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Coastal features

 What is a coast? The coast is a place where the land meets the ocean and seas.
 What is seashore? The land along the coast.
- Some seashore has a strip of sand, shingle, pebble or mud at the edge of the
- Behind the beach sometimes there are cliffs or sand dunes.
 How the shapes of coast change all the time? Because of the action of the waves
and wind.
- Where the rock is soft: The waves wear a way the land, moving the coast
- Where the rocks is hard: There may be little changes.
 How the waves form a new land along the sea shore? By brining sand and tiny
pieces of rocks from other parts of the coast.
 How the mudflat form? When the tiny pieces of mud and sand move along by the
river gradually settle on the bottom where river's current is slowed when it meets
the sea.
 What are an estuaries? The wide mouth of river where fresh water meets sea
 What is the river's current? The movement of water in particular direction.
 Why are the coasts important?
1. We use sheltered parts of the coast as ports.
2. We get a lot of our food, salt, oil and natural gas.
3. People go to the coast for their holiday.
 How people have harmed the coast?
1. They leave litter. 2. Damage sand dunes.
3. Pollute it by pumped oil , sewage and chemicals.

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