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Struggling with writing your thesis on organizational justice? You're not alone.

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paper on this complex topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting extensive literature
reviews to analyzing data and presenting cohesive arguments, the process demands time, effort, and

The intricacies involved in exploring organizational justice, which encompasses fairness, equity, and
integrity within workplace settings, require a deep understanding of various theoretical frameworks,
methodologies, and empirical studies. Moreover, synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings to
formulate original insights adds another layer of complexity to the task.

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Countries scoring low on this dimension are less concerned with rules and rituals. After
understanding the codes of conduct, it is important to ensure that all the employees understand the
codes of conduct, and in case of any misunderstanding, explanations are given to the employees.
Organizational justice have not significant effect on organizational commitment. This paper on
justice in the United Arab Emirates discusses the status and composition of law enforcement in the
region and compares the same with the United States. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 38(1), 3-
18. The civil justice system on the other hand, is governed by concepts and ideologies on criminal
law derived from the western world (Mostyn, 1982). Zapata-Phelan Book Handbook of
Organizational Justice Click here to navigate to parent product. Furthermore, the study examines
organizational justice as three basic dimensions: distributive justice, procedural justice and
interactional justice. Managerial implications, limitations and future research areas are also discussed.
Individuals in a given culture learn to behave (think, feel, and act) according to the norms
established in that culture. In such periods effective employee involvement is restricted to micro
levels, despite expectations by employees of more involvement in organisational issues at macro
levels. A Historical Overview DOI link for What Is Organizational Justice. The results of path
analysis indicate that although overall organizational justice hasn’t significant path to overall
organizational commitment and overall job satisfaction; but, procedural justice has a direct effect on
overall job satisfaction; in order that, with respect to multiple regression results, the organizational
justice dimensions predict the overall job satisfaction. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The research is based upon a sample of
202 insurance sector managers working in Haryana, Delhi and NCR region. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Managers with conservation values are more likely to use
avoiding-conflict management style whereas self-enhancement values are related to forcing,
competing, and dominating behavioral tendencies. The multiple linear regression analysis is used for
empirical analysis.Empiral findings reveleded meaningful and affirmative relationship among job
satisfaction and organizational commitment. There is growing consensus among international
management researchers and practitioners that there is no such thing as universal management
solution. Empowerment is regarded as providing a solution to the age?old problem of valorised and
bureaucratic workplaces where creativity is stifled and employees become alienated, showing
discontent through individual or collective means. Cortijo Ocana, V. Martines, V. Orazi eds.,
Pennsylvania, IGI GLOBAL, 2023, 281 pp. Data were analyzed by using arithmetic mean, standard
deviation, correlation and regression tools and techniques. Both organizational variables have close
connections with organizational efficiency and effectiveness. However, in this relationship, the
employee might feel fear of being rejected when he runs the risk of getting a negative identity in the
event that he is excluded, and this would diminish the employee’s aspect of self, otherwise known as
the social dilemma. For this reason, a vast majority of research studies on organizational justice or
perceived fairness have examined either the direct effects of individual differences (e.g., personality)
or other contextual factors (e.g., organizational structure). In order Equity And justice Equity And
justice The article ed by Moss focuses on a lawsuit that has been filed against the NBA and the
lawsuit has been filed because of the unfair and discriminatory employment practices carried out
against different individuals playing NBA. The higher the organizational identification of the
employees, the stronger sense of belonging they have to the organization and they are more willing
to show support to the organization, thus reflecting a higher level of engagement. Data were
analyzed using multiple regression and the finding shows that positive relationship exist between
distributive justice and employees' performance, procedural justice and employees' performance and,
interactive justice and employees' performance. Gender equity at workplace is a concern for more
feminine cultures. Number of the sample was calculated equal to one-hundred twenty three (123)
employees and thirty three (33) managers.
Intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction have a significant effect as mediator between organizational
justice and organizational commitment. It is recommended that organizational justice should be
carefully enshrined in various organizations and be backed up with careful monitoring. Charlotte,
North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. Casas A. 2007. Human Resources professional’s
Justice and Organizational justice. Japan, Austria, Venezuela, and Italy scored highest on
masculinity. Whereas Organizational Citizenship Behavior is important to achieve the organizational
success therefore organizations encourage and facilitate the OCB in order to produce effectiveness
and efficiency in organization functions. Method of data Analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS).
