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- Lưu ý 1: Mục đích chính của việc gộp đề là giảm tải số lượng ideas cần phải
nghĩ và nhớ
- Lưu ý 2: Cách gộp đề dưới đây mang tính tham khảo, có thể thay đổi, thêm,
bớt đề cho phù hợp với bản thân
- Lưu ý 3: Trong mỗi nhóm đề gộp, tùy vào từng đề cụ thể khi đi thi mà nhấn
mạnh nhiều/ ít vào các chi tiết cho hợp lý

SET 1: You may describe a person who talks a lot brightly and encouragingly to make his/her
guests feel comfortable at his/her home.
1. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What he/she usually talks about
And explain how you felt about him/her
Part 3
1. How should parents encourage their children?
2. How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions
that they are afraid to answer?

2. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home
You should say:
Who this person is
When and how you met him/her
How he/she welcomes visitors
And explain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors
Part 3
1. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?
2. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?
3. Who are more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in
the city?
4. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more welcome than those in the cities?
5. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?

Mrs. Lan - high school teacher
1. Engaging Storytelling: Mrs. Lan captivates students with her engaging storytelling
style, making lessons relatable and inspiring.
2. Emotional Connection: She uses personal stories to create an emotional connection,
helping students feel understood and supported.

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3. Inclusive Environment: Mrs. Lan's hospitality extends beyond the classroom, hosting
study sessions at her home, fostering a sense of inclusivity and camaraderie among
4. Life Lessons: Through her narratives, she imparts valuable life lessons about
perseverance, resilience, and empathy.
5. Lasting Influence: Her impactful storytelling leaves a lasting impression, shaping
students' personal and professional growth beyond academics.

I've been incredibly fortunate to have had Mrs. Lan as my high school teacher. Her
unique ability to effortlessly engage in lively conversations while ensuring everyone feels
comfortable and welcomed is truly remarkable.

One vivid memory I have is from a particularly challenging week at school. Mrs. Lan
noticed that many of us were feeling stressed and overwhelmed with our assignments and
exams. Instead of diving straight into the lesson plan, she started the class by sharing a
personal story about her own high school days. Her narrative was not only relatable but also
filled with valuable life lessons about perseverance and overcoming obstacles. It was as
though she knew exactly what we needed to hear at that moment to lift our spirits and inspire
us to keep pushing forward.

Outside the classroom, Mrs. Lan's hospitality extended to her home, where she often
hosted study sessions for us. On one such occasion, we were preparing for a crucial exam,
and tensions were running high. Mrs. Lan, sensing the stress in the room, lightened the mood
by sharing funny anecdotes from her teaching career. Her stories not only brought smiles to
our faces but also helped us relax and focus better on our studies.

What impressed me most about Mrs. Lan was her genuine interest in each student's
well-being. She didn't just teach subjects; she nurtured our growth as individuals. Her
encouragement and support extended beyond academics, making us feel valued and cared

Looking back, Mrs. Lan's impact on me goes beyond the classroom. She taught me the
importance of empathy, resilience, and the power of storytelling in connecting with others.
Her lessons continue to influence me, both personally and professionally, shaping me into a
more compassionate and understanding individual.

● Engage in (verb) Actively participate or get involved in discussions or activities,
contributing to a lively and interactive atmosphere. Tham gia tích cực vào
● Shape someone into something (verb phrase) Influence or guide someone's
development, whether in character, skills, or behavior, toward a specific outcome or
direction. Tác động/ Định hình vào … của ai đó

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● Lighten the mood (collocation) Bring humor, positivity, or relaxation into a situation,
reducing tension and creating a more comfortable environment. Giúp tinh thần phấn
khởi, vui vẻ
● Not only... but also… (structure) Emphasize two important points or aspects,
highlighting their significance and contribution to a broader understanding. Không
những…. mà còn….
● Lift someone's spirits (collocation) Improve someone's mood, motivation, or morale
through encouragement, support, or positive interactions. Cải thiện tinh thần
● To be overwhelmed with (adj) Feel deeply affected or burdened by emotions,
responsibilities, or challenges, making it difficult to cope or manage effectively. Bị
choáng ngợp bởi…

SET 2: You may describe a foreigner whom you don’t know but you by chance watched a
video of him speaking Vietnamese very well on Facebook & you want to know more about
3. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language well
You should say
Who this person is
Where he/she is from
How he/she learns Vietnamese
And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well
Part 3
1. What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?
2. Why do Vietnamese children learn English?
3. Why are so many people learning English?
4. How can you help children learn English?
5. Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
6. What are the benefits of the internet for people’s learning?

4. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What interesting things he/she has done
And explain why you want to know more about him/her
Part 3
1. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and other people?
2. Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?
3. Where and how can people get to know new people?
4. Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?
5. Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?
6. How does society influence a person’s personality?


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Among all the bilingual foreigners in Vietnam that I know, Rufino Aybar can be said to be one
of the most remarkable. With a Spanish nationality, he is currently a dynamic influencer
followed by millions of fans.

I came across his video on the Facebook Watch recommendation section, but immediately
got captivated by his fluent Vietnamese. In the video, he compared the difference between
Vietnamese and Spanish noodles, and he highly complimented this traditional Vietnamese
food. What’s more attractive was his way of expression, he shone out in the video with a
special Vietnamese accent, a wide range of Vietnamese vocabulary, and a great sense of

So curious about him that I decided to search for more information. It turns out that he can
be called a Vietnamese native when having lived here for more than 20 years. He has an ideal
environment to learn the language, from his friends, his neighbors, and his schools. Apart
from this advantage, I have to admit that he possesses a linguistic talent as he manages to
produce accurate Vietnamese pronunciation, which challenges all foreigners. What impresses
me the most is that he graduated as the top student from the International Law Faculty,
Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam while doing many part-time jobs as a Content creator, an
MC, and a model.
He’s such an inspiring figure that I really want to know more about, especially his journey of
learning languages, and his current activities. I wonder if he’s still pursuing his career in law
or if he finds more interest in the entertainment sector. I also wish to meet him face-to-face
someday and ask him about his strategy for effective time management.

● Bilingual (C1) (adj): be able to speak 2 languages equally well. Song ngữ
● A dynamic influencer (collocation): an influencer who is full of energy and
enthusiasm. Người có tầm ảnh hưởng hoạt động năng nổ (trên các nền tảng)
● Come across sth (B2): find sth by chance. Tình cờ thấy
● Highly compliment sth (C1) (v): to praise or express admiration. Khen ngợi
● A great sense of humor (collocation): Khiếu hài hước
● Possess a linguistic talent (v): have a talent for language. Có năng khiếu ngôn ngữ
● Find keen interest in sth (collocation): Rất hứng thú với thứ gì
● Effective time management skill (collocation): Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian hiệu quả

SET 3: You may describe your manager, as a successful businessperson who succeeds by
having many interesting ideas & opinions
5. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business)
You should say
Who the person is
How did you know the person
What business he/she does
And explain why he/she is successful
1. What factors lead to success?

2. What do people need to sacrifice for success?

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3. Is it easy for people to succeed in the national test in your country?
4. Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?
5. Which family businesses do you know?
6. How do you think of family businesses?

6. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions

You should say
Who this person is
How you know this person
What interesting ideas/opinions he/she
And explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting
Part 3
1. When do you think children start to have their own opinions?
2. Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
4. Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?
5. How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?
6. Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?

7. Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What makes him/her successful
And explain how you feel about this person
Part 3
1. Do you think a successful person can be popular at the same time?
2. Which one is more important? Being popular or having good grades?
3. Do you think students who do well in academic study will become successful later in life?
4. What do people need to sacrifice in order to be successful?

I’d like to tell you about Ms. Linh, the founder of a well-known sex education company.

She’s such a famous entrepreneur who has made appearances on many TV programs. I also
got to know her from a TV interview and felt very impressed with her progressive mindset on
sex education, which has been overlooked in Vietnam.

As a person who also cares about child education, I decided to work for her company, and it
was an absolutely right decision as I had a chance to learn more about Ms. Linh. She’s such a
diligent, enthusiastic and innovative businesswoman. I have been fascinated by her
interesting ideas many times. For example, she came up with the novel idea of “Hop Hao
Huc”, a box containing creative learning materials for individual customers. The materials are
not only boring papers but also captivating stories and intriguing games arranged in a
purposeful sequence, which aims to encourage students’ step-by-step discovery of sex

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education out of their curiosity with the mystery box. The product has been warmly embraced
by the market.

And I think innovation is also the key to her success. I really look up to Ms. Linh and hope that
I can learn more from her.

● Make an appearance on/ at swh (v): appear at swh. Xuất hiện ở đâu
● A progressive mindset (n): a way of thinking that is positive and open to new ideas
and changes. Tư duy tiến bộ
● Overlook (C2) (v): fail to notice or consider sth. Bỏ sót thứ gì
● Diligent (adj): hard-working and using a lot of effort. Chăm chỉ
● Innovative (C1) (adj): using new methods and ideas. Tân tiến, sáng tạo
● Be fascinated by sth (B2): be extremely interested in sth. Bị thu hút bởi thứ gì
● Come up with sth (B2): think of an idea or plan. Nghĩ ra ý tưởng/ kế hoạch gì
● A novel idea (collocation): new and original. Ý tưởng mới mẻ
● Intriguing (C2) (adj): very interesting. Thú vị
● Be warmly embraced by (phrasal verb): be highly welcomed by. Được chào đón bởi

SET 4: You may describe a person who likes to cook free meals for poor people, and by
talking with him/her you knew the reason behind this action
8. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she likes to cook
Who he/she cooks for
And explain why he/she enjoys cooking
1. Have you ever cooked for others?
2. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?
3. Do you agree that food is an important part of Vietnamese festivals?
4. Which dishes are a must at festivals?
5. Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course?
6. Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?

9. Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person

You should say:
Who you had it with?
Where did you have it?
What was the conversation?
And explain how you felt about it?
Part 3:
1. What is the difference between the conversation between men and women?
2. Which conversation is better phone or face-to-face?

3. Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

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4. Why is body language important?

It would definitely be Ms. Mai, my new warm-hearted neighbor who has just moved into our
area for 3 months.

I still vividly remember the day I saw a new restaurant in the neighborhood with a very
captivating name “1.000 dong”. I was like what kind of food would only cost 1.000 dong. So I
went into the place out of curiosity, and realized that it was a charity restaurant. There were
a variety of dishes, mainly Vietnamese traditional dishes which were cooked nicely.
Customers were mostly the elderly and the homeless and they were all enjoying their meals.

I waited there till after the rush hour and finally had a chance to talk with Ms. Mai, the owner
of the restaurant. My first impression was that she was a very kind, generous and humorous
person who could brighten up your day. She shared with me that her parents passed away
when she was little, she had to live with her grandparents, and had it not been for the help of
kind neighbors, they could have never made it. That’s why now that she has financial stability,
she wants to give a hand to people in need. As she used to be a chef at a famous restaurant,
she decided to help others by providing them with good food at the lowest price. She said
watching people enjoying her food and getting recharged after the meal, she felt very happy
and satisfied.

Surprisingly I also found out that she lived in the same apartment block as me, she’s a very
admirable neighbor. And I have come to help at her restaurant in my free time ever since.

● Warm-hearted (adj): kind and loving. Nhân từ
● Vividly remember sth (v): clearly remember sth. Nhớ rõ
● Captivating (adj): attractive, holding attention. Thu hút
● Out of curiosity (idiom): wanting to learn about sth because you want to know more
about it. Vì tò mò
● Brighten up your day (idiom): make you feel happy all day long. Làm bạn vui cả ngày
● Had it not been for sth,…: Without sth (Câu điều kiện loại III). Nếu không vì… thì…
● Have financial stability (v): you have stable sources of income and feel confident with
your financial situation. Ổn định tài chính
● Give sb a hand/ give a hand to sb (idiom): help sb. Giúp đỡ ai
● Admirable (adj): deserving admiration and respect. Đáng ngưỡng mộ

SET 5: You may describe an athlete playing a teamwork sport, but you don’t want to do
his/her job because it’s too difficult/ unsuitable for you
10. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event
You should say
Who he/she is
What you know about him/her
What he/she is like in real life

What achievement he/she has made

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And explain why you admire him/her
Part 3
1. Should students have physical education and do sports at school?
2. What qualities make an athlete?
3. Is talent important in sports?
4. Is it easy to identify children’s talents?
5. What is the most popular sport in your country?

11. Describe a person who is good at teamwork

You should say:
What team he/she joined
What work he/she did
What his/her role was
And explain what makes him/her a good member of that team
Part 3
1. How do other people in your team think he is?
2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader?
3. What happens if you don’t have a good leader?
4. Why do some people not like teamwork?
5. Do you think young people are suitable for teamwork?

12. Describe a job you would not like to do.

You should say:
What the job is?
How you know about this job?
How easy or difficult the job is?
And explain why you would not like to do this job?
Part 3:
1. How do you think AI (artificial intelligence) will affect people’s work?
2. What would you say are the important factors to consider when choosing a career?
3. That technology will make some people lose their jobs. How do you think this problem
should be handled?
4. Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because of work?

I’d like to talk about Nguyen Anh Duc, the pride of Vietnam sports, who played the role of a
forward in Vietnam’s national football team.

I think hardly any sports fans don’t know him after his remarkable achievements in helping
the team win the AFF Cup championship 2018. It marked the second victory of Vietnam in the
AFF Cup after a decade-long anticipation and wait. In this final match, Anh Duc seamlessly
coordinated with his teammates, receiving a pass from player Quang Hai before executing a
splendid volley and scoring. Anh Duc also held the distinction of being the top scorer for the
Vietnamese national team at that tournament, with four goals to his name.

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What impresses me more is that he is not only an exceptional athlete but also a successful
businessman in real life. He owns a chain of sportswear stores around Southern Vietnam and
invests in many promising projects. He can be considered a well-rounded football player.

Much as I admire Anh Duc and the Vietnamese football team, however, I have no aspirations
to pursue a career as an athlete in the future. The main reason is that a sportsperson needs
to be well-built and physically strong, which I was not born with. What’s more, doing sports
requires mental stamina. To claim victory is an arduous journey as an athlete has to practice
diligently, participate in competitions, experience failures, learn to stand up again and keep
practicing till they reach the professional level. Those challenges in fact hinder many people
from achieving their athletic dreams.

● Remarkable achievements (collocation): Thành tích đáng nổi bật
● seamlessly coordinated with sb (phrasal verb): phối hợp ăn ý với ai
● hold the distinction of (collocation): nắm giữ danh hiệu
● An exceptional athlete (collocation): một VĐV xuất sắc
● well-rounded (adj): toàn năng
● What’s more (linking device): moreover (thích hợp hơn trong Speaking)
● Stamina (C1) (n): the mental and physical strength to do sth difficult. Sức bền (thể chất
& tinh thần)
● Claim victory (collocation): to win. Giành chiến thắng
● An arduous journey (adj): difficult and needing a lot of effort. Hành trình gian khổ
● Pursue a career (collocation): follow and try to achieve sth. Theo đuổi sự nghiệp =>
pursuit (n)


SET 1: You may describe a street market as a place to relax with its bustling atmosphere,
outdoor setting, social interaction, and you can browse a variety of products to release
13. Describe a place - not in your home - where you go to relax
You should say:
Where the place is
What the place looks like
How you spend your time in this place
And explain why this place helps you to relax
1. Do people have enough places to relax in your country?
2. What do people do when relaxed?
3. Is physical activity good for relaxing?
4. Do you think that spending too much time in front of screen is good for relaxing?
5. Do people have to spend a lot of money on relaxing?

14. Describe a street market you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

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What you can buy there
Why you chose to go to this market
And explain what you think about the street market
Part 3:
1. Where do people buy things?
2. Do people go to big stores or small stores more often? Why?
3. Are special services valuable to the store?

Hoi An Street Market
1. Tranquil Escape: Hoi An Street Market offers a peaceful retreat from city life, with its
serene ambiance and charming setting.
2. Vibrant Atmosphere: The market is lively and colorful, filled with bustling activity,
friendly vendors, and traditional lanterns.
3. Cultural Experience: Visitors can immerse themselves in Vietnamese culture by
exploring local crafts, interacting with artisans, and trying authentic street food.
4. Relaxation and Enjoyment: It's a place to relax, unwind, and enjoy the simple
pleasures of shopping, dining, and soaking in the vibrant market scene.

Let me tell you about my delightful experience at Hoi An Street Market in Vietnam, a
place where I can truly relax and have a good time away from the busy city life. Situated in
the heart of Hoi An, this market is like a breath of fresh air, allowing me to let my hair down
and enjoy myself.

As I enter the market, I am greeted by a charming sight of colorful lanterns hanging

overhead, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. It's a welcome escape from the hustle
and bustle of daily routines. The market's open-air layout and friendly vibe immediately put
me at ease, making me feel like I'm on a mini-vacation.

One of the things I love most about Hoi An Street Market is the variety it offers. From
unique handicrafts and souvenirs to mouth-watering street food, there's something for
everyone to enjoy. I often find myself strolling through the narrow lanes, admiring the local
artworks, and sampling delicious snacks like banh mi sandwiches and fresh fruit juices.

What makes this market experience even more special is the opportunity to interact
with local artisans and vendors. They are always happy to share stories about their crafts and
recommend hidden gems to explore in the area. It feels like I'm getting a glimpse into the
rich culture and traditions of Vietnam.

Spending time at Hoi An Street Market is not just about shopping or eating; it's about
embracing a relaxed pace of life and immersing myself in the vibrant energy of the market.
Whether I'm browsing through handmade souvenirs or enjoying a friendly chat with a local
vendor, every moment here feels like a cherished memory in the making.

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In essence, Hoi An Street Market is a place where I can escape, unwind, and create
lasting memories filled with joy and cultural discoveries. It's a treasure trove of experiences
that I look forward to every time I visit this charming destination.

