Quantitative Review 2

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DEFINITION ● CONS: Has too many

limitations and literally cannot
Quasi-experimental research draw a valid conclusion.
is when the researcher does not have
complete control over all the FOCUS/GOAL
variables of the experiment. This
means that the results of the 1. Approximate the rigor and
experiment may not show the full control of a true experimental
truth, and therefore may not be fully design while acknowledging
accepted by other people. that some aspects cannot be
controlled. Strengthens the
Quasi-experimental research shows internal validity of the
part of the truth, but it doesn't show research by ensuring that the
all of it. It depends on how much the groups are comparable before
researcher is able to control the the independent variable is
experiment. introduced.
2. Used when true experimental
● Cannot use features such as designs are not possible or
random assignment of practical (e.g. Variables cannot
participants to groups. be manipulated, ethical issues,
● Makes it di cult to draw intervention being studied has
causal conclusions. already been implemented).
● No control groups (People who
participate in the experiment APPLICATIONS
are not separated into groups.
They are all part of the 1. Program Evaluation
experiment, and they all 2. Natural Experiments
receive some kind of 3. Pre-test/Post-test Designs
treatment. This makes it 4. Non-equivalent Control Group
easier to see how the treatment Designs
a ects the people who receive 5. Interrupted Time Series
it, but it makes it more di cult Designs
to tell how the treatment
compares with other
treatments or with no
treatment at all.)


● PROS: Useful alternative to

experimental research design
when it’s not possible to use
random assignment.

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