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PH resupplies Ayungin anew

But condemns ‘illegal’ acts of China ships that interfered with operation
By Vince Lopez, Charles
Dantes and Rey E. Requejo
Gibo defends funding for EDCA bases, stronger US ties
HE Philippines
successfully By Vince Lopez Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) then we lose our independence,” Teodoro the government’s move to restore
with the United States, saying the country said during a congressional hearing that strong ties with the United States, after
resupplied its and Maricel V. Cruz needs to spend on them despite assistance eventually approved the Department of Kabataan party-list Rep. Raoul Manuel
from Washington. Defense budget of P229.93 billion for said this might be giving up the country’s
Marine contingent on DEFENSE Secretary Gilbert Teodoro "This is American aid and logistics 2024. sovereignty.
the BRP Sierra Madre on Jr. on Thursday defended funding for assistance, but these arePhilippine bases... At the hearing of the House committee “We are defending the rules-based
military bases covered by the Enhanced We really need to spend [on them]. If not, on appropriations, Teodoro also defended Next page
Ayungin Shoal in the West
Philippine Sea Friday
but condemned “illegal”
actions by Chinese vessels
that interfered with the
The National Task Force for the
West Philippine Sea, which includes
key Philippine government agencies,
said it "strongly deplores and condemns
the continued illegal, aggressive, and
destabilizing conduct" of Chinese coast
guard and "militia" vessels in the wa-
On Friday morning, the Philippine
Coast Guard escorted supply vesselsto
Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal in the
Spratly Islands, where ahandful of Fili-
pino Marines are stationed on a crum-
bling navy ship, the BRP Sierra Madre,
the task force said.
While the mission was successful,
Next page


grabs from a Philippine Coast Guard video show PCG
boats assisting the routine Rotation and Resupply
(RoRe) mission to Ayungin Shoal conducted by the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, despite attempts by
the Chinese Coast Guard to block the flotilla. The PCG
deployed its two 44-meter vessels, the BRP Cabra (MRRV-
4409) and BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407), as escort ships
for the resupply boats. PCG Photo

DOTr to hasten P3b fuel subsidy release as pump prices rise again Retailers dread
By Darwin G. Amojelar, vehicle operators and drivers after the release of the
funds for the P3 billion subsidy program was approved
the world oil market.
Department of Energy director for the oil industry
P40,000 weekly
Alena Mae Flores and Julito Rada on Friday.
This is as oil firms are expected to implement a
THE Department of Transportation (DOTr) said it will minimal price increase next week amounting to P0.10
management bureau Rodela Romero said crude oil
prices surged on worries about a potential supply
shortage during peak winter demand after Saudi Arabia
losses over rice
hasten the distribution of fuel vouchers to public utility to P0.20 per liter to reflect the movement of prices in Next page GRAIN retailers could incur P6,000
in losses daily or up to P40,000 a week
due to the price ceiling on rice that

Meralco rates up took effect Tuesday, with the P15,000

subsidy barely covering the foregone

50 cents in Sept.
Grains Retailers Confederation of
the Philippines Inc. Eastern Visayas

on supply costs
president Frederic Dy said at P2,450
per cavan of rice, retailers are spending
P49 per kilo of rice.
Selling the rice at P45 per kilo would
By Alena Mae S. Flores mean an automatic loss of P4 per kilo.
Next page
POWER distributor Meralco said it
will increase electricity rate by P0.5006
per kilowatt-hour this month due to
higher costs from its suppliers. Palace: DOF Usec.
was ‘maligning’
Residential customers consuming
an average of 200 kWh will see an
increase of around P100 in their total

electricity bill.
The rate hike followed two consecu-
tive months of price reductions totaling
P1.0121 per kWh. G'DAY, MATE. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. extends a warm welcome to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Meralco's overall rate for a typical (right) during his official visit to the Philippines on Friday, the first by an Australian leader since 2003 (see related story on A2). By Charles Dantes and
household is P11.3997 per kWh this PCO Photo Julito G. Rada
month from P10.8991 per kWh in Au-
gust. MALACAÑANG on Friday confirmed
Meralco said its generation charge
for September went up by P0.4323 to Unemployment rate lower than last year, higher than in June the termination of Finance Undersec-
retary Cielo Magno following reports
P6.8252 per kWh from P6.3929 per that she was “maligning” the adminis-
kWh last month due to higher costs from By Julito G. Rada to reopen, resulting in more economic ac- line briefing that the July 2023 jobless tration.
power supply agreements (PSA) and in- tivities, the Philippine Statistics Authority rate was, however, higher than the 4.5 In a statement, Executive Secretary
dependent power producers (IPP). THE country’s unemployment rate in said Friday. percent a month ago partly due to the Lucas Bersamin said Magno had al-
PSA charges increased by P1.0362 July 2023 fell to 4.8 percent from 5.2 per- National statistician and civil regis- impact of recent weather disturbances. ways been critical of the government's
Next page cent a year ago as the economy continues trar general Dennis Mapa said in an on- Next page Next page

PH, South Korea ink free trade pact ship and partnership between the Philippines “legal scrubbing” on the concluded chapter
PH, Australia sign
strategic pact for
By Othel V. Campos
security, economy
and South Korea, expressing optimism that it texts of the bilateral pact.
would go beyond the government-to-govern- Yoon said he is eager to elevate the stra-
HILIPPINE banana and pineapple exporters scored ment partnership to involve private firms and tegic partnership between the Philippines
THE Philippines and Australia shored
victory in the Korean fruit market with the signing of the private sector partners. and South Korea.
up their security and economic alliance
“The signing of the FTA is certainly a “And in this regard, I believe that the
Philippine-South Korea free trade agreement (FTA) during very big step in that regard. Korea-Philippines Free Trade Agreement Friday with the signing of a strategic
the sidelines of the recently-concluded 43rd ASEAN Summit in It can only be a successful arrangement signed later today will set another impor- partnership, as they seek to counter
for both our countries. I look forward to the tant milestone in our bilateral relations,” he China's growing regional influence.
Jakarta, Indonesia. expansion of the trade agreement between told Mr. Marcos. The agreement was finalised fol-
your country and mine,” he told Yoon. Pascual, meanwhile, said the FTA lowing a meeting between Philippine
The FTA allows for a graduated tariff de- witnessed the signing of the FTA between The Philippines and South Korea be- serves as a “clear demonstration of the in- President Ferdinand Marcos and Aus-
crease for both commodities in 5 to 7 years Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual and South gan their negotiations for the FTA in June tent to elevate the current bilateral relations tralian Prime Minister Anthony Alba-
upon entry into force (EIF) of the agreement. Korean Trade Minister Ahn Duk Geun. 2019 and concluded them in October 2021. with South Korea to a stronger strategic nese in Manila.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Mr. Marcos said the trade agreement They were supposed to sign the agreement partnership.” (See full story online at Albanese's visit, which marks the
South Korean President Yoon SukYeol would further enhance the vibrant relation- in June 2022 but both sides had to do some first bilateral talks with an Australian
prime minister in Manila in 20 years,
follows a series of trips by senior mem-
released by the presidential palace. China, on the other hand, claims with- continue upholding freedom of naviga- bers of his government to the archipel-
PH... "We must oppose the dangerous use of out legal basis that it has sole rights to tion and overflight in the South China ago nation since Marcos took office in
From A1 coast guard and maritime militia vessels the islands inside their 10-dash line and Sea,” he said. 2022.
in the South China Sea." opposed what it called “the illegal trans- The President also said that he had Australia is the Philippines' sec-
the task force said it was informed that He did not mention any country by portation of construction materials” by urged other parties to practice “self-re- ond largest partner in defense and one
"China coast guard and Chinese maritime name at the summit, which was attended Filipino sailors to the BRP Sierra Madre. straint and refrain from doing unilateral of only two bilateral partners that has
militia" vessels had carried out "harass- by Chinese Premier Li Qiang and US The China Coast Guard (CCG) main- and assertive activities that could increase signed a Visiting Forces Agreement.
ment, dangerous maneuvers, and aggres- Vice President Kamala Harris. tained that it would continue “to carry out tensions and could lead to misunderstand- Under a strategic partnership, the
sive conduct" toward the Philippine boats. China deploys hundreds of vessels to law enforcement activities in the sea ar- ings and miscalculations in the South countries will seek to expand coopera-
China claims almost the entire water- patrol the South China Sea and swarm eas under China’s jurisdiction according China Sea.” tion in several areas from defence and
way, through which trillions of dollars in reefs. to law.” He said he was also able to meet Japa- security to climate change and education.
trade passes annually, and has ignored an Its coast guard and navy ships routine- Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri nese Prime Minister Fumio Kishido and "This elevation is an important sym-
international ruling that its assertion has ly block or shadow Philippine boats in the thanked and congratulated the Philippine US Vice President Kamala Harris to dis- bol of the strength of our relationship
no legal basis. contested waters, Manila has said. Navy and the Coast Guard for complet- cuss how to strengthen cooperation in key and our shared commitment to do more
In a statement, the China Coast Guard The Philippines, a longtime US ally, ing another resupply mission to the BRP areas of mutual interest. together," Albanese told officials, diplo-
spokesperson accused the Philippine has outposts on nine reefs and islands in Sierra Madre. On the sidelines of the ASEAN Sum- mats, and reporters after the two leaders
boats of entering the waters around the the Spratlys, including Ayungin Shoal. “I salute our men and women of the mit, the Philippines, the US and Japan signed the agreement. AFP with Charles
reef "without obtaining permission from The Philippine Navy deliberately AFP and PCG for fearlessly stayingon forged a commitment to ensure the status Dantes and Rey Requejo (See full sto-
the Chinese government.” grounded the World War II-era BRP Si- track to complete their mission, despite quo in the Indo-Pacific region. ry online at
"The Chinese Coast Guard issued erra Madre on the shoal in 1999 to check intimidation from the Chinese Coast During the gala dinner hosted by In-
stern warnings, trailed their entire course, China's advance in the waters. Guard and militia vessels," Zubiri said. donesia during the ASEAN Summit an-
and effectively regulated the Philippine
ships in accordance with the law," the
spokesperson said.
The troops stationed on the rusty ship
depend on regular deliveries for their sur-
“As long as the law and truth are on
our side, illegal barriers to what is ours
will continue to be pierced, by the sharp
dRelated Summits, President Marcos,
Harris and Kishida discussed the situation
in the South China Sea.
10.8k law grads
Ayungin Shoal is about 200 kilometers
from Palawan, and more than 1,000 kilo-
meters from China's nearest major land-
Manila and Beijing have a long history
of maritime disputes in the South China
tip of world opinion that upholds our
cause as just,” he said.
On Thursday night, President Marcos
The meeting paved the way for the
three leaders to review means to “enhance
trilateral maritime cooperation, including
gearing up for
mass, Hainan island.
The resupply mission came a day after
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. told the
Tensions between the countries flared
last month when China Coast Guard ves-
sels used water cannon against a Philip-
returned from Indonesia, where he at-
tended the 43rd Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit.
humanitarian assistance and disaster relief
efforts,” the White House said in itsreadout.
The Foreign Ministry of Japan said
Bar exams—SC
18-nation East Asia Summit in Indone- pine resupply mission, preventing one of “I emphasized the importance of a Marcos, Harris and Kishida agreed
sia to oppose the use of "coast guard and the boats from delivering its cargo. rules-based international order especially "to jointly tackle unilateral attempts to
By Rey E. Requejo
maritime militia vessels" in the South Armed Forces of the Philippines in the disputes in the South China Sea, in change the status quo by force." THE Supreme Court announced on Fri-
China Sea. (AFP) spokesman Col. Medel Aguilar as much as they affect not only our nation While there was no mention of China day that 10,867 law graduates are, so far,
Marcos told the gathering, which was said Friday’s operation was a manifesta- but the entire region,” he said in his report in the readouts, Manila, Washington, and set to take the 2023 online and regional-
attended by China, that Manila was con- tion of its resolve to assert the Philippines' about the recently concluded summit. Tokyo recently launched a week-long ized Bar examinations which will be ad-
cerned about the installation of military sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its In a video posted on his YouTube trilateral naval drills off the Philippine ministered by the Supreme Court (SC) on
facilities on reclaimed features such as maritime zones. channel, the President said that during the waters to deter China’s aggression in the Sept. 17, 20, and 24.
outcrops and reefs, as well as violations "The unprofessional act and dangerous East Asia Summit, leaders were able to South China Sea. The SC stressed that the number of
of international law. maneuvers conducted by the ChinaCoast discuss the current regional and interna- Japan, through its ambassador to the examinees may decrease before the ac-
"We are concerned over consistent ac- Guard and its maritime militia will never tional issues. Philippines, also expressed the need to tual date of the examinations because of
tions that are in violation of obligations prevail over our conduct of legal and le- “I reaffirmed that the Philippines is boost its military alliance with the Philip- the pending withdrawals by those who
under international law," Marcos said, gitimate operations that support rules- committed to the peaceful resolution of pines and the US to realize its “Free and earlier registered.
according to a transcript of his remarks based international order," he added. disputes and called other countries to Open Indo-Pacific” dream. The examinations will be held in 14
local testing centers (LTCs) nationwide.
over the West Philippine Sea, it should the word contain, that they have an Philippine Sea and our overall defense
Gibo... also continue to upgrade its defense expansionist agenda, and that is proven posture,” Teodoro told the panel.
In the National Capital Region, the
LTCs will be at the San Beda Univer-
From A1 capabilities,” he said. by the new administrative map where He also defended the P75 million sity, Manila; University of Santo Tomas,
“Who is shooting water cannons at us? they added another dash line. So that is budget allocation for the Vice Presidential Manila; SBCA; University of the Philip-
international order. What constrains other The US or China? Who is on war footing, the best evidence of their expansionist Security and Protection Group, which pines, Quezon City; Manila Adventist
countries is international law and the us or them? I don't want a war,” Teodoro agenda, to dominate the whole South comes from the budget of the Armed College, Pasay City; and University of
United Nations Convention on the Law said. China Sea and perhaps beyond,” he Forces of the Philippines (AFP). the Philippines, Bonifacio Global City.
of the Sea. Our allies are enforcing the “We will not back down. We will added. The Commission on Audit earlier In Luzon, the LTCs will be at Saint
UNCLOS,” Teodoro said. continue to do what we are doing. We Amid such threats, the funding flagged the expense, noting that the Louis University in Baguio City; Cagayan
Teodoro said China’s 10-dash line will continue to build alliances with deficiency for the revised Armed Forces security detail for the vice president State University, Tuguegarao City; and
map, which claims Philippine territory like-minded nations in order to enforce of the Philippines modernization program increased more than four-fold to University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City.
as its own, was evidence of Beijing’s international law... When China states is at P328.57 billion, he said. 433 people in the second half of last In the Visayas, the University of San
“expansionist agenda.” that we are puppets of the United States “It would leave gaps in our command year, when Sara Duterte assumed Jose-Recoletos in Cebu City, the Univer-
While the Philippines is taking the and other hegemons in order to contain and control, gaps in ouractivities to the post. (See full story online at sity of San Carlos also in Cebu City, and
diplomatic route in asserting its rights them, they implicitly admit by using deter… and detect incursions in the West Dr. V. Orestes Romualdez Educational
Foundation in Tacloban City will be the
not find a job,” Mapa said. country. I can sleep soundly knowing that I LTCs. (See full story online at manil-
Unemployment... The number of underemployed Palace:... did my best serving our country and advo-
From A1 persons or employed persons who ex- From A1 cating the interest of our people. Always for
pressed the desire to have additional the people. Honor and excellence,” Magno
“In terms of level, the number of un- hours of work in their present job or to policies even before President Ferdinand said in a mix of English and Filipino.
employed in July 2023 was estimated have an additional, or to have a new job Marcos Jr. assumed office. Earlier reports said Magno filed her Meralco...
at 2.27 million, posting a decline of with longer hours of work was registered "She has been against the policies of resignation effective Sept. 16, 2023. In From A1
329,000 from the 2.60 million reported at 7.10 million translating to an under- this administration and made it known a Facebook post, Magno wrote: “A wise
in July 2022,” Mapa said. employment rate of 15.9 percent. This to the public on social media long before man told me, if you do your job with in- per kWh due to higher fuel prices and
The employment rate in July 2023 was higher than the reported rate in July the President even assumed office," Ber- tegrity, you will be back in UPSE soon,” the peso’s depreciation against the US
was registered at 95.2 percent, higher 2022 (13.8 percent) and April 2023 (12.9 samin said in a statement. referring to the University of the Philip- dollar, which affected around 30 per-
than the reported rate in July 2022 at percent). "Instead of working together with col- pines School of Economics. Magno had cent of PSA charges that are dollar de-
94.8 percent, but lower than the estimate On average, employed persons leagues in the government to address any also posted that “I miss teaching.” nominated.
in April 2023 at 95.5 percent. worked 42.3 hours per week, which was concerns, they were instead constantly President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. earlier IPP charges likewise went up by
“Around one million in the agriculture higher than the average hours worked in done so through public fora," it added. approved the recommendation to impose P0.4776 per kWh due to the same factors.
sector did not participate in the labor force. a week in July 2022 at 40.5 hours and in Magno announced her resignation on mandated price ceilings on rice nation- PSAs and IPPs accounted for 39
These are in planting and growing of veg- April 2023 at 36.9 hours. Thursday, days after she posted a graph de- wide to ensure the availability of the percent and 36 percent of Meralco’s to-
etables and tubers… so that subsector’s National Economic and Development picting the law of supply and demand, which staple at a reasonable price. tal energy requirement for this period,
participation was affected [by the weather Authority Secretary Arsenio Balisacan social media users saw as a subtle jab at the As an undersecretary at the Depart- respectively.
disturbances],” Mapa said. said the entire government remained com- administration’s use of price ceilings on rice. ment of Finance, Magno oversaw theFis- Charges at the Wholesale Electric-
The country’s Labor Force Participa- mitted to improving the business climate "The termination of her appointment cal Policy and Monitoring Group, which ity Spot Market (WESM) decreased by
tion Rate in July 2023 decreased to 60.1 in the country to attract more investments, could only be expected as she clearly does is responsible for recommending fiscal P0.5034 per kWh, mainly due to reduc-
percent from 65.2 percent in July 2022 which could lead to the creation of high- not support the administration and its pro- policies, formulating tax reform propos- tions in adjustments and other charges.
and 65.1 percent in April 2023. This LFPR quality and high-paying jobs. grams for nation-building," the statement als, and forecasting and programming WESM’s share to Meralco’s re-
translates to 46.90 million who were either Balisacan also cited the importance of read. national government revenues. quirement was 23 percent this month
employed or unemployed. fast-tracking the implementation of the "While we support anyone's right to The advocacy group Action for Econom- from 17 percent in the previous month.
Mapa also said that the drop in labor FY 2023 budget and the government's free speech, it would be counter-intuitive ic Reforms said Magno was “mostprofes- The transmission charge for resi-
force participation could be attributed to infrastructure programs bannered by the to have someone be part of the adminis- sional” and said statements that she “clearly dential customers, on the other hand,
those who shifted to household or family 'Build-Better-More' infrastructure flagship tration who was clearly set on maligning does not support the administration and its registered a slight reduction of P0.0081
duties. projects that aim to strengthen the coun- it to begin with," Bersamin said. programs for nation building” and “was per kWh, Meralco said.
“We found that 1.99 million focused on try's competitiveness and create more job In a Facebook post, Magno said it was clearly set on maligning [the administration] The National Grid Corporation of
household duties. Others said they were too opportunities for workers. (See full story an honor to serve in the government. to begin with” were baseless and unfair. (See the Philippines ceased collection of 3
young to work, while others said they could online at “Thank you. It was an honor serving the full story online at percent national franchise tax as direct-
ed by the ERC starting the September
to immediately distribute the fuel showed. At least 280,000 drivers will receive billing period, but this was offset by
DOTr.. assistance to PUV drivers once the The transport regulator will the one-time cash grant from the higher ancillary service charges.
From A1 funds have been downloaded to the distribute P10,000 to Modern Public agency, while 930,000 tricycle driver/ Universal charges also registered a
agency. Utility Jeepney (MPUJ) and Modern operators and an estimated 150,000 reduction of P0.0239 per kWh while
and Russia extended their voluntary “Now that the funds have been UV Express (MUVE) operators, while delivery service riders will receive taxes and other charges increased by
supply cuts to the end of the year. approved by the DBM, we will make operators of other modes of transport the assistance from the Department of P0.1003 per kWh.
Transportation Secretary Jaime sure that our PUV drivers get immediate will receive P6,500. Interior and Local Government (DILG) Meralco’s distribution charge, mean-
Bautista, for his part, ordered the assistance,” Bautista said. Tricycle and delivery riders, on the and Department of Information and while, has not moved since the P0.0360
Land Transportation Franchising A total of 1.36 million beneficiaries other hand, are set to receive P1,000 and Communications Technology (DICT), per kWh reduction for a typical residen-
and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will receive fuel assistance, LTFRB data P1,200 assistance, respectively. respectively. tial customer in August 2022.

