EcoSort Research

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Development of an Intelligent Trash Can with Automated Opening

and Segregation System for Efficient Waste Management


Aquiles Leonico Jr.

Novilyn Javil

Mariel Lourine Azada

Mae Caryll Legaspi

Ralph Lorenzo Visorio

Remmuel Dyne Japsay


Background of the Study

Effective waste management plays a crucial role in maintaining cleaner and more
sustainable environments. One significant aspect of waste management is proper waste
segregation, which involves separating diverse types of waste for appropriate disposal or
recycling. However, manual waste sorting processes can be time-consuming, inefficient, and

To address this issue, there is a growing interest in developing automated waste sorting
systems that can streamline the waste segregation process. These systems incorporate
advanced technologies, such as sensors, robotics, and artificial intelligence, to efficiently
categorize and separate diverse types of waste.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of smart waste
management solutions. These solutions aim to leverage emerging technologies to create
intelligent trash cans that can automate waste segregation. Existing research has focused on
various aspects of automated waste sorting systems, ranging from sensor-based trash cans that
detect waste composition to image processing techniques that classify diverse types of waste.
These studies highlight the potential benefits of implementing automated waste segregation,
such as improved recycling rates and enhanced sustainability practices.

While significant progress has been made in developing automated waste sorting
technologies, there is still a need for innovative solutions that can simplify the waste disposal
process for users. This research aims to contribute to this field by investigating the design and
development of an intelligent trash can that opens automatically when a user interacts with it.
The trash can will be equipped with an internal mechanism that efficiently segregates diverse
types of waste placed inside.

By implementing such a system, users would no longer need to manually sort their
waste before disposal. Instead, they can simply confide in the trash can, triggering the
automated opening mechanism, and the internal rotating system will segregate the waste
according to predefined criteria. This research seeks to enhance waste management practices,
promote recycling efforts, and contribute to the overall goal of creating cleaner and more
sustainable environments.

Overall, this study aims to develop a technologically advanced and user-friendly trash
can that improves waste segregation and contributes to more efficient waste management
strategies. It builds upon the existing research on automated waste sorting systems and seeks
to address the challenges associated with manual waste segregation to pave the way for a
more sustainable future.

Objectives of the Study

This study generally aimed to design, develop, and determine the effectiveness of an
automatic segregating trash can aimed to enhance waste management efficiency. This study
also aimed to assess the systems accuracy in categorizing diverse types of waste
(biodegradable, non-biodegradable, recyclable) specifically this research will focus on:

1. To investigate the challenges in manual waste segregation methods.

2. To design and develop a smart trash can equipped with sensors and an AI (Artificial
Intelligence) algorithm for an automatic waste segregation.
3. To evaluate if there is a significant difference between the efficiency of waste management
when using an intelligent trash can with an automated opening and segregation system
compared to traditional waste management practices, in terms of;
a. The effectiveness to segregate.
b. The speed.
c. The capacity of the trash can.

There is no significant difference in the efficiency of waste management when using an

intelligent trash can with an automated opening and segregation system compared to
traditional waste management practices.


Waste materials Intelligent trash can Efficient waste
(biodegradable, with automated management, which
non-biodegradable, opening and includes proper
recyclable) segregation system segregation and
disposal of waste
materials, reduced
contamination, and
improved recycling

Engineering Goals

This research prioritizes the development of an intelligent Trash Can with

Automated Opening and Segregation System for Efficient Waste Management. The
engineering goals are directed towards benefiting specific groups:

To Municipal Waste Management authorities, the study aims to offer an innovative

solution for efficient waste segregation, reducing operational costs and enhancing overall waste
management effectiveness.

To Urban Communities, the implementation of intelligent trash cans can lead to cleaner
environments, improved hygiene, and a more sustainable approach to waste disposal,
contributing to the well-being of residents.

To Environmental Conservation Efforts, the study strives to minimize the ecological

impact of improper waste disposal, promoting a greener and healthier planet through advanced
waste management technologies.

To Households, the study aims to simplify waste disposal for residents, encouraging
proper segregation practices and promoting a cleaner living environment. The implementation
of intelligent trash cans at the household level intends to make waste management more
convenient and eco-friendlier.

To School Sectors, the study envisions fostering a culture of environmental responsibility

among students and staff. Intelligent trash cans in educational institutions can serve as
educational tools, instilling sustainable waste management practices and contributing to a
greener school environment.

To Workers, the implementation of automated waste segregation aims to streamline

waste management processes in workplaces, creating a more hygienic and efficient working
environment. This contributes to employee well-being and aligns with corporate sustainability
To Future Researchers, the study aims to provide a foundation for further advancements
in waste management technologies. The outcomes of this research can serve as a reference for
future studies, encouraging continuous innovation in the field of intelligent waste management

Definition of terms:

Solid waste - refers to any type of garbage, trash, refuse, or discarded material.
(New York State, 2019)
In this study, it is the problem that being resolve by the enhancement of trash can using
advanced technology.

Arduino - an open hardware development board that can be used by tinkerers, hobbyists, and
makers to design and build devices that interact with the real world.
(, 2023)
In this study, it is the device the researchers will be using to operate the trash can.