● A breath of fresh air (idiom) (C2): Refers to something new, different, and revitalizing,
often providing a welcome change or relief from routine. Một bầu không khí trong
● Let my hair down (idiom) (B2): to relax and be oneself without inhibitions or
constraints, enjoying freedom and leisure. Thư giãn
● Get a glimpse into something (collocation): Implies briefly experiencing or observing
something, gaining a small insight or understanding about it. Có kiến thức về cái gì sau
khi được quan sát/ trải nghiệm
● Vendor (n) (B2): Describes a person or business that sells goods or services, such as
the sellers at Hoi An Street Market. Người bán hàng
● Browse through (phrasal verb): To look casually or leisurely through items, products,
or options without a specific agenda, often while shopping or exploring. Xem qua sản
phẩm ngẫu nhiên không có chuẩn bị trước
● A treasure trove of (collocation): Refers to a rich collection or source of valuable,
interesting, or diverse things, like the variety of offerings at the market. Đa dạng thể
loại về cái gì đó
● Mouth-watering (adj) (B2): Describes food that looks or smells extremely delicious
and appetizing, often causing one's mouth to water in anticipation. Thèm nhỏ dãi
● Stroll through (phrasal verb): To walk in a relaxed and unhurried manner, enjoying
the surroundings or ambiance, as one might do while exploring a market. Đi dạo
● Put someone at ease (idiom): to make someone feel comfortable, relaxed, or less
anxious, creating a welcoming and friendly environment. Giúp ai thư giãn
● Escape from the hustle and bustle of daily routines (collocation): Indicates taking a
break or finding respite from the busy, hectic aspects of everyday life, seeking
relaxation or enjoyment elsewhere. Tránh xa bộn bề cuộc sống

SET 2: You may describe a beautiful city in Vietnam

15. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
Why you are interested in it
1. How can people access travel information?
2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?
3. What causes the differences between different regions of your country?
4. Do youngsters like to try new things, or do people of your parents’ age also like to try new
5. Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

6. Why do people go to live in small towns and think that they are more interesting than the

big cities?

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16. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited
You should say
Where the city is
When you went there
Why you went there
And explain why it is beautiful
Part 3
1. What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities? (size, facilities,…)
2. Why do some people like to visit historical sites? (hobbies, researching, any obligatory
3. Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and given place for modern buildings?
4. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?
5. Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?

I grew up in Hanoi, which is a pretty bustling town with a booming population, so ever since
as a kid I’ve yearned for an idyllic country lifestyle. Much as I love my hometown, I don’t
suppose I would stay here forever, I would like to put down roots somewhere with a lower
cost of living but a better environment.

I visited Dalat last July and thoroughly enjoyed it there. It seems to have everything: a vibrant
city with active nightlife but one only needs to drive 10 minutes out of town to submerge in
pristine nature. Dalat is known for breathtaking trekking routes, camping sites and an
abundance of outdoor activities, so I have a lot to look forward to in my next return. The
people are kind and friendly, food is great and in ample supply. Housing is still rather
affordable and not yet blown out of proportion like in bigger cities. Plus transportation
shouldn’t be a problem as the town is easily accessible by car or airplane. It is also really close
to other major cities like Nha Trang or Sai Gon.

As I get older I’ve started thinking about relocating and honestly Dalat seems like the perfect
choice to settle down and raise a little family.

● A bustling town/ a vibrant city: energetic, full of busy activities. Một thành phố năng
động, nhộn nhịp
● An idyllic country lifestyle: pleasant and peaceful. Lối sống bình dị ở vùng quê
● Put down roots (idiom): make new friends and join in new activities in a new place
you’ve just moved to so that you can feel it’s your home. Định cư & hòa nhập vào môi
trường mới
● Pristine nature: original, not spoiled, in a good condition. Thiên nhiên nguyên sơ
● Blow sth out of proportion (idiom): make sth seem more important or serious than it
really is. Phóng đại, làm quá
● Settle down (B2): be familiar with a new place. Định cư

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SET 3: You may describe a park/garden that has an impressive statue (a form of artwork)
that has recently been renovated
17. Describe a park or a garden in your city
You should say
When you often go there
Where it is
Who you often go there with
And explain what it is like
Part 3
1. Do young people like to go to parks?
2. What do old people like to do in parks?
3. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?
4. Why do some people like planting flowers

18. Describe an impressive work of art you saw

You should say
Where did you first saw the artwork
What it is about
Who the author is
And explain why you enjoyed it
Part 3
1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?
2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
3. How does building style affect people’s lives?
4. Should children learn to draw?
5. What is the meaning of what they draw? What do they often draw?
6. Should they learn to draw at school? How do young people share art? Do you need an
artistic atmosphere at home?

19. Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
You should say:
What the facility is
When it was renovated and improved
What has been renovated and improved
And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
1. What are the benefits of public facilities?
2. Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?
3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular?
4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?
5. What do you think are the differences between Vietnamese square dancing now and in the


On the East bank of Hoan Kiem Lake lies a beautiful garden – Ly Thai To flower garden, which

is named after an iconic statue placed in the middle of the area – Ly Thai To statue.

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As a popular event venue in Hanoi that attracts people of all ages, Ly Thai To Flower Garden
stands out with its scenic outdoor space and vibrant atmosphere. On a daily basis, the garden
serves as a playground where people can come to enjoy nature or play sports like skating. On
special occasions, it is a place for entertainment events such as music concerts or art

I come there pretty often with my friends on weekends to relieve stress after putting in a solid
week of work. I like to immerse myself in various intriguing recreational activities, from singing
out loud with a public band to playing shuttlecock kicking till I’m soaked in sweat. Or
sometimes I simply sit under Ly Thai To statue and admire this beautiful artwork.

The statue was made to commemorate King Ly Thai To, a prestigious emperor who made a
milestone in Vietnam’s history when relocating the capital from Hoa Lu to Thang Long –
currently known as Hanoi capital. What impresses me the most is its elegant design. Author
Vi Thi Hoa did pay much attention to meticulous details like the Edict on the Transfer of the
Capital in Ly Thai To’s hand, and the 10.10-meter height commensurate with the year 1010
when the capital relocation event was conducted.

Unfortunately a part of this statue was broken last month when a fierce storm passed by.
Thus it needed some renovations, including fixing the ruined part and refurbishing the whole
statue to enhance its weather resistance.

Ly Thai To Garden and Ly Thai To statue are not only a place of recreation but also a reminder
of Hanoi’s rich history and culture, making it a favorite hangout for people from all walks of

● Scenic outdoor space (C1) (collocation): outdoor space that allows you to see
beautiful natural features. Không gian ngoài trời
● Vibrant atmosphere (collocation): energetic, exciting. Không khí nhộn nhịp
● Put in a solid week of work (idiomatic expression): work hard all week long. Làm việc
chăm chỉ cả tuần
● Immerse onself in (v): become completely involved in sth. Đắm chìm vào thứ gì
● (intriguing) recreational activities (collocation): (interesting) entertainment
activities. Hoạt động giải trí thú vị
● Be soaked in sweat (phrasal verb): be covered with sweat. Chảy đầy mồ hôi
● Commemorate (C2) (v): remember officially and give respect to a great person. Tưởng
nhớ ai
● Prestigious (adj) (C1): much respected and admired. Có uy tín, danh vọng
● Elegant design (collocation): graceful and attractive. Thiết kế trang nhã
● Meticulous details (collocation): very careful (tỉ mỉ). Chi tiết tỉ mỉ
● Commensurate with sth (C2): in a correct and suitable amount compared to sth.
Tương ứng với

● From all walks of life (idiom): from different jobs and different levels of society. Từ

mọi tầng lớp xã hội

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SET 1: You may describe that since you were a child, you had a dream of becoming an
astronomer. That’s why growing up you’re interested in Astrophysics. Or any other ideas
with other scientific areas.
20. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics,etc..)
You should say
Which subject it is?
How and where did you know this subject?
How do you usually get information about this subject?
And explain why you are interested in this subject
Part 3
1. Did you ever tell anybody that you are interested in this subject?
2. Some children don't like study science subjects in school, why?
3. Is it important to study science in school?
4. Which science subject is the most important for children to study?
5. Should people continue to study science after graduation?
6. What channels do you use to learn about scientific research news?

21. Describe a life goal that you have had for a long time
You should say:
How long you have had this goal
What the goal is
How you will achieve it
And explain how important it is to you
Part 3
1. What do young people have for goals?
2. How to be better prepared for your goals?
3. If your friend does not have goals, what do you do to help?
4. Is it necessary to give advice to children?

Astrophysics Passion
1. Childhood Fascination: Enchanted by the mysteries of the universe since childhood.
2. Astrophysics Passion: Captivated by celestial objects and cosmic wonders.
3. Dedicated Pursuit: Immersed in education and research to deepen understanding.
4. Dream Career: Aspiring astrophysicist inspiring exploration of the cosmos.

Ever since I was a child, I've been enchanted by the vastness of space and the
mysteries it holds. The night sky with its twinkling stars always felt like a magical canvas,
igniting my imagination and curiosity. One particular night stands out vividly in my memory.
I was with my family on a camping trip far away from the city lights. As we gathered around
the campfire, my father pointed out constellations and shared stories about the stars. It was

a defining moment that sparked my lifelong love affair with the cosmos.

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As I grew older, my fascination with space deepened. I devoured books about planets,
galaxies, and the secrets of the universe. Each discovery felt like a new chapter in an epic
adventure. One summer, during a stargazing event at a local observatory, I peered through a
telescope and caught a glimpse of Saturn's rings. It was a breathtaking sight that left me in
awe of the universe's beauty and complexity.

My journey into astrophysics truly began in college when I enrolled in an introductory

astronomy course. Learning about the celestial mechanics behind eclipses, supernovae, and
black holes felt like unlocking hidden treasures. I was drawn to astrophysics like a moth to a
flame, eager to explore its depths and unravel the cosmic puzzles it presented.

Now, as I stand on the threshold of pursuing a career in astrophysics, I reflect on the

moments that shaped my passion. From camping under starry skies to delving into textbooks
filled with astronomical wonders, each experience has fueled my determination to
understand the universe's grand design.

