (it was a popular choice and the chapter is
now devoted to Maya and Reid). Thanks x

Chapter 64. Betrayal Hurts

“As you know, we live in a world where only the strongest and the fittest survive,”
Brayden started his speech, “This is why it is so important for us to continue our
bloodlines and create heirs. So that when we get weaker, they can step up and take
our place! For us wolves this is crucial.

Otherwise, our pack will be done!”

Riannon stood and listened to his speech next to her former self, remembering
almost every word. One could never forget when they were humiliated like that. But
looking at her old self now, she was proud of her for not breaking down in front of
everyone. By that time, she didn’t have anyone close for support.

“My legal wife Riannon and I have tried to have pups for some time now,” he
continued his grand speech. It was a lie. They didn’t try to have children and
actually planned to have them later. But he was now using their absence to justify
what he was doing. And it was working because he was receiving sympathetic glances
from the crowd. “But we were unsuccessful,” he even let out a heavy sigh. She
wanted to slap him. Ria also realised that if she was made of flesh right now, she
would have said something, would have fought for her honour and defended herself
against all odds. She changed a lot even though not much time passed.

But she was just a bodiless spirit now and couldn’t change anything in what was
happening. She was here to learn.

“You also know that the Moon Goddess blessed me and helped me to find my true mate,
Roxanne! I didn’t understand the will of the Goddess from the beginning. But Selene
is wise and she knows what she is doing. So, my beautiful mate with the kindest
heart in the world became pregnant with my pup and ensured our pack’s future! And
after very careful consideration, I realised my mistakes. I was worried that Roxy
here was just an omega, but she taught me a valuable lesson and proved the
importance of mates.”

She remembered how every word of his was punctuated with the beating of her heart
in her ears and she touched the hand of the past her as she stood there. Even
knowing that it wouldn’t help.

“This is why I had to take a very hard and drastic, but very important decision for
the sake of our pack. Today I received approval of my divorce and our ways with my
wife Riannon Tho… Michaels part. Riannon Michaels, I reject you as my chosen mate.
And with a heavy heart, I denounce you as the Luna of this pack, but as my dear
friend, you are always welcome to stay here as a regular member of the pack and I
promise to take care of you as I do of everyone else here.” “No thanks,” the
present Ria snorted to herself.

People around them were whispering and gasping, but a lot of them were nodding in
approval. Ria tried to remember the faces this time. Anything could be crucial.

“Moving on from the sad news,” Brayden raised his voice, “Let me introduce the new
Luna of the Silver River pack! Roxanne Belgrave!

He stretched her head and Roxanne walked out in a golden maternity dress. Just as
tacky as she remembered.

“She will become Roxanne Thorn in the nearest future,” Bray went on, looking at the
fox with gleaming eyes, “But she starts her Luna duties today. Roxanne, do you
swear to serve as Luna of this pack and always have the best interest of our people
in your heart?”

“l do, Alpha,” the vixen said proudly.


“Do you promise to devote your life to the pack’s safety?”

“l do.” More lies.

“Do you swear that you will work hard every day for the pack’s prosperity?”

“l do, Alpha.” Lies again.

“Roxanne Belgrave, by the will of the Moon Goddess Selene, I announce you the new
Luna of the Silver River pack!” Brayden growled and wolves around them started
howling in celebration. This was the moment when the past her wanted to leave, but
then she heard something else.

“And I want to seal this joyful day with a promise of my eternal love for my
beautiful mate, Luna and future wife!” Brayden announced, walking behind Roxy. He
carefully took all of her hair to one side and placed a soft kiss on her exposed
neck. She moaned ightly and Riannon remembered how it made her stomach turn.

The Alpha extended his canines and grazed them over the girl’s skin. She let out
another moan and that seemed to do the trick as he sunk his teeth into her flesh,
marking her for life.

And this was where the past Riannon finally

run away, pushing through people who did not care about her anymore. It was funny
how fast they were changing their sides and switching their loyalties. Ria noticed
from the corner of her eye, Alice offering her old self a drink. Something with
alcohol this time, which the former Luna drank in one gulp and walked away. The
omega who served her looked guilty but in just a few seconds she was approached by
Marcus, who was clearly flirting with her.

Ria got closer to the two of them, observing them carefully.

“I’ve been watching you for a while now, Alice,” Marcus smiled charmingly at the
young maid, whose cheeks flush at his words. She was clearly inexperienced, and he
was a player. And an elite warrior at that. Dating someone like him was probably
beyond her dreams.

“You know my name?” she raised her eyes at him and for a second there Riannon felt
sorry for the girl, who was falling into the big bad wolf’s trap. But then she
noticed the glass that probably still contained the traces of aconite with which
the omega poisoned her. It made the pity fade away as she watched the man taking
the girl away from the party that started.

She followed them into the woods where

they started making out passionately. Marcus roughly turned the girl to face the
huge oak tree and lifted the skirt of her summer dress up. He didn’t even bother
taking her underwear, just moved it slightly to get access. He took her not in the
nicest of manners but she seemed to enjoy it. Even when he laced his fingers around
her neck while pumping into her from behind. Riannon turned away as this was the
last thing she wanted to see. But very soon she heard him grunt which probably
meant that he was done. Alice moaned. Not very believable. After all, the whole
thing lasted just a minute or two. But then Riannon heard a sound of a snap and
turned back to see the girl already lying on the ground with her head in an
unnatural angle as he tucked his member back into his jeans.

He lifted the girl’s feet and started dragging her away while no emotions were
evident on his face. This was the moment when she promised herself to kill him as
soon as she was back. People like that didn’t deserve a second chance.

But she did not follow him as he dragged Alice’s body. She knew that she had to be
in a different place to learn what she really came here to learn.

She came back to the party and found Roxy celebrating as the new queen B of the
pack. She had a lot of people around her but soon she started sighing a lot and
complaining about how tired she was.

“It’s hard to carry an Alpha baby,” she giggled, “He is so strong and healthy. He
kicks me every day and so hard. It’s exhausting.”

“You need rest, my dear,” Harper gave her a hug and caressed her stomach, “The
future of our pack is literally inside you. Maybe it’s enough celebrations for
tonight? I think it’s time to take your vitamins.”

“You are right,” Roxy nodded to the disappointment of the others around them, “I’d
better listen to my sister-in-law. You are the best, Harp.”

“Just sister,” Harper beamed, “l always wanted a real sister and never had one
before. Until you.”

That was a jab at her, but Riannon didn’t care anymore.

She followed them as they went back into the house and all the way back to
Brayden’s bedroom, which Roxy was sharing with him tonight. Harper helped her to
sit in a comfortable chair, which was new. Just a week prior, Roxanne ordered a
complete makeover of their house and threw away everything that Ria ever touched.
Or loved.

“Thank you,” the fox accepted the pills and the glass of water handed to her, “You
are so sweet. Did you manage to talk to Ash already?”

“No,” the girl sat in the next armchair, frowning, “It feels like he is avoiding
They sat in silence for a while until Roxanne spoke.

“l already told you what the problem there is,” the fox started playing with her
hair innocently.

“She will be leaving the pack soon,” Harper folded her hands on her chest and her
nostrils flared visibly, “And then we will finally have a chance. Ash wouldn’t
leave his Beta position for her.”

“Oh, Harp,” Roxy sighed and it didn’t look natural at all, “l don’t know how to
tell you. .. But I heard rumours between the omegas that he is going to propose to
her tonight.

“What?” Brayden ‘s sister shifted uncomfortably in her seat and looked at her so-
called friend in shock, “It’s impossible!”

“l am sorry,” Roxanne put her glass of water onto the coffee table, “People saw him
buying a ring and bragging to his friends about it. She will have his mark on her
neck tomorrow. And I just.. I don’t want you to suffer. You know I would do
anything for you. You are really like a real sister to

“What shall I do?” Harper was tearing up now, her lips trembling, “l love him so
much. l… I waited for him to notice me for years.”

“And I think he likes you. .. a lot,” Roxy placed her palm on top of hers, “When I
see you two together, you look like a perfect couple. But

Riannon… She has her way with men. Sometimes I think that she is a witch or
something. There couldn’t be any other explanation.”

“Right,” her sister-in-law nodded, “Ash is not his usual self when he is with her.

“l hate it, Harp,” Roxanne squeezed her arm tighter, “l think this was happening to
your brother as well. And only the power of true mate bond helped to get rid of
that… unhealthy infatuation.”

“It’s of no help to me though,” Harper threw her head back, “we aren’t true mates.”

“But it’s still true love,” the fox was weaving her web, “And you have to fight for
love. Just imagine how your life would change if Riannon Michaels is not in it.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Harper let out a laugh and then she got quiet.

“Oh, no,” slipped off Ria’s lips, “It can’t be

She knew that Harper did not like her, hater her even. But this was too much. She
couldn’t.. She didn’t have it in her.

“l can’t do anything about her,” her ex-sister-in-law muttered, “She is way

stronger than me.”

Roxanne stood up from her chair and went to Brayden’s bar. There she found a bottle
of Irish cream and poured some into a glass, throwing there a few ice cubes from
the mini-fridge as well. And while she was bending, she got out a little vile from
out of a pocket of her dress. Ria watched as she added the whole little bottle into
the drink and mixed it quickly, offering it to Harper afterwards.

“Drink it,” she smiled, “You will feel better.” She watched the girl as she slowly
made gulp after gulp.
“You know, if you were to consider doing this after all,” Roxy sat on the armrest
of the chair to be closer to her victim, “then today would be the best day.”

“Why?” Harper looked at her with eyes that had a problem focusing.

“Because she is vulnerable and weak after the rejection today,” the fox smirked,
leaning to the she-wolf’s ear, “And because she was given sedatives tod ay to make
her weaker and slower. There wouldn’t be a second chance like that to get rid of
her. ..”

“Then you do it!” Harper snorted.

“l can’t,” Roxy shrugged her shoulders, “Shifting may harm the baby. But I can
provide you with an alibi. And I can be with you when you do it. .

“Brayden will find out… and Ash..

“l will take care of Brayden,” Roxanne assured her, “And as for Ash… you could be
the one to make him forget about everything.”

“l don’t know,” Harper mumbled and she didn’t look her usual self. She tried to
focus her vision but struggled with it.

“Fine,” Roxy stood up, sighing in disappointment, “Forget about it. Maybe this is
why he chooses her. .. She has the guts. If it was the other way around, she would
have killed you without hesitation. I guess Ash loves stronger women. I’ll probably
need to start looking for a

cottage for the two of them tomorrow. He would want to start a family as soon as

Riannon stood in front of Harper, still not believing in what was going on.
Harper’s wolf wasn’t even brown! It was red!

But… in the light of the moon and dying from poisoning, could she really tell the
correct shade? Red wolf fur could have been easily mistaken for brown in dimmed

“Do you think the house that Petersons were occupying will do for a Beta and his
wife? Or would they want something bigger?” Roxy kept torturing the girl next to

“No, stop,” Harper said in a hoarse voice, will do it. Just… help me.”

“No,” Ria whispered helplessly.

“Of course,” Roxanne giggled, “Let’s go. She must be ready by now. All you need to
do is shift and finish her off. I already did half of the job.

They went out of the room, leaving Riannon alone. She did not know whether to
follow them next. She already knew what she came here to find out. And the pain in
her chest was enough.

However, after careful consideration, she ran after the two… she didn’t even have a
word for them.

She had to see it to know for sure. ..

NOTE: One more chapter of the past left and then prepare for a rollercoaster ride.
Thank you for your help with chapter titles. I really appreciate it.

Chapter 65. The End

She paused when they walked out of the house and searched for her. She remembered
that part well. It was as if she wanted to help them herself because, since she had
no desire to see anyone, she went alone into the woods. Everything was too much for
her - the people who sneered at her, the people who were giving her their sympathy
and pity. It was a horrible night on so many levels. She went deep into the forest
and was considering going to her favourite place - The Silver Lake, when she was

Riannon saw Harper shifting into her wolf form after being encouraged by Roxy once
again. She didn’t even bother trying to listen to what the fox was saying. Did it
really matter? What mattered was that in the light provided by the full moon
Harper’s wolf indeed looked brown. And it was breaking her heart bit by bit.

So, it was her sister-in-law after all…

Ria always knew that Harper did not like her. In the light of recent discoveries,
it was understandable. But was the possibility of her being with Ash - and this one
wasn’t a huge

possibility - worth her becoming a murderer?

They found Riannon from the past in just a few minutes and Roxanne motioned for the
wolf to attack, staying behind in the shadows. Harper hesitated just for a second,
but then charged at the Luna who was already leaning over a tree. The poison in her
blood system reached the concentration that started to affect her and she was
getting weaker by the second. Right now her legs could barely move, so she was
defenceless when the huge wolf knocked her off her feet.

But Riannon was no weakling. Even in the past. She had a will to live, so she
grabbed the nearest fallen brunch and fought the werewolf off as long as she could.
It was the best she could do, since she couldn’t shift. Unfortunately, that did not
last long as Harper grabbed the stick with her canines and snapped it in two,
discarding it.

This was when she started crawling away, desperately trying to win some time in the
silly hope that someone would come to save her. But just like when she actually
lived in that moment, no one came. ..

She already had many scratches and cuts from the fight but when the wolf dug its
teeth into her thigh and tore off a piece of it, Ria screamed. The feral primal
sound was not heard by

anyone as the party was still in full swing, having the best night.

The present Riannon felt a tear roll down her cheek. This was horrible. And
disgusting. And inhuman… And it was painful even though she wasn ‘t actually
reliving it. But even watching this hurt.

“They will find everything out!” she heard herself saying in a desperate effort to
talk herself out of this situation, “You will not get away with

That ugly laughter that she couldn’t forget sounded in her ears as Roxanne kneeled
and grabbed a fistful of her hair, “Dear, Riannon, don’t you get it? I already

She then forcefully threw Ria towards the ground with force and ordered the wolf,
“Finish her off. Make sure nothing is left.”

Harper hesitated again but then went straight for her belly, piercing it with her
sharp teeth.

This was when her memories were ending, probably meaning that this was the moment
she died. ..

The wolf’s muzzle was all covered in her blood and her own body was convulsing. She
wasn ‘t gone just yet.

Roxy was already walking away when she felt that something was wrong and turned.

“Finish her off,” she repeated her order, but Harper didn’t move, “l said finish
her off!”

The girl shifted back into her human form and fell to her knees, trembling.

“l can’t!” Harper panted, trying to stand up. On wobbly knees, she got behind the
nearest tree and emptied her stomach there until there was nothing left in her.

Roxy swore loudly and picked up her evening dress, walking back to her almost dead
rival. Riannon from the past was lying there, bleeding out and barely breathing.
She was unconscious and that was probably why she didn’t remember that part.

“You need to finish what you started the fox sounded as if she was annoyed

“l. .. can’t,” Harper barely had the strength to talk, “Rox, I don’t. .. I don’t
think I can…”

“Too late to back down now,” Roxanne smirked, “Look at what you already did. There
is no going back after something like this.”

“We can still take her to the pack doctor,” the girl pleaded, but her accomplice
only laughed at that.

“And say what? That you accidentally almost ate her?” the fox smirked, “Don’t be

It was then that Riannon noticed some movement at the back and in less than a
second Marcus appeared and pinned Harper to the tree on which she was leaning,
lifting her up in the air. He was ruthless.

“What are… you. .. doing?” the pack’s princess was desperately fighting for air as
he squeezed her neck in his large palm.

“Cleaning up,” the man replied without any kind of sentiment in his eyes.

“You are early!” Roxanne complained, “l am not done here!”

“l can see that,” the warrior rolled his eyes, “It seems that you have forgotten
that we are on the clock here. They are both already supposed to be dead!”

“What?” Harper started scratching him and fighting for her life just like Riannon
from the past did a few minutes prior. It wasn’t working, though. He was much
bigger and stronger. He was trained and Harper. skipped most of her battle classes.
As a wolf with Alpha blood, she could protect herself from a rogue if there was a
need. But she couldn’t do much about one of her brother’s men, who were exercising
and training hard every day.

The irony…

“What can I say, she is even weaker than I thought,” Roxy groaned, but then looked
at the naked girl trying to survive with some kind of pity, “For what it’s worth,
Harp, I am sorry that it came to this. ..

“Screw. You.” Harper spat, giving her a glare full of hatred.

“Yeah, yeah,” Marcus chuckled, snapping her neck, “Very sad.” He then dropped her
to his feet and sneered to himself, “Just where a woman’s place is.”

Even Roxy cringed at that and immediately folded her hands on her chest.

“Okay,” she sighed, “Now we need to make it look as if Riannon tried to kill Harper
and the latter killed her but was mortally wounded in the process and didn’t make
it. It’s a shame you killed her by breaking her neck. I don’t see how a practically
dead woman could do that.”

“Haven’t you heard?” Marcus snorted, “A woman with the right motivation can do
anything. And this Luna is known for being the best at everything. If you didn’t
poison her, we would have a much more interesting fight between the two.”

Just at that moment, Riannon from the past made a loud hoarse noise which alerted
her murderers.

Marcus pushed off the tree under which dead Harper lay and got closer to his Luna.
“Allow me,” he offered, but Roxy stopped him at the very last moment.

“Wait!” she got closer and kneeled next to Ria, “l wanted to do this from day one.
And I want to make sure that it’s done myself.”

She let out her claws and slashed them over the past Riannon’s neck. The blood was
gushing out, soaking the grass underneath her and painting it in crimson colour.
But this only brought relief to the Luna, whose suffering finally ended.

The present Riannon watched the whole scene with her fists clenched, but at the
last moment marched to the two spies. Marcus was helping Roxanne up when she
reached them and tried to slap the fox, only for her hand to go through her as if
there was nothing there. She tried to hit her again and again, knowing that it
wasn’t possible. But she couldn’t stop.

“This was satisfying,” the pregnant woman let out a little laugh, “Can you imagine
that she looked down at me the whole time? Even when she was clearly losing. The

“Just forget about it,” the warrior said, getting back to Harper’s body and picking
her up in his arms, “Look at her now. The last person to laugh laughs best. And
that’s you.”

Ria smirked at his words. Oh, no. It wouldn’t be Roxy. The last person to laugh or
to stand would be her. Right when both of them would be dead.

“It’s bad that your sister-in-law isn’t in her wolf form,” Marcus stated plainly
when he threw Harper on top of Riannon, “How are we going to explain her being
naked and not turning?”

“Don ‘t bother yourself with this,” the fox prepared to leave, “l can talk my
future husband into anything. Just make it look as if Riannon attacked Harper and
that’s it. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Onyx,” Ria called for her wolf, “That’s enough. I know everything now. Take me
back.” “There are other things you need to see,” Onyx replied and everything went

9/1 5

She blinked and found herself in her ex-husband’s office. He was sitting at his
desk and looking gloomy in the darkness of the room. He had stubble on his face,
which was unusual for him, and this was how she realized that it wasn’t the same

“It wasn’t your fault, my love,” Roxy appeared with a glass of whiskey in her hand,
“You know it wasn’t your fault, right?”

She placed the drink in front of him and he took it without hesitation, making a
big gulp. And then one more. At the same time, Roxanne smirked and Ria made a
mental note to never eat or drink anything she touched.

“l pushed her too hard and she went mad because of me,” he said with some
bitterness in his voice, “And even killed my sister because of that. .. And that
other girl…”

“You useless narcissist!” Riannon growled at him, realizing that he meant her.

“It all happened two months ago. All guilty wolves were punished,” Roxy started
massaging his shoulders and he moaned, closing his eyes and trying to relax, “Your
ex-wife was killed by your hero sister, and the ones who helped Riannon set the
trap were punished too. Those girls, Tatiana and Aria, knew what they were

doing. You handled it then.”

“l just… can’t forget their faces when I ripped their hearts out,” Brayden said and
Riannon stopped breathing.

What was he talking about? Did he kill her friends too? Did he even investigate at

“You are an Alpha. You have to move on from this.” Roxanne insisted, “For your
people, for your mate and for your heir.”

“You are right,” he sighed heavily, “Let’s change the topic. It’s a big day for you
and I don’t want to ruin it. We are going to meet your brother.”

“Yes,’ the fox’s lips curled into a sly smile, but Brayden didn’t see this as she
stood behind him.

“And on top of everything, he is an Alpha!” the werewolf continued, “That’s very

good news considering what we have been dealing with here lately. This probably
means that you aren’t an Omega after all. I knew that the Moon Goddess wouldn’t
give me an omega mate.”
Ria wanted to slap him or at least throw something at him. But it didn’t seem

“Yes,” the girl was barely holding back laughter behind his back, “He also says
that I am a

special wolf, remember? I still can’t believe that my family gave me up for my

Riannon ran her palm over her face. How could he believe in something so stupid?!
There literally couldn’t be any proof! This stuff could only happen in books!

But when he took another sip, she knew that nothing was simple. He was broken and
devasted. And drunk. And probably poisoned too. None of that made her less angry at
him though

“How could I forget?” Brayden curled his lips weakly, “This is the main reason we
are going to your brother’s pack.

Darkness surrounded Riannon even before she could think about what it meant.

The next scene that unfolded before her eyes shocked her when she thought she was
ready for everything now.

Brayden was standing on his knees, beaten to a pulp. Both his eyes were swollen and
his clothes were torn. Four men were holding him so that he couldn’t move or get
out, and Castiel was standing in front of him with a bored face. Roxy was right
next to him and looked happy, to say the least.

“Why?” Brayden spit blood on the ground

and looked at his tormentors. Riannon wondered if at least now he realised what had
happened, how he had been tricked by the foxes.

“Nothing personal,” Castiel smirked, grasping his hair with one hand and growing
claws on the other, “You are just in my way!”

Brayden watched as his so-called mate laced her arms around the torso of the man
who was about to kill him. His face contorted painfully and Riannon couldn’t help
but feel sorry for him. “All this time,” he gritted through his teeth, looking at
Roxy, “YOU..

“You guessed correctly,” the girl praised him with a sneer, “All this time. Me.”

“And the baby?” he looked at her belly with teary eyes.

“Not yours, thank Goddess,” she smirked,

“But do not worry. Soon it wouldn’t even matter. When I take the pack into my
hands, no one is going to remem ber their naive previous Alpha. And it’s not like
they have much time left to live either.”

“Enough,” Castiel got tired of this exchange. One of his eyes gleamed red and then,
in one swift move, he tore Brayden ‘s head off.

Ria felt sick, watching him.

He looked at the bleeding head in his hands and then threw it away, wiping his
hands lazily.
Darkness surrounded her again and in all honesty, Riannon was ready to wake up from
this nightmare. She was exhausted.

But when she blinked again and found herself in the middle of a battlefield, shehe
forgot about everything at once as her eyes focused on a figure of a man in a
distance. He was on top of a small hill, clenching a dead grey wolf to his chest.

A s m was desperately trying to escape her throat as she recognised Gideon, covered
in blood. She ran towards him, her body going through all the foxes and bears who
were surrounding him and snarling aggressively.

“Gideon,” she wanted to s m, but barely any sound was leaving her mouth.

She was next to him in no time, recognising Reid’s wolf Nox, who was already dead

Everyone was dying…

“Sleep, my loyal Beta and friend,” Gideon placed him carefully on the ground,
standing up. Around him, werewolves and lycans were losing the battle. Which was
unbelievable. “l will make the ones who betrayed the Union pay for this,” he
growled menacingly and shifted.

Riannon looked around them, realisingthat he had no chance. There were too many of
them and no one to help him at a close distance. Every lycaon and werewolf was
fighting. And only then she noticed that some wolves… were fighting other wolves.

Her heart was beating so fast that she felt it somewhere in her throat. Tears were
suffocating her as she saw her mate fight a battle that he couldn’t win. Foxes and
bears were throwing themselves at him and he was killing them one by one. Until a
moment came when there were too many of them attacking him together in a large
group and he couldn’t defend himself anymore, buried under their bodies… Yet he did
not give up and kept on snapping his sharp teeth and digging his claws into his
enemies until his very last breath.

A true king. A true Alpha..

Ria couldn’t believe her eyes. The pain from the scene she witnessed was unbearable
and she fell to her knees, unable to stand anymore. Even if she was an incorporeal

She clenched her fists, trying to steady her breathing.

Finally, the foxes and the bears left the place where Gideon was fighting just a
few seconds prior and she saw him lying on the ground in his wolf form. Still
majestic and beautiful. But not a drop of life left in him…

“Gideon!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, closing her eyes, as tears were
streaming down her face.

And when she opened them, she heard a loud growl and two strong hands were pinning
her down. ..

NOTE: This was such a hard chapter to write and I still don’t think I did it
justice. Can I ask help with the name again? I feel like I am drained after writing

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Chapter 66. Golden Crescents

“Riannon!” Gideon brought her closer to him as she was kicking and screaming. He
was confused at first but soon realised that something was happening to her and
when she started crying, calling his name, he simply pressed her against him,
holding her hands in place so that she wouldn’t hurt herself.

“Mars,” he called his wolf, “Try reaching Onyx.”

His wolf growled in agreement and he lost him for a few moments. But then Riannon
opened her eyes full of tears and looked at him in disbelief. It was as if she
tried to recognise him and for a second there he was worried that she couldn’t.

“Gideon,” her lips trembled as she tried to catch her ragged breathing and focus
her gaze on him. She was shivering and when he let go of her hands, she reached his
face with shaky fingers. She traced carefully almost every strong line of his.

“It’s me, Riannon,” his voice was practically a whisper because he was afraid to
scare her

again, “It’s me. It was just a dream.”

“Gideon l” she threw herself in his arms, lacing her own around him so that there
wasn’t any air left between the two of them. She felt his warmth and breathed in
his scent, tears burning her eyes. It was him. He was alive. What she saw. ..

it didn’t happen yet.

“Ria,” he murmured somewhere in her hair, “It’s all right. You are here and so am
l. We are fine. It was just a dream.”

“It wasn’t a dream,” she finally managed to distance herself from him, “Gideon,
Onyx showed me the past. And it was so horrible.”

“We already knew that it was horrible,” his voice was calm as he took away a strand
of hair that stuck to her face. His tranquillity helped her find some inner peace

“It’s different to know and to see,” she looked him in the eyes with a newfound
determination, “We can’t let any of this happen. It was so bad… Gideon, me and Maya
weren’t the only ones to die. . I saw you holding Reid. . dead… And then you. ..”
She stopped talking as tears were suffocating her.

“l don’t want anything like this to ever

happen to you,” she sniffed. He pulled her into a hug and let her cry as much as
she needed,

“This… future… It cannot… happen.” Her words were punctuated with sobs as she
indulged herself in his warmness.

“Ria,” he sounded tense and his whole body was rigid, “Did you. by any chance see

“No,” she took a deep breath and sat up, “l didn’t see her. But… what I saw
couldn’t mean anything good for her either. You lost the war. And you were betrayed
too. Wolves were fighting wolves.”

“Tell me everything you saw,” he placed his palms on her shoulders, “Every single

And she did, starting with her own murder and finishing with the last moment she
saw him alive.

“l am so sorry you had to go through this,” he kissed her temple as he held her in
his arms. She was leaning over his chest, and he was brushing circles with his
fingers on her bare skin.

“l am fine now,” she said. And it was the truth. The past faded and being close to
her mate was definitely helping, their bond giving her the confidence and strength
that she needed.

Besides, her brain started ticking. Yes, it was

terrible to see her own death again, it was disgusting to see her enemies win and
it was heart-breaking to see her mate die. But between all those events she found
crucial pieces of information.

“The Northern king,” she looked at Gideon, “They were so afraid that you would form
an alliance with him. This is exactly what we need to do.”

“Yeah, about that,” the lycan rubbed his forehead, “They were worried for nothing.
There is no way that as*hole and I would ever form an alliance.”

“l am sensing that there is a story there,” Riannon quirked her brow up. Whatever
that story was, she was sure she could persuade them both. This was what she was
born for.

“There is,” he admitted, “But it’s not for today. You’ve been through too much and
you need rest. Let’s go to sleep.”

“No,” she shook her head and brushed her palm over his cheek with short stubble, “l
don’t want to sleep. I want to be with you. I want you..

“Riannon, you have no idea what those words do to me,” he let out a soft snarl,
“what you do to me. ..”

“l don’t want to waste any time,” she whispered, straddling him and leaning forward
to touch his hot lips with hers. “If today proved anything, it is that every moment
is precious. We never met each other in our past lives. They were wasted because of
that. I don’t want to ever be separated from you. I don’t want to live even a
minute of my life without you. | want to have your mark on my neck and I want it

“Ria,” now an internal growl escaped his chest that was going up and down, “You
know that I want this more than anything. But… You deserve a beautiful ceremony. I
want to give only the best to my queen..

“Then give it to me,” she rose slightly, her body brushing over his, “But it’s not
the ceremony that I want. Trust me, they are overrated. I had a beautiful marking
ceremony once and look how that ended. It means nothing to me. But you, Gideon, you
mean everything. Give me your mark. Please.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he growled and in one sharp move placed her back
on the bed, towering over her, “When my Queen wants something, she doesn’t have to
repeat herself.”

She was wearing only a thin white silk slip

and he caressed her body through it, teasing her and making her arch her back.
Their breathing was getting faster together and when he pulled the fabric down to
expose her breasts, a sound of approval emerged from the depth of his body at the
sight of her firm ni*ples. He lowered himself and inhaled one while tugging the
other in between his fingers as he took a handful of her. A moan escaped her, and
then another. Riannon’s delicate fingers intwined in his dark hair as she
encouraged him to go on. He tore off her and went all the way up to her face only
to crash his lips into hers, to taste her. Their tongues tangled as they shared one
breath, the kiss overwhelming all their senses. But at the same time, his hand was
rolling the silk up to expose more of her to him. She laced her thighs around his
torso and that made him pant in an instant. His hardness was already evident
against her stomach.

“Mark me,” she said when he finally was able to break from her and now was taking
in her beautiful body.

“Not yet,” a menacing chuckle escaped him as his fingers found the fabric of her
lacy underwear. He pulled it all the way down, relieving her of it. And then he
yanked her to the edge of the bed, kneeling in front and spreading her wider for
him. She felt his hot breathing on her sensitive core and moaned when his tongue
finally reached it. He made just one sensual stroke and watched her reaction as her
body shuddered in his hands. Gideon liked what he saw, he liked that control over
her. Especially since he knew that he would lose his own in a matter of mere
minutes thanks to that woman.

He loved her too much, he wanted her too much.

“Gideon, please!” she almost whined, desperate for him to do more. And he was happy
to oblige, tasting her essence on his lips as his tongue probed her. Mars wanted to
take over him but it wasn’t the time yet. Grasping the bare flesh of her bottom,
the lycan king placed her things onto his shoulders, going deeper and faster.

“Look at me,” he growled and she obeyed him, their eyes locking as her breasts
bounced slightly from his movements. He swore under his breath and moved his tongue
to the most sensitive bundle of nerves, while at the same time inserting two
fingers into her.

A loud moan left her this time as he pumped the fingers in and out, curling them
inside in search of her most responsive spot. He already knew where it was, so he
found it with ease, taking up the speed. Riannon shuddered from all the pleasure
that was overtaking her way too fast, but he held her in place with his free hand
as he went on, and on, and on…

The rel*ase exploded through her, making her forget even her own name. But not his.
His was on her lips all the time as he kept caressing her and bringing her to her
next climax.

“Gideon!” the sounds were becoming desperate in her need for him. But right when
she was coming to her peak once again, he stopped doing everything and got his
fingers out of her. She tried to catch her breath as she watched him questioningly.
There was no way she was ready to stop now.

But when he unbuckled his pants and discarded them, her lips curved into a little
smile. She found strength to stand right next to him and traced her palm all the
way from his chest to his hardness. At the same time, the lycan hooked the straps
of her slip and made it fall to their feet.

She lowered herself slowly, still looking into his eyes, and then stroked him
gently a few times before bringing his hard flesh to her lips. Slowly, she wrapped
them around him and took him in. As much as she could because there was no way to
take all of his length.

A growl left him as he entwined his fingers into her hair as if she was his anchor.
She was driving him crazy in the best sense of the word and he threw his head back,
closing his eyes. “What do you do with me?” he muttered,


He stopped her before she knew it and scooped her into his arms, placing her back
onto the bed and getting on top of her.

“l love you so much, do you know it?” he grunted as he rubbed his tip at her

“l know,” she smiled, because she loved seeing him like that - bedazzled with
passion, consumed by his emotions. .. He was like that only with her and she loved
that power.

“Good,” he nodded and pinned both her hands above her head, lifting one of her
thighs and entering her roughly.

She let out a loud moan as she curved her back for him, “l love you too. So
much. ..”

“Very good,” he snarled and started pounding into her as if there was no tomorrow.

She was his perfect woman, his queen, his perfect Luna and he couldn’t get enough
of her.

She screamed every time he brought her to a release, digging her nails into his
flesh. It was the first time they were together since she got her wolf back and
everything was heightened. For her and for him as well. With each thrust, with each
mad kiss their bond was getting stronger, and he didn’t think he could stop

Chanting her name, he took her again and again.

Then, when he felt that they both were ready, he lifted her up and placed her on
his lap, letting her straddle him. Her silky skin was covered with beads of sweat
and her wonderful scent was filling his nostrils, making Mars go feral inside of

“From this day forward,” he took her hair from her neck to make sure that nothing
would get into their way, “You will only belong to me, Riannon.”

He looked into her eyes, searching for approval

“l have already been yours for a while,” she smiled through tears that were forming
in her eyeS.

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he thrust into her again, her body bouncing
on his as he held her while plunging into her again and again. She was now leaning
over his firm chest and felt his canines grazing over her skin, right where her ex-
husband’s mark once was. Now the place was clean and ready for him. It was always
his. Gideon’s.

“Forever,” a growl that shook the walls around them emerged from his chest as his
sharp teeth sunk into her. She expected pain just like the first time, but instead,
Riannon experienced the most intense outburst of pleasure in her entire life. She
didn’t even know if she was moaning or screaming, she was completely lost in the

She knew only one thing. He needed to feel that too. So, she gathered the remnants
of her strength and found his neck, kissing it first to make sure that this was the
right spot. And when she felt him pulsating under her and groaning louder, she
pierced him with her canines.

“Ria,” his voice did not sound human anymore as he let his wolf take the control
together with him. Pressing her tighter, the rel*ase reached them at the same time
as his seed spilt inside of her. Riannon screamed and then she hung limply in his
arms, exhausted and panting. His back fell to the bed, but he refused to let her
go, still holding her in his arms.

They both could feel their marks healing already, the tingling sensation was
pleasant and


“Finally,” he looked into her eyes, caressing her cheek. She couldn’t hold her lips
from tugging into a smile. She was so happy with him already, but this was so much
bigger… It was all-consuming.

“Finally,” she repeated, fighting with her own eyes that wanted to close now.

“Sleep my love,” he whispered and kissed her nose gently, “You need this. And I
will guard you. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again. That’s a promise.”

And the one she knew he would do his best to keep.

Slowly, the world around her went dark as she allowed herself to drift off to

It was probably the middle of the next day when she woke up and found him still
there, next to her. He was sleeping but his hands were still holding her and this
made her grin from ear to

She did not want to wake him up, so she placed a little kiss where she could reach
and wriggled out of his grasp in the hope to take a shower and brush her teeth
before he woke up. A lot had to be done but all that she was thinking about was
making him take her again. The night they shared was too good to just get back to

But Ria also knew that they both had responsibilities and already wasted more time
than they were allowed to. She had to think about what could be done when she was
passing a mirror.

In her reflection she saw something incredibly beautiful, something that she did
not expect to see at all. Her mark was different from what she saw others have. It
usually formed into an intricate tattoo-like pattern. But she was staring now at
two golden crescents looking at each other. Golden! No one had golden marks before!

“l told you the Moon Goddess blessed you,” Onyx chuckled in her mind.

Riannon turned to look at how Gideon’s mark would look like, something she forgot
to check and found him sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her. He had two
golden crescents too.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” she bit her lip, trying to contain the excitement.

“Very,” he smirked, but his eyes were all over her naked body.

