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Evolution of the factor of safety following

excavation in clay
J.S. L’Heureux, S. Leroueil, and J.F. Laflamme

Abstract: Numerical analyses have been performed to study the evolution of the factor of safety following the excavation
of a cut in clay. The analyses consider variable thickness of the clayey soil deposit under the excavation. The results show
that, for a given clayey soil, there is a relation between the time for full dissipation of excess pore-water pressure from the
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soil mass following the excavation and the geometry of the cut (Htot/Hexc). The analytical results agree reasonably well
with pore pressure measurements made in excavations in clay deposits from eastern Canada. This suggests that time to
reach full pore pressure equilibration following the excavation of a cut in homogenous clayey soil deposits can be pre-
dicted when knowledge of the coefficient of swelling–consolidation is available. Lastly, results obtained in the present
study show that 50% of the difference between the short- and long-term factors of safety may be lost at values as low as
about 8% of the time to reach equilibration of pore pressures. This means that the time during which one can rely on the
short-term strength of the clayey soil following the excavation may be relatively short, especially for soft clays.
Key words: numerical analysis, excavation, clayey soil, consolidation, factor of safety.
Résumé : Une méthode d’analyse numérique est utilisée pour étudier l’évolution du coefficient de sécurité suite à l’exca-
vation d’un talus. Les analyses font varier l’épaisseur de la couche argileuse sous l’excavation. Les résultats montrent qu’il
existe une relation entre la géométrie du talus (Htot / Hexc) et le temps de dissipation des pressions interstitielles suite au
déchargement du talus. Les résultats analytiques concordent bien avec des mesures de pressions interstitielles obtenues
pour des excavations dans les argiles molles de l’est du Canada. Ceci suggère que le temps pour atteindre un équilibre des
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pressions interstitielles à la suite d’une excavation dans un dépôt homogène d’argile peut être prédit lorsque l’on a
connaissance du coefficient de gonflement – consolidation pour un dépôt donné. Finalement, les résultats de cette étude
montrent que 50 % de la différence entre les coefficients de sécurité à court- et long-terme peut se perdre pour des valeurs
aussi faibles que 8 % du temps pour atteindre l’équilibre des pressions interstitielles. Ceci étant dit, le temps sur lequel on
peut se fier sur la résistance à court terme de l’argile suite à une excavation peut être très court, spécialement pour les ar-
giles molles.
Mots-clés : analyse numérique, excavation, sol argileux, consolidation, coefficient de sécurité.

Introduction the engineer can rely on the short-term factor of safety (Fst)
Excavation of a cut in clayey material causes a reduction to calculate the stability of the cut. The clay swells and the
in mean stress and an increase in shear stresses. This is as- negative excess pore pressures tend to dissipate with time
sociated with the development of negative excess pore pres- until steady-state conditions are reached. During this proc-
sures in the soil mass as described by Bishop and Bjerrum ess, the factor of safety decreases towards its long-term
(1960). By assuming that the period of excavation is short value (Flt), leading to a less stable cut.
enough to prevent pore-water pressure redistribution and The time necessary to reach pore pressure equilibration
that the soil is linear elastic and fully saturated, the change after excavation depends on the swelling properties of the
in pore pressure in the ground is equal to the change in soil, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil, the stratigraphy
mean stress. At an initial stage following the excavation, and structure of the deposit, and the geometry of the excava-
tion. Due to these factors, it is difficult to correctly estimate
Received 16 August 2007. Accepted 22 December 2008. the time during which one can rely on the short-term
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on strength of the soil slope.
23 April 2009.
On the basis of numerical analysis of an excavation in
J.S. L’Heureux.1,2 Department of Civil and Transport clayey soil performed up to an impervious substratum, Ei-
Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, genbrod (1975) concluded that steady-state pore pressure
7491 Trondheim, Norway. conditions in the slope are obtained for a time factor (T) as
S. Leroueil. Department of Civil Engineering, Université Laval, follows:
Québec City, QC G1K 7P4, Canada.
J. Laflamme. Ministère des Transports du Québec, Québec
½1 T ¼ cvs t=H 2 ¼ 0:33
City, QC G1S 4X9, Canada.
1Corresponding author (e-mail: where cvs is the coefficient of swelling–consolidation, t is
2Presentaddress: Geological Survey of Norway, N-7491 the time, and H is the height of the excavation.
Trondheim, Norway. Leroueil (2001) indicated that the time for full pore pres-

