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Data Interpretation [Profit & Loss Based]

Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

The table below shows the selling price of six types of protein source products,
i.e. Soy Protein, Whey Isolate, Casein Protein, Whey Concentrate, pea Protein &
Hemp Protein. The bar graph shows the percentage by which the products are
marked above the cost price and it also shows the average of two successive
discount percentages given by the shopkeeper. The selling price of Hemp protein
and Pea protein together is Rs.2132.50, and the selling price of Whey Concentrate
and Casein Protein together is Rs.2397.50. one of the two successive discounts on
Soy Protein, Whey Isolate, Casein Protein, Whey Concentrate, Pea Protein &
Hemp Protein is 50%, 20%, 25%, 37.5%, 15% & 10% respectively.

नीचे दी गई तालिका छह प्रकार के प्रोटीन स्रोत उत्पादोों, यानी सोया प्रोटीन, व्हे आइसोिेट,
कैलसइन प्रोटीन, व्हे कॉन्सेंटरेट, मटर प्रोटीन और हे म्प प्रोटीन की लिक्री मूल्य दर्ाा ती है । िार
ग्राफ़ उस प्रलतर्त को दर्ाा ता है लिसके द्वारा उत्पादोों को िागत मूल्य से ऊपर अोंलकत
लकया िाता है और यह दु कानदार द्वारा लदए गए दो िगातार छूट प्रलतर्त का औसत भी
लदखाता है । हे म्प प्रोटीन और मटर प्रोटीन का लिक्रय मूल्य एक साथ 2132.50 रुपये है ,
और व्हे कॉन्सन्ट्रेट और कैलसइन प्रोटीन का एक साथ लिक्रय मूल्य 2397.50 रुपये है । सोया
प्रोटीन, व्हे आइसोिेट, कैलसइन प्रोटीन, व्हे कॉन्सन्ट्रेट, मटर प्रोटीन और हे म्प प्रोटीन पर दो
क्रलमक छूटोों में से एक क्रमर्ः 50%, 20%, 25%, 37.5%, 15% और 10% है ।
Protein Product Selling Price

Soy Protein 15.5x+22y+49.2

Whey Isolate 12x+15y+181.8

Casein Protein 57y -52.5

Whey Concentrate 36x-55

Pea Protein 48y+32.5

Hemp Protein 28x+60


60% 60%
50% 37.50% 31.25% 32.50%
23.75% 21.25% 22.50%

Hemp Protein Pea Protein Whey Casein Protein Whey Isolate Soy Protein

Mark-up %age Avg. Dicount %age

Q1. Find the ratio of the cost price of Hemp Protein and cost price of Casein

हे म्प प्रोटीन की िागत मूल्य और कैलसइन प्रोटीन की िागत मूल्य का अनुपात ज्ञात

A. 250:211
B. 125:122
C. 125:117
D. 250:229
E. None of these

Q2. If the two successive discounts given on Whey Concentrate were 12.5% and
25% respectively, then find the profit or loss faced on selling Whey Concentrate.
[Note: only selling price will change].

यलद व्हे कॉन्सन्ट्रेट पर दी गई दो क्रलमक छूटें क्रमर्ः 12.5% और 25% थीों, तो व्हे
कॉन्सन्ट्रेट िेचने पर होने िािा िाभ या हालन ज्ञात कीलिए। [नोट: केिि लिक्रय मूल्य

A. Rs. 410
B. Rs. 390
C. Rs. 430
D. Rs. 385
E. None of these

Q3. Find the average Marked Price of Casein Protein, Whey Isolate & Soy Protein.

कैलसइन प्रोटीन, व्हे आइसोिेट और सोया प्रोटीन का औसत अोंलकत मूल्य ज्ञात करें ।

A. Rs.2360
B. Rs.2280
C. Rs.2320
D. Rs.2440
E. None of these
Q4. The sum of the cost price of Pea Protein and Casein Protein is what percent
more than the sum of cost price of Hemp Protein and Soy protein?

मटर प्रोटीन और कैलसइन प्रोटीन के िागत मूल्य का योग हे म्प प्रोटीन और सोया प्रोटीन के
िागत मूल्य के योग से लकतने प्रलतर्त अलिक है ?