loss could reach P6,000 for a minimum an P8 loss for every kilogram of rice Panganiban said the government is help affected retailers.
Retailers... of 20 sacks sold per day. sold. aware of the predicament of the retailers, “I’m sure there are other
From A1 "In a week, retailers stand to lose as "They [government] said they will thus the approval of the P15,000 aid government programs. The
much as P40,000. How long can a small help us, that they will give us asubsidy from the Department of Social Welfare Department of Trade and Industry,
“That is just for the grain alone. How retailer survive at that level of loss?” he to cover our losses. For now, we are and Development. for example, can do microfinance.
about the cellophane? The rent? added. cooperating,” rice retailer Rachel Saner DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian, in I know that is one of the mix of
The manpower?” he said in a In MegaQ Mart in Quezon City, said. a separate interview, said there are other interventions that can be rolled out,”
television interview, adding that daily retailers complained that they incur Agriculture Senior Usec. Domingo government programs being eyed to Gatchalian said.

Garin to DOH:
Follow correct
consultant hiring
By Maricel V. Cruz
and Macon Ramos-Araneta
DEPUTY Majority Leader and Iloilo
Rep. Janette Garin has urged the De-
partment of Health (DOH) to follow the
correct process of hiring consultants.
Garin cautioned the DOH after it
hired a consultant without undergoing
a through search committee, which
will be needed to assess the qualifica-
tions of the applicant.
The House appropriations panel
vice chairperson said it might be a
duplication of the tasks of experts and
program directors working full-time
in DOH.
“Will it not be a duplication of ex-
pertise of the people within the depart-
ment?” Garin asked DOH Secretary
Teodoro Herbosa during the budget de-
liberations of the agency on Wednesday.
“Why don’t we instead align with
specialty societies if we’re talking about
non-communicable diseases? Why don’t
we tap the Philippine Society of Cardi-
ologists, why don’t we tap the Philippine ANTI-DEBT, CLIMATE CHANGE RALLY. Climate activists hold a protest in front of the Ninoy Aquino Monument on Ayala Ave., Makati City, urging, among others, G20 world leaders
to avert climate catastrophe by shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy. APMDD photos
College of Physicians?” she added.
The lawmaker also raised concerns

1m displaced by storms,
over the possible chaos that may arise
if the unqualified consultant has an
opposing view as compared to the ex-
perts of the DOH. DOTr team tracing
As the country needs more health
workers, Garin also called to mini-
MRT bomb threat

3.2k still in evac centers

mize unnecessary expenses and hire THE Department of Transportation
more admin staff for the medical as- (DOTr) on Friday assured passengers
sistance program rather than high- of MRT 3 that the mass rail system is
paying consultants. safe notwithstanding a bomb threat.
Herbosa disclosed that DOH has Upon receipt of an alleged bomb
five consultants as of now. threat via e-mail early this morning,
Meanwhile, barangay health workers Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista
will be protected from their jobs following By Vince Lopez Iloilo; Sibalom, San Remigio, and Hamtic
immediately activated an inter-agency
in Antique; and Bago, Bacolod, and San
the issuance of a circular by the Depart- task force to “enhance security deploy-
Enrique in Negros Occidental.

ment of Interior and Local Government HE National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management ment in all transportation sectors.”
Two persons were reported dead in
(DILG) and the Department of Health, Council (NDRRMC) on Friday said that based on their Western Visayas and CAR, while two
The task force consisted of the
said Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go. records, the number of individuals affected by tropical were missing in Calabarzon and Western
DOTR Office for the Office for the
Go, chairperson of the Senate Com- cyclones Goring, Hanna, and Ineng, as well as the southwest Transportation Security, Depart-
Visayas. Three people were also injured
mittee on Health and Demography, ment of Information and Commu-
commended the DILG and the DOH monsoon or habagat, has breached one million. in Central Luzon and Calabarzon.
nications Technology (DICT) Cy-
Over P996.45 million worth of dam-
for the recent issuance of a Joint Mem- bercrime Investigation Coordinating
Meanwhile, the Office of Civil tral Luzon, Region IV-A (Calabarzon), ages were reported in the agricultural
orandum Circular (JMC). Center, Philippine National Police
Defense (OCD) and the NDRRMC Region IV-B (MIMAROPA), Western sector and P905,69 million in infra-
He branded the JMC as a “right and Railway Security
thanked the public, the academe, the Visayas, Cordillera Administrative Re- structures. The National Irrigation
step” towards recognizing their sig-
private sector, government agencies, lo- gion (CAR), and the National Capital
nificant contributions to the health of
cal government units, and other stake- Region (NCR).
Administration reported P 2.1 million
worth of damages. ‘LTO must learn
the country’s communities.
Describing BHWs as heroes, espe-
holders for joining the Third Quarter Of this number, 3,219 individuals or Power interruptions were still being from license fiasco’
Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake 921 families were staying in 71 evacua- experienced in three of the 52 affected
cially during pandemic, Go stressed AGRI Party-list Rep. Wilbert T. Lee
Drill (NSED) held Thursday afternoon. tion centers, while 740 others or 213 fami- areas in Western Visayas, the NDR-
they should be protected in their jobs. on Friday hailed the decision of the
In its latest report, the NDRRMC said lies were taking shelter in other places. RMC said. Water supply problems
“They are sincerely serving our Land Transportation Office (LTO)
1,084,632 people or 291,545 families A state of calamity was declared in Cor- were still reported in one of the affect-
community every day. It is just right to adopt the recommendation of au-
were affected in Ilocos, Cagayan, Cen- on, Palawan; Leganes, Pototan, and Oton in ed areas in the same region.
they should be afforded safety in tomatically extending the validity of
their work and benefits due to them,” driver’s licenses for 12 months.
said Go. This comes after delays in the re-
PH-U.S. lease of license cards as a result of a
EDUCATION temporary restraining order (TRO)

Villar: PH tuna
PARTNERSHIP. halting the LTO from utilizing 5.2 mil-
United States Agency lion plastic cards. Maricel V. Cruz
for International

industry to be
mission director BARMM hands out
Ryan Washburn and 3,910 armchairs
Education Committee

given a boost II executive director

Dr. Karol Mark Yee sign
a memorandum of
understanding for a new
THE Bangsamoro Autonomous Re-
gion in Muslim Mindanao (BAR-
MM) is preparing local children and
youth through education by providing
bilateral cooperation on schools with 3,910 armchairs in three
SENATOR Cynthia Villar has assured education. Looking on of its five component provinces.
businessmen of the continuous promo- are (from left) USAID
Minister Mohagher Iqbal said Camp
tion of the country’s tuna industry. Office of Education
director Thomas LeBlanc, Darapanan Integrated School which
As chairperson of the Senate Agri- used to be a military realm for the
Senator Sherwin
culture and Food, Sen. Villar vowed to Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Gatchalian, Pasig City
continuously craft and push for enact- Representative Roman decades ago, was among the schools-
ment into law of measures to propel Romulo, and USAID recipient of the BARMM’s Ministry
the growth of our tuna industry and Office of Education of Basic, Higher and Technical Educa-
fishery sector. deputy director Yvette tion’s customized MBHTE-designed
The senator was the guest speaker Malcioln. USAID photo armchairs. Nash B. Maulana
at the 23rd Tuna Congress in General
Santos City.

PH advocacy groups join Asia-wide protests ahead of G20 Summit

The two-day Tuna Congress at-
tended by industry stakeholders came
up with 24 resolutions which they en-
dorsed to Villar and the House of Rep-
resentatives for drafting of bills and By Ronald O. Reyes ments commit to bolder measures to renewable energy systems,” said Lidy tries together contribute to 75 percent of
BFAR and the Mindanao Authority. address the multiple crises, including Nacpil, coordinator of Asian Peoples’ global trade and almost 85 percent of the
The senator commended for this im- FILIPINO advocacy groups joined the mobilizing much-needed resources Movement on Debt and Development world’s gross domestic product, while
portant event Soccsksargen Federation Asia-wide protest actions against cli- through inclusive debt cancellation, (APMDD), on Friday. they also account for 80 percent of world
of Fishing and Allied Industries with its mate and debt crises ahead of the Group adoption of wealth taxes for spending Similar protests were held in Jakarta, power sector emissions, with per capita
President and National Tuna Congress of 20 (G20) Summit hosted in New Del- on urgent economic and climate action, Dhaka, Kathmandu, Karachi, Lahore CO2 from coal power at 1.6 tons in 2022,
chairman Dominic Salazar for the impor- hi, India, on September 9-10. and the rechanneling of public funds and Colombo. up from 1.5 tons in 2015 and significantly
tant gathering. Macon Ramos-Araneta “We demand that the G20 govern- away from fossil fuel subsidies towards The groups maintained that G20 coun- higher than a global average of 1.1 tons.

Tulfo slams failed police operation
Agriculturists are By Macon Ramos-Araneta gate the PNP for alleged abuse, killings,
being trained to and Vince Lopez and human rights violations.
operate the T30 The senator cited several PNP failed
Drone which is SENATOR Raffy Tulfo has slammed operations, including those in Pandi,
used as a modern the Philippine National Police (PNP) for Bulacan and Rogriguez, Rizal.
farming tool in alleged repeated failure to follow police He recalled the Aug. 12 Pandi in-
Kidapawan City. operational procedures. cident where police barged inside the
Willie A. Clamor Meanwhile, the PNP released a re- property of Rodelio Vicente, claiming
port offering comparative insights into they were conducting a manhunt for
the state of criminality in the country alias “Elmer.”
for the period January 1 to September Vicente, who sought Tulfo’s help
5, 2022 and 2023. through his program “Raffy Tulfo in Ac-
In particular, the Index Crime Volume tion,” was taken into custody and arrested
has shown a decrease of 2,514 cases which for allegedly committing direct assault
translates to an 8.80% decline from 28,558 and disobedience to a person in authority.
cases in 2022 to 26,044 cases in 2023. During the operation, the senator said
Due to this. Tulfo filed Senate Reso- the police officers were not in uniform,
lution No. 767 which seeks to investi- but wore ski masks.
images of the
Virgin Mary
NKTI warns vs. illegal
are exhibited sale of human kidneys
at San Juan
THE National Kidney and Trans-
Church in plant Institute (NKTI) warned the
Malibay, Pasay public against the illegal sale of hu-
City, on Friday, man kidneys.
in time for The warning was raised following the
the Catholic arrest of a broker who had tried to sell
Church’s the kidney of a friend on social media.
celebration of According to the victim “Carlo”,
the Feast of he was enticed by the suspect to sell
the Nativity his kidney for P250,000. He said he
of Mary.
Norman Cruz
needed the money to pay his rent.
NKTI Deputy Executive Director
for Medical Services Romina Dan-
guilan said illegal organ trafficking
showed the desperation of some pa-
tients looking for a donor as well as
middlemen who were trying to take
advantage of potential donors.
“You can see and you can feel the
desperation of our dialysis patients,
that they don’t like this life of dialysis.
They want to go back to a more nor-
mal life. It’s really a problem,” she said
in a TeleRadyo Serbisyo interview.

Teves seeks to stave off jail time

Danguilan said the donation of a
kidney should be done freely and not
through financial rewards.

MTRCB told: Step up

campaign vs. indecency

HE camp of expelled Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo indicting Teves, as well as the order of in seeing whether those prosecutors
“Arnie” Teves Jr. on Friday said they will look into all the court for an e-warrant of arrest. who decided it are administratively or A CONGRESSIONAL leader on
“On Monday we will be undertak- criminally liable for deliberately ignor- Friday urged the Movie and Televi-
legal options to counter the e-warrant of arrest issued by a ing more steps in order to secure more ing certain evidence,” he said.
Manila court against the former lawmaker for the alleged killing sion Review and Classification Board
copies, not just the warrant, even the Teves, who has yet to return to the (MTRCB) to step up what he referred
of Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo. resolution of the DOJ we will ques- country, may be going back and forth to as its “campaign versus indecency”
tion,” he said. between Timor-Leste, Cambodia, and as he stressed the importance of en-
“We are seriously considering our op- ed murder have been filed against Teves Topacio said they will also study Thailand, according to Justice Secre- suring that daytime television shows
tions because the appeal, the warrant, over the March 4 killing of Degamo and the possible liabilities that may be tary Jesus Crispin Remulla. should be fit for family viewing.
procedurally you ask the higher court… nine others. imposed against the panel of prosecu- For Topacio, the arrest warrant may Manila Rep. Bienvenido Abante
on a petition of certiorari to say there Shortly after, the Manila Regional tors for supposedly not taking into give Teves more reason to not return Jr, chair of the House Committee on
was grave abuse of discretion in finding Trial Court Branch 51 issued an e- account the recantations of the 10 ac- due to “unfairness.” Human Rights, pointed out that the
probable cause,” said Teves’ legal coun- warrant of arrest against Teves, Angelo cused in the killing. Asked if Teves was considering MTRCB’s decision to suspend “It’s
sel Ferdinand Topacio. Palagtiw, a certain “Gie Ann” or “Jie “We want to know why so we can returning to the country to face the Showtime” for 12 airing days “is justi-
The Department of Justice (DOJ) An,” and Capt. Lloyd Cruz Garcia II. take the next step, not only with re- charges against him in court, Topacio fied as it sends a very clear and very
announced last August that charges of According to Topacio, they have yet spect to the procedure of going up to said they will first exhaust all remedies loud message to television show pro-
murder, frustrated murder, and attempt- to receive a copy of the DOJ resolution the Court of Appeals (CA) but possibly available even without Teves’ presence. ducers and artists who oftentimes for-
get that their content is inappropriate
for young viewers.”

