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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Effectiveness of Time Management to their Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS

Students at San Jacinto National High School

A Qualitative Study

Presented to the Facu ty

Senior High School

San Jacinto National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Practical Research I


(Name of researche s)

Student-Researche s


Research Adviser


School Principal III

2nd Semeste of S.Y. 2023-2024

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641



TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………......................




LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES……………………………..……………….....

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………....


A. RATIONALE……………………...…………………………………......

B. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………......

C CONCEPTUAL PARADIGM………………………………………........

D. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM…………………………...............


F SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS…………………………………….......

G. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY………………………………….........

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

H. DEFINITION OF TERMS……………………………………………......


A. FOREIGN LITERATURE/ STUDIES………………………………........

B. LOCAL LITERATURE STUDIES …………………………………........


A. RESEARCH DESIGN………………………………….…………….........

B. LOCALE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………...........

C RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY…………………….…………..............


E RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION……………………………............…

F DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE…………………………..…...............

G. TREATMENT OF DATA………………………………...............................

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641



This chapter consists of the Rationale of the Study, Theoretical Framework,

Conceptual Framework, Statement of the Problem, Objective and Assumption of the

Study along with Scope and Delimitation, Significance of the Study, and Definition of



Each student has twenty-four hours each day to take care of basic needs, assignments,

work, and extracurricular activities. Time management for students has become a crucial

need. Education has become vest. Therefore having a proper schedule is very important.

Time management plays a vital role in both personal as well as professional lives.

Time management is very for students from academic performance perspective as

students require to cover many subjects. Thus effectively managing time is an important

skill in everyone's life.

Time management in a student’s life is a vital condition but at the same time a

challenge. Most students believe that their biggest challenge in adapting to college life

and succeeding in class is managing their time efficiently.

Numerous studies prove that particular factors have an important role in students

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

‘study habits as year level, time management, study techniques, learning environment,

faculty of students while ‘’gender and races of students show no significant differences in

time management behaviors.’’(S N A M Razali1, M S Rusiman1, W S Gan1, N Arbin2).

Time management is an integral factor in improving a student’s performance. It helps

students to have an appropriate sense of urgency in accomplishing school-related

activities. Generally, proper time management will increase productivity both in learning

and other activities

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance

and achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability which

includes setting goals and priorities, using time management mechanisms,s and being

organized in using time. Setting priorities is one of the most important time management

skills that allow you to focus on the most important things and to let the less important go

( Instant manager/ Time management 31).

The researchers conducted studies to encourage students to practice proper time

management in both academic-related and leisure activities to reduce stress and avoid

cramming. Prioritizing their different tasks; setting clear, challenging, and proximal goals

with deadlines; planning and scheduling their workday, and monitoring goal progress

might be good advice for students to increase perceived control of time and decrease

stress. (Alexander Häfner & Armin Stock & Verena Oberst). They need to learn about

academic goals (improving math, reading, and writing skills), financial goals (saving for a

bike), physical goals (increasing the amount of exercise), and good-deed goals (making

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

cards for the sick). They should learn that a long-term goal is something they want to

accomplish for the entire school year and that a short-term goal is something they want to

accomplish on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Khan, Ashraf, & Nadeem, (2020) stated that time management is a process of

determining objectives, prioritizing and planning to achieve these objectives. Moreover in

time management process, one having behavior that aims at achieving an effective use of

time while performing certain goal directed activities.

On the other hand academic performance is the performance of students

academically. Teachers usually assess the students with academic assessments to get their

academic performance. Academic performance are graded to see how a particular student

perform academically. Furthermore academic performance of students are usually found

out when assessments are graded. Academic performance is the outcome of assessments

that are graded. The academic performance of secondary schools are obtain in two

academic reports, first academic report is obtain from term one and two assessments, and

the second academic report is obtain in term three and four assessments. Overall academic

performance or achievement is obtain after grade ten and twelve exams.

This study will help to determine the effectiveness of time management to their

academic performance a d how it affects among randomly selected Grade 11 HUMSS


Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Theoretical Framework

The following theory and concept may serve as the backbone of the study which

revolves around Effectiveness of Time Management to their Academic Performance of

Grade 11 HUMSS students at San Jacinto National High School.