He was about to say something but her phone rang, disrupting their moment. Ria went
to check, knowing that an Alpha couldn’t ignore any phone calls and was surprised
to see her ex-husband’s name on the caller ID…

NOTE: I noticed that there are a lot of new people here now. Don’t forget to join
Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group on FB. We are having a lot of fun there as
well and in the next few days, I am going to be doing a poll about a sequel to this
book. Also, don’t forget to say hi in the com ments.

Chapter 67. In Charge

She came back to Gideon and he spread his arms to take her into his lap as she
showed him the caller ID. She could feel his whole body going rigid under hers.

“What does he want?” the lycan king grunted, wrapping his arms possessively around
his still naked mate.

“Let’s find out,” she giggled, leaning into him and answering the call.

“Ri,” she heard her ex-husband’s voice and couldn’t believe that he still had the
audacity to call her that. What was he thinking? “Thank you for picking up,” he
sounded slightly lost. They were not together anymore, but she still knew
everything there was to know about him. Something was wrong.

“How can I help you, Alpha Thorn?” she asked in a businesslike manner, dry, cold
but respectful.

“Help is the right word,” he sighed, as if it was hard for him to speak, “Help is
exactly what I need from you, Riannon.”

“Wow, that was fast,” her lips curved into a

smirk, “You had your own pack for one day and you already need my help?”
“It’s complicated,” Brayden was getting more agitated.

“Just cut straight to the chase,” she suggested, giving her mate a disapproving
look as he was slowly starting to caress her body again and making her feel things
that she didn’t want to feel when on the phone with her ex.

“Something happened right before you came to my pack,” The Alpha on the other side
of the line continued, “l checked the footage from my land and saw Roxy and Harper
taking a walk when they were attacked and kidnapped by two masked guys.”

She was happy that he couldn’t see her rolling her eyes. Just what did she see in
him in the past? Ria looked at her mate and realised by assessing his facial
expression that he was thinking the same thing.

“Seriously?” she did her best not to laugh,

“You seriously believe that?”

“l saw it with my own eyes,” Brayden sounded confident.

“Very well,” Riannon snorted, “what is your so-called mate and the other is your
sister. What does it possibly have to do with me?”

“l was getting to that,” it seemed like this conversation was hard for him, “The
kidnappers contacted me and they want to meet.

“Go meet them then,” she tracked her shoulders, “Again, why do you call me?”

“That’s the thing,” Bray groaned, “they said that they would only meet with the
alpha and the Luna of the pack. I tried to explain to them that we are divorced,
but they are not convinced and still insist on us coming there together. They said
that they would start cutting their fingers off if we don’t agree.”

“You do realise it’s a trap, right?” She tried to keep the serious tone but
Gideon’s hand went all the way down between her thighs and made her bite her lip.
He knew how to play her like an instrument now and the mate bond was on his side.

“Of course, I do,” her ex gritted his teeth, “It’s always a trap. But I still have
to try and save them.”

“She is not your mate, Bray,” Riannon placed her head on the lycan’s shoulder,
trying to control the sounds coming out of her. She wanted to grab his hand and
stop him, but he caught her arm and held it in place. While her other one was busy
holding her cell. She was trapped and he continued reminding her who her mate was
now. Not that she objected.

“l still am not convinced,” she heard her ex saying in a dark tone, and was glad
that she rejected him back at the Summit and there was no way for him to know that
he wasn’t the focus of her attention now. “Besides,” his voice suddenly felt
slightly broken, “Roxanne is pregnant.”

“But it doesn’t mean that you are the father,” she made her point, “Dean went
willingly with her, Bray. She had power over him. Just like she has it over you.
You are hardly her only man.”

“Even so,” it was evident that he didn’t want to agree, “There is still a chance
that the pup is mine. And anyway, Harper is there too. You wouldn’t want to leave
her in this situation, Ri,
“Hmm,” she bit her lip as Gideon found that one spot again and every circular
motion he made was forcing her body to react. Otherwise, she would have burst out
laughing. “l don’t know, Bray. She hates me. Do I owe her anything? I don’t think

“You’ve changed,” her ex grunted.

“Yes,” she almost screamed as she was

reaching her peak and, on top of that, Gideon was now breathing into her fresh and
still sensitive mark. His tongue flickered over it and this time her eyes rolled
for very different reasons.

“Ri, are you all right?” Brayden sounded concerned, but this time the lycan king
grazed his teeth over her skin and she shuddered on his fingers, as the new cl*max
took over her.

“Yes!” she repeated, trying to get her breathing under control as the tingles were
bursting all over her. She tried to remember what they were talking about as Gideon
chuckled, licking his fingers, and she jabbed him with her elbow. But after a
second thought, she leaned towards him and slammed her lips into his, thanking him
for the pleasure he gave her. But as he felt him ready to go on, she motioned for
him to stop and let her finish the conversation.

“Are you sure everything is fine?” her ex did not give up, “l can come now if you
want me to.”

She wanted to tell him that she had already come. But that would be rude and she
bit her tongue.

“Back to the matter we discussed,” she cleared her throat and distanced herself
from her mate, who looked too tempting now. But this was important. The scenes from
the past were still before her eyes and she couldn’t be careless. “Give me a reason
to help you, Bray. I don’t see why I should even bother with it. And don’t give me
any sentimental crap. After what the three of you made me go through, I am not
buying any of that. You need my help? Fine. But I need something in return. What
can you offer?”

” l . . He really did not expect this turn of events, hoping that she would just do
this little favour for him out of the kindness of her heart. But then it occurred
to him that she probably already knew about the money. And this was exactly what
could persuade her now. “l will give your pack half of the funds that I have. I am
sure you already know that.. .”

“That you stole from me,” she snorted, pulling on a silky robe, “Yeah, I got
notification from the bank, Bray.”

Now there was a heavy silence between the two of them.

“l will give you a half back,” he managed to say after a while and she giggled.

“Oh, Brayden,” she sat on the top of the desk in the room and the sight of her on
top of that made Gideon growl, “l already have a half. Or did you forget that I was
the one managing the money?’

“You mean. Brayden was lost for words.

“l mean that I thought that you could do something like this after our divorce and
I took precautions,” she smiled, knowing that even though he didn’t see it, he knew
she was doing it.

“What did you do?”

She chuckled before answering, “Oh, I did a lot of things. Invested here and there.
Opened a new account in my name. On top of that, my Luna salary… I never spent a
penny out of it, so it’s all still there. In my name. So, I am fine. In fact, I am
better than you.”

“l should have known,” he snarled at her over the phone.

“But you didn’t pay attention,” she giggled, “You know, I would have given you that
other half of the money if you didn’t decide to steal from me, knowing what it
would mean for a whole pack. You can call it a test. And you didn’t pass.”

“The half of everything you just listed should be mine according to the law,”
Brayden tried to get out of this mess, “It all could be traced and checked.”

“That’s the beauty of small print that you hate so much,” Riannon jumped offthe
table and circled the desk to sit in the chair, “According to the new law which you
personally helped me to push through, I get what belonged to my father’s pack,
considering inflation and all. Plus, I get what I earned as a Luna during my time
as one and everything that was gifted to me or bought in my name during the
marriage. And before you say anything, I have your written permission, verified by
both our lawyers years ago. Everything is legal. And thank you for your

She heard the sound of something breaking at the other end of the line and waited,
giving her ex time for his tantrum.

“So, you wouldn’t help me,” he growled angrily after a while.

“Oh, I will,” she smirked, locking her eyes with Gideon, “It’s just that it’s going
to be on my terms and now yours. You will do as I say or I am out.”

“What do you want?” he asked, admitting his defeat.

“For now, I want you to set a date,” Ria’s tone changed to icy cold because all the
jokes were done. Gideon noticed the shift, admiring his Queen ‘s ability to keep
her cool at all times.

“When?” he asked, “l wanted to get them as soon as possible.”

“One step at a time, Bray,” Riannon warned him, “l am not walking into a trap
unprepared. Tell them that we will meet in 48 hours. Don’t tell anyone about our
deal, not even your new Beta.” “l think it should be my decision.” Brayden still
wanted to be in control.

“Very well,” she pronounced the words in the sweetest tone, “Suit yourself. And
good luck with all that rescue thing. Bye!”

“Wait!” the Alpha sounded desperate.

Finally. He knew that she had him. “I’ll do as I say. Just help me.”

“This was just one of the conditions, Bray,” Riannon informed him calmly, “You will
owe me one. And we will make a written deal about it. You can make a few conditions
of your own. But you will still owe me. And I will collect when I like it.” He
didn’t give her the answer at once. But she knew that he was considering it.
“Fine,” her ex agreed after all, “You have a deal. I will not tell a single soul. I
wasn’t going to anyway.”

“Great,” now her voice was cheerful, “l will call you tomorrow to give you more
details of my plan. Remember that what I say goes. And don’t you dare play any
tricks on me when we are

there. It will cost you. Literally. Don’t forget that was.. .”

“There is no need for this,” he interrupted her and then let out a sad sigh, “Ri, I
know I screwed up with you. But you are not my enemy.

You will never be my enemy. Whatever you do. Even if I am angry. You are. ..”

“l think it’s time to finish this conversation, Gideon was next to her in less than
a second, fuming slightly. He didn’t want that pathetic wolf to try coaxing his

“Remember about the deal,” Riannon said dryly, not wishing to hurt her mate.
Brayden was her past. But Gideon was her everything. “See you soon .”

She switched off her phone and threw it on the top of the desk.

“You are a scary woman, Riannon Michaels,” the lycan smirked, “l am lucky that you
are on my side.”

“You sure are,” she let out a snort, tapping her fingers over the hand rest of her
chair. Their eyes met and smiles dropped from both their faces. It was time to

“Let’s start,” Ria furrowed her brows.

“That’s clearly a trap,” Gideon stated firmly,

“And they are interested in you, because that fox already told them everything.”

“But we can still use it to our advantage,” his mate’s lips curled into a sneer,
“They have no idea how much we know about them now. All we need is a good plan. ..”

NOTE: I need help with the name of this chapter again and I will leave this to you
because you are great at this. The UK is threatened by storm Eunice atm and it may
affect the internet etc tomorrow (unlikely, but possible). I will, however, try to
write and schedule the next update earlier for you to make sure you get your dose
of TPL.

Chapter 68. The North Star

“Will you just tell me what exactly the problem is there?” Riannon was losing her
patience with her mate. This was the first time they didn’t agree on something at
once and it was very new. And confusing. And she didn’t like this at all.

“Can you just trust me on that?” Gideon ran his hand over his face, “That pathetic
excuse of a king isn ‘t worth talking about.”

“See, this is the problem here,” she was putting her diamond studs into her ears
while watching him in the mirror, “l can tell that there is a story, but you are
not sharing this with me.”

“There isn’t too much to share,” he finally admitted as he was buttoning his shirt,
leaving the last two buttons undone. Just the way she liked it so much.

“You’re doing this again,” Ria reprimanded him with a small smile on her lips, “and
here I thought that you could share anything with me. We need that alliance, you
know that.”

“Fine,” he growled, surrendering to her, and went to the window to check if Reid
and Maya were already waiting for them outside, “We would have already been in that
alliance with the Northern Kingdom. It was in the plans and my father worked for it
really hard.

“And what happened?” Riannon was now interested more than ever, sensing that there
would be something worth hearing.

“They wanted an alliance through marriage,” he gave a pointed cough, and she knew
at once why he did not like that story.

“And who was the happy couple?” she already regretted asking him about the North.
“It was supposed to be me and Kai’s sister,

Kai was the name of the northern king. Riannon knew that because it was her job to
know these things. But the mysterious princess of the northern kingdom - there was
no information about her anywhere. They were hiding her as if she was their most
precious treasure.

She didn’t notice how her fists clenched. She did not like the thoughts but we’re
now in her head. Did he have a betrothed? Did they have anything? Did he kiss her?
Were they doing other things? He didn’t get all these skills from nowhere. She knew
he had experience and she did not care before. But right now, Onyx was growling
angrily inside of her, sharing her thoughts.

“How nice.” She didn’t know why her voice came out so high pitched. She wasn’t
herself. Gideon strolled towards her through the room and caught her in his arms.

“It never happened, Ria,” a smirk was dancing on his lips as he pulled her closer
and took a deep breath, inhaling her scent.

“Why?” she looked at him, feeling her heart beating faster. She needed to know this
for so many reasons.

“l refused,” he told her, lowering himself to place his forehead on hers.

“Why did you?” she rubbed her nose over his, feeling the warmth spreading over her.
He was the one to say no to the princess. Not the other way around. This knowledge
was important to her for some reason and Onyx was calmer inside of her now.

“l did it because of you,” Gideon said and now she wanted to let out a little
laugh, but when she opened her eyes and saw him staring at her, the smile faded.
“Because deep inside, even though I never wanted to admit it, I always wanted to
find you, my mate. My one and only.


She felt a jab of guilt deep inside her chest. He waited for her. He even risked a
relationship with another kingdom just because of the possibility that he could
find her. Meanwhile, she gave up on him early on and married Brayden, the biggest
mistake of her life.

“And this is why you think that you will not be able to form an alliance with him?”
she asked, instead of telling him what she really wanted to tell, “It was years ago
as far as I understand.

Maybe he already cooled down after that.”

“No,” Gideon stepped away and rubbed the back of his neck, “This… wasn’t the end of
the story.”

For a few moments he wasn’t saying anything and that got her scared. How bad was

“Do tell,” Riannon insisted, furrowing her brows and bracing herself for the worst.

“That deal was between our parents and they brushed that under the rug,” her mate
continued, “They were wise and did not want to ruin our relationship. But after his
father and my parents died, everything changed. We both became kings but we
couldn’t maintain a civil. partnership. He was competing with me in everything and
it never ended well. But what was worse, one day he sent us a message that he
wanted to arrange another marriage between our royal families. He asked for Savvy’s
hand in marriage and she was just fifteen at the time!”

Riannon bit her tongue. She was also fifteen when her parents started talking about
her marrying Brayden. It was typical for alpha families and especially for the

“Ria, I just couldn’t do that to my sister,” Gideon sighed. She knew that he felt
responsible for Savannah. In many ways, he was replacing a father for her. “She was
just a kid back then. And deserved better than this. Better than a contract
marriage. But of course, Kai’s pride couldn’t take another refusal. Sometimes I
think that he proposed to trap me in the first place. Because after that he could
use everything as a perfect excuse to do whatever he wanted. He is such a prick,
Ria. Honestly.”

She walked to him and brushed her palm over his cheek, enjoying the prickles his
stubble gave her.

“We still need to talk to him,” she said firmly and, judging by his knitted brows,
this was not what he expected.

“Ria, I am telling you,” he grunted, but she

placed a finger on his lips to make him stop and then met his gaze.

“No, Gideon, I am telling you. We need him.” She looked him in the eye in hope that
he would see everything that was on her mind, “We are not letting people die
because of your pride. And his. We still don’t know which werewolf packs would
betray you. And if. There are many pieces of the puzzle that we don’t have. But one
thing is certain, they were sure that they wouldn’t be able to handle both of you.
We have to use it. Otherwise, we still may lose even now. And l… I don’t want to
witness anything like that ever again.”

“Fine,” the Lycan king growled in annoyance. But in truth, he knew that for her he
would do whatever it took. “We will try to deal with Kai after all this mess.”

She couldn’t hold back her grin and stood on the tips of her toes to give him a
quick kiss. “That’s my king,” she praised him, “And now, it’s time for the show!”
They met with Maya, Reid and Ash outside of the mansion as they still didn’t have
the time to check the building properly and were not sure that there were no
surprises from the foxes and bears inside.

“Ash,” Riannon turned to her Gamma, “You will need to keep an eye on Marcus at all
times. In no way make him feel special today. He is just a regular warrior for you,
so only give him his usual tasks. See who he talks to and at 3 pm make sure that
the warriors have a run through the eastern side of the forest.”

“What for?” Ash looked curious now.

“He is a traitor and I need him to have something to give to his masters,” Riannon
smirked and then turned to Maya, noticing how her friend looked better than she
expected. “Are you. ..

“l am fine,” her best friend interrupted,

“Just tell me what to do.”

“Well, we are having Dean’s funeral tonight. His body will be burned according to
our traditions and the whole pack will be present,” Ria started to explain.

“There is no need for this,” Maya stopped her and now her eyes were glistening with
tears that wanted to escape her, “He was one of the traitors too.. .”

“He was misled,” Riannon gave her a weak smile, “l am not judging him for what
happened. And we will never know all the details. But, Maya, he can help us now.
Let him.”

They stared at each other for some time and then the Beta simply nodded, giving her

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“l want you to be you and drown yourself in work,” Ria informed her, “l need you to
assign every omega you can find a task today that would keep them busy. Everyone
but Alice. Make her help in the kitchen today. And leave only the chef and her. I
need her there.”

“Why would you need Alice?” Maya was surprised to hear that name. She knew the
omega but she was never anything special, to begin with, to pay her any attention.

“She works for the foxes,” Gideon told her, and the Beta’s eyes glowed as she tried
to control her wolf.

“l will kill her,” she growled.

“Not if you want real revenge,” Ria interjected and it helped. “We need her alive

“Is this why you want Marcus too?” Maya gritted her teeth, still fighting with
herself, “He is a traitor too?”

“Yes,” Riannon nodded and Ash growled. “Do you even realise what you are asking?”
the beta had her claws out, “If they are the traitors, then they are the ones
guilty of Dean ‘s death too! They could have helped her catch him

“And we will deal with them when the time comes,” Ria promised, “But right now we
need to take care of everyone. Time for revenge will come. I swear.”

“If you can’t perform Beta’s job at the moment, everyone will understand,” Gideon
said, and Riannon gave him a glare. However, this was what made her calm down and
she retracted her claws.

“No, I am fine,” Maya said and Reid wrapped her arm around her.

“I’ll be with you the whole time,” he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Okay,” Riannon forced a little smile, “We will meet after the funeral and talk. I
have a lot to tell you all. But work first.”

Gideon and Reid both stayed at the pack, each guarding their own mate. They started
by searching the Luna’s and the Alpha’s office and found a few bugs in Brayden’s
old desk and bookshelves. However, her office was clean.

“This is a bit insulting,” Ria rolled her eyes,

“As if they didn’t pay me any attention!”

“That was obviously a big mistake on their part,” the lycan chuckled, “Look what
happened thanks to that!”

They had a map before them where

Riannon had already made a few marks. Now, all they had to do was wait. And Alice
didn’t make them wait long..

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Chapter 69. Goodbye.

She went into the room timidly, carrying a tray with… well, tea. Riannon wanted to
laugh out loud, taking a mental note to not drink it. It was unlikely that the
omega would try to poison her now, but just the thought of consuming anything that
her hands touched repulsed the Alpha.

There was a possibility, of course, that in this lifetime Alice wouldn’t be working
for the foxes yet. She wasn’t a part of the main team even back in her previous
life. But now Riannon kind of hoped that she had been recruited already. It would
be really helpful to them.
The chances were high. Alice was pouring the tea into one of the cups when Ria took
a quick glance at her. Ever since she saw the past, she had been wondering what
made the omega serve Roxy? Their pack was one of the best and life inside of it was
comfortable for everyone. On top of that, omegas were guaranteed protection at all
times and it was truly priceless in their cruel world. Maybe she had bigger
ambitions than just serving tea to the higher-ranking wolves? Or maybe she needed
money for some reason. Either way, they prom ised her something that corrupted her
loyalty to the pack. And it couldn’t be a coincidence that right now both her and
Marcus had chosen her pack and not Brayden’s. Ria also remembered that Alice had a
chosen mate who was just slightly higher in ranking than an omega and wondered if
he was taking part in it. But she doubted that, considering what she witnessed the
girl doing with Marcus in the woods right before her death. Another proof that true
mates ruled over chosen ones.

They did their best to ignore her. Everybody took omegas for granted and, although
Riannon hated to admit that and tried to know everyone in her pack, at times like
this, she was one of them. This was what the fox king counted on. And right now she
had to play along. And so did Gideon.

“Ria, you are crazy if you think that I am letting you go with just six warriors,”
the lycan king growled dominantly, and she caught herself thinking that it sounded

“We can’t take too many. If they see them, then Harper would be dead.” Riannon
explained calmly as Alice was placing a cup in front of her.

“Don’t worry, they are strategic places. If we hide

them there, no one will know. It’s next to impossible to see them from the ground,
so unless they come in a plane. ..”

“This is not what I am worried about, and you know it,” he sighed, tapping his
fingers on the map. Ria was impressed by his acting skills. Gideon really did not
give out any drama school kid vibes. But on the other hand, he was a politician
just like her. They had to act more than they liked to admit.

“We already talked about it,” Riannon tried to sound firm and annoyed as Alice
placed a cup of tea in front of her, grazing her eyes over the map. “Thank you,”
she did not look at her as she said that.

“There is only one problem,” her mate chuckled, “l don’t give a damn about Harper.
I haven’t even seen her.. But you are my whole world. I am not risking my queen.”

“Of course you are not,” she fidgeted with the cup in her hands, “That’s why we are
working on this plan.”

“And it needs more warriors. Lycan warriors.” They stared at each other and it was
the worst part because she wanted to laugh since it reminded her of a children’s
game. But he didn’t even flinch and that gave her strength to

go on as well.

“Fine,” she groaned, “Bring your lycans, but I am bringing my warriors too. So,
we’ll bring six people each. I need to think of new places to position them.”

“Whatever,” Gideon smirked, “Lycans are the fastest shifters. You can position them
far away to avoid them being noticed and they will still be in place on time at the
first signal.”
“Good to know,” she put the cup with tea away, pretending to look at the map. “Then
I will place half of them here. And the other half. .. I need to think about it
some more.”

They let Alice hear enough, not wanting it to be too unnatural. One thing was for
sure, Castiel wasn’t an i *t. He would realise that something was off if he
received full information about their plan. That would be very lucky even for the
sly fox.

Gideon refused the tea and Alice was stumbling with her tray.

“That would be all. Thank you.” Riannon smiled at the girl charmingly and the
latter even blushed a bit. Who could have thought that this little creature would
be able to add aconite to people’s drinks?

“Do you think she bought it?” Ria almost jumped when she heard Gideon’s voice in
her head. But when the realisation settled, she smiled at him. It was the first
time they used mindlinking, which was now possible due to their mating process
being completed. It was convenient too, since no one would hear them now.

“l hope so,” Riannon took another look at the map, “If she remembered at least a
few of these places, then we’ll be able to take out their warriors one by one.”

“Speaking of warriors,” the lycan looked at his watch and sighed, “We are almost
late for another show.”

They were waiting for the warriors to get closer to start their next performance..
And when they heard the sounds of approaching steps as Ash made the team run,
Riannon prepared for a fight. It was lucky that both of them had enhanced hearing
now. The lycan as a royal and Ria as a blessed wolf. She didn’t even have a chance
yet to test what she could do, but Onyx assured her that they were capable of many
things. However, this wasn’t the time to show off.

Gideon was holding kick pads and she was hitting them with enthusiasm. But not with

full force.

“l just can’t do this anymore!” she groaned loudly, knowing that werewolf hearing
would be able to pick up on that.

“Of course you can,” her mate said calmly, playing his part. “You just need time. I
think this glowing thing exhausted you. You need time to restore properly.”

“But we don’t have time!” she almost screamed, turning away from him in fake
desperation. “l need to be able to shift now and can’t anymore! This is happening
all over again !”

“Heard you,” Ash’s voice sounded in Riannon’s mind, “And I am sure that everyone
who was with me did too. What’s next?”

“Take them away so that they think that you don’t want them to keep overhearing
us,” The Alpha’s lips curled into a satisfied smile. “Then give them some free time
so that our mole can deliver the inform ation.”

“Will do.” Ash didn’t ask any questions and in less than a second they could hear
his command given to the other wolves.

The seeds were planted and now all they had to do was wait and hope that they would

When it got dark, the time came to say goodbye. Maya did not cry anymore. She did
not cry when her brother’s body was brought to the centre of the clearing in the
woods, where all the funerals of their packs were held. She did not cry when they
placed him on the pedestal made of wood and stuffed with dry twigs.. It was a
tradition to burn the bodies of werewolves and it was considered that only after
burning the wolf’s spirit is free and can start a new life in a new body, while the
human goes to spend eternity next to the Moon Goddess.

Dean was wrapped in white fabric soaked in inflammable liquid. It was hard for Maya
that she couldn’t see his face. Maybe if she saw him, she would be able to shed
another tear. But she couldn’t. It was as if she used the limit of her lifetime in
just two days.

Reid was hugging her from her back, hands locked protectively around his mate. He
felt her pain and shared it. All he wanted was for her to be happy. And she wasn’t.
The loss of her brother almost broke her. And now all that she was thinking about
was her revenge.

The lycan Beta was worried sick about her and he could feel her body going rigid
when a few higher-ranking warriors brought out the torches. “Moon Goddess, accept
his soul,” Maya whispered and Reid together with everyone else present repeated the
words right before the men touched the white fabric with the torches. The fire
ignited momentarily, almost reaching the skies.

Nobody was saying anything. Werewolves did not like to talk. Instead, they heard a
howl from one of the guards in the woods in his wolf form that was far away from
them now. And then another howl from the other side joined him. Everyone who was
guarding the pack that night was howling now. And it wasn’t a battle cry or a
signal. It was a song of pain and loss that the pack shared tonight.

Maya was watching her brother’s body burning when Riannon got closer to her and
took her hand, entwining their fingers. She gave them a light squeeze of support
and her friend’s eyes glistened again. Yet not a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Ash joined them on the other side and placed his hand on his Beta’s shoulder but
took it away quickly as Reid growled at him.

Gideon pulled Ria closer, whispering into her ear that everything was going to be
okay. And while they watched the wild fire dancing before their eyes, she decided
to believe him.

Finally, the flames were so high that it seemed like it was illuminating the whole
forest. And then it formed into the shape of a beautiful wolf’s head that let out
its last roar, joined by other members of the pack. The wolf dissipated into
myriads of tiny sparks and this was when everyone knew that it was officially over.
Dean’s wolf was going to be reborn. And Dean was probably already enjoying the
company of the

Moon Goddess, which was an honour on its own.

“Sometimes I think that you traded my life for his,” Maya confessed when only the
five of them were left standing in front of the fire.

“No,” Ria looked at her team, “trust me, I didn’t. I don’t think that anyone could
survive the war that I have seen in the past.”

“What do you mean?” Ash knitted his brows, clea rly confused.
“l am going to explain everything now,” Riannon sighed. It was the best place as
the sounds of crackling flames could cover for them.

The Alpha female was very carefully choosing her words as she told her story from
the very beginning, shocking Ash, who was the last person to find out about
everything.. However, he bounced from this quickly.

“This actually explains a lot.” The Gamma

tried to stay rational, . “You were so chill about everything and you seemed to
know things…

How did you…?”

“We’ll talk about it another time,” Ria stopped him, “And right now I need you to
know what we are going to do tomorrow. It’s of the utmost significance now and
everyone should know what they have to do.”

She told them the plan and their roles in it and everyone seemed fine with it to
her relief. Only Gideon wasn’t saying a word, but she already knew that she had his
full support.

“Anyway,” Maya decided to be the first to leave. She did not want to see how omegas
would be gathering Dean’s ashes to hand them to her. She had enough of
conversations, “l think we all need a good night’s rest before tomorrow.”

On the next day, Riannon was preparing for her first operation as an Alpha. It was
both exciting and stressful. But she knew that she was going to do this surrounded
by the best team ever.

She was wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket with notched lapels and zipped
cuffs, pairing it with black jeans and patent leather boots.

“How do you manage to look like a general who is about to lead an army into a
battle and the most elegant woman I have ever seen?” Gideon’s gaze travelled all
over his mate.

“l will take that as a compliment,” his Queen looked at him with pride in her eyes
and accepted the hand that he offered, “Shall we?”

Brayden was already there, when they walked out of the mansion and seeing his ex-
wife, he caught his breath. Was she always like that? So dazzling, beautiful and…
refined? He knew that she was a perfect Luna, but right now just the sight of her
made his heart clench.

He had her by his side for years. And when the crazy teen love turned into an adult
partnership, he started to take her for granted. He was always flattered when
people were complimenting his choice of wife. He loved listening to how everyone
praised them as a perfect couple. He loved the fact that he could rely on her. And
he loved her as well… But he thought that she would always be there. And when Roxy
appeared in his life, he thought that she would forgive him this little guilty
pleasure because, in the long run, it wouldn’t change anything between them.

But now he was thinking more about

Roxanne was gone..

He spent the last day in agony trying to analyse everything that happened to him.
He knew that he had ruined his marriage and he still regretted it even now. But
before that he was trying to find consolation in the fact that he had found his
true mate. However, now she was gone and. .. he didn’t feel like the world was
ending. He wanted her back for many reasons, but he wasn’t dying the way a true
mate should. And this made questions pop in his head one by one.

Was Riannon right about her? And if she was, did he ruin his perfect marriage with
his perfect Luna for nothing?

They were holding hands and he hated that. He hated the lycan king’s guts. And when
he saw how his Ri was looking at that man, it was breaking his heart.

“Brayden,” Ria gave him a soft smile which did not mislead him. He knew her too
well and was aware that this was her business smile. Not the one that came from her
heart. “You are early.” “l am sorry.” It still felt very strange to talk to her and
know that she did not belong to him anymore. “l didn’t want to waste any time.”

“It’s admirable how you want to save your fake mate,” Gideon chuckled, and the
Alpha wolf inside Brayden wanted to get out. He used his whole strength not to
reply to that.

“It’s actually good that you are here,” Ria brough the attention back to herself,
seeing how the two men glared at each other. “You do remember our deal, right? Tod
ay you do everything as I say.”

“l am ready,” he nodded, “A deal is a deal.” “And do you remember that you owe me
one?” his ex-wife tilted her head a bit.

“Of course. I gave you my word .” He said and heard her snort to that. She
definitely wasn ‘t his biggest fan anymore.

“Great,” Riannon forced another polite smile, “l will brief you on the plan in the
car. You are going with us.”

“But my people,” he tried to protest.

“They are not going with us,” she smirked and his jaw twitched nervously. “But,
don’t worry, Brayden, you will be safe with us. I give you my word now. Trust me,
it’s worth more.”

He had to swallow the hint and follow her and her new mate, hating every moment of
it. It helped a bit that during the car ride, Ria was telling him the details of
her plan. He knew at once that she kept some things away from her, but he couldn’t
blame her.

By the time the car stopped, he had enough of watching how happy his ex was next to
the lycan king. They weren’t provoking him or doing anything inappropriate, but
just the way they fingers touched accidentally every time they found each other
near was telling him that his Ri was deeply in love with that man. And he couldn’t
like it or accept it no matter how hard he tried.

They all got out of the car and went to the designated area. It was just a little
clearing in the woods. Nothing special. Riannon was still holding the lycan’s hand
and he couldn’t deal with that anymore.

“It’s time for you to go,” Brayden tried to remind him, but at the next moment he
found a huge palm squeezing his neck and his legs not being able to touch the
ground as the lycan king growled loudly.
Marissa Gilbert Writer

Sorry the chapter came out long and I couldn’t break it into smaller parts. I will
also be posting Riannonls black jacket to Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group
today. Don’t miss it.

Chapter 70. Darkness Before The Daw n

Riannon didn’t even gasp when Gideon lifted Brayden up in the air, growling
fiercely. She expected for it to go this way between the two of them at some point.

“If you think that I am leaving my mate with a piece of garbage like you, you must
be crazy!” he snarled. The werewolf tried desperately to fight the clutch of death
but was unsuccessful.

“Gideon,” Ria placed her hand on his chest, calming him down instantly. “Please…
Just let him go. Not now, okay?”

The lycan unclenched his fingers and the other man fell all the way down to the
ground. However, he got up quickly, baring his teeth at the opponent.

“Bray!” his ex-wife warned him, “You asked for our help, remember? Not the other
way around! Be grateful we do this for you in the first place and behave. Remember
our deal.”

He took a step back, still panting and looked at her. “l asked for your help. Not

“Well, too bad,” she folded her hands on her chest, “We come as a pack now.”

She could swear she heard him grit his teeth. But decided to ignore all that. None
of this was important now.

“They will kill Harper the moment they see him l” he said spitefully.

“Plainly speaking,” Gideon interjected, “l don’t care about Harper. If you don’t
like something, I am taking my queen back and we are leaving this very moment. Good
like getting your sister and fake mate out on your own.”

Another growl emerged from the Alpha’s chest but this time someone else interrupted

“Why leave if we are all already here?” Castiel’s voice echoed through the forest,
and they all turned to see him in the company of two bulky warriors and Harper with
tied hands. She had puffy eyes from all the crying which she was probably doing
during her time in captivity. It was typical of her.

There was no sign of Roxie, though.

“You!” Bray recognised the man and his lips parted as he was stunned. But the next
second he furrowed his brows as he realized that he was tricked.

“Me,” Castiel grinned wickedly, “Long time no see, Alpha. And such different
circumstances. Don ‘t worry, I treated your little sister and the mother of your
future child better than you did me. One might say they enjoyed staying with me.”

The fox chuckled and the wolf snarled at him.

“Where is she? Where is Roxanne?!” Brayden growled again. “This is not what we
agreed on!”

“It’s indeed not what we agreed on,” the fox king confirmed with ease as a sneer
formed on his handsome face. “You brought one more person and I brought one less.
It’s only fair.”

Brayden turned to glare at Gideon as if blaming him for what was happening, but the
latter didn’t give a care in the world.

“No,” Ria smirked, “You were supposed to bring three. We counted the baby too. So…”
“Riannon,” Castiel smirked, ” always a pleasure.”

“Can’t say the same,” she retorted, and his lazy grin only grew wider. He enjoyed
this game.

“Cut the small talk!” Brayden grunted,

“Where is Roxanne?!”

“Oh, she is here,” Riannon sniffed a few times and pointed to the East, “And not
that far. I would recognise that scent anywhere.”

With that, she let Ash and Maya know the location via the mind link.

Bray snapped his head at her. She knew where Roxanne was, while he didn’t feel
anything. Surely, he was supposed to feel his mate’s closeness. Or at least her
scent like Ri did. Yet there was nothing. His wolf Ragnar wasn’t restless, he was
only thinking about the future fight now. And everything together made him wonder
if Riannon was right all this time… She was always right before. .. What if Roxy
wasn’t his mate after all?

” Excellent,” Castiel clapped as if they were in a theatre, each clap louder than
the other. “l have to say, that you don’t stop to impress me. I placed her at a
distance that would be far enough for any alpha or lycan to sense her. But you did…
I wonder why.”

“And I have to say that you are disappointing so far,” Riannon coc.ked her brow,
trying to change the subject. She wasn ‘t aware of all her powers and abilities
herself and had no desire to share that information with strangers.

“Why don’t we get to the part where you tell us why we are all really here?”

“Ouch,” the fox touched his heart with a smirk. “But you are right. Why don’t we?
So, I want the lycan king to denounce himself from the throne and free the lands of
Crimson Fang, Silver Stone, Fenrir’s Eye and Moon Wisdom packs.”

“And I want you to stab yourself in the heart right now to save me the trouble,”
Gideon scoffed. “Those two girls are not worth it. And considering that you’ve
brought only one anyway.. .”

“It’s absurd! Where would the wolves from those packs go?!” Brayden was furious.
These were the impossible conditions. “Their Alphas even here!”
“They can go to your land,” Castiel sneered and tilted his head. “After all, you
still have a vast territory and no money to sustain it. You can charge them. It
would be a win-win. You already figured out you are bankrupt, right?”

“What?” Riannon’s head snapped in the direction of her ex-husband, but he looked
just as surprised as she was.

“Oh, you didn’t know?” the fox gave them a sly smile. “Your pretty mate and sister
gave us all the information we needed to access your money.

All of it. Not that there was much… You are not that great at book keeping, are

Brayden got pale. His whole world was crumbling under his feet. His ex circled him
angrily but whispered, “You will deal with this later. Concentrate now.”

Her words gave him strength just like they always did before. He realised that he
missed this. But this wasn’t the time for thinking about them now.

