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What is Project

A project is a group of tasks that need to complete to reach a clear result. A project also defines
as a set of inputs and outputs which are required to achieve a goal.

Projects can vary from simple to difficult and can be operated by one person or a hundred.
Projects usually described and approved by a project manager or team executive.

The following attributes help us to define a project further

i. A project has a unique purpose. Every project should have a well-defined objective
ii. A project is temporary. A project has a definite beginning and a definite end.
iii. A project is developed using progressive elaboration or in an iterative fashion.
iv. A project requires resources, often from various areas. Resources include people,
hardware, software, or other assets.

v. A project should have a primary customer or sponsor

vi. A project involves uncertainty. Because every project is unique, it is sometimes difficult
to define the project’s objectives clearly, estimate exactly how long it will take to
complete, or determine how much it will cost.

Software project management

Software project management is an art and discipline of planning and supervising software
projects. It is a sub-discipline of software project management in which software projects
planned, implemented, monitored and controlled.

It is a procedure of managing, allocating and timing resources to develop computer software that
fulfills requirements

In software Project Management, the client and the developers need to know the length(scope),
period and cost of the project.

Prerequisite of software project management

There are three needs for software project management. These are:

1. Time
2. Cost
3. Quality

It is an essential part of the software organization to deliver a quality product, keeping the cost
within the clients budget and deliver the project as per schedule. There are various factors, both
external and internal, which may impact this triple factor. Any of three-factor can severely affect
the other two.

Project Manager

A project manager is a character who has the overall responsibility for the planning, design,
execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. A project manager represents an
essential role in the achievement of the projects.

A project manager is a character who is responsible for giving decisions, both large and small
projects. The project manager is used to manage the risk and minimize uncertainty. Every
decision the project manager makes must directly profit their project.

Role of a Project Manager:

1. Leader

A project manager must lead his team and should provide them direction to make them
understand what is expected from all of them.

2. Medium:

The Project manager is a medium between his clients and his team. He must coordinate and
transfer all the appropriate information from the clients to his team and report to the senior
3. Mentor:

He should be there to guide his team at each step and make sure that the team has an attachment.
He provides a recommendation to his team and points them in the right direction.

Responsibilities of a Project Manager:

1. Managing risks and issues.

2. Create the project team and assigns tasks to several team members.
3. Activity planning and sequencing.
4. Monitoring and reporting progress.
5. Modifies the project plan to deal with the situation.

Software Project Management consists of many activities, that includes planning of the project,
deciding the scope of product, estimation of cost in different terms, scheduling of tasks, etc.

Types of Management in SPM

1. Conflict Management
Conflict management is the process to restrict the negative features of conflict while increasing
the positive features of conflict. The goal of conflict management is to improve learning and
group results including efficacy or performance in an organizational setting. Properly managed
conflict can enhance group results.

2. Risk Management
Risk management is the analysis and identification of risks that is followed by synchronized
and economical implementation of resources to minimize, operate and control the possibility or
effect of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities

3. Requirement Management
It is the process of analyzing, prioritizing, tracking, and documenting requirements and then
supervising change and communicating to pertinent stakeholders. It is a continuous process
during a project.

4. Change Management
Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation
of an organization’s goals, processes, or technologies. The purpose of change management is
to execute strategies for effecting change, controlling change, and helping people to adapt to

5. Software Configuration Management

Software configuration management is the process of controlling and tracking changes in the
software, part of the larger cross-disciplinary field of configuration management. Software
configuration management includes revision control and the inauguration of baselines.

6. Release Management

Release Management is the task of planning, controlling, and scheduling the built-in deploying
releases. Release management ensures that the organization delivers new and enhanced
services required by the customer while protecting the integrity of existing services.

Aspects of Software Project Management

The list of focus areas it can tackle and the broad upsides of Software Project Management is:

1. Planning
The software project manager lays out the complete project’s blueprint. The project plan will
outline the scope, resources, timelines, techniques, strategy, communication, testing, and
maintenance steps. SPM can aid greatly here.

2. Leading
A software project manager brings together and leads a team of engineers, strategists,
programmers, designers, and data scientists. Leading a team necessitates exceptional
communication, interpersonal, and leadership abilities. One can only hope to do this effectively
if one sticks with the core SPM principles.

3. Execution
SPM comes to the rescue here also as the person in charge of software projects (if well versed
with SPM/Agile methodologies) will ensure that each stage of the project is completed
successfully. measuring progress, monitoring to check how teams function, and generating
status reports are all part of this process.

