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Name Class/year
Local address
City, state, zip
Cell phone
Home address
City, state, zip
Major Voice teacher
Previous choral experience/previous UW Choirs participation

Instruments you play or have studied

Voice lessons or solo experience, if any

Languages you can speak

High school you attended
High school director
Number in order of preference (or check) all groups that fit into your schedule:


M, W, F 12:00–1:00 PM M 3:30–5 PM and T, Th 6:30–8:30 PM
T, Th 2:30–4 PM
___ WOMEN’S CHORUS (grads 2 of 3 reh.) ___ UNIVERSITY CHORUS
M, W, F 1:20–2:10 PM M, W, F 2:25–3:15 PM
___ MASTERS SINGERS **no audition required
___ CHORAL UNION M, W, F 11–11:50 AM
M 7:30–9:30 PM

I would like to sing in more than one group: Yes No

I will make a two-semester commitment: Yes No
If this is your first audition, how did you hear about the Choral Department? (check all that apply:)

____ brochure ____ media/social media

____ poster ____ high school instructor
____ friend ____ other:
____ concert

More on page 2 (over)

Choral Audition Form (page 2)


I usually sing: Soprano 1 ______ Soprano 2 ______ Alto 1 ______ Alto 2 ______
Tenor 1 ______ Tenor 2 ______ Bass 1 ______ Bass 2 ______

Judges use only, do not write below this line

Range Comments

Voice quality 1 2 3 4 5
No problems, free tone, A few vocal problems, Some problems, breathy Notable technique Obvious vocal issues,
appropriate color, attractive slightly held or uneven tone, or tight tone, some control problems, lacking control, unpleasant tone
sound, refined some imbalance of breath/ issues, no harmony unrefined

Musicality 1 2 3 4 5
Very musical, good sense Phrasing is not always Not musical, no sense
of line and phrasing musical, uneven line of line

Pitch memory 1 2 3 4 5
No mistake 1–2 mistakes, 3–4 mistakes, not always 5+ mistakes No pitch memory
self-corrected fixed, can’t perform difficult

Pitch accuracy 1 2 3 4 5
Memory and generally Great ear Occasional sour note Slight intonation issues, Consistent issues No sense of pitch
sharp or flat

Sight singing 1 2 3 4 5
Excellent, no problems, can Second time through Some issues, cannot Needs piano help to No reading skills
function without piano first without assistance always correct without help continue
time through


Voice part placement ___________ Could sing ___________

Additional comments (blend, dynamics, etc.):

Auditioners ___________________________________ Date ____________ Assigned to ____________________________

rev. Jan. 2019

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