“He can’t give you those lands and you know it,” Gideon intervened, a mask of
boredom on his face.

“But you can,” Castiel looked as if he was having the time of his life. Riannon
tried to figure out his plan. Did he want to simply kill them all? Or was there
something else? He sure looked confident. And very different from back when she got
to interrogate him. He played her and everyone else very well in the past. She
couldn’t even be sure that this was his real personality now.

“Yet I won’t,” the lycan chuckled, looking down on the fox. “l just wanted to
finally see your face. You’ve been hiding well in your fox hole all this time.”

“Why thank you!” Castiel bowed mockingly.

“It was hard after your father killed mine. But staying incognito helped me to do
so much. It was essential to uniting fox clans and creating our own kingdom.”

“l don’t remember my father killing a fox

Alpha,” Gideon narrowed his eyes at the enemy.

“Who said that my father was an

Alpha?” Castiel chuckled and looked straight at Riannon. “See? There is no

imagination! Such predictable way of thinking! How do you even live with him? You
must be bored to death!”

The king growled so loudly that the ground shook underneath their feet.

“Bray!” Harper squeaked through tears, “It’s a trap!”

They all remained silent and no one reacted to her words. Of course, they all knew
that it was a trap.

The fox laughed menacingly and wrapped his hand around the tied girl, pulling her

“Sweetie, don’t you see that they already know? They’ve been preparing for me! They
really did want to save you. Too bad that the plan wasn’t too good .”
They heard sounds of approaching footsteps and in a few seconds huge warriors
arrived holding their people hostage. The ones who were hidden in the places Ria
practically pointed out to Alice.

Ash was one of them. They had to make it believable after all. And Harper started
crying louder when she saw him, the desperation evident on her face. She really did
have feelings for him.

“See?” Castiel smirked, “l got them all. And also, I am a bit insulted you didn’t
take many fighters. I am a far more serious threat than you imagine.”

“We did,” Riannon said, and he looked at her with interest.

“You did what?” he asked and this time her lips curled into a sneer instead of his.

“We did bring more,” the Alpha female informed him, and at the same time contacted
her Beta to start via the mind link. Howl after howl was sounding in the distance,
signalling to their groups of warriors that they had ready and waiting for that
moment, that the moment had come.

“Release the girl and surrender quietly,” Gideon suggested firmly, stepping
forward. “Then we’ll consider.. .”

“No, thanks!” Castiel only pulled Harper closer, covering himself with her body as
a shield.

“How manly!” Riannon couldn’t help but snort. That, somehow, made his eye glow just
for a second. Her words definitely had an effect on him.

“Kill them!” he made the order to his people and gritted his teeth. But the very
same second, every hostage, with the exception of Marcus, who was released on his
own, because he was an accomplice, started fighting back. And each of them had a
little surprise carefully prepared by Riannon personally.

Concentrated aconite injections. The dosage was the biggest they could fit in a
small syringe.

Ash was the first to pierce his captor with the short but thick needle in the leg.
The poison was working quickly and he managed to overpower the man quickly. A few
of his warriors followed his example, but it didn’t work the same for everyone.

“Useless!” Castiel shouted, “l have more people in. ..”

“In a ravine nearby,” Gideon scoffed, taking off his jacket and throwing it to the
ground. “We know. My Beta Reid is dealing with those right now together with my
syster Savannah.”

“Now!” Ria commanded and the three of them went into the fight well . Brayden was
helping the warriors that were his just a day ago. He couldn’t see them getting
hurt. Riannon did the same, while her mate tried to get to the fox king. His path
was blocked by the two guards, who shifted before his eyes into two huge werebears.

Swearing under his breath, Gideon shifted as well, tearing one of them into two
parts with ease the second he took a form of an enormous wolf. The second one
turned out to be more work. His gaze was following the fox who was trying to escape
with his hostage.

Riannon saw that too, but the remaining warriors turned out to be bears as well.
And the bears were all muscle. Very strong opponents.
She was already thinking about shifting. After all, Onyx was eager to go into
battle. But she did not want to give away all her cards yet.

Luckily, before she had to, their second wave of warriors arrived, circling them.
They submitted the enemies easily now that the numbers were on their side.

“Keep them alive!” Ria ordered and saw her mate killing one of the werebears. Their
eyes met and she shook her head in disbelief. They agreed

to capture as many as they could alive.

“This one was very stubborn and did not want to surrende,” he told her
apologetically via the mind link and she rolled her eyes. “Ria, I am going after
that fox. Stay here and make sure that everything else goes smoothly.”

“Fine,” she said, and watched him sprinting away in the direction where Castiel
left with Harper. In a few seconds, Brayden followed them too.

She stayed with the warriors, hoping that they would be able to get Harper. This
wasn’t the most important part of the plan for her. But she still did not want her
dead even after everything.

“Not a bad operation for your first days as an Alpha,” Ash chuckled as the two of
them watched the werebears getting cuffed. The two foxes that were with them were
properly drugged on aconite. It affected every shifter, but it had less effect on
bears than on wolves, cats, foxes and others.

“Thanks,” she forced a smile, looking around and trying to figure out why did she
have such a bad feeling inside. It felt… as if something was off…

Ash was telling his men what to do with the prisoners when it occurred to her.

“Where is Maya?” she asked her Gamma and he paused, “Wasn’t she supposed to come
with this group?”

“She was,” Ash confirmed and then looked at the warrior next to him, “Mick, where
is Maya?”

“She sent us alone,” the guy replied, rubbing the back of his neck, “She said there
was something important she had to do.” s t! Riannon swore and turned on her heels,
running in the direction of the East. There was only one thing that her best friend
could be doing other than aiding her. And that was finding and killing her
brother’s murderer.

“Ash,” she mindlinked her Gamma, “See to the prisoners being locked properly and
guarded heavily. And send a group of warriors to the East as well. Lycans, if you
can find any. They are faster.”

“l can come and.

“No, you have your own task now. Until me, Brayden or Gideon return, our captives
are your responsibility.”

She did not shift, running as fast as she could. Finally, she reached a clearing in
the woods and heard the sounds of a fight.

Before her eyes, a fiery red fox and her Beta

were fighting. At the same time, she couldn’t ignore the bodies of a werebear and
another fox lying on the ground. Maya must have taken them down first.

She noticed now that her friend was bleeding in a few places already, but kept
trying to get the fox. That Beta of hers was stubborn.

Ria was ready to shift when someone grabbed her from the back, grasping her hands
painfully and placed a cloth over her face. Instinctively, she tried to take in a
deep breath and felt something strange happening. It was as if her whole throat was
on fire. The more she tried to get air, the worse it felt.

“l am sorry, I have to do it like this,” Castiel whispered into her ear. “l really
imagined it differently in my head. But you are not the only one who likes to play
with aconite..

The fox charged at the wolf, going for the side and digging her canines as deep as
she could into the rival’s flesh, making Maya howl from pain. And this was the last
thing Riannon saw before the world went blurry. ..

Marissa Gilbert

A few hours turned into a sleepless night, but

the chapter is finally ready. Just remember - It’s always darkest before the dawn…
And, please, I need your help with the title again.

Chapter 71. M ind Games.

Gideon was following the scent of the fox king, wishing for nothing more than
tearing his head off. This would solve most of his problems, as the sly bastard was
the brain behind everything and eliminating him would be crucial for the victory.

He sped up, letting Mars take the control.

Soon they saw the red blur ahead of them. Castiel’s scent was evident. And they
didn’t hesitate to charge at the fox, knocking him off his feet. His beast was
huge, but not a match for a lycan wolf. Gideon would have overpowered him easily if
not for the two bears that joined his enemy. Those were extremely big and
aggressive. So, it took him a bit longer to rip their necks off. And now two things
worried him. First, he did not see the girl that Castiel took hostage anywhere
close. And second, they were watching the area and these two bears came out of

It was a bad sign. Very bad.

The fox started running again but he managed to catch up with him and dig his
canines into his side to make him stop. The red beast whimpered and in no time the
lycan king managed to submit him. A few slashes of sharp claws here and there and
the fox under him whimpered from pain, shifting back into his human form.

And this was when Gideon snarled in anger.

Before him was a young man in his twenties with red curly hair who was trembling in

It wasn’t Castiel. It wasn’t the fox king.

“What the hell?!” Gideon gritted his teeth, talking to his wolf. “How did this

“We’ve been tricked,” Mars was furious. “He has the king’s scent on him! It’s
identical! The foxes are the only ones who can do this type of

He was angry at himself for falling for this. Of course, he shouldn’t have relied
on the scent when dealing with this sly kind.

“Reid,” he called his Beta via the mind link, I lost the king. Anything from your

“We got the whole group and I just sent them to the dungeons of your Queen’s pack,”
his friend replied.

“Good. Keep your eyes open. Don’t trust the scents too much.” Gideon told him and
then tried to connect to his mate, “Riannon.”

She did not reply and he got tense. It wasn’t that far. He was supposed to feel
her. And now, trying to sense his bond, he couldn’t.

“Riannon!” he called again and again, only to get no reply. Two of his warriors
caught up with him and he left the captured fox to them, running as fast as he
could to where he left her.

“Reid! Do you see Riannon?” he asked while taking a huge leap.

“No,” the reply echoed through his ears, and now he was really worried.

“Can you connect to your mate?” the lycan king still tried thinking rationally.

“No, I haven’t marked her yet.. Reid sounded apologetic. “But I am going there now.
If I find out anything.. .”

“Good,” Gideon stopped him.

Yet nothing was good. He couldn’t feel Riannon anywhere nearby.

Finally, he picked up her scent and started following it. It led him to a small
ravine and from there Ria’s traces were going in five different directions.

A loud growl emerged from the depths of the lycan king’s lungs and it made the
flocks of

birds fly away from the trees.

They used her scent to cover their tracks. The foxes copied her scent and left it
all over this part of the woods, so it would be impossible to trace them.

But the worst thing was that to copy her scent, they had to have her. .. Just how
did they do it? The plan worked perfectly! She was safe! They won!

He was running all over the forest trying to find her and growling loudly, howling
in the loss of his mate. Desperate, angry, broken…
“l don’t feel her anywhere nearby,” Mars told him, “We are wasting our time here.”

It was true and Gideon knew this. He raced back to the packhouse, where everyone
was already waiting for him with stern faces, shifting in one breath.

“What do you know?” he asked through gritted teeth when he saw Reid walking out of
the mansion at the same time as Maya, who did not look great, bleeding in a few

“l am taking her into the infirmary,” his Beta told him, covering her with his body
as if to defend her.

“What happened?” he still insisted. “Where

is Riannon? Who saw her last?”

“l did,” Maya lowered her head, and he knew that he wasn ‘t going to like what he
heard next.

He clenched his fists and growled loudly, making Reid step in front of his mate.
But she pushed him away carefully and looked the lycan king in the eye.

“l was fighting Roxy when I thought I saw her,” she said firmly, taking the
responsibility. “l felt my Alpha’s presence during my battle and then I saw a man
taking her away. I think it was Castiel.”

“Taking her away?” Gideon’s breathing fastened. This was the worst thing that he
could ever imagine. His beautiful Ria was in his enemy’s hands. “How the hell did
that happen?!”

“She seemed unconscious,” Maya admitted. “He was holding her in his arms. I was in
the middle of the battle and couldn’t do anything. By the time I won, they were
gone, and her scent was all over the place. This was when Reid found me.”

“She was heavily bleeding but still searching for her Alpha,” his Beta chimed in,
clearly trying to protect her, which only made him more suspicious.

“Why were you far away from other warriors? None of us should have been alone!”
Gideon narrowed his eyes at the girl, who lowered her head in submission again.
“Who were you fighting?”

“Roxanne,” her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear.

“Roxanne the fake mate?” he snarled. “You went for her alone and Ria followed you.
Isn’t that

“That’s correct, my king.” She acknowledged his title for the first time since they
had known each other.

“You didn’t follow the plan! She went to help you but because of that got
captured!” Mars was trying to get out. For a lycan wolf of his rank, he wanted to
punish the Beta. But Reid covered her with himself again.

“Gideon! She made a mistake! It happens. ..” He pleaded.

“This mistake cost me my queen l” the king roared, not being able to hold his
anger. “Your best friend

“l know. ..” Maya muttered under her breath, shaking visibly.

“And we need clear heads now to get her

back!” Reid reasoned with his Alpha. “Get yourself cleaned and we’ll get to work.
It’s not the end. It’s only the beginning. They will not hurt her. Not with the
current situation. But we need to find her as soon as possible. Luckily, we got
many captives tod ay. And Roxy is one of them. She sure as hell has some valuable
information for us.”

Giddeon stormed past the two of them, growling, “l expect you two in the dungeons
within one hour!”

Riannon slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she tried to adjust to the
lighting. Her head was pounding and she tried to remember where she was. The place
seemed unfamiliar and for a few seconds, she thought that maybe Gideon took her
back to his mansion. Maybe it was a surprise and he prepared a new room for her.

However, when the door opened, she was back to reality as her eyes locked with
Castiel’s. He had that smug grin plastered all over his face that told her that
this was his house. He was too comfortable here. Another thing that she realised
quickly was that there were cameras installed in this room. Otherwise, how did he
know that she was away?

“Dear Riannon, it’s such a pleasure to see that you are up and feeling well.” He
carefully closed the doors behind them and she heard the lock click.

“That would be an overstatement,” she lifted her chin high, assessing her clothes.
To her relief, she was still fully dressed. Only her beautiful leather jacket and
boots were missing. At least that was good news, nobody violated her in her sleep.
This was giving her hope. “You drugged me, remember?” She moved to the edge of the
bed and sat on it.

“l do and I am sorry,” he shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t sorry at all. But he

was definitely in a good mood. As if he didn’t just lose a battle.

“You are not.” Riannon stated plainly, rubbing her forehead. She never had a
headache this bad.

“True,” the fox smirked. “l would have done it differently if there was a chance.
But there was not, so, don’t blame me. I wanted us to talk for a while.”

“We live during sad times if men have to drug women to simply talk to them,” she
scoffed, but he did not give her any reaction, walking deeper into the room and
taking a seat in one of

the armchairs next to the window.

Ria decided not to waste any time and stood up, pacing slowly around the room and
looking around. Any detail here could be an important piece of information to use
in the future. But the more she looked, the more disappointed she became. This room
had no character in it. Everything was posh but… it looked like a picture from a

“It’s all brand new,” she heard the fox king chuckle behind her back. “l had it
prepared specially for you after our first meeting in person. You will not find
anything here.”

“Who said that I am looking?” she raised her brow at him and went to sit in the
opposite chair, placing one of her legs on top of the other.
“Maybe I am just admiring the design.”

“Yeah. Sure,” he let out a little laugh, tapping the armrest with his long fingers
while eyeing her. He was enjoying all this and she hated the fact that she was
providing this satisfaction for him.

“You are happy for someone who just lost a lot of men,” she decided to spoil his
good mood and that arrogant smile dropped off his lips.

“The question is whether I lost them or simply sacrificed them?” he was back to
sneering in less than a second. But this time she knew that it was an act.

“Why don’t we get to the point and you just tell me what do you want from me?” Ria
cut straight to the chase. Foxes hated that. They loved their mind games.

“Who said that I want anything?” Castiel winked at her as if they were good

“Well, you did prepare a room for me,” she pointed to everything that was
surrounding them and he nodded, giving up on that one little lie.

“Oh, Riannon,” he sighed, looking her straight into the eyes, “l want so many
things from you! You have no idea.”

She cringed a bit, hearing that, but did her best not to show it.

“l am not sure I want to hear this,” she parried and heard another chuckle of his.
Menacing this time.

He clicked his fingers and a chill went down Riannon’s spine when the doors opened

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Help with the title needed again (while I pick the one for the previous chapter). I
was asked how many chapters is left until the end of this book. I can’t tell for
sure. But I think that it’s

Chapter 72. Underestimated

Riannon tried not to display her emotions in front of the fox king, as his men
dragged Harper into the room. Not that she experienced a lot of emotions. For a
second there, she was afraid that it could be Maya. But seeing her ex’s sister
actually made her feel relieved. That was the sacrifice she was willing to make if
she absolutely had to.

Harper looked even worse than the last time she saw her. It had probably been hours
since she switched off in the woods. And Ria guessed that Castiel didn’t have a
luxurious room ready for her.

“What is this?” she co.cked her brow and stared at the fox king, absolutely
“Riannon!” Harper whimpered, but she ignored that. The less attention she paid to
her, the better. She couldn’t show Castiel that she cared even one bit. That would
seal the girl’s destiny and she would prefer not to have that on her conscience.

“You know exactly what this is,” the man in front of her sneered, brushing his head
over his medium-length hair.

“What does Brayden’s sister have to do with me?” she shrugged her shoulders.

“You came to save her, remember?” he reminded her and she let out a little laugh.

“Seriously? That’s your leverage?” she scoffed. “You know very well why I came

Not for her.”

“You b*tch!” Harper screeched and Riannon rolled her eyes. “l knew you were like
this! You worthless.. .”

“Then if she is this insignificant and has no use for you, I don’t think I have use
for her as well anymore. She played her part.” Castiel clicked his fingers and one
of the warriors hit the back of Harper’s knees, making her fall down. The other
grew his claws and grabbed the girl’s hair with a free hand, digging them into her
flesh almost to the point of bleeding.

Ria pursed her lips. She did not owe anything to Harper. Especially not after what
she saw in her past

But she wasn’t a murderer. And Harper hadn’t done anything yet. Maybe. .. just
maybe there was still a way to save her.

However, letting Castiel think that Harper

meant something to her would be a mistake. He would then use the girl against her
again and again. And she didn’t even know yet what he wanted from her in the first

Everything was a game to him. The smirk on his face was the proof of that. So, she
decided to try and play with him as well.

“It’s up to you,” Riannon relaxed her back into the chair and looked at Harper
indifferently. “But I am surprised you think that she played her part already.”

Her opponent chuckled and she locked eyes with her ex-sister-in-law just for a
second. The girl clearly wanted to say something but clenched her lips as the claws
dug a bit deeper into her neck.

“Elaborate on that, please,” Castiel encouraged her.

“Just because she doesn’t mean much to me, doesn’t mean she has no use for you.”
She was choosing every word carefully. “She is still

Brayden’s sister. And Brayden is still the Alpha of

The Silver River pack.”

“Which is bankrupt now. How long is it until his own people turn on him or other
Alphas come to claim his land?” the fox king smirked, looking at her with

“My Beta or Gamma will give him the money due after our divorce,” Ria lied calmly.
She was thinking of it but did not give such an order yet. But those were
insignificant details now. “His pack would be thriving in no time. And no one would
start a war, knowing that we have another one looming over us.”

He watched her as she spoke and she did not like his gaze on her. She did not like
his interest. She did not want it.

“Take her back to her cell,” Castiel commanded, and his men obeyed, yanking Harper
back to her feet. She had tears rolling down her cheeks that ruined the remnants of
her mascara. But at least, she wasn’t shouting any insults anymore. And the last
look she exchanged with Ria was perplexed and lost.

The door behind them closed and only now had Riannon released that the two of them
had been alone in this strange room.

“Onyx, are you there?” she called her wolf even though she felt her inside. But she
needed to hear her voice inside her mind, she needed the confirmation that what
happened last time wasn’t happening again.

“Present,” Onyx replied immediately. “Do not worry, I am never leaving you again.”

“How are you feeling? Are we.

“We are at full strength,” the wolf assured her. “You are safe because we are more
than capable of taking care of ourselves.”

It was good and she let out a sigh of relief, which Castiel took differently.

“So,” he taunted her with a vague smile on his lips. His eyes were travelling
around her body a bit bolder and she felt the need to cover herself somehow.

However, she did no such thing and only straightened her back instead.

“What do you want from me?” she narrowed her eyes at the arrogant man next to her.

“Isn’t it obvious?” a sneer formed on his handsome face. Even now she couldn’t deny
that he was ridiculously good looking.

“Nothing is obvious until you say it out loud,” Ria rolled her eyes and watched how
the fox king stood up and started pacing around the room slowly. He wasn’t nervous
though. It was another game for him. So, when he turned sharply to face her and his
stormy grey eyes almost pierced her, she gulped, feeling uneasy. “l want you,”
Castiel said plainly, but in such

a tone that there could be no misunderstanding between them.

“Don’t be ridi. ..” She started saying, but he was the one to interrupt her.

“You asked me and now you will listen,” he stepped closer, and she wanted to leave
that chair to be able to walk away from him. Yet the fox king bent lower, towering
over her and pinned his hands at both sides of her. “l have been looking for a
worthy woman for quite some time. You see, I need a Luna myself. Someone who I can
admire and rely on. A partner

“Then it’s definitely not me!” she snorted, but instead of backing off, he grabbed
her chin to make her look at him.
“But you could be.” His eyes lingered over her lips as his thumb brushed over the
lower one, parting them. She yanked her head away and to her surprise, he didn’t
insist, returning to the armchair next to her, only a sigh of disappointment
leaving him as proof that he ca red.

“Hardly,” she turned away from him.

“l was watching you and I have to say that you surprised me more than once.” He
said while rubbing his chin. “I’ve never met anyone so. ..


“Is this why you cancelled your order to get rid of me?” Ria taunted him but he
didn’t seem embarrassed at all.

“Yes,” he replied honestly. “l saw you as an obstruction before. But after I

actually met you, I changed my mind. I am rarely this interested in anyone. And the
more I find out about you, the more I want you by my side.”

“Too bad that I have a mate,” she interrupted him. She did not need any confessions
from the enemy. Although she suspected that he had been interested in her for a
while already.

“Not for long,” he snapped his head in her direction. “My plan is working and soon
I will be able to get rid of the lycans’ influence. Your. .. The lycan king will be
dead. And werewolves would lose their advantage and influence. The era of wolves
will be over.”

“Charming!” she dug her nails into the fabric of her chair, almost ripping it.

“But for you, I am willing to make an exception,” he stretched his hands towards
hers, but she jerked it back. He took it well, not pushing further. “Become my Luna
and I will make sure that your pack survives. Your little feisty friend and even
your Gamma too. They will all keep

their lives if you are next to me. Just imagine what the two of us could do

“How tempting!” she didn’t even try to hide the poison in her words.

“l will make it more tempting when you are more accustomed to me,” he smirked, and
that smirk sent a chill down her spine.

“If you so much as. ..” she started speaking, but Castiel interrupted her.

“l am not going to force you to do anything. I don’t need that,” the fox king
chuckled lightly. “l will find a key to your heart now that you are here.

And we..

“In your dreams!” she wanted to let Onyx out now simply to shut him up, but managed
to stop in time. Attacking him could ruin everything!

“It’s enough for now,” Castiel stood up again and walked to the door, placing his
palm on the doorknob and ready to leave. But at the last moment, he turned to look
at her again, “l will give you as much time as you need to accept me.

am not in a hurry.”
She wanted to slap him, kick him. .. rip his throat out.

“This will never happen!” she told him firm ly.

“Never say never,” Castiel laughed openly, I take it as a challenge and only want
you more. I still remember how you touched me for the first time and called me
handsome. And I sure as hell remember you in that little silky thing in your
bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, but do not provoke me. It’s already hard to stay away
from you. And I detest forcing women into anything.” “Then don’t!” Riannon stood up
as well. “Let me go.”

His gaze traced her from head to her feet and a lazy smile danced on his lips, “No.
You will stay here until you are ready. I am not in a rush. I want quality.”

“Are you seriously going to keep me locked in that room?!” she scowled.

“Of course, not,” he gave her a sly grin, “You are welcome to roam freely around
this house. Meet its residents. I am sure some of them will help you speed up your

This was exactly what she needed, so she did not object this time. “You are also
free to request whatever you need or like, my people will get you anything. With
the exception of weapons, of course. But other than that - no limits.” To that
Riannon nodded quietly. She definitely could use that too.

“In the evening I would want us to have dinner together. We have a lot to talk
about, Castiel informed her, “Change into one of the dresses I got for you. You
will look lovely.. .”

“And if I don’t?” she raised a brow but it only widened his grin.

“Then Harper’s stay here will be way less comfortable.” That was a pure threat and
he left the room before she managed to form a snarky reply. So much for not trying
to force her…

Gideon was wiping out his bloody knuckles after yet another unsuccessful
interrogation when he saw the pack’s doctor.

“My king,” the doctor bowed politely, “The pregnant girl is properly healed now.
The baby is in no danger and she is feeling better. You can talk to her if you
like. ..

Marissa Gilbert Writer

This is half of the originally planned chapter, but it really did not fit into one.
Who else do you think lives in that house? And as always - title?

Chapter 73. See Through

Gideon walked into the interrogation room and understood at once why they called it
a VIP room. It wasn ‘t a dirty cellar like the other cells he had been inside in
the past 24 hours. This room had white matte glass walls and ceilings and even
floors with a mounted desk and chairs in the middle. He knew at once that this was
a place she built. Everything around him screamed her name. And he cringed seeing
the redhead fox in that space.

It was as if she was insulting everything that Riannon touched with her mere
presence. But the moment she looked in his direction, he felt a wave of. ..

Gideon took a deep breath and he could swear that her lips curled a bit.

“Your majesty,” she mumbled in the sweetest tone, tilting her head so that one of
her shoulders was bare to his sight as the oversized hood she was given at the
hospital fell off it.

“Luna Roxanne, so we meet again,” he said indifferently as he took a seat in front

of her. She wrinkled her little nose, lowering her eyes.

“l don’t think people should call me Luna anymore since I am in this place,” she
sighed and stretched her cuffed hands to touch his palm that was resting on the
desk. He did not jerk that hand back and she quickly squeezed his fingers with
hers. “Please, tell me what is going on! No one is telling me anything.”

He wasn’t looking at her when he heard the sound of tears falling on the surface of
the desk and he felt another wave of… that odd something. He couldn’t quite
decipher it but he had an urge to look at the girl who sat opposite of him.

Roxy was crying, all her face already wet.

“Please,” she squeaked helplessly.

“I’ll see what I can do. Gideon said in a hoarse voice and squeezed her hand back.

“Really, my king?” She fluttered her lashes, blinking away tears and one of them
landed on his skin. It was calling him to do something and he bent a bit closer to

“Of course,” he said, “You and your baby will be safe.”

She smiled at him, “You are so kind, your majesty. How can I ever repay you?”

She leaned forward too, her fingers running

up his arm as their lips almost touched.

“You can start by telling me where your damn fox lover would take my mate,” he
gritted his teeth and then pushed her away. The look of astonishment was evident on
her face as she stared at him.

“Wh-what?” the girl mumbled. “Why..

“Why don’t your siren powers work on me?” he scoffed. “Let’s see. Maybe because I
am aware of who you are. Or maybe because I am a freaking LYCAN KING!”

He let out a mighty growl, making the girl fall off her chair and crawl to the
furthest corner away from him. She was visibly shaking and he knew that he had
achieved the desired effect. “Did you ever think why he never sent you to seduce a
Lycan? Let alone me?” Gideon smirked. “Why waste your time on some Alpha when you
could have already been in the Lycan kingdom, ruining it from the inside?”
He circled the desk and looked down on her from where he stood with his hands
folded on his chest. “That’s because lycans, and especially royal lycans, have the
strongest metal shields. A cross-breed siren wouldn’t be able to affect us.” She
stared at him but not a word about who

she really was left her mouth. Not that he needed any confirm ation.

“l don’t know what you are talking about, my king,” she sniffed pitifully, and he
rolled his


“l don’t care about that,” he shrugged. “Just tell me where would your king take my

Her head snapped at him and her lips twitched slightly, but she quickly went back
into her ignorant mode.

“You are my king,” she said weakly and started sobbing again, “l don’t know what
you are talking about! Please, let me out!”

He was right next to her in one moment, yanking her back to her feet and lifting
his hand with prolonged claws to rip her neck.

“What the f*ck?!” the door opened and Brayden growled loudly, storming in. “You
don’t have the right to even touch my Luna!”

“Is she even your Luna? Did you acknowledge her? Did you mark her?” Gideon snarled
angrily. “And even if you did, you can’t stop me from snapping her neck if she
doesn’t start talking!”

“But The Alpha Council can!” Bray stepped forward with clenched fists. “l just
summoned a new Alpha Summit! They all know what happened and that you hold my Luna
hostage.” “l don’t care about your Luna!” Gideon let the girl go and was head to
head with the werewolf in less than a second. “All I need is information! Get it
for me and the two of you are free to go!”

“Then at least let us talk!” Brayden insisted, not budging.

“You have one hour!” the lycan king grunted and left, slamming the door behind his

He took a deep breath. The room was soundproof and he couldn’t hear what the couple
was talking about. So, he didn’t waste any time and opened the very next door,
walking into the observation room.

His queen was indeed wise because that wasn’t just a fortified matte glass in
there. One wall was a hidden window and at every angle behind that glass, cameras
were installed so that it was easy to observe every move inside of the
interrogation room on big screens inside the observation one. The first thing that
he would do when all this was over, was build a room just like that in his palace.

Then again, who was he kidding? The first thing he would do would be take his mate
over and over, and over again.

“You did well,” Ash praised his acting and he frowned. This wasn’t what he wanted
to be doing.

This wasn’t how he was used to handling things. But since it was Riannon who was in
danger and this little annoying redhead hybrid was the only one who could help him
find her, he was willing to try and do anything. He wasn’t above even humiliating
himself for her sake.

There were other ways to get inform ation out of her, but she was pregnant. And it
seemed too cruel to interrogate her properly in that state.

He looked at Riannon’s Beta standing in the corner and eyeing Roxanne behind the
glass. She was surprisingly calm with her arms folded on her chest. As if she
didn’t commit a grave mistake that cost her an Alpha.

But now wasn’t the time to think about her and he turned to see the show.

“Are you okay?” Brayden was still standing where he left him a few seconds ago.

“Bray!” Roxanne started crying again as she threw herself in his arms, tucking her
head in his neck. She was smearing her tears all over his skin and Gideon knew that
it was a trick. From the quick research on sirens’ abilities he did with Ria, they
found out that sirens were seducing creatures not only with their sweet voices and
good looks. The females were secreting pheromones that could drive almost any male
crazy with lust very quickly. No wonder that i *t Brayden thought she was his mate.
It was unusual to want someone that much when you were already mated. But those
tears of hers were especially dangerous. They were the concentration of those
pheromones and her own DNA. Every time it was touching a male, that liquid was
marking them. Temporary, but it was a bond of sorts and it was easier to make them
like her. The mating was sealing the deal. But all that was wearing off, so she
needed to top the effect up every day.

“l was so scared!” she whined, “First, I was kidnapped together with Harper! I was
so scared! Then, I was attacked by Maya for outing her earlier! She wanted to kill
me, Bray! And now this!

The lycan king thinks that I know something!

Thanks to the Moon Goddess that you are here!”

“Of course,” Brayden kissed the top of her head, stroking her hair. “Don’t worry
anymore. You are safe now. You are with me. Just tell me everything that you know
and we will walk out of

here. promise.”

She distanced herself and looked wearily at him, “But I don’t know anything.”

“You need to give us something,” he insisted calmly while he sat on the top of the
desk and pulled her closer. “They think you are a traitor. They will not let you
out if you don’t provide any valuable information.”

“But wouldn’t it be proof of me actually being a traitor if I did?” Roxanne flapped

her long lashes.

“Of course not,” he brushed his hand over her cheek. “Just tell us where they kept
you. Remember, you were telling me that something is happening to your wolf and
it’s getting stronger. That you can memorise things easily and it will help you to
be a better Luna. Now is the time to use all that. I am sure you can find the place
where they held you and Harper. If we find her, we will be able to leave and get
married. And our baby will be safe.”

He placed his hand on her flat tummy that wasn ‘t even visible yet.
“Bray, I don’t remember a thing!” Roxy lied and he sighed

“It’s for our baby, my love,” he said gently.

“Give them something priceless. Tell us the location and we will leave today. You
will live like a queen.”

“But Harper told them about your accounts,” the girl sniffed. “Bray, did you even
check them?”

“l did and I have already sorted this. Do not worry. My Luna will ask for nothing,
you will have everything. And our son will be the next Alpha.” He coaxed her, but
Gideon could tell that it wasn’t working.

“l am sorry,” Roxanne lowered her head. “l already told Ash everything I knew. I
don’t remember anything else. But I am sure that my strong Alpha will save me
anyway. Right,

Brayden? You will not leave me and your baby

She looked at him pleadingly and he took her hands off her and walked a few steps
away. “l think that’s enough,” he stopped her when she wanted to get closer to him.

“Bray,” She mumbled, “what is going on?” “Shift,” he ordered her in a cold voice,
making her lips part in shock.

” Bray!” her tone was begging for mercy as she stared at him helplessly. “What are

saying? Why?”

“l want to see your super special wolf. That’s all,” a smirk appeared on his face
and Gideon watched curiously. This wasn’t a part of their plan. But then again -
their plan just failed. She did not fall for it. So, they would have to try
something else.

Maybe that Alpha wasn’t that useless after all?

“Shift,” the stone-cold voice made the little fox shiver. She knew that it would be
over for her if she did.

“Brayden. New tears appeared.

“Shift. Now.” He wasn’t reacting this time. If the person who was being seduced was
aware, it lessened the effect. A lot. This was how sailors were surviving on the
sea in the olden days. They knew exactly what kind of monsters sirens were.

“l can’t shift!” Roxy sobbed, “l am still an omega! It can hurt the baby. Your

“It seemed to be fine just a while ago,” he got out his phone and quickly swiped
the screen. Then he shoved it into her face and Gideon could see a video playing.
“You shifted into a fox to fight Maya. I hate to break it to you, my love,” this
time every word was coated in poison, “but the genie is out of the bottle now. I
know who you are.”

“Brayden!” she burst into tears loudly and ugly, throwing herself at him again. “l
am still your mate! I couldn’t tell you that I was a fox! You would never accept
me… So, I lied about that. But only that!”

The Alpha was looking at her now and a storm of emotions was raging inside of him.
How could he be so stupid? Why didn’t he see that before? He lost everything
because of the deception of that woman and all he wanted was to snap her neck.
Moreover, he even knew already that the baby wasn’t his. The doctor ran some tests
on Roxy and the baby’s blood type meant that he couldn’t be his father. Because
that child, however small, didn’t have the Alpha marker in his or her blood. And by
the next morning, he would have DNA test results to confirm his suspicions once and
for all. But looking at her now, he already knew that he wasn’t the father.

“That child and you will be dead by the end of the week if you don’t start
speaking,” he said as coldly as he could, and walked out, leaving her alone with
her thoughts.

“Brayden! Brayden she screamed, but he stopped hearing her as soon as the door
closed behind him. He went to the bathroom and

washed his hands, face and everywhere else she touched with her tears. He didn’t
want any of that on him anymore.

“How the hell do you have the footage from the woods?” Gideon growled behind his
back as he walked in. His eyes were glowing now and Bray knew that the lycan king
would rip him apart if he could.

“Just a few days ago, that used to be my border,” he informed him. “Cameras were
installed in a few places to spot intruders. I was lucky that Maya ended up
fighting her right under one. That’s all. I have already checked everything else.
There’s nothing useful.”

“Can you see her in the video?” Gideon interrupted his speech.

“Just a bit,” Bray admitted.

“Give it to me! Now!” the lycan snarled at the Alpha. Brayden handed him the phone
and Gideon started watching the short extract of what surely was a long recording

He saw a bear, a fox and Roxanne in her human form. Then he saw another wolf
attacking them, who was probably Maya. She was outnumbered but fought fiercely and
when she was done with the first two beasts, Roxy shifted into a huge fox right in
front of her. A few moments later he saw her, his Riannon. She appeared from the
depths of the forest and watched her friend fight. One breath - and a dark figure
appeared behind her. He placed some kind of fabric over her nose and mouth and held
her tight while she. .. did absolutely nothing to fight him. Ria did not struggle
at all.

Maya was done with Roxanne when she could still see the man taking his mate away.
But she did not move either, watching how the fox slowly shifted back to her human
form instead and only occasionally glancing at her Alpha being taken.