Pickle Jar Theory

The Pickle Jar Theory which was written by Stephen Covey (1989) in his books7

commitments can easily take up much ofa person's time. Filling one's day with small

trivial tasks that are not important prevents one from using that time to complete using

that time to complete larger or more important tasks and projects. The theory uses a pickle

jar and its contents to represent time management. The inside of the pickle jar represents a

person's time and all the different tasks and commitments that take up that time are

represented by rocks. pebbles, sand and water that are placed into the jar.

Rocks are the important things that require immediate, significant attention and

produce a huge benefit when they are accomplished. Pebbles produce a benefit, but they

are not as important as the tasks represented by the larger rocks. Grains of sand signify

small, time-consuming tasks that rare relatively easy to do but are of little importance,

filling in the leftover space. Things like text messages, constant email checking and idle

chit-chat all take time, but generate little benefit.

The final component, water, fills in what little space remains, and represents the

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

tasks and idlemoments that fill all the remaining space. The key to using the Pickle Jar

Theory is to be aware of which tasks are 'rocks', providing large benefits and requiring

immediate attention. Once you know which tasks are 'rocks, you can turn your attention

to the 'sand', paring it away to make room for more rocks. Various techniques can be used

to diminish the number of grains of sand in the jar.

This resource discusses a technique known as batching. Batching is a way to

combine many small tasks into one block of time, such as reviewing one's email box only

once or twice each day instead of four times an hour, leading to less time wasted on

'sand'. Techniques like bathing, however, rely on an understanding of the Pickle Jar

Theory. Being able to determine which tasks are unnecessary 'sand' will allow you to

focus your attention on the 'rocks' and 'pebbles'.

Maslow's Theory

Also known as the theory of hierarchy of needs, Abraham Harold Maslow 20, an

American professor of psychology, effectively combined time management with needs.

He built a hypothetical pyramid where physiological level needs (food, water, and shelter),

etc., were put at the base of the pyramid while self-actualization was placed on the top of

the pyramid. In between these two extreme levels, safety, human bonding and self-esteem

were positioned. The five levels were examples of different strata of human life

The theory doesn't specify the time period required to attain them, but it actually

helps to understand the importance of these elements in life. Once the needs are

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

understood, it can be differentiated to set a time period during which one can fulfil them.

By referring to the theory of hierarchy of needs with incorporation of effective time

management strategy, one can plan the goals both in personal and professional life.

Time Management Grid

This theory involves placing the activities that need our attention on a grid. The grid

then reveals how each activity is being categorized based on how soon it needs to be done

(Harris 2008). The grid consists of 4 quadrants and each quadrant has a different priority


The first grid, which is quadrant one has tasks that have the highest importance and

bear urgency. Therefore, it should be done immediately. The second grid has important

activities that are not as urgency. Harris (2008, p.22) refers to the activities in this

quadrant as "quality time" which means that while the activities are of importance to the

success of a company, they do not require to be done immediately. The third grid consists

of activities that bear urgency but are of no importance. This grid is therefore also known

as the distraction grid since the activities contained therein do not bear much importance

to helping one achieve goals. The forth grid contains activities that are nether urgent nor


Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Conceptual Paradigm

The Conceptual framework discuss the flow of the study to be taken:

Time Management Academic Performance

Grade 11 HUMSS


This study use Independent-Dependent variable model in which often show the

measurement of independent variables and interpretation of dependent variables to show

the studies to test cause-and-effect relationships. The independent variable is the cause. Its

value is independent of other variables in your study, this is represented by “time

management” and the dependent variable is the effect, its value depends on changes in the

independent variable, in which is “academic performance”. The control variable are the

held constant in a research study in which “ Grade 11 HUMSS” involvement.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641


1) the personal profile 1. Drafting the

of the students in terms
Action plan to
of: proposed to

a. Age; 2. Create an interview enhance the

questionnaire academic
b. Sex; and
performance of the
c. General 3. Validated the
students using time
Average (1st management
4. Approval the behaviour?
2) time management as questionnaire
perceived by San
Jacinto National High
5. Floating the
School students?
3) the effects of time
management in the 6. Data Analysis
academic performance
of Senior High 7. Interpretation of
4) the time
management affect 8. Writing conclusion
their academic
performance? and recommendation


The figure presents the input, process and output it illustrates the flow of the study.