39 BSKE bets
Abante stressed: “The MTRCB has
a mandate to protect Filipino audienc-
es against indecency in our airwaves

warned about
and to protect our children against
obscenity. They did the right thing.”
Maricel V. Cruz

socmed posts QC wants 350km

of bike networks
By Vito Barcelo QUEZON City Mayor Joy Belmonte
wants a 350-kilometer bike network
THE Commission on Elections has is-
before her second term ends in 2025.
sued show cause orders to 39 barangay
Assistant city administrator Al-
and Sangguniang Kabataan candidates
berto Kimpo, in an interview, said
who may face stiff sanctions, including
the mayor has instructed him to pro-
disqualification for premature campaign-
vide more bike lanes across the city
ing ahead of the October 30 village polls.
that shall provide better stops for cy-
In a radio interview, Comelec chair-
cling facilities linking them to other
man George Garcia said the candi-
modes of public transportation.
dates were ordered to explain why the
In a turnover ceremony at the Qu-
agency “would not file disqualifica-
ezon City hall path walk, Kimpo
tion cases against them after the poll
thanked MBC executive director
body saw them on social media.”
Coco Alcuaz, executive vice presi-
“The 39 candidates are separate from
dent for external relations Serge
the 128 petitions for disqualification
Bernal, and Shell representatives
submitted to Comelec after the period KALINGA SA MAYNILA. Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna addresses beneficiaries of the “Kalinga sa Maynila” program in Singalong, for their support of the city govern-
of filing of certificates of candidacy,” Manila on Friday. The one-stop shop delivery of services to the city’s residents includes free medical consultations, free legal assistance, free
notarial services, and job fairs. Norman Cruz ment’s initiative. Rio N. Araja
Garcia said over TeleRadyo Serbisyo.
He said there were no complaints

LTO revokes ex-cop Gonzales’ license for 2 years, Fortun wants more
against them, but the commission saw
them on social media.
“There are too many posts on social
media and reported to us through text
messages,” he added. By Rio N. Araja and Vince Lopez Gonzales was culpable for four charges or injury, he said the LTO cannot im- more cases against Gonzales, a Su-
Garcia said Comelec will issue a de- against him -- reckless driving, obstruc- pose a lifetime revocation of Gonzales’ preme Court employee who was caught
cision on the disqualification petitions THE Land Transportation Office on tion of traffic, and improper person to driver’s license. slapping and wielding a firearm against
before the polls next month. Friday announced the revocation of the operate a motor vehicle. “So that is our basis… because there cyclist Allan Bandiola in Quezon City
“We will charge you and will surely driver’s license of ex-police officer Wil- “Why only two years? This is so was no death or injury. What aggravat- last month.
disqualify you since you have already fredo Gonzales, who was caught on a because such cases are punishable ed the situation is that he pulled out a Fortun said he believes that the alarm
filed your Certificate of Candidacy viral video pulling a gun on a cyclist, only up to four years revocation,” gun,” Mendoza emphasized. and scandal case filed by the Quezon
(COC) and are engaging in premature for two years. Mendoza added. But lawyer Raymond Fortun urged City police against Gonzales was lack-
campaigning, which is prohibited,” LTO chief Vigor Mendoza III said Since there was no incident of death the Philippine National Police to file ing, citing its lighter penalty.

Group says P50 Calabarzon wage hike not enough

By Vito Barcelo P100 to P750 per day. today in Region 4-A is only P428.80,” Ka-
The increase, which takes effect on patiran chair Rey Almendras said.
THE Kapatiran ng mga Unyon at Sa- September 24, sets the new minimum Almendras also criticized the nu-
mahang Manggagawa (Kapatiran) wage in the region between P385 to P520 merous wage classifications in the
has rejected the P35 to P50 wage in- for the non-agricultural sector and from region that make enforcement and
crease for Calabarzon areas, saying it P385 to P479 for the agriculture sector. compliance very complicated, not-
failed to meet the principal demands “It is too little and it cannot even buy a withstanding the blanket exemption
for wage recovery and living wages in kilo of rice. Despite the wage increase, available for firms employing not
the region which amount ranges from the real wage value of the minimum wage more than 10 workers.

Poe insists on ‘live selfie’ requirement for SIM reg

By Macon Ramos-Araneta Poe prodded concerned agencies tions (IRR) of Republic Act 11934 or
and telecommunications companies the SIM Registration Act.
AS TEXT scams persist despite to make selfies a requirement for SIM While the SIM Registration law
the SIM Registration Law, Senator registration as deterrence against fraud is already there, the scammers KADIWA SA BUCOR. To help the government in providing the public with basic
Grace Poe on Friday renewed her and scamming. have continued to deceive people, commodities at affordable prices, the Bureau of Corrections and the Department of Agriculture
call for a “live selfie” requirement She said the selfies, or one’s photo- as the senator noted that the law launched on Friday its Kadiwa Pop-Up Store inside the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City.
to register a SIM card with local graph taken by oneself, should be part “was made to protect our people BuCor Director General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. (left) said the store will sell vegetables,
mobile networks. of the implementing rules and regula- against scammers.” fruits, eggs, sugar, dried and smoked fish, and eventually rice daily. Joseph Muego
Honor Blanco Cabie, Editor OPINION
‘De-dollarization’ EDITORIAL
of the US currency
MANY countries are now aching to break away
from the US-controlled financial institutions and
Era of ‘global boiling’
openly manifesting their disgust and contempt
by threatening to join the newly-formed financial

and scale of a just transition to a more equitable
bloc made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and
E HEARD the chief of the United Nations renewable-energy based, climate-resilient global
South Africa, or known as the BRICS. when he spoke recently in New York where he economy.
Doubtless, climate change is the crucial issue
In the recently concluded meeting of BRICS in
Johannesburg last week, the bloc opted to admit described the blistering heat across the northern of our time and we are at a defining moment.
10 new members. From shifting weather patterns that threaten
By 2023, BRICS will accept Saudi Arabia, China and Japan sold 30 percent of their treasury
hemisphere as a “cruel summer.” food production, to rising sea levels that increase
Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and bonds. the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts
Argentina as added members. It was through this system of measuring the Underlying that climate change, a terrifying of climate change are global in scope and
The hotly contested issue in the formation of value of one’s currency that allowed the US to episode, is here, United Nations Secretary- unprecedented in scale.
this international organization is the eagerness borrow from other countries. General Antonio Guterres said, “For the entire The “destruction” unleashed by humanity
“must not inspire despair, but action,” Guterres
of the members to abandon the US dollar as the
international reserve currency.
In effect, it was the US that measured how
much it can secure for their loans from other
planet, it is a disaster,” and noted that short of
a mini-Ice Age, July 2023 shattered records Populations said, warning that to prevent the worst outcomes
To date, the members have yet to arrive at a countries by the quick process of printing the across the board. that are the least humanity “must turn a year of burning heat into a
year of burning ambition.”
consensus of completely junking the US dollar in dollar or “quantitative easing” to ease inflation. Guterres called for radical action on climate
favor of an alternative reserve currency. Backed up by the formation of the International change, stressing the record-shattering July responsible for the The latest scientific assessment by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has
Some view the US dollar has been around for temperatures showed Earth has passed from a
almost a century.
Monetary Fund, the World Bank and later by the
creation of the Asian Development Bank, the US warming phase into an “era of global warming.” climate crisis are once more highlighted the urgency to act.
The damage from the climate crisis is
Yes, it has brought prosperity but has created
an enormously wide gap between rich and poor
was able to finalize its stronghold of the world
He added: “Climate change is here. It is
terrifying. And it is just the beginning. The era suffering from its extensive, and global greenhouse gas emissions
Development has not been fast as expected,
It was through these US-controlled financial of global warming has ended; the era of global
boiling has arrived.”
impacts and need remain at record levels.
The world needs immediate and deep
institutions that made the adjustments and in the
and, in that situation, the dominance of the US
dollar resulted as the only recognized reserve
valuation of other countries’ currency. Ahead of the Climate Ambition Summit he
is set to host on September 20, Guterres called
immediate help to reductions in emissions now, and over the course
of the next three decades, to limit global warming
currency, and underdeveloped countries have
It was through this system of perpetual
indebtedness that financial institutions coined the on developed countries to commit to achieving adapt and recover to 1.5°C degrees above pre-industrial levels and
carbon neutrality as close to 2040 as possible, prevent the worst impacts.
long suspected is being used to advance US
interest principally through its various financial
concept being mired in a debt trap.
The US controlled the other countries’ and for emerging economies as close as possible from loss and Meanwhile, populations that are the least
institutions like World Bank and the International
Monetary Bank.
currencies by adjusting their loans.
The easiest way which the US can do is to
to 2050.
The Summit would be participated in by
damage responsible for the climate crisis are suffering
from its impacts and need immediate help to adapt
The Bretton Woods Agreement created the pressure states to make a drastic devaluation of governments, business, finance, local authorities and recover from loss and damage.
World Bank in 1944. their currency. and civil society including “first movers and As authorities have pointed out, this is an
It was the first attempt to financially fix the That way, indebted countries are forced to doers” or those who have geared up to address the issue of equity and climate justice which requires
increase their cost of wage consequent to the phenomenon. political milestone for demonstrating that there immediate attention from governments and
decline in the value of their currency. These are We see the Summit represents a critical is collective global will to accelerate the pace international financial institutions.
mostly drawn by US banks.

Critique on the National Security Policy

To date, the The most blatant of this banking practice is the
limited amount of currency which the client-states
(BRICS) members are forced to convert their reserve currency or
have yet to arrive limit the amount they need for their developmental
at a consensus of More than anything else, why should we give
the US treasury the freedom to choose the precious
THE National Security Policy constitutes a
fundamental set of principles meticulously crafted
Administration, when it was officially established
through Executive Order 330 in 1950. Acknowledging
completely junking metal states should base?
To every twist of this change in valuation in
to steer decision-making processes with a singular the imperative need to adapt to the evolving national EAGLE EYES
aim: the safeguarding and enhancement of a nation’s security and foreign policy landscapes, the NSC
the US dollar in favor currencies which China say is more of a unilateral interests, well-being, sovereignty, and territorial underwent significant reorganization under EO 115
practice has the shade of power hegemonism
of an alternative amounting to undue collection of fees.
It is a guiding compass that aids in the
in 1986, a move aimed at ensuring its continued
relevance and efficacy in modern times.
reserve currency This explains why many of our projects run
short of funds, not to mention the practice of
establishment of priorities, particularly when it
comes to allocating finite resources and striking a
The historical backdrop reveals the genesis
of the Philippines’ national security program.
currency devaluation which eats up the bulk of the delicate balance between fortifying defenses against Commonwealth Act 1 set in motion the creation of
funds. external threats and fortifying defenses against a Council of National Defense, tasked with offering security, with a civilian Secretary of National
The US has been complaining that it cannot internal challenges. guidance to the President on matters of national Defense advising the President on defense matters.
compete with China in trade and American This framework is all-encompassing, delving into defense policy. In 2002, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
value of the US dollar as an international reserve economists argue that Chinese-made products are a multitude of issues connected to national security. This council embodied a comprehensive and reconvened the NSC to address a pressing issue—the
currency. simply too cheap to be overwhelmed by US trade Moreover, it serves as an overarching blueprint, knowledgeable advisory body, a precursor to the deployment of U.S. soldiers in the Philippines as part
Under the Agreement, the US dollar was competition. offering invaluable direction for the assessment, NSC. of the global war on terrorism.
pegged at $32 per ounce of gold. But American businessmen do realize they enhancement, and formulation of various policies This decision underscored the Philippines’
The US then stood as the most powerful nation cannot compete under the rules of fair competition. relating to national security. commitment to supporting the United States in
on earth considering that it was the only nation The Americans now suspect that China is At the heart of this crucial policy framework is the combating terrorism, aligning with a UN Security
to escape from the ravages of the Second World
War and coming out as the leading industrialized
resorting to unfair trade practices which summarily
accuses that country of illegality.
President, entrusted with the profound responsibility
of conceiving and overseeing the National Security
The 1987 Council resolution, and upholding the strategic
alliance between the Philippines and the United
country manufacturing nearly 70 percent of the
world’s total manufactured goods.
The US completely forgot or ignores the fact
that China produces more goods at a cheaper price
Policy. Constitution of the States.
In 2016, President Rodrigo Duterte breathed
The President’s pivotal role stems from the
The US managed to corner both the export and
import of goods until it was awakened to realized
at a greater volume. multifaceted positions as the Head-of-State, Head-of- Philippines ushered in new life into the NSC, convening it to deliberate on
key initiatives, including the war on illegal drugs,
For every stage of China’s manufacturing
that its economy was incurring huge trade deficit capability, Chinese factories come out with a
Government, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces, making the person uniquely positioned to a paradigm shift by peace negotiations with rebel groups, and territorial
because of the unwinnable Vietnam War in the disputes with China.
better quality and much improved products.
Repeatedly, through the import and export
shape and manage the nation’s security policy.
In practice, the implementation of the NSP is
introducing civilian The composition of the National Security Council
The US never conceived it would incur deficit
despite its involvement in the War.
of manufactured goods, China gains in terms of
orchestrated by the National Security Council, a control over the is delineated in the Administrative Code of 1987.
It encompasses the President as chairman, the
body that emerges as the principal advisory entity to
It was its expenditure in the war that depleted
much of its of income and resources.
Its gains may not be measured in volume but the President concerning the seamless coordination military Vice President, Secretaries of Foreign Affairs,
Executive Secretary, National Defense, Justice,
more on the value of the goods China can deliver and integration of plans and policies that bear on
President Nixon in 1973 decoupled the US to countries patronizing its products. national security. Labor and Employment, Local Governments, the
dollar from the gold standard, meaning other This we can surmise because to every The NSC, with the President at its helm, brings National Security Director, and the Chief of Staff of
countries will, from then on, be prohibited from improvement China introduces into its products, together a diverse array of Cabinet members and the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
buying and selling gold. added value are made into them. other officials whose collective expertise and insights Following World War II and the Philippines’ The President is also vested with the authority
Instead, the US federal reserve will measure Thus, from the time China opened up trade contribute to the formulation of cogent national ascent to sovereignty, President Elpidio Quirino to appoint additional government officials and
the value of the dollar on its aggregate GNP which with the US, the US, as importers, cannot say that security strategies. bestowed official recognition upon this advisory private individuals to the Council, thereby ensuring
many considered as rather unique because most for the last 10 years that it has been importing In the context of the Philippines, the National body, naming it the National Security Council. flexibility in its structure and harnessing diverse
countries based the value of their currency on their the products from China that the latter had not Security Council (known as Sanggunian sa The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines ushered expertise.
total productive output. introduced improvements on their products. Pambansang Seguridad in Filipino) plays an in a paradigm shift by introducing civilian control In 1992, President Fidel Ramos expanded
The very concept of just measuring the nation’s Even if we say that Chinese exports are based indispensable role. over the military, designating the President as the the Council’s membership to include additional
economy through its own GNP was, as some mostly on raw materials such as oil and natural It stands as the preeminent decision-making hub Commander-in-Chief, and positioning the President Secretaries and government officials.
would say, totally flawed. gas, just the same the value of export will increase for the President, carrying the weighty responsibility at the helm of the National Security Council as the However, in 2001, President Gloria Macapagal
It exactly allowed the US to have an unlimited based on the system of an added system of refining of addressing matters of paramount significance primary policy-making and advisory authority for Arroyo reverted the Council to its current
access to borrow from other countries by issuing the product, not to mention the increased valuation linked to national security and foreign policy. national defense. composition.
treasury notes which the US guarantees as payable of the currency. Within its ranks, senior national security advisors (Editor’s Note: Article II, Sec 8 of the 1973 The core mission of the NSC is to provide counsel
by its government. This explains why BRICS as a new international and Cabinet officials engage in exhaustive and Constitution, says “Civilian authority is at all and guidance to the President, forging alignment
As a result, the US today stands as the world’s organization has gained clamor for the change of comprehensive deliberations, marked by precision times supreme over the military.” And the 1935 among domestic, foreign, and military policies in the
biggest debtor. the US dollar as an international reserve currency. and care, as they navigate the intricate terrain of the Constitution also provides, under Section 3, Article realm of national security.
The irony is the US borrows from countries it Any decision by the members of the BRICS nation’s security concerns. I1: “Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over It stands as the central instrument for orchestrating
treated as unfriendly to it. to fix the value of their reserve currency to yuan, The NSC is divided into two integral components: the military. The Armed forces of the Philippines is and harmonizing these policies across government
US is heavily indebted to China, Japan and rubble, rupees, or rand or to refer back to precious the Council Proper, presided over by the President, the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to departments and agencies, fostering a cohesive and
Russia where it has imposed sanctions. metals as in gold would greatly eliminate the US and the National Security Council Secretariat, which secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity united approach to national security matters.
In fact, it has even banned Russia from SWIFT financial practice of “quantitative easing” or the offers essential technical support to the Council. The of the national territory.”) All told, the National Security Council occupies a
as when the US imposed trade embargo. printing of its money to ease inflation. Council Proper comprises distinguished officials In 1986, during the tenure of President Corazon pivotal and indispensable position in the Philippines.
This ambivalent posturing of the US, viz in Observing these basic rules in trade, it thus from both the Cabinet and Congress. Aquino, critical changes were instituted, which It functions as the guardian of the nation’s security
bolstering its own economy, has put instability to becomes difficult for the US to impose the rules Notably, the President holds the authority to included the establishment of the National Security interests, safeguarding them with unwavering
the US dollar. governing unfair trade competition without extend invitations to government representatives Council director and the Secretariat, enhancing the commitment and ensuring a meticulously coordinated
This explains why many countries, mostly tangible support of its demand. and private individuals, ensuring a well-rounded and NSC’s organizational structure and functionality. response to both domestic and international security
members of the BRICS, have been agitating For as long as China observes the rules of fair inclusive forum for tackling the complex tapestry of However, in the early 1990s, the NSC convened challenges.
to drop the dollar as the international reserve competition, it would be much difficult for the US national security matters. on a limited basis, holding only two meetings during In the next two columns, I will provide a critique
currency. to accuse China of violating the same. The roots of the National Security Council in that period, while the Department of National of the most recent iteration of our national security
This is a tectonic shift in geopolitics. In fact, ( the Philippines can be traced back to the Quirino Defense assumed primary responsibility for national policy.

