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SY: 2022-20223

I. Presenting Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints of an Issue

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.
______ 1. The three main parts of a report are introduction, body, and ___________
A. conclusion. B. opinion. C. recommendation. D. suggestion.

______ 2. The main point is explained in the __________ of a report.

A. conclusion. B. opinion. C. recommendation. D. suggestion.
______ 3. A report is __________ if its ideas are logical or reasonable.
A. accurate B. coherent C. complete D. readable
______ 4. A person’s opinion, idea, or attitude is his or her ___________ about an issue or topic.
A. feeling B. knowledge C. response D. viewpoint
______ 5. The first-person point of view uses pronouns like ___________
A. he, she, him. B. I, we, my, our. C. they, them, their. D. you, your, yours.

Directions: After reading the report below, answer the questions that follow. Write only the
letter of the correct answer.

Trash: From School to Home

Created by: Girlie C. Campos

All public schools in Muntinlupa City are now trash-free. Garbage cans and trash bins are not anymore seen
along corridors and on school grounds. Everyone in the school is taking his or her trash at home.
For seven years I have been studying in this elementary school, this is the first time we, the learners,
experience taking trash- used paper, food wrapper, and empty plastic bottle- at home! I thought it would be hard to do
but since I practiced this new habit, I have found it helpful in some ways: First, our classroom is now much easier to
clean. Our class adviser assigned leaders who check on our places from time to time. Second, I have become more
mindful of my own trash. For example, I put wrappers of my cookies in my bag right after eating. Lastly, taking care of
my own waste will most likely make our school environment safe and healthy.
With this, I feel optimistic or positive about the benefits of this new waste management in the school.

6. The report is about the ___________________

A. causes of leaving the trash in school. C. examples of trash in school.
B. effects of taking school trash to home. D. problems of trash in school.

7. The word that means the same with ‘optimistic’ in the last paragraph is _________________
A. benefits. B. management. C. new. D. positive.

8. The author’s point of view of the report is _______________

A. first-person. B. second-person. C. third-person. D. fourth-person.

9. The text structure of the body is ______________

A. comparison-contrast. B. cause-effect. C. description. D. sequence.

10. The text type of the body that presents the text structure is ___________
A. classification. B. definition. C. enumeration. D. time and order.

11. In Paragraph 2, ‘Also’ is a signal word for _______________

A. second. B. third. C. fourth. D. fifth.
12. The speaker in the report is a Grade 6 learner.
True False

13. Which of the following best describes the report for being comprehensive?
A. The main point in the body is supported by sentences.
B. All the ideas written in the report are all factual or true.
C. The tone of the speaker throughout the report is positive.
D. The report has all the parts-introduction, body, and conclusion.

14. The conclusion expresses ____________

A. opinion. B. suggestion. C. summary. D. recommendation.

Directions: After reading the two reports below, answer the questions that follow. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.

Report A Report B

Which is a Better Pet- a Dog or a Cat? Which is a Better Pet- a Dog or a Cat?
Written by: Girlie C. Campos Written by: Girlie C. Campos

I like the cat more than our dog. Although our dog is Among all animals, it is the dog and cat that are
furrier, our cat is cuddlier. It is so because the latter is always a topic for debate most especially as pets. I am an
animal pet lover, and we have a dog and a cat at home.
smaller than the former, the cat much easier to carry and
Which is a better pet to me?
cuddle. Second, it needs less care from us. I don’t have to I like the cat more than our dog. Although our dog
bathe it unlike our dog. Another reason why I like the cat is furrier, our cat is cuddlier. It is so because the latter is
smaller than the former, the cat much easier to carry and
more is that I worry less when someone comes to your house.
cuddle. Second, it needs less care from us. I don’t have to
Your dog would bark at and even run after a stranger, but bathe it unlike our dog. Another reason why I like the cat
your cat would just not be bothered and so am I. Both are more is that I worry less when someone comes to our house.
anyway anti-rabies vaccinated. Lastly and the most Our dog would bark at and even run after a stranger, but our
cat would just not be bothered and so am I. Lastly and the
heartwarming of all is that our pet cat can sense if I am not most heartwarming of all is that our pet cat can sense if I am
feeling well. I remember when I had a stomachache, my pet not feeling well. I remember when I had a stomachache, my
cat stayed on my bed the whole day and he comforted me by pet cat stayed on my bed the whole day and he comforted
me by touching my hair!
touching my hair! I hope I feel the same way on our pet dog.
However, I still love our pet dog. It just happens
that the cat is much closer to my heart.

