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Answer Key Standard Test

Unit 1 Test
1 1. Pop, 2. Reggae, 3. jazz, 4. Country, 5. classical, 6. rap, 7. rock
2 1. inspiring, 2. loud, 3. relaxing, 4. moving, 5. catchy

1 1. Patrick is as strong as James. OR James is as strong as Patrick. 2. My story is as scary as yours. 3. She is as nice as
her parents. 4. Her song is not as romantic as this. 5. Karen is as tired as Tania. OR Tania is as tired as Karen.
2 1. f, 2. g, 3. e, 4. b, 5. c, 6. d, 7. h
3 1. as inspired as I am. 2. is not as exciting as going to a concert. 3. is as good as his last song. 4. are not as
expensive as the seats on the sides, 5. is not as delicious as lasagna. 6. I am as tall as John.

Listening and Reading

1 1. f, 2. c, 3. d, 4. e
2 1. Coachella Music Festival, 2. Glastonbury Festival, 3. Coachella Music Festival, 4. Lollapalooza, 5. Glastonbury
Festival, 6. Lollapalooza

Unit 2 Test
1 1. d, 2. f, 3. g, 4. b, 5. h, 6. e, 7.c
2 1. Change your look. 2. Design your own web page. 3. Learn to play a musical instrument. 4. Perform in a play.
5. Ride a horse. 6. Sail a boat. 7. Travel by plane.

1 1. has arrived, 2. has attended, 3. haven’t done, 4. has read, 5. haven’t broken, 6. as performed
2 1. since, 2. for, 3. for, 4. since, 5. for
3 1. have been, 2. went, 3. haven’t seen, 5. haven’t visited, 6. haven’t been

Listening and Reading

1 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T
2 Possible answers: 1. 1954 in Los Angeles, California, 2. tell their stories and share their experiences. 3. visited
one hundred or more countries or territories on the club list. 4. 325 places that count. 5. only for the purpose of

5 Answer Key D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 1

Unit 3 Test

1 ’ǣ͕ǤŠƒ‰—’ǡ͖Ǥ™ƒ•Š—’ǢơǢ͗Ǥ™‹’‡‘ơǢ—–ǣ͘Ǥ Ž‡ƒ‘—–ǡ͙Ǥ–ƒ‡‘—–Ǣ™ƒ›ǣ͚Ǥ’—–ƒ™ƒ›ǡ͛Ǥ–Š”‘™ƒ™ƒ›
2 ͕Ǥ–ƒ‡‘—–ǡ͖Ǥ’—–ƒ™ƒ›ǡ͗ǤŠƒ‰—’ǡ͘Ǥ Ž‡ƒ‘—–ǡ͙Ǥ™ƒ•Š—’ǡ͚Ǥ™‹’‡‘ơǡ͛Ǥ–Š”‘™ƒ™ƒ›

1 ͕ǤŠƒ†‘––”‹‡†ǡ͖ǤŠƒ†–ƒŽ‡†͗ǤŠƒ††‘‡ǡ͘ǤŠƒ†„‡‡ǡ͙ǤŠƒ†‘–Ƥ‹•Š‡†Šƒ†ǯ–Ƥ‹•Š‡†ǡ͚ǤŠƒ†‘–•–ƒ”–‡†ǡ
7. had prepared
2 1. had not been OR hadn’t been, 2. didn’t have, 3. had put out, 4. didn’t answer, 5. had gone 6. arrived, 7. saw

Listening and Reading

1 1. ✓, 2. -, 3. ✓, 4. -, 5. ✓, 6. ✓, 7. -, 8. -, 9. ✓, 10. ✓
2 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. F, 6. T

Unit 4 Test

1 1. f, 2. e, 3. g, 4. b, 5. d, 6. c
2 1. accidentally, 2. slowly, 3. badly, 4. noisily, 5. quickly, 6. silently

1 1. had, 2. felt, 3. ate, 4. painted, 5. played
2 1. would cook, 2. were, 3. would run, 4. would give, 5. thought, 6. could, 7. wouldn’t tell
3 1. If Adele came here, I would go to her concert. 2. My friend would design your logo if you brought a sketch. 3. If
‘”‹’Žƒ›‡†˜‘ŽŽ‡›„ƒŽŽ‹–Š‡Ž›’‹ •ǡ ™‘—Ž††‘ƒ›–Š‹‰–‘„‡–Š‡”‡Ǥ͘ǤŠ‡”‡•–ƒ—”ƒ–™‘—Ž†‘ơ‡”ƒ†‹• ‘—–ˆ‘”
your birthday if you had your ID. 5. If the dog was very sick, the vet would write a prescription.