4. Time Management
Abiding by a timeline is crucial to completing deliverables successfully. This is especially
difficult when managing software projects because changes to the original project charter are
unavoidable over time. To assure progress in the face of blockages or changes, software project
managers ought to be specialists in managing risk and emergency preparedness. This Risk
Mitigation and
management is one of the core tenets of the philosophy of SPM.
5. Budget
Software project managers, like conventional project managers, are responsible for generating
a project budget and adhering to it as closely as feasible, regulating spending, and reassigning
funds as needed. SPM teaches us how to effectively manage
the monetary aspect of projects to avoid running into a financial crunch later on in the project.

6. Maintenance
Software project management emphasizes continuous product testing to find and repair defects
early, tailor the end product to the needs of the client, and keep the project on track. The
software project manager makes ensuring that the product is thoroughly tested, analyzed, and
adjusted as needed. Another point in favor of SPM.

Task 1 students to discuss six challenges that the project manager may face while
executing his mandate

The Phases of a Project Management Life Cycle

Regardless of what kind of project you’re planning, they all go through the same stages.
Although each project will require its own set of unique tasks, they all follow a similar
framework. There’s always a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is called the project
management life cycle.

Effective project management requires a thorough understanding of this life cycle. Each stage
has individual challenges, deliverables, and stakeholders, and the project manager must be adept
at navigating each one to ensure success.

1) The initiation phase

The initiation phase is the first phase of the entire project management life cycle. The goal of this

phase is to define the project, develop a business case for it, and get it approved. During this

time, the project manager may do any of the following:

i. Perform a feasibility study

ii. Create a project charter

iii. Identify key stakeholders

iv. Select project management tools

By the end of this phase, the project manager should have a high-level understanding of the

project’s purpose, goals, requirements, and risks.

2) The planning phase

The planning phase is critical to creating a project roadmap the entire team can follow. This is

where all of the details and goals are outlined in order to meet the requirements laid out by the


During this phase, project managers will typically:

i. Create a project plan

ii. Develop a resource plan

iii. Define goals and performance measures

iv. Communicate roles and responsibilities to team members

v. Build out workflows

vi. Anticipate risks and create contingency plans

The next phase (execution) typically begins with a project kickoff meeting where the project

manager outlines the project objectives to all stakeholders involved.

Before that meeting happens, it is crucial for the project manager to do the following:

1. Establish goals and deliverables

2. Identify your team members and assign tasks

3. Develop a draft project plan

4. Define which metrics will be used to measure project success

5. Identify and prepare for potential roadblocks

6. Establish logistics and schedules for team communication

7. Choose your preferred project management methodology

8. Ensure your team has access and knowledge of the relevant tools

9. Schedule the meeting

10. Set the agenda and prepare the slides

3) The execution phase

This stage is where the bulk of the project happens. Deliverables are built to make sure the

project is meeting requirements. This is where most of the time, money, and people are pulled

into the project.As previously mentioned, a kickoff meeting is held to mark the official start of

the execution phase. A kickoff meeting agenda might look something like this:

1) Introductions: Who’s who?

2) Project background: Why are you doing this project? What are the goals?

3) Project scope: What kind of work is involved?

4) Project plan: What does the roadmap look like?

5) Roles: Who will be responsible for which elements of the project?

6) Communication: What kind of communication channels will be used? What kind of

meetings or status reports should your team expect?

7) Tools: Which tools will be used to complete the project, and how will they be used?

8) Next steps: What are the immediate action items that need to be completed?

9) Q&A: Open the floor for any questions

4) The controlling and monitoring phase

This phase happens in tandem with the execution phase. As the project moves forward, the

project manager must make sure all moving parts are seamlessly headed in the right direction. If

adjustments to the project plan need to be made due to unforeseen circumstances or a change in

direction, they may happen here.

During the controlling and monitoring phase, project managers may have to do any of the

i. Manage resources

ii. Monitor project performance

iii. Risk management

iv. Perform status meetings and reports

v. Update project schedule

vi. Modify project plans

At the end of this phase, all the agreed project deliverables should be completed and accepted by

the customer.

5) Project closure

The closing phase is a critical step in the project management life cycle. It signals the official end

of the project and provides a period for reflection, wrap-up, and organization of materials.