The boxes contains the ideas that will be used for the research study.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of time management to

their academic performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students at San Jacinto National High


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1) What is the personal profile of the students in terms of:

a) Age;

b) Sex; and

c) General Weighted Average (1st Semester)?

2) What is time management as perceived by San Jacinto National High School


3) What are the effects of time management in the academic performance of Senior

High students?

4) How does time management affect their academic performance?

5) Based on the findings, what action plan may be proposed to enhance the

academic performance of the students using time management behaviour?

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Objective and Assumption of the Study

This study aim to follow the set of activities to complete our research paper by

means of:

1. To determine the perception of the students in time management.

2. To determine the effects of time management in the academic performance of the


3. To determine how time management affect the academic performance of the


4. To propose an action plan based on the findings.

The researchers aim is to prove that the students who are better at time

management are good at their academic performance.

Scope and Delimitations

Our study focused in aims on Effectiveness of Time Management to their

Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students at San Jacinto National High

School. This research will be conducted at San Jacinto National High School, Capaoay,

San Jacinto, Pangasinan on March 2023. The data gathering method used is interview

along with non-random sampling in gathering the respondents, wherein the Grade 11

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Telephone: (075) 600-3641

HUMSS students are involved. Also, we used this sampling methods and Sample

selection regarding on the factors gathering the needed data to identify the variables that

address the research topic from the respondent’s perspective. Necessary paper such as

consent will be disclose to the respondents and assurance of anonymity emphasizes.

Significance of the Study

The findings of our research will benefit the following individuals in their own

respective fields:

First, the HUMSS students through the findings of the this research it will provide

the students with the knowledge how time management affect and improve their academic

performance. Through this, students might be able to cope up with their tasks and may be

able to use for their time productively.

Second, the teachers, given data would give the teachers a useful insight on what to

do with students who are struggling with poor time management. The teachers would be

able to understand the students and later on, find ways to effectively use time both for

themselves and for their students.

Next, the parents like the teachers, the parents too will gain new perspective and

understanding how effective proper time management to the students. The given data

would help them formulate measures to help their children from suffering poor time

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

management. The findings of our research would also give knowledge to the parents in

helping their sons/daughters handle their tedious schedules.

And lastly, the future researchers, this study lays the groundwork for future

researchers interested in exploring the dynamic relationship between economic factors,

such as inflation, and the academic experiences of students. It serves as a foundation for

more in-depth investigations into related areas.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally to provide clarity in the research:

 Time management. One of the variable of the study, where it define the ability to

use ones time effectively or productively, or planning out your available time and

controlling the amount of time you spend on specific task in order to work


 Academic Performance. One of the variable of the study, where it is the outcomes

of the students who has accomplished specific goals that were focus of activities

in school.

 HUMSS. It means Humanities and Social Sciences Strand, they are the

respondents of the research study.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641



This chapter will provide the review of other studies done by the researchers that

related to the study from foreign to local studies.

Foreign Literature/Studies

According to Bismarck Bodo Fermah, (2022), in any school context, time is a scarce

resource that affects a diverse variety of education stakeholders, including students,

principals, teachers, supervisors, and parents. The purpose of this study was to investigate

the impact of time management on students' academic performance at the Basic

Education Certificate Examination in Jomoro Municipality, Ghana. The researchers used

a stratified and simple random sample technique to pick 140 primary school instructors

and 140 children for the study, as well as 12 head teachers who were chosen using a

purposive sampling technique. The research was carried out in a descriptive manner,

which was the goal of the study. To collect and analyze the data, a questionnaire, an

interview schedule, and an observation guide were all used. Piloting of the study

instruments was carried out in the neighboring Ellembele Municipality in order to fine-

tune them. During a preliminary test, the questionnaire was validated with the help of

supervisors and colleagues who provided expert advice. The Split-half technique was

used to determine instrument dependability, which was found to be 0.87 for teachers and

0.75 for students using the results of the study. The qualitative data and findings that were

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

provided in verbatim and narrative form were subjected to content analysis for evaluation.