In essence, my love for astrophysics is not just a scientific pursuit but a lifelong odyssey
filled with wonder, discovery, and the joy of exploring the unknown realms of space.

● Stand out (phrasal verb) To be particularly noticeable, remarkable, or significant. Nổi
● Reflect on (phrasal verb) To think deeply about or consider something carefully.
Chiêm nghiệm
● Delve into (phrasal verb) To explore or investigate something deeply or thoroughly.
Kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng
● On the threshold of (collocation) To be at the point of entering or beginning
something significant or new. Trên đà của…
● Enroll in (phrasal verb) To officially register or join a course, program, or organization.
Tham gia vào
● Celestial (adj): Relating to the sky, heavens, or celestial bodies (such as stars, planets,
etc.). Thiên đường
● Eclipse (n): A celestial event where one celestial body moves into the shadow of
another, such as a solar eclipse or lunar eclipse. Nhật thực
● Supernovae (n): Plural of supernova, which is a powerful and extremely luminous
stellar explosion. Vụ nổ sao lớn
● Unlock hidden treasure (v): To discover valuable or secret information or insights that
were previously unknown or concealed. Tìm thấy kho báu
● To be drawn to something (v): To be attracted or inclined towards something. Bị thu
hút bởi
● Cosmo (n): Short for "cosmos," referring to the universe seen as a well-ordered whole.
vũ trụ
● Constellation (n): A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern or shape as seen
from Earth. Chòm sao

● Peer through (v): To look closely or intently, especially through a small or narrow

opening. Nhìn thông qua một lỗ bé

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● Catch a glimpse of: To briefly see or perceive something, often quickly or
unexpectedly. Nhìn lướt qua
● In awe of: To be filled with a feeling of reverence, admiration, or wonder. Kinh ngạc
● Breathtaking (adj): Extremely impressive, awe-inspiring, or beautiful to the point of
taking one's breath away. Ngoạn mục

SET 2: You may describe a useful object for studying/ working that you saw in an
advertisement and you purchased it. It’s a wise decision as you use it daily and it helps you
a lot with your study/work.
22. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say
Where you can see it
What it shows
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
1. What do you think of online advertising?
2. Are there any great online advertisements?
3. What do people usually buy?
4. Why do buying new things make people happy?
5. Do people watch useless advertising in this day and age?

23. Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it
You should say:
What it is
What you can do with it
How often you use it
And explain why you cannot live without it
Part 3:
1. What equipment do you find difficult to use?
2. What can you do with a laptop?
3. What are the benefits of using technology in the workplace?
4. Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology?
5. Why do people buy a lot of household appliances?
6. What do people often do with electronic devices?

24. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work

You should say:
What it is
How are you learn it
When you do it
And explain how you feel about it
Part 3:

1. Do you think everyone’s routine is different?


2. Which jobs need a morning routine?

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3. Is a daily routine important?

Smart English Learning Pen
1. Smart English learning pen advertisement caught my attention due to its advanced
2. The pen's ability to read aloud words and phrases revolutionized my language learning
3. Its versatility, convenience, and personalized study sessions made it an indispensable
tool for language improvement.
4. The smart pen's innovative features and user-friendly design have significantly
enhanced my language proficiency and productivity.

One advertisement that caught my attention and proved to be incredibly useful
featured a smart English learning pen. The advertisement showcased the pen's remarkable
capabilities, including its ability to read aloud words and phrases when touched on a printed
page. Intrigued by its potential to enhance my language learning experience, I decided to
purchase the pen, and it has since become an indispensable tool in my home.

The smart English learning pen has revolutionized the way I study and work on
improving my language skills. Its compact and ergonomic design makes it easy to hold and
use, while its advanced technology allows for seamless integration with various learning
materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, and flashcards. With just a simple tap of the pen on
any word or sentence, I can instantly hear its pronunciation and learn how to use it in context.

What sets this pen apart from traditional language learning methods is its versatility
and convenience. Whether I'm studying at home, commuting on public transportation, or
traveling abroad, the smart pen allows me to practice and reinforce my language skills
anytime, anywhere. Its built-in audio recorder and playback function also enable me to listen
to my own pronunciation and track my progress over time.

One of the most useful features of the smart English learning pen is its ability to create
personalized study sessions tailored to my individual learning needs. By selecting specific
topics or areas of focus, I can create custom learning playlists that target my weaknesses and
reinforce my strengths. This adaptive learning approach has proven to be highly effective in
helping me achieve my language learning goals.

In conclusion, the smart English learning pen is a truly invaluable object in my home
that I cannot imagine living without. Its innovative features, user-friendly design, and practical
applications have transformed the way I study and work on improving my language skills.
Thanks to this remarkable device, I have made significant strides in my language proficiency
and continue to strive for excellence in my academic and professional pursuits.


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● Catch sb’s attention (collocation): To attract or draw someone's notice or interest.
Thu hút sự chú ý
● Capability (n): The ability or capacity to do something. Khả năng
● Make significant strides in (collocation): To make notable progress or advancements
in a particular area. Cải thiện đáng kể
● Strive for (v): To work hard or make a strong effort to achieve a goal or objective. Nỗ
● Set sth apart from sth (phrasal verb): To make something distinct or different in a
notable way. Tách biệt A và B
● Compact (adj): Small in size, tightly packed, or taking up little space. gọn nhẹ
● Ergonomic (adj): Designed for comfort, efficiency, and user-friendliness. Thoải mái
● Seamless (adj): Smooth, continuous, or without interruption. Êm mượt

SET 3: You may describe a historical movie talking about the patriotism of the Vietnamese
during a tough period, you learnt about history through that film and also you felt stronger,
proud of your ancestors
25. Describe a period in history that you are interested in
You should say
When is the historical stage you want to go back to
What is it, and why?
And explain why you find it interesting
Part 3
1. What historical places do people want to visit?
2. Can you name an exmaple of a historic place in your city?
3. Why do people remember personal events?
4. Who would show more interest in history, young people or elder people?
5. Why do people like watch films about history?
6. Do you think watching films is the most interesting way of learning history?
7. Why should we learn from the past?

26. Describe a movie that made you feel very strong after watching it
You should say:
What it was
When and Where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain why it made you feel strong.
Part 3
1. What movies young people are watching now?
2. What is the difference between going to the cinema and at home?
3. Do you think people will prefer watching movies in theaters in the future?

Mùi Cỏ Cháy
1. “Mùi Cỏ Cháy" is a Vietnamese historical film that profoundly impacted my emotions

and sense of national pride.


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2. The film depicts Vietnam's struggle for independence from colonial rule and
showcases the unwavering patriotism and resilience of the Vietnamese people.
3. Watching the film was a transformative experience that deepened my appreciation
for my ancestors' sacrifices and inspired me to reflect on my own identity and values.
4. "Mùi Cỏ Cháy" left me feeling empowered and determined, igniting a sense of
strength and motivation to strive for greatness and make a positive impact in the

"Mùi Cỏ Cháy," a Vietnamese historical film, has deeply impacted my perspective and
emotions, leaving an indelible mark on my sense of identity and historical consciousness. Set
against the backdrop of Vietnam's struggle for independence from colonial rule, the film
portrays the unwavering patriotism and resilience of the Vietnamese people during a
tumultuous era.

The narrative of "Mùi Cỏ Cháy" delves into the sacrifices and hardships endured by
individuals and communities striving for freedom and justice. It vividly depicts the courage of
soldiers on the battlefield and the strength of civilians facing oppression, highlighting the
collective spirit of patriotism that resonates throughout Vietnamese history.

Watching "Mùi Cỏ Cháy" was a profound and transformative experience for me. It
deepened my appreciation for the sacrifices made by previous generations and reinforced my
own commitment to standing up for justice and equality. The film's portrayal of resilience and
determination in the face of adversity inspired me to reflect on my own values and beliefs,
fostering a greater sense of personal strength and purpose.

Moreover, "Mùi Cỏ Cháy" serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring human spirit
and its capacity to overcome challenges. It instilled in me a sense of pride in my cultural
heritage and a determination to contribute positively to society. The film's themes of courage,
sacrifice, and perseverance continue to resonate with me, guiding my actions and aspirations
in both personal and professional endeavors.

In conclusion, "Mùi Cỏ Cháy" is not just a cinematic masterpiece but a catalyst for
introspection and empowerment. Its exploration of historical struggles and triumphs has left
a lasting impact on my outlook on life and my role as a global citizen striving for a better

● Leave a mark on somebody (collocation): Impact deeply or influence significantly.
Ảnh hưởng sâu sắc
● Reflect on (v): Ponder or think deeply about. Suy nghĩ sâu sắc về
● Poignant (a): Emotionally moving or touching. Thấm thía
● Instill in (v): Gradually introduce or impart. Truyền đạt
● Resonate with (v): Strike a chord or connect deeply with. Cộng hưởng

● Endeavor (v) (B2): Strive or make a serious effort. Nỗ lực


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● Cinematic masterpiece (noun phrase): Outstanding film achievement. Kiệt tác điện
● Leave a lasting impact on (collocation): Have a lasting effect or influence. Ấn tượng
lâu dài
● Strive for (phrasal verb): Work hard to achieve or attain. Nỗ lực
● Patriotism (n): Love and loyalty to one's country. Lòng yêu nước
● In the face of (collocation): Confronting or dealing with. Đối mặt với
● Catalyst (n): Trigger or accelerate change or progress. Chất xúc tác

SET 4: You may describe an important rule at school/ work, which is to wear appropriate
clothing. This can help you feel professional and confident & you usually wear that
27. Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
You should say
What the rule is
If the people break this rule, what will happen
Why do you think this is an important rule?
Part 3
1. What rules should children abide by at home in your country?
2. What rules can be for given for children breaking at home?
3. What rules should people obey in public transportation?

28. Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear.
You should say:
What type (or style) of clothes
Where you usually buy these clothes
How often you buy them
How you choose what to buy
And explain why you like this style of clothes.
Fashions / Clothes Styles
1. Do you think it's important (or, good) to follow the current fashions in the clothes you
2. Why do many young people feel it's important to wear clothes that are "in fashion"?
3. Do you think there are any negative effects on young people resulting from this idea that
wearing fashionable clothes is important?
1. Do you think it's good for people (such as school students) to wear uniforms?
2. What do you think is the purpose of uniforms?
3. Do you think it would be a good idea to let students design their own school uniform?

I’d like to talk about a rule at my workplace that requires me to wear appropriate clothing.
I'm a teacher, and the dress code for educators at my school is quite formal. Males are
expected to wear shirts tucked in dark-colored trousers, while females should wear sleeved

shirts or blouses paired with trousers or long skirts.


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This dress code is in place to maintain a professional and respectful environment in the school.
When teachers dress formally, it sets a positive example for the students, encouraging them
to take their education seriously. Moreover, it helps create a sense of authority and respect
in the classroom. So important is it that there will be serious punishments for failures to
adhere to the rule, from heavy fines to official warnings.

For me personally, I’ve got familiar with this dress code to the point that it has become a part
of my daily routine. I usually go to physical stores and try out the clothes to make sure my
clothing is well-fitted. I also prefer them not to be too flashy, so I often choose conservative
colors like black, gray, or navy blue for my attire. In fact, I really like this style as I can feel
comfortable in it while teaching, it’s very important that a teacher’s outfit allows her to move
around freely and feel confident in front of the students.

● Appropriate (adj): suitable for a particular situation
● Be in place (phrase) (C2): organized in its correct position
● Set an example for sb (idiom): behave in a way that other people should copy
● Take sth seriously (phrase): to consider sth to be important and worth your attention
● A sense of authority (n): power or ability to control
● So + adj + tobe + S + that + clause: Cấu trúc đảo ngữ với so…that…
● Adhere to the rule (phrasal verb): obey a rule
● Conservative (in fashion) (adj): not liking fashionable or modern clothes
● Attire (formal): clothes


SET 1: You may describe a time you were hectic with an important project that took you a
long time to complete and wait for its result, but in the end you succeeded, received big
rewards and got your life changed positively
29. Describe a period of time that changed your life in a positive way
You should say
When it was
Who you were with
What happened at that time
And explain how it changed your life in good ways
Part 3
1. Do children like to change schools when they are young?
2. The impact of changing schools at an early age on children (positive/ negative)
3. What children will learn in their new school?
4. Do you like new things or changes in life?
5. How do people face big changes and what preparations do they make?
6. When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds of things would you

30. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

You should say


When it happened

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What the nice thing was
How long you waited
Why you waited for a long time
And explain how you felt about the experience
1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
2. Do you liketo wait for a long time? Why?
3. What do people do while waiting?
4. Are most people patient while waiting?
5. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
6. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?

31. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of
You should say
What the task was
How you completed it
Why the task was difficult
Why you were proud of the completion of the task
Part 3
1. What are the things that make people feel proud of?
2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?
3. What challenges do young people face today?
4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?
5. What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?
6. What are the most difficult jobs that people do?

32. Describe a time when you were very busy

You should say:
When this time was
Why you were so busy
What you did to deal with the situation
And explain how you felt about being so busy
Part 3
1. Why do people often feel tired in this day and age?
2. Do you think people will feel even more tired in the future?
3. Is time management important?
4. How does technology help with time management?
5. Does technology distract people?

Important project and succeed
1. Project's Goal: Explains the objective of the project, which was to secure a crucial
contract for the company by building strong client relationships and showcasing
services effectively.

2. Initial Phase: Details the initial steps taken, including thorough market research,

crafting tailored proposals, and engaging in regular client communication.

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3. Challenges Faced: Describes the challenges and uncertainties encountered during the
project, highlighting moments of doubt and slow progress.
4. Resilience and Motivation: Emphasizes the speaker's resilience, dedication, and
motivation to succeed despite challenges, drawing inspiration from potential success
and team capabilities.
5. Success Achieved: Celebrates the successful outcome of the project after months of
hard work, strategic negotiations, and persistent efforts.

Let me share a pivotal experience from my career that taught me invaluable lessons.
It was a challenging yet rewarding project at work where I had to persuade clients to sign a
major contract, marking a significant milestone in my professional journey.

The project's goal was to secure a crucial contract for our company, which required
building strong client relationships and showcasing our services effectively. At the start, I felt
daunted by the enormity of the task ahead. However, I was determined to succeed and
approached it with dedication and perseverance.

The initial phase involved thorough market research to understand client needs and
preferences. I meticulously crafted tailored proposals that highlighted our strengths and
advantages over competitors. Additionally, I engaged in regular communication with clients,
addressing their concerns and building trust along the way.

As the weeks turned into months, the project presented numerous challenges and
moments of uncertainty. There were times when progress seemed slow, and doubts crept in.
However, I remained resilient, drawing motivation from the potential for success and my
belief in our capabilities as a team.

Finally, after months of hard work, strategic negotiations, and persistent efforts, we
successfully secured the contract. It was a moment of immense satisfaction and pride,
knowing that our diligence had paid off. Moreover, this achievement led to professional
recognition and a well-deserved promotion within the company.

This experience taught me invaluable lessons in perseverance, resilience, and effective

communication. It reinforced the importance of staying focused on goals, even in the face of
challenges. Most importantly, it instilled in me a newfound confidence and determination to
tackle future endeavors with vigor and optimism.

● Mark a significant milestone (collocation): Achieve an important goal or event
indicating progress. Đạt được thành tựu quan trọng
● Endeavor (v) (B2): Make a sincere effort to accomplish something. Nỗ lực
● Instill in (v) (B2): Gradually introduce or impart a quality or belief. Truyền đạt
● Draw motivation from (verb phrase) Find inspiration or encouragement. Tìm được

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● Creep in/into something (phrasal verb) Gradually appear or enter a situation. Dần
dần xuất hiện
● Pay off (phrasal verb) Yield positive results or rewards. Tạo ra kết quả thành công
● To be determined to V: (adj) Firmly resolve or commit to doing something. Cam kết
làm gì
● Build trust:(collocation) Establish confidence and reliability. Xây dựng niềm tin
● To be daunted (adj): Feel intimidated or overwhelmed. Nản lòng, thoái chí
● Address someone's concerns (collocation) Respond to and alleviate worries or
doubts. Giảm thiểu nghi ngờ

SET 2: You may describe a time you received bad service in a restaurant, and other
customers had the same experience. Then you saw one of them loudly complaining about
this unsatisfactory service in the middle of the meal and how the restaurant responded
33. Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops
You should say
When it happened
Why you went there
What happened in the restaurants/shops
And explain why you thin their service was bad
Part 3
1. What kinds of services are bad services?
2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?
3. Who should be responsible for bad services?
4. As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?
5. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

34. Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something in the
public (in the restaurant or other place)
You should say:
When and where it happened
What he/she complained about
What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3:
1. Do you think complain is important for business?
2. Do you think it’s important for a business company to train their employees to react to the
customer's complaints?
3. Do you think are complaint is better to speak to someone or write it down like in an email?

Slow and inattentive service
1. Disappointing Dining Experience: Dining with friends at a popular restaurant turned
sour due to slow and inattentive service.
2. Overwhelmed Staff: Waiter seemed to struggle to keep up with the demands of a

busy restaurant, leading to frustration.


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3. Customer Outburst: A dissatisfied diner loudly complained about the poor service,
creating an uncomfortable atmosphere.
4. Ineffective Management: Failed to address the issue promptly or professionally,
further worsening the situation.
5. Impact on Experience: A negative impression and highlight the importance of
excellent customer service.

One memorable instance of receiving bad service in a restaurant occurred when I was
dining out with friends at a popular eatery in the city. The restaurant, known for its delectable
cuisine and vibrant ambiance, had always been a favorite spot for us to gather and enjoy a
meal together. However, on this particular occasion, our dining experience took a turn for the

As we settled into our seats and perused the menu, we couldn't help but notice that
the service seemed unusually slow and inattentive. Our waiter appeared flustered and
overwhelmed, struggling to keep up with the demands of the busy restaurant. Despite our
attempts to catch his attention, it took ages for him to finally take our orders. As the evening
progressed, it became evident that we were not the only ones experiencing frustration with
the service. Several tables around us were also growing increasingly impatient, with
customers voicing their dissatisfaction in hushed tones. However, it was one particular diner
who took matters into their own hands and decided to address the issue head-on.

Midway through our meal, the disgruntled customer, unable to contain their
frustration any longer, stood up and began loudly complaining about the poor service to
anyone who would listen. Their outburst caught the attention of both diners and staff alike,
creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in the restaurant. To our surprise, instead of
addressing the customer's concerns promptly and professionally, the restaurant's
management seemed ill-prepared to handle the situation. Rather than offering an apology or
attempting to rectify the issue, they appeared defensive and dismissive, further exacerbating
the tension in the air. The incident left a sour taste in our mouths and tarnished what would
have otherwise been an enjoyable dining experience. It served as a stark reminder of the
importance of excellent customer service and the impact it can have on a business's
reputation and success.