Project managers can:

I. Take inventory of all deliverables

II. Tie up any loose ends

III. Hand the project off to the client or the team that will be managing the project’s day-to-

day operations

V. Perform a post-mortem to discuss and document any learnings from the project

VI. Organize all project documents in a centralized location

VII. Communicate the success of the project to stakeholders and executives

VIII. Celebrate project completion and acknowledge team members

Now that you understand each stage in the project management life cycle, choosing the right

project management tool for you and your team is critical to project success. Read on for best

practices when choosing a tool that fits your needs, and a guide to the features you should

consider when assessing project management software.

Task 2

Students to discuss five software management software’s

project management framework

A project management framework is a collection of tools, tasks, and processes used to organize

and execute a project from initiation to completion. A framework outlines everything you need

to plan, manage, and control your projects successfully.

Many factors may influence which framework you choose to work with. Such as:

i. Company size
ii. Team structure
iii. Available resources
iv. Needs of stakeholders
v. Structure/size of your product portfolio

Each framework has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. And the framework that
works for someone else’s team might not be the right one for you

A standard project management framework can be broken down into three main buckets:

1)The project life cycle. This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It

consists of five phases:

i. Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your
objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks.

ii. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how
long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees.
iii. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align
their schedules to achieve key deliverables.

iv. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team
performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary.

v. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are
completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.
2. Project control cycle

The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project.

3. Tools and templates

Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for

managing projects.

Agile framework

An Agile framework is a structured set of practices, principles, and guidelines that

organizations use to implement and apply Agile principles in their software development

These frameworks provide specific methodologies and processes for managing and delivering
software incrementally and iteratively, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and continuous

At a high-level, the frameworks help Agile teams determine:

 Ways of working
 Technical practices
 Scaling strategies.

Some of the most common frameworks agile teams use include: Scrum, and Lean Agile. Many
Agile teams are using techniques and practices from all three of these approaches

The Scrum framework

The Scrum methodology was developed in the 1990s based on a Harvard Business Review

article titled “The New Product Development Game.” Most project managers would name Scrum

as the most popular Agile framework.

As with other Agile frameworks, Scrum entails an iterative approach to project management.

The Scrum methodology prescribes breaking a project down into sprints that typically only last

one to four weeks. Each sprint ends with the completion of a workable version or draft of the

final project deliverable

The Scrum approach’s short iterations enable your team to continuously deliver a working

version of the final product.

Scrum was initially designed using a software model that follows a set of roles, responsibilities,

and meetings. It’s flexible enough to be used for any complex project in any industry but works

best when your project results in a concrete product rather than a service.

Scrum is considered lightweight and flexible but difficult to master, with three main pillars:

 Transparency. You must use a common language and standard definitions.

 Inspection. Scrum “artifacts” and products must be regularly and diligently inspected to

ensure quality.

 Adaptation. Whenever an inspection discovers below-standard quality, the team must

make adjustments or corrections as soon as possible.

Scrum in Agile requires particular roles and responsibilities, including the following:

 Product owner. The product owner on a project is the person responsible for

representing the customer’s best interest. This person has the ultimate authority over the

final product. The product owner’s job is to ensure product requirements, functionality,

and priorities are understood and achieved.

 Scrum master. The Scrum master is responsible for arranging the daily meetings,

improving team interactions, and maximizing productivity. The difference between the

project manager and Scrum master is that the latter focuses on being a servant leader. The

Agile project manager’s roles and responsibilities often include the position of Scrum

master. However, they can delegate this to anyone on the team who’s a Scrum expert and

a strong facilitator.

 Development team. The development team is your Scrum project team. It’s typically

self-organized and cross-functional. This team includes all the people necessary to

design, produce, test, and release the final product.

 Scrum team. The Scrum team structure includes your development team, Scrum master,

and product owner.

Scrum also has some unique terminology. The following are key terms commonly used in the

Scrum framework:
 Product backlog. The backlog is a list of tasks and requirements that you must include in

the final product. It’s the product owner’s responsibility to create and manage the


 Sprint. A sprint is a set time frame for completing each set of tasks from the backlog.

Every sprint should be the same length. Two weeks is typical, but the sprint can be

anywhere between one to four weeks, depending on the team and project’s needs.

 Backlog planning. Backlog planning (sometimes called Agile sprint planning) refers to

determining which tasks on the backlog list you will include in each sprint.

 Sprint backlog. The portion of the backlog that is assigned to the current sprint.

 Daily Scrum. A Scrum project team meets every day to discuss any progress over the

last 24 hours, progress expected in the next 24 hours, and any new problems. These

meetings are typically referred to as a Daily Scrum or Daily Stand-Up and generally take

about 15 minutes.