15. Which report is more coherent and comprehensive?


16-17. What are the best two (2) reasons for the correct choice in Number 15? Choose 2.
A. The correct report has complete parts- introduction, body, and conclusion.
B. Both the similarities and differences between the two pets are talked about.
C. The body is longer while the other has fewer supporting sentences.
D. All ideas of the correct report are linked or related to one another.

18. Report A is in the _____________

A. first-person point of view.
B. second-person point of view.
C. first and second-person points of view.
D. third-person point of view.
19. The two reports correctly use lower and upper cases of letter.
A. Yes B. No

Directions: Choose three (3) characteristics that make a reporter or presenter effective. Write
only the letters.

A. The tone is encouraging and interesting. D. The hand gestures are purposely used.
B. The voice has only one tone. E. Ideas are delivered in intelligible phrasing.
C. The eyes are stuck in one direction. F. All words are correctly pronounced.

_______ 20. _______ 21. _______ 22.

II. Evaluating Narratives Based on the Development of Elements

A. Knowledge Level
Directions: Match the element of story in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Write
only the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
23. the storyline plan A. exposition
24. the challenge the main character needs to B. conflict
25. the person narrating the story C. character
26. the main point or central concept around D. climax
which the story is built
27. the central idea of a story E. falling action

28. also known as the main character F. flashback

29. gives the setting and characters G. hero or heroine

30. events happened before the events currently H. in medias res

unfolding in the story
31. tells the problem and the conflict I. rising action

32. another related story that is narrated inside J. plot

the main plot line
K. point of view
L. protagonist
M. theme

Directions: After reading the story, answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the
correct answer.

Despicable Me
(an excerpt)
Girlie C. Campos

In a happy neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose

bushes, stood a black house. There it lived Gru and his small army of minions. Gru saw

pleasure on bad things. He enjoyed the little things, too, such as cutting in line at a coffee

shop and popping children's balloon animals. Also, he invented equipment like a vehicle that

he can use for stealing.

Until one day, Gru met three little orphaned girls namely Margo, Edith, and Agnes.

The girls looked at Gru and saw something that no one else had ever seen-Gru could be a

potential father to them!

The gang’s next mission was to steal the moon. However, as days went by, Gru
_____ 33. The best description for the plot presentation of the story is that it is _____________
A. is chronologically arranged. C. has a flashback.
B. is differently arranged. D. has in medias res.

_____ 34. The main character is _____________

A. Agnes. B. Dr. Nefario. C. Gru. D. Vector.

_____ 35. Which paragraph tells the falling action?

A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. 4th E. 5th

_____ 36. The story develops the main character _____________

A. from an antagonist to a protagonist. C. from a protagonist to an antagonist.
B. from a serious to a funny one. D. from a kidnapper to a victim.

_____ 37. The theme of the story is that _____________

A. good can overpower evil. C. stealing is a sin.
B. evil can overpower good. D. a father always sacrifices.

_____ 38. The story is narrated in a ____________ point of view.

A. first person B. second person C. third person D. fourth person

For Items 39-45:

