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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (2000) 425±430

The application of Mg-based metal-hydrides as heat energy

storage systems
A. Reiser*, B. BogdanovicÂ, K. Schlichte
Max-Planck-Institute fuÈr Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, 45470, MuÈlheim an der Ruhr, Germany


Mg-based metal hydride systems are potential high temperature heat storage media. In this paper the features and
possibilities of the systems Mg/MgH2, Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4, Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6 and Mg±Co±H are discussed. All the
materials show cyclic stability in certain temperature ranges. The thermal energy which is released by these systems
covers a temperature range from 2508C to 5508C in which high thermal energy densities of up to 2257 kJ/kg are
reached. # 2000 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction . Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6, Mg/MgH2 iron (Fe)-doped;

. Mg±Co/Mg2CoH5/Mg6Co2H11
Because fossil energy-sources are limited and are as- are presented and compared in this paper. Features
sociated with environmental problems, considerable such as the energy density, thermodynamic properties,
e€ort has been made to ®nd clean and cheap alterna- temperature operating range, cyclic stability and prep-
tives. The use of thermal solar energy based power aration will be discussed in turn for each Mg-based
stations is one possibility whereby independence from system.
the changing input of the sun is essential. Magnesium
hydrogen systems can act as a thermal energy storage
system [1±6], this has been demonstrated in a test facil-
ity of 10 kWh storage capacity [1,4]. Particularly ad- 2. The di€erent Mg-based systems
vantageous is the ability of such systems to deliver
heat energy at a constant temperature which can be
2.1. The pure Mg/MgH2 system
controlled by the applied H2-pressure. In this connec-
tion the relative good heat conduction of Mg/MgH2
The pure Mg/MgH2 system has the highest usable
[4,7] is of signi®cance. To show the wide operation
H2-content, but due to its thermodynamic stability
®eld of the di€erent Mg-based hydrides, the systems:
(72±75 kJ/mol H2) [8] it is not particularly suitable for
. Mg/MgH2, Nickel (Ni)-doped; hydrogen storage. However, if the reaction of Mg and
. Mg/MgH2; hydrogen is used to store thermal energy a theoretical
. Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4; energy density of 2814 kJ/kg is possible. In order to
obtain a full conversion to MgH2, Mg-particles of 25±
100 mm size are needed and to obtain a reasonable
* Corresponding author. speed of reaction, a minimum temperature of at least

0360-3199/00/$20.00 # 2000 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 3 1 9 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 7 - 9
426 A. Reiser et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (2000) 425±430

same material after 700 cycles between 475±5228C and

115±130 bar is shown in Fig. 2: the single particles
have agglomerated and fused together [9].
This disadvantage, which becomes magni®ed upon
raising the temperature, is associated with the high
vapour pressure (0.133 bar at 5008C) of Mg-metal and
the relatively low melting point (Tm=6508C). Hence, it
is important to reduce the time during which the ma-
terial is kept in a desorbed state as Mg-metal, in order
to minimize the loss of capacity above 4508C. Despite
this limitation many studies show the cyclic stability of
Mg/MgH2 [10,11]; see also [12,13].

2.2. The Ni-doped Mg/MgH2 system

The easiest way to prepare Ni-doped systems is to

mix the two metal powders. A more sophisticated wet-
chemical method has been developed which leads to a
very ®ne dispersion of Ni-particles on the surface of
the Mg [14]. To achieve the same catalytic e€ect with
Fig. 1. SEM-picture of the starting Mg-powder, enlargement the powder-method 5 wt% Ni are necessary compared
factor: 500 [9]. to 2 wt% using the chemical method. In the presence
of the catalyst the hydrogenation reaction starts at
3508C is necessary. A critical factor is the applied tem- 2308C. Fig. 3 shows the result for the mildest con-
perature during the hydrogenation and dehydrogena- ditions using the chemical doped material, it should be
tion cycle: undoped Mg needs a minimum noted that the high hydrogen content of 6 wt% is
decomposition-temperature of 3208C under normal attained.
pressure. If, however, the decomposition temperature However, for both systems high temperatures must
is raised to about 4508C, the Mg metal begins to be avoided since the eutectic melting point between
agglomerate and as a result the particles do not com- Mg and Ni is 5068C. In practice temperatures over
pletely react with hydrogen. The appearance of the 4208C should be avoided [15]. The cyclic stability of
starting material is shown in Fig. 1 while that of the this system has been demonstrated in several tests, one
of which exceeded 10,000 cycles [16]. Assuming a
hydrogen content of 6 wt%, the observed energy den-
sity of 2147 kJ/kg approaches the theoretical value of
2741 kJ/kg.

