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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Social Studies 1

At the end of the deiscussion, the pupils will be able to:
A. Identify the helpers in the community;
B. Draw pictures of community helpers at work; and
C. Appreciate the importance of community helpers.


A. Topic: Community helpers
B. Target Learners: Grade 1
C. Reference: Araling Panlipunan (Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral 1) pp. 187-194 and Grades K-1
Community Helpers Katelyn Sciliano Pace University Differentiated Lesson Differentiated Lesson
Subject: Social Studies Grade: 1 Unit: Community Lesson: Community Helpers.
D. Materials: Laptop, power point presentation, and pictures
E. Value: Appreciate and value the importance of community helpers.


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
May I request Sam to lead our prayer. Let’s bow our head and feel the presence of
our Lord. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning class! I am teacher Aila Marie M Good morning teacher Aila.

3. Checking of Attendance None teacher.

Are there any absentees for this day?
(Clap, clap, clap)
That so nice! You have a perfect attendance for
today. And that give yourselves 3 claps

4. Classroom Rules
Class, remember the classroom rules.
1. Since it is virtual class, click the raise hand
button if you want ot ask somehting.
2. Always mute your microphone to avoid
unnecessary noise and always open your
camera so that I can see all of you.
3. Be respectful, kind, and helpful to others.
4. Sit properly and listen attentively. It is about the places in the community
5. Review
Okay class, before we proceed to our lesson for
today, do you still remember our last topic last
meeting? Yes, Mika?
Church, teacher

Very good!

Can you give me some of the example of places in

the community, Yes Kyle? Yes, teacher,
We attend mass teacher, and ask for the
guidance of our Lord.
Very good!

What about you, Carla do you go to church? School, teacher

And what you do when you go to church? I study there teacher to learn something.

Wow! Very good! (3 Good Job Clap)

Can you also give one places in the community,

Camila? What you do when you to school?
Yes, Teacher.
Very good! And you really undertand our past lesson
which is the places in the community. Now give
yourself a 3 Good Job Clap! Yes, Teacher.

Do you want to play a game?

The game that I prepare is about Guess a Picture. The

title is, Who I am? In this game, I will present a picture
and it will also flash on the screen, you are going to
guess what community helpers they are.

All you need to do is to think. Each picture has a missing The pupils will think what is the missing
letter it will provide this as your clue. letters in each picture, there are four (4)
following pictures that they need to identify
Now children, do you want to start now and learn about which community helpers they are.
our community helpers in guessing the picture?
Each picture has a corresponding letter that
will serve as their clue. The pupils will raise
And I will just have some reminders, before we start, to their hands if they know the answer in the
avoid some noises, you are going to off your microphone first picture.
first, if you know the answer, you can click the raise
hand button, and if you can open your camera do so, so
that we can see each other’s faces.

Yes teacher, it is all about people whol helps
in our community, we call them community
What did you notice on our game?

Yes, Ivy?

Now children I think you have a clue already what will

be are lesson for today.

Mark, do you have any idea now what will be our lesson
for today?

Yes, Mark, very good are lesson for today is all about
community helpers. And now I will discuss to you what
are community helpers, for you to understand and
appreicate the importance of them.

Let’s proceed now to our lesson for today.

Yes, teacher
Yes, teacher
Let us first define what is community helpers.

Community helpers are people who live and work in

our communities.
The important thing about community helpers is they
work together to create a community. Yes, teacher

Community helpers are important people whose job

is to help others. Everyone who lives in a community
can be a community helper.

Do you get it now class?

Did you know that we have different community


Very good!

So now, we are going to know the cmmunity helpers

and why they are importance in our community.

Are you ready and excited to know it all class?

A doctor, teacher.


We have different community helpers. Now, let us

look at the first community helpers. Teacher, a doctor is the one who cure sick

Yes, teacher

Teacher, because they are saving lives and

Can you please tell me who is in the picture? providing medical support for people.

Yes, John?

Very good John! A doctor is a part of community


Do you have any idea what is a doctor? Yes, Clara. Teacher, a doctor

You are correct Clara, a doctor is the one who cure

sick poeple.
A doctor is a person who has extensive knowledge in
the field of medicine and who applies and dedicates
his knowledge to identifying the patient's medical
problem and then using his skill to prevent or cure it.

Do you think class, a doctor is an mportant part of

our community?

Why do you think so, Mike.

A teacher, teacher.
Wow! Very good Mike! Your answer is correct, they
are saving lives at the same time making poeple
healthy by providing good quality medical support.