This study is an attempt to further comprehend organizational commitment. This model depicts the
relationship of perceived fairness to various individual, group, and organizational outcomes.
However, in this relationship, the employee might feel fear of being rejected when he runs the risk
of getting a negative identity in the event that he is excluded, and this would diminish the
employee’s aspect of self, otherwise known as the social dilemma. Managing justice in an
organization will involve activities such as downsizing, performance appraisal, and the systems of
reward and conflict resolution methods. In such periods effective employee involvement is restricted
to micro levels, despite expectations by employees of more involvement in organisational issues at
macro levels. This study revealed the fact that lack of job security and organizational justice as well
as job satisfaction can be a cause of decrease in organization productivity. Related organizational
behavior research confirmed that organizational identification is significantly positive correlation
with those indicators that help to achieve organizational goals such as employee satisfaction,
organizational citizenship behavior, employee performance and so forth. The role of emotion, self,
and values in the formation of ethnocentrism has also been well attested. London, UK: Sage
Publications. Beugre C. 2007. A Cultural Perspective of Organizational Justice (Hc). The role of the
manager in such a situation is to lead the way by providing good examples and try to come to a
consensus in where things went wrong and how to come out of such a situation. Based on present
study, the relationship between organizational justice and human resource productivity is studied.
This collection of comprehensive chapters meticulously compiled by the luminaries of organizational
justice shows that organizational justice is still young, developing, and full of potential to influence
the world. Another related definition of ethnocentrism suggests a tendency to judge people of other
groups according to the standards of one’s own in-group or culture. Core concepts and assumptions
of organizational justice Individuals who are in a relationship where they exchange commodities
usually expect returns based on the amount of investment they make (Duyar 2012, p.225).
Employees working in an organization usually examine justice in the allocation of processes, and this
is referred to as procedural justice, interactional justice and justice of outcomes, which is known as
distributive justice. The result can help the organization that by practicing justice accurately they can
increase the satisfaction and commitment level of employees. Organizations, in order to be
successful, take into consideration these differences while structuring work, rules, and their policies.
Trust is a manifestation of belief the employees have developed in their management in return. It is
also found that Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Job Performance. Despite
these benefits, the relationship can be exploitive, and this can be so when the employee judges only
the favourable outcomes he receives to what they have given to the organization. The findings are
contextualised against a rapidly changing environment which characterised the banking sector in the
1990s. This research paper presents key and representative findings in organizational justice research
as outlined in the conceptual model presented in Figure 1. Data is analyzed by using statistical tools
of correlation and simple linear regression. Researchers have found procedural justice, among all the
three types of organizational justice, to be most closely related to organizational attitudes and
behavior. Organizational justice have not significant effect on organizational commitment.
This research paper presents key and representative findings in organizational justice research as
outlined in the conceptual model presented in Figure 1. Findings revealed that positive perception of
employees in relation to organizational ju. Download Free PDF View PDF Australian Journal of
Basic and Applied Sciences Impact of Organizational Justice Perceptions on Job Satisfaction and
Organizational Commitment: the Iran’s Ministry of Sport Perspective Ali Safania One of the main
roles of organization management is maintaining and improving just behaviors between managers
and so cause a feel of employee’s justice; that can affect on employees work attitudes such as job
satisfaction and organizational commitment. In doing so, individuals learn a certain way of
perceiving and interpreting the behaviors of others around. The International Journal of Conflict
Management, 12(4), 365-375. Benefits of organizational justice to management and employees There
are many benefits organizations can get by ensuring there is justice between managers and
employees. A total of 350 questionnaires were circulated in 40 different branches of different banks
and 249 usable ones were received to analyze the data correlation and regression tests were used to
analyze the data. Hence organizational citizenship behaviour usually spills to customers who will
eventually have the feeling of being treated appropriately and in the end; they yield customer loyalty
and satisfaction. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 199-208. Data were analyzed using
multiple regression and the finding shows that positive relationship exist between distributive justice
and employees' performance, procedural justice and employees' performance and, interactive justice
and employees' performance. Instead, they should first give employees a duty, give the necessary
conditions required to complete the work to the staff, pay attention to their contributions and cares
about their welfare in order to improve employee’s perceived support from the organization. Self
presentation theory believes that the high level of organizational support can make the organization
members feel content with what the organization provide to them, and then lead to the increase of
