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Writing task 2

Daniel Vanutti Mometto
Randall Hell Vargas Pradinett

São José dos Campos
May, 2021
Prescription drug overdose

First, it is remarkable that this issue is really common nowadays in our life in differ-
ent societies around the world, that means either for does not like to go to the doctor
for a normal prescription or for lack of money in any case the risk is high. Besides that,
many pharmacies act like do not care what is happening with people because in some
of them is possible to get some medicines even antibiotics without prescription. In this
context, this absence of humanity is destroying people little by little. Although some
people are aware that they have to go to the doctor, most of them avoid this important
step to save time or just prioritize other stuff. Second, people must be conscious about
this problem and decide not to buy medicines by themselves, in other words, take care
of themselves. In addition, some pharmacies must have rules and avoid that people
buy medicines without a prescription. In particular, one solution could be to classify
all the medicines and define intervals of risk because some medicines like antibiotics
painkillers are at risk in the same way as if you take an aspirin. Another solution
could be to set up a meeting by social media and public the risk of taking medicines by
yourself, besides that, show to people what will happen if you take medicine without a
prescription, what part of your body can you damage, even people need to understand
that they can get an addition to overdose.

Finally, in my opinion, everybody has to take care of their body by themselves and
be conscious about health is more important than money and time.

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