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Parisan, Shan Kyre M.

Cardio – Preliminary Activity (February 25)

1. Imagine you’re training for a race, but unsure how intense to push yourself. What kind of
exercise test could help you find your sweet spot?
A good way to find your ideal training intensity for a race is by doing a “lactate threshold test.”
This involves gradually increasing your exercise intensity until you reach a point where lactic
acid starts to build up in your muscles. By measuring your heart rate and effort level at this point,
you can determine the right intensity for your training sessions. This helps you find the right
balance between pushing yourself and avoiding overexertion.

2. Ever wondered what “VO2 max” really means? How can knowing it boost your training
VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense
exercise. It is a key indicator of aerobic fitness and cardiovascular health. Knowing your VO2
max can help you tailor your training program more effectively by providing insights into your
fitness level and potential performance.

By understanding your VO2 max, you can set appropriate training intensities to improve your
aerobic capacity. Training at the right intensity levels based on your VO2 max can help you
optimize your workouts for better endurance, stamina, and overall fitness gains. Monitoring
changes in your VO2 max over time can also help track your progress and adjust your training
regimen accordingly.

3. Not everyone’s athletic journey starts the same. How can exercise tests help identify individual
strengths and limitations?
Exercise tests are like check-ups for your body’s fitness level. They help by showing what you
are good at and where you may need to improve. By doing specific exercises and measurements,
exercise tests can point out your strengths and areas that need work. This information is
important because it helps personalize your fitness plan to suit your individual needs and goals.
4. Feeling overwhelmed by fitness goals? How can setting SMART goals based on test results
make your journey smoother and more fulfilling?
Breaking down fitness goals into smaller, achievable parts can help manage overwhelm. Using
the SMART criteria — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound — based on test
results can further enhance goal setting. Be specific with goals like reducing body fat by 5%,
make them measurable (e.g., running a mile under 8 minutes), ensure they are achievable for
your fitness level, keep them relevant to your overall objectives, and set deadlines for urgency.
This method enables effective progress tracking, boosts motivation, and streamlines your fitness
journey for greater success and fulfillment.

5. Beyond numbers, what else can exercise testing reveal about your unique fitness potential?
Exercise testing can tell us more than just our physical strength or endurance. It can also show
our heart health, lung function, metabolism, and overall fitness potential. This information helps
us understand our body better and make informed choices to improve our health and well-being.

6. Would you rather push yourself to the max or train smarter? How can understanding different
exercise testing protocols empower you to choose the right path?
I would choose to train smarter. Understanding different exercise testing protocols can empower
you to choose the right path because it helps you know your body better and tailor your workouts
for maximum efficiency. By being informed about these protocols, you can make smarter
decisions about how to improve your fitness while minimizing the risk of injury or burnout.

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