Embryonic Stem Cell Research Paper Outline

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Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is undoubtedly a daunting task.

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embryonic stem cell research paper outline.
This section offers a summary regarding the background of the topic concerning how Stem Cell
Research and treatment works and its purpose together with application in the real world. Pluripotent
stem cells are isolated from human embryos that are a few days old; they have also been developed
from foetal tissue, tissue older than 8 weeks. If implantation does not take place, the cells can be
grown and manipulated indefinitely in the laboratory (NIH, 2006; Marshak, Gardner, and Gottlieb,
2001). Stem cells can also be used to test the quality and safety of investigational drugs by testing
them on stem cells that have been transformed into tissue-specific cells. These tissues start
developing in two to four weeks. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief background on some
facts about the human Embryonic Stem Cells. This clearly shows the double standard of ethicists.
There is still room for the Congress or the government to pass legislation on the issue. What are stem
cells and stem cells in medicine (University of Utah) This comprehensive site includes information
about the nature of stem cells, reversing cell differentiation, a stem cell quick reference, stem cells in
use and unlocking stem cell potential. Thus, Embryonic Stem Cells became a word of mouth in all
scientific publications and journals. Moreover, the CIRM developed partnerships with other
institutions around the world (Nature Cell Biology, 2010). In light of human stems cells potential to
treat, prevent and possibly cure disease, scientists and legislators must work in conjunction to
optimize this potential for the betterment of all while mitigating the potential negative impact to
society. Ad High consistency between lots with proven applications in iPSC generation and PSC
culture. 10 years of experience. The embryonic stem cell research started in 1998 and gave scientists
an understanding into the disease origin as well as leading to more successful treatment of
dangerous diseases like cancer, ALS, spinal cord injuries, and diabetes, which is our focus.
Multipotent cells are found in adipose tissue, cardiac cells, bone marrow and wisdom teeth. An
induced blueprint IS the embryonic stem cell however is not developed from a embryo and is instead
developed directly from adult tissue. Adult stem cells (AKA somatic stem cells) are stem cells that
are found in most adult tissues. This is followed by a discussion of scientists’ viewpoints on
potentiality and actuality of stem cells, which is where the main part of the moral debate lies.
Similarly, a 4-or 8-cell human embryo when its capacity of division, growth and differentiation is
lost should be considered dead. During the process of in-vitro fertilization, it is known that many
embryos are not viable for implantation because they cannot divide and grow; they are virtually dead
as organisms. In real life scenarios, the current ethical norms allows using organs and tissues from
deceased humans for transplantation purposes and there is nothing wrong if the same ethical
framework is extended further that allows stem cells from the dead human embryos for research
purposes. In one of the argument it is said that providing permission to ruin pre-implant embryos or
fertilized eggs is more or less akin to destroying newborns or a human being that has lost its
cognitive capacities (Hug, 2006). Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC), which were discovered in
2006, are derived from skin or blood cells that have been reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like
pluripotent state that enables the development of an unlimited source of any type of human cell
needed for therapeutic purposes. Researchers are able to monitor the side effects before exposing the
drug to a patient and thus have a greater expectancy of how their body may respond to the drug.
Expand 853 PDF 2 Excerpts Save Haemangioblast commitment is initiated in the primitive streak of
the mouse embryo A. Stem cell fact sheets Extensive list of topics associated with stem cells all
reviewed by senior scientists and written in easy to understand language. In addition, the treatment is
not only specific to diabetes but there are a myriad of other dangerous diseases. Contrary, harvesting
of human embryonic cell has been a crude way of violating the first principle as it leads to the
destruction of a potential human life, which has value (James 7). They include lymphoid, myeloid
and vasular stem cells. Review of the ResearchWhile the existence of early Embryonic Stem Cells
has been appreciated for some time, the potential medical applications of these cells have only
recently become apparent.
Get help Privacy Policy Password recovery Recover your password your email A password will be
e-mailed to you. At this early developmental stage, the cells of the embryo form an undifferentiated
mass and have not yet taken on the characteristics or functions of specialized adult cells. The
continual desire to explain the world to a deeper level drove scientists to further probe this cell.
