Corruption Essay

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ESSAY - Corruption

Corruption has been rampant in our country for the past few years and it seems like there's no stopping
these corrupted government officials. But it's not too late to think of the future generations and their future, their
future depends on our decisions. Their lives depend on who we vote for. This has to stop, corruption must stop.
And we could start it by choosing the right people to elect.
Former President Joseph Estrada who was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment as one of the
government officials to commit corruption in our country, with the amount of 4 billion pesos. That said, is a
large amount that could have fed a lot of people and helped a lot of unemployed in the country. And because of
these corrupted government officials, poverty is widespread in our country, many are suffering from hunger,
poor health, poor education and being unemployed. With the amount of people who are in the fringe of society
affects our country and its development. One country can never develop and thrive for the best if these people
are not helped and corrupted people are not arrested. And imagine what could have been done with the amount
of money this people are stealing from the taxes paid by the people they are leading, it could have been used to
start projects that will help the poor and the beggars, it could've been used to implement or give people jobs,
education and homes. It could've made our lives better and there would be no more poverty and crimes.
In conclusion, we should realize how electing government officials affect our future, how it will affect
our country, the economy, and most especially the people. If we don't choose the right people to be elected then
our country wouldn't experience a comfortable life, a life with abundance and prosper. In order to save our
country and people from the hands of these corrupted government officials, we should raise higher standards in
selecting candidates during elections, keep the election clean and transparent, avoid taking bribes, exposed
dishonest candidates and vote wisely. This will help even in the slightest way to make sure the future generation
wouldn’t suffer from these corrupted officials.

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