the sense of identity of the organization. International Journal of Stress Management, 13(3), 351-
377. The results revealed that a highly positive significant correlation between nurses perception of
organization justice and their organizational citizenship behavior. In Hofstede’s (2001) research,
Greece, Portugal, Belgium, and Japan scored high on this dimension. Download Free PDF View PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Please
include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. The present study explores the relationship between three types of
organizational justice, namely, distributive, procedural and interactional justice and workplace and
personal outcomes of service sector employees. The issue of gnarling inequality in the criminal justice
system is significant to society as it continues to hamper society's efforts to enhance and promote
equality for all. Since the sample units were 41 Offices, three-stage sampling was applied to draw the
sample. It is widely used in the current study of organizational identification, the average internal
consistency coefficient is 0.85. Employees are, therefore, concerned with the fact that they will
receive their just share at the work place or not. Employees having positive justice perceptions feel
valued and respected and consider supervisors as more trustworthy. Next we propose boundary
conditions defining when fairness should matter, the appropriate outcomes to examine in applicant
reactions research, and methodological issues limiting the contribution of much of the current
literature. It is showed that the fitting degree of the four variables in the model is acceptable.
Perception is the process of receiving and interpreting information about the world through our
senses. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. It is important to note that most employees tailor citizenship
behaviours, and they dolly them to their managers and colleagues who treat them in a just way while
withholding this behaviour to those who do not treat them with justice. However, if the document is
found in the streets, ethics allows the manager to use the information assuming an individual might
have dropped the document by accident. Keeping in mind the limitations of time and resource
constraints, the study was conducted in the specific context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and was
limited to the Faculty of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Islamia College (University) Peshawar.
The research methodology is descriptive and qualitative data collection source has been libraries.
Williams, Pitre, and Zainuba (2002) identified that interactional justice perceptions were related to
the intentions to engage in OCB. If the perceived organizational justice degree is high, then the
employees will hold that the organization pays attention to the contribution of each member and
trust them fully, and thus enhance staff’s trust to organization. Organizational justice is the
overarching theoretical concept that deals with fair treatment of people in organizations. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The number of sample selected was 97 respondents through Slovin Formula.
Organizations need to retain trained employees so that they can reach their goals and compete. In
most of the early work in cross-cultural justice research, culture was equated to country differences.
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PAKISTAN Qaisar Iqbal Causal relationship between organizational justice and organizational
commitment is investigated through this study. Prior research indicates that decentralized
organizations are perceived as more procedurally fair. In addition, measures should be taken to
increase employees' job satisfaction as these factors will directly lead to an increase in organizational
productivity. Also, distributive justice has an effect on satisfaction with work and affective
commitment. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. There is a difference in the way people will define ethical
decisions made in an organization; hence, a manager is required to employ ethical core values in
making decisions in order to arrive at the right ethical decision. The relationship between
interactional justice and supervisory trust was found to be stronger in organic organizations. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. It was
found that alliance profitability is higher when both parties have high justice perceptions. In a study
by Ambrose and Schminke (2003), organizational structure was found to influence social-exchange
relationship with organization and supervisor. This type of justice perception occurs when employees
perceive that they are treated well in the organization. The study concluded that decision makers
overuse resources when fairness was a concern. Please include what you were doing when this page
came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Since the sample units were
41 Offices, three-stage sampling was applied to draw the sample. The organizational productivity of
Pakistani organization is decreasing despite adopting various strategies. Despite these benefits, the
relationship can be exploitive, and this can be so when the employee judges only the favourable
outcomes he receives to what they have given to the organization. The more the gate in a channel of
communication in an organization, the message will most likely pass slowly and be changed
(Stojkovic, Klofas and Kalinich 2011, p.98). An employee might, therefore, show and interactive
effect or preference effect giving importance to benefits accruing from fair rational and not
favourable benefits. For questionnaires distribution a sample size of 500 employees (subjects) were
chosen from three higher education institutions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Most research
work on distributive justice explores individual response to a resource allocation decisions. Some
theorists have recently advocated the importance of using organizational justice as a lens through.
