The Academy&#x2019 S Millennial Generation - 2016 - Ja

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President’s Page

The Academy’s Millennial Generation

S I HAVE WRITTEN IN PREVIOUS greater emphasis and pivot towards
articles, understanding the busi- Millennial needs is required. We hope that
ness of nutrition and dietetics is the thought starters provided by this small
crucial to ensuring the present group of Millennials interviewed will be
and future viability of our profession and considered, as they provide insight on our
making progress toward common goals. Of generation.”2
course, as we do in virtually every aspect
of our lives, we tend to bring a genera-
tional perspective to our view of the ENGAGING AND EMERGING
world—different generations look at our I found the report’s recommendations for
profession through different lenses. One how to engage Millennial food and nutri-
age group might see a professional threat tion professionals to be thoughtful and
where another sees an opportunity. Do the thought-provoking2:
generations that make up the Academy
membership understand one another well 1. Increase emphasis on targeted ser-
enough to succeed together? vices and communications for the
In my family nutrition counseling busi- early professional. Most Millennials
ness, registered dietitian nutritionists from are entering the workforce now
four generations work side by side. This and this is the critical acquisition
presents challenges, but mostly it has period for recruiting membership.
rewards. The interactions of multiple gen- 2. Consider expanding careers for
erations motivates all of us to see things early professionals beyond tradi-
differently and to understand and respect tional roles. Foster opportunities
the past, the present, and the future. for the early professional to
explore the duality of their career.
The opportunities being explored
UNIQUE NEEDS AND INSIGHTS as part of the Second Century
Millennials—those born between 1982 and Initiative could be a good start.
2000—have surpassed Baby Boomers in 3. Offer diverse services to support
numbers as the largest segment of the the emerging career paths of the
population.1 In 2016, Millennials represent Millennial. Millennials join for job
about 30% of the Academy’s membership, opportunities, socializing, and cer-
and the percentage will likely grow in the tifications. In the future, the main
coming years. driver of income for professional
Recently, the Academy’s Board of organizations will be services, cer-
Directors heard an exceptionally interesting tifications, and job opportunities,
report titled “A Review of Millennials, by surpassing membership dues. It is
Millennials,” presented by Amanda Nieh, essential to recruit Millennial
MBA, RDN, and Crystal Perez, MBA. The members early to help shift the
purpose of the project was to “ideate how professional organization’s new
the Millennial could impact the Academy’s service offerings.
services and communications.”2 It coincides 4. Explore hybrid membership models
with the launch of our Second Century and utilize a variety of data points future of our organization is in good
initiative and the Council on Future Prac- to develop communications and hands!
tice’s project to develop a strategic direction services to maximize engagement. Lucille Beseler, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE, FAND
that expands our reach and influence.
The graphic on this page was from this
report; it shows why new members join BRINGING CHANGE
professional organizations and why orga- I especially was pleased to learn from the
nizations think new members join. “Mil- report and the authors’ presentation that
lennials have unique needs that propose a Millennials are accepting of many different 1. Millennials outnumber baby boomers and are
need for better tailored communications opinions. Sometimes our membership’s far more diverse, Census Bureau Reports [press
strategies and services to attract and retain opinions can become polarizing and release]. United States Census Bureau. June 25,
2015; release no. CB15-113. http://www.census.
them as members,” according to the report.2 detrimental to understanding, collabora- gov/newsroom/press-releases/2015/cb15-113.
“The project examined major Millennial tion, and progress. It was also exciting to html. Accessed October 20, 2016.
consumer insight studies and trade group see that Millennials can be pro-business 2. Nieh A, Perez C. A review of millennials, by
studies examining Millennials. We found and understand the privateepublic part- millennials: Exploring strategies for current and
that the Academy’s current efforts are not nerships that are necessary in today’s future member engagement in the second cen-
tury. Presentation to Academy of Nutrition and
uncommon to those of other trade groups. world to bring change. Throughout the Dietetics Board of Directors, Irving, TX:
All trade groups have discovered that a presentation I had one thought: I know the September 20-21, 2016.

ª 2016 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS 1881

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