In conclusion, witnessing another customer loudly complaining about the

unsatisfactory service in the middle of our meal was a disheartening experience. It
underscored the need for restaurants to prioritize customer satisfaction and address issues
promptly and professionally to avoid such incidents in the future.

● Delectable (adj) (B2-C1): Extremely pleasing or delightful, especially to the taste or
senses; delicious. Vui vẻ, ngon
● Vibrant (adj): Full of energy, excitement, or activity; lively and dynamic. Sống động

● Inattentive (adj) (B1): Not paying close attention; careless or negligent. Bất cẩn

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● Flustered (adj): Agitated or confused, especially as a result of being hurried, nervous,
or embarrassed. Bối rối
● Peruse (v) (B2): Read or examine carefully and thoroughly. Kiểm tra kỹ càng
● Catch sb’s attention (idiom): To attract someone's notice or interest.
● Take matters into sb’s own hands (idiom): To deal with a problem or situation
oneself, often because one feels that others are not handling it effectively. Tự mình
giải quyết vấn đề
● Voice sb’s dissatisfaction (collocation): Express or articulate sb’s discontent or
unhappiness. Thể hiện sự không hài lòng
● Address the issue head-on (idiom): To confront a problem or challenge directly and
without hesitation. Giải quyết vấn đề trước mắt
● Exacerbate (v) (B2): Make a problem, situation, or feel worse or more severe. Làm
trầm trọng thêm
● Tarnished (adj): Diminished in value, reputation, or quality, often as a result of
negative experiences or actions. Làm lu mờ
● Sour taste in sb’s mouths (idiom): A feeling of disappointment, regret, or
dissatisfaction, often resulting from a negative experience. Cảm giác thất vọng vì có
trải nghiệm tồi tệ trước đó

SET 3: The unusualness may be that during the holiday, many of your technological devices
were out of order and you had to find traditional ways to solve problems. Starting when
you’re lost to reach the destination, your car’s GPS was inactive so you had to use a paper
map and your trip was delayed. Then describe very shortly a similar experience when you
were already at the destination.
35. Describe an occasion when you used a map
You should say:
When you used the map
Where you were
Why you used a paper map
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1. What do people usually do when they get lost?
2. What are the differences between paper and digital maps?
3. What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems?
4. What do people often do with a map?
5. Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?
6. How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country?

36. Describe an important journey that was delayed

You should say
When it was
Why it was important
How it was delayed
And how you felt about it


1. How to improve the traffic condition in a city?

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2. Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?
3. How can transportation in rural areas be developed?

37. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on

You should say:
When and where you went
Who you went with
What you did there
And explain why it was unusual
Part 3
1. Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays?
2. Which holidays are popular in your country?
3. What are the difference between old and young people when spending their holidays?
4. Do you think having holidays help people learn other countries’ cultures?
5. Why do some people dislike holidays?

Got lost due to the GPS system’s error.
1. Failure of modern technology (GPS and online maps) due to poor reception.
2. Resorting to traditional paper map navigation and encountering challenges along the
3. Overcoming difficulties with teamwork and resourcefulness, fostering a sense of
4. Learning valuable lessons about adaptability, resilience, and the enduring value of
traditional navigation methods.

During a holiday trip to a remote mountainous region, I encountered a memorable
challenge that put my navigation skills to the test. What made this experience particularly
unusual was the fact that our reliance on modern technology took an unexpected turn when
our GPS and online maps malfunctioned due to poor reception, something that had never
happened before. This left us feeling a sense of unease and uncertainty, as we were now
without our usual digital guides. This accident had never happened before, thus, at first, we
were horrified.

The situation forced us to resort to traditional methods of navigation, which included

using a paper map. Retrieving the map from the glove compartment felt like uncovering a
hidden treasure, as we unfolded it to chart our course manually. The paper map, adorned
with contour lines and landmarks, seemed like a relic from a bygone era in this digital age.

Navigating with the paper map was no easy feat, especially as we navigated through
winding mountain roads and dense forests. We encountered moments of confusion and
doubt, but we persevered, determined to find our way to our intended destination. The
experience was both challenging and rewarding, as it required us to rely on our instincts and

problem-solving skills.

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As we journeyed onward, the sense of camaraderie among our group grew stronger.
We shared moments of laughter and encouragement, turning what could have been a
stressful situation into a memorable adventure. Each step we took, guided by the paper map
and our collective efforts, brought us closer to our goal.

Arriving at our destination was a triumph, not just because we reached it physically,
but because we overcame the technological hurdles and relied on our resourcefulness. The
experience taught me valuable lessons about adaptability, resilience, and the value of having
a backup plan when modern conveniences fail us. It reinforced the timeless wisdom that
sometimes, the old ways can be just as effective, if not more, than the new.

● Put something to the test (collocation) Evaluate something's performance under
specific conditions. Thử thách cái gì
● Camaraderie (n): A sense of friendship and unity among a group. Tình đồng đội
● Bygone era (noun phrase): Refers to a past time that is no longer relevant. Một thời
đã qua
● Uncover a hidden treasure (collocation): Discover something valuable or significant.
Tìm thấy kho báu
● Take an unexpected turn (collocation): Deviate from the expected course of events.
Đi chệch hướng
● Malfunction (n) (B1): Fail to work correctly or as intended. Sự cố
● Adorn with (v): Decorate or embellish something. Trang trí

SET 4: You may describe a time you delivered a presentation when suddenly encountering
a computer problem, but you needed to fix it as quickly as you could. A friend helped you
to solve that problem, and from then you learned the skill to use a computer.
38. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer
You should say
What is the problem?
When and where does it happen?
And explain how you solved the problem?
Part 3
1. What do people use computers for?
2. Why do people often have problems when using new products?
3. How do people learn to use an equipment?
4. Why do some people don’t know how to solve these problems?
5. Why do teenagers spend a lot of time on their screens?

39. Describe something you did or you need to do quickly in a short time
You should say:
What it was
Why you did it or why you need to do
How you did or how you need to do

And explain how you felt/feel about it



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1. Do you think it’s ok to arrive late when meeting a friend?
2. What should happen to people who arrive late for work?
3. Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?

40. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager
You should say:
What it is
When you learned it
Who you learned it from
And explain how you feel about this skill
Part 3
1. Where do children learn skills in your country?
2. What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?
3. What important skills should a child learn?
4. What skills do you think teenagers should have?
5. Who should teach teenagers skills?
6. What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills?

Slide problem before my presentation
1. Presentation Mishap: Before a big school presentation, I couldn't open my slides on
the school computer.
2. Panic and Troubleshooting: I tried everything to fix it, but nothing worked.
3. Friend's Help: Luckily, a friend knew a workaround using keyboard shortcuts.
4. Smooth Presentation: With their help, I presented without further problems.
5. Lesson Learned: I realized the importance of being prepared for tech issues and asking
for help when needed.

During high school, I faced a memorable challenge while preparing for a presentation
in front of the whole school. Despite meticulous preparation, an unforeseen problem with
the school's computer system threatened to derail my efforts.

Moments before the presentation, I discovered that the file format of my slides was
incompatible with the school's computer, causing panic as I tried unsuccessfully to resolve
the issue. With time ticking and the audience waiting, I urgently needed a solution. In a stroke
of luck, a tech-savvy friend stepped in and suggested using keyboard shortcuts to navigate
the slides, which proved successful and allowed me to deliver the presentation smoothly.

This experience taught me valuable lessons about adaptability and the importance of
seeking help when facing unexpected challenges. I realized the need to be prepared for
technical difficulties and to rely on teamwork and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles.

Following this incident, I proactively learned more about computer shortcuts and

troubleshooting techniques, recognizing the significance of being tech-savvy in today's world.


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This experience not only improved my problem-solving skills but also sparked a newfound
interest in mastering technology.

In conclusion, the challenge I faced with the school's computer system during my
presentation was a defining moment that taught me resilience, resourcefulness, and the value
of collaboration. It reinforced the idea that setbacks can lead to personal growth and
development, highlighting the importance of being adaptable in navigating various situations
in life.

● Derail (v): To throw off course or disrupt planned activities. Làm gián đoạn
● Proactive (adj): Taking initiative and planning ahead to anticipate future events. Chủ
động khởi đầu
● Resourcefulness (n) (B2): Finding creative solutions using available resources. Tìm ra
giải pháp sáng tạo nhờ nguồn tài nguyên sẵn có
● Tech-savvy (adj) (B1): Knowledgeable and skilled in using technology. Rành công nghệ
● Incompatible with (adj): Not able to work together harmoniously due to differences.
Không tương thích
● In a stroke of luck (collocation): A fortunate and unexpected event that aids in
achieving success. May mắn thay,...

SET 5: You may say that you gave advice to your old classmate & helped her overcome a
hardship, so you guys took a picture as a memory, and you feel happy each time you see it
41. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
You should say
What the photo like
When and where you took this photo
How often you watch the photo
And explain why it makes you feel happy
1. Do you think it’s important to be a professional photographer?
2. Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?
3. Are equipment important to photography?
4. Do you think being a professional videographer is a good job? Why?
5. Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?

42. Describe a time when you gave good advice to someone

You should say:
When it was
To whom you gave the advice
What the advice was
And explain why you gave the advice
Part 3
1. Do you think parents should give their children advice?

