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Criminal Investigation
Third Edition

Michael D. Lyman

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Criminal Investigation (Justice Series), 3e (Lyman)

Chapter 1 Foundations of Criminal Investigation

1.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) Thief catchers were hired during the crime wave in England during the 18th and 19th
centuries and were identified as:
A) Hirelings
B) Social climbers
C) Rent a cops
D) Both A and B
Answer: D
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

2) The Bow Street Runners were established by:

A) Sir Robert Peel
B) Henry Fielding
C) Frances Smith
D) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Answer: B
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

3) England's first paid, full-time police force, the London Metropolitan Police Department, was
named after:
A) Sir Robert Peel
B) Henry Fielding
C) Frances Smith
D) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Answer: A
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

4) Which of the following U.S. city established the first professional police force?
A) Boston
B) New York
C) Philadelphia
D) Washington, D.C.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 4
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

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5) The first criminal investigation agency in the United States was the:
A) William J. Burns Detective Agency
B) Pinkerton National Detective Agency
C) United States Investigative Agency
D) Private Eye Investigative Agency
Answer: B
Page Ref: 4
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

6) Thomas Byrnes, the chief detective of New York City, at 9:00 a.m. marched all of the
criminals who had been arrested the previous 24 hours before his detectives. This became known
as the:
A) Parade of Criminals
B) Byrnes' Parade of Offenders
C) Mulberry Street Morning Parade
D) 12th Precinct Parade
Answer: C
Page Ref: 5
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

7) The single most significant development in criminal investigation in the United States was the
establishment of the ________ in 1924.
A) Secret Service
B) Border Patrol
Answer: D
Page Ref: 5
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

8) The FBI's early contributions included:

A) The National Academy
B) A crime laboratory that was available to state and local police
C) The National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Page Ref: 6
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

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9) August Vollmer's contribution to policing included all but which of the following?
A) World's first police school
B) First police chief to require officers to get a college degree
C) Hiring the first African-American and female officer
D) Inventing the intoxilyzer
Answer: D
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

10) To date, all crime scenes are searched based on Edmund Locard's principle, which states:
A) Whenever a perpetrator come into contact with the scene they either leave or take something
B) Always secure the crime scene before anything is touched.
C) There is always evidence at a crime scene.
D) Both B and C
Answer: A
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

11) The Bertillon system, also known as anthropometry, was based on:
A) The belief that no two humans had the same fingerprints
B) The idea that certain aspects of the human body remained the same after a person reached a
full physical maturity
C) The idea that no two humans shared the same DNA
D) All of the above
Answer: B
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

12) ________ is concerned with determining the cause of death by examination of a corpse.
A) Forensic serology
B) Forensic oncology
C) Forensic entomology
D) Forensic pathology
Answer: D
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

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13) Which of the following is NOT a manner of death?

A) Accidental
B) Natural
C) Undetermined
D) Drowning
Answer: C
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

14) Which of the following is a responsibility of a pathologist?

A) Examine and document wounds and injuries
B) Collect and examine tissue specimens under the microscope
C) Serve as an expert witness in civil or criminal cases
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

15) In the late 1970s, the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice awarded a
grant to the RAND Corporation to undertake a nationwide study of criminal investigations by
police agencies in major U.S. cities. Which of the statements below identify a major
recommendation of this study?
A) Less serious crimes, such as drug violations, gambling, and prostitution, are major causes of
serious crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery.
B) Patrol officers should be afforded greater responsibilities in conducting preliminary
investigations, providing greater case-screening capabilities for investigators while eliminating
C) There should be less emphasis on increased forensic resources for processing latent
fingerprints and more emphasis on intelligence gathering.
D) Crimes that require special investigative abilities should be handled by patrol officers and
thus agencies should eliminate specialized investigators.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 10-11
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

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16) Which of the following statements is a major recommendation that arose from the PERF
A) Since physical evidence is seldom used in identifying suspects, less emphasis should be
placed on gathering such evidence.
B) Police departments should develop policies and guidelines encouraging the use of evidence
technicians in routine cases such as burglary and robbery even when there has been no physical
injury to victims.
C) Greater emphasis should be placed on the collection and use of physical evidence because it
can be effective in corroborating other evidence of suspect identification.
D) Police officers should limit time locating witnesses through the use of a neighborhood
canvass since this effort is highly ineffective and thus wastes critical time required to solve cases.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 11
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