So many things were wrong with that video. The whole finale took a few seconds but
an Alpha and a Beta were supposed to have better reactions.

“Bring me the rest of it!” Gideon ordered, sending the video to himself via
messenger and turned his back to the Brayden. “All of it!”

He went to the observation room, where Maya, Reid and Ash were still watching Roxy
cry hysterically in the corner.
“So noisy!” Reid rolled his eyes, pointing at the fox behind the glass who couldn’t
see them.

“Everyone out!” Gideon growled and they all stared at him, not realising if he was
serious or if it was some kind of a joke. However, when he growled loudly and
menacingly, they all stood up and headed for the exit.

“Not you, Maya,” the lycan king motioned for the Beta to stay and his own second
looked at him questioningly. “We need to talk.”

After these words, Reid sighed and exchanged looks with his mate. But in the end,
he left just like Ash, not defying his king’s command.

Maya did not seem worried of phased at all even when Gideon handed her his phone
with the very same video. She watched it, unbothered.

Just the way she watched Riannon taken away.

“So,” Gideon snarled, “would you explain to me what the hell that was?!”

Chapter 74. The Red Eden.

He did not lie to her when he told her she could roam freely around his house. But
Castiel forgot to mention that two guards would be following her wherever she went.

It was annoying but she chose to tolerate them and pretend like everything was A-

“l can kill them now if you want,” Onyx offered with a chuckle. “One is a bear, and
one is a fox. We snap the fox’s neck first and then deal with Paddington.”

“Just leave them be,” she said to her wolf. “They are doing their job and also
there are cameras everywhere here. It’s not the time. Not yet.”

She cringed at the thought that Castiel could be watching her with the help of his
hidden cameras. She had to take a shower and change, knowing that, but she had to
act as if she wasn’t aware. Riannon needed to underestimate her at least a bit, so
she acted naturally at all times. But she still learned where the cameras were and
where the blind spots could be. She did not plan to stay here for long, so she
chose one of the many dresses in the wardrobe that he provided. No pants were there
and her own clothes disappeared. So, she chose a black dress with sequins, long
sleeves and a plunging V cut at the front. It wasn’t what she would prefer to wear
while on the enemy’s territory, but other dresses seemed to be even more revealing.

The mansion she was at was exquisite, filled with pieces of art and expensive
decorations. Castiel definitely did not spare any money and had an expensive taste.
But at the same time everything here felt a bit too much. As if he was proving
something. As if he was proving that he was a real king. Even the clothes he
provided for her seemed like a doll’s wardrobe. He probably saw her as a new pretty

She remembered her mate. Gideon did not have to prove anything to anyone. He never
felt that need.

But thinking of him now was hurting her. She wished she could just tell him how she
felt and why..
Riannon was walking down a long and spacious corridor. It felt like the whole
building was empty and barely anyone lived here. But soon her ears picked up a
strange buzzing noise. She decided to follow that and in a few minutes

she found herself in front of huge wooden doors.

“What is that?” she asked one of her guards, the taller one, and he seemed
uncomfortable hearing this question.

“We’d better go somewhere else,” the shorter one said, mirroring his colleague’s

Now she just had to enter that forbidden place.

“l thought I was allowed to walk anywhere I want in this house,” she quirked her
brow up and the men looked at each other, both of them tense.

“You are,” the tall one agreed uncomfortably, “It’s just. .. This place. .

“Open the doors!” she commanded, and they obeyed. At least, she had some kind of
power here.

To her surprise, they walked into a balcony and she saw that it was just a part of
the building. This part was closed, with many doors on both sides. And at least
four floors. The huge square was enclosing the ceilingless courtyard in the centre,
where there was a small fountain. She saw girls in red dresses playing and laughing
there. More women were standing here and there at other balconies nearby and soon

realised that she was standing at the central balcony. A huge chair stood next to
her. Almost like a throne…

“What the.. she mumbled.

Two staircases at both sides of her were connecting all the floors and going all
the way down to the courtyard.

Slowly, other women were noticing her. And she was not sure that she liked that
attention they were giving her as none of them looked friendly. “l will repeat my
question,” she said to the guards, “What is this place?”

“It’s a. ..recreational.. The short one was looking for excuses and she knew now
that he was the fox onyx mentioned.

“It’s the Harem,” the taller one sighed. The Bear.

“A harem?” Ria let out an uncomfortable laugh and looked around.

That made so much more sense now. The red dresses were hardly covering anything.
Each was different but they were all branding the women as… what? What were they
here in this place? Slaves? Concubines?

She wanted to observe them for a while to make some conclusions but was quickly
disturbed. Three girls appeared next to them. Two ofthem tackled the guards with
ease, while the third one, a very tall blonde whose hair was as white as snow
grabbed her throat and yanked her to the wall.

“So it’s true!” she hissed, scanning Ria’s face and body. “He has a new pet!”
The air was leaving her body fast and she struggled to take a new breath as she met
the woman’s gaze full of hate.

There was only one way to get out of this and Riannon pierced the rival’s foot with
her sharp metallic heel, making her shout from the pain and release her grip on
her. Next, she dislocated her knee with one sharp blow and twisted the free hand,
freeing her own neck and making the woman s m.

Both her friends were struggling with the guards and glancing their way with worry.

“l am not his pet!” Ria spat the words. “And I am not his! Choose your words
carefully when you speak to me and keep your hands to yourself!

If you want Castiel - he is all yours!”

The blonde was staring at her now, trying to understand whether she was serious or
not. But then she clicked her fingers and her two friends let the guards go,
stepping away.

“You are one of those,” the blonde rolled her eyes and folded her hands on her
chest. “He does enjoy this act but not for long.”

“Please, ladies,” the two guards were at her sides now, “Don’t cause trouble. We
don’t want to let the king know about this.”

They all raised their hands with smirks on their faces as if to tell that they were
“innocent”. But their eyes were telling a different story. They would kill for
Castiel’s attention.

“That’s not an act,” Ria decided to clear the air between them, “l have a mate and
it’s not your king. I am not interested in him. All I want is to go back home.”

Now they looked at her with sadness. As if they knew something that she didn’t.

“Your mate is as good as dead then,” one of the trio commented. “When Castiel wants
something, he gets it.

“Not this time,” Riannon stood her ground.

“l am an Alpha myself. And my mate is the western Lycan King.”

“Whatever,” the blonde scoffed. “He has been planning to kill the lycan king for
years! You are just lucky that he wanted you here. But as I have already told you,
don’t get used to this

treatment. He will get bored of you fast.”

“Onyx, who is this girl? What species?” Ria asked her wolf, as she was curious
about her opponent.

“She seems to be a bear,” Onyx replied at once, “but there is something odd about
her. Her scent is a bit different. I am not sure why.”

She wanted to tell something else to the girls in red but the doors behind them
shut open and a very angry Castiel walked in. They all got silent at the sight of
him and lowered their heads in submission. All but her. She did not care.

“What the hell is she doing here?!” he growled angrily at the two guards and walked
straight to her, grabbing her to check if she was alright. He checked her the way a
seller checks his goods and she tried to distance herself from him. However, the
fox king only pulled her closer, possessively.

“We apologise,” the taller guard said. “She was curious and.. .”

“You said I can walk wherever I want in your house!” Riannon interrupted and
everyone looked at her, slightly shocked at how daring she was.

“House was the main word in that

sentence,” he groaned, shifting his attention to her. “This is The Eden. It’s not a
part of my house.” “It looks like one though,” she retorted, “It’s adjacent and.

“Riannon, let’s not speak about semantics,”

Castiel did not look pleased. “l don’t want my Luna here!”

The three girls gasped and the ones at the nearby balconies did the same thing.
Apparently, it was a big deal and Ria felt sorry for all of them.

“Then how lucky are we that I am not your Luna!” she chuckled and forcefully got
herself out of his grip to his displeasure.

“Let’s go,” he said through clenched teeth. “This is not the place to speak of
anything. Time to have that dinner of ours. ..

He took her hand and pulled her behind him, walking out firmly of this place and
not even bothering to look at any of the dozens of pairs of eyes following their
every move.

“The dinner will not be served at The Eden tonight!” he growled right before they
left. “l think the girls forgot how to behave and they need to think about it!”

She walked after him, thinking and analysing everything that she saw. She knew one

thing for sure - she would have to go back to the harem. Even if it was risky.

He took her to a room with a small table served for two and slammed the doors
behind them. The two guards stayed on the other side, and she did not like this
development at all.

“Sit!” he ordered and everything inside her screamed to throw something at him.
Yet, she knew that this would not be wise.

Slowly and taking her time, she walked to one of the seats and he followed her,
helping her with the chair.

She did not thank him and became stiff when she realized that he wasn’t moving
away. His hands were still on the back of the chair, almost touching her.

But a knock on the door disturbed them. “Come in!” Castiel ordered, and a guy with
curly red hair entered the room.

“Excuse me,” he apologised, bowing his head in respect, “but I have urgent news and
you told me to inform you at once.”

“Not here!” the fox king stopped him, clearly not wanting to discuss anything in
front of Riannon. “Follow me to my office. It’s soundproof.”
He gestured for the redhead to join him in the adjacent room and they closed the
doors behind them.

Ria relaxed into her seta, disappointed that she couldn ‘t overhear them.

But then she clearly heard both voices as they joined in a conversation.

“How?” she asked Onyx in awe.

“The blessing of the Moon Goddess gives us more than we are aware of now! Let’s not
question the gifts and use the wise,” she could feel her wolf smirking in their

o Marissa Gilbert

Please, remember that updates are on alternate days now. What would you name this

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Enslaved By The Alpha

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TAGS revenge alpha love-triangle

Chapter 75. The Red King

Riannon tried not to grin. She couldn’t tell for sure if there were any cameras
installed in this room, so she had to be extra careful just in case. To keep
herself busy, she took a glass full of wine and sniffed it to check that it wasn’t
poisoned this time. Given the history she had with foxes, she could never be sure…

But the fox king probably had some use for her even now, so the drink was clean of
any substances other than alcohol.

She took a slow sip and listened carefully.

“l am not interested in what kind of problems they have,” Castiel sounded

authoritative. There was no playfulness in his voice to which she was used to.
“Tell them that if they are not ready on time, they will share the destiny of those
traitors werecats.”

Riannon gulped. She remembered how Alpha Ramina had been telling them that foxes
and bears were offering her to unite their clans in the war against wolves. This
was confirming her words at the Summit.

“And what about the wolves?” Castiel asked

his companion, his tone displeased and arrogant even now.

“The Alpha told us that they are ready to act and waiting for your command.

Images flashed before Ria’s eyes. Back in the past, she saw wolves fighting other
wolves. It brought her to the conclusion that they were talking about the traitors.
But she needed more. More information. At least something. A pack or the Alpha’s
name, a location… anything that could help her find out who the traitors were!

“And what about the white bear clan?” the fox king kept the interrogation of his
subordinate while she froze on her seat.

“Their king says that they will arrive soon.

But he still has the same condition.”

Riannon placed her glass back on the table, trying not to crush the stem in her
hand from all the tension. White bears… This was a crucial piece of information.
That clan came from the North and, if she wasn’t mistaken, they lived right next to
the North Lycan kingdom.

“Tell him that our allegiance is still in force if he keeps his word. We will help
him to deal with his lycan king as soon as he helps us deal with ours.” Now Castiel
sounded content.

But it was Ria who was the one truly pleased. All her effort went into pretending
not to care. Not to curl her lips, not to make any muscle flinch on her face. She
couldn’t give herself away. That was why she did her best to look bored while she

The two men discussed a few other things quickly, including doubling the security
around the territory. But that didn’t matter anymore.

When Gideon came for her, she would be ready. The doors opened again and Castiel
strode in with a faint smile on his face.

“Forgive me, Riannon,” he took his seat and at the same moment servants appeared,
bringing in the actual food. He probably ordered them to do it via the mind link.

“Oh, trust me,” she straightened her back, “l was not offended. I think the less we
see each other, the better.”

He swallowed that almost insult, knowing that she wasn’t ready for him. Not yet.
Castiel loved watching that strong beautiful woman, who held herself like a queen
even in captivity. Her every move was filled with grace and confidence. He had
princesses in his harem, but none could even begin to compare in his eyes to

He was sure that he knew what she was

thinking after seeing all those girls today. He knew that he needed to do damage
control if he wanted to have a relationship with that woman. And he wanted it
badly. She intrigued him at their first actual meeting, but the more he watched
her, the more his need for her was growing.

She was the perfect Luna. Everything that any alpha could ask for. Beautiful,
smart, special. .. That made it especially hard to resist her charm.
“So,” she raised her brow at him and he loved how daring she was. The spirit of
royalty. “So,” he found herself mimicking her tone, waving for the omegas to leave

“l have to say that your plan was not bad, she stated plainly, but this little
compliment made his lips curve a bit anyway.

“And yet somehow you saw right through it,” he smirked. “Tell me, Riannon, where
have I made a mistake?”

He didn’t make a mistake and that was exactly the problem. In her past life, he
won. And even now he was far from losing. Even despite everything that she knew.

“l guess you angered the Moon Goddess,” she took a bite of her food. Whatever it
was, she

had to take care of herself well. She had to have the strength for what was about
to come. So, she wasn ‘t going to starve herself out of spite and m ake herself

He chuckled softly and followed her example.

“Tell me,” he said after a while, “how did you know that I was going to use the
name Everett? I was thinking about it for so long but I still can’t find an answer
to this question.”

“If you want any kind of information from me, you will have to answer a few
questions first yourself,” Ria put down her knife and fork, taking a napkin to
gently pat her lips. “And then maybe,

I’ll share too.”

“And what exactly do you want to know?” Castiel didn’t feel like hiding much from
her. She was already there in his hands. What was the point? When she knew - she
would only be impressed by the scale ofthe work he had done. She had to be

“How did you fake a scent of Brayden’s mate on Roxanne?” she shot the first
question at once, without any hesitation, “l know that she is a siren and used that
alluring ability of hers. But you had to work on the scent too. Because it was the
first thing that attracted him to her.”

“You are still not over that?” he smirked, and she felt a prick of shame. Because,
no, she wasn’t over it. She had to know everything. She did not love her ex
anymore, but she needed to learn what happened there exactly.

“l thought we were trying to have an open conversation here,” she taunted him.

“Fine. Are you done with your meal?” Castiel asked and she nodded. “You hardly ate

“l am full,” the Luna cut him off.

“Then let’s go. I am going to show you something,” he grinned at her with delight.
He stood up and gestured for her to do the same. Riannon had no objections to that.
A part of her was worried that he would take her to the dungeons, where Brayden’s
real true mate was chained to the walls. .. But they didn’t walk far, as the fox
king pushed one of the next doors and held it for her.
She entered a spacious room that looked like some kind of a laboratory. Test tubes,
microscopes and equipment she couldn’t even name were everywhere. It looked
professional enough to her and all she could do was to give the fox a questioning

“This is where the scent was created so that

Roxy could copy it,” Castiel smirked, looking a bit smug.

“How? You had to have a sample,” Ria tried to reason with him, trying to find an

“I’ve been studying shifters’ scents for many years,” he started explaining. “You
see, in most cases, mates’ scents are connected biologically. This is how we
recognise our couple. Mates are so closely connected that over time I managed to
see a pattern. By testing and probing, I managed to find out what scent would
attract a person if I had his or her DNA. It’s not a 100% match, of course. One
would recognise their true mate. If he meets him or her. But as far as you know,
your husband never did. I don’t even know if he could recognise his mate prior to
your rejection. You know how marking works.”

“l do,” she smirked and took her hair away, moving the dress slightly aside to
reveal her beautiful golden crescent mark.

Castiel growled at that, his eyes glued to her flesh. It would be an understatement
to say that he did not like what he saw. But at the same time, he was fascinated by
the gold shining on her delicate skin.

“An unbreakable bond,” she rubbed it into his face, pulling the dress back on to
cover more

of her.

“We’ll have to test that theory out,” he stepped closer, “when I kill Gideon.”

“You could try,” she chuckled, “but there is a reason why you tried to break
werewolves first. You can’t deal with him without that. And now that part of your
plan is gone.”

“My plan doesn’t solemnly depend on that. And part of it still worked. The biggest
pack was broken into two parts. And the Alpha of one of them is mine now.” His eye
glowed again as he was dangerously close.

“Why is only one of your eyes glowing?” she decided to distract him and it worked
as he turned away from her at once.

“That’s a long story,” he sighed.

“As you have told me before, we are in no hurry,” Ria took that chance to distance
herself further from him and pretended to look at the equipment he had there.

“l wandered into the wrong place and encountered the wrong person when I was
young,” he said at first, but after hesitating for a few moments, added in a hoarse
voice. “My father… It was my father.”

Riannon’s lips parted but she quickly

clenched them back.

“Why?” she heard herself saying.

“l wasn’t exactly the son he wanted,” Castiel confessed, still not looking at her.
“Not the pure blood that he wanted to see as his heir.. .”

“What do you mean?” she felt that this was important too.

“l am a hybrid,” he turned to face her abruptly and in no time he was right next to
her again. “My father stole my mother from the bear clan. She was already married,
but he did not care.”

“But you were still angry at Gideon ‘s father for killing yours,” Ria pointed out,
crossing her hands on her chest in a defence motion. She did not like the way he
stared at her. As if he was hungry.

“Of course I was,” he sneered at her, tracing his finger over one of her arms and
making her shudder. “First of all, it was a matter of honour.

But second of all, it was supposed to be my kill.

Things would have been much easier for me.”

“How?” she tried not to give him any reaction, knowing that this was exactly what
he was looking for.

“Too many questions for someone who

didn’t share anything yet,” he bent lower to her, his face way too close to her
liking. “Let’s just say that my path to becoming a king would be shorter.”

She tried to step away, but he trapped her between one of the tables and his hands.

“So, how did you know about Everett?” a smirk spread over his face as he looked at
her lips. “Axel didn’t suit you.” Riannon tried to stay calm.

“l thought that we agreed to share information,” he took it as a game, “not lie to

each other.”

“You have your sources and I have mine, Castiel,” she dived down and managed to
escape him, hearing his laughter behind her back.

“Cass,” he said. “l want you to call me Cass.”

“And I want you to call me Alpha Michaels,” she retorted, “but something tells me
you are not going to do that.”

“Who knows,” he took another step in her direction, and she liked it less and less,
“It has a good ringto it.”

“Do you want me to kill him ?” Onyx asked, growling inside.

“Can you?” she couldn ‘t help but wonder.

“l think we can take one hybrid,” now her wolfsounded offended, but ready to spring
to action any time.

“l have no doubt,” Ria sighed, “but it will not stop the war. And now it might only
complicate things, I need more information before we act.
“Who works in this lab?” she decided to throw the fox king off the topic.

“This is my little heaven,” he said with pride. “And a little hobby of mine that
brought me so many fruitful results.”

“Heaven seems to be your theme,” the woman rolled her eyes, walking behind one of
the tables to make sure there was something between them.

“You mean Eden,” Castiel chuckled. “Yes, I suppose one might say so.”

“And what’s the plan there?” she quirked her brow up. “When do I get a red dress?”

He watched her for a few seconds while furrowing her browsbefore answering, “Never.
The day you become mine, I let them all go.”

This wasn’t what she counted on. She wanted to use the harem against him. And here
he was dism issing its significance instantly.

But she knew far too well that it was yet another tactic to manipulate her.

“What was the point of keeping them there in the first place if you are going to
discard them

“Believe it or not, Alpha Michaels,” he smirked when he said that, “But they were
useful in many ways. Each of them is there willingly. It was their choice. And I
treasure each of them in my own way.”

“And is that why you are starving them tonight?” she reminded him of the simple
fact that he prohibited giving them dinner that day.

“l am punishing them for misbehaving.” Castiel informed her firmly and without any
shade of hesitation or regret. “They touched what’s mine.”

“l am not yours!” she gritted her teeth.

“Of course, you are. Everything in this house is mine. They knew you were mine the
moment they saw you. But they still chose to attack you. He scowled.

“Maybe they can sense that they are about to be thrown out on the street?” Riannon

“l am not going to throw them out on the street!” he let out a deep chesty laugh.
“l trained them for years for a reason!”

“As you did with Roxanne?” it suddenly occurred to her. He was going to use those
women as his pawns. Send them to different packs, plant them as spies, put them in
other men’s beds.

“Too many questions,” he shrugged it off. “Let’s go. I want to show you other
places. We can have some fun tonight and. .

“l am too tired,” she did not let him finish. “l want to.. .”

“Okay,” the fox king looked slightly disappointed, but he nodded reassuringly. “Not
all at once. I get it. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other

She was relieved that he chose that approach. But she knew that she shouldn’t count
on him sticking to it for too long.
He took her back to her room personally, not saying much on the way there and she
hid behind the door when he tried to give her a kiss on the cheek, escaping the
undesired contact.

Riannon sat on the bed and listened to his receding steps. And when he was gone,
she waited some more. In about half an hour, she opened the doors and looked at the
short guard, ignoring the tall one. This one seemed mentally weaker to her.

“King Castiel said I can ask for whatever I want and I have some requests,” she
announced with a tone that did not take prisoners, making both men swallow. “Don’t
worry,” she sneered at them like a cat who was about to devour a little mouse,
“Nothing dangerous is on my list.”

Just an hour later, the three of them entered the Eden. Girls in red were looking
at her in shock, not believing that she dared to come there again.

“What the hell have you forgotten here?” the same blonde with her two friends
appeared before her first.

“Ladies,” Riannon popped a bottle of champagne with ease, gesturing for the two
guards to bring in the sushi and other snacks she requested, “l think we started
with a wrong foot. Why don’t we fix that?”

Marissa Gilbert

Sorry for the few hours of delay. But it’s a longer chapter today. As always, I am
asking you for title suggestions.

Chapter 76. Trust me

“Explain this!” Gideon growled at the Beta as he uploaded the video on the big

Maya watched it calmly, her face vacant of any emotions.

“What exactly should I explain?” she asked lazily, only fuelling his anger.

He rewound the video back to when she was fighting Roxanne and pointed at Riannon
standing not far from them.

“She was there! And you saw her!” he was playing those seconds again and again,
making her watch this. “You didn’t even move to help her.

I want to know why!”

“l did not notice her!” Maya turned away and he just knew that she was lying
through her teeth.

“l am not buying this!” he growled. He could feel how his own Beta, Ried, was
trying to reach him via the mind link. He was worried sick about his mate, and it
was one of the reasons why he couldn’t kill her on the spot.
Yet she was too calm. A traitor who was just caught couldn ‘t possibly be this

“Maya,” he said through clenched teeth, “what do you know that I don’t? You clearly
saw each other. Ria didn’t even fight that damn fox when he caught her!”

She averted his gaze and he knew that he was on the right path.

“You have to tell me!” he growled and it suddenly became harder to breathe in the
room. He never used his royal lycan power. It was dangerous. And not only for
others, for him as well. Because unleashing that pressing darkness within him could
have consequences beyond repairing. There was a reason why only the royal lycans
had the second battle form now. Only they could shift into wolf-like feral beasts
who could walk on their feet. Common lycians could die if they tried that.

The blood of royals was the purest and they were the only ones who had enough
strength to channel and control true beasts. Those beasts were giving them power
beyond imaginable, but that came with a price. The longer they stayed in that form,
the less they wanted to come back to being human. It was too tempting, too
corrupting, too soul-destroying. Using that form was ruining both the human and the
wolf, hence they were saving it for the worst battles. When they were becoming true
lycans, all emotions were gone. Only instincts stayed. And every time Gideon had to
use any part of his feral powers, he knew that once he reached a certain point, he
had to stop and go back to being human.

That form was making him stronger and any other shifter could sense his power from
afar. Right now he only let it out a bit but Maya already lowered her head in
submission. This was something out of her control now.

“What. Happened. There?” Gideon demanded in a firm menacing tone and she gulped,
trying to fight it. But it was useless.

“l can’t,” she whispered desperately.

“l am your king,” Gideon insisted, letting her know that he would make her if she
didn’t do it herself.

“You might be my king but she is my Alpha,” Maya’s voice was faint but she faced
him with a determination which he couldn’t not respect.

He didn’t even need more details. It was clear what had happened back in the woods
now. And he wanted to crush things, break them, destroy…

“Just tell me why she did it,” he used all his

strength to get the beast to back down, so that he could return to his senses and
so that the girl in front of him could stop suffocating. It was her first time
experiencing something like this. Most would probably have already fainted.

Maya took a deep breath as soon as the power stopped pressing down on her. She
hesitated… but looking at him panting as well, she gave up. There was no point
hiding anything anymore. She stalled him as much as she could. Just like her friend

“She said that he would not hurt her. She was certain of it.” The Beta sighed, her
voice bleak, as he snapped his head in her direction.

“He drugged her to make her pass out!” the king growled. “He could do anything to
her while she is helpless.”
“Riannon is blessed by the Moon Goddess.” The Beta said firmly. “She is never
helpless. She knows what she is doing.”

“When?” Gideon stopped her with a gesture, because he did not want to hear those
explanations. He just needed facts. “When did she make the decision?”

“Right before all this,” Maya confessed. “She told me via the mind link and then
she rejected my every protest. She was sure that we would be

able to win the war only if we got enough intel. And the only way to get it was to
get inside their lair. Ria said that there were too many secrets and no way to find
out whom we can trust. She wanted to fix that problem. She was sure that

Castiel would be co.cky enough to try and get her. And she told me to make sure
that it happens if he tries.”

“And what about her?” Gideon pointed at the siren/fox behind the glass.

“It was my initiative,” Maya admitted, “l thought everything was over. I saw
Riannon and Castiel behind Roxanne. But when he attacked and covered her face with
that cloth, I knew that it was exactly what she wanted. This was why I played with
Roxy longer and waited for him to be gone. As a Beta, I cannot disobey my Alpha.
“You could have followed them!” He reproached her.

“l would be noticed,” the woman stated honestly and firmly. “She ordered not to do
it. And also..

She went to her little cross-body bag and got out a little note. Riannon’s scent
hit his nostrils and he got instantly calmer. Maya handed him the little folded
piece of paper and he secretly took another breath just to feel closer to


“She left this for you,” the girl stepped away to give him space.

He unfolded the note carefully as if it was some kind of treasure.

Trust me. / trust you to find me,

He was really hoping to see more. But these words… these words were exactly what he
needed right now. She trusted him. She needed him to trust her. And she needed him
to find a way to get her back. All while she was risking her life to help him win
the war.

Gideon closed his eyes, pain rippling through his body, tearing him apart.

But she needed him.

He couldn’t afford to linger.

His gaze met Maya’s and there was this silent understanding between the two of them
now. He knew that she would do anything to get her best friend and Alpha back. All
they needed was the location.

“So, what’s the plan?” the Beta girl asked, and he turned to look at the glass.
Behind it the tiny fox was weeping again, trying to fill the air around her with
“For a start, make sure only females guard

her,” Gideon said coldly. “We need to make sure that she loses any hope of ever
getting out of here. And when she does, we will break her. Part by part. Until she
tells us what we want to know.”

Roxanne sat alone in that white room for goddess knew how long. She knew that they
had not forgotten about her. She knew that she was their only chance to get the
inform ation they needed.

She knew a lot indeed. But weighing her options, she was not going to share
anything. She had two tasks now - to save her baby and to get back to Castiel.

Roxy hoped that he would send someone to save her. He also knew that she was a
valuable asset. So, she needed to hold on until then. She could still play on
Brayden’s fatherly feelings. It could still work if she tried hard enough..

She heard the sound of the lock and turned to see the doors opening. The ability to
cry was lost to her as she had already drained all the liquid out of herself. But
the pheromones were in the air, all she needed now was to add some good acting to

But when she saw two women in black leather looking down at her, she couldn’t
believe her eyes.

Women. Not men. This was bad. The worst-case scenario, no less. Her pheromones only
worked on males!

“Seriously?” one ofthem chuckled, bringing in the tray with a paper plate and some
food on it, as well as a water bottle. “This ginger hobbit is the big bad criminal
they asked us to guard? Couldn ‘t they do it themselves?”

“Don’t underestimate her,” the other stood by the door with her hands folded on her
chest. “They say she is vicious and can easily get under your skin.”

“Eat,” the one with bushy curly hair ordered and pointed to the chair. Roxy decided
not to cause a scene and obeyed quietly.

“You are not wolves,” she stated calmly to test her theory.

“Neither are you,” the other one, with straight black hair reaching her shoulders
pointed out.

“Who are you?” Roxy asked, prying for information.

“Werecats,” the first one answered, “Now,

eat. We are not staying here forever. And nothing will be left for you in this

She started eating slowly, listening to their every word.

“l hope our Alpha arrives soon. I don’t want to hang here when the lycan king is
this furious.” The two women whispered to each other, not bothered with her

“Yeah, I mean, I get it. He lost his queen and now she is captive. Who knows what
the fox king is doing to her this very moment? He did not contact the Union, he did
not demand anything. It looks like he only wanted her and now he got that.”
Roxanne slammed her fist on the table, not caring that she attracted their

“What’s up?” one of the girls asked her with an indifferent expression.

“l am not hungry anymore,” the fox replied.

Without saying anything else, they gathered everything that they had brought and
left her alone, locking her again.

Roxanne sat in the same place for a while, keeping her composure. But the images of
Castiel and Riannon were flooding her mind. She knew him the best and she knew far
too well when he

wanted a woman. He always had a harem, yes. But he had consent from every girl
inside of it, herself included. They all wanted to be there, craved it. And as far
as she knew, it was the first time that he had taken someone there against their

She had no doubt that he would take Riannon to his personal house and the thought
alone made her shudder. Did he already give her a red dress or not? Did he spend
his first night with her? Did he like it?

The perfect Luna would be fighting it, there was no doubt about that as well. And
deep inside she was really scared that he would like her even more because of that.

Roxy tried to get rid of these thoughts. There were millions of perfectly sane
explanations as to why he needed Riannon. She was the lycan king’s mate and it
would make so much sense to use her to weaken him.

She chose to believe in this one. It was easier and more comfortable this way.

She prohibited herself from going into the dangerous territory of imagining Riannon
in his bed, of thinking about what he would do to her and how he would take her.
She knew everything that he liked, so imagining this scenario was easy.

But it was so painful. Too painful for her to bear. Hell, now she would gladly
agree to Bridgit, her oldest rival, warming up Castiel’s bed while she was absent.
At least she knew that he wasn’t in love with her. She wasn’t so sure about

Riannon. Could Castiel even love? Just like that?

Her whole body was aching from sitting on the firm surfaces for hours and she
decided to lie down on the floor to try and stretch her sore muscles a bit.

Did it hurt Riannon that much when she was with her husband? To her, Brayden was
never the prize and she took their mating as a part of her job. It helped that he
was good looking and could bring pleasure to a woman when he wanted to. But for
Roxanne, he wasn’t Castiel. All that she wished now was that she had never stepped
her foot in this wretched place.

Hugging herself, she tried to rock herself to sleep.

Gideon wasn’t happy. Everything was going slowly. Too slowly for his liking. He
knew he couldn’t push the fake omega too early. And now, sadly, she was the only
one who could give him any information. He sent Brayden in again to make it seem
like this was their plan interrogation after interrogation. Of course, the Alpha
was returning with no news. But this was something that they expected.
The king looked out ofthe window of his mate’s office to see that the Alphas he
invited were already there.

“Are you sure that they can all be trusted?” Alpha Ramina asked him as shejoined
him earlier than others. She was the first one he called from the Union.

“No,” Gideon replied honestly, “l can never be sure. But these ones seem to be the
most reliable.”

They went to the conference hall and greeted each Alpha as they came in and took
their place. They would have to act as a united front from now on. After all, it
was their common war and their common enemy. The Summit helped them to understand

“Looking gorgeous as always, Ramin a,” Zack Morgan winked at the Alpha who was
sitting opposite of him at the table.

“l know,” the cat flicked her long sleek hair to the back, looking clearly
unimpressed with the compliment. “My Luna says it all the time.”

“She has good taste,” Zack smirked and the woman rolled her eyes.

“Are we waiting for someone?” Alpha Caleb asked impatiently.

“My sister will be joining us too,” Gideon took his seat at the head of the table.
Maya, Reid and Ash stayed behind him.

“What for?” Alpha Maddox knitted his brows. Not every pack even loved seeing
females at such gatherings.

“She is bringing my warriors from the kingdom. And she will stay because she chose
to take part in this fight,” the lycan king replied em otion lessly.

He could already hear the cars pulling down right next to the mansion. In just a
few seconds the doors opened, revealing Savannah dressed in black head to toe,
something that was unusual for her.

“l am sorry I am late,” she looked only at her brother when she felt it… This warm
feeling, the scent, the myriads of overwhelming sensations. She couldn’t take it
for anything else as she looked around the room full of alphas.

“Mate!” a loud growl echoed through the house as everyone gasped in disbelief.

Chapter 77. Chess

Gideon couldn’t believe his own eyes as he watched his little sister stare at one
of the Alphas.

“Mine!” Zack Morgan growled as he stood up and stormed in her direction. Kyle next
to Savannah growled defensively but she gestured for him to stop, looking at the
man who was already next to her. He was breathing heavily, his eyes glowing dark
purple as he took the princess before him in.

“Mate,” Savvy whispered hesitantly.

“Mate,” Zack confirmed and took another step in her direction. He extended his hand
to her, clearly wishing to at least touch her.

Gideon had mixed feelings about it. It was odd to see his baby sister with a mate.
But on the other hand, this was why he refused the marriage deal with the Northern
King. He wanted her to have that. This euphoria of finding the one person who could
make her whole. And judging by the little tear that fell down Savvy’s cheek, this
was exactly what she felt now.

“May l?” Zack asked when his fingers almost touched her and she nodded. The whole
room went quiet as finding a mate was considered the most important moment in one’s
life. Even an ongoing war could wait a few moments to let two people adjust to not
being alone anymore.

Savvy nodded again. Gideon never saw her this quiet. She was always the chatterbox
of the family. But now she had no words.

Zack very gently wiped the tears off her face, devouring her with his eyes. They
couldn ‘t speak freely now in front of everyone and it was clear that his wolf
wanted to get out. But he chose to remain a gentleman and Gideon was glad that he
was the one mated to his little sister. And not a creep like Brayden, who was
watching the whole thing not far from him with a shade of annoyance.

“You will never cry again,” Zack whispered, but of course, every lycan or werewolf
in the room heard it. “l am Alpha Zack Morgan ofthe Emerald Mountain Pack. And it’s
my honourto be your m ate.. .”

He paused because he didn’t know her name and she smiled at him.

“Savannah Stormhold,” she smiled at him, and now it was his turn to open his mouth.
He didn’t realise who she was until now. Everything happened so fast.

“Savannah,” he tasted her name on his

tongue, liking it. He liked everything about her. He loved it. Instantly. His mate
was beautiful beyond belief with sensual lips and eyes the colour of peridots that
his mother used to like so much. Her hair was falling in golden brown waves down
her shoulders and her fingers felt so fragile when he held them in his large palms.
He couldn’t even believe that she was a lycan. She seemed more like a fair if they

“With all due respect,” Brayden cleared his throat. “Congratulations to you both
but we have a few pressing matters to discuss.”

“Right,” Gideon came back to his senses as well. “He is right. Sorry, Sav.”

“It’s fine,” she wanted to proceed to sit next to her brother, but Zack took her
arm and led her to the chair he was sitting on. And when she took it, he stayed
behind her, standing and watching so that no other male even dared to look her way.

It was a long meeting but in the end, they found common ground and were able to
agree on the same course of action. After all, it was in everybody’s interest. Most
Alphas wanted to get their revenge on the foxes after the explosion at the Summit.
But some were wary and wanted more proof.

But, of course, the biggest problem of all

was the fact that they still didn’t know where to find Castiel and Riannon. They
had a rough idea of it being somewhere in the foxes’ territory and Alpha Ramina was
very helpful with pointing as to where it might be. She was one of the very few who
had visited those lands recently and for now, was the best source of information.

However, Gideon knew that it wasn’t enough. To get his Queen back he needed to have
the precise location. He couldn’t risk it.

