RPAS Adiminstration Cheatsheet

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R-PAS Rorschach Administration: 16 Responses to be Valid Protocol.

1 response per
card necessary


Say: “We're ready for the Rorschach (or inkblot) test now,
have you heard of it, seen it, or taken it?”
Say, “It's a series of inkblot designs that I'll show you and I want you to tell
me what they look like to you”

YES: (Explore their knowledge of it)

Then say, “As you know then, it is a series of inkblot designs that I will
show you. All I want you to do is to tell me what they look like to you”


Say: “OK, now we are ready to start.

I will hand the inkblots to you one at a time.
Your task is to look at each card to answer the question
What might this be? Does that make sense?”

Say: “Good, we can get started then.

Try to give two responses or maybe three to each card.
That is, for each card try to see two different things, possibly three.

RESPONSE PHASE: (Prompt for 2, Pull after 4.)

Use only one Prompt per Card, No Card Rejections.
Record all verbiages, and behaviours. [Examiner verbalizations in parentheses]
Record each rotation of the card (not just final position)

Say: “What might this be?”

Prompt: “We would like two, or maybe three, responses to each card, so please try to
give another”

Pull: “Okay, that's good. Remember, try to give two responses to each card, maybe

Fewer than 16 responses: “That was fine. However, we need a few more responses for the
test to be helpful. So let's go through the cards again. Take your time when looking at
them and see what other things you can come up with. What else might this be? (no
prompts in 2nd response phase)
CLARIFICATION PHASE: no new responses,
[Record Examiner verbalizations in parentheses]
“ I am writing down everything you say, go a little bit slower please” or
“ I am having trouble keeping up with you, can you slow down some, thanks”
What? What they saw (Content)
Where? where they saw it (Location)
Why? Why it looked like that to them (Determinants)
[Examiner verbalizations in parentheses]

SAY: Now we are going to start the final step.

While looking at the cards I want to review your responses with you to
clarify what it is that you saw and how you saw it.
So we will look at the cards one by one.
I will read your responses back to you and I want to know where on the
card you were looking
and what about the inkblot made it look like that to you.
Does that make sense?

hand the examinee the first card and read the examinee's first response

You said it was _____, what makes it look _______?

“What about it made it look like________

Show me the _______ ( location) or Where did you see that?

# Theme # PU

Behavioural Obs/Verbiage: Behavioural Obs/Verbiage:


# Theme # PU

Behavioural Obs/Verbiage: Behavioural Obs/Verbiage:

 Location and Space Codes
Code Location Name Description
W Whole Response uses the entire inkblot
D Common Detail Area Response uses one or more frequently used detail areas
Dd Unusual Detail Response uses one or more rarely used detail areas

White Space
SR White Space Reversal Non-inked or background area on card is a focal percept
such that the traditional figure and ground become
SI White Space Integration Non-inked or background area on card is integrated
with inked areas

 Content Code Description

H Whole human, including realistically described religious or historical figures;

e.g., person, baby or fetus, Buddha. Also code figures described as humans but
with non-human parts; e.g., a man with wings.

(H) Imaginary, fictional, quasi-, or supernatural whole human; e.g., ghost, giant,
human-like monster, demon, fairy, God, clown.

Hd Human detail, for an incomplete human form; e.g., face, head, leg, mustache (but not those
percepts better captured as Anatomy, as described below).

(Hd) Imaginary or fictional human detail; e.g., face of the devil, angel’s wing, human-like
mask, carved pumpkin face/jack-o-lantern.

A Whole animal; e.g., butterfly, elephant, insect, pterodactyl, amoeba, a bat with hands.

(A) Imaginary, fictional, or cartoon whole animal; e.g., unicorn, King Kong, Nemo, teddy bear,
dragon, animal-like monsters.

Ad Animal detail, for an incomplete animal form; e.g., pelt, head, wing, antler (but not those percepts
better captured as Anatomy, as described below).

(Ad) Imaginary or fictional animal detail; e.g., wings of a dragon, animal mask.

An Anatomy, for internal body parts and structures that are not visible from the outside; e.g., pelvis
bone, intestines, brain cross-section, lungs, cells, cross section of an organ. Also for perceptions of
anatomy from medical imaging devices, including MRI, PET scan, X-ray, or ultrasound technology.
Internal human or animal body parts that are coded An are not also coded Hd or Ad, unless external
body parts are also included.

Art Art, for objects of art, e.g., paintings; or for objects that are, or are described as being, decorative
or ornamental, e.g., crest, jewelry, ceremonial feathers, a fancy and delicate table.