 Retrospective. Each sprint should end with a review meeting called a retrospective. The

team reviews their progress so far and discusses how they can improve in the next sprint.

 Scrum board. A Scrum board helps your team see and manage the sprint backlog. It can

be a physical board, such as a whiteboard, or a virtual one within a project management

tool. The board typically has three columns: “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” As you

complete backlog items, you move them from one column to the next on the board. This

way, everyone can see what they need to do during the current sprint and how the work


 Artifact. The product backlog, the sprint backlog, and the product increment are the three

Scrum artifacts within a project. The product backlog and sprint backlog represent work
still to be done, and the product increment is the portion of the product that the team has

already completed during the current sprint.


Kanban is one of the most popular Agile project management frameworks around, and for good

reason. The Kanban methodology takes a visual approach to project management that many

people find intuitive and appealing. Plus, its emphasis on delivery can help teams improve their

efficiency and increase their overall output.

Agile is a project methodology that promotes tackling projects by breaking them down into

smaller stages. It emphasizes constant collaboration, continuous improvement, and high levels of

customer involvement.

There are various frameworks teams can choose to follow to adopt Agile, Kanban being one of

them. Think of Agile as being what you want to achieve and Kanban being one recipe for how to

achieve it.

Fundamentals of Kanban

Kanban is about more than using cards to help manage just-in-time delivery. The Kanban

framework is designed to help teams reduce bottlenecks, improve efficiencies, increase quality,

and boost output. Kanban is based on four principles and six core practices.

The four principles of the Kanban methodology are:

1. Start with now. Focus on what you’re doing now. Fully understand the processes already

in place, including what works and what doesn’t.

2. Take an incremental approach. Look at how to slowly change your processes over time.

Avoid implementing radical changes.

3. Keep roles. Unlike other frameworks that promote their own unique roles (such as Scrum

master), Kanban emphasizes working with the roles your team already has.

4. Encourage leadership. Innovation and ideas for improvement should be promoted at all

levels. Encourage every employee to act as a leader, regardless of role or title.

Kanban methodology’s six core practices are:

1. Visualize the workflow. Kanban requires using a physical or virtual board to visualize

how workflows from one stage to the next.

2. Limit work in progress. Each project team needs to set a limit to how many tasks are

allowed to be in each stage of the workflow at once. If you have five reviewers, you may

limit the “Review” stage to having no more than five tasks in it at once.
3. Actively manage the workflow. As a project manager, your primary role is to monitor

the workflow for bottlenecks and make adjustments to remove roadblocks and improve


4. Create process guidelines. Have clearly communicated guidelines on how work is

completed, what “done” means, etc. This can be a checklist in each column or on each

“card” outlining what is required for it to move to each stage.

5. Use feedback loops. Use tools and processes to promote early and continual feedback.

This can mean multiple review stages, or reports and metrics communicating


6. Evolve. As with other Agile frameworks, adapting, evolving, and improving your

processes is encouraged. Focus on developing and implementing small changes to

improve your workflow and processes.

How is Kanban methodology different from Scrum

The Kanban process focuses on breaking a project down into workflow stages and managing

the flow and volume of tasks through those stages. Scrum revolves around breaking a project

down by time (usually 1–4-week “sprints”) and managing tasks completed in each sprint.

Kanban project management isn’t time-based. While cards may have deadlines or estimated

times to complete, Kanban is viewed as a continuous flow. It’s often used by IT service desks

and other teams who have a never-ending flow of tasks.

PRINCE2 Project Management

PRINCE2, or PRojects In Controlled Environments, is a popular project management

methodology used .It’s a process-based approach that focuses on organization and control

throughout the entire project. Every project starts with a thorough project plan, each stage of the

project is structured, and any loose ends are tied up after the project is complete

The seven principles of PRINCE2 project management

The PRINCE2 method is built on seven key principles:

1. Projects must have business justification, including a clear need, defined customer,
realistic benefits, and detailed cost assessment.

2. Continuous learning is essential. Lessons are sought and recorded at every step in the
process and used to improve future work.

3. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and everyone knows who is responsible
for what.

4. Work is planned in stages. Large projects are broken up into phases, with time in
between to reflect on lessons learned and ensure the project is still on track to meet its

5. Project boards establish baseline requirements for essentials like deadlines, cost, risk,
and scope and delegate day-to-day management responsibilities to a project manager.

6. Teams use a quality register to check deliverables against requirements.

7. The PRINCE2 method should be adjusted to suit the specifics of each project. The
amount of oversight and planning can be tailored to fit the scope, the number of people
involved, etc.