Unfortunately, there was only one person who could give him the intel he needed.

Roxanne slept on a mattress they brought for her in the same sparkling white room.
She hated this place. And she could tell who came up with the idea. No one tortured
her physically, but the whole place was slowly driving her mad. She had no idea
what time it was. Or even what day. There was absolutely no way to tell. The room
had no windows and was illuminated at all times. It was as if the time here had

She tried not to think of what the werecats told her prior. It was too much. She
curled up on her so-called bed and hugged her belly. She knew far too well that it
wasn’t CastÏel’s child. But she could pretend now that it was. It helped her to
stay sane. He was the only thing that always helped her survive. And she would
survive this too.

She went from a nobody to a harem girl. And from a harem girl to one of Castiel’s
best assets. For months and months, he was paying her more attention than to
others. She knew that the only reason he didn’t mark her was because he needed to
make sure that she was strong enough to be his Luna first.

So, this was her test.

She would pass it and he would take her back.

She would pass it and he would take her back.

She would pass it and. .

The door opened so unexpectedly that she shuddered in her place. She couldn’t
understand what was going on at first when she saw the lycan king himself with his
glowing eyes and bare canines. What the hell was going on? He was always the
reasonable one! Why was he like that? She crawled back to the wall instinctively.
He was going to kill her. It was obvious now. She wasn’t going to make it.

“Gideon, stop!” his Beta appeared before

him and tried to hold him back. But it was clear that he was weaker. Much weaker.

“Don’t do this!” Maya was right next to them, followed by Ash. They all tried to
stop the lycan from…

From what? Roxy gulped, feeling how her whole body started shuddering for real now.
This wasn’t a joke.

“If she has no value to him and stays silent, then she has no value to me too!” the
king growled and the little fox covered her face with her fingers, leaving just a
little space between them to see what was going on.

“Gideon, it’s not over yet! We can still get

Riannon back!” the Beta shouted, obstructing his

Alpha from getting closer. From ripping her apart. “He marked her!” the lycan king
growled. “He… he… he made her his and announced her his queen! The pain I felt when
he did it… He can’t stop!”

Each word was like a knife stabbed in her heart.

It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t! Just couldn’t! Castiel would never. ..They were
all mistaken! He wouldn’t take any other woman as his queen.

Or would he?

She remembered his interest in Riannon. She remembered how every time they spoke on
the phone he asked about the Luna. He wanted to know everything - what she did,
what she liked. Sometimes he even forgot to ask about how she was doing. She always
found an explanation for this. Riannon was the Luna. Riannon was an important piece
of the puzzle. Riannon was an obstruction. There were many reasons for him to be
interested in her.

But deep inside, this was exactly what she was afraid of. And every hour she spent
here, she was more and more sure of it.

“We can still use her!” Ash grunted; his strength couldn’t compare to the Lycan’s.
“He was bluffing when he told you that he has no use for the siren anymore! This is
exactly what he wants! He wants you to kill her so that she doesn’t tell us
anything! She served her purpose for him!”

“Don’t make any rash decisions!” Reid growled, “That’s not what she would want.
Stop! Think!”

Roxanne froze on the floor, slowly taking her hands down. The king did not look at
her anyway. In one swift move, he freed himself from the three wolves who held him,
throwing them to the ground. For a second there she thought that this would be her
end. It was over. She was done… But the glow in his eyes died down and, with a loud
snarl, he left the room.

Only now was she able to breathe, leaning over the perfect white wall behind her.

This time she survived by miracle and she knew it.

The two men jumped back to their feet and ran out of her cell, leaving only her and
Maya, who was already standing again.

“Th-thank you,” Roxy mumbled to her, stuttering.

“Shut up!” Maya spat the words, finally sparing the prisoner a glance. “l didn’t do
it for you. I did it for him. And also, because you will be my kill. All I need is
his permission. As you can see, it wouldn’t be a problem to get it.”

The Beta charged for the door and Roxy knew that it was her last chance.

“Wait! Please!” she screamed, but her voice came out weak and broken… Pathetic.

“What?” Maya scoffed, “Are you going to cry and seduce me? It doesn’t work with

“The baby!” Roxanne decided not to waste any time. She did not care how she looked

“The baby is Dean’s!”

That made the she-wolf stop. She didn’t turn to look at the fox, but she did not
move either.

“You are lying,” Maya gritted her teeth, her hand on the door handle.

“l am not! It could only have been him! We… He was nice to me.

“You used him!” the Beta’s claws grew long in an instant. “You used him and then
you killed him

“l was wrong!” the fox begged on her knees, was so wrong! l. I loved Castiel
and thought that he loved me too. You know what love is.” “l do,” Maya chuckled,
“But you don’t!”

“You are right! You are right. Roxy said with desperation in her voice, “l don’t…
No one loved me. I don’t know how… But the baby… The baby is Dean’s. I swear!”

Maya said nothing.

“Please,” the girl kept begging, “At least help me to give birth to it! Please!
That’s all I am asking!”

Very slowly, the Beta turned to face her worst enemy.

“How do you imagine me doing this now?”

she shook her head. “Everybody hates you. Even Brayden. You were a spy who ruined
us! You gave us nothing! How do you think. .

“l will tell you what I know,” Roxanne interjected. “l know where he has taken her.
At least I think I know.”

“Tell me now and maybe,” Maya stressed the word, “if the information you give me is
confirmed, I will make sure you live long enough to give birth.”

Maya returned to the observation room with a grin on her face as Gideon and Reid
were already checking the location on the maps.

“Nice acting,” Brayden told her as he kept watching his fake mate through the
window. “l know, right?” the girl sneered at him.

“Way better than yours the other day. Tell me, Bray, how are you adjusting to the
new reality of always being second? Or even third?”

She giggled but he did not respond to her. His life sucked as it was and there was
no way for him to win this argument now.

His pack only existed now because the lycans gave him the money to keep it afloat.
He hated to admit it, but he made a

mistake, after mistake, after mistake… Most of them couldn’t be fixed. He would
never get his perfect Luna back. Not really. His love and his best friend was gone

His heart and soul were aching for Riannon. He knew that he had wronged her. And he
missed her badly. Only she could get him out of such a mess.

But now it was his time to act. Even if she would never be his. Even if she were to
spend her whole life with another, he owed it to her after everything to come to
her rescue. Or at least to try and help. She had another knight in shining armour
now. And he was sure that she wouldn’t stay in captivity for long.

He chuckled at that thought. Because if he knew Riannon, she wasn’t the one who
would really need to be rescued. And a part of him even felt sorry for the fox king
who willingly brought her into his own house.

“So, long story short. My name is Riannon and I am a captive. I am not planning to
stay here for long as I have a mate, who is a lycan king and he would come for me
very soon,” she said it all in one breath, looking slightly bored. “And while I
wait, why don’t we get to know each other better and have a little party? Consider
it my peace offering.”

“Did you poison all that?” someone asked and her fox guard coughed from the shiock.
But she slowly poured a whole champagne glass and brought it to her lips.

“Cheers, ladies,” Ria gulped the drink to prove that it was safe.

“No,” she shook her head, “your health is in my best interest. I am just bored
here. That’s all.”

“Bridgit, what do you think?” another one of the girls asked the blonde, who had
attacked her before.

“So, your name is Bridgit? Nice to meet you. When you don’t try to kill me that
is,” Ria scoffed.

“You don’t seriously think that some booze and snacks would make us besties?” the
blonde arched her brow, while the others were checking the gifts. None of them
dared to touch them though. Not without her permission.

The harem had a hierarchy and currently, she was at the top of it.

“We don’t have to be besties to have fun together once,” Riannon smiled and took
one of the chocolate covered strawberries from the table on wheels which she made
her guards bring with them. She bit it, taking her time and then took a sip of
champagne again.

“Are those Castiel’s cigars?” one of the harem girls pointed her index finger at a
small wooden box.

“Yes,” Ria smirked at them, “And you would be surprised to find out that he has
joints there too. Who could have thought, right?”

She got a few giggles here and there.

“But how did you. another girl wanted to ask the one question that was on
everyone’s mind.

“His treat,” Riannon answered without any shade of hesitation. “He said no limits.
So, I took whatever I wanted. And you can have whatever you want here too.”

They stood there, watching her and eyeing the two tables and trays on them full of
everything. Exotic dishes, fruit, alcohol, sweets. It was a little feast.

“I’ve brought cards too,” she added, “We can play poker or whatever.”

“And I see you stole Castiel’s golden chess set,” Bridgit stated plainly.

“l did,” a sly smile stretched over Ria’s lips. “Do you play?”
“Are you sure you are not a fox yourself?” the blonde asked her, folding her hands
on her chest.

“l am sure,” the woman took the chessboard and got closer slowly. “So, how about a
small party while we play? Just one game.”

“Fine,” Bridgit breathed out and all the girls in red around her jumped with glee.
They circled the tables, helping themselves. Someone switched on music that they
could all enjoy. They led Riannon downstairs and her guards followed. But soon
their attention was distracted a little since it appeared that there was a swimming
pool on the bottom floor. Some of the red dresses disappeared. And no, none of the
ladies had a swimsuit underneath.

Bridgit took the whites and made her first move. For a while, they played without
saying anything to each other. And only when Ria knew that she set all her traps on
the chessboard, could she relax a bit. That party would go on as long as she

While the blonde was thinking, she stood up and walked around a bit. The girls were
getting drunk surprisingly fast. But it was to her advantage, of course.

“You know he would make you pay for this,

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right?” Bridgit said, eyes on the chessboard at all times.

“l can take care of myself,” Riannon chuckled and they stayed silent a bit longer
before the werebear made her move. That made the Alpha return to her seat and
consider her options, while her opponent looked around lazily.

The girls were clearly having fun - dancing, singing, drinking cocktails. .. It
hadn’t been like that here for a while. Today, no one cared what they looked like
and if their Master would arrive. Today was for them. And it curled Bridgit’s lips
just a bit. Which was enough for Ria to notice.

“How did someone like you end up in a freaking harem?!” she asked all of a sudden.

“Why? Don’t you think I fit in just nicely?” Bridgit gave her an eye roll.

“You don’t fit in. You lead them.”

The other woman clearly liked the compliment, because a smile became a bit more
evident on her face.

“My father sent me here,” she confessed unexpectedly. “l was thinking that I would
be his Luna when I arrived here. You should have seen my face when he brought me to
this place and gave me a red dress.”

“Ouch,” Riannon took another gulp. As a woman, she could understand. “Why did you

“My father knew what he was doing,” she shrugged it off, “He was a werebear Alpha.
Girls were always just breeding machines for him. My sisters were given to awful
males as tributes. I was lucky to be chosen by Castiel. My father hoped that I
would give him an heir and my position would become better. As well as their
alliance. He was naïve.”

“Why?” their eyes met and she knew that Bridgit was contemplating just how far she
could go with her, sharing her story.

“Because Castiel made sure none of us could ever get pregnant from him,” the girl
chuckled bitterly, “This wasn’t our purpose. And because. my father was killed
before he could see any benefits of our alliance. Now my pack has a new Alpha. And
I have nowhere to go. Even if I wanted to leave here, I would be a woman without
rights. They would just give me to the first male who offers a good price.”

“Not if you come to my lands,” Riannon said and Bridgit’s eyes lingered on her.

“It’s the same everywhere,” she scoffed. “Not anymore,” Ria smiled. “You see, the

Union just changed a few laws. Although, to be honest, we had better laws to start
with as it sounds.”

“No arranged marriages?” the werebear looked interested.

“Not if the girl is not willing,” she explained. “But there is much more than that.
You can fight for the position of a Beta or an Alpha if you like. And if you are
married, everything is shared equally after the divorce. Women have a say in where
their kids stay too. And there are many other thi ngs too.”

“And all the Alphas seriously agreed to that?” Bridgit’s eyes widened slightly.

“Not all of them,” Riannon let out a little laugh, “But the majority did and it was
enough. Now I am an Alpha myself. It’s an interesting story, actually. Maybe I will
tell you about it one d ay.”

“Maybe I’d listen,” the girl moved her rook with confidence.

“By the way, do you know Roxanne?” it was a shot in the air, but surprisingly it
reached its goal as the blonde groaned in annoyance.

“Don’t tell me that the bi.tch is still alive!” she scowled.

“l wouldn’t know,” Ria shrugged her shoulders. “The last time I saw her, my best
friend was kicking the living crap out of her.”

“Did you see her dead? Because if you didn’t, it doesn’t count!” Bridgit looked
unimpressed, but something changed between the two of them now.

“No, really, why did you stay so long?” Ria let her have her pawn.

“l loved him,” Bridgit told her honestly and it did not escape her that she used
past tense. “He has this way with women that… just makes you fall for him. When he
pays you attention, you feel so special.. like the only woman in the world for him

“That’s an interesting statement considering you all live in a harem,” Riannon

couldn’t help but snort.

“l know,” the werebear sighed, ” but when you are with him, you feel like no one
else exists. His scent drives you crazy and the pleasure he gives you. .

“Those are the details I can live without,” Ria stopped her. “It makes me think
though. You mentioned the scent.
“What about it?” Bridgit didn’t even look at

her, too busy with the game.

“Well, I can’t ignore the fact that he is a scientist wannabe. Did you ever think
that maybe he created a scent to imitate that he is your

“My beast never acknowledged him as our mate,” Bridgit laughed, but then paused,
looking at the empty space before her. “But the scent is…


Riannon decided not to push her more. She seemed like a clever woman. She was
capable of getting to the bottom of things herself.

“About mates,” she decided to change the subject a bit, “You do know that yours is
somewhere there. He is looking for you.”

“l don’t know about that,” Bridgit made another move. “Sometimes I think that the
gods forgot about me when they were giving out m ates.”

“Everyone has one,” Ria moved her bishop, capturing the white queen. “And trust me,
when you meet yours, Castiel and his “scent” will be just a distant memory. You
wouldn’t even believe that you spent so many years in this beautiful cage.”

The blonde wanted to tell her something,

but right then they heard a loud growl coming from the entrance at the top balcony.

“What the hell is all this?!” a snarl echoed through the Eden.

The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert is an exclusive story for Stary Ltd (Dreame,
Yugto, Ringdom). All rights reserved.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

To the person who steals my book-please, stop. This is an awful thing to do and I
will seek legal help if you don’t stop.

For the rest of my lovely readers, the last two days were really stressful for me.
A lot is going on and I was at a point where I wanted to give up but your comments
helped me

Readers also enjoyed: Prince Reagan

o 5.8M Read

TAGS possessive kickass heroine

Chapter 78. Unforeseen

Castiel looked around furiously. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. His place of
relaxation, his beloved Eden was turned into. he didn’t even know how to name it!

The girls in red weren’t waiting for him. For the first time ever, they did not
even notice his arrival.

He was already standing in the very centre of the inner courtyard, but they were
playing cards, swimming naked in front of his guards, dancing, smoking, drinking,
simply being drunk anything but waiting for him.

They were having fun, the most fun they had for a while. And the sad part was that
they were doing it without him.

His eyes were glued to his guards, who stood like two stone statues in front of the
swimming pool, surrounded by a few of his girls who were clearly taunting them. He
had to admit that they weren ‘t touching what was his, but what was his tried to
touch them at all times. He saw Laura, his first-ever werewolf gem, sliding her arm
up Mason’s chest. The werebear looked at

her in fascination, not even bothered that this was not allowed. Castiel didn’t
visit Laura for months if not years. He didn’t remember. Long story short, she lost
his affections a while ago. Was it because she missed his attention? Or maybe she
wanted to remind him of her presence? Or she simply did not care? He did not know.

Others were not better. But he did not care about them.

He got there as soon as he realised that she was gone from her room and her guards
were missing as well. And when he did not find them anywhere, he had a hunch where
to look next.

Well, Riannon did not disappoint. He could tell that this was her work. She was
sending a message to him, demonstrating that it was a mistake to bring her in here.
That despite her being a captive here, she was still in control.

Cunning, sly woman. Just perfect for him.

He had been looking for someone like that for a while. Only that he hoped that it
would be his mate.

He never planned to kidnap a woman in his life. It was important for him that women
by his side were there willingly.

But when Riannon came into the game, everything changed. He was never interested in
anyone like that in his life. He couldn’t forget the moment when her elegant
fingers touched his skin and she called him handsome, looking into his eyes as if
she knew everything about him. And when she called him Everett, he couldn’t
overcome his shock. Usually he was the one to play with people like that but with
her he felt like the one being played all the time.

That was why he went to her room straight after Roxanne freed him. And that was why
he was thinking about her ever since.

He watched her playing her games with her now ex-husband and others. And the more
he saw, the more he was sure that she would be a perfect Luna for him. There was
only one problem - her true mate. But maybe it was for the best. After all, he was
going to kill the lycan king anyway. Now he only had more motivation.
Riannon was strong. Castiel was sure that she would survive the loss of her mate
and then. . Then she would be his. He would be there to console her and he would be
there to replace her everything she lost. Bit by bit he would heal her heart and
make her trust him. He would make his kingdom hers and she would feel responsible
for their people. In the end, she would stay with him and rule together. All he
needed to make this happen was time. And after Gideon Stormhold was killed, they
would have all the time in the world.

He found her sitting with Bridgit of all the people. They were playing chess and
talking like two best friends who had known each other forever.

Brigit. BRIGIT!

The one who was ready to kill anyone he even looked at. The one who all the girls
were afraid of and whose word could move mountains in the harem.

For the first time, fury overwhelmed him and he roared, “What the hell is all

He expected everyone to go still and quiet, but his voice did not have that effect
now. Some of the red girls were too drunk to notice and react. And this was when he
smelled weed and recognised the cigar in one of his property’s hands.

She took what belonged to him and shared it with them!

Riannon and Bridgit were the only ones to notice. But he let out another roar so
that this time not a soul in this harem could miss it.

The music went off and the girls at least tried to look presentable now. Triedwas
definitely the best word to describe the crowd of half-n aked giggling creatures
with sparks of mischief in their eyes.

Just what did she do to them? What did she tell them? And in such a short period of
time. He had to be impressed with her abilities but he was angry.

“Castiel, play with us!” Laura teased him, but he ignored her, moving straight to

She watched him with interest and even some kind of amusement. He knew that she had
planned all this and she tried to make a fool out of him. Successfully.

“Come here!” he growled, yanking her by her slender arm to her feet. Brigit next to
them stood up as well.

“Oh, hello,” Ria smiled at him, “we did not expect you here. But you are welcome to
join us. What do you prefer to play? Cards, chess, hide-and-seek?”

“The game night is over!” he shouted,

“Everyone, back to your rooms!”

The girls started gathering their things and

from the corner of his eye, he noticed some of them still taking the bottles of
alcohol and cigars with them. Probably to finish them off in their rooms.

“Don’t be sour!” Riannon smirked, “Are you jealous that your girls like me more
than they like you? Why do you even care? You said you were going to let all of
them go soon. Can ‘t this be their farewell party?”
She did that on purpose. She said that on purpose. It was a trap and he fell for
it. Because now his girls were looking at him in disbelief. He couldn’t deny it
because then his word would mean nothing to her. And he wanted her respect. He
craved it.

Angry, he pulled her roughly towards himself and started dragging her out of the
room. She stumbled and tripped her foot, so he had to throw her over his shoulder
and continued his way to the exit.

“Put me down!” Riannon tried to protest, but she had no idea what kind of beast she
had awoken now.

He brought her back to her room and threw her on top of the bed angrily. But the
woman did not stay there, of course. She rolled off quickly and was back to her
feet in no time, ready to fight

if she had to. He saw it in her eyes.

“Don’t be silly,” he gave her a feline smile, walking around the bed and cornering
her. “l know you can’t shift.”

Her reaction to his words wasn’t what he expected at all. The Luna did not look
scared of him knowing the truth about her. She was prepared even for that. And his
respect for her grew by the minute. And so did his desire.

“How did you know?” she said, her voice trembling just a bit as he pinned his hands
on both sides of her, pressing her into the wall.

“Does it matter now?” he asked, grazing his eyes over her straight features that he
loved so much.

“You said that you don’t take women against their will,” she reminded him and he
chuckled, knowing that she could already feel the massive bulge forming in his

“l did, didn’t l?” Castiel traced the column of her neck with his nose, making her
shiver. He knew that it wasn’t in delight, but he was happy to at least get some
reaction. “But I did not say that I wouldn’t be trying to seduce you.”

He really did not want to do it. But she left him no choice today. He needed her to
give in as

fast as possible. Because staying next to her and doing nothing proved to be harder
than he thought.

He traced his tongue over her collarbone, where he would mark her one day,
regretting that he wasn’t able to give her the golden crescents. Although maybe,
after king Gideon was dead, it would turn out that he was her second chance mate.
There had to be an explanation as to why he was so captivated by that woman. He
chose to believe that this was the case.

She stiffened under his touch, trying to push him away, but he bit her marking spot
slightly, warning her to stay still. She understood him correctly and at once.

He promised not to take her. But he could still mark her to stake his claim.

The idea was more tempting to him than she realised.

However, first thing first. Castiel closed his eyes, enjoying the taste of her skin
in his mouth, and changed his scent.

He knew exactly what scent he had to copy after their meeting in the woods. So,
there could be no mistakes.

She gasped when he imitated Gideon’s

scent and he chuckled, knowing that it worked. This was something hard to resist
for mates, it was a physical reaction.

“Just close your eyes and relax, Riannon, he whispered into her ear, brushing his
lips over her earlobe. One of his hands grasped her bottom, taking a fistful of her
flesh, while the other tugged her hair at the back of her head. He could devour her
now and was going to do just that. The need for her was unbearable, his member
aching to be inside of her.

She did close her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows and when he was about to cover her
lips with his in a possessive greedy kiss, she smirked and said, “Is that what you
say to all those girls? Close your eyes and pretend it’s not me? I have to say,
Castiel, this is disappointing. Even for a fox.”

He growled in frustration and she looked at him. Her beautiful eyes were telling
him that she was ready to fight if she had to. Even if she couldn’t shift. Even if
she knew she would lose. She would fight him.

“l just wanted to help you relax a bit,” he lied. To her and to himself. “No harm
in that.”

“Then you should just let me go. Trust me, I will be very relaxed at my home. With
my mate,”

she scoffed.

Such a spirit - worthy of a Luna. Worthy of a Queen. His Queen.

“Otherwise,” Riannon went on, “how does that make you different from your father?”

Those words struck him harder than she could imagine. He hated his father. He hated
everything that his father represented. The last thing he wanted was to be like
him. In any way. It was different with all those other girls. The scent was just
foreplay in most cases. But with Riannon… She was very vocal about not wanting him.
He knew that she didn’t. She gave him no reaction when he touched her. She didn’t
even have to say ‘no’ for him to know that he did not have her consent.

All those other girls did not have mates. This woman that he wanted so much did.

He crashed his fist into the wall right next to her head, creating a dent. But she
did not even flinch, holding his glare with dignity. And leaving him no choice.

He planned to kill the western lycan king for a while already. Now he wanted to
kill him. He needed it. Because it was the only way to get what he so desperately

“You are prohibited from entering the Eden,” he snarled as he stepped away from her
and to his displeasure, he noticed relief on her face.

“Who do you think you are? God?” she chuckled darkly.

“Here I am everything!” he snarled.

She did not respond and he did not feel like telling her anything else. The night
was already ruined.

He was already at the door when he stopped without turning to her, “You will get
used to it. Time will help.”

She was definitely going to say something. Something that he did not want to hear,
so he left before he had the chance to hear it…

For the first time ever Savannah was happy. Truly happy.

It wasn’t like she was particularly unhappy before. She was lucky to have a great
life and she knew it. Even despite the early death of her parents, she was well
taken care of, and she always had everything she wanted or needed.

She even had people that cared about her. And she cared a great deal about them.

She missed her parents and what they could have given her if they were around every
day and the pain of losing them always lived inside of her. She also always felt
the weight of her royal responsibilities. But she could handle it, knowing that her
brother and Reid were dealing with what was really hard and tricky. So, she made
sure they did not have anything else to worry about.

But now she was about to start a completely new life. The Moon Goddess was kind to
her and sent her a true mate. Something she always dreamt of but was too afraid to
even say it out loud.

Yet here he was.

She took another peek at Zack, who looked incredibly handsome as he was driving the
car. Without turning his attention away from the road, he found her hand and
squeezed it gently.

He was handsome and from what she had already heard about him, and Savannah had a
very good memory, she knew that both Riannon and her brother spoke highly of him.

It made sense that they were mates. She was a lycan princess and he was an Alpha of
a werewolf pack. Just like Gideon and Ria they could connect their people, bind
them together as one once and for all. She saw it as her mission now. Especially
before the war that was about to break out. The war that was about to rob them of
their first days together. But it did not matter, because they would have all their
lives together after they win. And she had no doubts about that.

Zack took her to his house, which turned out to be a very long bungalow in a U-
shape. That was a surprising choice of building for a pack of wolves. But it looked
new and modern.

“Our previous Alpha burned down the old packhouse after I challenged him and win,”
Zack explained, smiling apologetically, “l had to start building a new one. This
used to be our stables but now we build around it. .. It’s cosy inside, trust me.”

“l love it,” she stopped him with a smile.

“You don’t have to say that,” Zack stepped closer to her and took one of her hands
into his. “l know that you are used to having the best and I will do my best to
provide you with..
“l love it,” she said firmly and then grinned at him, “but I appreciate the

They stood like this for a while, the wind blowing her golden brown hair into his
face. But he did not mind that.

“l want to kiss you so badly right now,” he finally said, and Savannah took a step
in his direction, placing her palms onto his chest.

“Then what are you waiting for?” she smiled and he crashed his lips into hers,
devouring her quickly and forgetting about everything. Savvy’s toes curled when she
felt him picking her up.

She did not hesitate, as her wolf, Athena, was urging her to get closer to him.
They had been waiting for that man their whole lives and now he was finally here.
He brought her inside the house bridal style and placed her back on her feet in the
middle of the living room in modern minimalistic style, where there were already
several people inside. They all seemed shocked to see them together, but Zack
wrapped his arm around her possessively.

“Gang, meet my mate,” his smile was bright and even a bit smug. “This is Savannah
and she is your future Luna. She is also king Gideon ‘s younger sister and I can
hope that you will all treat her with the respect she deserves.”

“Congratulations!” a guy with blonde hair stepped forward smiling friendly at her.
“l am Viktor, this lucky bastard ‘s Beta. If you need anything, feel free to come
to me any time.”

Names started pouring, followed by

handshakes and even hugs. So many that there was no chance to memorize them all at
once even with her good memory. But she knew that there would be time for that too.

“l can’t believe that a goddess gave you a princess!” someone snorted, jabbing
Zack, “Did she sin in her past life or something? Why was she punished like that?”

Her mate growled and pulled her closer as a few awkward laughs could be heard
around them.

“Don’t be jealous,” he kissed the top of her head gently as his fingers were
drawing circles on her arm, “And now, please, excuse us. We… need to. .

He couldn’t find the right words and she giggled, “Get to know each other better.”

“Yes,” he pulled her closer possessively, “That. We will eat in our room too. So, I
guess we’ll be seeing you all tomorrow.”

“Just tomorrow?” some girl with curly black hair said, and Savannah paid her
attention for the first time. The girl had an unpleasant smirk on her face. “You
are losing your grip, Z. Back in the day.

“My mate is my treasure,” he cut her off, “l

don’t want to overwhelm her or hurt her. She is my first priority now.”

Savvy tried not to smile. This was exactly how a mate was supposed to respond to
hints like that. He protected her and set boundaries at once. And she couldn’t be
more proud.
This was why as soon as he locked the door behind them and they stayed alone in the
spacious bedroom, she grasped his shirt and pulled him closer to kiss him.

“l am so sorry,” he mumbled, snarling slightly as desire started to overwhelm him.

“You have nothing to apologise for,” the girl gasped into his mouth before she
leaned closer again to deepen the kiss this time.

“Savvanah,” Zack breathed into her neck, peppering it with kisses and pulling her
jacket down. “l don’t think I can’t stop… You are… so. ..”

“Then take me already,” she ordered, and he did not need another invitation. Very
quickly, they both helped each other out of their clothes, step by step,
approaching the bed.

“l think I am in heaven,” Zack said as he hooked her lacy underwear with his
fingers and pulled it all the way down to her feet. “Savvanah, you are divine!”

She was taking in his strong muscular body, which was also perfectly tanned. And
the bulge in his boxers seemed impressive too.

“Just call me Savvy,” she smiled at him, lifting one of her legs tracing her toes
along his perfect abdomen. He caught her leg and bent down to kiss it, spreading
her slightly before his eyeS.

“Very well, my Princess,” he smirked,

“Savvy it is.”

Without any further warning, he knelt before her, placing her leg onto his
shoulder. His hot mouth reached her wetness and he tasted it with his tongue,
moaning into her.

“Savvy,” he growled and kept pleasing her, his voice created vibrations in her most
sensitive spots.“Savvy, Savvy, Savvy.”

Zack pronounced her name, again and again, bringing her over the edge way too
quickly. The mating bond was intensifying everything they felt. Savannah arched her
back, screaming his name as she for the first time. But he was far from
done with her.

She had to admit that her mate was very experienced because he knew exactly what he
was doing. And he did it masterfully.

Slowly, she felt how he started placing kisses all over her body. He didn’t miss an
inch of her, easing and exploring, enjoying her fast heartbeat.

“You are so sweet, Savannah,” he announced to her with a grin. “l couldn’t have
asked for a more beautiful and amazing mate.”

“You don’t know me yet,” she let out a little laugh, trying to steady her
breathing. “What if I am this horrible and mean person?”

“No, you are not,” he brushed the hair off her forehead and traced her sensual lips
with his fingers. “You are the sweetest thing that I’ve ever seen. Don’t worry,
whatever happens, you are mine now and I am going to take care of you.”

She could feel him positioning himself at her entrance, anticipating it as the
lower part of her belly was aching for him. She felt so much in love that she
wanted to say it out loud. Even if it was probably stupid to do it on their first
day. But she felt it and she wanted to share. They were at war after all and she
did not want to waste any of the time they had together. She had already opened her
mouth when he entered her in one gentle but firm move. He gave her a few seconds to
adjust and then his body towered over hers. He started peppering her with kisses
and moving at the same time.

“l am the luckiest man alive,” he muttered in between swearings, which she took as
a compliment as well. He wasn’t her first man. But he was the most special.

Savvy wrapped her legs around him and adjusted to his rhythm. The sensations of
their mating were incredible and soon they both lost themselves in each other.

After a few hours of making love, they were finally tired enough to want some food.
They talked about their lives, but mostly about hers. Zack turned out to be a great

Savannah was checking her phone from time to time but there was nothing from her
brother or read. Although there were a few messages from Kyla asking her if she was
okay. She replied to him with a few emojis and their code word, so that her best
friend could go to sleep tonight. Even if she was not going to.

Because after the late dinner, they were back in each other’s arms and making love.

Savvy did not remember when she fell asleep, but she remembered how sweet it had
been to be in his warm arms.

She woke up while it was still dark and, to her disappointment, her mate wasn’t
around. “Zack?” she called his name but received no reply.

Her heart couldn’t stay calm. If he left her in the middle of the night, he had to
have a good reason. That girl with dark hair came to her mind, but Savannah brushed
it away. If Zack was cheating on her, she would have felt in through the bond. And
she felt no such thing.

So, it could only be something connected to his pack or the war. And she felt like
she had to be involved in both cases as the future Luna. She did not want him to
think of her as some spoilt princess. She never was that.

So, Savvy took his shirt that still smelled like him and put it on. She did not
bother to look for her shoes and just walked out with bare feet. She did not have
to wander the dark halls for long when she saw a little line of light, left by a
door that wasn’t properly closed.

As a lycan, she could already feel the scent of her mate and to her relief, he was
there alone. She wanted to enter the room when she became able to recognise his

“No,” he said, “This does not change our

plan, Castiel.”

Marissa Gilbert

I think this is the longest chapter up to date Thank you for the support you are
giving me at this time. I have to admit that I am not handling everything well and
am an emotional mess right now. But your kind words help me a lot. I just wanted
you to know this too.

Chapter 79. Asylum

Savannah closed her mouth with her hands, afraid to even take a single gulp of
breath. This couldn’t be happening. This was some kind of a sick joke.

Or there was another Castiel who her mate could be talking to in the middle of the
night. However un likely that sounded.

There could be another explanation. There had to be another explanation.

“No, that part changes obviously,” Zack went on, “Savannah is my mate, and she will
stay with me. But think of it, Cass. It’s for the best. We agreed that I would
become the Wolf King and rule the werewolves that would remain and it would be so
much easier if the lycan princess was my wife. She will be the symbol of my power..
.” Savvy tried not to breathe. She wanted to cry, to s m, to burst into this room
and confront her mate.

But she was taught better than this. She was trained. She was prepared.

Unfortunately, now her broken heart did not matter anymore. She would have to think
of it later. And maybe it was for the best, because Athena was unsettled inside and
she needed to control her better, so that Zack’s wolf wouldn ‘t sense any distress.
She had to play the happy mate part now more than ever.

“There will be no need for this,” her mate’s voice sounded firm. “Savannah is mine
and we mated today. I will mark her tomorrow and be done with it. Trust me, I can
control my mate. You don’t have to worry about it. She won’t be a problem… No, she
will not be a distraction, trust me. The proof is that it’s our first night and I
am here talking to you. Just deal with your women. You have too many to worry
about. I’ll deal with mine. Savannah will be busy the next few years mourning her
brother and friends as well as giving birth to my pups…

His every word felt like a slap to her face. How could a mate do this to another
mate? He sounded so cold and calculating… Did he not feel anything for her? Was it
even possible?

“Yes,” Zack seemed annoyed, “l will contact them all and let them know where you
expect them tomorrow. Do you think the redhead will crack by then?”

He listened to someone on the phone and

Savvy couldn’t hear what Castiel was saying, no

matter how hard she tried. She knew that she would be able to if she got closer.
But then Zack would be able to sense her and she couldn’t risk it.

“Yeah, it is lucky that now he will never be able to make that marriage alliance
with the North. No, he has no idea. I think everything will go smoothly and it will
be done tomorrow. Just make sure you kill Gideon in one blow and don’t create any
more trouble for us. .. Fine, I’ll call them now. Bye.”

The words echoed in Savannah’s ears again and again.

She then heard her mate hanging up and dialling another number and prepared to
listen again.

“Yeah, hi,” Zack said to someone at the other end of the line, but this was when
she sensed another werewolf walking from the other end of the corridor and hurried
back to their bedroom.

Although ‘their’ wasn’t the right word anymore. Life was cruel and Savannah became
the happiest girl alive and the most broken one in just under twenty-four hours.
She curled in the bed, pretending to sleep and thinking about her options. She
needed to get out of this place and

preferably do it fast.

But before she did that, she wanted to do something else - to find out the names of
the people Zack was talking to. Any information about the traitors was priceless.
She had time for this. Not much, according to what she heard, but she had to try.

She heard from Reid that Riannon let herself be captured willingly to try and use
that chance to destroy their enemy. And Savannah thought that, as a princess, she
owed it to her people and her family to at least try. She was more than just a
breeding machine his mate took her for.

Tears were treacherously forming in her eyes at the thought of him. But she forbade
herself to cry. She couldn’t give herself away that easily.

She heard the sounds of approaching steps and then the creaking of the opening
door. The scent of her mate overwhelmed her again. He had that musky masculine
scent with a hint of something woody. She loved it so much when they first met a
few hours ago. And now it was enveloping around her, tempting her to pretend that
she did not hear anything, did not know anything.

A part of her wished she could. Because deep inside there was this longing for him.

The mattress next to her dipped and in a few moments Zack’s hands were wrapped
around her. He brushed his nose and lips gently over her neck and shoulder,
inhaling her own scent. And after doing it a few times, he planted a soft kiss on
her silky skin.

That would have been a sweet moment if only he wasn’t a lying scumbag who plotted
to betray them and to kill her brother. Savvy had to channel all her inner strength
not to try and kill him now. She could probably do that. He was a werewolf and she
was a royal lycan.