A. 10.48%
B. 9.84%
C. 11.45%
D. 9.23%
E. None of these

Q5. Find the difference between the Marked Price of whey isolate & Hemp
Protein together and Cost Price of Whey Concentrate & Pea protein together.

व्हे आइसोिेट और हे म्प प्रोटीन के एक साथ अोंलकत मूल्य और व्हे कॉन्सन्ट्रेट और मटर
प्रोटीन के एक साथ िागत मूल्य के िीच अोंतर ज्ञात करें ।

A. 1047
B. 1339
C. 1083
D. 1016
E. None of these

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D



28x+60 + 48y+32.5 = 2132.50

7x+12y=510 --- (equation 1)

36x-55+57y-52.5 = 2397.50

12x+19y = 835--- (equation 2)

We get, x = 30 & y = 25

So, Soy protein =

Also since the 2 discount % are given in average,

So in soy protein

SP = 15.5x+22y+49.2 = 465+550+49.2 = 1064.2

In Soy Protein 2nd discount = (32.5*2) – 50 = 65-50 = 15%

Similarly calculating for other products we get,

Protein Selling Discount % Discount % Mark-up %
Price (1) (2)

Soy Protein 1064.2 50% 15% 300%

Whey Isolate 916.8 20% 25% 60%

Casein Protein 1372.5 25% 37.5% 200%

Whey 1025 37.5% 37.5% 100%


Pea Protein 1232.5 15% 27.5% 150%

Hemp Protein 900 10% 37.5% 60%

Now instead of calculating all data together, we should calculate according to



CP of Hemp protein can be calculated using ratio method

Cp -> MP & MP -> SP, thus CP -> SP





So 9u = 900

10u = 1000 = CP
Similarly in Casein protein





So, 45u = 1372.5

1u = 30.5

32u = 976 = CP

Thus ratio = 1000:976 = 125:122


In Whey Concentrate

We will 1st calculate the original values of CP and MP



Thus, CP: SP





25u = 1025

1u = 41
32u = 1312 – CP

So MP = 1312*2/1 = 2624 Rs.

New SP = 2624*7/8*3/4 = Rs. 1722

Profit = 1722-1312 = Rs. 410

Q3. As calculated in the 1st question,

CP of Casein Protein is = 976

So MP = 976*3/1= Rs. 2928

Now, MP of Whey Isolate = SP – Total Discount

= 916.8*5/4*4/3 = Rs. 1528

Again, MP of Soy Protein

= 1064.2 *2/1*20/17 = Rs.2504

So Average = [2928+1528+2504]/3 = Rs.2320


In pea Protein CP = SP + Discount – Markup = 1232.5*2/5*20/17*40/29 = 800

In Soy protein CP = MP – Markup = 2504*1/4 = 626

CP of Pea Protein + CP of Casein Protein = 800 + 976 = 1776

CP of Hemp Protein +CP of Soy Protein = 1000+626 = 1626

Required % = [1776-1626]/1626 %= 9.23%


We know,

MP of Hemp Protein = 1000*8/5 = 1600

MP of Whey Isolate = 1528

CP of Whey Concentrate = 1312

CP of Pea Protein = 800

So required difference is [1528+1600] -[1312+800] = 1016.


Logical Data Interpretation [Time, Speed & Distance (Race Track) based]

Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Amit and Bhanu ran a race of 2200 meters. The donut graph shows the distance
covered by Amit in each hour as a percentage of total distance covered by him.
The Bar graph shows the relative distance between Amit and Bhanu after each
hour with respect to Amit. (E.g: after 1st hour Amit is ahead of Bhanu, after 3rd
hour Bhanu is ahead of Amit).

अलमत और भानु ने 2200 मीटर की दौड़ िगाई। डोनट ग्राफ प्रत्येक घोंटे में अलमत द्वारा
तय की गई दू री को उसके द्वारा तय की गई कुि दू री के प्रलतर्त के रूप में दर्ााता है ।
िार ग्राफ अलमत के सोंिोंि में प्रत्येक घोंटे के िाद अलमत और भानु के िीच की सापेक्ष दू री
को दर्ाा ता है । (उदाहरण के लिए पहिे घोंटे के िाद अलमत भानु से आगे है , तीसरे घोंटे के
िाद भानु अलमत से आगे है )।

Q1. What was Bhanu's average maximum speed in any hour?