In SPSS, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and means were used to

explore quantitative data, with the results displayed in tables. A statistically significant

association between time management and students' academic achievement on the BECE

was discovered, as indicated by a p-value of 0.001 for the study. To manage time in

schools effectively, the report recommends that the 'School Board of Management' and

other education stakeholders make use of contemporary technologies. A similar study at

other institutional levels of learning, according to the findings, should be done in order to

compare and contrast the findings of this study with those of previous studies.

In the study of Alyami et al., (2021), for students to better manage their curriculum

and achieve learning objectives, time management behaviors or skills are argued to

improve the positive academic output. The aim of the study is to find the impact of time

management on the academic performance of students among the diagnostic radiology

technology students at KAU. This study had a cross-sectional survey-based study design.

It was conducted among students of diagnostic radiology technology department at King

Abdul Aziz University from Sep. 2020 to Feb. 2021. For this study, 152 students were

targeted among which 142 completed the questionnaire, making the response rate of

93.4%. Among 142 participants, 75 (52.8%) were females and 52 (36.6%) were in the

2018 batch. Majority of the students i.e., 107 (75.4%) had GPA between 4.5 - 5 in 2020.

Whereas, 37.3% agreed or strongly agreed that they manage their time. Here, 69.2%

students with 4.5 - 5 GPA strongly agreed that they meet their deadline (p value = 0.005)

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

and 36.7% students with 4 - 4.5 GPA strongly believed that their academic performance

decreased due to mis planning (p value = 0.005). Around 71 (66.3%) students with 4.5 - 5

GPA agreed or strongly agreed to make to do list or calendar (p value 0.047). In

conclusion, according to student’s perception, preplanning their studies had been

beneficial for their academic performance. However, less than half of the students agreed

that they manage their time.

According to research study of Agormedah et al., (2021), quality time management

is an imperative tool that leads to greater academic performance and reduces depression,

anxiety and stress among students. However, most college students seemed to face

difficulties in balancing their academic and social life. The rationale of this inquiry was to

examine the influence of time management practices on students’ academic achievement

in the Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana and as well to explore the moderating role

of gender in this relationship. The research employed descriptive survey design and a

sample of 325 students from six CoE were selected to participate in the investigation

using the multistage sampling approach. The data was collected using adapted Time

Management Questionnaire (TMQ; Britton & Tesser, 1991). Data gathered were analysed

using AMOS, Moderation Analysis and Independent sample t-test. The findings showed

that time management practices (short-range planning, time attitudes, long-range planning)

does not predict academic achievement of CoE students. The study again, revealed that

gender does not moderate the relationship between time management and academic

achievement of the students. The results showed that there was no significance gender

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

difference in time management practices of CoE students. The study concluded that

ineffective time management behaviours among college students could lead to poor

academic achievement and other psychological effects. The Management of the CoEs in

Ghana in collaboration with other policy makers should hold seminars and workshops for

students at the start of each semester to discuss the value of good time management

activities in order to improve their achievement. Faculty are sensitised to inculcate in the

students the skills and positive attitude towards effective time management so as to

increase their self-efficacy in time management. Students should be conscious of

ineffective time drivers and assume responsibility for quality time management.

Khan, Ashraf & Nadeem (2020), investigates the effect of students’ time

management on their academic achievement in the higher education institutions of

Islamabad. For this purpose, we collected data from a representative sample of students.