Grisly case of missing friends haunts tormented Mexican city

LAGOS DE MORENO, Mexico—Bloody “Nobody deserves that,” said Ana Martinez, “Being young in Lagos and going out at night smell to look for human remains in an abandoned
handprints in an abandoned house offer a clue whose brother Jaime is among the missing. is like putting a gun in your mouth,” said one house.
to the fate of five young Mexicans believed to She remembers the 21-year-old as a student. He continued his search despite a halt called
have been tortured and murdered by drug cartel
hitmen, traumatizing their community.
football fanatic who gave up his dream of
being a professional player to earn a living in Authorities are The city, where criminals watch every corner,
has registered more than 400 missing persons
by authorities after an explosives attack on a
police patrol in July left six people dead in a
The childhood friends have joined more than
111,000 people missing across the country, where
“My brother was in the wrong place at the
still investigating the since 2009.
Many are believed to have ended up in
Guadalajara suburb.
Authorities said at the time that the patrol was
insecurity is expected to be a major topic in next wrong time,” she said. motives for the crime, clandestine graves and crematoria, or their responding to a report from a member of a group
year’s presidential election.
The five men, aged 19 to 22, are presumed
Cartel turf war
In the house where the murders are believed but residents of Lagos remains dissolved in acid.
The police “are conspicuous by their absence,”
searching for missing relatives.
In Lagos de Moreno, the five friends’
to have been killed -- but with no proof, their
families are unable to mourn.
to have taken place, graffiti on the walls reads:
“Welcome MZ.”
de Moreno have their complained a local union leader who did not want
to be named, reporting a sharp drop in business.
disappearance has reopened old wounds.
Ana Teresa Hernandez’s 19-year-old
“We still hope that the body will be returned to It is an apparent reference to Ismael “Mayo” own theories Search for bodies son Angel was murdered in 2013, his body
us for a Christian burial,” said Armando Olmeda, Zambada, one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Jalisco has the most missing persons among disintegrated in acid.
father of Roberto Carlos. Cartel, which is at war with the rival Jalisco New Mexico’s 32 states—around 15,000 since 1962. She cannot sleep thinking about the pain of the
The 20-year-old engineering student and Generation gang. Most disappearances happened after the latest victims, which reminds her of Angel.
boxing fan had planned to leave his home town of Authorities are still investigating the motives Jalisco security official Ricardo Sanchez told launch of a controversial military anti-drug Only one of his bones was returned to her,
Lagos de Moreno, in the western state of Jalisco, for the crime, but residents of Lagos de Moreno AFP. offensive in 2006. which she gave up anyway to be used as DNA
and move to Canada. have their own theories. Near the scene of the tragedy, a brickyard Since then, the country’s murder rate has evidence.
Murders and kidnappings are common in They include forcible gang recruitment and remains cordoned off after the prosecutor’s office tripled to 25 per 100,000 inhabitants. “It’s a wound that pains me every hour,” she
Mexico, but the five friends’ abduction on August a show of force by the drug traffickers, said found bones there on August 21. In June, authorities reported finding at least said.
11 while socializing at a viewpoint shocked the Mauricio Jimenez, a priest in the city of 112,000 Experts are investigating whether they are 45 bags containing human remains in a ravine The father of Roberto Carlos, named after
country. people. remains of the missing men. in Zapopan, a suburb of Jalisco’s capital city the Brazilian footballer, hopes that his healing
The reaction was due in large part to grisly Young Mexicans are the “soldiers” of the The case has stunned young people in Lagos Guadalajara. process will begin when his son is found.
leaked images showing the men kneeling and cartels, which use lies to recruit them, he said. de Moreno, home to a thriving dairy industry and Relatives in the state continue searching for Meanwhile, he plans to keep working to take
gagged with their hands tied. After the friends went missing, authorities charming colonial buildings and flower-filled their missing loved ones using picks and shovels. his mind off the devastating loss.
One clip appeared to show a friend attacking detained 85 people on suspicion of involvement parks honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Jose Servin, who has been looking for his “We need to continue living and alleviating
another, presumably forced by their captors. in crimes such as the disappearance of persons, Site. son Raul since 2018, uses a rod and his sense of the pain,” he said. AFP

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Hong Kong flooded
by heaviest rainfall
in nearly 140 years
ONG KONG – Hong Kong was flooded by the

H heaviest rainfall in nearly 140 years on Friday,

leaving the city’s streets and some subway stations
under water and forcing its schools to close.
Just across the border, authorities in Secretary Eric Chan described the deluge
China’s tech hub Shenzhen recorded as “a once-in-a-century heavy rainstorm,”
the heaviest rains since records began adding that extreme conditions would con-
in 1952. tinue until midnight local time.
Climate change has increased the in- “It’s like putting four bathtubs of wa-
tensity of tropical storms, experts say, ter into one bathtub... it will spill,” Chan
with more rain and stronger gusts lead- said, when asked if the government had
ing to flash floods and coastal damage. done enough to prevent flooding.
The heavy rainfall in Hong Kong The Hong Kong Observatory said HEAVIEST IN 140 YEARS. A man takes a photo of a flooded road in Hong Kong on Friday. Record rainfall in the city caused
started on Thursday and in the hour it recorded more than 600 millimeters widespread flooding in the early hours, disrupting road and rail traffic just days after the city dodged major damage from a super
leading up to midnight, the city’s weath- of rainfall at its headquarters over 24 typhoon. AFP
er observatory recorded hourly rainfall hours—roughly a quarter of the city’s

Cyclone-hit Brazil braces for new storms

of 158.1 millimeters at its headquarters, average annual rainfall.
the highest since records began in 1884. On Friday afternoon, the Hospital
“It’s absolutely shocking,” said Authority said at least 110 were hospi-
Jacky, 52, who lives in the Wong Tai talized due to injuries, with four in seri-
Sin district with his elderly parents. “I ous condition. ROCA Sales, Brazil – Brazil is bracing merged whole neighborhoods in Rio “This was no flood, it was a tsunami,
don’t remember floods ever being this Earlier in the day, taxis struggled for new storms just days after a devas- Grande do Sol, forcing many people to a cyclone, which passed through here
bad in our district.” through flooded roads as commuters tating cyclone killed at least 41 people climb onto roofs while awaiting rescue. and took everything. There is nothing
“The bottom floor of the mall is com- attempted to make their way to work, in the country’s south, officials said More than 10,500 people were forced left,” said the 75-year-old.
pletely flooded, the water level is higher with some cars stranded in the deluge. Thursday (Friday in Manila). to leave their homes in 83 municipali- Brazil is not used to cyclones, but it is
than the storefronts... it’s turned our day “It felt like the whole neighborhood Twenty-five people remain missing af- ties hit by the cyclone. becoming “more and more frequent” for
into chaos,” he added. was isolated by the floodwater. One of the ter an extratropical cyclone this week hit Almost a thousand rescuers and a them to make landfall in the country, ac-
Authorities issued flash flood warn- underground car parks is totally underwa- the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which is dozen helicopters were involved in cording to Francis Lacerda, a researcher
ings, with emergency services conducting ter,” Olivia Lam, who lives on the eastern also the target of the new weather system. rescue efforts that continued Thursday, at the Pernambuco State Agronomy In-
rescue operations in parts of the territory. side of Hong Kong Island, told AFP. An estimated 9.5 million of Brazil’s complicated by the destruction of two stitute’s Climate Change Laboratory.
“Residents living in close proximity “The water was almost waist-deep 203 million people live in areas at high bridges and 16 roads fully or partially Unchecked urbanization and irregular
to rivers should stay alert to weather outside my building, and that’s not the risk of flooding or landslides. blocked, officials said. housing built on hillsides are also mak-
conditions and should consider evacu- worst (case) in the neighborhood.” Late Thursday, “a cold front will ad- In the hard-hit town of Roca Sales, ing weather disasters deadlier in Brazil,
ation” if their homes are flooded, the An AFP reporter saw boulders and mud vance along the border with Uruguay residents with picks and shovels were experts say.
observatory said. from a landslide block off a two-lane road and will reinforce instabilities in the trying to recover whatever possessions In June, another cyclone left 13 dead
It also warned of potential landslips, in the Shau Kei Wan district. southern regions of the state, expand- they could from destroyed homes. in Rio Grande do Sul and forced thou-
telling motorists to “keep away from “It’s a bit of a painful experience,” ing to northern areas between Thursday “Everything fell apart. I never saw sands of people from their homes.
steep slopes or retaining walls”. Eli, a stranded commuter, told AFP, night and early Friday,” according to a anything like it here. It was crazy,” resi- And in February, 65 people died in
Hong Kong’s stock exchange can- adding that he had “no chance” of mak- CYAN
warning from theMAGENTA YELLOW
state government, cit- BLACK
dent Nelson Noll told AFP, pointing to landslides caused by record flooding in
celed all trading sessions on Friday. ing it to his destination on the south side ing a meteorologist. a now-empty space where three houses the southeastern resort town of Sao Sebas-
At a press conference, Hong Kong Chief of Hong Kong Island.AFP Flooding from the earlier storm sub- previously stood. tiao, on the coast of Sao Paulo state. AFP

China premier
Notice is hereby given
This picture taken the other

meets Widodo,
that the estate of the late day and released by North
Jacqueline Cañizares
Salayo who passed away on Korea’s official Korean Central
March 13, 2022 in Quezon News Agency Friday shows

vows deeper ties

City, Philippines has been
extrajudicially settled to Cesar the unveiling ceremony of the
Rupert Cañzares Salayo. The
deceased left a condominium
new submarine No. 841, named
unit at 9A Embassy Terrace the Hero Kim Kun Ok, at an
Homes, Brgy Pasong Tamo
Quezon City and among undisclosed location in North
JAKARTA—Chinese Premier Li
others, before Notary Public Korea—as part of its effort
Atty Rosalinda Adriano
to strengthen its naval force, Qiang met Indonesia’s president for
Montenegro as per Doc no.
171, page no. 35, book no. 1,
the state news agency KCNA talks Friday, agreeing to boost coop-
series of 2023.
(MS-SEPT. 2/9/16, 2023) reported. AFP eration and trade including expanding
imports from Southeast Asia’s big-
gest economy, Chinese state media
Li met with Joko Widodo in the In-
donesian capital Jakarta after leaders’
summits this week with the 10-mem-
ber Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) bloc which was
snubbed by President Xi Jinping.
The Chinese premier said Beijing
would deepen practical cooperation

North Korea launches new ‘tactical nuke attack submarine’ and strategic mutual trust with Jakarta
including expanding imports of bulk
commodities, and agricultural and
SEOUL—North Korea has launched val force of the DPRK”, KCNA said, ty of underwater and surface forces”,
its first “tactical nuclear attack subma- referring to the abbreviation of North KCNA said. fishery products, Xinhua state news
rine” as part of its effort to strengthen Korea’s formal name. North Korea has conducted a record agency reported.
its naval force, state media said Friday. Kim said the sub “will perform its number of weapons tests this year, and He told Widodo that Beijing would
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un combat mission as one of core under- last month failed in its second attempt work with Jakarta on several new
presided over the unveiling ceremony water offensive means of the naval to put a spy satellite into orbit. joint flagship projects of its Belt and
on Wednesday, saying the sub was part force of the DPRK”, the agency added. Seoul and Washington have ramped Road Initiative that would push rela-
of a “push forward with the nuclear North Korea will turn its existing up defense cooperation in response, tions to a new level, Xinhua reported.
weaponization of the Navy,, according submarines into attack vessels equipped staging joint military exercises with ad- He also said China was ready to
to state news agency KCNA. with nuclear weapons, Kim said. vanced stealth jets and US strategic as- work with Indonesia to prepare for
Images in state media showed Kim, On Thursday, KCNA said Kim in- sets, and holding naval drills with Japan. the operation of a high-speed railway
wearing a light suit and sun hat, speak- spected the submarine as it prepared According to the Nuclear Threat Ini- funded by Beijing that is set to open
ing to white-uniformed sailors next to for a test cruise, and entered it “to ac- tiative, a US-based think tank, North later this year after delays, running
the submarine, whose bow was deco- quaint himself with its weapon system Korea is estimated to have between 64 from capital Jakarta to the Javan city
rated with the North Korean flag. and underwater operation capability”. and 86 submarines, one of the world’s of Bandung.
The launch of submarine No. During the launch ceremony, which largest fleets. Li trialled the train with senior In-
841—named the Hero Kim Kun involved confetti and balloons, Kim However, experts doubt if all of donesian minister Luhut Pandjaitan
Ok—“heralded the beginning of a stressed “the strategic and tactical plan them are operational given their age, earlier in the week before its official
new chapter for bolstering up the na- to continuously enhance the moderni- according to NTI. AFP opening in October. AFP

Biden’s Vietnam trip aimed at reining in China

HANOI, Vietnam—President Joe shared legacy of the Vietnam War,”
Biden arrives in Vietnam on Sunday National Security Advisor Jake Sul-
on a mission to bolster US influence, livan told a briefing this week.
but the heavy emphasis on counter- “This visit is a remarkable step in
ing rival China will likely confine hu- the strengthening of our diplomatic
man rights concerns to the margins. ties, and it reflects the leading role
Biden will become the latest in that Vietnam will play in our growing
an unbroken line of US presidents network of partnerships in the Indo-
since Bill Clinton in 2000 to visit the Pacific as we look to the future,” he
Southeast Asian former foe. said, using another term for the Asia-
The trip also includes a poignant visit Pacific region.
by Biden to the memorial to his friend On Sunday in Hanoi, the 80-year-
John McCain, the former US senator old US president will meet the lead-
shot down and held captive during the er of Vietnam’s ruling Communist
Vietnam War who in later years helped Party, Nguyen Phu Trong, the White
rebuild ties between the two countries. House said.
The underlying goal will be much There will be a welcome ceremo-
the same as during Biden’s time at ny, speeches by the two leaders and a
the G20 summit in New Delhi this press conference by the US president
week—to shore up support against —who on Tuesday awarded the top
China’s growing influence. US military honor to a helicopter pi- POIGNANT MEMORY. A woman cycles Friday past a sculpture depicting the capture of
“For decades, the US and Vietnam lot who rescued four soldiers during the late US Navy pilot and politician John McCain, when his fighter jet was shot down
have worked to overcome a painful the Vietnam War. AFP in 1967 during the Vietnam War, next to Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi. AFP