लकसी भी घोंटे में भानु की औसत अलिकतम गलत क्या थी?

A. 1080 m/hr
B. 1248 m/hr
C. 1306 m/hr
D. 1524 m/hr
E. None of these
Q2. What is the ratio of total distance travelled by Amit and Bhanu after 2 hours?

2 घोंटे के िाद अलमत और भानु द्वारा तय की गई कुि दू री का अनुपात क्या है ?

A. 9:3
B. 11:5
C. 15:7
D. 17:9
E. None of these

Q3. How much time was taken by Bhanu to complete the race?

भानु को दौड़ पूरी करने में लकतना समय िगा?

A. 5.4 hours
B. 6.4 hours
C. 7.2 hours
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Q4. What would be the average speed of Bhanu in the fifth hour to finish the race
with Amit?

अलमत के साथ दौड़ पूरी करने के लिए पाों चिें घोंटे में भानु की औसत गलत क्या होगी?

A. 310 m/hr
B. 370 m/hr
C. 390 m/hr
D. 410 m/hr
E. None of these
Q5. What is the difference between the average distance coved by Amit in first
four hours and the average distance covered by Bhanu in all five hours?

अलमत द्वारा पहिे चार घोंटोों में तय की गई औसत दू री और भानु द्वारा सभी पाों च घोंटोों में तय
की गई औसत दू री के िीच क्या अोंतर है ?

A. 20 m
B. 30 m
C. 40 m
D. 50 m
E. None of these

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A


Distance covered by Amit in 1st hour = 2200 × 0.15 = 330 m

Distance covered by Bhanu in 1st hour = 330 - 100 = 230 m
Distance covered by Amit in 2nd hour = 2200 × 0.1 = 220 m
Distance covered by Bhanu in 2nd hours = (2200 × 0.25 - 300) - 230 = 250 - 230 =
20 m
Similarly solve for upcoming hours.

Distance covered after _ hour Distance covered in _ hour

By Amit By Bhanu By Amit By Bhanu

1st 330 230 330 230

2nd 550 250 220 20

3rd 1056 1556 506 1306

4th 1760 1810 704 254

5th 2200 2100 440 290

Q1. Maximum average speed of Bhanu = 1306 m/hr

Q2. Ratio = 550 : 250 = 11 : 5

Q3. For last (2200 - 2100 =) 100 m, Speed of Bhanu is not known, Hence time
taken by Bhanu to complete the race cannot be determined.

Q4. To complete the race Speed in 5th hours, Speed of Bhanu should be
= 2200 - 1810 = 390 m/hr

Q5. Difference = 1760/4 - 2100/5 = 440 - 420 = 20 m.


Logical Data Interpretation [Caselet]

Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

A School organized a museum tour on Friday for which all of his students had to
register their responses as (on Wednesday) as 'Yes' or 'No' i.e. whether they
did/did not want to attend the tour. The students were allowed to change their
responses (i.e. 'Yes' to 'No' or from 'No' to 'Yes'), If they wished to change their
responses. However, they could change their responses only once on Thursday.
The following graph gives information about the responses of the students of four
different classes (i.e. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th). The total number of student in
classes 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th are 250, 400, 500 and 300 respectively. For classes
7th, 8th, 9th and 10th out of the students who responded 'Yes' on Wednesday;
percentage of the students who changed their responses to 'No' on Thursday is
60%, 50%, 70% and 60% respectively.