When the stem cells are used for the research and the embryo is discarded, it is considered as a
devaluation and criticism of human life. In another experiment at the University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, a patient with fatal skin disorder was cured through his own
adult stem cells. They are pluripotent, in that they are able to specialize into different types of cells.
New medications are tested for safety on differentiated cells generated from human blueprint cell
lines. Stem cells, the cells used by the human body to replenish damaged tissue, are found in both
embryonic and adult form. In order for research to be conducted human embryos are required
because it, as obviously stated. However, the opposing group claims that it is merely only a tissue
that is not a human being. Expand 963 PDF 2 Excerpts Save Embryo-derived stem cells: of mice and
men. Arguments for and against the moral status of a human embryo. The viable embryos, whether
fresh or frozen, could be useful to stem cell researchers, and it is a woman’s choice whether or not
she wants to donate them, not the researchers’ nor the clinicians’ choice. Watch the first five minutes
to gain an understanding of the role of stem cells. There is some validity in the argument that there is
a potential person contained in a blastocyst; that potential must be examined for its reasonableness.
They could convert a large proportion of the bone marrow cells into nerve cells (James, 2008). The
actual purpose of this research is to better human lives. If using donated embryos is unethical, then
creating multitudes of embryos for in vitro fertilization treatments should also be unethical, and
should be outlawed as well. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Once you're done,
you'll have a publish-ready paper Cell Stem Cell that you can download at the end. Once this
happens the resulting clonally embryo is induced to being dividing. Each of us must balance our
moral beliefs with our politics and find reasonable, well-thought-out conclusions. Because of this
their have been instances of American companies moving to the UK to continue their work. They are
a virtually unlimited source of cells that can be stably. Umbilical cord blood is also useful to some
extent; cord blood can be stored in banks and is typically used by the person who donated it.
According to Marshak, Gardner, and Gottlieb (2001) and the National Institutes of Health (2006),
there are several sources of stem cells. Abortion in the United States: A Reference Handbook. Such
embryos would eventually be discarded anyway, so it can be argued that they would be better used
to advance medical research. The IPSCs are able to develop into nearly any cell type in the body, just
like embryonic stem cells, without most of the ethical and rejection concerns. Although spontaneous
differentiation is a good indication that shows which cultures of embryonic stem cells are healthy,
the process is uncontrolled and, therefore, an inefficient strategy to produce cultures of specific cell
The argument is that an embryo is a still a person, albeit an undeveloped one. Upon differentiation of
ES cells, three-dimensional structures, called em. The next large stride towards gaining
understanding of the stem cell was achieved by Hans Spaceman. Finding the Middle Ground in
Support of the Greater Good. Embryonic stem cells ES cells are derived from the inner cell mass of
the blastocyst. The embryos are from eggs donated in an in vitro fertilization clinic, not from eggs
fertilized in a woman's body. Accordingly, egg fertilization is construed as a beginning of life and
the human life must be treated with dignity. National Institutes of Health. “Removing Barriers to
Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells.” Federal Register, March 11, 2009.
The scientists argue that they merely use the discarded embryos for the research which they got from
the storage of fertilization clinics. This section offers a summary regarding the background of the
topic concerning how Stem Cell Research and treatment works and its purpose together with
application in the real world. First and foremost, at Columbia University's college of Physicians and
Surgeons, patients who were given embryonic cells implant had uncontrollable movements to the
extent that doctors called them devastating. They could convert a large proportion of the bone
marrow cells into nerve cells (James, 2008). Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect
you with the best. Since the adult stem cells are found in small quantities, laboratories grow them
using cell culture. In addition, the treatment is not only specific to diabetes but there are a myriad of
other dangerous diseases. The versatility of these types of treatments is what causes stem cell
research to be such a key to the future of medicine. Varying conviction between religion and science
in regards to Human life’s inception has yielded to uncalled for controversy more so in embryonic
stem cell research. Thus, it is morally permissible to use cells which otherwise would be destroyed, as
long as they will not be brought to their full potential. Revealing the metabolic characteristics of
human embryonic stem cells by genome-scale metabolic modeling. Today stem cells are the only cells
in the world that can keep dividing and dividing indefinitely. Further research and development of
treatments is ongoing to turn this possibility into a reality for those people suffering with increased
succession rates. Such embryos would eventually be discarded anyway, so it can be argued that they
would be better used to advance medical research. Studies involving ESCs can advance our
understanding of human development, disease treatment, and drug efficacy. Scientists obtain those
types of cells from an embryo which has not yet completed its formation to develop into a human
being. Also, since it involves destroying an early embryo, there have been many ethical and moral
issues surrounding embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can give rise to most of the body cells
and are pluripotent while adult stem cells have limited potency and differentiate into cell types of
their tissue of. Double Standard of Moralists and Ethicists Glick (2011) argues that law does not
punish the IVF practitioners who discard spare embryos nor ethicists and moralists take objection to
it. A stem cell line is a population of cells that can be used to create a larger population through cell
division. Bearing this in mind, scientists also do not believe that this should derail stem cell therapies
considering that there are DNA tests to check if stem cells will turn out to be problematic or not.