US interest rates PSEi September 8, 2023

in ‘good place’ TOP GAINERS
but more hikes LAST
may be needed 1 IPO 6.9 1.09 18.76%
2 LODE 0.55 0.075 15.79%
WASHINGTON, United States—
High US interest rates are doing 3 NRCP 0.45 0.055 13.92%
their job in the fight against inflation, 4 ROX 0.74 0.09 13.85%
but more hikes may yet be needed,
senior US Federal Reserve officials 5 T 0.57 0.05 9.62%
said Thursday.
The comments from three regional 6 LSC 0.59 0.05 9.26%
Fed presidents with a vote on setting 7 LCB 0.091 0.006 7.06%
interest rates will likely solidify
expectations that the US central 8 WPI 0.385 0.025 6.94%
bank intends to hold rates steady
later this month amid growing signs 9 MPI 5.16 0.31 6.39%
of weaker labor market conditions.
The Fed has raised its benchmark
10 APL 0.017 0.001 6.25%
lending rate 11 times over the past
CHILI FACTORY. In this photo taken on September 7, 2023, workers load chili peppers into baskets in a chili drying factory in
18 months to a level not seen for 22
years as it grapples with inflation Bijie city, in China’s southwest Guizhou Province. AFP
still stubbornly above its long-run

Stocks climb after release

target of two percent. LAST %
After rapidly raising interest rates PRICE CHANGE CHANGE
last year, the Fed slowed down the
pace of its hikes over the summer, 1 ECP 2.72 -0.47 -14.73%

of PH unemployment data
holding rates steady in June and
then raising them by just 25 basis 2 FPI 0.2 -0.03 -13.04%
points in July. 3 ABSP 3.08 -0.3 -8.88%
Traders currently put the chances
of a September pause at more than 4 MACAY 5.56 -0.45 -7.49%
90 percent, according to data from
CME Group. 5 IPM 4.5 -0.3 -6.25%
Skip ‘could be appropriate’ By Jenniffer B. Austria the Philippines and South Korea, which meeting on September 20.
6 WEB 1.74 -0.11 -5.95%
“Another skip could be could boost investments, employment and Markets largely expect data-driven
US officials to keep rates on hold at a 7 ANI 3.2 -0.16 -4.76%

appropriate when we meet later this OCAL stocks overall economic growth.
month,” Dallas Fed President Lorie Meanwhile, Asian markets sank again two-decade high, having seen inflation
Logan told a conference in Dallas returned to positive Friday after another report pointing come down in response to more than a 8 PSE 162 -8 -4.71%
on Thursday, according to prepared territory Friday after to a resilient US jobs market added to year of hikes and signs of a softening
9 PNX3B 22.8 -1.05 -4.40%
remarks. the misery for investors who fear the labor market.
the government reported Federal Reserve is not finished with its
“But skipping does not imply However, the latest set of strong 10 CTS 0.75 -0.03 -3.85%
stopping,” she continued, adding improved employment data. campaign of monetary tightening. readings -- including on the services

that “further evaluation of the data The losses extended a sell-off sector and jobs -- and a surge in oil
and outlook could confirm that The benchmark Philippine Stock endured for most of the week as various prices have sparked fears the Fed will
we need to do more to extinguish Exchange index climbed 39.87 points, indicators suggested the world’s top announce one more hike before the end
inflation.” or 0.64 percent, to close at 6,222.94, economy was in rude health and the of the year or keep borrowing costs
The Fed should keep the “water while the broader all-shares index rose battle against inflation was still far elevated for an extended period, risking
bucket” of future interest rate 13.24 points to settle at 3,360.23. from won, while Chinese data showed a recession. 1 BDO 3,170,620 419,546,971
hikes close at hand in case inflation Philstocks Financial Inc. research continued weakness. Those worries were compounded
returns, and “must not hesitate to engagement officer Claire Alviar It followed a tough day on Wall Thursday by news that jobs claims came 2 GTCAP 534,820 312,757,220
use it as necessary,” she said. said investors welcomed reports that Street, which was also hit by a sharp in below forecasts last week.
Logan’s support for a possible employment rate in July remained strong drop in Apple fueled by concerns about “The higher-for-longer interest rate 3 BPI 1,795,030 190,652,665
September pause echoes comments at 95.2 percent, while unemployment China’s decision to ban government narrative and the inevitable lag effect 4 ALI 6,789,500 190,056,230
from Fed Governor Christopher rate eased to 4.8 percent in July from departments from using iPhones. of monetary policy create uncertainty
Waller earlier this week in which 5.2 percent a year ago. Traders are now gearing up for around the Federal Reserve’s ability to 5 SMPH 6,211,300 186,141,460
he suggested that data showing a RCBC chief economist Michael policy decisions by major central banks steer its monetary policies precisely,”
weakening jobs market meant the Ricafort said investors also cheered the towards the end of the month, with the said Stephen Innes at SPI Asset 6 SM 222,260 183,215,735
Fed should “proceed carefully.”AFP signing of free trade agreement between Fed concluding a much-anticipated Management. With AFP 7 JFC 680,730 158,178,976
8 AEV 3,172,800 153,455,580
Climate change pushes Bordeaux winemakers to harvest at night 9
MARCILLAC, France—In France’s
southern Bordeaux region, the grape

US ‘carefully’
A worker drives a
harvest is often now done at night to tractor during a
ensure the peak freshness required to grape harvesting

monitoring China
obtain the best wine but this is also a before sunrise at
response to climate change. the Tutiac vineyards
With the country sweltering in a in Val-de-Livenne,

economy amid
late heatwave, it is 20 degrees Celsius southwestern France,
(68 degrees Fahrenheit) at five in the on September 6,
morning as a harvester crawls along 2023. Better for the

growth concerns
mechanics, better
a row of vines, powerful headlights
for the picker...
helping guide its way through the and better for the
darkness. rosé: the harvest
“Harvesting at night is done for the is carried out at NEW DELHI, India—The United
quality of the grapes, their freshness night to preserve States is “carefully” monitoring
and taste,” said the driver, Loic the freshness of the
grapes, a practice
China’s challenges, US Treasury
Malherbe, who has been at it for three Secretary Janet Yellen said Friday, as
hours already. that is becoming
more widespread the slowdown in the world’s second
“It isn’t bad, it’s just life at a different largest economy raises concerns for
rhythm... It’s better for the equipment in the face of global
warming. AFP global growth.
and for people.” Many are worried about the Asian
It is already a common practice in giant’s struggles, with the threat of
several winemaking countries with recession in Europe and high inflation
hot summers but one that is likely to in many major economies contributing
become even more common as climate to a plunge in demand for Chinese
change accelerates. for the reds as well,” said Heraud, who vins de France, being placed fourth the Bordeaux region according to Van goods.
Harvesting at night can also help also heads the cooperative Vignerons de among roses from the Provence region Leeuwen. “China faces a variety of both short
financially strapped growers save Tutiac. which traditionally take top marks in the “For whites and roses, one can and longer term global challenges,
money, according to Kees Van “If we harvested at night, we’d have category. imagine that it will become common economic challenges that we’ve been
Leeuwen, a professor of viniculture at wine that is more oxidised, which in Earlier harvests practice,” said the specialist. monitoring carefully,” Yellen told
Bordeaux Sciences Agro university. terms of taste is not nearly as nice.” That night, growers were expected Nor did he exclude that it might one reporters in New Delhi, ahead of a
It means they can skip refrigerating Heraud climbs up onto his tractor and to dump some 500 tonnes of grapes day concern grapes for red wine, which two-day G20 summit.
grapes while they are being hauled to spreads dry ice (-80C, -112F) onto the into the various stainless-steel tanks at account for 85 percent of Bordeaux’s “That said, China has quite a bit
be pressed, he explained. grapes. the wine press, enough to make half a production. of policy space to address these
“If harvesting is done at night the This not only helps keep the grapes million bottles of wine. Rising temperatures make grapes challenges,” she added.
temperature of the grapes is lower, cool but reduces the oxygen level in Tutiac’s chief oenologist Paul Oui mature faster and push the harvest China’s President Xi Jinping will
especially compared to the very hot the bins as he drives to the cooperative, said consumers like roses that are light sooner and into warmer periods, and miss the leaders’ meeting at a time
days we’ve had this week,” he said. which is the largest in one of France’s colored and clear. Heraud confirmed that harvests were of heightened trade and geopolitical
Dry ice protected designation regions with 500 To achieve that “you have to limit indeed happening sooner and sooner. tensions with the United States and
The harvester dumps the merlot growers. the transfer of the color from the skin “I remember when I was small India, with which it shares a long and
grapes into bins which the vineyard’s Tutiac has specialized in roses and to the juice and the earlier and cooler watching my parents harvesting in disputed border.
owner Stephane Heraud hitches to his accounts for nearly a third of the total we harvest the more we can limit the November,” he said. China’s challenges included “less of
tractor to haul to the cooperative. produced in the Bordeaux region. transfer”, he said. “Last year, we were finished on a pick up in consumer spending that
“It’s been 15 years that we’ve Its pesticide-free rose caused a stir Night harvesting is already common September 30...,” he added. had been anticipated in the aftermath
harvested the whites and the roses at at a blind tasting conducted by the in Australia and California due to the “Anyone who says climate change isn’t of the Covid restrictions, as well as
night, and maybe one day we’ll do that French wine magazine La Revue des heat, and the practice is spreading in real isn’t a Bordeaux winemaker.” AFP long standing issues with respect to
the property sector and... debt related

Global rice prices hit 15-year high in August after India curbs—FAO report
to that”, she said.
G20 host India overtook its northern
neighbor as the world’s most populous
PARIS, France—Global rice prices reached a 15-year UN agency said. global rice shipments. country earlier this year, and Yellen
high in August after top exporter India banned some Rice is a major world food staple and prices on The ban was expected to hit African nations, added that China’s “labor force is
overseas sales of the grain, the Food and Agriculture international markets have soared in the wake of the Turkey, Syria and Pakistan, all of which were beginning to shrink”.
Organization said Friday. Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the impact already struggling with high inflation, data analytics Xi’s absence will impact
While global food prices eased in August, those of the El Nino weather phenomenon on production firm Gro Intelligence warned in a note in July. Washington’s bid to keep the G20
of rice rose 9.8 percent compared to the previous levels. The Philippines, one of the world’s top importers the main forum of global economic
month, “reflecting trade disruptions in the aftermath India announced in July a ban on exports of non- of rice, reached a five-year agreement with Vietnam cooperation and its efforts towards
of a ban on Indica white rice exports by India”, the basmati white rice, which account for around a on Thursday to buy rice. a financing push for developing
FAO said in a monthly report. quarter of its total. World rice stocks are forecast to reach an all-time countries.
“Uncertainty about the ban’s duration and concerns The consumer affairs and food ministry said high of 198.1 million tons, with India and China That includes a plan to increase World
over export restrictions caused supply-chain actors at the time that the move would “ensure adequate holding nearly three quarter of this volume like in Bank and International Monetary Fund
to hold on to stocks, re-negotiate contracts or stop availability” and “allay the rise in prices in the previous seasons, according to the FAO. lending power for emerging nations by
making price offers, thereby limiting most trade to domestic market.” This total represents around 38 percent of rice some $200 billion as a better alternative
to Beijing’s “coercive” Belt and Road
small volumes and previously concluded sales,” the India accounts for more than 40 percent of all consumption forecast over the same period. AFP
Initiative. AFP
Roderick T. dela Cruz, Editor
Alena Mae S. Flores, Assistant Editor

Gov’t debt rises to all-time high of P14.2t

By Julito G. Rada economic conditions continue to recov- down by P13.10 billion or 0.3 percent raised borrowing costs of the govern-
er from the impact of health and geopo- from the previous month. “For July, the ment, weaker peso exchange rate vs. the
litical events,” it said. US [dollar] in recent years that raised
HE national government debt climbed to a record reduced debt was due to the effect of

T P14.24 trillion as of end-July 2023 from the

previous month’s P14.15 trillion on increased
public borrowing to finance the budget deficit, the Bureau
Domestic debt amounted to P9.81
trillion, P109.54 billion or 1.1 percent
higher than the end-June 2023 level.
“The increment in the domestic port-
folio was attributed to the P110.39 net
peso appreciation against the US dollar
amounting to P42.87 billion. This more
than offset the P9.97 billion net impact
of third-currency fluctuations against
the US dollar and P19.81 billion net
the peso equivalent of the government’s
foreign debts and continued increase in
infrastructure spending.”
“Tax and fiscal reform measures
would help narrow the country’s bud-
of the Treasury said Friday. issuance of government bonds driven availment of foreign loans,” it said. get deficit and also curb the increment
by the government’s financing require- Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. in the outstanding national debt, going
“The NG’s [national government’s] It said of the total debt stock, 31.1 per- ments, offsetting the P0.85 billion effect chief economist Michael Ricafort said forward,” he said.
total debt stock increased by P96.44 bil- cent was sourced externally, while 68.9 of local currency appreciation against the new record-high outstanding nation- Ricafort said the government’s debt in
lion or 0.7 percent month-over-month, percent represented domestic borrowings. the US dollar on onshore foreign cur- al government debt could be attributed peso terms could still rise in the com-
primarily due to the net issuance of do- “Debt as a percentage of GDP im- rency-denominated securities,” the to “wider budget deficit amid higher ing months in view of the upcoming US
mestic securities,” the Treasury said in proved to 61.0 percent as of end-June Treasury said. inflation that also bloated government dollar-denominated retail bond issuance
a statement. 2023 from 62.1 percent a year ago as External debt reached P4.43 trillion, expenditures, higher interest rates that in the third quarter this year.

IN BRIEF MPIC extends tender

Metrobank named best offer period, pursues
domestic lender again
METROPOLITAN Bank and Trust Company was
recognized for the second time as the country’s
voluntary delisting
best domestic bank for its strong financial perfor-
mance and financial education efforts at the 2023
By Jenniffer B. Austria
Asiamoney Best Bank Awards.
This is the second time that Metrobank re- INFRASTRUCTURE conglomerate
ceived the award from the international finance Metro Pacific Investments Corp. said
magazine, after 2021 at the height of the pandem-
ic. The publication said Metrobank’s exceptional Friday it expects to proceed with volun-
performance versus competitors, success in grow- tary delisting from the Philippine Stock
ing its market share and remarkable strategy to Exchange after securing more than 18
cope with difficult or changing market conditions
earned the bank the title.
percent of outstanding shares held by
Metrobank, amid the reopening of the econ- minority investors in its tender offer.
omy in 2022, committed to enabling Filipinos – The consortium conducting the ten-
both individuals and businesses to take advantage der offer to take the company private
of the gradual economic recovery. This fueled the
bank’s performance across the board. reported that 5.36 billion MPIC shares
“The previous fiscal year posed many chal- held by minority were tendered as of
lenges for banks and other financial institutions Sept 7.
as the world’s economies were not yet fully re-
covered from the pandemic. Despite this hurdle, This was equivalent to 18.7 percent
Metrobank still posted an all-time high profit of of MPIC’s total issued and outstand-
P32.8 billion in 2022, a significant 47.9-percent ing listed shares. Together with the
growth from its P22.2 billion income in 2021. The
bank also saw gains across the board with rising
excluded shares and the non-public
loans, increased profit margins, substantial fee in- shares, they totaled 96.87 percent of
come levels, well-controlled operating expenses, MPIC’s total issued and outstanding
lowered provisions and stable asset quality,” said RICE ON WHEELS. The Department of Trade and Industry, in coordination with Bulacan rice millers and traders, are rolling listed shares.
Asiamoney. out the ‘Rice on Wheels Program for Retailers’ to ensure the availability of affordable regular and well-milled rice to the general public. MPIC said that once the tendered
Through this caravan, the DTI targets to supply retailers in the public market with affordable rice stock. Before the roll-out in different
DBP bags five awards public markets on Sept. 11, 2023, the DTI launches the program in Quezon City on Friday, with a simultaneous dry-run in public
shares were accepted and crossed,
its public float would fall below the
markets in Makati, Parañaque and Manila.
for investment deals 10-percent required threshold, which
STATE-OWNED Development Bank of the Phil-