Can. Geotech. J. 46: 487–493 (2009) doi:10.1139/T08-135 Published by NRC Research Press
488 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 1. General study model and boundary conditions. Notice that for the case where Htot = Hexc, the lower face of the excavation corre-
sponds to the impervious lower boundary. u, pore pressure.
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sure equilibration can be different from that given by eq. [1] Model and boundary conditions
if the geometry of the problem, in particular the thickness of The analyses were performed for a 10 m high excavation
the clay deposit and the location of the substratum, differs (Hexc) sloping at 2H:1V (Fig. 1). The total thickness of the
from that of the case studied by Eigenbrod (1975). Leroueil soil deposit (Htot) was varied in the analyses from 10 to
also indicated that the time necessary for pore pressure equi- 40 m. The soil in the model was assumed to be saturated
libration after an excavation is highly variable from site to and under hydrostatic pore pressure conditions far from the
site. It was in the order of a few days at La Bosse-Galin excavation. Boundary conditions are such that the left verti-
(Blondeau and Queyroi 1976); about 10 days in Bangkok cal bound and the lower bound of the model are impervious.
clays (referenced by Leroueil 2001); about 2 months at The right boundary is a symmetry axis.
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Hede, Sweden, for a 5.5 m deep cut (Rankka 1994);

6 months at Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, for an excavation depth Pore pressure changes due to unloading
of 8 m (Lafleur et al. 1988a, 1988b); and as much as To simplify the problem, the clayey soil was assumed to
50 years for 6–12 m deep cuts in stiff London clay be composed of homogeneous, isotropic, and linear elastic
(Skempton 1977; Chandler 1984). material with constant governing in situ soil parameters K0
In this paper, a numerical study is carried out to show (coefficient of earth pressure at rest), A (pore pressure pa-
how the thickness of the clay deposit and the location of rameter), and cvs (Table 1). For the calculation of stress
the substratum influence the time for full pore pressure equi- change, a Poisson’s ratio (yu) equal to 0.49 was chosen
libration after excavation of a cut. The analytical results are (ideally 0.5, but for numerical reasons it is fixed at 0.49 as
compared with field observations. a maximum value). This value reflects an ideally elastic and
incompressible soil.
The stress changes due to unloading were calculated by
Numerical study
applying the load in a single step and considering a period
The parametric study was carried out using the finite ele- of excavation (3 h) short enough to prevent for pore pressure
ment softwares SEEP/W, SIGMA/W, and SLOPE/W Geo- redistribution. The unloading effect was simulated by calcu-
Slope International (1997a, 1997b, 1997c). SEEP/W is used lating the resultant forces associated with the removal of the
to simulate the hydraulic conditions and analyze the excess excavated elements. These forces are applied as negative
pore pressure dissipation following excavation; SIGMA/W values at the nodes of the excavation face. As indicated by
calculates the stresses, pore pressures, and deformations in the Bishop and Bjerrum (1960), associated with the reduction in
soil before, during, and after unloading; SLOPE/W uses limit the mean stress and the development of shear stresses due to
equilibrium theory to calculate the factor of safety on the most excavation, there is a decrease in pore pressure in the soil
critical slip surface at different times after excavation. mass (Duw):