We employ Pearsons’ correlation and regression analysis to investigate the influencing

factors of academic performance. Our results show that students’ self-study has

significant and positive association with their academic performance, which indicates that

academic performance is increases with the increase in self-study hours. On the contrary,

disproportionate involvement in social life enjoyment activities are detrimental to higher

academic performance. Female students’ academic achievement is higher than that of

male students. Perhaps, female students are good time managers and spend more time on

self-study. For policy purpose, seminars should be arranged to educate students on how

best to allocate their time being enrolled for a full-time study.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Tesfaye Nigussie(2019), conducted a study aim to assess general time management

practice /behavior of regular program students of Dire Dawa University and its

association with their academic achievement, gender, and year of study. The research was

conducted on Dire Dawa University the school business and economics regular program

student. The total population of the study was 998. Therefore, the researcher employed

proportionate stratified random sampling technique on the basis of the student’s year of

study and academic achievement measured in terms of CGPA. The sample size was 120

students. The study predominantly sticks on primary data. The time management

questionnaire developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) was used to measure time

management behavior of participant students. Descriptive statistics was used to generate

means, standard deviation and frequencies for the study variables, the prevalence of

exposure conditions were checked for different sub-groups of the questionnaire and

difference is was tested by using chi-square test. The result of this study showed that most

students 45(35%) and 42(35%) possess time management score at moderate and highlevel

respectively. With respect to gender difference is in time management, the result revealed

that male students score in time management (mean score=55.72) were higher than

female (50.5) students. With respect to the significance association between time

management and academic achievement (CGPA), it was found in this study that the better

students time management behavior, the higher the students CGPA. With respect to year

of study, the results showed that the student’s general time management score were no

significantly different between students due to year of study. Generally, this study

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

underscores the importance of understanding the role time management in academic

achievement. Certainly those who are unable to manage time well may be at risk for


Local Literature/Studies

In the study of Napoles et al., (2023), was undertaken to determine a statistical

correlation between the role of time management and the academic performance of the

college students during a pandemic. The population of the research consisted of distance

learning students from the Department of Technology Teacher Education of Mindanao

State University-Iligan Institute of Technology. One hundred eighty-two participants

belonging to different courses who were selected randomly, ranging from first year to

fourth year, participated conveniently in this study. Surveyquestionnaires regarding time

management on a five-point likert scale were used to collect data from respondents and

were disseminated through Google forms. Before utilizing scales, professionals in the

field review them for validity. The variables' previous GPA correlated with .139 and a

significance of .061 indicated that they have no significant relationship with how students

manage their time. It is concluded that both variables have no significant relationship with

each other and time management skills do not affect students' school performance

significantly. However, students should be aware of time wastage and take responsibility

for enhancing their time management skills and maintaining their grade point average.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

In the study has been done by Dr. Fhrizz S. De Jesus and Merlina C. Garcia (2023),

the importance of time management skills for students cannot be overstated. It is crucial

for them to prioritize and organize their time based on what is most important to them.

This can be achieved by creating a schedule or a to-do list that outlines their daily tasks

and priorities. Additionally, students must prepare for exams in advance by reviewing

their notes or lectures, allowing them to use their time more effectively and achieve better

grades. After completing their academic responsibilities and household chores, it is

essential for students to take some time to relax and have fun. It is also essential for

students to understand how to manage their time when participating in academic activities

to avoid rushing through tasks and compromising their quality. Implementing an

enhancement and sustainability plan for NEUST Off-Campus Program San Leonardo

students is highly recommended as it will help them improve their time management


The research study conducted by Eleonor Theresa M. Camangyan (2023), aim of

this study is to determine the relationship between the time management skills and

academic performance of the grade 9 students. The participants were 70 students enrolled

at a public school in the south part of Davao, Philippines. A quota sampling method

approach was applied in this study. In order to collect the data, a questionnaire was given

to the students. The time management skills show a mean score of 4.36 with a very high

descriptive which denoted that the students always manifested. The level of academic

performance mean scores 88.71 result a very high descriptive level and manifested good

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

grades. There is a moderate significant positive correlation between the relationship of

time management skills and academic performance of Grade 9 students. In conclusion,

students should increase their knowledge of their attitudes in order to develop their time

management skills. Academic achievement is influenced by time management planning,

In the study of Mariano et al., (2022), on the relationship between time

management skills and academic performance of students was conducted at Mariano

Peralta National High School’s Open High School Program. Descriptive correlational

design was employed and stratified random sampling technique was used. Data were

gathered with the use of adapted survey questionnaire. The data collected were subjected

to statistical analysis using Percentage, Mean and Spearman rank-order correlation.