Citicore signs $100-m funding facility for solar projects

ippines won five awards from an association of
would pave the way for the company’s
investment houses for its contributions in advanc- voluntary delisting.
ing the development of capital markets, a top ex- MPIC also said it would extend
ecutive said Friday. the tender offer period until Sept. 19
DBP president and chief executive Michael By Alena Mae S. Flores tional and the 125-MW Lumbangan and roadmap. We appreciate Pentagreen’s
de Jesus said the Investment House Association the 72-MW Luntal projects in Batangas support for our solar projects as it unlocks to give other minority investors who
of the Philippines cited the bank for its support CITICORE Renewable Energy Corp. said which are under construction. the development of our renewable energy missed the Sept. 7 deadline more time
to various public-private sector undertakings that
promoted innovation in the areas of infrastruc- Friday it signed a $100-million financing It also includes the Bolbok 1 and Bol- capacity pipeline in an accelerated man- to make a decision.
ture, agriculture and tourism. deal for solar development vehicle Citi- bok 2 projects with a capacity of 72 MW ner,” said CREC president Oliver Tan. The new crossing and settlement dates
“We are grateful to IHAP for recognizing core Solar Energy Corp. with Pentagreen and 100 MW, respectively which are ex- The initial tranche will provide fund- are Sept. 26 and Sept. 28, respectively.
DBP’s critical role as an essential developer and
driver of the Philippine capital markets,” de Jesus
Capital, a sustainable infrastructure debt pected to begin construction in the fourth ing for the construction of four green- The consortium, consisting of Metro
said. “We are committed to formulating new and financing partnership established by quarter. field projects and two more that were Pacific Holdings Inc., GT Capital, Mit-
innovative ways to support investment transac- shareholders HSBC and Temasek. The financing will enable Citicore recently completed. Pacific Infrastructure Holdings Inc.
tions that will boost critical sectors such as infra- CREC said the landmark funding fa- Solar to allocate capital efficiently to These projects are expected to add and MIG Holdings, offered to acquire
structure, agriculture, and tourism.” all MPIC shares held by the minority
DBP is the eighth largest bank in the country cility structured by Pentagreen is a mez- accelerate the development of its proj- around 691 gigawatt-hours of renew-
in terms of assets and provides strategic financing zanine construction green loan facility ect pipeline in line with the planned roll able electricity supply to the Luzon grid investors at P5.20 per share.
support to critical economic sectors such as infra- with an initial tranche commitment of out of 1 gigawatt of renewable energy annually and result in avoided green- MPIC is a leading infrastructure
structure and logistics, micro, small and medium
$30 million for a portfolio of six solar capacity per year in the next five years. house gas emissions of 430,000 tons of holding company with 47.5-percent
enterprises, social services, and the environment.
IHAP is a non-stock, non-profit organization power projects with capacity of 490 “Pentagreen’s partnership with Citicore carbon dioxide annually, in line with the stake in Manila Electric Co. and con-
established in 1974 to raise public awareness on megawatts across Luzon. Renewables is a vote of confidence in our methodology established by the Interna- trolling shares in Metro Pacific Toll-
the investment houses in the country and their The solar projects includes the 36- ability to scale up, enabling us to achieve tional Financial Institutions Technical ways Corp. and Maynilad Water Ser-
contribution in the growth of Philippine busi-
nesses and the economy through the development MW Arayat 1 and 22-MW Arayat 2 in our planned 1GW project roll out this Working Group on Greenhouse Gas Ac- vices Inc.
of the capital markets. Pampanga which are already opera- year, in line with our 5GW in five years counting.

Meralco’s Giga Summit

invites nuclear power experts
MERALCO Power Academy is bringing together
more than 30 local and international power indus-
Friday, September 8, 2023
39.87 PTS. TOTAL VOLUME 445,340,455 DICT contract for
try experts for the first Giga Summit on Sustain-
free Wi-Fi project
TOTAL VALUE (IN PHP) 3,845,485,534.80
able Energy, Energy Efficiency and Future Grid ADVANCES 91
that will take place from Sept. 11 to 13 at The
Fifth at Rockwell in Makati City. The summit
6,222.94 DECLINES

aims to foster knowledge exchange among indus- By Darwin G. Amojelar

try leaders, policymakers and experts from across F oreign e xchange r ate
the globe and become a platform for exchanging Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2023
CONVERGE ICT Solutions Inc. said
insights, shaping power and energy trends and Currency Unit US Dollar Peso
sharing best practices. United States Dollar 1.000000 56.8490
Friday it secured a contract with the
The sustainable energy discussions on the first Japan Yen 0.006790 0.3860 Department of Information and Com-
day will revolve around accelerating the transition
towards cleaner and more progressive sources of
UK Pound 1.247400 70.9134 munications Technology to deploy
energy that benefit both people and the planet. Hong Kong Dollar 0.127569 7.2522 free Wi-Fi in the towns of Ilocos
This will feature nuclear power experts includ- Switzerland Franc 1.120574 63.7035 Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union.
ing Canada-based Filipino nuclear scientist Dr.
Francisco Dimayuga of Atomic Energy of Canada
Canada Dollar 0.730941 41.5533
The DICT said that in line with
Singapore Dollar 0.732332 41.6323
Limited, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp. executive vice Australia Dollar 0.637700 36.2526
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s
president Roland Backhaus, University of Cali-
Bahrain Dinar 2.652872 150.8131 promise to provide digital connec-
fornia Berkeley director of international partner-
ships for College of Engineering Dr. Matthew Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266617 15.1569 tivity across the country, it awarded
Sherburne and University of Illinois Urbana- Brunei Dollar 0.729661 41.4805 Converge the contract to supply free
Champaign director of Illinois Microreactor R&D Indonesia Rupiah 0.000065 0.0037 Wi-Fi connectivity to 36 municipal
Center Dr. Caleb Brooks.
“Giga Summit will serve as an avenue to spark
Thailand Baht 0.028066 1.5955
sites in the Ilocos provinces and four
UAE Dirham 0.272301 15.4800
relevant discussions on the role of next genera- Citicore Renewable Energy Corp., a Philippines-based integrated renewable municipal sites in La Union.
Euro Euro 1.070000 60.8284
tion technologies in our transition towards stable energy platform, signs a landmark financing deal for solar development vehicle The DICT said it was working
Korea Won 0.000750 0.0426
and sustainable energy supply. With the growing Citicore Solar Energy Corp. with Pentagreen Capital, a sustainable infrastructure
interest on nuclear power, our invited experts will debt financing partnership established by shareholders HSBC and Temasek. The China Yuan 0.136431 7.7560 tirelessly to guarantee that every
shed light on the opportunities and exciting de- $100-million mezzanine construction green loan facility, with an initial tranche India Rupee 0.012026 0.6837 Filipino in every barangay in the
velopments in the area of small and micro modu- Malaysia Ringgit 0.213812 12.1550 nation would have access to afford-
lar reactors and share experiential learnings that commitment of $30 million, will finance a portfolio of six solar power projects
will be relevant as we put forward plans to utilize with capacity of 490 megawatts across Luzon. Leading the financing deal are New Zealand Dollar 0.587500 33.3988
able, fast and reliable Internet con-
Taiwan Dollar 0.031272 1.7778
these technologies,” said Meralco executive vice Pentagreen Capital chief executive Marat Zapparov (left) and CREC chairman Edgar nectivity. The department activated
Source: BSP
president and chief operating officer and MPA Saavedra. over 4,000 free Wi-Fi stations in 17
vice chairman Ronnie Aperocho.
regions, 75 provinces and the Na-

AEV gets SEC nod to sell P17.45-b bonds to partly support Coca-Cola acquisition
tional Capital Region under the Free
WiFi for All Program.
“We are very thankful to Converge
By Jenniffer B. Austria The bonds will have a base offer Capital Corp., China Bank Capi- AEV’s diversification strategy. for their support and commitment to
our Free Wi-Fi for All Project: Provi-
of P11 billion and an oversubscrip- tal Corp., First Metro Investment AEV has investments in power
sion of Internet Connectivity Services
ABOITIZ Equity Ventures Inc. said tion option for another P6.45 billion. Corp., SB Capital Investment generation, infrastructure, property in Municipalities,” said DICT region-
Friday it obtained the Securities and The offer period commenced on Corp. and Union Bank of the Phil- development, financial services and al office 1 director Reynaldo Sy.
Exchange Commission’s approval Sept. 7, 2023 and will end on Sept ippines as the joint bookrunners agribusiness. “This partnership will enable us to
to issue up to P17.45 billion worth 13, 2023. and joint lead underwriters for the The conglomerate earmarked P78 provide fast and reliable internet con-
of fixed-rate bonds that will partly AEV said it would use the net pro- offering. billion for 2023 capital expendi- nectivity to all local government units
finance the acquisition of Coca-Cola ceeds from the fund-raising activity AEV intends to list the bonds with tures, up 10 percent from P70 billion in the provinces of Ilocos Sur, La Union
Beverages Philippines Inc. to pay maturing debt and partially the Philippine Dealing & Exchange it spent in 2022 primarily to invest in and Ilocos Norte Second District. We
AEV said it would issue the bonds finance the acquisition of Coca-Cola Corp. more renewable energy projects and believe that this project will help us
bridge the digital divide and empower
as second and final tranche from the Beverages Philippines. AEV reported in August it teamed support the expansion of new busi-
our citizens to stay connected, access
company’s P30-billion bond shelf The company appointed BDO up with Coca-Cola Europacific Part- nesses. vital information, and participate in the
registration program approved by Capital & Investment Corp., First ners Plc. to acquire CCBPI for $1.8 The share price of AEV advanced digital economy,” he said.
the SEC in 2022. Metro Investment Corp., BPI billion. The acquisition is part of the by P0.35 Friday to close at P49.
Riera U. Mallari, Editor
Randy M. Caluag, Assistant Editor

Mondilla steals
show at home,
edges Jaraula
by 1 stroke
BUKIDNON—It boiled down to a fin-
ish that wins big-time championships
and Clyde Mondilla delivered to snatch
victory from the clutches of defeat, top-
ping the ICTSI Del Monte Champion-
ship with a 69 in a riveting duel of skills
and nerves at Del Monte Golf Club here
on Friday.
Mondilla blew a one-shot overnight
lead with a mediocre frontside stint but
fought back from three-down in the last
four holes of a day-long battle of shot-
making, iron play and putting and stole
the victory on a blazing closing three-
birdie splurge in sweltering conditions.
He edged Reymon Jaraula and Justin
Quiban by one with a tap-in birdie on
the final hole to the delight and cheers of
the hometown gallery.
“This win is very special,” said Mon-
Clyde Mondilla is doused with water by his peers after he won the ICTSI Del Monte Championship on Friday. Manny Marcelo
dilla, whose 18-under 270 total on his
home course, worth P437,500, matched

Cone wants Gilas to be

his output in essaying a five-shot romp
over Angelo Que and Dino Villanueva
at Forest Hills last June.
“It’s actually my goal to win here at
home, where I learned to play the sport,”
he added. “So I’m really, really very

defense-oriented team
happy and thankful.”
Unlike in his Forest Hills triumph,
however, Mondilla needed to rally in the
stretch, capping his startling comeback
with a chipshot infront of the 18th green
which he has probably mastered while
growing up, the ball bouncing once be-
fore rolling two feet left of the cup.
Jaraula, who also grew up here,
By Randy Caluag present will be included in the team.
chipped way past the hole and missed
“Some were convinced to come back,
Tim Cone a playoff-clinching birdie putt from six
and some cannot decide yet. How long

EWLY designated men’s national basketball do we have for them? The decision was
feet and also finished with a 69 while
head coach Time Cone said he will devote more Quiban reached the green in two but
to set a deadline and that is on Mon- three-putted also for a three-under card.
focus building the defensive form of Gilas day,” said PBA chairman Ricky Vargas. “I was 3-down with four holes left,
Among those Cone requested to be so I thought I should at least fight for
Pilipinas, which only has a little more than two weeks of his assistant is LA Tenorio, who just re- second although I had to do better,” said
preparation for the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. cently completed his cancer treatment Mondilla. “But after birdying Nos. 16
in Singapore. and 17, I found myself tied at the lead
“My first step (after building to team) Calvin Oftana (of TNT Tropang Giga),” “He (Tenorio) will be able to help the and I knew I had the edge to go for a
is to focus on my style. It (team) should said Cone, who was Chot Reyes’ assis- team a lot and share his experience and closing birdie after I hit a solid drive on
be a defense-oriented team and that’s tant at Gilas before the latter resigned leadership,” added Cone. No. 18.”
gonna be our edge, “said Tim Cone. from his post just after the team com- The Philippines has been drawn “There was pressure, grabe. But I was
The multi-titled Ginebra admitted that pleted its World Cup games. with Jordan, Thailand, and Bahrain excited, iba kasi ang feeling na alam
with only a short preparation, he will The Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas in the group stage of the basketball mong maraming sumusuporta sa ‘yo,”
have to rely on the individual skills of and the Philippine Basketball Associa- event of the quadrennial multi-meet added Mondilla, who thanked the Del
his players, to be built around the current tion jointly announced the appointment of event where it aspires to improve its Monte Golf Club and cited his father-
World Cup pool, including his wards Jus- Cone on Wednesday night and promised fifth-place finish in the 2018 edition caddie Arsenio’s tournament-long help.
tin Brownlee, JuneMar Fajardo, Scottie that the final lineup will be completed on in Jakarta, Indonesia “Ang tatay ko talaga ang magaling,”
Thompson and Japeth Aguilar. the first day of practice on Monday. Gilas will take on Bahrain, Thailand, he said in jest.
and Jordan on Sept. 26, 28, and 30, re- Jaraula, who took control with a solid
“We already have a solid eight and we Cone and his coaching staff have set the
spectively, in the preliminary round. four-under card after 10 holes, bogeyed
will just add. We also need shooters like final call on Monday and only those who are No. 15 and failed to match any of Mon-
dilla’s closing birdies, missing forcing a

Quiambao, Mangrobang brace for ‘Bagong Bayani’ duel

playoff with a flubbed birdie putt on the
72nd hole.

MULTI-TITLED 5150 campaigner Bea Quiam- Ice and Santé Fitness Lab’s Erika Burgos, the re- male, all-female winners and mixed relay will each Bernaldez
goes for PPS
bao and three-time SEA Games gold medalist cent winner of Sun Life 5150 Bohol. get P10,000 plus trophies, while the Liga ni Rizal
Kim Mangrobang gird not just for a furious bat- Disputing the Bagong Bayani trophy in the awardee (most represented, team with most mem-
tle for overall honors in 5150 Dapitan but also men’s side are Fernando Casares, Maynard Pec- bers in both 5150 and Sunrise Sprint) for TriClub af-

Davao swing
for the Bagong Bayani award when the OIym- son, Satar Salem, Raymund Torio, Josh Gellane filiates will get P50,000 and trophy.
pic-distance race is held Sunday (Sept. 10) in and Jacob Taylor. The Lipi ni Rizal (best team award—top 5 fastest
Zamboanga del Norte. The 5150 Dapitan, also held to promote local tour- times from the same team regardless of age and gen-

tennis sweep
Formerly known as Filipino Elite, the Bagong ism, also features the Go for Gold Sunrise Sprint, set der—will also get P50,000 and trophy (5150 Olym-
Bayani is offering P40,000 and trophy to the over 750m open-water swim, 20km bike ride and a pic) and P30,000 plus trophy (Sunrise Sprint).
Olympic 5150 male and female winners on top of 5km run distance. All prize packages are exclusive in the 5150
the P175,000 prize staked in the overall champi- The Noli Run, a 4km fun run, will usher in the Dapitan race.
onship put up by the host city led by Mayor Seth main event tomorrow (Saturday). For details, log on to CHELSEA Bernaldez will have every-
“Bullet” Jalosjos. The Sunrise Sprint top three placers, on the other dapitan-philippines. thing going for her as she sets out for a
The second and third placers will also pocket hand, will get P20,000, P10,000 and P5,000 plus tro- Close to 600 entries are set to vie in the event sweep of the girls’ 18-and-under titles
P20,000 and P10,000 plus trophies, respectively. phies, respectively, aside from the top P75,000 prize, to be held for the first time in Dapitan City where in the Davao region swing of the PPS-
Out to foil Quiambao of The Next Step Tri according to the organizing The IRONMAN Group/ national hero Dr. Jose Rizal was exiled with the PEPP national junior tennis series at
and TRI SNB Barracuda’s Mangrobang for the Sunrise Events, Inc. roster spiced up by the presence of bidders from at the DavNor Tourism Sports Complex
Bagong Bayani award are Diana Gellane of Tri- Meanwhile, the Fuertes Juntos (5150 relay) all- least 10 countries. courts in Tagum, Davao del Norte.
Bernaldez topped the girls’ premier
age group category in Maragusan,
Davao de Oro and in Mati, Davao Ori-