Currently, the court gives specific rules under which stem cell research is allowed, and under that, the
scientists carry out their investigations.
Therefore, no one can respect these two principles simultaneously because they are directly opposite
of one another and this is the main reason for the ethical double-edged sword. Extending the same
logic, human embryo needs to be protected for its own sake. In Ten Commandments, God told
Moses not to kill humans that means God values every human life and forbids any kind of killing or
destroying human life; that is what precisely happens in hES research and that is a sin. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Embryonic
Stem Cells are pluripotent cells that could be obtained from a week old fertilized egg. When the
embryologist or inner cell mass is isolated it causes destruction of the blastoffs. There may be many
ways to save humans, but none of them requires killing someone. When an embryonic stem cell is
created in a laboratory this means that cells re transferred from a precipitation-stage and then placed
into a plastic culture. Stem cells can also be used to test the quality and safety of investigational
drugs by testing them on stem cells that have been transformed into tissue-specific cells. In 2006,
President Bush vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act stating that the federal government
should not support “the taking of innocent human life.” Although stem cells are very promising for
science and can open new doors to many new treatments in the medical field, it looks like there are
still differences of opinion on their ethical use. Embryonic stem cells can be cultured in a laboratory
Uses for Embryonic Stem Cells Scientific Research Scientists can use stem cells to further their
understanding of human development and diseases. The side for human embryonic Stem cell
research says that there is. The resulting hiPSCs exhibit the typical characteristics of human
embryonic stem cells hESCs. Embryonic stem cells are of great interest to medicine and science
because of their ability to develop into virtually any other cell made by the human body.
Pharmaceutical companies are adapting to this new and innovative trend on a day-to-day basis.
Besides the opposition, human cloning research benefits outweigh its demerits and should be
continued. By July 2010, total 64 hES cell lines were supported by US federal funding (Federal
Policy, 2011). Here we will discuss what has to happen in order for this process to begin, who
provides the patents for this Reese rich and the different types of issues that come with that.
Embryonic stem cells are the most flexible, and can be turned into nerves, muscles, and blood, which
can then be transplanted into a patient with heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, or leukemia, to name
just a few of their potential uses. When kept under the right conditions, stem cells will grow and
divide indefinitely, without becoming differentiated. Embryonic stem ES cells isolated from late
blastocysts can now be maintained in culture in an undifferentiated state provided they are grown in
the. The technique of creating IPSCs by introducing new genes to reprogram the adult stem cells was
developed in 2006. They are used to regenerate and repair organs due to their ability to divide
indefinitely. This controversy reminds us that of recombinant DNA and in vitro fertilization. National
Institutes of Health. “Regenerative Medicine 2006.” Electronic report (2006; updated 2007).
Scientists say that these stem cells can also be used to replace the damaged and sick cells from a
patient who has a disease or injury (McBride 34). They are used to regenerate and repair organs due
to their ability to divide indefinitely. If the embryonic stem cells have successfully divided, they will
be plated onto another dish and the process will be repeated. With all these, they can enhance their
research and studies in this area such that there can be necessary improvements into advancing the
stem cell therapies. And, in certain conditions can be induced to become tissue or organ specific cells.

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