An “engaged employee” is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work
and so takes positive action to further the organization’s reputation and interests. Employees are,
therefore, concerned with the fact that they will receive their just share at the work place or not.
Hence, higher educational institution as the important provider of knowledge need to make efforts to
transform themselves to become more effective and efficient entities. In an organization, the
organizational commitment of people is diminishing without organizational justice. The population of
this study was all managers of a Bank at Central Java Indonesia. When there is a strong employee
support for decision-making, procedural justice will be less important to an individual in an
organization (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell 2010, p.164). The way in which a person in a workplace
treats others is basically interactional justice and one can be interactional just by sharing information
at the work place and at the same time avoiding remarks that are rude and cruel. The manager will
then have to identify a person in the organization whose judgment is respected and get an answer
from that person on the actions the person would do. However, Barsky and Kaplan (2007) suggested
examining a hot perspective would be more appropriate in studying work-related social judgments.
Strengths and weaknesses of organizational justice If organizational managers are able to act in a fair
manger based on individual characteristics, the organization will be well served to select best
characteristics from its employees (Gilliland, 2005 p79). Rehabilitation through its various
approaches and programs has a better capability to save these children’s than punishment. The study
findings emphasized the predominant role of interactional justice at the unit level. The results of path
analysis indicate that although overall organizational justice hasn’t significant path to overall
organizational commitment and overall job satisfaction; but, procedural justice has a direct effect on
overall job satisfaction; in order that, with respect to multiple regression results, the organizational
justice dimensions predict the overall job satisfaction. Results shown that distributive and procedural
justice both have noteworthy and positive effects on the dependent variable (organizational
commitment) of the employees. They also reported more compliant behavior, which goes above and
beyond formal role descriptions (also known as extrarole behavior or organizational citizenship
behavior). They also regard earnings, recognition, and achievement as more important when
compared to feminine cultures. What will the third stage be: will he remain as a snob or will he turn
into a gentleman. Employees who are inspired by justice in their work organizations demonstrate
organizational citizenship behaviour towards their company, and they will sound similar to the
company’s customer service. Conclusion Absence of organizational justice will most likely give the
organization many problems by provoking relationships, lowering performance and eventually
harming morale of the employees. The study concludes that fair treatment in workplaces leads to
considerable performance among relative employees given also the environmental context of Nigeria
where tireless effort are being made by managements of banks to get the best out of their employees;
each aiming to have an advantage over competitors in the financial institutions. Thank you, for
helping us keep this platform clean. The multiple linear regression analysis is used for empirical
analysis.Empiral findings reveleded meaningful and affirmative relationship among job satisfaction
and organizational commitment. The result can help the organization that by practicing justice
accurately they can increase the satisfaction and commitment level of employees. It has also been
associated with popular management movements of the times such as human resource management
(HRM). It consists of 59 items divided into nine domains namely: strategic direction, distributive
justice,procedural justice, interactional justice, informational justice, service diversity management;
customer relations, service delivery innovation as well as ethical leadership. (2) Organizational
Citizenship Behaviors tool was developed by Organ et al. (1990). It consists of 20 items, divided into
five dimensions namely; altruism, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, courtesy, and civic virtue. New
York, USA: Oxford University Press. Landy F. and Conte J. 2009. Work in The 21st Century: An
Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Results pointed out that authoritarian
leadership style moderated the relationship of interactional justice (supervisors’ perception) and
abusive supervision. This study contributes towards this end as it attempts to examine the
relationship between organizational justice as perceived by nurses (OJ) and their organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB). See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics
Job Board We're Hiring. The latest research report released by the well-known Gallup consulting firm
showed that there are only 13% of the total staff in the world can be regarded as dedicated, and the
proportion of employees in the work of the problem is as high as 63%. Because motivation in an
organization cannot be measured, its effects are usually witnessed by changes in behaviour
(Kozlowski 2012, p.537). The respect and dignity that an employee in an organization gives another
is interpersonal justice, and both are of high importance in the running of an organization. The
population consists of 450 staff selected from 11 Bank in Asaba, the sample size for the study was
202. It is a challenging situation when the legal counsel is reviewing decisions that have legal
consequences and ethical decisions are of a personal nature.

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