JAVA Methods Overload

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Unit 1: Programming

Unit code: D/615/1618

Unit level: 4

Content Prepared by:

School of Computing and Informatics 1


Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed

With method overloading,
multiple methods can have
the same name with different

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 3

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 4
There are 3 ways to overload the method in
WAYS TO ▪ By changing number of parameters
▪ By changing the data type of the
OVERLOAD A parameters
METHOD ▪ By changing the order of the parameters (if
different datatypes are involved)

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 5

▪ Overloading is related
to polymorphism
(later in the course)

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 6

▪ Overloading Improves

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 7

▪ Instead of defining two methods that
should do the same thing, it is better
to overload one.

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 8

This is how method
overload looks in
the IDE

Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed 9


Prepared by: Ms. Dania Alsaid, Ms. Hana Alrasheed

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