Again class, who is the one that helps people by

curing them? Teacher, she/he teach children.

They help us to learn and give knowledge to

Yes, Lorraine?
us teacher.

Very good!

Let’s proceed now to our next hero.

Yes, teacher.

Teacher, bacause like you, a teacher is

teaching students to learn.

Jaywen, can you please tell me who is in the picture?

A teacher.
Yes, very good a teacher, just like me.

Do you have any idea what is a teacher?

Yes, Miguel?

Very good! What else, Santi?

Wow very good!

A teacher is an educator who works with people to

help them learn. A teacher works at a school. They
can teach preschool, elementary, junior high, high
school, or even college. They use books also to help
Police man, teacher.
them know what to teach.

Do you think class, a teacher is an important part of

our community? Teacher, a policeman is the one who keep us
How ca n you say so, Abbie?
Police man, teacher.
Very good! Teachers help the community by teaching
their students. Teacher like me, we are imparting
knowledge to all students to learn for them to learn.

Again children, who among in the community

helpers that teach us to learn?

Let’s proceed now to our next hero in our communty.

Bacause they keep us safe and protect us from

bad people teacher.

Police man, teacher.

Can you please tell me who is in the picture Lorrie?

Very good! Lorrie is correct this is policeman.

Teacher a firefigther
Do you have any idea what is a policeman?
A firefighter teacher are the one who puts out
Yes, Gab? fire.

Very good!

So class a police man is a person who keeps our

community safe. They drive in a special police car
that has sirens on top and is usually black and white.
A police officer wears a blue uniform and carries a
special badge with them. They help the community
by keeping the streets safe and helping us if we get Teacher, beacuse firefigther saves us from
lost They do this in many different ways, by danger.
patrolling the streets, getting to know the people who Teacher, a firefighter
live in the town, helping people who have accidents,
directing traffic to avoid accidents and more.

Why do you think it is important to have police man

in the community?

Again children, who among in the community

helpers that keep us safe?

Very Good! Now we move on to the next hero.

Teacher, a veterinarian

Teacher, a veterinarian is the one who cured

an injured animals.
Can you please guess who is in the picture Erica?

Do you have any idea what is a fire fighter? Yes,


Very good!

So class, a firefighter is a person who drives a big

truck and puts out fires. They work at a firehouse and
wear a yellow jacket. A firefighter can put their life
in danger when they go into a burning building to
save a person. They use a fire hose to put out the fire.
They help the community by keeping our homes and
people safe from fires.
Teacher beacuse they keep our pets or animals
safe, they making sure that our animals are
Why do you think it is important to have a firefighter healthy.
in the community? Yes, Jenny

Very good!

Yes, teacher.
Again children, who among in the community
helpers that keep us safe when is there a fire?
A veterinarian, teacher.
Very Good! Now we move on to the next hero.

Teacher, a farmer

Can you please identify who is in the picture Teacher a farmer is producing foods that we
Dennise? eat.

Very good Dennise! A veterinarian or vet. They are the one who plant fruits, vegetable,
and doing a harvest.
Do you have any idea what is a veterinarian or vet ?
Yes, Amanda?

Great! Thank you, Amanda. Your answer is correct.

The veterinarian works in a community to keep pets

safe and healthy. Veterinarians are important people
because they care for sick animals. Veterinarians, or
vets, are doctors for animals. Vets find out what is
wrong with animals when they are sick. Vets give Yes, teacher.
sick animals medicine and treatment to make them
better. They are caring people. To be a vet, you will It is beacuse they make us delicous foods
have to go to college for many years. Vets need a lot teacher.
of training to learn about all of the different animals. A farmer, teacher.
Vets are work in animal hospitals, shelters, on farms
and in zoos.

My question now class, why do you think it is

important to have a veterinarian in the community?
Yes, Louie?

Very good! Remember class, that veterinarian are

important they keep pets healthy and to help them if A sweeper, teacher.
they get sick or hurt.
Teacher, a sweeper are the who who cleans
Do you understand class? our surrounding.
They keep the street clean, teacher.
Again children, who among in the community
helpers that keep our pets safe when they are sick our
Teacher, it is beacuse they are making sure
Very Good! Now we move on to the next hero. that our surrounding is clean.

Teacher, they keep our community clean and


Yes, teacher.

A baker, teacher.

Can you please tell me who is in the picture Maan? Teacher, baker is making a delicous bread.
They are making product and sell it when
Very good! moring till evening teacher.