Only that then would it be unlikely for her to escape and warn her brother of the
betrayal. She did not know the exact plan yet. It would probably still work without
Zack. So, she couldn’t kill him now. Even though he was breaking her heart.

She had been waiting for a mate all her life. For a person who was supposed to love
her unconditionally.

But he didn’t. Zack didn’t. He did not even hesitate to use her to his advantage.
He did not consider her feelings. And it did not seem to have any kind of remorse
about it. On the contrary, he adapted fast and had already chosen a role for her.
Without hesitation. Just like that…

“l know you are not sleeping,” he whispered and her whole body tensed as he cupped
her breast, chuckling. “Savvy, you are wearing my shirt and when I left you, you
were naked. Just the way I like it.

Of course. This was all he needed her for after all.

“So, what were you doing while I was gone?” he asked, teasing her with his fingers.

And she decided to just go with the role he chose for her. This was how he saw her
and it had to do. For now.

“l went to the bathroom and realised that you were gone,” she pouted her lips and
could feel him smirking at that. “l missed you and decided to put your shirt on.
Where have you been? You left me all alone.

“l am sorry, my love,” he bit her earlobe gently. “Urgent pack matters. You looked
so tired. I did not want to bother you. But I am all yours now.”

His hands started going up and down her body, one of them dangerously low on her

“l am tired,” she tried to whine (something

she wasn’t particularly good at). “Tomorrow is a long day and you have already
exhausted me.

Could you. .. could you just hold me?”

Zack chuckled again and stopped his advances, following her request.

“Anything for you,” he lied, and she felt as if a knife went through her heart.

They could have been happy. They could have had anything. But they never would…

Savannah started to control her breathing to make it seem as if she had fallen
asleep. But every time she thought that her mate did and tried to move, he was
pulling her tighter against him.

She closed her eyes just for a moment, after fighting with herself for most of the
night, and the sunlight was already streaming through the windows. But most
importantly, Savvy felt something sharp grazing over the sensitive spot on her
neck. The realisation that these were Zack’s canines made her flinch and he growled
in p rotest.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her, turning her to face him. “We are mates, aren’t we?
You are mine. I want to mark you, Savannah.”

She had to switch on her inner Riannon,

running her fingers up his naked chest.

“l want that too, Zack. More than anything,” she bit her lip seductively when she
looked at him and that made him snarl hungrily. “But… I want a marking ceremony. As
you know, I am a princess and there are rules and traditions. These are very
important for lycans. Those things are inherited by us from the olden days. Lycan
royals were m arking their mates publicly so that there could never be rumours
about the couple and their children. It’s important to us.”

“Then marking ceremony it is,” he agreed with ease. He probably really wanted to be
the king if he bought that lie.

“We need to get ready,” Savvy sighed with a fake regret in her voice. “Gideon might
find out where Ria is any minute. And we can’t lie in bed naked. We need to be

Life is unfair,” the Alpha snorted, but got out of bed after all and went in the
direction of what looked like a bathroom. “Care to join me? I bet we still have a
few minutes to spare,” he taunted.

“l am not a big fan of quickies,” slipped off her tongue before she bit it. But,
luckily, he only let out a little laugh and then closed the door behind him.

Savannah decided not to waste time and charged for the bedside table, where she
noticed his phone. To her disappointment, it was locked and, after a few attempts
with the six digit code, she had to admit that it was useless. So, she put it back
and stared at the wall in front of her. There was an almost full-sized picture of
her mate hanging in a golden frame.

What a narcissist.

The time went by quickly and she was counting seconds until Zack would come out
after he was done showering.

The smile on his portrait was smug and she did not like it.

“Maybe it’s a misunderstanding,” Athena suggested, and Savvy smiled bitterly. She
wished it was a misunderstanding. But she knew that it was not. “But he is our
mate, we need to at least talk to him,” the wolf suggested.

“We will talk when our family is safe,” she cut her off.

“But look at his face! Someone like him can’t be. .

“Right!” Savvy Jumped onto her feet with his phone in her hands and went all the
way to the wall, swiping her finger and enabling… face


She had to try different angles, but in the end the phone unlocked,

Savannah knew she had seconds to get what she needed and she scrolled through the
list of the last calls first. Luckily, Zack was very well organised and next to
each name there was also the name of the pack.

“Bingo!” she whispered with excitement, but at the last moment a new message icon
appeared and she opened it, her eyes going wide.

Zack took his time in the shower as if water could help him wash away the feeling
of guilt that his wolf tried to make him feel. But the decisions were made long
before Savannah. All that he could do now was to just try and leave her out of it
as much as he could. She would be alive and happy by his side. She had to be.

She would still be a royal and she would have their kids to love instead of her
brother. Yes, it wasn’t perfect, but it would work. He could tell that she already
loved him. The bond made him change his own plans. He was supposed to kill her
together with Gideon, erase the western royal lycan family once and for all. But
the moment he saw her, he knew that he would move mountains to keep her. And while
everyone discussed their plans at the impromptu Alpha meeting, he was making
adjustments to his own plan in his mind. He couldn’t sleep even with Savannah by
his side and only after talking to his partner

Castiel did he feel at ease. They could both have it all.

He dried himself properly after the shower and walked out of the bathroom not to
find his mate waiting patiently for him on the bed as he had hoped.

“Savvy?” he called her, but there was no response. Although, what was he hoping
for? That she was hiding under the bed?

Zack got his clothes and started pulling items on one by one, feeling how
distressed his wolf was.

“What is it?” he asked nervously.

“Our mate is unhappy. She is far away and getting further every second!” The reply
irked him.

There was no way… No way in hell!

He quickly scanned the room and saw his phone right where he left it. But just in
case, he decided to check. Savvy couldn’t know the code..

Yet when he checked the messages,

everything became clear. The last two were received while he was in the bathroom.
And they were both already marked as read.

One was from King Gideon. But the other…

the other could be the end of him if he didn’t get his mate back.

“My mate Savvanah is gone and is on the run,” Zack mind linked his Beta, “Send
everyone available. You’ve got to trace and get her back. I am going to. This is a
life and death kind of situation. But I would prefer to get Savannah back alive. If
there is a chance of that.. .”

He threw the phone away and shifted, jumping out of the window. He had to get her
and he had to do it fast.

Savvy managed to reach the woods unnoticed in just her mate’s boxers and shirt.
There was no point wearing anything else as the moment she was hidden by the
bushes, she shifted into her wolf work and ran, ran, ran. But before she even
managed to get far, she heard a howl after a how. Dozens of wolves were after her
now and she sped up.

Her wolf, Athena, was a true Alpha warrior and despite of being in pain, she
accumulated all their energy to save themselves.

She had the speed of a lycan as her advantage. But unfortunately, she did not know
where she was. These lands were unknown to her and she didn’t recognise her
However, these were minor things now, because here and there she started to see the
glimpses of other wolves. They were getting closer. And she knew that there were
too many of them for her to handle alone.

But she wasn’t going to give up.

A grey and white wolf jumped on top of her out of nowhere, knocking her off her

Savannah bared her teeth and ripped his neck out for obstructing her. The blood
sprayed her own


She started to run even faster. But the howling behind her was getting closer. They
knew some secret paths that she didn’t.

And soon she sensed him. Her mate. He was after her too…

Two brown wolves attacked her from two different sides. She managed to bury her
claws and teeth in one of them, but unfortunately, the other one ripped a part of
her side.

She winced from pain, but charged at him next, killing him almost instantly. Then
she finished off the first one and charged in the opposite direction from the
howls. She was running for her life now. But not only. She was also running for the
lives of everyone she loved. Savannah could feel them with her skin. They were
literally inches apart now. So many of them… Would Zack kill her now, knowing that
she wasn’t a little obedient princess? Or would he just hurt her and lock her up?
She heard so many stories about Alphas treating their mates horribly. She’d rather
die than be one of them.

But in all honesty, she’d prefer to kill him instead.

She took one last leap and ended up with her paws in the shallow water. It was a
small river and she decided to cross it.

Her pursuers charged right after her, yet suddenly, out of nowhere, three pumas
jumped out from the trees on the shore she just walked out on, followed by a
beautiful snow leopard.

Savannah shifted back to her human form in seconds, falling to her knees and
raising her hands.

“Asylum!” she screamed, “l, Savannah

Stormhold, seek asylum l”

She turned to look over her shoulders and

realised that there were more than just three pumas there. There were also several
lions and tigers, all of them baring their teeth at the wolves.

Zack shifted before her eyes, looking at her with a mix of emotions. But fury was
evident on his face.

“Savvy, come back!” he called her with an intonation that, before everything she
found out today, she could call gentle and full of love.
But she wasn’t buying any of that anymore.

“No!” she said firmly and the snow leopard shifter into a young woman with snow-
white hair that contrasted with her skin. A part of her skull was shaven while the
other was braided into many thin long braids tied together.

“l am Alpha Zack Morgan,” her mate spoke, addressing the woman, who was clearly in
charge there. “This is my mate, Savannah. All I want is to get her back.”

“She doesn’t look like she wants to go with you,” the white-haired woman smirked.

“It’s just a lovers’ quarrel!” Zack insisted, talking as if Savvy wasn’t even
there. “I’ll take her home and we’ll fix everything.”

“No, we will not!” she stood up from the ground, covering her bleeding side with
one hand and clenching the fist of another. She had enough and she wanted to put an
end to this. “l,

Savannah Storm hold, princess of the West Lycan Kingdom and a member of the
Stormhold pack, reject you, Alpha Zack Morgan, as my mate.”

“No!” he growled so loudly that flocks of birds flew away from the nearby trees,
feeling the predator. “l do not accept!”

She wanted to insist, but the wolves suddenly charged at the werecats and a new
fight began. Savvy wanted to join them, but the woman with white hair stopped her.

“There is no need,” she said, “They will not be able to come to our land.”

It looked like it was the truth as more and more huge cats were arriving now. She
saw pumas, jaguars, tigers, lions, lynxes…

Savannah realised how lucky she was. The wolves would hardly be able to deal with
all of them. Those were deadly beauties.

“Come,” the girl stretched her hand, “You need help and you will get it here. My
name is Naya, I am the daughter of Alpha Ramina.”

“Nice to meet you, Naya,” Savvy smiled weakly, “l will never forget your kindness.
And, now, please. .. It’s very urgent. I need a phone to speak to my brother..

Gideon was standing and watching at the mansion where his beloved was kept and
wishing nothing more than to get her out now. He was about to try and connect with
her via the mind link when his phone rang.

His sister’s voice was trembling and he wanted to ask her what was going on. But
she stopped him and told him things that he least expected to hear…

Marissa Gilbert

Sorry for the delays. The last chapters are emotional and take much longer than I
expected. There are approximately 3-4 chapters left now. And we will find out more
about the sequel very soon in Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle group. Title
Chapter 80. Together

Riannon was locked in her room and the feeling was not new to her. Now that she had
time to think about it, she had been trapped before. In her first marriage with
Brayden. She was a hostage to that relationship and her own reputation. Trying to
be perfect all the time was exhausting. It was funny that only death helped her to
see the vicious cycle. Gideon helped her to get free from it. And just like that
time, soon he would help her to her freedom once again. She knew it.

But by the time he came to get her, she was sure that she would destroy this place.
And when she heard a knock on the door, a smirk formed on her lips.

“Onyx, help me out to scan this place,” she asked her wolf, and now she could sense
that there was only one person behind the door. A female. Two guards were standing
at a distance that would make it hard for a regular shifter to know what they were
talking about. Those two were new. The Paddington and the fox she knew were
replaced by Castiel and now no one was fulfilling her every request like before.
The fox king learned his lesson.

“Riannon,” Bridgit whispered, “Do you hear

“Yes,” she smiled, knowing that the presence of the werebear was the proof of her
plan working. “How did you manage to get here? I thought that everyone would be
punished.. .”

” Everyone was punished,” Bridgit confirmed with a sigh, “But I am not everyone. I
have some privileges around here and Castiel either trusted me or forgot to strip
me of them yesterd ay.”

“Good for you,” Ria chuckled, “He didn’t forget to strip me of my privileges, as
you can

“Oh, Riannon, you are still the most privileged woman here. Just the fact that you
are locked in the room that’s right opposite to his own is proof of that.”

Ria swallowed. She did not want to think of Castiel sleeping this close to her.

“Anyway, he is not here now,” Bridgit assured her, “and I want to speak to you
again. Do you have any kind of a plan?”

She did have a plan. A few actually. But this

right now was her number one plan. She wasn’t sure though that sharing the details
with the werebear was a good idea though. All they had was two conversations and
during the first one, Bridgit tried to kill her. This wasn’t a friendship built on
trust just yet.

She was probably silent for too long and the girl on the other side of the door got
that right.

“Listen,” Bridgit sighed, “you probably don’t get how it feels to be betrayed by a
man you loved

Oh, the irony of that statement was not lost on Ria, but she did not say a word.

“When we joined the harem one by one, we knew that he wasn’t exclusive with either
of us. But each of us believed that there was a possibility of that. Castiel could
make you feel like you are the only one for him. While he is with you. .. but over
time, I think all of us realised that this would never be the case. However, it was
too late because each of us had feelings for him.”

“Bridgit,” Riannon couldn’t stop herself from saying, “he is hot as hell, yes. But
there is no way that every single woman could fall in love with him. Have you seen
his lab? Have you seen what he is doing there? He learned to create scents that
give you a similar response that you would have if you met your mate. I hate to be
the one telling you that, but he is so good because he was experimenting a lot. And
I think that he was experimenting on you. All of you.”

The werebear girl on the other end of the door was silent but then started speaking
again with newfound determination.

“We all came here willingly, and we agreed to be with him willingly too. The rest
is history.”

For a moment there Riannon was worried that she had lost her new ally. Was it too
late for those girls? Was there some kind of addiction to those scents? After all,
Brayden was an Alpha and he had fallen to the charm pretty fast. She always thought
that it was because of Roxy’s siren abilities, but what if those artificial scents
were to blame too?

“But,” Bridgit chose to continue her speech, giving her hope, “When we entered the
Eden there was an agreement on both ends. Each girl agreed to be with him and not
to be the only one. Each of us had a different reason for that. Some had no choice,
like me, some already liked Castiel, some were seeking political gains and some
were so poor that living in the harem of the fox king did not seem like a bad thing
at all. The list goes on and on. But there was one condition that he himself set
for all of us. He was always saying that it’s important to him that each of us
lived here willingly. He made it a big point and this was one of the reasons we all
trusted him so much. He said that we could leave whenever we wanted.”

“And?” Ria leaned over the cold door.

“And when after the revelations of yesterday, a few girls expressed the desire to
leave, he did not let them,” the she-bear’s voice trembled. “Everyone is locked in
the Eden now. Now we know why there is only one door and no windows except for the
ceiling that we can’t get to.”

“The Eden is locked yet you are here,” Riannon pointed out. She still wasn’t
convinced she could trust the woman she was talking to.

“l know how it looks,” Bridgit replied to that calmly, “but I was here for years. I
earned his trust. And he doesn’t know yet that he lost mine. I was thinking about
what you told me. As long as I stay here, I will never meet my mate. And I want to
try that, to experience that. I want to be the only one for someone. I don’t think
I want to share anymore. I want to love and be loved in return. I want a mate who
would never lock me up or lessen me. I want what you described to

me. I want all of it if that makes sense.”

“It does.” Ria could feel that the girl was telling her the truth.

“So? Do you have a plan?” she asked once again.

“l do,” Ria finally admitted, “Do you think you can fight and open the door of the
harem on your own?”
“We can, but there are more guards here than usual. We wouldn’t be able to tackle
them on our own.”

“You won’t have to,” the Alpha smirked, “All you have to do is wait for my signal
to act.”

“What will the signal be?” Bridgit asked. “Oh, don’t worry,” Riannon chuckled, “You
will recognise it when you hear it.”

“l hope you do understand that we entrust our lives to you,” the werebear said, a
slight hesitation in her voice.

“And I am not making you any promises.” Ria wanted to be honest with these girls,
who were already lied to so many times. “l am asking for your trust, yes. But I
cannot promise you that when the action starts every one and each of you will
survive. If you want to have your freedom, you will have to fight for it
yourselves. I will be with you - this is something that I can promise. Because I
will be fighting for my own freedom and the freedom of my people. I have already
been fighting for it for a while. I know that we deserve it and I know that this is
what the Moon Goddess always wanted for her daughters. I changed the laws for
women, and I want to live in the kingdom that I am building with my mate to see the
changes that I made with my own eyes. Every red girl would be welcome in my land if
they have nowhere to go. This is also something that I can promise. But for the
rest - you will have to make your own decisions now and if you choose to fight, you
have to be ready to give it your all.”

The silence was her reply and she was afraid that this wasn ‘t what the werebear
wanted to hear. But she sensed how the girl placed her hand on the door.

“l will tell the others,” she said, “l can’t speak for them now. But I am willing
to fight by your side, Riannon.”

A sigh of relief escaped her and she smiled to herself. This was exactly what she

“l need to go now,” Bridgit whispered, “The ones willing to fight will be waiting
for your signal whatever it is.”

“As I have already told you - it would be

hard to miss,” Ria grinned.

Gideon was getting closer and closer with his best warriors to the place where,
according to the little fox, his mate was kept. They took mostly lycans and some of
the very best werewolves since Maya insisted on it. A huge force was left slightly
behind them in case things got really bad. He couldn’t march with them into this
territory and give themselves away immediately. He at least hoped to get to Riannon

The scent of warriors guarding the perimeter hit his nostrils and he motioned for
his people to stop. Through the bushy branches of trees, Gideon noticed the
glimmering of the distant lights. The palace of the fox king was well hidden deep
inside the woods. This kind was used to not being together all the time and hiding
in small groups so that enemies couldn’t find them even within their territory.
They would have been searching these woods forever of not for the top of the
disappointed and broken Roxanne. He ordered for her to be moved into a better cell
now. Purely because she was pregnant.

He made a few steps, counting the guards that he would have to kill to get closer
when he felt her. His mate. She could feel that she was agitated and not happy. He
could also feel that, despite all that, she wasn’t broken. She was determined and
stayed strong. And the feeling of pride for her filled his chest.

“Riannon,” he called her name via the mind link and immediately felt a wave of
happiness and relief coming from her via their bond.

“Gideon!” There was so much in her voice. He knew that she had been waiting for
him, that she missed him. He never admitted it to himself, but he had been worried.
He had been worried that Castiel would do something to her, trick her, bewitch her
or whatever. He had been worried that he could hurt her even though he knew that
his mate was strong. Waiting and not knowing had been an agony for him and he was
so happy to hear her voice. Just one word of hers healed his heart and his soul.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said and he could tell that she was smiling through tears. He could
feel her sharing his emotions through their bond. “And

“l am now! I am coming for you,” he chuckled, “Just give me a moment or two.” “l

will wait for you for the eternity if I have to,” Ria reassured him.

“You will not have to, my love,” he gave her a promise that he intended to keep.
But then suddenly he felt her worried and distressed.

“Riannon, are you all right? What is happening? Speak to me!” he was desperate to
know what was going on.

“He came to take me somewhere,” she informed him quickly. “He knows that you are
here. I think it’s a trap, Gideon.”

“It couldn’t have been anything else,” he tried to calm her down and give her
strength, “l am ready to face whatever he has got!”

“And I will help you,” his mate promised, switching off their connection.

He knew that whatever she meant, she was going to keep her word.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said into the emptiness before him, hoping that she could
feel his in tentions.

And then he shifted his men following his command.

They were as fast as lightning, cutting through the bushes before their enemies
could even see them, digging their sharp teeth into the werebears, leaving the
foxes to the werewolves to deal with.

Gideon was ripping throats and guts out, each kill bringing him closer to his

He had almost reached the building - a very tall mansion with a glass dome towering
over its centre when he received a distress syngas from Reid.

“What is wrong?” He asked him via the link while still staying one bear after

“They attacked us. They were expecting a backup from this side I guess,” his Beta
notified him, growling. Reid was probably fighting too now. This meant that whoever
Gideon had with him was it.
“Can you take them down?” the Lycan king asked.

“Yes, but it will take time. Will you manage without us?”

“l think so,” he replied, “But when you are done there, come here. Since they know
already, there is no point in staying behind.”

His Beta cut him off and it meant that he was in the very heart of a battle. And
Gideon hated it. He hated that someone tried to take his mate and his friends away
from him. This made him and Mars even more furious. Their common beast was
threatening to overtake them too.

Because it hated that someone tried to take what was his…

He was already near the entrance when he heard the loudest and most piercing howl,
recognising his mate…

“You are coming with me!” Castiel burst into Riannon’s room, grabbed her hand
roughly and pulled her after him.

“Just leave me alone!” she struggled against him, not making it easy for him. Onyx
inside of her was ready to act any moment.

“Stop it, Ria, I am just taking you to a safe place! I don’t want you to get hurt!”
he gritted his teeth, throwing her into the arms of two werebears, whose grip was
painfully tight.

“Hurt?” she scoffed. “These are my people over there and they came for me! I’d
rather believe that you are trying to cover yourself with me! And why don’t you try
to take your girls to that wonderful safe place?

“Because,” he was next to her in less than a second and grabbed the hair at the
back of her head, tugging it to make her look at him,

“Because the only one I am worried about is you.”

He crashed his lips into her and she

completely did not expect this. His tongue was forcing itself inside and trying to
dominate her. The two guards were still holding her hands and she felt him using
Gideon’s scent again. As if it could have helped to make her agree to any of this.

Anger boiled inside of her, like lava. It spread down her veins and filled her
whole. So much for not forcing women!

Riannon wanted blood and blood she got because she bit him as hard as she could,
spilling the warm ruby liquid from his tongue and his lips.

Shocked, Castiel stepped away, looking at her with wide eyes and covering his mouth
with one hand. It took him a few seconds to process what she had done, but then a
smirk appeared on his face, which annoyed her even more.

“l wouldn’t expect anything less from a Queen,” he said.

“Not your Queen!” each word was punctuated with the growls from the outside which
were getting closer and closer, “Gideon

“We’ll see about that!” Castiel spat the blood onto the immaculate marble floor of
the passage they used, “Bring her to the dungeons and lock her in the best cell
until it’s over. Tripple the men guarding her. I want them to never get to

her until I am dealing with this!”

“Will be done, my king,” one of the bears said, and Riannon burst out laughing. She
couldn’t stop for a while and now the three men looked at her, not knowing why she
had such a reaction.

“You see,” Ria raised her chin and tilted her head slightly, “this is exactly your
problem! You recognised me as this special, perfect Luna but even now you are not
taking me into consideration. And this is exactly why a man like you will never be
by my side!”

“No offence, my dear,” Castiel smirked, “but I know that you haven’t been able to
shift since your wolf returned .”

“Oh, really?” she snorted, relaxing in her captors’ hands to give them a false
feeling of overpowering her finally. “And who told you that?

By any chance was that your spy Marcus?”

The king’s face changed but it was too late.

“You think I am a powerless female who can’t shift?” Riannon snarled, her eyes
glowing with pure light, “The Moon Goddess herself blessed me! Now, watch me

It took her less than one breath to let Onyx out in all her glory, their silvery-
white fur glowing

1 5/23

just like the last time. She could feel how power was streaming through her and she
knew that she could destroy anyone in her way now. She had been brought back for a
reason. And this fight that was ahead of her today was a significant part of it.

Castiel and his two bears were looking at her in shock and she used that moment to
lift her head up to the moon and let out the deepest and longest howl of her life.
In that howl, the Moon Goddess herself was joining, calling to every woman in the
area to fight for what was right.

Deep inside the Eden, every girl in red heard that howl and Bridgit’s mouth opened
when she recognised the sign they all had been waiting for. They felt the ancient
goddess’ call and most of them chose to respond to it.

“Ladies, it’s time!” Bridgit commanded and one by one they were turning into their
beasts wolves, bears, lionesses, panthers, birds, reptiles. .. Castiel sure got
himself an amazing and rare collection. But now he was about to taste their fury.

Bridgit’s white bear, Um a, was the one to knock out the doors of Eden and to
attack the guards outside of it. But the rest joined her quickly, destroying anyone
who stood in their way. They all had enough and they all craved freedom now.

Gideon had to blink twice when he saw a fox being thrown out of the window. He was
finishing off yet another bear when he finally could have a glimpse of what was
going on inside. And it seemed like there was pure chaos.
“After me!” he commanded to his warriors and jumped inside through the window on
the first floor. Enemy warriors were throwing themselves at him, but he dealt with
them at ease, amazed by the sight of a huge eagle pecking out one of the foxes’
eyes. When the bird was done, they looked at each other and he wasn’t sure if it
would attack him next or if they were on the same side.

But the bird flew away upstairs and he followed it, his own men bursting inside
through windows at the very same moment.

He could feel her before he saw her. And when he got up the stairs, he noticed the
familiar glow. His beautiful queen was fighting two werebears at once, slashing the
throat of one of them with ease.

Their eyes met just for a second in the chaos

that was surrounding them and warmth spread over both oftheir hearts. Some fox
dared to attack him and he snapped its neck in two, moving towards his mate. Onyx
finished off the second bear and he was amazed by her strength and grace all over
again. Even now, in her wolf form, she was the Queen. His Queen.

They let themselves just two desperate seconds of reunion when their noses were dug
in their furs. Riannon could smell blood on him but she also knew that none of it
was his. He had already killed many in those minutes since they last spoke, so

“Who are all those creatures helping us?” he asked her when they looked into each
other’s eyes again.

“Castiel’s harem,” she giggled, “l guess he wasn’t making them as happy as he


“You don’t say!” he chuckled, “Ria, you are amazing! Not only are you safe, but you
also managed to stage a coup.”

“Ah, don’t exaggerate!” she snorted, “Just doing my usual thing and multitasking!”
“Where is he?” Gideon knew that it was time to get back to business.

“l am not sure,” she said, knowing without

any further explanation who he meant, “He ran almost as fast as I shifted. So much
for making me his queen

He knew that she was joking but he growled anyway, “In this life, you will only be
my Queen, Riannon.”

“l have no objections to that,” she agreed, “Let’s go! Onyx can recognise his scent
now even if he changes it! We need to find him!”

“How does she do it?” Gideon followed her, without any kind of hesitation.

“Perks of being blessed by the Moon Goddess,” Riannon chuckled, “And we also
already tasted his blood a few minutes ago. Now we will recognise him anywhere!”

Onyx was following the trace and they sprinted out of the house just in time to
meet Reid with the rest of the warriors.

“Finish them off,” Gideon commanded, his wolf nodding his head back to the mansion.
“Be careful not to hurt any of the harem girls. They are on our side.”
“Maya,” Riannon greeted her Beta, “Find Bridgit, she is a white bear. She is in
charge of the harem now. Help them, they were all captives for The two Beta’s
followed their commands without any extra questions and the two Alphas continued
their way.

She could feel that Castiel was alone, abandoning all his people just to save
himself. Some leader he was!

“He went this way!” she pointed to Gideon the path, “l think he is trying to reach
the border with the werebears. If he manages to do it, he might be protected and we
will have to back off.”

“Not going to happen!” her mate sped up and she had a hard time keeping up with him
even now in her upgraded wolf form.

They saw his red fur soon. Castiel was running for his life, but when he heard
Gideon’s mighty roar, he knew that he wouldn’t make it to the border and he
stopped, preparing himself to fight. One of his eyes was glowing red as usual and
Riannon realised that in his fox form he was blind. She also noticed that a part of
his face looked burned. Just what happened to him? But she threw those thoughts
away. He wasn ‘t the one to feel sorry for.

He was a monster who stood behind everything. He destroyed her past life, sent Roxy
and made her kill her. He was the one who planned everything and later destroyed
the werewolves and the lycans ofthe union, leaving just a few behind as his
puppets. If they didn’t stop him now, everything would be for nothing. So, she was
ready to attack him, but Gideon stood in her way.

“With all due respect, Riannon,” he said, “But you have nothing to prove as a
warrior. And don’t want my woman to fight while I stand and watch. I should be the
one to kill him, not you.”

That was debatable, but she saw the determination in his eyes and knew how
important it was to him, so she stepped aside, giving him the honour of slaying
their common

Without a shade of doubt, Gideon charged at the fox and the latter managed to
recoil. He tried to attack the lycan in a desperate attempt to gain some advantage.
Ria could tell that Castiel was a good warrior, but it wasn’t enough if he was
fighting against her mate.

The lycan king was bigger and stronger, he was also faster, so very soon his teeth
cut into the fox’s flesh, making him shriek from the pain. The m aster of schemes
did not expect to fight tod ay and it was clear to them both.

Not wishing to prolong his agony, Gideon slashed his side with his sharp claws,
bright red blood spilling onto the grass underneath them.

Castiel was desperate, trying to make one fatal blow after another. His canines and
claws were aiming at the lycan’s vital organs but he barely managed to scratch him.

Gideon pressed him to the ground, breaking his arms and legs one by one. The pain
was so immense that Castiel turned back into his human form. The king and the queen
followed his example, and Gideon sat on top of him throwing punch after punch,
breaking his handsome face once and for all.

“This is for the explosion at the Summit! This is for kidnapping my mate and
holding her against her will! This is for Dean! And this is for your schemes! And
this one is for sending that siren to kill her in her past life!”

Castiel’s eyes went wide and Riannon placed her hand on her mate’s shoulder. The
touch immediately helped him to calm down and look at her.

“Past life?” Castiel hissed, barely being able to speak. “So, this is why you knew

That. .. explains it.”

“What you did was awful. All those schemes and traps! ” Riannon decided to tell him
what was on her mind after all, “You destroyed so many lives! Including mine!”

“l wish I knew,” he chuckled, coughing up blood, “l would have stolen you away
sooner.. Gideon punched him again, preparing to make that one fatal blow to end
this when Riannon stopped him. Something was off.

“Why are you laughing?” she asked, every fibre in her tensing.

“This was a trap,” he told her, looking at her only.

“We already figured that out,” Gideon clenched his fist.

“No,” Castiel gave them a crooked dark grin, “This is not the trap. The two of you
still did not learn to deal with foxes even after two lives. This was just a

NOTE: | think there are 3 chapters left until the end, Follow Marissa Gilbert’s
Reading Circle group on FB for more info.

Marissa Gilbert Writer

Sorry I couldn’t make this chapter any shorter. I will also probably be correcting
it a bit tomorrow. But I did not want to let you wait any longer. The next chapter
will be on Tuesday. I think there are 3 chapters left until the end. Follow Marissa
Gilbert’s Reading Circle group

81. I Don’t Hate You

Savannah watched Zack and his wolves fight the werecats from a safe distance when
Naya got her a phone. Her heart was still in pain, seeing her mate over there. What
was he trying to do? To get her back or to just kill her before she could tell
Gideon what was going on? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know his true motives.

Someone wrapped a piece of fabric around her and something similar was given to
Naya who immediately turned it into a stylish wrap dress. The werecat seemed
confident and maybe even slightly arrogant. She did not have any doubts about what
was going on. But Savvy did not care about anything at the moment as she dialled
her brother’s number. It went to voicemail and she called Reid instead.

“Pumpkin, it’s not the best time,” her uncle told her, but she had to stop him.

“l need to speak to Gideon! It’s urgent, Reid! Zack is the traitor you all were
looking for!” she practically screamed into the phone.

“Are you all right?” was the first question that she heard, “Did he hurt you? Are
you safe?” “l got to the werecats territory and asked for asylum. They are fighting
Zack now,” Savannah explained quickly, “Reid, I am serious, I need to speak to my
brother. Zack is the least of our problems now!”

“Got you,” the Beta said firmly, “He doesn’t have his phone with him. But I will
forward the call to one of the warriors by his side who should have one with him at
all times.”

“Good,” she breathed out, watching two pumas tear one of the wolves to pieces.
Zack’s black wolf was fighting too, but she caught him looking at her from time to
time. It pained her that he was her mate. But it was even worse that he didn’t
accept her rejection now. She couldn’t be tied to a man like that. She had to set
herself free from him. One way or another.

“Sav,” she heard a familiar voice on the phone and felt a little bit better that
she got through to him on time.

“Gideon, listen to me very carefully,” the princess said, “Don’t say anything until
I am done. Zack is the traitor. He has been working with Castiel this whole time.
There are others too..

“Are you okay?” her brother seemed really worried, forgetting her instruction at
once. “Yes,” she didn’t let him ask more questions not to lose time. “It’s all
irrelevant now, G. So, pay attention, please! This is a trap! And not the kind that
you anticipated while going to get Riannon back. Right at this very moment they are
attacking our kingdom, Gideon

She heard her royal sibling swearing on the other end of the line but he got over
himself quickly.

“That’s fine, Sav. Kyle is there and so is the Gamma with most of our warriors.
They will defend it,” he said firmly.

“l wouldn’t be so sure,” she bit her lip nervously, “They are bringing a whole army
there! This is exactly what we’ve been worried about this whole time.”

“But now we know that they will attack now. We knew that for a while,” Gideon’s
confidence was giving her strength. “We were warned so we are ready. I will get
Riannon and we will be there soon to join the fight. Now, tell me q uickly
everything else that you know.”

She started giving him names she learned one by one and every other little detail
she could remember.

“Savvy,” Gideon said when she was done.” I am so proud of you. I am sorry for. ..”

“Don’t,” she stopped him. She did not want anyone’s pity. At least not now. “Go,
Gideon, save her. Prove to everyone that true mates still mean something. I need to
know this now more than ever.”

She switched off the phone, not wishing to hear anything else. He needed to act,
not to console his little sister.

And she. .. she had things to do too. But the silence stopped her. She did not hear
the sounds of battle anymore.
Savannah turned slowly on her feet and saw that the werecats were licking their
minor wounds there, notorious for being able to speed up their healing but she
couldn’t see any wolves around.

“Cowards!” Naya snorted, folding her hands on her chest and looking at Savannah
with interest.

“No,” the princess whispered. She had to find him. She needed to break their bond
and she needed him to accept the rejection. He couldn’t have run away without a

“What are you going to do about your mate?” Naya sighed and Savvy clenched her
lips, thinking of her next step.

“l need your help,” she said quickly. “The kingdom will be attacked soon. I need
werecats to help us.”

“Oh, really?” The girl co.cked her snowy brow. “You went very quickly from begging
for Asylum to demanding things.. .”

Savvy wanted to explain to her why it was so important and necessary when she heard
an authoritative, firm voice.

“Naya! Manners!”

A gorgeous tall woman with sleek black hair was walking in their direction, wearing
a red dress which looked like it was made out of another long piece of fabric and
just draped around her perfect athletic body. Savvy caught herself at the thought
that this was actually a genius idea. One swift movement of her hand and she could
shift without ruining the garment. But she immediately felt guilty about thinking
of such trivial matters now. She knew instinctively that the woman was Alpha
Ramina. And she was followed by her beloved Luna Aisha and their top warrior,
Alexander. The names she learned because she had to. And judging by the snow-white
colour of his hair, Savvy knew that the rumours about who was Naya and her sisters’
father were probably true. This must have been

an interesting relationship..

“Alpha. Luna.” Savannah bowed to each of them respectfully. “l have to ask for your
assistance. The enemy is about to attack the Western kingdom’s capital and. .

“How is it our problem?” Naya snorted but one glare from her mother was enough for
her to become serious.

“It is our problem, daughter,” Ramina gave her child that look that made her close
her mouth again. “We are members ofthe Union pack and if we want them to come to
our help when we are attacked, we need to fulfil our part of the deal.”

“We can protect ourselves!” Naya gritted her teeth and this time her mother

“And this is why I would never be able to pass on my title to you, Naya,” the Alpha
said harshly, “You never see the full picture! We are the best warriors, yes. But
our clan is not that big and there are bigger threats out there. We need this

Union. And this why we are going to help princess Savannah now.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Savvy held back a smile, “We need to hurry then. Since Zack is
gone, they are going to attack sooner.”
“Gather the warriors!” Ramina told the man

behind her and then turned to kiss her Luna gently. The two women couldn’t take
their eyes off each other.