Fig. 2. SEM-picture of agglomerated Mg-particles, enlarge- Fig. 3. Cyclic stability of chemical Ni-doped Mg. Conditions:
ment factor: 100 [9]. 230±3708C and 4.0±1.4 bar, time for one full cycle 3 h.
A. Reiser et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (2000) 425±430 427

Fig. 4. Cyclic stability of Mg2Ni. Conditions: 230±3308C and

0.4±2.8 bar, time for one full cycle 3 h. Fig. 6. Cyclic stability of a 2:1 mixture of Mg±Co. Con-
ditions: 420±5558C and 38±42 bar, time for one full cycle 3 h.
2.3. The Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4 system
be particularly valuable for this task [9]. The ternary
Mg2Ni powder can be prepared by melting and hydride phase can be conveniently generated by using
crushing. The advantage of this material Ð the very a cyclic procedure which is completed after approxi-
fast hydrogenation reaction at very low temperatures mately 20 cycles (3 h) and one 24 h hydrogenation
Ð is, however, associated with a reduction in capacity whereby a pressure of 80±90 bar and temperatures
(theoretical 3.6 wt%). Mg2NiH4 is less stable than between 470±5508C are necessary [21]. In Fig. 5, the
MgH2 and has an enthalpy of formation of 62±64 kJ/ excellent cyclic stability of the material at a capacity
mol [17,18]. The lowest hydrogenation temperature level of about 5 wt% is shown. The system theoreti-
which we have observed is 2308C using an excess press- cally stores 5.47 wt% hydrogen and the enthalpy of
ure of 0.4±4 bar. The full cyclic stability test is shown formation has been shown to be 77 kJ/kg [9].
in Fig. 4. With a capacity of 3 wt%, an energy density The high stability of Mg2FeH6 requires desorption
of 916 kJ/kg is observed. Good cyclic stability has also temperatures of at least 5008C, while a satisfactory
been observed by [19] (1380 cycles) and [20] (1500 rate of hydrogenation is observed at temperatures of at
cycles). least 4508C. Desorption-temperatures of up to 5908C
have been tested and did not a€ect the cyclic stability
2.4. The Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6 system of the material. Furthermore, the addition of Fe to the
Mg-powder (4:1±20:1, 480±5508C, 80±88 bar) has been
The interest in high temperature storage systems shown to signi®cantly improve the cyclic-stability com-
having good cyclic stability has its origin in the Car- pared to undoped Mg. The cyclic stability of the Mg±
not-cycle: the eciency of the conversion of heat to Fe/Mg2FeH6-system at this high temperature is the
mechanical energy increases upon raising the working result of the inability of the two metals to form an
temperature. The Mg2FeH6 system has shown itself to alloy under these conditions. As a result the metals
separate and then reform a unique phase during

2.5. The Mg±Co±H system

The two ternary hydrides Mg2CoH5 and Mg6Co2H11

are known in the Mg±Co±H system. The method of
synthesis and the crystallographical features have been
described in detail by Yvon et al. [22±25] and in [26],
but there is disagreement concerning the thermodyn-
amic data. Yvon et al. published a value of 86 kJ/mol
H2 for the heat of dissociation and 60 kJ/mol H2 for
the heat of formation for the Mg2CoH5 phase, which
means a considerable hysteresis [23]. Similar but
slightly lower values were reported by Konstanchuk
Fig. 5. Cyclic stability of Mg2FeH6. Conditions: 473±5528C [25] who performed a series of desorption PCI-
and 77±85 bar, time for one full cycle 3 h. measurements and found two hydride-phases. The
428 A. Reiser et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (2000) 425±430

Fig. 7. PCI-diagram of a 2:1 mixture of Mg±Co.

