15 Stages of Negotiation

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Stages of a Negotiation

Introductions (noun).
Everyone meets one another.

Small Talk (noun).

Casual conversation that is not related to the negotiation.

Agenda (noun).
Reviewing the different items to be covered in the negotiation.

“Down to business” (phrase).

Going into the most important part of the negotiation.

Background of negotiations (noun).

Why the negotiation is happening in the current negotiation, or review what
happened in earlier negotiations.

Negotiating – Priorities (noun).

The most important things to be discussed by participants in the negotiation.

Win-Win Situation (noun).

A solution that is equally liked by both sides of a negotiation.

Trade-off (noun).
One side of a negotiation is willing to give something to the other side in exchange
for something else.

Goodwill gesture (noun).

Something given by one side without an expectation of something of equal value to
be returned by the other side.

Proposal (noun).
A suggestion by one side in a negotiation.

Counter-proposal (noun).
A suggestion by the other side in response to the previous proposal.

Common ground (noun).

Things on which both sides in a negotiation can find agreement.
“Let’s find common ground.”

Ultimatum (noun).
The last suggestion by one side, notifying the other side that if they do not agree to
the suggestion, no other suggestions will be given.

Threat (noun).
More intense than an ultimatum. A promise by one side In a negotiation to do
something that will negatively affect the other side.

Final Offer (noun).

A final proposal given by one side in a negotiation. If the other side does not accept
the proposal, the negotiation will end. Used in salary negotiations.

(Call someone’s) bluff (phrase).

When one side decides not to accept the final offer or ultimatum of the other side in a
negotiation, in the hope that the other side is still willing to negotiate.

Close the deal (phrase).

Both sides agree to end a negotiation.


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