The 7 phases of PRINCE2 project management

The PRINCE2 process follows these seven phases:

1. Start-up: A new project request is submitted in the form of a project mandate, which
defines the proposed project’s business justification. If approved, a more detailed project
brief covering resources, deliverables, etc. will be created.

2. Directing: The project board reviews project briefs for approval and determines what is
required to execute the project.

3. Initiation: The project manager is appointed and creates a comprehensive project plan,
including baselines for time, cost, quality, scope, risk, and benefits. Work begins once the
project board approves the plan.

4. Controlling: The project manager breaks the project down into smaller “work packages”
and assigns them to the project team to complete.

5. Managing product delivery: The project manager ensures the project progresses as
planned and that deliverables meet expectations. The project board evaluates completed
work packages to either approve or request additional work.

6. Managing stage boundaries: At the end of each stage, the project board holds a review
to decide whether to continue to the next phase or abandon the project. Project managers
conduct a retrospective with their team to record the lessons learned and improve
processes for the following work stage.

7. Closing: Once the project is complete, the project manager completes any necessary
documentation, outcomes, and reporting.
Seven themes of PRINCE2 Methodology

PRINCE2 Methodology themes guide the project planners as to how the principles are put


1.Business Case
This helps to decide whether the project at hand is deliverable, viable, and worthwhile.

2. Organization

This theme guides the project managers to clearly delegate and keep track of the roles and
responsibilities of teams and individuals.

3. Quality

It helps to deliver the best quality product by clearly defining what would constitute the best quality
product or service being delivered.

4. Plans

This theme provides a roadmap as to how the targets will be achieved. Different parameters such as
benefits, cost, and quality are considered under this theme.

5. Risk
A risk log is drafted in which the potential risks are identified and categorized. Project risks may
come in the form of threats and opportunities where the former case is referred to as negative risks
and the latter as positive risks.

6. Change

This theme helps to adapt. Change can come in the form of both project requirements or
implementation strategies. The idea is that each change is agreed upon before work starts towards
incorporating it.

7. Progress

The project progress is determined by comparing where the project should be according to the plan.
By working on this theme, it can be identified whether the project is on track or off the rails.

Task 3

1) Students to explain Lean Agile in detail

Explain the following in detail

2) Critical chain project management (CCPM). This project management framework is more
centered around the use and allocation of specific resources, as opposed to emphasizing

3) Critical path method (CPM). A step-by-step technique, used for process planning. It seeks
to reduce bottlenecks and time frame issues, by defining which tasks are critical and which are

Difference between a methodology and a framework

A methodology outlines the project management principles, values, and best practices to follow,

while a framework prescribes a way to follow them. In other words, a methodology tells you

what you want to achieve, and a framework focuses on how to achieve it.
For instance, Lean and Agile principles may tell you that responding to change is vital. However,

these methodologies don’t tell you how to ensure your projects react well to change – this

information is outlined in a framework.

Configuration Management

Configuration management is a process of tracking and controlling the changes in software in

terms of the requirements, design, functions and development of the product.

Definition two “the process of identifying and defining the items in the system, controlling the
change of these items throughout their life cycle, recording and reporting the status of items and
change requests, and verifying the completeness and correctness of items”.

SCM Process

It uses the tools which keep that the necessary change has been implemented adequately to the
appropriate component. The SCM process defines a number of tasks:

o Identification of objects in the software configuration

o Version Control

o Change Control

o Configuration Audit

o Status Reporting
1) Identification

Basic Object: Unit of Text created by a software engineer during analysis, design, code, or test.

Aggregate Object: A collection of essential objects and other aggregate objects. Design
Specification is an aggregate object.

2) Version Control

Version Control combines procedures and tools to handle different version of configuration
objects that are generated during the software process.

Configuration management allows a user to specify the alternative configuration of the software
system through the selection of appropriate versions. This is supported by associating attributes
with each software version, and then allowing a configuration to be specified [and constructed]
by describing the set of desired attributes.

3) Change Control

We worry about change because a small confusion in the code can create a big failure in the
product. But it can also fix a significant failure or enable incredible new capabilities.

We worry about change because a single rogue developer could sink the project, yet brilliant
ideas originate in the mind of those rogues, and A burdensome change control process could
effectively discourage them from doing creative work.

A change request is submitted and calculated to assess technical merit; potential side effects, the
overall impact on other configuration objects and system functions, and projected cost of the

The results of the evaluations are presented as a change report, which is used by a change control
authority (CCA) - a person or a group who makes a final decision on the status and priority of
the change.
The "check-in" and "check-out" process implements two necessary elements of change control-
access control and synchronization control.