एक स्कूि ने र्ुक्रिार को एक सोंग्रहािय दौरे का आयोिन लकया, लिसके लिए उसके सभी
छात्ोों को (िुििार को) 'हाों ' या 'नहीों' के रूप में अपनी प्रलतलक्रया दिा करनी थी, यानी लक िे
दौरे में र्ालमि होना चाहते हैं /नहीों करना चाहते हैं । यलद छात् अपनी प्रलतलक्रयाएँ िदिना
चाहते हैं तो उन्हें अपनी प्रलतलक्रयाएँ िदिने की अनुमलत दी गई (अथाात 'हाँ ' से 'नहीों' या
'नहीों' से 'हाँ ')। हािाँ लक, िे गुरुिार को केिि एक िार अपनी प्रलतलक्रयाएँ िदि सके।
लनम्नलिखखत ग्राफ़ चार अिग-अिग कक्षाओों (यानी 7िीों, 8िीों, 9िीों और 10िीों) के छात्ोों की
प्रलतलक्रयाओों के िारे में िानकारी दे ता है । कक्षा 7िीों, 8िीों, 9िीों और 10िीों में छात्ोों की कुि
सोंख्या क्रमर्ः 250, 400, 500 और 300 है । कक्षा 7िीों, 8िीों, 9िीों और 10िीों के लिए
िुििार को 'हाों ' में ििाि दे ने िािे छात्ोों में से ; गुरुिार को अपनी प्रलतलक्रया 'नहीों' में िदिने
िािे छात्ोों का प्रलतर्त क्रमर्ः 60%, 50%, 70% और 60% है।
Q1. How many Final responses from 9th class were registered as 'Yes'?

9िीों कक्षा से लकतनी अोंलतम प्रलतलक्रयाएँ 'हाँ ' के रूप में दिा की गईों है ?

A. 210
B. 230
C. 260
D. 290
E. None of these

Q2. What is the difference between the number of final 'Yes' responses from class
8th and class 10th?

कक्षा 8िीों और कक्षा 10िीों के अोंलतम 'हाँ ' उत्तरोों की सोंख्या के िीच क्या अोंतर है ?

A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
E. None of these

Q3. From which class number of final responses registered as 'No' is the second

लकस िगा से 'नहीों' के रूप में पोंिीकृत अोंलतम प्रलतलक्रयाओों की सोंख्या दू सरी सिसे कम है ?

A. 7th
B. 8th
C. 9th
D. 10th
E. None of these
Q4. If the students going for the tour had to share their rooms, with people in a
room & also, a student does not share a room with anyone who is not from his
class, then what is the minimum number of rooms that must be booked?

यलद टू र पर िाने िािे छात्ोों को अपने कमरे , एक कमरे के िोगोों के साथ साझा करना
पड़ता है और साथ ही, एक छात् लकसी ऐसे व्यखि के साथ कमरा साझा नहीों करता है िो
उसकी कक्षा से नहीों है , तो िुक लकए िाने िािे कमरोों की न्यूनतम सोंख्या क्या होनी चालहए?

A. 170
B. 174
C. 178
D. 182
E. None of these

Q5. If on Friday 60, 94, 120 and 141 students of classes 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th
respectively whose final response was 'No' went for another tour with their
personal vehicles, then what percentage of total students didn't went for a tour?

यलद र्ुक्रिार को कक्षा 7िीों, 8िीों, 9िीों और 10िीों के क्रमर्ः 60, 94, 120 और 141 छात्
लिनकी अोंलतम प्रलतलक्रया 'नहीों' थी, अपने लनिी िाहनोों के साथ दू सरे दौरे के लिए गए, तो
कुि छात्ोों का लकतना प्रलतर्त दौरे के लिए नहीों गया ?

A. 24%
B. 28%
C. 32%
D. 36%
E. None of these
Answer Key

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. A


In Class 7th,
On Wednesday, % of Students say 'Yes' = 40%
% of Students say 'No' = 60%
Number of Students say 'Yes'= 250 × 0.4 = 100
Number of Students say 'No' = 250 × 0.6 = 150
On Thursday, % of Students say 'Yes' = 40 × 0.4 + 60 × 0.7 = 16 + 42 = 58%
% of Students say 'No' = 40 × 0.6 + 60 × 0.3 = 24 + 18 = 42%
Number of Students say 'Yes' = 250 × 0.58 = 145
Number of Students say 'No' = 250 × 0.42 = 105
Similarly solve for other classes.
Q1. Final response from class 9th were registered as 'Yes' by = 230.

Q2. Difference = 186 - 126 = 60.

Q3. Number of final response were registered as 'No' is 2nnd lowest in = 10th.

Q4. Number of Room = 145/4 + 186/4 + 230/4 + 126/4 = 37 + 47 + 58 + 32 = 174.

Q5. Students who didn't went on tour

= 763 - (60 + 94 + 120 + 141) = 763 - 415 = 348
% of Students who didn't went on tour = 348/1450 × 100 = 24%.