The Golden Rule

Written by: Girlie C. Campos
One Monday morning in A. Dela Cruz Elementary School, the Grade 6 leaners, their teachers, and the School
Principal were holding a flag ceremony. After the Monday exercise, the learners went to their classroom.
While going up the stairs, Arlene, a Grade 6 learner, saw a black wallet.
“Should I pick it up?” Arlene said to herself.
Arlene decided to get the wallet. Slowly, she opened the wallet and there was one five-hundred-peso bill in it.
Also, she found a family picture in the wallet. She then knew who the owner was.
“Oh! This is a big amount!” Arlene surprisingly whispered. “While me- I only have twenty pesos for my recess
food. I could own this,” she thought smilingly.
Suddenly, Arlene recalled the day when she lost her envelope bag while she was on her way to school. She
terribly worried for her performance projects in MAPEH and Science were kept there in that envelope bag and those
were to be submitted that day. An hour after, the school guard knocked on their classroom door and asked about Arlene.
“Ma’am Lopez, someone was looking for Arlene De Luna. This man has found this envelope bag in his tricycle
this morning,” the school guard told the teacher.
Before the teacher called Arlene, the latter excitedly said, “Ma’am, that’s my envelope bag!”
“You left this envelope bag in my tricycle. It has your complete name and school that’s why I knew I could
return this to you”, the driver happily explained.
“Oh, thank you, sir! I thought I could not anymore submit my projects today,” sighed Arlene.
From that memory, Arlene had changed her mind. She would not anymore get the money. Instead, she would
return it to the owner for she had already experienced how something valuable was returned to her.
39. The story is in the ____________ point of view.
A. first person B. second person C. third person D. fourth person

40. From that memory, Arlene had changed her mind. She would not anymore get the
money. This part is the ___________________ of the story.
A. climax B. falling action C. rising action D. resolution

41. The plot is presented in a chronological/sequential order.

A. True B. False
42. Which is the best justification for the correct answer in Number 40?
A. The events happened from the first to the last.
B. There is a flashback in the middle of the plot.
C. The story started with in medias res.
D. The resolution is in the last part.

43. Which is NOT TRUE about the story?

A. The teacher is the main character.
B. The story started with an exposition.
C. All the five elements are present in the story.
D. The story ended leaving a lesson to the readers.

44. Is there a development in the character of the main character?

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t.

45. The best justification for the correct answer in Number 43 is that ______________
A. from the beginning until the end of the story, the main character was dishonest.
B. from the beginning until the end of the story, the main character was an honest
C. at the beginning, the main character wanted to own the money but at the end, she
changed her mind.
D. at the beginning, the main character wanted to own the money but at the end,
she decided to give it to the teacher.

For Items 46-50.

The Prodigal Son

Girlie C. Campos
He wanted to go back to his father’s house and say to him, “I have sinned against God and against you. I
don’t deserve to be called your son, so hire me and I will work for you!”
The younger son knew that if he became like a hired man on his father’s farm, he would still be better off
than he was right now. He would always have a warm place to stay and good food to eat. So, he headed for home.
There was once a father who had two sons. One day, the younger son told his father, “Father, could you give
me my inheritance- my money? The father then decided to divide his wealth equally to his two sons.
Upon receiving his share, the younger son left his family. He moved to a different country and had fun with
the money.
While away, the younger son spent all his money. He would always throw a party, buy fancy cars, and eat
out every meal!
Soon, he became poor, poor as a beggar. He was hungry that he even tried to eat the food of the pigs in his
work. His boss caught him, so he was fired from the job.
The son decided to go home. He would tell his father that he would be willing to work in their farm.
When he was near their farm, his father easily recognized him, “My son! My son! You are finally home!”
“I don’t deserve to be called your son,” the son said. But before he continued, his father had asked his
servants to give him the best robe, a ring for his finger, and a special banquet!
When the older son knew that their father had forgiven his sibling, he did not want to go to the celebration.
He became jealous of his younger brother. The father seriously said, “Son, we had to celebrate and be glad for your
lost brother is again with us.”
46. The story is in the ____________ point of view.
A. first person B. second person C. third person D. fourth person

47. The climax of the story is when __________________

A. the father saw his son coming back to him.
B. the younger son became as poor as a beggar.
C. the older son learned his brother had come back home.
D. the younger son’s boss caught him eating the pig’s food.

48. Which of the following is the best theme of the story?

A. All God’s children are special to Him, no matter how bad they could be.
B. Nothing is impossible to God, the great Creator of the heaven and earth.
C. God never says no to one’s prayer; He lets him or her wait for a better plan.
D. Each person is precious to God, who celebrates the return of one who is lost.

49. The plot of the story is presented ________________

A. chronologically or sequentially. C. with a flashback at the beginning.
B. with a flashback in the middle. D. with in medias res at the beginning.

50. The character of the main character develops from being _______________
A. apologetic to offensive. C. offensive to apologetic.
B. forgiving to unforgiving. D. unforgiving to giving.

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