Third-generation PH statistician
ental the past two weeks and added the
16-and-U trophy in the last leg, mak-
ing her A-ready for another shot at the
crown in her side of the Gov, Edwin

making family proud in World Cup Jubahib tournament beginning today

What bolsters her confidence is that
Bernaldez will be playing on her home
turf although she remains guarded of her
PATRISHA Mae Concepcion is the “Nu’ng una, intimidating, siyem- lege, her love for basketball started bid with a host of others going all-out to
only woman among table officials pre. ‘Di ko rin in-expect na mag- from a well-early age. A loud and stall her charge, including Sanschena
keeping a close eye on the Final stats ako sa FIBA. Pero inisip ko proud citizen of Lakers Country, aka Francisco, Jasmen Kadalum, Dhea Cua,
Phase of FIBA World Cup 2023. lang, kung kaya nila, kaya ko rin,” the Philippines, she shared that Kobe Faith Lazaro, Sittie Manangking and
It’s nothing big for her, however. she said after mentioning that sit- Bryant is her all-time favorite. Samantha Gilhang, among others.
After all, the job runs in her blood. ting alongside men who are hard at “Numbers talaga hilig ko ever Meanwhile, Francisco, Bernaldez,
Patrisha, nicknamed “Trisha,” is work as well is an honor. since, pero napamahal ako sa math Cua and Lazaro also top-bill the 16-and-
the granddaughter of the late Joe Con- Unlike her grandfather and par- on my own lang. Siguro, ‘yung U cast with Camille Clar, Aika Salahu-
cepcion and the daughter of Merit and ents, though, the third-generation pinaka-influence pa nina daddy is din, Wendelyn Anino, Angela Casanova
Gloria. Joe once suited up for Ateneo statistician is keeping tabs on the ‘yung basketball,” she said. and Jamaica Jawod spicing up the title
de Manila University during the Blue best players in the world—most- As the lone woman statistician in chase in the Group 2 tournament pre-
Eagles’ time in the NCAA before be- ly—for fun. She’s actually a full- Manila, Trisha is, for sure, making sented by Dunlop.
coming the PBA’s official statistician time senior analyst for Philippine her family proud —and at the same Over 200 entries are vying for top
until his death in 1999. Merit has been Ratings Services Corp., after grad- time, giving Filipinos a good name honors in various divisions and rank-
a fixture of stats teams in the UAAP, uating from Ateneo with a degree in the eyes of FIBA. ing points in the week-long event,
NCAA, and Filoil EcoOil Preseason in Applied Math. “Patrisha Concepcion’s remark- which serves part of the country’s lon-
Cup, while Gloria was one of the first “Parang stress-reliever ko ‘to able performance as statistician in gest talent-search put up by Palawan
female statisticians in the Philippines kasi mahilig ako sa basketball ta- the FIBA World Cup 2023 should Pawnshop president/CEO Bobby Cas-
before her passing. laga,” she said, with a smile. inspire other girls who would like tro to discover talents, particularly in
That’s why even though she’s While the now-27-year-old has to be active in basketball and follow the countryside.
actually in rarified air during the covered leagues like the UAAP and her path,” said FIBA Asia Eligibil- For details, contact event organizer
FIBA World Cup 2023 statistician Trisha Concepcion with world meet, it’s all just part of the Filoil Preseason with her dad as a ity, Statistics, and Data Head Maar- Bobby Mangunay at 09154046464.
mascot JIP job for Trisha. “stressreliever” since she was in col- ouf Mawloud.
Joel D. Lacsamana, Editor
T ‘Now is the time to buy’
HE CEO and co-
founder of Leechiu
Property Consultants
is convinced that the

‘Prophet of boom’ — David Leechiu talks real estate

Philippines today presents
many opportunities in the
real estate sector, despite
the continued threats faced
by the global economy. The
situation, he believes, calls
for businesses to succeed
using the time-tested
approach of working hard
David Leechiu believes in the importance
of giving sound advice to clients, especially
with the presence of post-pandemic trends in
real estate. Speaking to the Manila Standard
recently, the property expert acknowledged
the difficult and painful years of COVID-19.
But he looks back on it with pride as his
company Leechiu Property Consultants
(LPC) managed to uphold its commitment
to its clients and staff.
“Our employees are our biggest assets
and we took care of them the best we could
during the difficult years of the pandemic,”
he revealed. “For our company’s primary
thrust, we collated as much information,
simplified it, and made it relevant and
accessible to everyone. This enabled us to
give as much fact-based property advice to
clients across industries.”
Performing gracefully
“The Philippines, despite everything
that’s going on in the world, is one of
only three countries performing gracefully one stands to gain from a resilient sector like appreciate in value despite the pandemic,” Subway, North-South Commuter Railway Traditional occupiers also accounted for
economically, and certainly more gracefully real estate—considered by Leechiu as the Leechiu added. and Samal Island-Davao City Bridge. 144,000 sq m of the first quarter demand
in the property sector,” said Leechiu. “What “best instrument for investment in the last 60 Data from LPC showed that Ayala Land’s Amid all these developments and the figure.
keeps the Philippines afloat in the last 20 years” and “the most resilient asset class in gated village projects in Makati, including country’s strong performance, the Philippine Vacancy rates
years are the business process outsourcing the world.” Forbes Park, Bel-Air Village, San Lorenzo real estate sector today is indeed rife with Data from Leechiu Property, however,
(BPO) sector, remittances (from overseas Despite the numerous crises, natural Village, Dasmarinas Village, and Urdaneta viable prospects. Whether for own use or show that office vacancy rates remain
workers), consumption, demographics and disasters, political upheavals, election Village, have seen CAGRs of up to 16 investment, these are ideal opportunities to elevated at 18.2 percent in Metro Manila
huge government spending.” cycles and most recently the pandemic, the percent. Prices of Ayala Land’s residential consider investing on now more than ever. after recently completed projects boosted
He listed the reasons that trigger optimism Philippine property sector has remained condominium projects in Metro Manila are Revival of POGOs available supply.
amid the impact of external factors. These vibrant over the last 22 years. There are now also seeing steady CAGR of 6 percent to 14 On the return of the Philippine Offshore There was another 1.3 million sq m in the
include the passage of the country’s 2023 169 townships spanning 62,500 hectares percent and capital appreciation of as much Gaming Operators or POGOs, Leechiu said pipeline for the year “but supply is expected
budget, fiscal consolidation, favorable across the country. Data from LPC showed as 254 percent from 2008. it is indeed happening. to significantly fall starting 2024.”
demographics and economic environment, that in Metro Manila alone, there are Such developments, according to LPC, For the residential condominium market, Among all the Metro Manila districts,
continued infrastructure spending, strong 13,264 hectares comprising townships and are in high demand among buyers “due to LPC said this grew eight percent from the Bonifacio Global City is expected to lead the
credit rating and sound financial system, reclamation projects in varying stages of [their] appealing combination of open space, previous quarter, with over 12,000 units sold. market recovery.
slowing inflation, among others. completion. quality amenities and efficient property Office space demand up Residential condos on an uptick
“These would eventually drive a lot Office and residential capital values also management.” For example, Ayala Land’s Demand for office space accelerated in Meanwhile, Leechiu said the residential
of economic activity in the Philippines,” continue to appreciate amid the boom-bust Serendra in BGC, which was launched in the first quarter of the year and is on track to condominium market grew 8 percent from
Leechiu said. cycles of the past two decades. For example, 2008 has seen capital values appreciate by as match or exceed the takeup in 2022 despite the previous quarter, with over 12,000 units
In particular, he pointed to the Ayala Land’s projects have seen tremendous much as 254 percent, while over 119 percent an expected slowdown in the economy, sold. Sales in the luxury segment remain
government’s P9-trillion infrastructure capital appreciation with exponential is seen for Portico, Alveo Land’s signature according to Leechiu. healthy, registering over 400 percent growth.
program that will not only help drive the compounded annual growth rates (CAGR) development in Pasig. “We seem to have reached new highs for Eleven new residential towers with 4,900
country’s growth and expected recovery in and impressive rental yields. Park East Place in Bonifacio Global City the first quarter, which historically has been units were launched during the quarter.
2025, but will also help the real estate sector “Look at Forbes Park today which is at offers exciting opportunities for real estate the slowest quarter of the year,” Leechiu What keeps the prophet going?
to build momentum. P500,000 per sqm. What was once worth investors. said. “I always draw inspiration from Jack Ma,
“Historically, increased infrastructure P50 million is valued at P1 billion 23 years This is why now is the best time to invest Office demand transactions from January a quote that’s apt in today’s times which
spending has helped boost growth as seen after,” Leechiu illustrated. What changed? in these properties for value and price to March this year more than doubled to I share with everyone: “Today is hard,
in the “drastic increase in our (economic) He pointed to LPC research showing that appreciation, especially over the long term, 264,000 square meters (sq m) from the same tomorrow will be worse, but the day after
recoveries” over the last decade due per capita income changed from $1,500 in he averred. period in 2022. tomorrow will be sunshine,” he shared.
to the implementation of the public- 2000 to about $3,300 to $3,500 today. “The Build them and they will come “[Demand] could be on par with 2022 “I have been criticised repeatedly for
private partnership (PPP) and Build Build increase in per capita income will have a Currently, there are 256 national and local numbers, if not better, and that’s despite all being bullish, the so-called very naive “new
Build initiatives,” he noted. “Similarly, direct impact on how prices are going to PPP projects in varying stages of completion. the things that are going on in the world,” prophet of boom”—but we in the company
infrastructure has had a huge impact on real change in real estate. It is going to be buoyed Among those completed in 2022 and this Leechiu said. ground ourselves on the brutal reality of daily
estate, as one of its most important effects up just because of the sheer volume of year were the Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Office leasing demand hit nearly 1 million life—we are fully aware of the problems and
is improved accessibility which, in turn, wealth being created in this economy,” he Expressway; Plaridel Bypass Road Phase 2; sq m in 2022—the third-best performing challenges of this country, that is why we are
has helped prop up property prices and land explained. Alabang-Sucat Skyway Extension; Central year to date, according to Leechiu research.. just cautiously optimistic, and it is driven
values over time. “If you look at the entire portfolio of Ayala Luzon Link Expressway; Estrella-Pantaleon This was driven by the IT and business by facts, such as but not limited to the OFW
Townships coming up Land, you’ll see how the projects continue Bridge; Binondo-Intramuros Bridge; NLEx- processing outscoring sector, which grew 67 remittances, BPO industry, tourism and
Given this aggressive infrastructure to appreciate from the time it was launched. Harbor Link; and Skyway Stage3. Much percent despite the hybrid setup that allowed President Marcos’ Build Better and More
buildup and the country’s continued recovery, Note that most of these projects continue to awaited meanwhile are the Metro Manila some employees to work from home. Infrastructure Program,” he said.

Grasping the ‘green premium’

HOTELS and resorts around Southeast names discussed environmental best
Asia are failing to understand the practices moving forward. He agreed
“green premium” and how to leverage that the hospitality industry in Southeast
it to attract quality guests, according to Asia needs to be more proactive about
leading figures in the region’s hospitality enacting meaningful changes.
industry. “It is important that the industry
The message that hotels and resorts develops green champions, best practice
are falling behind counterparts in other documents and training modules that
parts of the globe when it comes to can be modified by hotels, and thus stay
sustainable tourism, was one of the ahead of the curve,” he said.
major takeaways from PHIST (Phuket Shown in photo is Laguna Phuket,
Hotels for Islands Sustaining Tourism), transformed from a barren moonscape
Southeast Asia’s largest sustainability of scarred land—abandoned by the
forum, held last week. tin mining industry and declared
Jesper Palmqvist, STR Global’s as uninhabitable by the UN—into
Area Director for Asia Pacific, hosted a
roundtable where figures from top resort
Southeast Asia’s leading integrated
resort development. Building a more
resilient future
Building with bamboo MELODY del Rosario, President of
Metro Pacific Investments Foundation
IN CELEBRATION of National Bamboo Month, Base Bahay Foundation (MPIF), recently delivered an
(Base), has assembled a respected lineup of international bamboo experts to impassioned talk on the reality of
speak on “Building with Bamboo: the Future of Sustainable Construction” climate change and the critical role that
at the second annual Bamboost, a bamboo forum slated on September 15 nature-based solutions and science can
at the Loft at Manansala in Rockwell Center, Makati City. Registration play in mitigating its effects.
is now open for Bamboost which is free of charge for all professional The talk, titled “Shoring Up Coastal
architects, civil engineers, students, researchers, developers, and bamboo Communities in the Protection of
enthusiasts by clicking Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystems,”
the online registration link explored the devastating impacts of
posted on BASE social climate change, such as intensifying
media accounts. At the typhoons, rising sea levels, warmer
forum, participants will temperatures, and drought.
have access to the latest Del Rosario emphasized that these
research and innovations impacts are becoming increasingly
in bamboo connection frequent and destructive, necessitating
performance, life cycle urgent action by supporting
assessment, and design. For CREBA VISITS SENATE HOUSING COMMITTEE CHAIR. Top officials coastal communities through its
more information on Base of the Chamber of Real Estate & Builders’ Associations, Inc. (CREBA) paid a courtesy call on environmental program called Shore
Bahay Foundation Inc., its Senator Joseph Victor G. Ejercito, chairman of the Committee on Housing, Urban Development it Up. She highlighted the importance
Continuing Professional and Resettlements in the Philippine Senate. Senator Ejercito will be among real estate and
housing industry leaders and government dignitaries who will grace the upcoming 50th of Marine Protection Inspection
Development (CPD) series and Conservation Guardians, a
CREBA founding anniversary National Convention & Housing Expo slated from Sept. 26-28 at
and ongoing projects, visit the SMX Mall of Asia and Conrad Hotel Manila as speakers. The convention is geared towards program under Shore it Up, which
http://www.base-builds. mustering support to attain CREBA’s vision towards ‘a home for every Filipino.’ From left to monitors pollution, overfishing, and
com. right: CREBA national president Noel Toti M. Cariño; Senator Ejercito; executive vice-president unsustainable tourism practices.
Elsie D. Chua; and academic program director Avelina P. Acuña.
Patricia Taculao, Editor

When life gave

Wilson Quindo Tan holding the lemons
he grows on his Makati rooftop

him lemons
Restaurateur grows citrus
fruits on Makati rooftop
By Patricia Taculao

AKATI is an urban hub known for its high-rise build-
ings and technological innovations that become the
benchmark for many metropolitan areas in the Phil- Phil
ippines. But among its towering skyscrapers and de- de
veloped spots, many residents still find time to return to nature and
add these elements to the city.

Wilson Quindo Tan, the owner of Top Meal Food Reaper plants, Tan applied a similar technique to grow calamansi plants because of his diligence in caring for
Haus, which serves authentic Bicolano calamansi and lemons. Yet it wasn’t entirely a them.
cuisine, utilized the space on his piece of cake. Because of his rooftop’s “Buy grafted fruit-bearing plants because, with
rooftop to grow citrus fruits, location, he faced challenges like this kind, you can be sure these will give you fruits. It
like calamansi and lime, to limited soil supply, adulterated is also advisable to buy plants with fruits to see their
supply his restaurant with environmental conditions,exact fruit. Use organic fertilizers like vermicast so
fresh produce that could and erratic weather in the that even though your plant is just growing in a pot,
elevate the dining ex- city. you can be sure that it can thrive because it would be
perience for his cus- Nonetheless, he pre-like it was planted in natural farm soil,” he advises.
tomers. vailed through consis- Another reason why he loves growing the citrus
“I love experi- tent and proper water fruits on his rooftop is because of the satisfaction he
menting with my feeding, added with receives when he sees them thriving. Even though his
feeding approach. the correct soil mix-produce can only grow in pots because of the limited
I actually started ture. space, Tan can harvest kilos, which he uses in his res-
out trying to grow Tan also bought taurant to cut the usual operating costs from buying
Carolina reaper grafted lemon and in the market.
chili because I am calamansi plants to “I have an ample amount of calamansi fruits that
a hot sauce mak- ensure they would I can readily harvest that I use in my small restau-
er, and this is the bear fruits. The res- rant here in Makati. One of our bestsellers is siomai,
hottest chili in the taurateur also mixed where we use calamansi. I saved a lot because of my
world. When I have three kinds of soil, own rooftop garden, especially now that calamansi is
successfully grown specifically vermicast, very expensive,” Tan shared.
this variety of chili, I carbonized rice hull, and The restaurateur made a similar approach with his
thought of other plants garden soil with pumice, Carolina Reapers by transforming them into hot sauce
that are very essential in to mimic the quality of natu- or other consumable products to augment his income.
our everyday life, like cala- ral farm soil. His rooftop now His urban farming journey is something Tan takes
mansi and lemons, which I use blooms abundantly with lemon and much pride in because of the success he reaps from
in my restaurant,” he said. the hard work and patience he put into growing fresh
Seeing the success of his Carolina A recent harvest of calamansi and lemon from produce that consumers can enjoy in his restaurant. The restaurateur can harvest kilos of calamansi, which he
Tan’s Makati rooftop uses in his restaurant

DA-BFAR, SFFAII kickstart 23rd National Tuna Congress and Trade Exhibit
DEPARTMENT of Agriculture Bureau of Fisher- production of over 475,000 metric tons speaks to
ies and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) National our diligence and the richness of our marine biodi-
Director Demosthenes R. Escoto delivered a mes- versity–a remarkable achievement for a country of
sage of support highlighting the importance of the our size. At sa kabila ng liit natin, nakakapag-export
country’s tuna fisheries during the opening of the pa tayo. More than 107,000 metric tons of tuna were
trade exhibit. exported last year. Nakaka-proud talagang maging
Escoto emphasized the industry’s relevance Pilipino,” she said.
amid challenges and natural changes, such as She underscored that despite the challenges, the
rising sea temperatures exacerbated by climate tuna industry successfully adapts. She shared current
change, among many other industry concerns. initiatives of the Department of Agriculture through
He also shared the various new and continuing the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in
initiatives of the DA-BFAR for the Tuna Industry, further strengthening the tuna industry, such as
such as the continuous implementation of the Na- the establishment of the 12 Fisheries Management
tional Tuna Management Plan and the reconstitu- Areas (FMA), the approval of three new Fisheries
tion of the BFAR Technical Working Group on Administrative Orders related to tuna fisheries man-
Tuna Fisheries. agement, the Philippine Fisheries and Coastal Resil-
DA Undersecretary Drusila Esther E. Bay- iency (FishCoRe) Project, and the National MLam-
ate opened the Congress Plenary as the Keynote baklad and Payao Program, among other continuing
Speaker. In her message, she expressed her utmost efforts.
support for the tuna industry and its rich potential. The Congress Plenary covered topics on coop-
“With unwavering determination, we have el- eration and partnerships on tuna fisheries, tuna catch
evated the Philippines to the ranks of the world’s DA Undersecretary Drusila Esther E. Bayate underscores the potential of the local tourism inudstry in terms of estimation initiatives, and adaptive strategies by the
leading tuna producers. Last year’s impressive production and export tuna industry.