Arithmetic Based Problems

Q1. The smaller base of trapezium is __ cm and the distance between the two
parallel sides is 16 cm. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 64 cm and the length of
the rectangle is 18 cm and the bigger parallel side of the trapezium is 4 cm more
than the breadth of the rectangle. Sum of the area of the rectangle and trapezium
is __ cm2. What are possible values come in the blanks?

समिोंि का छोटा आिार __ सेमी है और दोनोों समानाों तर भुिाओों के िीच की दू री 16 सेमी

है । यलद आयत का पररमाप 64 सेमी है और आयत की िोंिाई 18 सेमी है और समिोंि की
िड़ी समानाों तर भुिा आयत की चौड़ाई से 4 सेमी अलिक है । आयत और समिोंि के
क्षेत्फि का योग __ सेमी2 है । ररि स्थान में कौन से सोंभालित मान आते हैं ?

A. 12 cm, 494 cm2

B. 20 cm, 555 cm2
C. 17 cm, 532 cm2
D. 26 cm, 604 cm2

A. Only A & B
B. Only A
C. All A, B, C & D
D. Only C & D
E. None of these
Q2. The average of 5 two – digit numbers is 34. X and Y are two of the five
numbers. If the digits of each of X and Y are interchanged, then the average of the
five numbers will be 14.2. Instead of this, if the other numbers are multiplied by –
1, then the average of five numbers will be 10. Find the sum of the tens digits of X
and Y.

5 दो अोंकोों िािी सोंख्याओों का औसत 34 है । X और Y पाँ च सोंख्याओों में से दो हैं । यलद X

और Y के प्रत्येक अोंक को आपस में िदि लदया िाए, तो पाँ चोों सोंख्याओों का औसत 14.2
होगा। इसके स्थान पर यलद अन्य सोंख्याओों को -1 से गुणा लकया िाए तो पाों च सोंख्याओों का
औसत 10 होगा। X और Y के दहाई अोंकोों का योग ज्ञात कीलिए।

A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
E. None of these

Q3. ‘A’ and ‘B’ entered into a business with initial investments of Rs. (A + 18) and
Rs. (A) respectively. After ‘P’ months ‘C’ joined them with an initial investment
which was 20% more than that invested by ‘A’ initially. At the end of ‘2P’ months
ratio of profit share of ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ was 5B : 10C : 7D respectively. Which of the
following relation(s) is/are true?

'ए' और 'िी' ने रुपये के प्रारों लभक लनिेर् के साथ एक व्यिसाय में प्रिेर् लकया। (ए+18)
और रु.(ए) क्रमर्ः। 'P' महीनोों के िाद 'C' प्रारों लभक लनिेर् के साथ उनके साथ िुड़ गया
िो लक 'A' द्वारा र्ुरू में लकए गए लनिेर् से 20% अलिक था। '2P' महीने के अोंत में 'A', 'B'
और 'C' के िाभ लहस्से का अनुपात क्रमर्ः 5B: 10C: 7D था। लनम्नलिखखत में से कौन सा/से
सोंिोंि सत्य है /हैं ?

A. 7D = 3P
B. A = 108C/(7D – 6C)
C. A = 124C/(11P – 19C)
A. Only A
B. Only A & B
C. Only B
D. Only A & C
E. None of these

Q4. The area of a rhombus is 216 cm². The ratio of the volume of the sphere to
that of the cylinder is 9 : 32 where the radius of the sphere is equal to the shorter
diagonal of the rhombus and the base radius of the cylinder is equal to the longer
diagonal of the rhombus. If the base radius of the cylinder is 50% of its height,
then what is the difference between the lengths of the two diagonals of a

एक समचतुभुाि का क्षेत्फि 216 सेमी² है । गोिे के आयतन और िेिन के आयतन का

अनुपात 9:32 है िहाँ गोिे की लत्ज्या समचतुभुाि के छोटे लिकणा के िरािर है और िेिन
की आिार लत्ज्या समचतुभुाि के िड़े लिकणा के िरािर है । यलद िेिन का आिार लत्ज्या
उसकी ऊोंचाई का 50% है , तो एक समचतुभुाि के दो लिकणों की िोंिाई के िीच क्या अोंतर
है ?