Artificial intelligence - the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,

especially computer systems.
(TechTarget, 2018)
In this study, artificial intelligence will be used to program and encode to enhance the trash

Trash can - a large round container which people put their rubbish in, and which is usually
kept outside their house
( Collins, 2023)
In this study, trash can is the subject that is going to be enhanced using advanced technology.
Garbage - is waste material that is discarded by humans, usually due to a perceived lack of
(Wikipedia, 2020)
In this study, garbage is the material that will be used to test the capability of the enhance
trash can.

Scope and Limitations

This study is limited only on developing and determining the effectiveness of an automatic
segregating trash can aimed to enhance waste management efficiency. Actual observation will
be done to have accurate results to be used as the basis of the researchers in the interpretation
of the result of the study. The study will be conducted in Barangay Capuyhan, Sigma, Capiz.
Some materials that are included in this study will be bought in the market while others are
readily available in the researcher’s respective houses. The Dependent Variable in this study is
the efficient waste management, while the Independent Variable is the intelligent trash can
with automated opening and segregation system.

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Efficient waste management. Intelligent trash can with

automated opening and
segregation system.

Review of Related Literature

Along with the times, one of the environmental problems faced today is the waste
problem. Every day humans will produce waste, both industrial waste and household waste in
everyday life. Garbage will become an environmental problem because it can interfere with
human health, cause bad smells, and even air pollution. Poor waste management causes
harmful and unhealthy environmental problems. The problem of environmental waste can arise
from waste management that unites all types of organic and inorganic waste in the same place,
making it difficult to recycle waste. Another problem is that sometimes the cleaners are
negligent in emptying the full trash can, so it will cause an unpleasant smell. Sometimes people
are reluctant when they want to dispose of garbage by opening and closing the trash can so it
is feared that they will get bacteria on their hands. It is necessary to make a smart trash bin
which will later be able to sort out the types of organic and inorganic waste. The lid of the trash
can will open automatically when someone wants to throw out the trash and it will close
automatically when it is finished taking out the trash. With the waste sorting technology, it will
automatically reduce environmental pollution by waste, and facilitate waste management so
that it can be recycled again. To overcome the bins that are full for too long, if the trash is full,
it will automatically notify the cleaners via Telegram messages. From the test results, it can be
concluded that the ultrasonic sensor can detect if someone is approaching with a maximum
distance of 50 cm so that the cover can be opened automatically for 7 seconds. The servo
motor can rotate the waste sorter according to the type of organic or inorganic waste based on
the detection results of the capacitive proximity sensor. The telegram message has been
successfully sent if the garbage condition has been fully detected through the ultrasonic sensor.
LCD can display the type of organic or inorganic waste accurately, as stated in the study of
Aldiga R. A., Yuda I. and Yesica D. (2022).

According to Mohd S. S. (2017), dumpster are common things for a human now days,
without it people will just throwing they garbage anywhere. Since it was a simple trash can
people just thinking it was a bored common think to do especially a child where they are easily
following what they see when grow up people doing throw the garbage on the street or
anywhere. To prevent such a thing an automatic Smart Trash Can is being innovate to teach
children and take an interest of adult people to throw the garbage into trash can, this
technology will happen on the top of the opener trash bin where it can automatically open the
lid with a simple touch of hand or item, the garbage will stay at the top of it before going into
the can for the first stage and then there will be a multiple of choice for people to pick which
one of type garbage that they want throw with a simple logo of garbage that will label near at
the sensor as for the guides to people. With the use of Arduino UNO and simple circuit such as
servo motor, ultrasonic sensor the technology will not be taking a big cost of money to build in
fact the automatic smart trash can, be able to make without Arduino UNO in this project an
Arduino UNO are being used to make it run or operate smoothly.
The study of Miko P., Shiela Ma M., Hillary R., Mary Jane S. (2019), waste management
is seen as an effective solution to mitigate the issue. Internet-of- Things were utilized to design
an automatic waste segregation system. A developed a trash bin equipped with sensors, which
can intelligently segregate waste system that provides monitoring report of waste collection.
Image recognition was used to process automatic classification of trash using machine learning
technique. Upon training more than 2000 samples for biodegradable and non-biodegradable
waste, the developed prototyped were able to classify trash efficiently.

I. Methodology

This includes the presentation of the methods and procedures; tools and materials; and
the data collection and statistical tool that was used in the study.

Materials and Methods:

The materials and methods that were used by the researchers in making the intelligent
trash can with automated opening and segregation system are the following:

Arduino Uno
Ultrasonic Sensor
Servo Motor
Trash bin
Tube/stick (metal)
Mini wheels (for sliding the trash out of the bin)
Mini door hinge
Wire/paper clip
Glue stick/gun

A. Implementing trash can:

1. The researchers bought an aluminum trash can.
2. The researchers measured the size of the trash can. Then divided it into 3 parts.
3. They made a smaller trash that can fit inside the aluminum trash can.
4. After that, they made a small door at the side of the aluminum trash can.
4. Then, they installed Arduino and other devices into the trash can.
5. The researchers observed if everything is perfectly set on the trash can.

B. Installing Arduino:
1. The researchers installed a wire into the Arduino.
2. They program the Arduino and encode it through C++ and evaluated if it worked
2. Then, they connect the Arduino to the ultrasonic sensor, servo motor and the plug
3. They placed the Arduino and other devices to the trash can, then glued it.
4. Lastly, they evaluated if they were successful in installing the Arduino into the trash
can and if it worked.

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