Do you have any idea what is a farmer? Yes, Ara?

Very good, Ara! What else, Simon?

Wow! Great answer Simon! Teacher, it is beacuse they makes bread s and
it we can eat delicous food at morning.
All your answer are correct. So class, a farmer A baker, teacher.
gets up early in the morning, feeds the chickens,
milks the cows, drives a tractor, & takes care of the
crops. A farmer grows food for us, such as rice, Community helpers are people who live and
grains, vegetables, and fruits. He ploughs the ground work in our communities.The important thing
and plants the seeds. He reaps the harvest. He about community helpers is they work
together to create a community
watered the fields on a regular basis. He is
responsible for the crops. They make certain that we Doktor, Teacher, Police man, Firefighter,
have an adequate supply of food. Vetirinarian, Farmer, Sweeper, and Baker.
Teacher, to a doctor.
Do you understand children?

Class, why do you think it is important to have a Teacher, a teacher like you.
farmer in the community? Yes, Jessi?
Very good! Again children, who among in the Police man, teacher.
community helpers that keep give us foods such as
fruits, vegetable and harvest the crops? A firefighter, teacher.

Very Good! Now we move on to the next hero. Veterinarian, teacher

Farmer, teacher

Teacher, a sweeper.

Teacher, a baker.

Community helpers are important people

whose job is to help others. Everyone who
lives in a community can be a community
Can you please tell me who is in the picture Nick? helper.

Very good! Now class can you identify what is a

sweeper? Okay, John go ahead.

Great!What else, yes Marco?

All your answer are correct. A sweeper helps us to

clean our street and the environment. A street
sweeper would use a broom and shovel to remove
litter, food scraps, and filth from streets. Water hoses
were later used to clean the streets.

Class, why do you think it is important to have a

sweeper in the community? Yes, Merger?

Very good! How about you Daisy?

Great! Remember children, even when it's too hot

outside due to the sun, they continue to do their job
keeping our environment clean.

Do you understand children?

Very Good! Now we move on to the next hero.

Yes teacher.

Can you please tell me who is in the picture Jeff?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Very good, Jeff! Now class can you identify what is a

baker? Yes, Kylah?

Yes, you are correct Kylah, who else class? Yes,


Great answer children! Your answers are correct. A

baker is a person who makes bread and other
pastries. They follow recipes, mix, and bake ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
ingredients in an oven to make yummy foods. They
usually start working at the bakery very early in the
morning to make bread for breakfast and lunch. They
help the community by providing fresh baked goods.

Now class, I have a question, why do you think it is

important to have a sweeper in the community? Yes,
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Wow! Very good! Again children, who among in the ___ ___ ___
community helpers that help us by providing fresh
baked goods.


Children can you identify, what is community helpers?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Who are the community helpers?

When you got sick, who among in the community

helpers you ill go? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Very good!

Who among in the community helpers that teaches us

lesson and imparting knowledge to children like you

Very good!

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Who among in the community helpers that keep us safe?


Who among in the community helpers that put out fires

in our house?

Very good!
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Who among in the community helpers that cured an
injured animals.


Who among in the community helpers that producing

foods that we eat, like vegetables, fruits and crops?
___ ___ ___ ___
Wow! Very good! ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Who among in the community helpers that keeps our

environment clean?

Very good!

Who among in the community helpers making a delicous


Why community helpers are important in our


Very good class! You are all so active in participating in

our lesson for today. So that give yourselves a 3 claps. I
hope you enjoy listening who are the hero in our
community helpers. And let’s proceed now to our
activity as you all understand our lesson for today.

The teacher, will flash their activity in the screen, and

will explain the intruction.

The children will given 10 minutes to answer their


Do you undertsand, children?

For your activity, wirte T if the given statment is True

and write F if the given statement is False.
_______1. Community helpers are people who live and work
in our communities.
______ 2. Doctor are the that keeps us safe
______ 3. Police ma keeps the environment clean.
_______4. Farmers producing vegetables, fruits and crops.
_______5. Taecher are the one who teach us to learn.


The teacher will flash their quiz on the screen and

explain the instruction.

Childen only need to guess the picture taht will be shown

in the screen.

Are you ready?

For your assignment, draw at lease 2-3 community
helpers in your notebook while and write an appreciation
card for them.

Prepared by:
Sagum, Aila Marie M.

Checked by:
Dr. Arnelia B. Mandap

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