lower pressure plateau corresponding to a heat of for- Fig. 8. Dissociation-pressure-diagram for the MgH2,
Mg2NiH4, Mg2FeH6 and Mg±Co±H system.
mation of 70 kJ/mol H2 and the higher one to 79 kJ/
mol. Additional desorption measurements by Yvon et
al. with a thermobalance yields desorption values of ciently high enthalpy of formation to be regarded as a
95 kJ/mol H2 and 108 kJ/mol H2 respectively [26]. The heat storage media. In addition the dissociation press-
theoretical hydrogen capacities of Mg2CoH5 (4.48 ure of the ®rst plateau is much lower than that of the
wt%) and Mg6Co2H11 (4.04 wt%) are relatively small other systems discussed above. This is of considerable
compared to the binary counterpart MgH2 (7.66 wt%), importance for a more simple design of the pressure
which would be more ecient as a hydrogen storage vessels which store the hydride under H2-pressure and
material. But despite the deviations for the thermodyn- a high temperature (>5008C). Further investigations
amic data the stability of the material is high enough with di€erent Mg and Co ratios are necessary to
to act as a heat energy storage system. Therefore an obtain reliable data of the thermodynamic stability of
extended cyclic-stability test was carried out with a both hydride phases.
mixture of Mg and Co-powder in a ratio of 2:1 (Fig.
6). The result shows clearly the excellent cyclic stability
of this material over more than 1000 cycles. We
3. Comparison of the di€erent Mg-based metal hydride
assume that under these conditions the Mg6Co2H11
hydride phase is partly formed. After the material had
been subjected to the long term cyclic test additional
desorption PCI-measurements at 440, 468 and 4868C The most important di€erence in the ®ve systems is
were performed (Fig. 7). In the range of a hydrogen the temperature at which they can produce thermal
energy. The usable temperature for the systems with
content up to about 2.5 wt% a plateau was found.
Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4, Mg/MgH2+2 wt% Ni, Mg/MgH2,
The equilibrium pressures in this region correspond to
Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6 and Mg±Co±H increases from 250
a heat of desorption of about 76 kJ/mol H2 2 4 kJ/
to 5508C (Table 1).
mol. From there up to about 3.7 wt% a second vari-
In most cases the temperature range will dominate
able plateau exists in this region no reliable value for
the choice of material. But the maximum practical
the heat of formation could be calculated. Nevertheless
possible energy density is also an interesting feature.
it is shown that the Mg±Co±H system possesses a su-
The following calculations are based on the hydride
phase and the parameters used are found during our
Table 1 experiments. In addition, it must be emphasized that it
Di€erent temperature ranges of the thermal output is dicult to determine exactly enthalpy data (for
example Mg±MgH2 72±75 kJ/mol) and as a result de-
Material Usable temperature range (8C)
viations of more than 1000 kJ/kg in the value of the
energy density are possible. In Table 2 the di€erent
Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4 250±350
Mg/MgH2+2 wt% Ni 290±420 materials are listed according to their thermodynamic
Mg/MgH2 350±450 properties along with the theoretical and practical
Mg/MgH2+10 wt% Fe 350±550 energy densities. The system Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4 yields
Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6 450±550 the smallest value due to the low enthalpy of for-
Mg±Co/Mg2CoH5 450±550a mation and the high weight of the metals. In contrast
the Ni doped Mg system has a value twice as large.
Preliminary results. In addition to the practical energy densities, the
A. Reiser et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (2000) 425±430 429

Table 3


Coecients for the desorption pressure function

System a b

Mg/MgH2 ÿ8984.4 ÿ16.2
Mg±Ni/Mg2NiH4 ÿ7439.8 ÿ14.3
Mg±Fe/Mg2FeH6 ÿ9526.9 ÿ16.5


ÿ8666.5 ÿ14.4



Mg±Co/Mg6CoH11a ÿ10060.5 ÿ17.4

Not ensured values.

equilibrium pressure must be taken into account if

pressure vessels are designed. In general the function
for the dissociation pressure is given as:




ln P‰barŠ ˆ a=T ÿ b

The coecients a and b are listed for the di€erent sys-

tems in Table 3. The resulting dissociating pressures

are shown in Fig. 8.




4. Conclusion

The energy-density (up to 2257 kJ/kg) of the dis-


cussed metal hydride systems is much higher than that



of comparable latent heat storage systems [27]. This, as




well as the favourable dynamic behaviour, make them

attractive for technical application. For a fast and
economic implementation low dissociation pressures
Mg/MgH2+2 wt% Ni

are necessary and therefore the systems Mg±Fe and

Mg±Co are of special interest and warrant further in-
Data used for calculating the theoretical and practical energy densities






The authors thank Professor P. W. Jolly for useful


discussions and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie

for the ®nancial support.











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