A. 8 cm
B. 6 cm
C. 9 cm
D. 12 cm
E. None of these

Q5. Quantity 1: ‘P’: For a number, greater than one, the difference between itself
and its reciprocal is 40% of the sum of itself and its reciprocal. The square of the
number is 'P' (nearest to the integer) percent less than its cube.

Quantity 2: ‘Q’: The income of A is 20% more than that of B and the income of C is
68% less than then the sum of the incomes of A and B. Income of C is 'Q' percent
less than the income of A.
मात्ा 1: 'पी': एक से िड़ी सोंख्या के लिए, उसके और उसके व्युत्क्रम के िीच का अोंतर
उसके और उसके व्युत्क्रम के योग का 40% है । सोंख्या का िगा उसके घन से 'P' (पूणाां क
के लनकटतम) प्रलतर्त कम है ।

मात्ा 2: 'क्यू': ए की आय िी की तुिना में 20% अलिक है और सी की आय ए और िी की

आय के योग से 68% कम है । सी की आय 'क्यू' प्रलतर्त से कम है ए की आय।

A. Q1>Q2
B. Q2>Q1
C. Q1>=Q2
D. Q2>=Q1
E. Q1=Q2/ no relation can be established
Answer Key

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A


Q1. Quantity of Mixture A = 11x ml, Quantity of Mixture B = 17y ml

Resultant Mixture = 11x + 17y = R
Water in Mixture B – Water in Mixture A = 9y – 5x = W
In Resultant mixture, Ratio, Milk in Mixture A : Milk in Mixture B = 6x : 8y = 3x : 4y
3x : 4y = 15 : 16 -> x : y = 5 : 4, R = 11 × 5 + 17 × 4 = 123, W = 9 × 4 – 5 × 5 = 11
3x : 4y = 9 : 14 -> x : y = 6 : 7, R = 11 × 6 + 17 × 7 = 185, W = 9 × 7 – 5 × 6 = 33
3x : 4y = 7 : 8 -> x : y = 7 : 6, R = 11 × 7 + 17 × 6 = 179, W = 9 × 6 – 5 × 7 = 19
3x : 4y = 3 : 5 ->x : y = 4 : 5, R = 11 × 4 + 17 × 5 = 129, W = 9 × 5 – 5 × 4 = 25
All are true.


X = 10a + b, Y = 10c + d, Sum of other 3 numbers = Z

X + Y + Z = 34 × 5 = 170
X + Y – Z = 10 × 5 = 50
X + Y = (170 + 50)/2 = 110, Z = 170 – 110 = 60
(10a + b) + (10c + d) = 110
(b + d) = 110 – 10(a + c)
(10b + a) + (10d + c) + Z = 5 × 14.2
(10b + a) + (10d + c) + 60 = 71
(10b + a) + (10d + c) = 11
10(b + d) + (a + c) = 11
10[110 – 10(a + c)] + (a + c) = 11
1100 – 100(a + c) + (a + c) = 11
99(a + c) = 1089
(a + c) = 11 = Sum of tens digit.

Profit Ratio, A : B : C = (A + 18) × 2P : A × 2P : 1.2(A + 18) × P = 5B : 10C : 7D

(A + 18) : A : 0.6(A + 18) = 5B : 10C : 7D
A/0.6(A + 18) = 10C/7D
A × 7D = 10C × 0.6(A + 18)
A × 7D = A × 6C + 108C
A × 7D – A × 6C = 108C
A = 108C/(7D – 6C)
Only B


Smaller diagonal = x cm, Longer diagonal = y cm

1/2 × x × y = 216
xy = 432
Radius of Sphere = x cm, Base radius of Cylinder = y cm, Height of Cylinder = 2y cm
(4/3 × x3)/( y2 × 2y) = 9/32
(x/y)3 = 27/64
x/y = 3/4
x = 0.75y
xy = 432
0.75y × y = 432
y2 = 576
y = 24 cm, x = 0.75 × 24 = 18 cm
Difference = y – x = 24 – 18 = 6 cm.


