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事物发展状况 27

The story of how the smartphone has turned our life upside down is one of
technological innovation and market competition. It is one of the greatest inventions
in the 21st century. 避免重复,用来描述趋势 (1)

When the internet was invented in the 1980s, it seemed implausible that just over 30
years later children in remote areas would be able to attend online classes given by
highly qualified teachers in big cities. 描述科技变化巨大(2)

Despite tech firms’ efforts, there is still room for improvement in their attempts to root
out false information on their sites and assume social responsibility. 仍需改进;仍存
Although social media platforms have stepped up efforts(加大力度) to root out
false information and assume social responsibility, their work still leaves much to be
desired. Rumors and misinformation are still rampant on their sites. 委婉说某事物还
是有许多改进之处的。 (10)

A tour into downtown Shanghai gives/offers you a snapshot of the life of China’s
middle-class citizens, their number estimated to be more than 700 million. 提供了一
个剪影,以小见大 (4)
The transformation of Shenzhen from a small fishing village to an international city
acts as a microcosm of China’s economic growth in the past four decades.
The building acts as a microcosm of the city’s history. 某事物成为一个缩影 (18)

Extreme climate events have played havoc with the food and agricultural sector for
the past year, and hardly a week goes by without some food scare being reported in
the media.
Hardly a week goes by without some new viral video or piece of content ping-
ponging around the internet to the shock and awe of newscasters and advertisers alike.
几乎没有哪一周是没有...的,强调某事发生频率高 (5)

Canadian province became the first to enact a curfew as corona-virus cases once again
spiral out of control. 某事急剧恶化,失去控制 (6)
Take sb. into mental downward spiral.

After two years into the pandemic, the global tourist industry is a shadow of its former
self. To promote tourism, many governments are considering relaxing restrictions on
international travelers.今不如昔;大不如从前。(7)

Whether old buildings should give way to modern structures has become a heated
debate, with some people arguing that it is important to protect old buildings because
they have historical and cultural significance. A gives way to B :A 给 B 让路(=A
is replaced by B (8)
We should pay particular attention to details, because what seems like a small mistake
may end up having dire consequences. What seemed like... has.../ what seems
like...may/can/could... 一开始看起来像是...,现在已经... (9)

Thanks to rapid economic development, many cities in China have changed beyond
recognition in the past decades, accompanied by a decent rise in people’s living
standards. 变得让人认不出,描述改变巨大(10)

In this ever-changing world, it is important for knowledge workers to move with the
times, which could be achieved by pursuing lifelong learning. Move with the
times=keep up with the times 跟上时代的步伐 (11)

The former holiday camp at Denmark is to enjoy a new lease of life as home to a
community venue.
With the advent of artificial intelligence and computer-assisted drug design, a record
number of new drugs have been created, giving patients a new lease of life.
Something/somebody enjoys a new lease of life 或 者 something gives somebody a
new lease of life. 重振雄风;重新焕发生机。 (12)

Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy. Something/somebody is no stranger to ....

没有 a!某人或某物对...习以为常/麻了 (13)

The restaurant is steeped in history, from the architecture to the food.

Boasting a whopping seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Forbidden
city and the Summer Palace, Beijing is a great city that is steeped in history and
tradition. 浸透了历史
Successful flower was steeped in the tears of struggling, spattered bloody rain drops
of working.成功的花 (14)

An economic hurricane is on the horizon 一场经济飓风就要来临

Many experts believe that full self-driving technology is on the horizon, and that it
will change everything from daily commute to urban planning. 描述某件重要事情即
将发生 (15)

The company emerged from the crisis unscathed

As the saying goes, “What does not kill you makes you stronger”. throughout history,
there have been countless cases where people emerged from disasters even stronger.
从困境中走出;度过危机 (16)

Gone are the days when people had to write letters to their friends and wait for weeks
for a reply. Instant messaging services are on the rise and here to say, making it
possible for us to communicate with others anytime, anywhere. 描述某种现象已经成
为过去 (17)
Here to say:某物已经广泛流行,被人们普遍接受。如 mobile phones are here to

If we do not act now, the beauty sound in the rainforest will become a thing of the
Thanks to a collaborative global vaccination program led by WHO, smallpox has
become a thing of the past. Be a thing of the past 将/已经成为过去的东西 (19)

The novel went virus! Not since Harry Potter has a new book caught fire in this way.
Not since 2008 has the US stock market seen such a huge decline in a single day. 自
从...之后,还没有哪个能如此... (20)
Not since Mads has an actor caught my eyes in this way
Not since Mads has an actor been such naturally beautiful.
Not until I give you permission can you watch TV
You can watch TV until I give you permission
Never before had a panda been so fierce and so loved.
Never before had a man been so naturally beautiful.

Due to the impact of the pandemic, high unemployment is here to say, and young
people are craving for posts in government departments so as to gain job security. 某
事物已经广泛流行;普遍被人们接受 (21)

What started as a tiny brush fire became the state’s deadliest wildfire. 本来是一场灌
Technology is a two-edged weapon. What started as a useful invention may turn into
an agent for brutality and destruction. A case in point is the nuclear technology.
What started as an investigation has snowballed into a political scandal. 原先的...已
经/后来/可能将会变成... (22)

If history is any guide, advances in technology will disrupt the business world and
create massive job losses. The only way to stay employable is to be a life-long learner.
古为今用:analyze the past to inform the present.
Life should be lived forward but understood backward.
The history of the word Gothic is embedded in thousand of years worth of counter-
cultural movements, from invading outsiders becoming kings, to towering spires
replacing solid columns, to artists finding beauty in darkness. Each step has seen a
revolution of sorts and a tendency for civilization to reach into its past to reshape its

Today’s labor market is much more complicated than in the past, as technological
advances are destroying and creating jobs at an unprecedented rate. In light of this, it
would be imprudent to look in the rearview mirror to decide what kinds of jobs will
be stable in the future.借鉴过去来决定某事 (27)
After years of investment, tech firms such as Baidu and Huawei are now in the
vanguard of self-driving technology, poised to reap the benefits of this technological
shift. 处于某事物的前沿 (24)

京东 may have added drones to daily Chinese village life, but whether they will make
financial sense for the company over time remains to be seen.
AI may has seeped into people’s daily life, but whether it will drastically change the
way people live remains to be seen.
Online education may have lowered the cost of learning, but whether it will enable
students to learn more effectively remains to be seen.说明某事情表面上如此,但实
际上会不会还有待观察 (25)

Such revelations have reinforced existing concerns among advertisers that they are
having the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to online advertisements.
Soaring property prices in this country’s big cities have reinforced existing concerns
among young migrant workers that they will not be able to afford themselves a house.
某事情加深了某人对...的担忧 (26)

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