Access Control governs which software engineers have the authority to access and modify a
particular configuration object.

Synchronization Control helps to ensure that parallel changes, performed by two different
people, don't overwrite one another.

4) Configuration Audit

SCM audits to verify that the software product satisfies the baselines requirements and ensures
that what is built and what is delivered.

SCM audits also ensure that traceability is maintained between all CIs and that all work requests
are associated with one or more CI modification.

SCM audits are the "watchdogs" that ensures that the integrity of the project's scope is

5) Status Reporting

Configuration Status reporting (sometimes also called status accounting) providing accurate
status and current configuration data to developers, testers, end users, customers and
stakeholders through admin guides, user guides, FAQs, Release Notes, Installation Guide,
Configuration Guide,

Configuration management is a discipline of organization administration, which takes care of

occurrence of any change (process, requirement, technological, strategical etc.) after a phase is
baselined. CM keeps check on any changes done in software.

Change control is function of configuration management, which ensures that all changes made to
software system are consistent and made as per organizational rules and regulations.

A change in the configuration of product goes through following steps -

 Identification - A change request arrives from either internal or external source. When
change request is identified formally, it is properly documented.
 Validation - Validity of the change request is checked and its handling procedure is
 Analysis - The impact of change request is analyzed in terms of schedule, cost and
required efforts. Overall impact of the prospective change on system is analyzed.
 Control - If the prospective change either impacts too many entities in the system or it is
unavoidable, it is mandatory to take approval of high authorities before change is
incorporated into the system. It is decided if the change is worth incorporation or not. If it
is not, change request is refused formally.
 Execution - If the previous phase determines to execute the change request, this phase
take appropriate actions to execute the change, does a thorough revision if necessary.
 Close request - The change is verified for correct implementation and merging with the
rest of the system. This newly incorporated change in the software is documented
properly and the request is formally is closed.

Project scope management is a process that helps in determining and documenting the list of all the

project goals, tasks, deliverables( tested source code, documentation, srs) deadlines, and budgets as

a part of the planning process. In project management, it is common for a big project to have

modifications along the way.

Project scope vs. product scope

Product scope defines the capabilities, characteristics, features and functions of the deliverables
at the end of the project. Project leaders should create a separate product scope statement.

They should use both the project scope and the product scope statements to support each other
and establish a clear understanding of what every project aims to achieve.

The product scope is a way to identify a product or service's functions, while the project scope
highlights everything needed to deliver that product or service. In short, product scope represents
the functional requirements while project scope is the how-to part of project management
Difference between ‘Project Scope’ and ‘Product Scope’.

Why is it important to determine Why is it important to determine the

the product scope? project scope in a project?

Provide a clear view of the project’s goals,

Establish clear project goals and
objectives, tasks, milestones, deadlines,
resources, and deliverables

Focus on delivering clear results that

Avoid scope creep
meet customer’s needs

Prioritize tasks, allocate resources,

Manage stakeholder expectations on project
set time, plan for budget, and make
strategic decisions

Provide a clear view of the project’s Improve collaboration throughout the

requirements and objectives project

A well-defined project scope management helps avoid common issues like:

 Constantly changing requirements

 Pivoting the project direction when you are already mid-way

 Realizing that the final outcome isn’t what was expected

 Going over the discussed budget

 Falling behind the project deadlines

Effective project scope management gives a clear idea about the time, labor, and cost involved in

the project. It helps to distinguish between what is needed and what isn’t needed for accomplishing

the project. Scope in project management also establishes the control factors of the project to

address elements that might change

How is the project scope defined

Project scope is a part of the project planning process that documents specific goals, deliverables,

features, and budgets. The scope document details the list of activities for the successful completion

of the project.

The scope is defined by understanding the project requirements and the client’s expectations. The

scope statement usually contains,

 project objectives

 project deliverables

 exclusions

 project constraints and

 project assumptions.

Scope statement in project management

The project’s scope statement is also called its scope document or statement of work. The project

scope statement

 Details all the boundaries of the project while also establishing the responsibilities of the team,
 Defines all the procedures that need to be followed for verifying and approving the finished work,

and, Gives team members a definitive guideline for making project-related decisions.

When documenting the scope of a project, team members and stakeholders have to be as specific as

possible to avoid scope creep, a situation where some parts of the project end up taking more time

and effort than initially discussed due to miscommunication or poor planning.