Let the number is = x

(x + 1/x) × 0.4 = x – 1/x
0.4x + 0.4/x = x – 1/x
0.6x = 1.4/x
x2 = 1.4/0.6 = 7/3
x3 = (7/3)√(7/3)
P = [(7/3)√(7/3) – 7/3]/(7/3) × 100 = [√(7/3) – 1] × 100 = 52.75% -> Q1
Income of B = 100 Rs. , Income of A = 1.2 × 100 = 120 Rs.
Income of C = (100 + 120) × 0.32 = 220 × 0.32 = 70.4
Q = (120 – 70.4)/120 × 100 = 41.33% -> Q2. So, Q1 > Q2.

Miscellaneous Types of Question

Q1. The following numbers form a series. Find the odd one out and then conclude
which of the information given below is/are true regarding the number (x) which
will come in place of the wrong number in the given series.

लनम्नलिखखत सोंख्याएँ एक श्ृोंखिा िनाती हैं । िेिोड़ को ढू ों ढें और लफर लनष्कर्ा लनकािें लक
दी गई श्ृोंखिा में गित सोंख्या के स्थान पर आने िािी सोंख्या (x) के सोंिोंि में नीचे दी गई
कौन सी िानकारी सत्य है /हैं ।

1, 2, 8, 25, 57, 116

A. When 'x' is divided by 12 then the quotient obtained is 2.

B. 60% of ‘x’ is 14.4
C. If 1 is added to ‘x’ then it will become a perfect square.

A. Only A & B
B. Only A & C
C. All are true
D. Only B & C
E. None of these
Q2. The following numbers form a series. Find the odd one out and then conclude
which of the information given below is/are true regarding the number (x) which
will come in place of the wrong number in the given series.

लनम्नलिखखत सोंख्याएँ एक श्ृोंखिा िनाती हैं । िेिोड़ को ढू ों ढें और लफर लनष्कर्ा लनकािें लक
दी गई श्ृोंखिा में गित सोंख्या के स्थान पर आने िािी सोंख्या (x) के सोंिोंि में नीचे दी गई
कौन सी िानकारी सत्य है /हैं ।

1361, 1363, 1368, 1381, 1401

A. X is a prime number.
B. 40% of x is 547.6
C. If 10 is added to ‘x’ then it will become a perfect square.

A. Only A
B. Only B
C. All are true
D. Only C
E. None of these

Q3. A series is 8, 21, 32, 79, 138, 301

If another series __, 97, __, M, __, __ follows the same pattern as the given
number series, then find the value of M.

A. 283
B. 383
C. 338
D. 238
E. None of these
Q4. Solve the question given below based on the series given below.
15360, 3840, 1920, 1440, 1440,___

53156.25 is the mth term of this series.

Find ‘m’.

A. 10
B. 11
C. 13
D. 14
E. 15

Q5. Solve the question given below based on the series given below.
209, 307, 341, 463, 505, __
929 is the nth term of this series.
Find ‘n’.

A. 8th
B. 9th
C. 10th
D. 7th
E. Cannot be determined
Answer Key

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B


8 – 2 = 6 } 10 – 5 = 5
} 16 – 6 = 10
24 – 8 = 16 } 17 – 10 = 7
} 33 – 16 = 17
57 – 24 = 33 } 26 – 17 = 9
} 59 – 33 = 26
116 – 57 = 59

x = 24
A.24/12 = 2 (True)

B.24 × 0.6 = 14.4 (True)

C.24 + 1 = 25 = 52 (True)
All are true
152 – 16 = 209
172 + 18 = 307
192 – 20 = 341
212 + 22 = 463
232 – 24 = 505
252 + 26 = 651
272 – 28 = 701
292 + 30 = 871
312 – 32 = 929

8 × 2 + 5 = 21
21 × 2 – 10 = 32
32 × 2 + 15 = 79
79 × 2 – 20 = 138
138 × 2 + 25 = 301


46 × 2 + 5 = 97
97 × 2 – 10 = 184
184 × 2 +15 = 383(M)

15360 × 1/4 = 3840
3840 × 2/4 = 1920
1920 × 3/4 = 1440
1440 × 4/4 = 1440
1440 × 5/4 = 1800
1800 × 6/4 = 2700
2700 × 7/4 = 4725
4725 × 8/4 = 9450
9450 × 9/4 = 21262.5
21262.5×10/4 = 53156.25

Q5. 102 + 92/ 10+9 = 181/19 = 9.52

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