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Pakistan International School Doha Qatar

Worksheet 2nd Term Session 2023-2024

Subject: Qatar History- Grade: VIII

Worksheet 7 Lesson 7
Lesson 7: Women’s and Children’s Rights

A. Circle the correct answers:

1. The Centre that provides counselling for families and individuals:

A. Aman B. Nama C. Wifaq D. Ehsan
2. The Convention of the Child, which consists of 10 principles:
A. Geneva Declaration B. Declaration of the Rights of the Child
C. Convention on the Rights of the Child D. International Covenant on Human
3. The Centre for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Victims of Domestic Violence:
A. Family Counselling B. Human Rights Department
C. Protection and social rehabilitation D. National Human Rights Commission
4. Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al-Missned sponsors conferences that aim to discuss
A. women’s issues B. Children issues C. Labours’ issue D. None of these
5. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women was adopted in
the year,
A. 1976 AD B. 1977 AD C. 1978 AD D. 1979 AD

Mark the statement as TRUE or FALSE as the case may be

I. Women represent half of community. TRUE
II. International interest in children’s rights began in 1924, when the United Nations adopted
the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child. FALSE
III. Universal Children’s Day was proclaimed in 1954 and is celebrated on 20 November each
year. TRUE.
IV. The State of Qatar attaches great importance to women’s and children’s rights at all local,
regional and international levels. TRUE
V. Wifaq Family Consulting Canter was established in 2000 AD. FALSE

B. Answer the following Questions briefly:

1. Define Women’s Rights.

Ans: “Women represent half of community, and women’s participation in civil, political,
economic, social and cultural activities, whether at the national, regional or international levels, is
her right”.

2. Mention the efforts of the State of Qatar in promoting the women’s and children’s rights.
Ans: The State of Qatar attaches great importance to women’s and children’s rights at all local,
regional, and international levels, as an integral part of human rights, which is evidenced by the
that, The Constitution of Qatar affirms the women’s and children’s rights, as stated in Article (21)
and (22).
Pakistan International School Doha Qatar
Worksheet 2nd Term Session 2023-2024
Subject: Qatar History- Grade: VIII

3. Mention the most important institutions concerned with women and children in the State
of Qatar.
Ans: The State of Qatar has established many institutions concerned with women and children,
1. Protection and Social Rehabilitation Centre (AMAN)
2. Wifaq Family Consulting Centre.

4. What are the characteristics of child’s rights?

Ans: Characteristics of the rights of the child: The rights of the child are specific in that they are:
1. Rights that the child cannot claim, maintain, or defend due to his inability to do so.
2. Rights that are not matched by duties on the part of the child, especially in his early years.
3. Primary rights of the child cannot be waived, whatever the reasons.

5. What are the most important rights that Islam guarantees to women?
Ans: Islam has honoured women, and this is evident in the following:
a) It equated her with a man in terms of rights and duties.
b) Islam grants women their full and undiminished rights.
c) Islam urges kindness to women.

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