17) Because of the changing nature of criminal activity and the role of the investigator, the
objectives of a criminal investigation may be more complex than people imagine. Which of the
following are objectives of criminal investigations?
A) Locate and identify a suspect for every crime and obtain a 100% conviction rate.
B) Convict all suspects and recover stolen property.
C) Recover stolen property and prepare sound criminal cases for prosecution.
D) Conduct searches and obtain convictions in all cases regardless of guilt.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 11
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

18) ________ is reasoning that takes us beyond what we know to conclusions about what we
don't know.
A) Inductive reasoning
B) Deductive reasoning
C) Intuitive reasoning
D) Logical reasoning
Answer: A
Page Ref: 12
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

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19) ________ addresses crimes that have already occurred, such as murder, robbery and
A) Reactive response
B) Proactive response
C) Preventative response
D) Aggressive response
Answer: A
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

20) ________ deterrence is achieved by arresting the criminal and by aggressive prosecution.
A) Reactive response
B) Proactive response
C) Preventative response
D) Aggressive response
Answer: C
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

21) ________ is where the investigation is conducted before the crime is committed and the
suspect identified before they commit the crime.
A) Reactive response
B) Proactive response
C) Preventative response
D) Aggressive response
Answer: B
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

22) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the changing role of the patrol officer as an
A) The cases are handled completely and expeditiously.
B) The frequency of morale problems among patrol officers has decreased.
C) There is no longer a need for full-time investigators.
D) There is better management of the entire investigative effort by the police administrator.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 16
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Basic

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23) Primary solvability factors include:

A) Immediate availability of witnesses
B) Discovery of useful physical evidence
C) Information about significant physical evidence
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Page Ref: 17
Objective: Discuss the solvability factors in a criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

24) What is NOT one of the objectives in the preliminary investigation?

A) Determine what happened.
B) Determine what further investigative steps would be taken.
C) Record what has been done, what has been learned, and what is left to be done.
D) Prepare case jacket for the prosecutor.

Answer: D
Page Ref: 17
Objective: Describe the preliminary investigation process.
Level: Basic

25) Unless the patrol officer is able to make an immediate, on-scene arrest, 12 essential questions
need direct answers to determine the solvability of the case. Based on the following facts, use the
solvability factors identified in the text to answer the solvability question in this case:

A 32-year-old woman was physically assaulted by her live-in boyfriend. He used a lamp to strike
the woman in the back of the head while she was attempting to escape his grasp during an
argument. The man left the scene prior to police arriving.
A) Because there are no other witnesses, this case is not easily solvable. It is a "he-said, she-said"
situation. Refer the woman to the domestic abuse shelter for counseling and services and close
the case.
B) The man has left the scene and his current whereabouts are unknown. Because of this, the
case is not easily solvable. Keep the case open but suspend active investigation duties. Refer the
woman to the domestic abuse shelter for counseling and services.
C) This case is highly solvable. Collect statements and evidence, obtain an arrest warrant,
document the scene and refer the woman to the domestic abuse shelter for counseling and
D) There is not enough information given in the scenario to determine the solvability of the case.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 17
Objective: Discuss the solvability factors in a criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

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26) A police officer is dispatched to a robbery in progress. When the officer arrives at the scene,
he observes the suspect fleeing on foot. The officer also observes a man lying on the ground with
a severely bleeding wound near his neck saying, "Help me! I've been stabbed!" What is the
FIRST duty of police officer at the scene of this crime?
A) The officer should pursue the suspect because of the "greater danger' principle.
B) The officer should call for an ambulance first, and then pursue the suspect because of the
"greater danger' principle.
C) The officer should determine if the injuries are immediately life-threatening and if not, the
officer should pursue the suspect while calling for an ambulance.
D) The officer should administer first aid immediately then obtain medical assistance for the
injured victim.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 18
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Intermediate

1.2 True/False Questions

1) Thief catchers recruited from the riffraff of the streets to aid law enforcement officials in
locating criminals.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

2) One of the first professional police forces were established in Dallas, Texas in 1822.
Answer: FALSE
Page Ref: 4
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

3) Edgar Hoover became head of the FBI in 1924.

Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 6
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

4) The Harrison Act of 1914 made the distribution of non-medical drugs a federal crime.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 6
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

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5) August Vollmer is one of the most important figures in the historic evolution of professional
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

6) Dactylography is the study of fingerprints.

Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

7) The manner of death can never be listed as undetermined. A determination always should be
Answer: FALSE
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

8) The focus of the RAND study was the investigation of "index" offenses: those serious crimes
such as murder, robbery and rape.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

9) A police force that adopts the recommendations of the PERF study would direct officers to
make greater efforts to canvass the neighborhood in locating witnesses to a crime.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 11
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

10) An example of strong inductive reasoning would be, "I always hang pictures on nails;
therefore, all pictures hang from nails."
Answer: FALSE
Page Ref: 12
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

11) A reactive response addresses crimes that have already occurred, such as murder and
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.

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Level: Basic

12) The patrol officer has the authority to initiate and complete investigation of certain
classifications of crime, such as all misdemeanors.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 14
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Basic

13) Investigators looks to see if the same method of operation was used in other crimes,
therefore, possibly linking them as signature crimes.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 17
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

14) The first goal of the responding officer to a crime is to secure the scene.
Answer: FALSE
Page Ref: 18
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Basic

15) If possible, the victim of a crime should be the first person interviewed.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 19
Objective: Discuss the solvability factors in a criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

1.3 Fill in the Blank Questions

1) Allan Pinkerton was the first in criminal investigations to devise a(n) ________ gallery, which
was a compilation of descriptions, methods of operation, hiding places, and names of associates
of known criminals.
Answer: Rogues'
Page Ref: 4
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

2) Two classes of thief catchers, early law enforcement, in England were identified: ________
whose motivations were mercenary in nature; and social climbers who would implicate their
accomplices in order to move up the social ladder.
Answer: Hirelings
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

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3) Probably the single most significant development in criminal investigation in the United
States was the establishment of the ________ in 1924.
Answer: FBI
Page Ref: 5
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

4) The ________ generation believed that government intervention was necessary to produce
justice in an industrial society.
Answer: Progressive
Page Ref: 5
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

5) In 1967, the National Crime ________ Center was made operational by the FBI, providing
data on wanted persons and property stolen from all 50 states.
Answer: Information
Page Ref: 6
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

6) August ________, a former Chief of Police in Berkeley, California, is one of the most
important figures in the historic evolution of professional policing due to his numerous
contributions to the field.
Answer: Vollmer
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

7) The first major book describing the application of scientific disciplines to criminal
investigation was written in 1893 by Hans ________.
Answer: Gross
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

8) Edmond Locard, known for the principle bearing his name, is also recognized as the father of
________, the study of pores, and for advocating that if there were 12 points of agreement
between two compared fingerprints the identity was certain.
Answer: Poroscopy
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

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9) ________ is the study of fingerprints.

Answer: Dactylography
Page Ref: 7
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

10) ________ pathology is a branch of pathology concerned with determining the cause of death
by examination of a corpse.
Answer: Forensic
Page Ref: 9
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

11) ________ reasoning is reasoning based on specific pieces of evidence to establish proof that
a suspect is guilty of an offense.
Answer: Deductive
Page Ref: 12
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

12) The crime-scene unit can be described as a specialized investigative unit that supports the
crime scene investigation by identifying, documenting and preserving ________.
Answer: Evidence
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

13) A reporting format that logically guides the identification leads that experience and research
have demonstrated are most likely to result in case solution is also known as ________ factors.
Answer: Solvability
Page Ref: 16
Objective: Discuss the solvability factors in a criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

14) The ________ investigation is the responsibility of the first officer at the crime scene.
Answer: Preliminary
Page Ref: 17
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Basic

15) ________ was a term for the English police used in reference to Robert Peel and was a term
of respect and appreciation.
Answer: Bobbies
Page Ref: 3
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

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16) The criminal investigator must use ________ thinking with known scientific methods in their
Answer: Critical
Page Ref: 13
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

17) Critical thinking deliberately evaluates the ________ of thinking.