Project scope management process

Let’s discuss the six processes involved in accurately identifying the project scope management:

1. Planning scope management

In the first process in project scope management, you create a scope plan document that you can

refer to in the later stages. The document mainly helps in defining, managing, validating, and

controlling the project’s scope.

It includes:
 Detailed project scope statement

 Breakdown of all the project requirements

 Expected project deliverables

 Project change control process

The document doesn’t have to be very detailed, it just has to fit the purpose. You can also use a

previous project’s scope management plan as a reference for this.

2. Collecting requirements

The next step is to work out stakeholder requirements and expectations. You will be required to

document all the project requirements, expectations, budgets, and deliverables through interviews,

surveys, and focus groups.

This is a rather important step because more often than not, stakeholders can have unrealistic

requirements or expectations and the project managers would be required to step in to find a

solution that is acceptable by everyone from avoiding project delays.

At the end of the collection requirements stage, you should have the following:

 Functional as well as non-functional requirements

 Stakeholder requirements

 Business requirements

 Support and training requirements

 Project requirements
3. Defining the scope

At this step, you need to turn your requirements into a well-detailed description of the service or

product that you are trying to deliver through the project. You will then have a project scope

statement that you can then refer to throughout your project.

While it is important to list what is in the scope of the project, it is just as important to note down

what is out of the project scope. Any kind of inclusions to the scope would then have to go through

the entire change control process to ensure the team is only working on things that they are

supposed to work on.

With a defined scope, you get a reference point for your project team and anyone else involved. In

case there is something that is not involved in the scope, it doesn’t need to be completed by the


4. Making a project breakdown structure

A project breakdown structure is a document that breaks down all the work which needs to be done

in the project and then assigns all the tasks to the team members. It lists the deliverables that need to

be completed and their respective deadlines as well.

You can use project management software for this step of the process to assign and prioritize

project tasks which will make it easier to track the entire progress of the project and avoid any

unnecessary bottlenecks.

5. Validating scope
In this step, the scope and deliverables that you have recorded need to be sent to project executives

and stakeholders to get the necessary approvals. Scope validation needs to be done before starting

the project to ensure that if something goes wrong then it is easy to find where it went wrong.

6. Controlling scope

Project managers need to ensure that as the project begins, it always stays within the defined scope.

In case there are some things that need to change, then the proper change control process should be


Project scope is defined in the scope statement, a document that provides the objectives,
schedules, tasks and deliverables of a project. Scope statements align stakeholders' expectations
and give projects a framework for success.

1) Discuss cost estimation techniques used in software products
2) Discuss case tools as used in software projects ( def, need,challenges etc
3) Discuss Human factors in software management

It is to keep the complete interconnected project as one unified set of activities for effective
execution of role that determine the success factors of the project.

Project integration management involves coordinating all elements of a project, including tasks,
resources, stakeholders, and deliverables.

The purpose of project integration management is to ensure that processes run efficiently and
meet predefined goals

When do we need to integration Management?

1) when there are interactions between different processes and teams.

2) When projects have competing objectives or scheduling conflicts
3) it helps one make cost or schedule trade-offs that enable the team to complete the project
and meet stakeholder expectations
4) In general it helps in maintaining equilibrium in all areas of a project (time, scope, cost
quality, human resource, communication, risk procurement, stakeholders etc.


Let’s say the marketing team requires data from the sales team in order to produce a report for
stakeholders. Project integration management is used to ensure that the data from the sales team
is properly handed off to the marketing team and that the deliverable meets requirements.

These five phases include:

i. Project initiation: The aim of this phase is to establish the vision and goals for the
project and secure stakeholder approval through project objectives. This phase consists of
creating the project charter to provide an overview of the project, a clear road map, and
the stakeholder register to specify the stakeholders involved.
ii. Project planning: The planning process is where you set up the project infrastructure to
help you achieve the project goals within time, budget, and resource constraints.

iii. Project execution: This is when you’ll put your project plan into action and get the
project under way. Most of the budget will be spent during this phase to produce the
deliverables. It also includes activities such as stakeholder engagement and
communications, quality assurance, and team development.
iv. Project performance: This phase involves supervising the progress of the project and
comparing it against the original plan. It means taking corrective action when there are
blockers or delays.

v. Project closure: This is where you formally close out the project by getting approval
from the client or stakeholder. Records and lessons learned from the project should be
archived for future reference.
How do we integrate the project
1. Create project charter
Projects typically start out with the creation of a project charter, a short document that
provides an overview of the project, identifies the project manager and key stakeholders.
A project charter includes the following:

 Scope

 Objectives and deliverables

 Project team members

 Project risks ( risk register)

 Benefits or returns on investment

 Budget

 Business case

A project charter essentially acts as a foundation on which you can further plan your
project. It also helps you gain buy-in from stakeholders, which enables you to move
forward quickly and autonomously within the project scope.
2. Develop project management plan
The next step involves developing a more detailed project plan, which specifies the
project scope statement, deliverables, time line, milestones, and metrics to evaluate
The project plan is used to direct the execution of the project to meet overall
requirements and objectives.