“Be back safely,” Luna Aisha whispered, but Savvy could hear her with her lycan

“Keep our home safe while we are gone and I will,” the Alpha brushed her palm over
her mate’s cheek and Savanah felt a prick of pain in her heart. She would never
have that… Not anymore.

She was surprised by how quickly the warriors were gathering and she now stood in
front of a little army. The best thing about them was that they were hard to
notice. Some men and women were jumping from tree to tree with grace, others were
walking out of the bushes and it seemed like they didn’t disturb a single brunch.
Yes, there was something about those cats and their abilities different from other
shifters out there.

“Lead the way,” Alpha Ramina told Savvy when they were ready. And the princess was
happy to oblige.

Castiel had that smug smile on his already broken face and Gideon couldn’t wait to
wipe it off once and for all. But he had to make sure. The foxes weren ‘t the stron
gest of warriors compared to lycans but what made it really hard to deal with them
were their constant schemes. This was where they were definitely and undeniably the
best. So, he had to be sure that he wasn’t missing a piece of crucial information.

“Another trap?” he smirked, trying to agitate the enemy more. “Castiel, did you do
anything else this past year other than think about me? Seems a bit obsessive,
don’t you agree?”

The fox king coughed blood but the grin on his face only grew wider.

“You have no idea,” he hissed.

“About the attack on my kingdom that’s going on this very moment?” Gideon chuckled.

“Don’t be naïve, Cass. Of course, I know.”

He could feel his mate’s shock through their bond and tried to send a wave of
reassurance to her. He had this under control. Gideon wished he could turn and grab
her in his arms, but now he had to be a leader first.

He wasn ‘t breaking eye contact with Castiel, who was scanning his face to find out
if this was the truth.

“You f *king sister!” the fox spat and the lycan nodded, enjoying the moment.

“Finally outfoxed,” Riannon joined him, fixing the red shawl on her that one of the
female warriors that caught up with them brought for her. It probably belonged to
one of the red girls. The Luna did not hesitate to support her mate’s game. “And
twice in one day.”

“Shame you didn’t mention the bomb in your packhouse, Ria,” Castiel tried to give
her an arrogant smile, but it came out as a scowl.

“You are lying,” she looked at him with so much hate that his heart clenched. He
never had a chance with her… He desperately wanted to believe that he did, but her
eyes were telling a different story. And he hated that story so much.

Why was he never getting what he really wanted? Why was it always like that? It was
supposed to be his win, his triumph. .. But now his brother would have to finish
what he started and win this war instead. Him. Again.

He could bet that his brother would even find a way to make Riannon stay with him
if he wanted her. That bastard… He looked at her again and this time hate filled
his heart. For his brother, for the lycan king before him, for the woman who did
not fall for him, for the life that was slipping away through his multiple wounds.

He had seconds to make the decision…

And he made it. He couldn’t go down like the loser king who got outsmarted by a
woman and didn’t achieve anything. At least this could be his legacy, no matter how
the war ends. Even if his brother would take all the credit for his work, he would
know that this achievement was his!

He opened the link with his last spy in

Riannon’s pack, the one she didn’t figure out. Their eyes met and for a second he
felt as if she understood what he was about to do. Her lips parted slightly while
he said the code worked via the link.


His man did not respond. He knew that once that word was said, he had work to do.

“What did you. . Riannon looked terrified now and he enjoyed that. Maybe that was
what he had to do to her from the very beginning, not play nice to her as he did
with the others.

“It’s done,” he laughed, coughing up more blood, “Right now. .. Your packhouse is
gone. And you. ..

Gideon did not let him finish, realising what had just happened. One firm masterful
movement of his leg and the fox’s neck was broken, ending the life of the
controversial king. He couldn’t let him give any more orders to his spies. Even the
intel that he could give was not worth it. Castiel was too dangerous to for them

He then to look at his mate who was already calculating what to do next. Her
eyebrows furrowed and gazed distantly as if she was not there.

Finally, she noticed him and their eyes met. Goddess, how much he missed her! He
would give everything to hug her, kiss her, take her. .. But he knew very well that
he couldn’t. Everything was far from over.

He knew that Kyle and his Gamma would be able to fight off the ones who attacked
the kingdom, but he had to be there to make sure everything went smoothly. He also
knew that there was a disaster happening in Ria’s pack if Castiel did not lie about
the bomb.

“Who is missing?” Riannon asked all of a sudden and he did not understand at once
what she meant.

“What are you.

“Who is missing out of our people you brought with you here!” she was next to him
in no time, her nails digging in his flesh. “Gideon! He gave someone an order via
the mind link! It means that this person was within the range! It’s another spy in
my pack! Or yours. But probably mine.”

She was muttering word after word but he knew where she was going with it. The
house probably wasn ‘t exploded yet. There was still a chance to save people and
even the building.

“l need a phone!” Riannon screamed and a young lycan appeared next to her at once,
handing her what she asked. Her fingers pressed the familiar order of digits one by
one and soon she heard her best friend’s voice.

“Yes?” Maya did not seem surprised. She was waiting for the news.

“Get back to the pack. Order to evacuate the packhouse! Now!” Ria screamed, “And
every nearby building too. There might be an explosion, so make sure people are at
a safe distance. No one should be left inside. And place people around the
perimeter. See who comes back first from the ones you sent and catch them if you

I’ll be back soon too.”

“Sure you will,” her Beta said and, before hanging up added, “l will do

Ria gave the phone back to the warrior and fixed the shawl on her shoulders.

They couldn’t even spare a second, but

when their eyes met again, Gideon grasped her hand and pulled her into his chest.
He kissed her hungrily, greedily. As if she was air and he was drowning. As if his
life depended on that one kiss. As if it was the last time..

“l need to go,” she broke the kiss and it seemed like the hardest thing in her

“No, Ria, come with me,” he muttered, not willing to let her go again. First he had
to wait for her to feel their bond. Then she was taken from him. And now he
couldn’t face parting with her yet again.

She was his. His woman, his love, his Luna, his Queen, his equal. She was his

“l need to get back to my pack,” she swallowed, glancing at him through her lashes.
“l am the Alpha. This is what Alphas do. If the explosion happens, I need to make
sure I am there working with everyone. If it’s prevented, I will bring my people to
fight on your side as per the agreement of the Union.”

“Riannon,” he wanted to object, he was even considering forcing her for the first
time ever. But seeing the inferno of determination in her eyes, he knew that it
would be useless. He loved an Alpha, not just a Luna. He had to respect that. She
had to go and save her people just the way he had to go and save her.

“Gide.. she started saying, but he covered her lips with his again. This time
roughly and briefly, but with the same immense desire as before.

“This is the last time we are ever apart,” the lycan king told his mate and she
nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.
“Last time,” they entwined their fingers together and both their breathing became

“Go,” he told her, “Go before I decide to abandon both my kingdom and your pack and
just run away with you. Just you and me, no crowns, no exes, no psychos, no
obligations.. .”

“The dream,” she smiled and added right before turning into her wolf, “But we would
get bored fast, don’t you think?”

She sprinted away, followed by her people, and Gideon made a few orders to the
people he was leaving in this house, before getting into the car and driving all
the way back to the Western Kingdom for the final battle.

Riannon was so close to her pack when she

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smelled the burnt scent. She howled to let her people know that she was near, she
was with them.

It was painful to see the house she loved so much in flames. But she knew that she
still wasn’t allowed to be weak even for a moment. Maya was talking to one of the
warriors, giving him orders on how to put down the fire. She lowered her head at
the sight of her alpha and gestured for one of the omegas to bring her clothes.

“l am sorry, Alpha,” she said, “We were in the middle of the evacuation when the
detonator worked. It is my failure and I will understand if. .

“Don’t say nonsense,” Riannon quickly threw on a simple pair of jeans and a white
t-shirt with short sleeves that someone handed to her and started putting on shoes
as well. “Did you man age to get the people out?”

“Almost everyone.. the Beta responded, “l suspect that there might have been a few
omegas in the storage room. We couldn’t find them after the explosion and were
about to go and search for them. Plus the prisoners in the dungeons. I didn’t get
to them… But I think we got the traitor you were looking for. Ash caught one of the
warriors in the woods. He had a device that looked like a remote control with a
radio transmitter, and we suspect that he used it to trigger the bomb that was pre-
installed in the building earlier. Do you want to see him now?”

“No,” Riannon shook her head, standing up, “There will be time for that. People’s
lives should come first. I will go inside to look for survivors too.”

“Maybe it’s not the best idea,” Maya did not feel comfortable endangering her
Alpha. But looking into her friend’s eyes, she knew that this battle was already

“I’ll go with you,” Brayden appeared in dirty clothes and with smudges of cinder
all over his face. It looked like he was helping to clear the ruins. And they could
use all the help now.

Riannon did not care about the looks that Maya was giving her ex. An extra pair of
hands was what they needed now.

She was walking for a few minutes inside what was her house once. The marble floors
were cracked now and some of the columns were broken too. The staircase survived by
some miracle but she did not go upstairs. She wanted to look for survivors.

It was weird to have Bray by her side at a

moment like this. And she would have given up a lot for it to be Gideon instead.

“Would you look at that?” she went up to a huge mantlepiece that was also broken
now. There used to be a silver-plated spear placed about that, a replica of what
the Moon Goddess used, according to the legends. It was gone now. Like most of her
belongings. “l wasn’t such a great Alpha after all. Just a few days and the
packhouse is down.”

Brayden stopped walking over pieces of glass that were crunching under his feet and
stared at her.

“You must be kidding me right now,

Riannon,” he said simply, and she turned to face him. “The damage would have been
so much bigger without you. Ash already got the main suspect and Maya managed to
evacuate people. You can always rebuild the house. But the lives are priceless.”

“Look at who is back to his senses,” she gave him a vague smile and went to the
next room.

Brayden followed her, not saying anything else. She reached the door that led to
the dungeon’s staircase when he placed her hand on hers.

“l feel like I am back to my senses,” he said, standing right behind her.

“Everything became so

clear to me and, Ri, the way I treated you.

“It’s water under the bridge now,” she brushed him off. This was neither the time
nor the place for that conversation. However, it did not stop Brayden.

“Whatever you think of me, I deserve it,” he insisted, clenching his fists. “You
were not just my wife and the love of my life. You were my friend and partner
before everything and I betrayed your trust… I paid the price and I keep paying it
every day now. You found your mate and the Moon Goddess knows - you deserve it.
It’s hard to be happy for you. really hard. But I will be trying. Because, Ri, you
deserve all the best things in life. You deserve a man who will make you happy. If
I could turn back time. His voice sounded distant and broken so much that she felt
sorry for him.

“Everything is how it is supposed to be now,” Ria pushed the door and slowly went
down the destroyed stairs to the cellars. It did not look good down there. The
floors were flooded and water was splashing from several pipes. She saw sparks of
electricity in the distance and was happy that she was wearing sneakers with rubber

“What I am trying to say,” Brayden cleared

his throat. “l hope that I can at least be your friend now. Losing you to another
man is one thing. But losing you forever is another. Ri … I am so sorry for
everything. I truly am.”

There they were. The words she wanted to hear so much in her past life and never
did. She thought that she would feel some kind of satisfaction at that moment. But
right now all she felt was empty. It did not make her happy or unhappy. Bray’s
regrets did not impact her at all. She knew that now.

She was finally ready to move on from those horrible memories. What Brayden said or
did was irrelevant to her now.

She could see that he was sincere though. He knew him enough to assess that.

“l know that you will probably hate me forever,” the man added as he knelt to check
one of the many bodies in front of them to confirm his death.

“l don’t hate you,” she stopped and rubbed her forehead, “Brayden,

Riannon felt someone else’s presence and quickly turned to see a splash of red
locks in the distance. Something shiny was thrown at her. And the last thing she
managed to think was - she found the spear

82. The Silver Spear

The silver-plated spear cut the flesh with ease… Blood appeared on the already
stained clothes, soaking them rapidly. Ruby-red drops were falling onto the flooded
floor, dissolving in the water within seconds as if they were nothing.

As if his blood was nothing.

Brayden looked at Riannon with a sad smile on his lips.

“l told you I would always protect you,” he said and fell onto his knees. Ria tried
to process what happened when she saw the one who threw that spear and an internal
snarl left her chest.

Roxanne was glaring at her from the other side of the dungeon. Breathing heavily,
the little hybrid gritted her teeth. She did not mind killing her fake mate. She
did not care enough about him even though they did spend so much time together.

She had a bigger fish to fry. That spear was for Riannon. Because she cared about
her death. She wanted her dead more than anything at that moment in time. That
woman was the source of all her troubles. That woman could take what she wanted
from her, and she wasn’t having any of it anymore.

“Haven’t you done enough?!” Ria screamed at the fox while catching Brayden before
he fell face flat into the water. She slowly lowered him to the ground, noticing
his ragged breathing.

“This one is on you!” Roxanne hissed, narrowing her eyes. “All of this is on you!
He blew up the house not even caring that I was inside! Was it some kind of
punishment for you? After all, he loves to train his girls! But with you he is so
different! This madness will be over the moment you are dead! And everything will
get back to normall”

Ria scanned her face, realising that her enemy was talking about Castiel.
Everything was even worse than she imagined. Roxy didn’t just love him. She was
obsessed with him. It was an unhealthy sick addiction that was driving her crazy,
making her break all the imaginable and unimaginable boundaries.

“Do you even realise that he has been experimenting on you?” she decided to ask,
feeling how life was slowly leaving Brayden who now tucked his head in the column
or his neck for support. “He used you! He used your siren abilities, used you as
his Guinea pig! He was intoxicating you and all these other women with fake mate
scents! And now that I think of it, I bet you were a frequent visitor to his
laboratory. There’s no way someone like him wouldn’t try to copy the siren

“That was because I am special to him!” Roxy snarled, growing her claws. “He
treated me better than anyone else!”

“Then it’s just sad,” Riannon admitted, “Because he was putting you under other men
with ease. He never cared whether you stayed dead or alive in the process of his
schemes. And he never even asked about you while he. .

“Shut up!” the fake omega screamed hysterically, “Who are you to judge me? You
didn’t even fight for your man when he brought me to your home!”

“l did fight you the first time,” Ria heard herself saying and felt Brayden
twitching in her arms. But she did not regret her words.

Her secret wasn’t important now. The reality changed so much that there was no
point to hide it because she didn’t possess any essential knowledge about future
events anymore. This life was going very differently from what she knew. So
different that no events were the same with the exception of the war where her mate
fought right now. And she had absolutely no idea what would follow after today was
over. I lived a life where I was fighting for the man who was clearly wrong for me!
I loved him and I thought that I could fix things between us if I just try hard, be
perfect, do something. .. I was wrong. And I paid the price. Because you killed me.
And the man I practically sacrificed my love for probably didn’t even notice..

“What kind of bull sh*t is this?!” Roxy stared at her in shock, her chest heaving.

“How do you think I knew everything you did before you even tried to act? How do
you think I knew all the things I wasn’t supposed to know?“Ria gave her a sad
smile, “The Moon Goddess brought me back in time. At first, I believed that it was
only to change my course of life. But now I see that a lot of people needed things
to be changed. Including you, Roxanne. Look at what you are doing! You are going to
have a baby, for Goddess’ sake!”

“Shut up about my baby!” Roxy looked around in search of a weapon. Anger was
filling her heart and soul; fury was burning in her veins.

This was why everything happened ! She wanted to kill that woman once and for all!
She could have won. Could have fulfilled Castiel’s task and expectations. But
Riannon changed everything! It wasn’t fair! It seemed like some cruel joke of the

Roxanne found a metal stick with a sharp end and decided that this was good enough.
She wanted to wipe that Alpha-female from the face of the earth!

But as soon as she made a step, she felt a kick on the back of her knees.

“Not so fast!” Maya growled and knocked the stick out of her hands. Ash appeared
nearby and helped her to subdue the girl. Regardless of the hatred they both felt
towards her, they didn’t want to hurt a pregnant woman. It wasn’t who they were.

Brayden sighed and Riannon was finally able to concentrate on him. She carefully
turned him on his back and placed his head in her lap. Their eyes met at last and
there was so much understanding in his.
“Ri,” Brayden breathed, “l am so sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she was assessing where the spear went through, and came to the
conclusion that it probably got his heart as well. Which was a bad thing for a
shifter. Hearts almost never regenerated… The blood was still gushing and she tried
to apply pressure, knowing that now everything depended on whether his wolf would
be able to heal him or not. It did not help that the spear was silver. . It was a
bad sign.

She remembered how Brayden purchased it at some auction for a ridiculous amount of
money even though she protested against it. And how proud he was to display it in
their house.

“The joke is on me,” he tried to chuckle, but coughed up some blood instead. He
probably knew what she was thinking and her lips curled into a little smile.

He was becoming more and more the Brayden that she used to know and love. It did
not change her feeling towards Gideon, but she was glad to know that at least she
had not made that man up. They weren’t meant to be, but she hated to see him lose
everything he worked for all his life, including his own personality.

A part of her was still angry at him. She used to think that this part of her would
always be angry.

But everything changed when he took that spear for her, risking his own life
without hesitation. Before Roxanne, she always felt safe with him..

At the distance, Roxy was still struggling against Maya and Ash, who tried to
sustain her but not hurt her too much. Their eyes met and something crazy gleamed
in Roxy’s as she started cackling.

“At least one of you is down!” she couldn’t stop laughing. “Don’t worry! Castiel
will not leave it like this! Soon you are all going to..

“Your Castiel is dead Maya interrupted her speech and the fox’s head snapped in her
direction. They all became silent and only the sounds of water dripping and
splashing from broken pipes could be heard.

“You are. .. lying!” Roxanne stuttered in disbelief, but Maya met her gaze with

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” the Beta said bitterly, watching her worst enemy suffer
finally. But when Roxy fell to the ground helplessly and tears started rolling down
her cheeks one by one, her chest shaking uncontrollably as if she wanted to sob but
couldn’t. .. Maya realised that the sight was not making her happy. It was not
making the loss of her brother any easier. It changed nothing. What a

“I’ll take her,” she said to Ash and gestured at their Alpha who was holding her
ex-husband and whispering something to him. “You stay and help them and I will call
more people to come here and finish things up.”

This time Roxanne did not struggle. She let her hands be cuffed in silver-plated
cuffs and seemed lifeless when the Beta was leading her away. She just followed
her. As if there was no point in her fighting anymore. As if there was no point in
doing anything…

By now Riannon knew that Brayden was not healing properly. He knew that as well.
“If we keep the spear inside, we might win some time and get you to the hospital,”
she said, thinking of what was the best way to transport him there, when his hand
caught hers.

“No use,” he said, but she shook her head.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she insisted. “A good doctor might still help you. You are
an Alpha, you can hold on for a longtime. You will make it through.. .”

“Not this time, Ri,” he tried to smile again, but she knew that it was hard for
him. “It’s okay.

It’s fine. Don’t cry…”

She didn’t even realise that there were tears in her eyes. Riannon tried to wipe
them away quickly, but the new ones were appearing in their stead.

He was an important part of her life, her

friend. Yes, he made many stupid mistakes but losing him was still painful.

Her tears were now falling onto his face and he brushed one palm over her cheek,
smearing it with blood.

“I’ve been such an i *t, Riannon,” Brayden smiled, his voice getting weaker and
weaker. “l can say I am sorry a thousand times but it would never be enough.”

“It’s all right,” she sniffed seeing how pale he was getting. His body was not
healing and he barely had a few minutes left. Sadly, werewolves were not immortals.

“It’s all right, Bray,” she repeated, her tears now uncontrollably falling onto his
face, “l forgive you. I really do.”

“Good,” a smile formed on his face, “At least I will know that he will take good
care of you. Better than I ever did. Goodbye, Riannon. .

She didn’t understand what he was doing at first, but Brayden grabbed the spear and
pulled it out of his body in one swift and immensely painful move. Now they were
sitting in a red puddle of his blood that couldn’t stop gushing out of him.

Ria held his hand, the two of them looking

into each other’s eyes. But at the very last moment, she bent and whispered into
his ear what Onyx had just told her.

“You saved the wolf blessed by The Moon Goddess, Brayden Thorn,” she said and his
eyes went wide, “You and your wolf will be reborn in a new life. And in that new
life, you will be given a mate. The one that will be right for you and you alone.
It will happen. ..and you will find your happiness.”

She distanced herself, to see that he was looking at the ceiling with glassy eyes.
But even now there was a vague smile reaching the corner of his lips.

She closed his eyelids with trembling fingers and took a deep breath of air, trying
to hold back the sobs. He was her husband once. He was her friend first… He was her
partner for a long time. And now that man was gone forever.

But even in his last moment, he was dreaming of his true mate that he had never got
to meet. His one true desire…

“l hope you two will be happy in your next life,” she kissed his forehead one last
time and only now noticed Ash that stood next to her.

“I’ll take him,” the Gamma lifted his best friend’s body in his hands without
asking anything. “Everyone else in the house is either dead or out. Let’s go.”

Riannon followed him, trying to gather her thoughts. This wasn ‘t the time to be a
soapy mess.

Her heart was broken from the loss of Brayden, but she would be truly dead if
something happened to Gideon.

She already had a mate, the one who meant everything to her, the one who never
failed her and the one for whom she was ready to do anything.

And her mate was fighting an army now. She couldn’t leave him.

“Maya,” she called her Beta, “Call everyone who can fight. We are going to the
lycans. Now. Leave just a few people for protection here and to help the wounded.
We will deal with everything else later.”

They were in cars in just a few minutes and took the shortest way imaginable to the
Western Kingdom overspeeding on their way. The closer they were getting, the faster
Riannon ‘s heart was beating. She couldn’t sense her mate through their bond even
when they were supposed to be

in the range for mindlinking.

She couldn’t feel him even when she saw the battle before her eyes. And that
brought fear to her soul because she could go through anything. But only as long as
she knew that Gideon was fine.

She got out of the car and took the spear with her. Ever since Ash took Brayden ‘s
body, she couldn’t let go of it…

She knew that field. She already saw this place in the vision that Onyx showed her
after her return. And she swallowed uncomfortably, knowing that this was the battle
that would decide the fates of many.

All the scents were mixed here and it was hard to find the one that she was looking

Riannon froze when she saw a man holding another man in his arms right on the hill
where she witnessed Gideon holding Reid in her dream. Everything was repeated and
it suddenly became harder for her to breathe.

She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she saw that the man was
actually blonde and not as well built as Gideon. Now that she looked at him, he
looked more like a fox. And it brought a little bit of relief to her.

All she wanted now was to help her people, the Union that they formed for peace…
and also to find her mate.

She motioned for her warriors to join the fight and didn’t stay behind herself. She
didn’t shift, using the spear as her weapon successfully to kill the enemies on her
way. It helped her to manoeuvre better and continue her search. In her glowing wolf
form, she wouldn’t be able to go far.
Her bond wasn’t working for some reason, but she knew that there was no way that
Gideon was dead.

However, if something did happen to him, she wanted to find him sooner rather than

Riannon pierced some fox’s head with the spear when she finally found the one she
was looking for. But she didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad one…

They knew about the upcoming sneaky battle, so Kyle met the enemy forces earlier
than they anticipated and attacked first. But the element of surprise was working
only for so long. The bears and the foxes brought a whole army with them. And
lycans didn’t have enough time to call everyone who was on their side in time for
the battle. Most were still on their way.

Though even when they all would be here, there was still a risk that Savvy didn’t
get all the names right and traitors could be between them. The possibility of
being stabbed in the back was huge and they all knew that.

However, lycans were strong and soon Savvanah arrived with werecats, who jumped
right into the epicentre of the battle, fearless, elegant, powerful. One of the
best allies they had.

Gideon and Reid were working efficiently, targeting the biggest bears and killing
them first, so that the werewolves and cats did not have to. The lycan king tried
to find who the leader was but no matter how hard he searched for, he couldn’t find

Shrill screams, growls and screeching were turning into a background noise for him.
Too many warriors were dying at both ends. But each time more foxes and bears were
arriving. The whole battlefield was a mess of blood, dirt and dead bodies. ..
Sometimes not even whole bodies.

“You know what we have to do,” Mars said but Gideon snarled at his constant

“No!” he refused that idea.

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“G, you know what Riannon saw!” his wolf insisted. “As of now, there is a 60%
chance of us winning this battle. But that’s a big maybe and only if a lot of our
people give their lives. But if we let him out…”

Gideon hated to admit when his wolf was right at a moment like this.

He hoped for quite some time that he wouldn’t have to do it. But now it was clear
that he had to. For the men and women who fought on his side, for his little sister
who turned out to be way stronger than he ever imagined… For his beloved mate, who
deserved to be a queen and would do a good job even if he was no longer around.

“Reid, Savvy, Kyle,” he connected to his family who was close, “If anything goes
wrong, I want the three of you to try and put me down.”

“No, Gideon!” Savvanah was the first to react. She had the same blood in her veins
and probably had the same thoughts in her head right now.
“What do you mean?” Kyle, however, didn’t get it at once.

“Gideon,” Reid also understood what he was about to do, “If you are decided on
that, you have to do it as fast as possible. You know that your beast is
controlling. He will never let you get the control back if he can. .. So, don’t let
him come to his full strength!”

“l will try,” he agreed, “But if it goes wrong, you know what I want you to do. I
need your words on that.”

“l don’t like it!” his sister said. She was the only one who knew how hard it was
to control the true royal lycan form.

But right now they all had to agree, that he had to do it. He had to put an end to
this battle and send a message to his enemies.

“Promise me!” he growled, feeling how the lycan inside him was getting to the
surface. He was both him and Mars, but he was also something else. Something
stronger, something bigger, something that he couldn’t control well. “l promise,”
Reid said and Kyle repeated his words. Savvanah hesitated.

“Gideon,” she said, “You have to come back after this! For all of us. Or at least
for Riannon. She will kill us all if we don’t bring you back and your sacrifice
will be in vain.”

“l will do everything to return,” he said, and he intended to keep his word.

“Then I promise too,” his sister agreed, and

he let out a long loud growl that shook the mountains.

His bones started to crack again. Because his true battle form was different from
his usual wolf form. It was bigger and way more powerful. His muscles were getting
heavier, firmer as if they were made out of steel now, and the shape of his body
was changing. The wolf was turning into a lycan and for a few seconds, it seemed
that the battle stopped because of him. Everyone was staring at him now. In shock,
in fear, in disbelief… There were all kinds of emotions.

And when the beast that he now was stood on his two feet and let out another mighty
and soul-piercing growl, it was as if he took everyone out of their daze.

Dozens of bears threw themselves at him. They knew that they would only have a
chance if they attacked now, while he wasn’t at his stron gest yet. And only if
they fought wisely. Foxes tried to launch a series of smaller assaults but that was
like tickles to him now.

He didn’t even bother to look at the little red things when he crushed them with
his feet or backslapped them, sending them to the flight of their lives. Even bears
weren’t that much of a threat to him now. He was catching them and snapping their
necks with ease. Or catching two and crushing their skulls against each other. He
wanted their blood, he wanted to see their death, to feel that power over their
pathetic lives. The beast wanted more. More, more, more. .. Catch, snap, crash.
Repeat. Catch, snap, crash. Again.

Riannon couldn’t believe what she saw. She called her mate, she knew that it was
him. But Gideon wasn’t responding to her.

She knew that royal lycans did not like to shift into this humanoid wolf form of a
monster. She remembered how her mate was telling her about his struggles with
control. The stronger the beast was, the harder it was to get back after shifting
into him. And Gideon’s lycan was one of the stronger ones that ever existed…

She wanted to go after him but some fox jumped on her. The spear proved to be
useful again. And Riannon had to use it a few times as she ran after her beloved.
He was slaughtering their enemies one by one and cleaning the field off the rival

From the corner of her eye, she already saw that the presence of the true lycan was
changing how the battle continued. Wolves and werecats

were getting the upper hand.

Gideon was now in the middle of a large enemy group. They were jumping on him,
trying to bite him, cut him, do anything possible to turn the tables.

Ria tried to get to him but it was so hard in all that mess. Someone was attacking
her every second and her progress towards him was slow.

Before her eyes, a huge wave of bears and foxes covered her mate from her, climbing
on top of him, jumping on his back and forming some kind of a moving mountain.

“Gideon l” she yelled at the top of her lungs when she couldn’t see him anymore and
when that mountain fell.

She tried reaching her bond, she tried calling for him… But he wasn’t responding.
As if he was not there at all.

Riannon did not know what was going on there but she tried to get to that part of
the battlefield whatever it cost her. Another fox, a grey one this time, sliced her
back and she screamed again, falling to her knees. She twisted and managed to
pierce the one who attacked her. However, a huge brown bear was there before she
managed to get up. He snarled loudly and was about to tear her into pieces when a

roar shook the ground beneath them.

In one breath the bear was gone, his bloody head falling to her feet and a huge
black beast stood before her, his eyes grazing over her slender frame.

“Gideon,” she called her mate’s name but he did not respond. “Gideon!” she sounded
desperate now, but she did not care. He looked at her as if… as if he did not know
who she was…

o Marissa Gilbert Writer

This was a really hard chapter to write. RIP Brayden… I will also be announcing the
sequel soon and showing off the cover in the group. Stay tuned.

The End Is The New Beginning

Riannon couldn’t believe her own eyes. The beast stood over her, breathing heavily.
Blood was dripping from his claws and his snout. And for the first time ever she
was afraid of her mate. “Gideon!” she repeated his name, but there was no response.

A fox charged at him, but he hit it so hard in its jump that the red-furred
creature flew far away and did not move anymore from the moment it landed on the
ground. He probably broke his neck just like that.

“Gideon, it’s me!” Ria tried to explain to him again, but he took a step toward
her, growling.

Two bears attacked them simultaneously and she wasn’t ready for this, distracted by
the whole situation. But she didn’t need to do anything, because the lycan killed
them both in an instant. She took a quick look around, seeing that the advantage
was now on their army’s side. She did not see wolves fighting wolves, meaning that
the traitors did not attack them. Which did not make them any less traitorous, but
it was good enough for now. It would be easier to win this battle without trying to
understand who was a friend and who was a foe.

She also still did not see any leader in the army that attacked them. But she knew
that someone had to command all those beasts.

“Mine!” the lycan growled so loudly that the ground underneath them shook. Then he
took another step towards her. A small smile formed on her lips.

“You do remember me!” she whispered in relief. If anyone could bring him back, it
would be her. And she intended to do just that.

In an instant, Riannon shifted into her wolf, angering the Lycan in front of her.
He did not like the game that she was playing. But she sprinted away from him as
fast as possible.

She deliberately went through the biggest fighting crowd, knowing that he was
following her and that he would destroy every bear and fox on his way. Even in his
state, he knew who his enemies were.

She was throwing herself inside of the bear clusters, usually going for their feet.
The bears were slower than her and she was getting out of their grasp right before
Gideon’s Lycan was finding them. Smelling her scent on them, he was going feral,
ripping his potential rivals apart one by one.

She just hoped that it wasn’t taking too long. She knew she needed him away from
all that, where no one would disturb them.

From the corner of her eye, Riannon noticed Reid and Savvy’s wolves running next to
her and felt them knocking into her mind. They never used mind link together
before, but technically she was already a member of their pack and could do it
since the moment Gideon left two golden crescents on her neck. So, she let them in.

“l hope you have a plan!” Savvanah was the first to speak, her white wolf with
black ear tips looked fierce as he destroyed one of the foxes in her way.

“We need to get him out of this as fast as possible,” Reid informed her, “The
longer he uses this form, the harder it will be for him to get back.”

“l am on it!” she replied with confidence that brought relief to them both, “Will
you be able to finish up here alone?”

“Yes!” they replied in unison, and she knew that they meant it.
“Gideon has already shredded half of their army to pieces. Just get him to shift
back and we

are golden!” Savvy said.

“Good!” Ria took up speed and headed for the woods, away from the clearing. “Then
don’t look for us! At least not for the next few hours! Reid, you lead the army.

“l know,” the white wolf replied, “Don’t worry, we were all trained for this. Do
what you have to do!”

Riannon did not say anything else and changed her course. The huge lycan beast
followed her as if his life depended on it. Her silver fur was glowing again, and
it was hard to miss her on the battlefield.

Savvanah followed them with her gaze, knowing that her brother was in good hands.
She also knew that even in his feral form, he would never hurt his mate. They loved
each other too much for that. They were how mates were supposed to be. Perfect.
Pure. Sincere.

Consumed by each other’s existence. Irrevocably in love.

So not like her and Zack…

Savvy was fighting, targeting bears mostly. As a lycan it was her duty to remove
the strongest enemies so that their allies could fight the foxes. But she was
looking for the wolves. Or better say one wolf in particular. The traitor. Her

However, Zack wasn’t there. She was looking everywhere for him, trying to find that
intoxicating scent of his. She needed to kill him. She needed to kill her mate and
free herself. Free herself from all those feelings that were overwhelming her and
from that damn pull that could lead her to her demise.

She refused to be a mate to this man. And since he rejected her rejection… she had
no choice anymore. She would do it even if she would have to scratch her own heart

Riannon was sprinting as fast as she could, knowing that the Lycan followed her.
She knew that he could already get her, but the predator in him loved to play with
his prey. Which at the moment was her.

She stopped when they were far enough from the battle, choosing the clean grass-
covered clearing. He leapt out of the shadows and knocked her off her feet,
towering over her with his eyes glowing. He tucked his nose into her neck, and she
heard a distinctive “MINE” snarl.

Struggling under him, Ria shifted into her human form, and he growled in approval,
not taking his glowing eyes off her.

“Shift!” she told him firmly, but he only

inhaled her scent again and then howled loudly into the air, ignoring her words.

“Shift!” Riannon ordered, and this time she brought his attention back to herself.
He was snarling at her and baring his teeth. Which was a bad sign. But she wasn’t
afraid. Whether it was his third form or one hundredth, he would never deliberately
hurt his mate. Gideon loved her too much. And she trusted him even now.
So, she took a deep breath and punched the Lycan into his snout as hard as she
could. Since the Moon Goddess blessed her and Onyx, strength wasn’t an issue
anymore. So, her punch did have an impact and she even heard something cracking.

The lycan growled louder, pressing her harder into the ground in an attempt to
submit her. But she wasn’t giving in to him.

“Shift!” she roared together with her wolf, their voice deeper and scarier than
ever before as it echoed through the woods. The lycan’s claws dug into her skin,
drawing blood. Angry, she reciprocated, leaning closer to his neck and baring her
canines. Not thinking twice, she dug them into his flesh right where her mark was
supposed to be on him. She closed her eyes, knowing that it was the last thing that
she could

do. All she felt was his weight on her as his blood dripped down her chin.

“Come back to me!” she begged him over their mind link. “Gideon, come back to me! I
can’t do this without you! I can’t lose you. .. Ever! You promised to always stay
with me, remember?”

“l do,” he replied, and she froze. For a moment, she was afraid to even move. His
hands wrapped tighter around her and she realised that they weren’t covered in
thick fur anymore.

“l will never leave you,” Gideon said out loud and she retracted her canines and
looked at him finally. He was lying on top of her, naked. And there was this soft
knowing smile curling his lips. “Even if you ask me, I will never leave you,” he
added, and she felt salty liquid burning her eyes.

“l will never ask you such a stupid thing!” she chuckled through tears, not
believing that it was all over.

“Good,” he nodded. “Because I am never going anywhere.”

He lowered his head and licked his blood off her lips, tasting both - it and her.

“Did you just mark me for the second time?” he arched his brow at her and she
grinned at him without any kind of embarrassment.

“You looked like you needed to be reminded who you belong to!”

“And now I will never forget,” Gideon agreed with ease. “l wonder what will happen
with my crescents now. Will they turn into diamonds or something? Since gold was
already done before…”

She pushed him on the chest lightly.

“That just wouldn’t be practical, would it?” Ria snorted and that was when they
heard hundreds of howls and roars in the distance.

She recognised some. They were warriors from her pack. She heard Ash and Maya too,
knowing that they were all right.

At the same time, Gideon recognised his people.

“The battle is over,” he looked at the love of his life.

“And looks like we won after all,” she said. “Thanks to you. Your lycan really
thinned the lines of bears and foxes.”