Answer: Quality
Page Ref: 14
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

18) The premise behind criminal investigation is that people make ________ while committing
Answer: Mistakes
Page Ref: 11
Objective: Discuss the objectives of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

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1.4 Matching Questions

Match up the terminology in the left column to the definitions in the right column.

A) Names after Sir Robert Peel

B) First police to work at night
C) Scientific analysis of blood
D) Prevention through deterrence
E) Crimes have already occurred
F) Henry Fielding's crime fighters
G) Study of fingerprints
H) Aided law enforcement in locating criminals
I) Guide investigation to case resolution
J) Crime investigation prior to it happening

1) Reactive response
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

2) Proactive response
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

3) Preventative response
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

4) Solvability factors
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

5) Bobbies
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

6) Thief catchers
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

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7) Old Charley's
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

8) Bow Street Runners

Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

9) Dactylography
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

10) Serology
Page Ref: n/a
Objective: n/a
Level: Intermediate

Answers: 1) E 2) J 3) D 4) I 5) A 6) H 7) B 8) F 9) G 10) C

1.5 Essay Questions

1) Discuss the crime-scene technician's role and responsibilities in investigating the crime scene.
Answer: The crime-scene technician is the person trained to respond to the scene of a crime and
identify, collect, and preserve evidence. The technicians may be sworn or non-sworn, but they
must have specialized training.
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Identify how research affects criminal investigation.
Level: Basic

2) Describe and explain characteristics that best define a professional criminal investigator
according to the National Institute of Justice study.
Answer: According to NIJ the most commonly desired characteristics include: motivation,
intuition, stability, judgement, street knowledge, teamwork, persistence, reliability, intelligence,
dedication, and integrity. Explanations for each may vary.
Page Ref: 15
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Intermediate

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3) Why is the creation of the FBI considered one of the most significant developments in the
history of law enforcement in America?
Answer: The FBI was established with the progressive philosophy and used the best and most
well-trained corps of special agents to create a federal investigative service. Federal investigation
agencies didn't exist at the time.
Page Ref: 5-6
Objective: Explain the history of criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

4) Explain and describe what solvability factors associated with a criminal investigation involves
and their importance.
Answer: Solvability factors are identification leads that have proven to be valuable and are most
likely to result in case solution. Examples include availability of witnesses, information about the
suspect, significant physical evidence, and judgment by the patrol officer that there is enough
information to continue an investigation. Additional solvability factors may also be included.
Page Ref: 16-17
Objective: Discuss the solvability factors in a criminal investigation.
Level: Intermediate

5) Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. How is the skill of
critical thinking linked to this analysis?
Answer: After an initial evaluation of evidence in a case, the criminal investigator draws
conclusions through a process of reasoning. This process is typically achieved through inductive
or deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is sometimes called inductive logic; it is reasoning
that takes us beyond what we know (our current evidence or information) to conclusions about
what we don't know. Deductive reasoning is reasoning based on specific pieces of evidence to
establish proof that a suspect is guilty of an offense. Using inductive and deductive reasoning
allows officers and investigators to anticipate possible scenarios surrounding an event, and this
allows the officer or investigator to gather evidence to support the case or consider evidence that
may exonerate innocent parties.
Page Ref: 12-13
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Intermediate

1.6 Critical Thinking Questions

1) Give your opinion as to the most preferred method of reasoning for most criminal
investigations: Inductive or Deductive? Why? Give an example to illustrate and support your
Answer: Answers will vary.
Page Ref: 12-13
Objective: Distinguish the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.
Level: Difficult

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2) Should all patrol officers, as a matter of academy training, be cross-trained as crime-scene

technicians? Why or why not?
Answer: Answers will vary, but should include a discussion of the skills involved with patrol
and crime-scene processing.
Page Ref: 14-19
Objective: Explain the expanding role of the patrol officer as a criminal investigator.
Level: Difficult

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