Here are the steps to creating a project management methodology:

i. Meet with stakeholders to set project requirements, deliverables, and objectives.

ii. Define the project scope.

iii. Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) to delegate tasks and assign resources.

iv. Create a project schedule.

v. Conduct a risk assessment and develop contingency plans.

vi. Come up with a performance measurement baseline to assess project performance.

vii. Develop additional plans for any of the following: scope management, cost
management, resource management, change management, stakeholder
management, or risk management.
3. Direct and manage project work
The next phase is project execution, in which the project manager takes charge of
the day-to-day work that must be done, such as:

 Directing the project team

 Holding stakeholder meetings

 Tracking project progress

This phase ensures that tasks are being carried out effectively according to the
project plan and scope statement.

4. Manage project knowledge

Project knowledge management refers to the process of using existing information

or obtaining additional knowledge to reach project goals. This step ensures team
members have all the information they need to produce the required deliverables.

Any knowledge or expertise gained during this step contributes to the company’s
overall body of knowledge, which is useful for future strategic endeavours.

5. Monitor and control project work

The purpose of this step is to keep the project on track. If there are any deviations
from the project plan, they need to be identified and corrected.

There are three approaches to this:

i. Preventive action: an action performed to reduce the negative impact of

project risks

ii. Corrective action: an action performed to bring the future project

performance back in line with the project plan

iii. Defect repair: an action to repair or replace a documented project defect

A common technique to measure performance is to do an earned-value analysis

to assess the current status of the project’s budget and schedule. If project
changes need to be made and are approved, project documents such as the work
performance report may need to be updated.

Monitoring the project ensures that it is on track to meet objectives.

6. Perform integrated change control

Changes to projects can sometimes be stressful if not handled properly, but with
a change control process in place they don’t have to be.

That’s why change requests must be assessed to ensure they don’t exceed the
scope or approach scope creep, which refers to the increase in requirements
during the project life cycle. Some companies even have a dedicated change
control board to review change requests related to budget, time lines, and
resources, for example.

An example of project change is if the client asks for additional assets, in which
case you’ll need to evaluate the level of impact on the project.

7. Close out the project

After all project work is complete and deliverables are shipped and approved by
the client, it’s time to close the project.

Project closure involves processes such as:

 Holding a final stakeholder meeting

 Conducting a formal review of the project

 Closing the contract

 Organizing and archiving project materials for future use

Project closure serves as a reference for future works and provides insight on
how to improve the project integration management system.

Benefit of integration

i. Avoiding duplication of efforts

ii. Making more effective use of senior management time.
iii. Using resources to implement and manage systems in a more efficient manner.
iv. Achieve more cost efficient certification.
v. Reducing audit fatigue
Software Crisis is a term used in computer science/IT for the difficulty of writing useful and
efficient computer programs in the required time.
The software crisis was due to using the same workforce, same methods, same tools even
though rapidly increasing in software demand, the complexity of software, and software

Causes of Software Crisis:

 The cost of owning and maintaining software was as expensive as developing the software
 At that time Projects were running over-time
 At that time Software was very inefficient
 The quality of the software was low quality
 Software often did not meet user requirements
 The average software project overshoots its schedule by half
 At that time Software was never delivered
 Non-optimal resource utilization.
 Difficult to alter, debug, and enhance.
 The software complexity is harder to change.
Let’s now understand which factors are contributing to the software crisis.
 Poor project management.
 Lack of adequate training in software engineering.
 Less skilled project members.
 Low productivity improvements.

Solution of Software Crisis:

There is no single solution to the crisis. One possible solution to a software crisis is Software
Engineering because software engineering is a systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable
approach. For preventing software crises, there are some guidelines:
 Reduction in software over budget.
 The quality of software must be high.
 Less time is needed for a software project.
 Experienced and skilled people working over the software project.
 Software must be delivered.
 Software must meet user requirements.
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