Siniloan village agriculture project opens

with 9 greenhouses, one postharvest building
By Gumamela Celes Bejarin, DA-AFID crease the volume of vegetable production by 200 percent in the pilot com-
munities, and increase the income of participating farmers by 20 percent.
THE Department of Agriculture (DA), through the Bureau of Plant Indus- “By extension, what we learn from this endeavor establishes a mecha-
try (BPI) and the Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture (KOPIA) nism whereby other local governments and farmer organizations can uti-
Philippines Center, formally opened its “Pilot Village Project on Protective lize the same technologies based on their terms. It is thus highly gratifying
Cultivation and Postharvest Management of Vegetables” in Siniloan, La- that so many – including national and local government executives and
guna on September 5, 2023. farmer leaders – are now ready to join with us in expanding these benefits
African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and deadly swine disease that DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban, Republic of Korea nationwide,” Undersecretary Panganiban said.
affects pigs Ambassador to the Philippines Sang-hwa Lee, DA-BPI Assistant Direc- As the project proponent and implementor, the LBNCRDPSC un-
tor Herminigilda Gabertan, and KOPIA Philippines Center Director Kyu der DA-BPI spearheaded the capacity building of farmers and extension
Seong Lee led the completion ceremony of the nine greenhouses and one workers and promoted the concepts of bayanihan (Filipino concept of

Balanga City, two Bataan postharvest building in Barangay Macatad. community cooperation) and Saemul Undong (Korean for self-help and
The infrastructure development is a component of the Pilot Village community development). It also provided vegetable production technol-
Project funded by KOPIA and implemented by the DA-BPI Los Baños ogy packages and technical assistance to empower the farmers in the pilot

towns remain ASF-free

National Crop Research, Development and Production Support Center villages.
(LBNCRDPSC). “KOPIA plays an important role as it works with the local community.
“I join the President in expressing the gratitude of the Filipino people Its pilot villages are designed to improve production through modern farm-
to the men and women of the KOPIA Center for the generosity and good- ing technology, knowledge transfer, cooperation on agricultural innova-
will with which they have shared their expertise, resources, and time in the tion, and food security. Therefore, this success story in Siniloan can serve
execution of this project,” Undersecretary Panganiban said. as a model for replication,” Ambassador Lee said.
By Greg Refraccion He also said that the technol- KOPIA is an innovative Official Development Assistance (ODA)
ogies promoted by DA-BPI and program of the Rural Development
ONLY two Bataan towns and its lone city are free from African swine KOPIA through the “project Administration (RDA), which is
promise outcomes that are both Korea’s most prominent agricultural
fever (ASF)— Limay, Mariveles, and Balanga City. technically useful and economi- research and development organiza-
Dr. Alberto Venturina, the Bataan veterinarian, said his office had not cally rewarding.” tion.
received any report of ASF cases in the said places. He said his office is The project will benefit Officials and representatives
at least one hundred Siniloan from partner state colleges and uni-
now processing pertinent documents to indemnify affected hog farmers farmers by providing and pro- versities, local government units,
from the nine towns. As to the amount of the indemnification rate, Ven- moting greenhouses with drip farmers’ cooperatives and associa-
turina said there was none yet “because we have yet to meet next week irrigation systems, postharvest tions, and other partners in the pri-
technologies, farm cultivators, vate sector also participated in the
to set a clear process of payment.” and good agricultural practices. completion ceremony.
In the last several months, the provincial veterinary office imple- It will also be implemented With the initial success of the
mented strict protocols for hogs taken to slaughterhouses. The lack of in Lucban, Quezon, and Zara- ongoing project as a model farm for
gosa, Nueva Ecija to help Fili- Filipino rural communities, the KO-
local hog raisers gave rise to the high cost of pork in the local market, pino farmers raise their produc- PIA and DA-BPI have agreed to de-
ranging from P320 to P380 per kilo of pork. Meat traders in Balanga tion and income levels. velop a project proposal for funding
import pork from as far as Tarlac and Pampanga provinces since local It is expected to improve by the South Korean government to
the technical proficiencies of scale up the project to 10 pilot vil-
hog raisers ceased operation two years ago and have yet to get back to extension workers and farmers lages in the areas covered by the five
business. in the partner communities, in- National Centers of the DA-BPI.
DA executives with KOPIA heads
Riera U. Mallari, Editor TECH
Lista make
credit card
WITH the goal of improving access
to credit, Lista, the fastest-growing
financial management app in the
Philippines, announced a partnership
with the country’s largest personal fi-
Noushin Shabab, Senior Security Researcher for Global Research and Analysis Team Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky nance platform, MoneyMax.
(GReAT) Asia Pacific at Kaspersky Photo by Riera U. Mallari
The product of this groundbreak-

Using AI in fight
ing collaboration is the new Credit
By Riera U. Mallari Cards feature on the Lista app. It
gives users the ability to view curated
card offers, compare cards, and easily

ALI, Indonesia— apply for their preferred card in just a
Artificial matter of clicks.

vs. cyberattacks
Redefining convenience
Intelligence or AI In today’s economy, credit cards
has seeped into practically are a convenient way to extend one’s
every facet of our human spending capabilities. However,
many Filipinos perceive applying
existence, from education for a credit card to be a difficult and
to commerce, logistics and stringent affair. Additionally, a re-
cent TransUnion Philippines study
entertainment. And just on local perceptions towards credit
we discussed how AI is going to be Using AI, according to Shabab, is best practices, including recognising and
like every new technology used by attackers to improve their tech- most useful in research. avoiding social engineering attacks and
found that despite most Filipinos
having a general understanding of
that arises, AI in the wrong niques and improve their attacks. And “In research, AI services can save a phishing attempts.
credit concepts, the penetration rate
obviously, it’s not just cyberattacks. It’s lot of time for us, like when we investi- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
hands, is bad news and every industry with accessibility of AI gate cyber attacks. Also like doing some Enforce MFA for accessing critical sys-
for credit cards in the country stood
at only 25%.
scary. services these days, every industry is automation tests for us, that actually can tems and applications, reducing the risk
moving forward with AI and utilizing be very useful and obviously eliminates of unauthorized access even if credentials
AI, which is the ability of a computer, AI in their environment,” said Shabab, the need for being highly skilled in in are compromised.
robot or machines to perform tasks that one of the resource speakers in the con- some areas like writing code or script- As a parting shot, Shabab stressed the
are typically associated with human in- ference with Eugene Kaspersky, CEO ing and you would have more time to fo- importance of cybersecurity in our homes
telligence, such as learning and problem- of Kaspersky; Adrian Hia, Managing cus on other skills that can’t yet be done and industries.
solving, is now even a tool, possibly used Director for Asia Pacific at Kaspersky; through AI systems,” Shabab said. “I think in this day and age that
in cyberattacks. and Vitaly Kamluk, Head of Research To boost enterprises’ and organiza- we live, there are a lot of opportuni-
But in the same vein, AI is also a weap- Center for Asia Pacific, Global Re- tions’ defenses against AI-assisted APT ties that bad guys can compromise
on to ward them off. search and Analysis Team (GReAT) at attacks, Shabab suggests the following: our safety and security, and also like
Noushin Shabab, Senior Security Kaspersky. Advanced security solutions: Imple- the physical safety of your life. So we
Researcher for Global Research and Obviously, it’s very important for ment security solutions that use advanced can we can’t just ignore the fact that
Analysis Team (GReAT) Asia Pacific at the cybersecurity industry to use and methods to monitor user and system be- these threats are around us. If you
Kaspersky, discussed the importance of utilize AI. We all heard that we’ve haviours. This can help identify devia- want to live with a peace of mind
AI in the fight against cyberattacks dur- been using machine learning and AI tions from normal patterns, potentially and have an easy and quiet and
ing Kaspersky’s annual Cyber Security for a long time. It’s not something new signalling malicious activities. safe life, it (cybersecurity) is es-
Weekend conference, titled “Deus Ex for us, but we also know that it might Regular Software Updates: Keep all sential. It’s not a luxury to have
Machina: Setting Secure Directives for be something new for cyber attack- software, applications, and operating sys- cyber security solutions for your Lista joins forces with MoneyMax
Smart Machines” at the Le Meridien ers. And we have to make sure that tems up to date to mitigate vulnerabilities individual life or organization. It is a
Better access to credit can help
here recently. we understand this and we adopt our that attackers might exploit. must. There’s nothing that you can de-
foster greater financial inclusion.
“I think AI is very important because investigation techniques and analysis User Training and Awareness: Provide bate for it. It’s something that is essen-
The integration of seamless credit
all the information we shared today, to address that,” she added. employees with training on cybersecurity tial,” Shabab said.
card application on the Lista app
does away with many of the per-
ceived difficulties in applying for

San Juan, Batangas paves road toward

the province of Batangas, is making sig- a credit card. Having a side-by-side
nificant strides in constructing a Smart card comparison feature also makes
City utilizing new and relevant technolo- it easier for users to pick the card

‘Smart City’ vision with PLDT Enterprise

gies to improve the community’s liveabil-
that best fits their needs.
ity, workability, and sustainability.
Structured Cabling, iGate, PABX, SIP These user-centric solutions
Trunks, and CCTV are among the PLDT provide Filipinos better control
Enterprise solutions found in the brand- and convenience over their finan-
OFFICIALS of the local government new municipal building enabling the cial choices —potentially opening
unit of San Juan, Batangas, officially LGU’s offices, management, and staff greater financial opportunities ;o
opened its new municipal building ret- with faster communications and effi- more people.
rofitted with cutting-edge PLDT En- cient work operations from its centralized Bridging the gap to financial
terprise connectivity and Internet of voice and data services which have been empowerment
Things (IoT) solutions attesting to the strategically implemented. On the significance of the part-
municipality’s digital transformation According to William Batac, Enter- nership with MoneyMax, Lista co-
journey and commitment to provide prise Revenue Group Head at PLDT founder Khriztina Lim said, “Lista
more effective and improved services Enterprise, “Data is the backbone in was created to provide Filipinos with
to its constituents. building Smart Cities.” The Municipal purpose-driven solutions for their
San Juan Mayor Ildebrando D. Salud Government of San Juan can efficiently personal and business finances. Cred-
shares his excitement about the comple- capture, integrate, and manage data by it plays an important role not only in
tion of their new building and the imple- utilizing the dependable and cutting-edge driving economic growth, but also in
mentation of PLDT Enterprise’s advanced technologies offered by PLDT Enterprise, helping people purchase goods and
solutions. “We will be able to better serve which will ultimately lead to an improve- services that can change lives for the
our constituents, communicate with them, ment in the quality of life for its citizens. better. We are excited to work with
and collaborate with each other more ef- All offices, including the Command MoneyMax to streamline the credit
fectively with the help of this digital infra- Center, are interconnected by the PLDT
card application process through
structure,” Salud says. “We are thankful Enterprise PABX and SIP Trunks, re-
sulting in streamlined communication Lista. Through this partnership, we
for the partnership we have with PLDT
channels. will utilize technology to bridge the
Enterprise, which has helped us get closer
to becoming a Smart City. This allows our The Municipal Government of San gaps that keep Filipinos from greater
community to be more digitally inclusive, Shown here are (from left) Edgar Cantillas, Sales Director at iGold; Glenn Sangalang, Juan, Batangas is also implementing financial inclusion—empowering
fostering a sustainable and progressive en- Workforce Management Supervisor at PLDT Zone; Gina Salud, Spouse of San Juan, a new hotline, #043-SAN JUAN (726 more people to live healthier finan-
vironment for all.” Batangas Mayor; Ildebrando Salud, Mayor of San Juan, Batangas; Allan Hechanova, 5826), as part of their transformation pro- cial lives.”
San Juan, a first-class municipality in Senior Relationship Manager at PLDT Enterprise. cess to better serve its constituents.

POCO Partners Southeast Asia Forum 2023 dissects evolving Gen-Z mobile consumers’ habits
By Patricia Taculao ily on its fans’ requirements and feedback. recent pandemic. It also tackled how mobile
It’s on the relentless pursuit of technology, activities have dramatically increased over the
IN line with POCO’s bid to provide mobile which its fans truly need, thus democratiz- last three years, with surges in mobile gaming
consumers with the ideal products that meet ing decision-making and continuous prod- (53 percent), online shopping (51 percent), and
their daily needs, the young independent uct updates to evolve itself. video streaming (48 percent) activities.
brand born from the Xiaomi Corporation held During the forum, POCO Global heads, Due to their affinity with technology, the
the POCO Partners Southeast Asia Forum namely Quanxin Wang, General Manager of data from the survey showed how Gen Z
2023 last August 21 in Bangkok, Thailand. Xiaomi Southeast Asia, Anne Wang, Head of spends more hours engaged in mobile activi-
Present at the forum, held in W Hotel Marketing at POCO Global, and Angus Ng, ties. They spend more hours per week than
Bangkok, were industry experts from across Head of Product Marketing at POCO Global, their Millennial counterparts for all online
POCO business partnerships gathered with discussed the evolving tech trends and data- leisure activities, such as messaging and so-
regional and local media in Bangkok to pro- driven insights in e-commerce, gaming, cial media interactions, and intend to spend
vide their insights into the evolving nature of chipset, and smartphone markets in South- even more time on their mobiles soon.
the habits and preferences of Southeast Asia’s east Asian countries with their stakeholders “For smartphones that are designed for
Gen Z mobile users. and top executives from Lazada, MediaTek, Gen Z, I’d say they’re all about being seam-
The POCO Partners Southeast Asia Fo- PUBG, Shopee, and TikTok Shop. less. Gen Z is used to using mobile devices,
rum 2023 provided a significant opportu- The survey covered 2,500 consumers tar- and they want phones that make everything
nity to explore the rapidly changing con- geting Gen Z and Millennials in five South- online easy. This includes things like having
sumer environment driven by the evolving east Asian markets, Malaysia, Indonesia, engaging interactions with one another, shar-
usage and preferences of the region’s “mo- Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, who play ing fun moments or playing exciting games Shown here are (from left) Jenny Armshaw-Heak, Director at
bile first” Gen Z generation. games on their mobile devices at least once within their community, or keeping track of YouGov; Tony Yuan, Senior Vice President of Lazada; Kit Chomcharn,
POCO is a consumer technology brand a month. The study showed how mobile be- their health and knowing ways to improve Head of Shopee Thailand, Electronic Cluster; Angus Ng, Head of
based on the philosophy of “Everything you came the go-to platform for younger South- their lifestyle,” said Liang Shuang, Head of Product Marketing for POCO Global; and Chunyan See, Country
need, nothing you don’t.” It focuses primar- east Asian users for entertainment due to the Shopee Regional Electronic Cluster. Sales Manager for Mediatek Thailand.

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