Listening and Reading

1 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. C, 5. A
2 ͕Ǥ—„‡”͜ǡ͖Ǥ—„‡”͜ƒ†ƒ ‘”•ǡ͗Ǥƒ ‘”•ǡ͘Ǥ—„‡”͜ƒ†‰‘Ž†Ƥ•Šǡ͙Ǥˆ‘”–—‡ ƒ–ƒ†‰‘Ž†Ƥ•Šǡ͚Ǥ‰‘Ž†Ƥ•Š

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Unit 5 Test

1 ͕Ǥ’‹ —’͖Ǥ–ƒ‡•‘ơǡ͗Ǥ Š‡ ‹ǡ͘ǤŽƒ†‹‰ǡ͙Ǥ‘‘ǡ͚Ǥ‰‘–Š”‘—‰Šǡ͛Ǥ’”‹–‘—–
2 1. bridge, 2. mosque, 3. pyramid, 4. ruins, 5. Stadium, 6. statues, 7. Temple

1 1. I’d prefer to, 2. I’d prefer, 3. I’d rather, 4. I’d rather not, 5. I’d prefer, 6. I’d prefer, 7. I’d rather not
2 1. too, 2. enough, 3. enough, 4. too, 5. enough, 6. enough, 7. too, 8. enough

Listening and Reading

1 ͕Ǥ™‡‹‰Š–ǡ͖Ǥ”‹–‘—–ǡ͗Ǥ†‘ —‡–•ǡ͘Ǥ–ƒ‡•‘ơǡ͙Ǥƪ‹‰Š–
2 1. F, 2 T, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F, 6. T

Unit 6 Test

1 1. f, 2. d, 3. b, 4. e, 5. c
2 1. over, 2. to, 3. along, 4. in, 5. up,
3 ͕Ǥ‰‡–ƒŽ‘‰ǡ͖Ǥ–‡ŽŽ‘ǡ͗Ǥ‡‡’ȋ–Š‹‰•Ȍ–‘ǡ͘ǤƤ‰—”‡‘—–ǡ͙Ǥ‰‹˜‡—’ǡ͚Ǥ‰‡–‘˜‡”

1 1. may, 2. might, 3. may, 4. could, 5. might
2 1. may, 2. can’t, 3. might, 4. could
3 1. e, 2. d, 3. b, 4. c

Listening and Reading

1 1. B, 2. B, 3. A, 4. A
2 1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F, 6. T, 7. T

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Unit 7 Test

1 1. sticky, 2. bland, 3. spicy, 4. raw, 5. chewy
2 1. roasted, 2. baked, 3. steamed, 4. grilled, 5. boiling
3 1. e, 2. b, 3. f, 4. c, 5. d

1 1. is eaten, 2. is known, 3. are sold, 4. are made, 5. is celebrated
2 ͕Ǥ‘ơ‡‡‹•‰”‘™‹”ƒœ‹Žƒ†‡š‹ ‘Ǥ͖Ǥ‡™‡”‡‰‹˜‡ƒ›™‡††‹‰’”‡•‡–•Ǥ͗ǤŠ‡™ƒ•‘–‹˜‹–‡†–‘Žƒ•–
night’s party. 4. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Mexico. 5. The Olympic Games are held every four years.
3 ͕ǤŠ‡™ƒ•‰‹˜‡ƒ„‹‡‘Š‡”„‹”–Š†ƒ›Ǥ͖ǤŠ‡‹ơ‡Ž‘™‡”™ƒ•†‡•‹‰‡†„› —•–ƒ˜‡‹ơ‡ŽǤ͗ǤŠ‡Žƒ„‡“—‹’‡–
is prepared by our teacher every day. 4. The cartoon was created by my cousin on this computer. 5. Thousands of
calories are consumed by Olympic swimmers every day.

Listening and Reading

1 a. 5, b. 3, c. 6, d. 4, e. 2
2 1. Casado, 2. Brigadeiro, 3. Casado, 4. Brigadeiro, 5. Paella

Unit 8 Test
1 1. writer, 2. programmer, 3. artists, 4. coach, 5. investigator, 6. biologist, 7. director
2 1. make, 2. has, 3. retire, 4. manages, 5. apply, 6. deal, 7. have

1 1. that, 2. who / that, 3. who / that, 4. which, 5. who / that
2 1. The US, which is between Canada and Mexico, has a population of over 300 million. 2. Paul, who is my youngest
brother, doesn’t like to play basketball. 3. Barack Obama, who studied Law, became the 44th president of the
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an extraordinary writer, wrote The Happy Prince. 6. My daughter, who is 24 years old, lives in England.
3 ͕Ǥ‡„‘—‰Š––Š‡’Š‘‡–Šƒ–™ƒ•‘•ƒŽ‡Ǥ͖Ǥ‡Š‡Ž’‡†–Š‡‰‹”Ž™Š‘ˆ‡ŽŽ†‘™Ǥ͗ǤŠ‡”‡ƒ”‡–™‘–‡ƒ Š‡”•™Š‘
speak Chinese. 4. I don’t like people who are always complaining. 5. The course I’m taking is about creative writing.

Listening and Reading

1 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F
2 1. e, 2. c, 3. f, 4. b, 5. d

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