Ay Anthropology, for references to a specific historical or cultural context; e.g., Indian arrowhead,
Napoleon’s hat, Mongolian yurt, totem pole.

Bl Blood.

Cg Clothing; e.g., bowtie, dress, boots, hat.

Ex Explosion, including bomb blast, volcanic eruption, and fireworks.

Fi Fire, including flames, embers, or smoke.

Sx Sexual organs, activity, or clothing; e.g., penis, vagina, see-through dress.

NC Objects and contents that are not classified in other categories; e.g., cloud landscape, and lamp;
including abstractions like depression and sensory experiences.

 Object Qualities
Code Name Description
Sy Synthesis Distinct and separate objects in a relationship
Vg Vagueness Objects with vague or indistinct outline or boundary
2 Pair Identical objects based on the symmetry of the blot

 Form Quality – code for each object separately then always code down for both:
1 is O other U = u
1 is U other - = -
1 is O other - = U
Code Name Description
o Ordinary Form fit that is relatively frequent and accurate
u Unusual Form fit that is of intermediate frequency or accuracy or both
– Minus Form fit that is infrequent and inaccurate
n None Response does not contain an object with definite form or outline

 Popular Responses
Card Location Description of Popular
I W Bat or butterfly. If head is mentioned, it must be at top of card (e.g., by D1)

II D1 Bear, dog, elephant, or lamb; usually head or upper body

III D9 Whole human figure or representation of a human figure (e.g., doll)

IV W or D7 Whole human or human-like figure [i.e., coded as H or (H)]

V W Bat or butterfly. If head is mentioned, it must be at top of card (D6 area)

VI W or D1 Animal skin, hide, rug, or pelt

VII D9 Human head or face (often the response contains other features elsewhere)

VIII D1 Whole animal, with head hear D4. The type is often unspecified, though bear is common, as
are various times of canines, felines, or small mammals.

IX D3 Human or human-like figure

X D1 Crab or spider

 Determinants
Code Name Description
M Human Movement Human activity, experience, sensation, and emotion
FM Animal Movement Animal activity, and animal experience; animals in
m Inanimate Movement Mechanical or inorganic movement, including natural
Type of Movement
a Active The amount of effort or force incorporated in a movement
p Passive
FC Form Color Color contributes to a response object but form is dominant
CF Color Form Color is dominant in a response object but form contributes
C Color (no form) Color determines a response object without form playing a
C′ Achromatic Color Black, grey, or white color of the ink contributes to the
Shading Light and dark ink gradations contribute to a response …
T Texture … and contribute to a tactile quality

V Vista … and contribute to a perception of depth, distance or dimensionality

Y Diffuse Shading … but do not contribute to a tactile impression or a sense

of depth

FD Form Dimension Blot outlines generate a perception of depth or


r Reflection An object plus its mirror image or reflection across the

card’s vertical midline

F Form Responses in which form is the only determinant

 Cognitive Codes
Language & Reasoning
DV1 Deviant Verbalization Level 1
DV2 Deviant Verbalization Level 2
DR1 Deviant Response Level 1
DR2 Deviant Response Level 2
PEC Peculiar Logic
INC1 Incongruous Combination Level 1
INC2 Incongruous Combination Level 2
FAB1 Fabulized Combination Level 1
FAB2 Fabulized Combination Level 2
CON Contamination

 Thematic Codes
Code Name Description
ABS Abstract Representation Concrete blot features are representational and
symbolize an abstract, higher-order construct or concept.
PER Personal Knowledge Justification Personal knowledge or experience is used to
justify a response.
COP Cooperative Movement Cooperative, positive, or pleasant interactions
are occurring between two objects.
MAH Mutuality of Autonomy-Health Two objects are mutually and autonomously
engaged in a reciprocally interactive activity.
MAP Mutuality of Autonomy-Pathology An agent or object intentionally compromises
the autonomy or integrity of another object
or is destructive to it.
AGM Aggressive Movement Aggressive or hostile activity, intent, or ideation is occurring.
AGC Aggressive Content Response content involves an aggressive,
dangerous, harmful, injurious, malevolent, or predatory element.
MOR Morbid Content Objects are damaged or states of distress or
dysphoria are attributed to them.
ODL Oral Dependency Language Response Phase verbalizations linked to oral
activity and content or interpersonal
passivity and dependence

1. Card I; Self-Perception. 2. Card II; Social Relationships.

3. Card 3; Human Relationships. 4. Card IV; Father/Authority.

5. Card V; Depression. 6. Card VI; Sex Card

7. Card VII; Mother 8. Card VIII; Emotional Arousal.

9. Card IX; Emotional Expression. 10. Card X; Emotional State.

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