Reviewer PEH4 3rdQ

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• Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation. It does not follow standard rules; it can
be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives enjoyment and self-satisfaction.
• 3 parts of Time:
Existence time- spent for physiological needs (sleep, eat, bath)
Subsistence time- spent for survival (study, work)
Leisure time-free time
• Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare” which means to be refreshed (mapasigla), to relax or to enjoy.
• Recreation is categorized into active recreation and passive recreation. Active recreational activities include jogging,
swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while passive recreational activities include watching television, listening to music
or reading books.
• Our country has many places to explore and to start many recreational activities, whether on land, in air or on water.
• Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of recreational activities can be done in
rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the like.
• Common aquatic recreational activities in the Philippines include swimming, surfing, boating, rafting and fishing.
• Mountaineering and Aerial activities are another outdoor recreational activity that brings you closer to nature.
• Some terms related to mountaineering are hiking, trekking, camping and orienteering.
• Some terms related to Aerial activities are bungee jumping, sky diving, paragliding and hanggliding.
• Physical Fitness – a set of attributes that an individual has or can achieve to perform physical activities.

-are Filipino indigenous games commonly played by children, usually using locally available materials or instruments. It is
referred as traditional games or native sports of the Filipinos.

Popular ‘Laro ng Lahi’ Games

1. Patintero: combines the thrill of tag with strategic positioning, game of lines and agility, involves players trying to cross
lines guarded by ‘taggers’ without being touched. It taught not just agility but the art of anticipation and strategy.

2. Tumbang Preso: test of precision and daring. A lone guard, the ‘preso,’ defends a can while players throw their
slippers to knock it over and retrieve them before being tagged. It was in these moments, with my heart racing and
slipper in hand, that I learned the value of risk-taking and quick thinking.

3. Sipa: A test of skill and agility, Sipa involves keeping a small metal or rattan ring (called a ‘sipa’) in the air using one’s
feet. It’s akin to hacky sack but with a distinct Filipino twist. This game honed our coordination and balance, teaching us
the art of focus and control.

4. Luksong Tinik: Two players serve as the base, stacking their feet together for others to jump over. The height
increases as the game progresses. Luksong Tinik was not just a game of jumping; it was a lesson in resilience and
pushing our limits.

5. Luksong Baka: In this game, one player bends over while others jump over their back. The ‘baka’ (cow) gradually
stands up, raising the bar for jumpers. It’s a playful blend of trust and challenge, testing our jumping prowess.

6. Taguan: The Filipino version of hide and seek, Taguan was a childhood staple as the sun began to set. It taught us
strategy, stealth, and the thrill of the chase.

7. Piko: Similar to hopscotch, Piko is a game of hopping and throwing a small stone into numbered grids. It’s a dance of
precision and balance, a game that sharpened our accuracy and agility.

8. Langit-Lupa: A game of ‘heaven and earth,’ where ‘it’ tries to tag others who are safe when elevated off the ground.
This game was a playful exploration of space and quick thinking.

9. Agawan Base: Two teams compete to capture each other’s base in this exciting game. It’s a test of speed, strategy,
and teamwork, embodying the spirit of friendly competition.

10. Siyato: Played with a long stick and a shorter one, Siyato involves flipping and catching the shorter stick. It’s a unique
game that honed our hand-eye coordination and timing.

Factors Included in the Philippine Traditional Games

• The Players
• Setting
• Props (Properties)
• Pre-Game (Mechanics)
• It can reduce the amount of negative stress in our body.
• It provides an avenue for socialization.
• It develops the value of sportsmanship.
• It may enhance leadership skills.
• It develops unity and teamwork.
• It enhances one’s organization and management skills that may be acquired from certain strategies employed in the
• It establishes cultural and local identity among Filipinos.

HEALTH–RELATED FITNESS COMPONENT speaks about the components of fitness, which composed our health
• Body Composition is the percentage of body fat and lean body tissue in an Individual.
➢ Body Mass Index (BMI) refers to the measurement of one’s weight relative to his or her height.
• Muscular Strength is the ability of a particular muscles or group of muscle to put forth force in a single maximal
contraction to conquer other form of resistance.
➢ single act of lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling
• Muscular Endurance involves the muscle in building a number of continuous movements.
➢ repeated act of lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling
• Flexibility is capacity of a particular joints such as our knee, to move during a complete range of motion.
➢ Stretching, sit and reach, zipper test
• Cardio – respiratory endurance is the ability ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your entire body
during exercise for a long time without stopping.
➢ Step test, running, swimming and mountaineering

FITT Principles
• Frequency – the number of times (e.g. days) you exercise in a given week, depending on the intensity and duration of
the exercise, and fitness goal(s).
• Intensity – the level of difficulty of an exercise or workout as well as the amount exerted during performance.
• Time – the length of exercise session depending on one’s fitness level and exercise intensity.
• Type –choice or variety of physical activity or exercise depending on fitness goal(s), skill level, availability, and access
to facilities and equipment.

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