Hey, Dasha!

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Hey, Dasha!

So, you’re 14 now, yeah?, I remember those days like they were yesterday. It’s your future self
here, writing to give you some insight into what’s coming your way. So let’s start

First of all, let’s talk about that dream of becoming a journalist. I hate to burst your bubble, but
it’s not going to be an easy ride. In truth, you'll face rejection, criticism, and more rejection.
But guess what? You’ll also have moments of triumph, where your words will inspire and
inform others. In the end, you connected your life with the English language

Oh, and remember Anna, your best friend from middle school? She's more than just a friend;
she's like a sister. In actual fact, you two will stay close throughout the years, even as life
takes you down different paths. You’ll share secrets, dreams, and countless memories.
Appreciate that friendship, . It’s one of the few things in life that will remain constant.

Speaking of school, grades aren’t everything. In actual fact, what’s more important is finding
what you’re passionate about and pursuing it with everything you’ve got. So don’t stress too
much about bad mark - about history. Just keep exploring different subjects until you find
what lights a fire in your belly.

Lastly, I want to remind you to cherish the moments you have with friends and family. Life
moves pretty fast, and before you know it, you’ll all be scattered across the country, caught
up in your own lives. So make the most of every laugh, every inside joke, and every late-night
adventure. Trust me, those memories will sustain you through the tough times ahead.

Alright, that’s all the wisdom I’ve got for now. Just remember to stay true to yourself, keep
pushing forward, and never lose that infectious sense of humor. The future’s bright – embrace
it with open arms.

Your older Dasha

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