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explain buckingham and livingstone(2005) where they define media literacy as "having acces to
media, understanding the media and creating/expressing oneself using media."

In Buckingham and Livingstone's (2005) definition, media literacy means three main things: first, it's
about being able to get to different kinds of media, like TV, internet, or newspapers. Second, it's
about understanding what you see or hear in the media - like knowing if something is true or not, or
understanding why certain things are shown in certain ways. And third, it's about using media to
share your own thoughts and ideas - like making videos, writing blogs, or posting on social media. So,
media literacy is like being able to navigate, understand, and use media effectively.

41. Why is empowernment such a big word

Empowerment is important because it gives people the tools, knowledge, and confidence to take
control of their lives and make positive changes. When individuals feel empowered, they are more
likely to pursue their goals, speak up for themselves, and contribute to their communities.
Empowerment can lead to increased self-esteem, better decision-making skills, and a sense of agency,
which ultimately benefits both the individual and society as a whole. It's a big deal because it helps
create a more equitable and thriving world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full

42. communication affect

Communication is heavily influenced by media and information. Media, like TV, internet, and social
networks, shapes how we receive and share messages. It affects what we talk about, how we talk
about it, and who we talk to. Information, like news and facts, guides our understanding and opinions.
It's like a big puzzle where media gives us pieces, and information helps us put them together. So,
what we see and know through media and information impacts how we communicate with others,
shaping our conversations and interactions every day.



The 80's generation relied heavily on traditional media like newspapers, television, and radio for
information and entertainment. They often had limited access to information, and communication
was mostly offline. In contrast, my generation has grown up with the internet, smartphones, and
social media, allowing us instant access to a vast array of information and media content. We are
accustomed to consuming news, videos, and music online, and we often rely on digital platforms for
communication and staying updated. Overall, the major difference lies in the shift from traditional to
digital media consumption and the increased accessibility and immediacy of information in my

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