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First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Learning Task Output Plan (LTOP)


Authentic Problem: In Barangay Tungkong Mangga, San Jose Del Monte, there is a lack of
access to quality education for children living in marginalized communities, leading to low
literacy rates and limited opportunities for academic advancement.

Analyze Contents: The problem of inadequate access to quality education in Barangay Tungkong
Mangga negatively impacts the future prospects and socio-economic well-being of children in the
community. It perpetuates cycles of poverty, limits educational attainment, and hinders social
mobility. Factors such as limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and socio-economic barriers
contribute to this issue.

Create Solutions: To address educational challenges in Barangay Tungkong Mangga, San Jose
Del Monte, a comprehensive approach is essential. Firstly, Community Learning Centers should
be established to provide accessible spaces for children to receive additional academic support and
resources. Simultaneously, improving school infrastructure is crucial to ensuring safe and
conducive learning environments. Additionally, offering scholarships and financial assistance
removes barriers for marginalized children, enabling them to pursue education and break the cycle
of poverty. Furthermore, enhancing parent and community involvement fosters collaboration in
creating a supportive environment for children’s learning. Finally, implementing Mobile Learning
Initiatives using technology expands educational access, particularly benefiting children in remote
areas, promoting equity in education. Through these initiatives, a holistic approach can be taken
to improve educational outcomes and opportunities in Barangay Tungkong Mangga.
(Strategies that help to solve problems with explanation how it should be done)

1. Establish Community Learning Centers: Set up community learning centers in

Barangay Tungkong Mangga to provide access to supplementary education and enrichment
programs for children. Collaborate with local schools, non-profit organizations, and
volunteers to offer tutoring, mentoring, and skills development workshops.

2. Improve School Infrastructure: Advocate for improvements in school infrastructure and

facilities to create a conducive learning environment. Work with government agencies,
community leaders, and stakeholders to address issues such as classroom shortages, lack
of basic amenities, and safety concerns in schools.

3. Provide Scholarships and Financial Assistance: Offer scholarships and financial

assistance programs to economically disadvantaged students in Barangay Tungkong
Mangga to support their educational aspirations. Partner with businesses, philanthropic
organizations, and government agencies to fund scholarships, school supplies, uniforms,
and transportation expenses for students in need.

4. Enhance Parent and Community Involvement: Promote active involvement of parents

and community members in the education of children by organizing parent-teacher
associations, community meetings, and educational workshops. Foster collaboration
between schools, families, and the community to create a supportive network that
prioritizes education and encourages student success.

5. Implement Mobile Learning Initiatives: Introduce mobile learning initiatives, such as

mobile libraries or educational vans equipped with learning materials and resources, to
reach children in remote or underserved areas of Barangay Tungkong Mangga. Utilize
technology and digital platforms to supplement traditional classroom instruction and
provide access to educational content beyond school hours.

Prepared by: Monterde, Jade Felicity J.

Course: Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

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