Results revealed that most of the respondents exhibit good level of time management

skills. With the academic performance, majority of the respondents belonged to

approaching proficiency level which means that most of the respondents have developed

fundamental knowledge and skills, with minimal guidance from the teacher or with peers,

and can transfer them through authentic tasks. Correlation analysis revealed that there was

a very high positive significant relationship between time management skills and

academic performance of the respondents, which means that cultivating time management

skills among the working students enrolled in open high school programs can

significantly improve their academic performance. Hence, it is recommended that schools

may consider designing relevant programs which will cultivate working students’ time

management skills and thereby enhancing their academic success.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

A study by Borbon (2021), aimed to identify the time management skills and

learning motivation of the dental clinicians that may impact their academic performance,

and test significant difference on time management and learning motivation between the

junior and senior clinicians. The research also explored whether there is significant

relationship between time management, learning motivation and academic performance of

the dental clinicians and proposed action plans based on the findings. Data were gathered

using a standardized questionnaire that assessed time management skills which was

divided into three components such as task prioritization, task listing and task scheduling;

and the learning motivation of the students, adapted from motivated strategies for

learning questionnaire from University of Michigan, in terms of value, expectancy and

affective components. Sixty-seven dental clinicians of Doctor of Dental Medicine

participated and consented the evaluation of their previous semester’s General Weighted

Average (GWA) in the professional subjects to assess their academic performance. The

findings revealed that task prioritization is the dominant time management skill among

junior and senior dental clinicians. Value is the highest learning motivation among the

junior and senior dental clinicians. Furthermore, majority of the respondents have GWA

of 2.00-2.49. Third year students have greater learning motivation in terms of value.

There was no significant relationship exists between GWA, time management skills and

learning motivation, implying that the students’ GWA was not affected by their time

management and their level of motivation. Proposed action plans may also be considered

by the college of dentistry to help look at possible means to provide quality education that

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

will address the current problems in student’s self-regulated learning, enhance teaching

strategies in motivating the students to be competent in using their time in studying and

finishing their requirements.

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641


Agormedah, E.K., Britwum, F., Amoah, S.O., Acheampong, H.Y., Adjei, E., & Nyameke,
F. (2021). Assessment of Time Management Practices and Students’ Academic
Achievement:The Moderating Role of Gender. International Journal of Social
Sciences and Educational Studies, 8(4), 171-188.
Alyami, A., Abdulwahed, A., Azhar, A., Binsaddik, A., & Bafaraj, S. M. (2021). Impact
of Time-Management on the Student’s Academic Performance: A Cross-Sectional
Study. Creative Education, 12, 471-485.
Dr. Fhrizz S. De Jesus and Merlina C. Garcia (2023), Time Management: It’s Effects on
the Academic Performance of the Students. Multidisciplinary International Journal
of Research and Development (MIJRD), Volume: 02 Issue: 04, Pages: 49-61.
Eleonor Theresa M. Camangyan (2023). Time Management Skills and Academic
Performance of Grade 9 Students. International Research Journal of Modernization
in Engineering Technology and Science, 5(10).
Fermah, B.B. (2022). Effects of Time Management on the Performance of Primary Pupils
in the Jomoro Municipality. EPRA International Journal of Research and
Harris, J. (2008). Time Management 100 Success Secrets – The 100 Most Asked
Questions on Skills, Tips, Training, Tools and Techniques for Effective Time
Management, Lulu Publishers, LA.
Khan, M.J., Ashraf A., & Nadeem A. (2020). The Effect of Time Management on the
Academic Performance of Students in the Higher Educational Institutions of

Adress: Capaoay San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Telephone: (075) 600-3641

Islamabad. International Review of Management and Business Research, 9(3)
Mariano, L. A., Madel, N. S., & Miranda, A. T. (2022). The Relationship between Time
Management Skills and Academic Performance of Working Students in Open High
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