2. Should teachers give students advice?


3. Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice?

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4. How to give young people and old people advice?
5. What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice?
6. Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, a lawyer or a

43. Describe a time when you helped someone (you worked or studied with)
You should say:
Who you helped
Why you helped him/her
How you helped him/her
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1. Should people be very kind when they help others?
2. Should children be taugh to be kind to others?
3. How do you compare kindness with other qualities?

One photo that never fails to make me happy is a picture taken during a special moment when
I offered some valuable advice to my old college classmate.

A few years ago, my friend Linh was going through a tough time. She was facing a significant
career dilemma and was feeling quite lost and stressed. Though being treated unequally at
the workplace by her boss, Linh was hesitant to quit the job as she had a close connection
with other co-workers. So we spent hours talking and considering the pros and cons of the
two choices. Finally, I advised her to have a sit-down with her boss to express her opinions,
then if it didn’t work out, she should find a new job.

2 weeks later, we met again and Linh informed me that she did follow my advice, quitting the
previous toxic workplace and entering a new company. She really loved this new workplace
with a nice boss, friendly colleagues, and promising promotional opportunities. She thanked
me for the good advice I gave her, and I also felt very happy for her.

It was a pivotal moment, and we decided to capture it with a photo. In the picture, we're
both sitting on a park bench, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow. Both of us were
smiling brightly with relief and hope for a brighter future.

That photo symbolizes not only the positive advice I was able to provide but also the strength
of our friendship and our ability to overcome challenges together. I often take a look at it
whenever I feel down in the dumps as the photo reminds me that after the rain comes fair

● Go through sth (phrasal verb): experience a difficult or unpleasant situation. Trải qua
(khó khăn, điều tồi tệ…)

● A dilemma (n): a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two

different things. Tình trạng khó xử, khó quyết

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● Have a close connection with somebody (collocation): Có mối quan hệ thân thiết với
● Promising promotional opportunities (collocation): Cơ hội thăng tiến đầy hứa hẹn
● Have a sit-down with somebody (idiom) (US): sit down and have a serious talk with
sb. Nói chuyện nghiệm túc với ai
● Pivotal (adj): important. Quan trọng
● Feel down in the dumps (idiom) (C2): feel unhappy. Buồn, thất vọng
● After the rain comes fair weather (idiom): Sau cơn mưa trời lại sáng

SET 6: You may say that you found an object a person dropped during a party that you two
44. Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say
When you went to the party
Where the party was held
What kind of party it was
And explain why you enjoyed this party
Part 3
1. Why do people like parties?
2. Why do some people not like going to parties?
3. Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?
4. What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor’s party?
5. What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public

45. Describe some things lost by others but found by you

You should say
What it was
When and Where did you find it
What you did do after you found it
And explain how you felt about finding it
Part 3:
1. Why do some people like to collect old things?
2. Will children take possession of things they pick up?
3. How should parents educate them?

Last week I was invited to a friend’s house for his birthday party dinner where I met Linh, who
became one of my best friends later.

I have to say that luckily I dressed up for the occasion because when I got there, turned out it
was a luxurious party held in a pretty grand mansion with an impressive courtyard. My friend
has been so down-to-earth and thrifty in his day-to-day that I never suspect him of having a
colossal fortune. To say I was shell-shocked would be an understatement.

The party was also phenomenal, the catering people really outdid themselves and the food

was excellent. My favorite part of the party was when all of the guests and host joined this

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brief wellness awareness workshop where we learned about natural remedies like tea and
salt baths to relieve daily exhaustion. I found it very helpful.

Towards the end, we all gathered around the pool dancing to live music and raising toasts to
our gracious host. It’s when I stumbled upon a string of valuable pearl necklace. When looking
around trying to find the owner, I noticed a woman scanning the place anxiously, her hand
reaching for her neck as if checking for something. I approached her and described the
necklace I had found. Her eyes widened with surprise and relief as she realized it was hers.
We then struck up a conversation and noticed that we had a lot in common. Thus before
leaving, we exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch. Little did we know
that this encounter would blossom into a lasting friendship later.

● Dress up for the occasion (collocation): dress beautifully. Ăn diện
● A grand mansion (C1) (collocation): spendid, impressive. Biệt thự xa hoa
● Down-to-earth (C1): practical, reasonable. (Người) thực tế
● Thrifty (adj): showing a careful use of money, avoiding waste. (Người) tiết kiệm
● Catering (n): the activity of providing food at an event. Phục vụ ẩm thực
● Relieve daily stress/ exhaustion (collocation) (C2): Giảm căng thẳng, mệt mỏi
● Stumble upon sb/ sth (phrasal verb) (C2): Tình cờ thấy
● Strike up a conversation (phrasal verb): Bắt đầu trò chuyện
● Encounter (n): Cuộc gặp gỡ tình cờ với ai

SET 1: You may describe a game you played with classmates during breaks at primary
school, you guys ran and screamed, the noise made you feel more excited, but you were all
tired at the end of the break.
46. Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say
When it happened
Where it took place
What the activity was
And explain why it made you feel tired
Part 3
1. Does studying and learning make people tired today?
2. When do people usually feel tired?
3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?
4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?
5. What are the differences between feeling tired after sutyding and after exercising?
6. How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?

47. Describe an occasion that somebody or something was making a lot of noise
You should say
Where you were

What you were doing


Who/what was making the noise

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And explain how the noise affected you
Part 3:
1. What kinds of places should be noise-free?
2. Can people bring children to these noise-free places?
3. Why can’t people make noise in a church?
4. What public morals should people follow in your country?

48. Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did the activity
Who you did it with
And explain why it was your favorite activity
Part 3
1. What activities do children often do in your country?
2. What do parents in your country let their children do?
3. What are the differences between activities at home and at school?
4. Why do some people like to participate in activities?
5. What activities do people do in their free time?

1. Fondest Childhood Memory: Playing hide and seek with friends during primary school
2. Simple Joy: The game brought immense joy, excitement, and a sense of camaraderie
among friends.
3. Game Dynamics: Describes the rules of the game, including choosing a seeker and
finding creative hiding spots.
4. Thrilling Experience: Highlights the thrill, laughter, and creativity involved in playing
hide and seek.
5. Meaningful Childhood Experience: The game wasn't just about hiding; it was about
building friendships, creating memories, and experiencing carefree fun.

Let me take you back to my primary school days, where one of my fondest memories
revolves around playing hide and seek with my friends. It was a game that brought us
immense joy, excitement, and a sense of camaraderie.

Every afternoon, after classes ended, we would gather in the schoolyard or

neighborhood park to play. The rules were simple: one person would be chosen as the seeker,
and the rest of us would scatter to find hiding spots. The seeker would count while we
hurriedly searched for the perfect spot to conceal ourselves. The anticipation and thrill of the
game were palpable as we tried to outwit the seeker and stay hidden until the end. There
was laughter, shouts of excitement, and the sound of feet scampering as we raced to find

hiding places behind trees, bushes, or benches. What made the game even more enjoyable

was the creativity it sparked. We would come up with imaginative hiding spots, like climbing

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trees or squeezing into tight spaces, all in an effort to avoid being found. Sometimes, the
game would last for hours, with multiple rounds of seeking and hiding, each round filled with
renewed excitement.

Although the game could get noisy and occasionally led to minor bumps or scratches
from our hiding antics, it was all part of the fun. The exhaustion we felt at the end of each
play session was a testament to the energy and enthusiasm we poured into the game. As the
game progressed, our bodies would feel increasingly fatigued, our breaths coming in short
bursts as we raced to find hiding spots or dashed to avoid being caught. The physical exertion
was evident in the sweat on our brows and the slight ache in our muscles from crouching,
running, and sneaking around. Despite the weariness that settled in, there was a sense of
satisfaction in pushing ourselves to the limit, in giving our all to the game until our energy
was spent.

Looking back, those moments of playing hide and seek weren't just about the game
itself; they were about building friendships, creating memories, and experiencing the simple
joys of childhood. It was a time of carefree fun and unforgettable laughter that I'll always

● Revolve around (phrasal verb) This phrase means to be centered or focused on
something, often indicating that something is the central theme or main aspect of a
situation or experience. Xoay quanh, tập trung vào
● Camaraderie (noun) (C1) Camaraderie refers to a feeling of trust, friendship, and
mutual respect among a group of people who share common interests, goals, or
experiences. It often involves a sense of unity and companionship. Tình đồng đội
● Come up with (phrasal verb) To come up with something means to create, invent, or
think of something, especially when it requires creativity or problem-solving skills.
● In an effort to V (collocation) This phrase indicates that someone is making an attempt
or taking action to achieve a particular goal or outcome. Sáng tạo
● A testament to (noun phrase) This phrase is used to indicate that something is
evidence or proof of a particular quality, fact, or situation. It suggests that the
presence or occurrence of something confirms or supports a certain belief or
understanding. Một minh chứng cho điều đó
● Pour into (phrasal verb) To pour into something means to invest a significant amount
of effort, time, energy, or resources into it, often with a strong sense of dedication or
commitment. Đầu tư năng lượng, thời gian,...
● Palpable (adj) (B2): Palpable describes something that is easily perceived or felt, often
referring to a feeling, atmosphere, or quality that is tangible or noticeable. Có thể cảm
nhận rõ ràng
● Sneak around (phrasal verb) Move quietly and stealthily, often to avoid being noticed
or to find a hiding spot. Đi nhẹ nhàng
● Push oneself to the limit (collocation) Test one's capabilities or endurance to the
fullest extent, giving maximum effort or energy. Đẩy ai đó tới giới hạn cao nhất

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SET 2: You may describe an outdoor activity that you did in a new place recently with
someone else, which made you happy
49. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else
You should say
Who you were with
When and where it happened
What the activity was
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
1. What kinds of activities do young people like to do?
2. Why do some young people like adventurous activities?
3. Do you think old people would like to have changes?
4. Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?
5. Can you give some (other) examples of adventurous or risky activities?
6. What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?

50. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently that makes you happy
You should say:
What the activity is
Who invited you to participate in it
Whether you asked for help in the activity
And explain what change you had in the activity
Part 3
1. Where do people like to go for these activities?
2. What outdoor activities are popular in Vietnam?
3. Are those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful?
4. Do you think it’s better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?
5. Should young people try as many new activities as possible?
6. When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?

Play volleyball on a beach
1. Refreshing Experience: Playing beach volleyball provided a refreshing and energizing
break during the vacation.
2. Beautiful Setting: The picturesque beach with golden sand and soothing waves added
to the enjoyment of the game.
3. Fun and Outdoor Joy: The game was filled with excitement, cheers, and laughter,
fostering a sense of camaraderie among friends. Being outdoors in such a stunning
environment with the sea breeze and ocean view enhanced the overall experience.
4. Memorable Adventure: Playing beach volleyball became a memorable highlight of the
vacation, leaving a lasting impression and a desire for more such adventures in the


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I recently had an incredible experience playing beach volleyball while on vacation at a
beautiful seaside location. The entire experience left me feeling energized, happy, and deeply
connected to the natural surroundings.

Arriving at the beach, I was greeted by the sight of the shimmering golden sand
stretching out before me and the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore. The
sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over everything and creating a perfect
atmosphere for a day of outdoor fun.

We quickly organized ourselves into teams and headed to the sandy volleyball court.
The soft sand beneath our feet added an extra layer of challenge to the game, making
movements a bit more difficult but also cushioning our falls. As the game progressed, it was
filled with moments of excitement, cheers, and laughter. Each serve, bump, and spike brought
a surge of adrenaline, and the competitive spirit among us only added to the thrill. Despite
the intense gameplay, there was a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork that made the
experience even more enjoyable.

What made the day truly special was the stunning natural beauty all around us. The
fresh sea breeze, the sound of seagulls overhead, and the panoramic view of the ocean
created a serene and refreshing environment. It was a fantastic break from the hustle and
bustle of everyday life, allowing me to immerse myself in the joy of outdoor activities and
quality time with friends.

By the end of the game, I felt invigorated and happy, grateful for the wonderful
experience and the memories created. Playing beach volleyball in such a beautiful setting was
a highlight of my vacation, and I look forward to more adventures like this in the future.

● Panoramic (adj) (C1): Describing a wide and comprehensive view, usually of a large
area or landscape. toàn cảnh
● Look forward to (v): Anticipating or eagerly awaiting something in the future with
excitement. mong chờ
● Invigorated (adj): Feeling refreshed, energized, and revitalized. Cảm thấy được tiếp
thêm sinh lực
● A fantastic break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life (collocation) A
wonderful opportunity to escape from busy routines and relax in a different
environment. Trốn thoát khỏi cuộc sống hàng ngày xô bồ bận bịu
● Quality time (noun phrase) Meaningful moments spent with others or engaging in
enjoyable activities that strengthen relationships. Thời gian chất lượng
● Immerse oneself in (verb phrase) Fully engaging or getting deeply involved in an
activity or experience. Đắm chìm vào
● Camaraderie (n): A sense of trust, friendship, and unity among a group of people with
shared interests. Tình đồng đội
● Cushion (v): Softening the impact or reducing the intensity of something. Làm nhẹ bớt

● Stretch out (phrasal verb): To extend or spread over an area or to relax one's body by

extending limbs. Trải dài

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● Bring a surge of adrenaline (collocation): Triggering a sudden increase in adrenaline
levels, leading to heightened excitement and energy. Mang lại cảm giác phấn khích,
vui vẻ

Examiner to ask questions from EITHER Frame 1 or Frame 2
Frame 1 (Where you live now)
Let’s talk about where you live now
- Which town or city do you live in now?
- Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?)
- Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why not?)
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?)
- What things make your home pleasant to live in? (Why?)
Frame 2 (Work/ Study)
Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?
- What kind of work do you do?
- What do you find most interesting about your work? (Why?)
- Which is more important to you – the people you work with or the work you do? (Why?)
- Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)
- What do you study?
- What do you find most interesting about your studies? (Why?)
- Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course?
- How much time do you spend studying every week?
- How do you usually travel to the city where you study?
- Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)
- Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects (Why/ Why not?)

1. Robots
1. Do you know something about robots?
2. Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?
3. Do you use robot in your daily life?
4. Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?

2. Geography
1. How do you feel about geography?
2. Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?
3. Have you ever studied geography at school?
4. Are you good at reading a map?

3. Helping others

1. Do you usually help people around you?


2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?

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3. Have you done voluntary work?
4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
5. Have you helped someone in the community?

4. Gift/presents
1. What is one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? (Why?)
2. Are you good at choosing gifts for other people? (Why/Why not?)
3. What sort of gifts do you like to buy for friends? (Why?)
4. Have you ever given someone a gift that you made yourself? (Why/Why not?)

5. Fish and Fishing

1. How popular is fishing in your country? (Why/Why not?)
2. Do you know any places where you can see many fish? (Where/Why?)
3. How do you feel about eating fish? (Why/Why not?)
4. Would you ever keep fish as pets? (Why/Why not?)

6. Films
1. What films do you like?
2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?
3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

7. Tea or Coffee
1. Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)
2. Do you remember the first time you tried drinking tea/coffee? (Why/Why not?)
3. Doyou ever give visitors to your home tea or coffee? (Why/Why not?)
4. Which is more popular in your country, tea or coffee? (Why?)

8. Musical instruments
1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?

9. Public transport
1. Do people in your town or city use public transport a lot? (Why/Why not?)
2. When did you last use public transport? (Why?)
3. What would you like to change about the public transport in your town/city? (Why/Why
4. Do you think you will use public transport more in the future? (Why/Why not?)

10. Noise
1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

2. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?


3. Is making noise one of people’s rights?

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4. What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?
5. Do you want to move to a quieter place?

11. Chatting
1. Do you like chatting with friends?
2. What do you usually chat about with friends?
3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?
5. Do you argue with friends?

12. Running
1. Do you go running a lot?
2. Where do you usually like to run?
3. What do you think of running?
4. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

13. Map
1. Do you often use map?
2. What is the difference between mobile maps and paper maps?
3. Who taught you how to use maps?
4. How often do you use maps on you phone?
5. Do you put maps on the wall in your room, why?

14. Clothing
1. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?
2. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?
3. Do you like wearing T-shirts?
4. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

15. Travelling
1. Do you like travelling?
2. How often do you go travelling?
3. Where do you usually travel?
4. How do you feel when you are travelling?

16. Sunglasses
1. Do you often wear sunglasses?
2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?
3. Do you give sunglasses as a gift?
4. Why do you wear sunglasses?

17. Social Media

1. Do you think you spend too much time on social media?
2. Do your friends use social media?

3. What do people often do on social media?


4. When did you start using social media?

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18. Video Game
1. Do you like playing video games or watching others play video games?
2. What kinds of video games do you like to play?
3. Is it good for young people to play video games?

19. Colors
1. What is your favorite color?
2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?

20. Cakes and other sweet things

1. Did you enjoy cakes and sweets when you were a child? (Why/ Why not?)
2. Have you ever made a cake yourself? (Why/Why not?)
3. On what occasions do people in your culture eat special cakes or other sweet food?
4. Do you enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal? (Why/Why not?)

21. Memory
1. Do you need to remember things often?
2. Are you good at memorizing things?
3. Have you ever forgotten something important?
4. Why do some people have good memory while others just don’t?
5. Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things?

22. Advertisements/commercials
1. Do you often remember advertisements/commercials that you’ve seen? (Why/Why not?)
2. What do you usually do when an advertisements/a commercials comes on TV or the
internet? (Why/Why not?)
3. Have you ever seen an advertisements/a commercials that you really didn’t like? (Why?)
4. Would you like to be in an advertisements/a commercials one day? (What kind/Why/Why

23. Crowded place

1. Is the city where you live crowded?
2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?
3. Do you like crowded places?
4. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

24. Losing things

1. Do you often lose things?
2. What can we do to avoid losing things?
3. Why do some people tend to lose things more often than others?
4. What will you do if you find something lost by others?

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25. Feeling bored
1. Do you often feel bored? (Why/Why not?)
2. Did you ever find school boring, when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
3. What sort of things do you find most boring now?(Why/Why not?)
4. What do you do to stop yourself feeling bored?( Why/Why not?)

26. Singing
1. Do you like singing?
2. Does your school teach you to sing?
3. Do many people in Vietnam know how to sing?
4. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?

27. Spending mo43ney

1. Do you spend a lot of money?
2. What do you usually spend money for?
3. Do you use credit card?
4. How do Vietnamese people generally make payments?

28. News
1. Do you read the news?
2. Do famous people often appear in the news?
3. Do you like to follow celebrities in the news?
4. Do you think what is said in the news is correct?


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