“And thanks to you,” he placed a little kiss onto her nose, “If you didn’t bring me
back, our packs would now be fighting me over there.”

Their eyes met again, and they both realised that they hadn’t been this close for a
while already. Those days apart seemed like an etern ity.

“l missed you so much,” Gideon brushed the hair off her face, enjoying the tingling
sensations that touching her gave him.

“l missed you too,” she breathed into his lips, making them part with her tongue.

“Don’t play with me, Riannon,” he warned her. “l am barely controlling myself. I
haven’t seen you for so long!”

“Well, what are you waiting for then?” she teased him, “We just won the biggest
battle. We deserve a break!”

That was all the invitation that he needed as he kissed her as an internal growl
escaped him. She was with him again. His at last!

He noticed a few scratches that his Lycan claws left on her and he turned his neck
to reach these areas and lick them thoroughly, most of them healing instantly now
that they were properly mated. Well, maybe partially it was due to her being
blessed by the Moon Goddess. But he loved to think that it was because of their

He remembered how at the very beginning of their relationship he had to pretend to

heal her

to even touch her this way. But those days were long gone. That wonderful woman who
was now moaning under him accepted him as her mate. Now he would be able to enjoy
her every day of his life. And he wanted nothing more.

“Gideon!” She whimpered when he covered one of her n s with his mouth, sucking and
tugging it gently. Knowing that this wasjust the way she liked it.

Her fingers were caressing him, making every sensation heightened.

“Shh,” he teased her, “l am healing you here.

Where does it hurt the most?”

A sly smile formed on her face as one of her brows quirked.

“Everywhere,” she lied without a shade of hesitation or guilt, and he let out a
snarl as he started to devour every inch of her. But soon he realised that he
couldn’t wait anymore, and she was urging him to climb back on top of her too. So,
he hooked one of her legs, spreading her thighs for him and nudged at her entrance.

“l love you,” he smiled and she slid her palm up to his chest.

“l love you too,” Riannon lifted her head to kiss him and that was when he inserted
his whole length into her roughly, filling her to the brim. This time he wasn’t
gentle with her, but she did not want it either. Instead, she locked her thighs
around his waist and let him pound into her. She wanted to feel him, his need and
desire for her, his love and his passion. She wanted all of it.
She gripped him through each shuddering wave as he kept thrusting, bringing her
wave after wave of immense pleasure that rippled through her body and made her eyes
teary. Riannon cried out her release, biting on his shoulder and hearing a snarl
tearing from his lips.

Gideon took her hands and laced their fingers together, pinning them at both sides
of her as he continued to take his woman time after time, sounds of approval
rumbling through his chest every time he saw her finding her release until her body
felt limp against his.

Only then he found her lips and stilled, spilling his seed inside of her womb,
claiming her once again as his with an earth-shuttering growl, “Mine!”

When they walked out of the woods and back to the clearing strewn with bodies,
Riannon frowned. Maya and Reid were already there with new sets of clothes for them
and cars waiting.

But as Riannon and Gideon walked down

the field, she tried to take in and remember everything that she saw. This wasn ‘t
the happy ending that she desired so much. And their work was far from over.

They had so much to talk about and to discuss. But most importantly, they had to
talk to their people, comfort them and give them hope. This was only the beginning…

“l still don’t think that this is necessary,” Gideon folded his hands on his chest
as they were walking to the tent that was placed in the mutually agreed location.

“Of course, it is,” Ria shrugged as she had heard all that before. She knew that he
was joking and that in reality, even her stubborn mate had to agree that they
needed the alliance with the northern kingdom. Zack’s pack and others named by
Savannah were now officially out ofthe union. Foxes and bears retreated for the
time being, but they could hardly assume that the war with them was over. It would
be safer for the lycans to work together to ensure the safety of both kingdoms.
Whether Gideon liked it or not (and he did not), they needed King Kai to join their
Union with the werewolves and the werecats.

So, Riannon knew that she would have to make them put their differences aside,
whatever it cost her.

“Gid, longtime no see!” a handsome man in his late twenties was waiting for them
inside and he stood up as they walked in. He seemed friendly and, for a second, she
thought that maybe her mate was overthinking it. “You have two minutes to tell me
what you want. I have been waiting for you long enough. Considering that you were
the ones who invited me.”

“Told you so,” Gideon whispered to her as they took their seats in front of the

“We are grateful for you giving us some of your precious time,” Riannon gave the
man a dazzling smile. “My name is Riannon Mich. “Stormhold,” Gideon interjected and
she nodded even though they were not yet technically married.

“You already know why you are here,” she continued, “There is a certain threat to
all ycans and wolves and we want to make sure that it’s tackled with minimal losses
to our kingdom. The best way to do it is through an alliance..

“Yeah, I read your letter.” This time it was Kai who interrupted her. “It was very
well-written and explanatory. But I still don’t see what I am gaining

“Maybe you need some glasses then, Gideon tried really hard not to snarl.

“Maybe you need some manners,” his opponent snorted.

“If they manage to bring our kingdom down, they will come after yours next,” Rian
non decided to ignore their childish behaviour.

“Theoretically speaking, yes,” Kai agreed.

“Or they bring you down and then I wipe them off the face of the Earth while they
are still weak after fighting you.”

“You will be busy,” Gideon smirked, and the northern king arched his brow.

“How so?”

“The white bear clans,” Ria said calmly. She did not mention any of it in her
letters, knowing that this would be one of her main cards to play. “They are in
this too. They have been in all this for a while. And I bet that you understand
that the white bears do not need our land or us dead. They need all of that from

Kai was silent, tapping his fingers slowly over the surface of the desk.

“Even so, I can deal with them on my own. I need more from this alliance,” he
informed them

firm ly.

“And what the hell do you want this time?” Gideon asked him, clearly annoyed.

“How about the land that historically belongs to the North?” Kai was now deadly

“That’s a very old story,” the western king was grim as well. “Anything else

“Hmm, I don’t know,” the corners of Kai’s lips tugged into a smile. “There was one
thing that I wanted for quite some time. But you and I both know that you will
never agree. How about Savannah as my future bride?”

“It’s good that you know you are getting her over my dead body!” Gideon snarled.

“Don’t tempt me!” Kai seemed satisfied with his reaction. “Decide for yourself what
it would be. Your sister or the land in question.”

He threw them a folder with a contract on the desk and stood up. “Your two minutes
are up.”

“Go to hell,” Gideon couldn’t help himself, wishing for nothing more than to snap
that man’s neck.

But Riannon placed her palm on top of his and he immediately calmed down, looking
at her with regret in his eyes.

“We will think about it,” she smiled at the northerner. “When do you want our

“By the end of the week,” Kai said and charged for the exit. But he stopped at the
last minute and nodded at her. “It was nice to meet you, Alpha Riannon.”

They were silent on their way home, reading the terms of the contract together. And
then they discussed it for most of the evening. They went through each clause,
tired and exhausted by the end.

“We need him,” Ria pleaded. “What’s so special in this land?!”

“Everything,” Gideon sighed. “This piece of land is the reason no attack from the
northerners was ever a success. They cannot cross our borders there unless we want
them to. It’s essential for our safety from them. This is why he wants it. And
don’t forget that everything can change any minute. We give him the lands and he
unites with our enemies instead. This is where we will be really screwed.

She clenched her lips, knowing that he was right. But there had to be something
else that they could do.

“l guess we have no choice then,” Savannah entered the room with a sad smile on her
lips. “Savvy,” her brother looked perplexed, knowing that she was eavesdropping.
But he couldn’t blame her. They expected Kai to demand something like that.

“I’ll marry him,” the princess said, and now they all stared at her. Gideon with
disbelief and Riannon with understanding. She would make the same choice if it was
her. Because it wasn’t really a choice.

“No!” the king growled loudly. “l am not letting you to. ..

“This is my decision Savannah insisted with a tone that did not take prisoners. “l
really appreciate you protecting me for so long. I will never forget this, big
brother. But right now, it’s my time to help you protect our people. This is my
kingdom too. I am a princess and I have my duties. I had my shot at this mate
thing, but you know how it worked out for me. So now I am done with all that. My
knight in shining armour is not coming. I am my own knight. And this is my quest. I
choose this for myself, Gideon. I want to do it. If my marriage is not going to be
with my mate, then at least I will have the comfort of knowing that it helped our

“Sav…” the lycan king wanted to say something, but again Riannon took his hand and
intertwined their fingers together, helping him to calm down. “l am proud of you,”
he smiled at his sister and pulled her into a group hug with his free hand. “You
grew up and became everything our parents wanted you to become.”

“So did you,” she mumbled, squeezed between the two of them and then got out
quickly. “But I have a condition!”

“What is it?” Ria looked surprised.

“l want to see the two of you get married before I go,” Savannah smirked.

Maya had been watching Roxanne screaming for the past twelve hours. And it wasn’t
making her happy at all. She just hoped that the baby would be safe and healthy.
But nothing was going right. The baby was in the wrong position and Roxy turned out
to have hips that were too narrow for childbirth.

“It’s a shifter baby,” Reid hugged his beloved wife, “She is going to make it.”
But Maya wasn’t so sure anymore. She wasn ‘t even sure what she was doing there.

The siren was swearing and calling her dead lover. Then she was switching it up a
bit to sending curses to all of them and promising that one day she would kill them
all. She had no idea how much everyone in the kingdom and her pack wanted her dead.
And it was only Maya and Rian non who kept her alive because she was pregnant.

One long piercing shriek and the fox became quiet. But at the next second, they all
heard a baby’s s m and a wave of relief washed over the two Betas.

Maya stood up first and went to the midwife, who was holding the tiny little
creature. The first thing she saw was a few red curls on the baby’s head and she
frowned at that. This was exactly what she was afraid of. The child took after

But when she looked into her eyes, her heart started to beat faster. Those were
Dean’s eyes, her brother’s. And it wasn ‘t just this rich chestnut colour of them,
it was the sincerity with which this tiny girl looked at her. Dean even saw the
best in someone like Roxanne..

“So?” Reid hugged her from the back and she turned to look at him.

“She is just like him. ..” Maya said, but then she noticed some movement behind her
mate. Luckily, Reid had an even better reaction as a lycan. So, he covered her with
his body and kicked the crazy siren/fox hybrid who tried to attack them with a
stolen scalpel from the midwife’s table on her knees, causing her to fall down
right at the small but sharp weapon she was planning to use against them. It went
into her neck, right where the main artery was, and the midwife screamed.

“Don’t touch it!” Maya warned her, holding the baby tight against her chest.

But Roxy was twitching on the floor, her gaze wandering around the room.

“Hate… you all,” she hissed and then got the scalpel out, causing the blood to gush

“Apply pressure!” the midwife screamed and Reid grabbed one of the blankets to try
and help the crazy woman.

But Roxanne grew her claws and dug them into the hand he was applying the pressure
with, causing him to take it back.

She threw away the blanket and stared at the ceiling with a smile of a mad person,
curving her lips.

“Castiel. ..” she whispered, “l am coming. .. Maya hid her face in Reid’s chest and
he kissed her forehead when she looked at him again.

“At least she stayed true to herself,” the Beta female looked at the child and
thought that it was for the best that she had no idea what was going on around her.
“She kept hating everyone until the end and not caring for what she left behind.
How could she abandon her own daughter?”

Reid touched the baby’s hand and she immediately wrapped all her tiny fingers
around his index one.

“She chose not to be a mother,” he said. “But you can choose today to become one. I
will do whatever you decide.”
Maya touched the red curls thoughtfully.

“l made my choice a while ago, Reid,” she smiled at her husband and then at her new
child, “When I didn’t kill Roxy. This baby deserved to live. And since she was
stupid enough to leave it, I have a right to take care of her now.”

“Yes?” there was more than just one word in his question.

“Yes,” there was everything in her answer.

“Meet our daughter, Reid. Her name is Danielle.”

“Are you ready?” Gideon asked his beautiful new wife as they stood before the doors
to the main balcony.

“No one can be ready for this,” she smiled at him. Once again, he muttered his
thanks to the Moon Goddess for sending him such a mate.

She was wearing a flowing champagne dress with lines of beads creating regal
elegant patterns over her corset and a matching crown on her head. Her hair was up
in an intricate hairdo as insisted by Savvy. Riannon held her hands together at the
front and seemed like a perfect picture of a flawless queen.

In a few moments, a whole kingdom would be watching them, but right now they were
the only two people in the world. He offered her his hand and she took it, trusting
him as always.

The doors between them opened and they walked out to the cheering crowd who was
happy for the two of them.

When they finally calmed down, Gideon announced loudly and irrevocably, “People of
the West, meet your Alpha Queen

The crowd burst into cheering and clapping, while Riannon stepped forward and waved
at them.

She knew that a lot still had to be done and her work was only starting. But she
also saw that her werewolves were celebrating together with the lycans. It was the
beginning of a new era.

Different and better than before.

But most importantly, she knew that she was home… And together with her mate, she
will defend it and make it better. Because together they were the perfect couple.

Please, vote for The Perfect Luna in Dreame Ace Book competition! Every vote

The giveaway starts in Marissa Gilbert’s Reading Circle on the 19th of April and
will last until the 20th of May.

NOTE: Thank you so much to everyone for reading this story! You have no idea how
much it means to me and I am so grateful to every perfect lunatic over there! This
is the last chapter of the book I can’t say that it turned out the way I wanted,
not everything fitted into it and maybe I will rewrite it in the future for a
better flow. But today this is it. It’s the end of Riannon and

Gideon’s love story, but not the end of their war.

As you already know, there will be a book 2. Moreover, I have already uploaded the
1st chapter. The title of the book is The Luna Trials and it’s going to be about
Savvy. Great adventures await our lycan princess.

I will probably start updating book 2 in

April, but daily updates will start in May. More announcements will be in Marissa

Reading Circle group on FB. Today we’ll be voting for a cover for the new book
there. And I will have a giveaway to thank you all there too. Check the group for
all the announcements.

Don’t forget to follow me on the app to get notifications about new books.

Thank you very much again! Please, comment below ifyou enjoyed my book at any
moment in time! Let me know. I hope to see you soon!


Readers also enjoyed: Dr. Luna

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TAGS alpha fated princess luna fairy

Bonus chapter

“Careful, just a few more steps and we are there,” Gideon chuckled as he
attentively led

Riannon to the big surprise he prepared for her. She had a blindfold on but did not
seem worried at all. Her lips were curled into a soft smile, and she was walking
with confidence, holding his hands and trusting him completely.

The lycan king was looking at his beautiful wife and saying silent prayers to the

Goddess to thank her for such a gift. It still felt like a dream to him sometimes.
He had the perfect woman who made his life perfect as well. Sometimes he was so
happy that he felt guilty, considering that many of the people around him were
still dealing with the consequences of the war they had. The war that was far from
being over.

Riannon tried not to grin. She was going wherever he was taking her without any
kind of questioning his motives. This was what trust was supposed to be.

She felt a fresh breeze kissing her cheeks and smelled the scent of a familiar
forest. She

liked all this already.

Gideon stopped and stood behind her, pulling her into his embrace from the back and
kissing her neck gently, making waves of tingles ripple over her body. He then
trailed the golden crescent on her marking spot with his lips and she let out a
little moan, hoping that they didn’t have any witnesses.

“Ready?” he asked, his lips almost touching her ear.

“Yes,” she replied playfully and he pulled her blindfold gently, taking it off.

Riannon needed a few seconds to adjust to the light, but when she did, she gasped
and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Gideon. that’s. ..” She breathed out, not able to finish the sentence as she was
looking at their new home. A two-storey modern house on the top of a hill in the
middle of the woods. The secret place right on the border of their two packs, where
they decided to live and raise their future children. It had stone and wood outer
walls and huge glass windows with open balconies overlooking the Silver Lake, the
place where they first met.

“Surprise!” he whispered and pecked her cheek.

“But how?” she was still astonished and turned to look at him. “It wasn’t supposed
to be ready for months and months!”

“l had to pull some strings,” Gideon chuckled. “Anything for my queen.”

They made the decision to create this place before their wedding. Since Riannon’s
packhouse was destroyed, they needed a new one. And they also needed to integrate
their people, lycans and werewolves, into one new nation. More houses were planned
to be built nearby as this was supposed to slowly become the centre of the new
future kingdom. This was the perfect location as Ria’s pack and the western
kingdom’s main palace was at an equal and much shorter distance. They would still
be spending a lot of time in the palace, of course, but this place… this place
belonged to them. Here, they did not have to play their usual political games and
could live a much simpler life which they both craved, creating something new at
the same time.

A few mixed couples had already formed. Lycans were finding their werewolf mates
thanks to the many meetings arranged by Riannon for the two species. They knew that
it would take them decades for all the changes to settle, but they both also knew
very well how to be patient.

“The view here is better than I remember!” Ria sighed and leaned with her back on
her mate as his hands were wrapped around her.

“It could be better,” the Lycan king smirked and pointed at a big rock in front of
the building.

I was right there when I had the best view of my life of a beautiful woman swimming
naked in that very lake. Now that was a view to remember!”

“Hmm,” she turned around to face him and laced her fingers into his hair to make
him lower his head for a kiss, “who knows, if you behave, maybe I will swim naked
for you again. Maybe will even let you join me this time.”

An internal growl left his chest, and she licked his lips gently, making them part
to deepen the kiss. He grasped her tighter in his arms, devouring her greedily as
always. He could never get enough of her. No matter how much time they spent
together, no matter how many times he kissed her, took her, it was never enough.

“You are here!” they heard a familiar voice and Gideon growled again. This time
from the frustration of being interrupted. “Pardon me for the intrusion .”
“Ash!” Ria smiled at her Gamma and was about to step away from her mate, but he did
not let her, only pulling her closely. “This day is full of surprises indeed l”

“You said that you had an important conversation with me, and your husband told me
that you’ll be here today, so I decided to grab that chance,” Ash smiled. They did
not see much of each other lately because he was mainly working with the
werewolves, while Riannon was physically mostly in the lycan kingdom, paying visits
to her pack when she could. This was one of the reasons why this place was so
important. It would make it easier to be both - a queen and an Alpha.

Ash’s eyes grazed over her but he stretched a formal smile quickly.

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Riannon nodded at him, trying to struggle against
Gideon, who had no intentions of letting her go. Next to Ash he was always getting
overly possessive, noticing how the latter was looking at his wife. “So, I am at
your service, Alpha,” Ash bowed jokingly and she rolled her eyes.

“l will cut straight to the chase,” Riannon became serious in an instant. “l need
you to take over Brayden ‘s pack.”

For a few seconds, they simply stared at each other. And Gideon finally released
his mate from his clutches, knowing that it was a strictly business meeting.

“But. .. you are the Alpha of The Silver River pack,” Ash mumbled, nervously
placing his hands in his pockets. They discussed it a few times, but he always
rejected the idea, knowing that if he became the Alpha, then they wouldn’t be
seeing each other at all.

He knew that she already belonged to another and that he had no chance, but just
being next to her was better than not being next to her at all. It was enough. He
settled for this.

“Most people in Brayden’s pack resent me after our loud divorce and some even blame
me for his death,” the Alpha Queen was honest. “Improving their financial situation
helped, but not a lot. I could earn their trust and love if I lived there non-stop,
but that’s impossible at the moment.”

“l can be your substitute,” Ash proposed with hope.

“No, I need you to be my subject Alpha, Riannon shook her head. “l can’t do it and
it’s not worth it now. If not me, the other two obvious choices are you and Harper.
And trust me, Ash, no pack will survive with Harper as their leader.”

He knew that it was the truth and tried to think hectically of a reason to leave
things the way they were. But when he felt her touch on his hand, he shivered and
looked at her.

“Nothing is over yet, Ash,” Ria was looking him straight into the eyes. “The battle
we had months ago was only the beginning. And everyone is doing their part. No one
is safe. Right now, Princess Savannah is planning her wedding in the North kingdom
with the man she doesn’t even like, sacrificing herself for a bigger cause. We have
to do some adjustments too. It’s not only about the pack. It’s bigger than that.
Zack and his allies left the Union officially and we couldn’t do anything about it.
We had no proof other than Savvy’s words of their betrayal. They didn’t turn up to
the battle and now they say that it was Savvy’s fault. They also say that Zack is
dead and imply that we killed him. But we all know that it’s not the truth and the
bastard is alive somewhere and just hiding. But now, because of all that, the
members of the Union are unsettled. And Ash, I need an extra vote at the next Alpha
Summit. You can be that vote if you become an Alpha. We all really need you to do
this. I need you.”

Ash was aware that being an Alpha of this pack would be challenging. Yes, they knew
him all his life, but some of them were angry at him too for choosing Riannon over
Brayden. And if Harper had to become an Alpha… well, it would be a disaster. She
was not cut out for this. She changed a bit after she was abducted by Castiel and
spent a few days in his dungeons. But the worst part for her was that they had all
forgotten about her. It seemed to be a wake-up call for Harper, who always
considered herself the centre of attention. She decided to try and be useful in the
pack now that her brother was dead. But…

she wasn’t good at anything.

Riannon was right as always. It had to be him.

He looked at her hand in his. He could never refuse her. .. This game was lost
before it started.

“I’ll do it,” he gave her a curt nod.

“As you know it’s not going to be easy,” his Queen went straight to business as she
always did. “Beware of the current Beta, make him a Gamma and take someone
trustworthy as your second in command. We suspect that the Beta made the order to
blow up my packhouse. Or at least was connected to the foxes. But there is no
proof. The man who was caught on the day killed himself, but before that, he
confessed to who he was taking orders from. And it was Jacob.” “Why don’t we just
kill him then?” Ash arched his brow.

“One confession during torture doesn’t mean anything,” this time Gideon joined
their conversation. “We couldn’t confirm this information. But it is a possibility,
and you should be aware of this.”

“l see,” the werewolf tensed. Was he even ready for this if he had to do this

“Ash, we will support you at all times,” Riannon said as if she read his mind. She
always did that. Always guessed the exact thing he was thinking about.

“Did you already choose your new

Gamma?” he decided to change the subject. He didn’t want the lycan king to see his
desperation and longing for his wife. It wasn’t appropriate.

“Yes,” the queen smiled, “l chose one of the red girls that decided to stay with me
and proved their loyalty.”

“Bridgit?” he chuckled, remembering the feisty girl who fought by his side at
Castiel’s house.

“No,” Ria shook her head. “Bridgit decided to go back home to her family and give
them another chance. She hopes to find her mate and feels that it might be a bear.”

“Good for her,” Ash nodded curtly. “l have to

go now. If we are going to do this, I need to prepare some things before the
“Are you sure you don ‘t want to stay for dinner?” the queen asked, and Gideon
growled possessively behind her back.

“Nah, I need to go. Maybe another time.” “All right,” she smiled and squeezed his
hand in a friendly manner.

“See you, Alpha Jones,” the lycan king said, wrapping his hand around his wife’s
waist and leading her away from him.

Ash saw Maya and Reid walking out of the house and Riannon giggled happily, running
towards them. She forgot about him already, only looking at her husband to see if
he was keeping up with her.

And this was the moment when Ash knew that he had to move on too. .. He couldn’t go
on like that.

“Maya! Reid! You are here as well!” Ria rushed to their friends and stretched her
hands towards baby Danielle. “She is getting bigger and bigger! Come to your
godmother, my sweet Dany!”

“There you go!” Maya handed her the baby and then brushed her daughter’s red locks.

felt a prickle of pain as those locks were always reminding her of the one who
killed her brother.

But when she looked into Danielle’s eyes, she saw Dean and felt relief. Her belly
was already big, and their second child was going to be born in just a few months.
Reid was so happy when she told him.

They were walking to the house and watching their friends happy with their kid.

“If you are ready for this, then so am l,”

Gideon winked at her, taking her hand in his.

“We talked about this,” she sighed, “it’s too risky now. First, we need to weed out
all the traitors and win that war once and for all.”

“l know,” he chuckled, “but don’t blame a man for trying.”

“As soon as we are ready, I will give you as many pups as you like,” Riannon
grinned at him. “Boys, girls, strong, beautiful and smart like them.. .”

“Mummy,” he interjected before she had a chance to say anything. “No, worries, Ria,
you only motivate me to deal with our enemies faster. So that I could have you all
to myself.”

“l want this too,” she stopped, and he pulled her into a warm hug, kissing the tip
of her head. “l don’t like how they turned everything upside down with Zack’s
absence. They say that we had something to do with it. And something tells me that
when we find Zack, we find the culprit as well. The one who was commanding the
rival army during the last battle.”

“Who is possibly Castiel’s brother,” Gideon finished for her, and she nodded.
“We’ll get them all, Ria. I swear to you.”

“l am worried for Bridgit as well,” she confessed all of a sudden. “When she left,
we were in contact. But she doesn’t reply to my messages anymore. I don’t know
where she is and if she is okay.”

“That one is harder,” her mate brushed circles with his hand over her back to try
and reassure her. “Bridgit is a werebear and none of them is currently on our

“l know,” Riannon agreed, “but I can’t help but worry.”

“We will figure something out,” he assured her and pulled her hand so that she
followed him into their new home. “One day all our friends and family will meet
here, and we will have a feast.”

“Sounds promising,” she let out a little laugh when he lifted her in his arms right
before the doors.

“That is a promise,” the lycan king chuckled. “Everyone who is dear to us will be
here. Savvy too. I will even tolerate her future husband.”

“Just behave at their wedding,” Riannon snorted, knowing that this subject was
still painful for her mate. He missed his little sister a lot, even despite her
calling him almost every day. “l am sure that we will get the invitation really

“l am surprised it’s not here already,” Gideon rolled his eyes. “He wanted to marry
her for so long.”

“You wanted to marry me too, but it still took us some time to prepare for the
wedding and the coronation .”

“And what a wedding it has been!” he chuckled. They both remembered very well how
they were only allowed a little private ceremony with their friends and family
before the big coronation and a huge reception, where they were talking and shaking
hands for most of the day.

But Gideon knew that he would never forget how beautiful his bride looked back then
in her elegant sparkling champagne dress. How her eyes sparkled and how the wind
was blowing strands of her hair.

He would never forget what he told her before the priestess of the Moon Goddess on
that day, when they were standing in the inner garden of his palace, holding hands
and surrounded only by their beloved, who were their witnesses.

Riannon, I swear to love you and to protectyou with my life as the most precious
thing that was given to me by the higher beings. But I also swear to treat you as
my equal, never less. Because The Moon Goddess knows it, you deserve this and so
much more, You are my heartbeat, you are every breath I take, you are the blood in
my veins and the essence ofmy existence. And I can ‘t imagine my life now
withoutyou. I tried it and I am nevergetting back to that. Today I takeyou as my
wife, my Luna, my Queen and my equal partner, ready to spend all my life with you.
Willyou accept me?”

“Yes, ” she smiled with tears glistening in her eyes, “Gideon, I swear to love you
and stay with you until the day | die. And possibly even after that.” She gave him
a little smile at these words, and he knew what she meant. “l promise to be your
pillar, your accomplice in everything that you do. I have never loved anyone the
way I love you and no one evergave me what you give to me every day. Now I know
that this is how it should be. I promise you my love, my devotion, my loyalty, my
respect. I promise to hold your hand even if the whole world is against us. I love
you so much. .. and I take you as my husband, my King, my equal partner and the
love of my life. Will you accept me?”

“Yes,” he nodded and even before the priestess could announce it, he pulled her
into his arms and covered her lips with his. ***

They explored the new house together, paying special attention to the training
grounds, where Gideon planned to train his wife. Her abilities were still not known
to them. She was getting faster and stronger every day and could match any lycan
that he knew. Even himself. But something was telling him that this wasn ‘t the

Riannon knew that too. Too often Onyx was disappearing again, and she was aware
that her wolf was spending time with none other than the Moon Goddess herself. When
she was asking her about what was going on there, Onyx was giving her the most
vague answers, saying that she would tell her everything when the time came.

However, her dreams were getting more and

more realistic. Disturbing even. For in her dreams she saw a battle. A battle that
hadn’t happened yet. .

The Alpha Queen loved how her new house turned out. She loved every room that she
planned personally with their architect. But she appreciated the bedroom the most.

Riannon was exhausted but she never wanted it to stop. Gideon was trailing his
tongue over her inner thigh again, which made his intentions about what he was
about to do next very clear. He wanted more. More of her, more of their life as
husband and wife, as king and queen, more of the happiness that they felt when they
were together.

Ria felt how her strength was replenished with every kiss he left on her body,
every touch, every tease. They were two halves of the same whole and, as mates,
they were giving each other strength. She laced her fingers into his hair to give
him a push in the right direction when a sudden urge to em pty her stom ach
overwhelmed everything else that she felt.

“Wait!” she muttered and pushed her confused husband away to run to the bathroom.

“Ria, what’s wrong?” he was worried now,

and he was even more worried when he heard her throwing up. His phone ranged and he
recognised Savvy’s personal ringtone.

“l am fine!” Riannon let out an apologetic sound and stood up to clean herself. She
had no idea what had just happened. She had a stomach of steel and never.

A sudden thought occurred to her, and she started to try and remember when was the
last time she had her period. She was so busy that she couldn’t remember. And the
realisation made her gasp, her hand instinctively rubbing her belly. “He did what
to my sister?!” Gideon growled loudly and Riannon sighed.

Apparently, nothing was going according to their plans. ..

Please, vote for The Perfect Luna in the DreameAce Book contest. Every vote counts
and I really appreciate yoursupport. You can vote by clicking on the text in the
book and then choosing the gift box button. Oryou can go to the contest banner and
click on that, finding the
Perfect Luna on the list ofbooks and voting there.

Thankyou, dear readers, for reading this book. I hope this bonus chaptergaveyou

closure. I know that some questions aren’t answered yet, but that only means that
you will get to know more about that in the next book The Luna Trials. The first
chapter is already up and the second will be added next week. I will be updating
the book weekly until the end of April.

P.S. there is a deleted scene in this chapter (for the sake of word count), And…
it’s Gideon and Ria’s passion moment. I am thinking of uploading it for free to
Marissa Gilbert’s Reading

Circle group on FB. What do you think? Should l?

Wouldyou like to read it? *****

The Deleted Scene

Since so many people asked me to add it here, I obey. Here is a little glimpse of
Riannon & Gideon’s wedding night for you.

“Gideon!” Riannon closed her eyes for a second, leaning over her new husband’s
chest. Her feet were hurting from the coronation and the long wedding day in high
heels. And the firm corset of her dress was now indented into her flesh. But as
soon as his fingers brushed over her skin, she felt waves and waves of tingles
rippling through her body.

“My Queen,” he smirked and leaned down to kiss his beautiful golden crescent mark,
making her watch him do it in the mirror as his canines grazed over the sensitive
spot. His strong hands slid to the back of her dress, and she could feel him
looking for the hidden zip while his eyes were locked with hers in the reflection.

A quiet growl, and she knew that he was about to tear it off her the way he usually
did when he got impatient and let Mars take a bit of control.

“Don’t you dare!” she warned him with an

arched brow and showed him the little line he was looking for. “This is a queen’s
wedding dress. We will have to donate it to the museum. People love to come and see
such items in real life, and it will boost the ticket sales to help keep it afloat
without us touching the kingdom’s budget.”

“Your order is my command, my Queen,” Gideon chuckled, helping her to get rid of
the beautiful champagne dress, which he started to hate now that it turned out to
be so complicated to take off her. But on the other hand, gently peeling it off her
made him feel that excitement of unwrapping the most awaited gift.

Finally, the fabric fell down to her feet, and he helped her to step out of it,
eyes devouring every inch of his beautiful wife. A growl escaped him at the sight
of her milk satin and lace bridal lingerie, and she giggled, watching his reaction.

“l don’t care what you say, Ria, but these aren’t going to any museum!” He drew his
finger over one of the straps, hooking it slightly.
“Don’t worry,” Riannon wrapped her hands around his neck. “These are for you only.
So, do as you wish.”

Gideon did not need any more encouragement, tearing off the lace with one impatient
movement. He wasn’t allowed to touch her the whole day, and he couldn’t wait any
longer to be with his wife. Moreover, seeing the glint of desire in her eyes, he
knew that she was thinking just the same thing. So, when he scooped her up in his
arms, she only giggled all the way to their bed, which was laid with fresh Egyptian
cotton sheets and white rose petals. Probably Savann ah’s doing.

“I’ve been waiting for it the whole day,” Gideon quickly threw his waistcoat and
shirt away, unbuckling his pants. Riannon watched his muscles flex as he got rid of
the rest of his garments and towered over her.

“l know,” she smiled at him, gently brushing her palm over his stubble. “l love you
so much…

“l know,” he angled his head to kiss her delicate fingers. “l feel the same, Ria.
From the moment I met you, I felt complete. And now, finally, we ticked the last
box. You are my wife and my queen. If anyone so much as looks at you, they are dead

Mars growled to support their joint claim, and their queen let out a little
chuckle, enjoying this little game of theirs. She knew he respected and trusted her
enough not to do it, but a little possessiveness in bed never hurt.

“Then it’s a good thing that I want only you looking at me at all times,” her lips
curled into a seductive grin as he leaned down to capture her lips. He parted her
legs to have her thighs on both sides of him and started tracing intricate patterns
all over her neck with his tongue, sucking and biting her skin softly. He slid the
straps of her bra down to let her perky breasts pop out. Gideon teased her mark,
grazing his canines over it, knowing very well that it always made her breathing
ragged from the pleasant sensations. Then he cupped her breast, kneading it softly
while playing with the n*pple of the other one and drawing a moan from her, which
was like music to his ears.

In the meantime, his second hand slipped all the way down her belly and in between
her thighs, fingers dipping into his wife’s moist core. Riannon trembled under him,
trying to suppress the sounds that threatened to leave her mouth.

Skilful fingers thrusting in and out, reaching the sensitive spot inside of her
with ease - he watched his beloved radiating desire as their eyes locked. And when
she looked like she was about to tip over the edge, he removed his hand, making her

“Not so soon,” the lycan king gave her a

wicked laugh, yanking her to the edge ofthe bed and kneeling in between her thighs.
“The night is young..

An approving snarl left him when he let himself admire her pink, glistening s*x
before his eyes. He needed to taste her again.

Gideon made the first stroke of his tongue slow and torturous, ending just at the
tiny peak that made Riannon shudder and close her eyes. It was enough for him to
unleash himself on her, satisfied with the knowledge of what each circle that he
drew over her folds made her feel exactly

Ria’s fingers laced into his hair as she helped him find the speed that was just
right for her. His wife arched her back and he found one of her breasts, capturing
it with his large palm and tugging her n*pple between his fingers.

“Gide.. .” she screamed, breaking her voice and not even being able to say his full
name. This was when he stopped, distancing himself from her.

“Are you. kidding me,” she tried to catch her breath, looking at him with her brows

“When we cl*max today, we do it together,”

Gideon chuckled, and she couldn’t help but smile at him.

He moved her back to the pillows and lined his aching hardness with her entrance,
nudging the tip of his length inside slightly to gather more of her moisture.

“l swear,” she gritted her teeth, digging her nails into his shoulder, “if you
don’t. ..”

He didn’t let her finish the sentence, plunging into her to the hilt roughly and
making her forget what she was going to say.

He leaned down to slide his tongue inside of her once again and growled when she
bit his bottom lip.

This woman would be the end of him. And he couldn’t wait.

Not speaking anymore, he started thrusting into her as if there was no tomorrow.
Her moans quickly turned into screams, and the lycan found himself echoing them
with his greedy possessive growls. It would never be enough for him. She was his.
And he would never have enough of her in his life, in his arms, on his lips. She

He was ramming into his beautiful wife, and the intensity made her inner muscles
clench him harder, bringing them both to their release.

Gideon braced his hands on both sides of her, looking into her eyes as her chest
was heaving rapid ly.

“Mine,” he snarled into her lips before claiming them once again. Ria slid her
hands over his back, scratching his skin with her nails.

“Forever,” she confirmed what he wanted to hear, and his lips curved. Riannon
brushed the wet locks off his forehead, tracing his strong cheekbones. “What a
perfect husband. And a perfect bridal night..

“Ria”, he pecked her forehead with a menacing grin, “This is just the beginning.


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