½2 Duw ¼ bðDs 1 þ Ds 2 þ Ds 3 Þ=3 þ a ðDs 1  Ds 2 Þ2 þ ðDs 2  Ds 3 Þ2 þ ðDs 3  Ds 1 Þ2

where Duw is the change in pore-water pressure, Dsi repre- ½3 b¼B
sents the changes in total stresses in the ground, and a and
b are the pore pressure parameters proposed by Henkel  
(1960). The values of a and b are related to Skempton’s B 1
½4 a ¼ pffiffiffi A 
pore pressure parameters A and B, which can be assessed 2 3
from undrained triaxial tests. The relation between these
pore pressure parameters is given by the following equa- The A value chosen for the analysis is 1/3 (i.e., a = 0,
tions: elastic conditions), since the present study is concerned

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L’Heureux et al. 489

Table 1. Values of soil parameters used in the study.

gt (kN/m3) K0 OCR E’ (kPa) Eu (kPa) G (kPa) c’ f0 y’ yu A B cvs (m2/s)

17.5 1 2 10 000 11 920 3355 7.5 28.5 0.25 0.49 1/3 1 810–7
Note: gt, total unit weight of the soil; K0, coefficient of earth pressure at rest; OCR, overconsolidation ratio; E’, effective Young’s modulus; Eu, undrained
Young’s modulus; G, shear modulus; c’, effective cohesion; f0 , effective friction angle; y’, effective Poisson’s ratio; yu, undrained Poisson’s ratio; A and B,
Skempton (1954) pore pressure parameters; cvs, coefficient of swelling–consolidation.

with slightly overconsolidated clayey soil. The value of pa- solidated Champlain Sea clays. During the swelling stage,
rameter B is set to 1 in the saturated soil to obtain a pore the boundary conditions specified to the software are as
pressure response equal to the change in total stress during shown in Fig. 1. A constant boundary condition is specified
unloading. Therefore, the pore pressure immediately after along the faces of the excavation (u = 0), and the base and
the excavation (u0) is given by the left vertical boundaries of the model are impermeable.
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Additionally, the bottom boundary nodes are specified as

½5 u0 ¼ ui þ Duw zero-x and zero-y displacement, and the vertical boundary
in which ui is the initial pore pressure before excavation. nodes are specified as zero-x displacement.

Dissipation of excess pore pressures Evolution in the stability of the cut

Due to the excavation and the new slope configuration, the During the consolidation process, the pore pressures tend
pore pressures immediately after the excavation will tend to to equilibrium and the factor of safety decreases progres-
sively towards Flt. The last step in the analysis is to study
equalize until a new equilibrium is reached in the soil slope.
the changes in factor of safety for the new slope configura-
Progressive equalization of excess pore pressures in the slope
tion during the consolidation process. This is done using the
was calculated using a fully coupled consolidation-type anal-
limit equilibrium method (simplified Bishop method) in the
ysis in SIGMA/W and SEEP/W. This coupled analysis re-
SLOPE/W software together with the pore pressures calcu-
quires that both the stress–strain and seepage dissipation
lated at different times during the swelling phase. The effec-
equations be solved simultaneously. The constitutive equa-
tive shear strength parameters (f0 and c’) and the total unit
For personal use only.

tion for the soil skeleton is given by

weight (gt) of the clayey soil are also given in Table 1; they
½6 fDsg ¼ fDgfD3g þ fmgDuw are typical values for Champlain Sea clays (see also Lefeb-
vre 1981).
where Ds is the change in total normal stress, {D} is the
drained constitutive matrix, D3 is the change in normal Results of analyses
strain, and {m} is a unit isotropic tensor.
The process of consolidation, which involves water flow The changes in factor of safety with time after unloading
and compression or swelling of the soil, requires time and were computed for different values of Htot/Hexc (Fig. 1) and
is controlled by the following compression–swelling differ- are presented in Fig. 2, in which t = 0 is the time at which
ential equation: the soil starts swelling after rapid excavation. At t = 0, Fst in
  the slope should be the same for all geometries, given that
@uw 1 @ 2 uw @ 2 uw the stresses and pore pressures in the slope are the same
½7 ¼ kx þ ky (Hexc = 10 m for all considered geometries) and that the
@t mg w @x2 @y2
soil strength parameters (c’ and f0 ) are constant. However,
where t is the time; uw is the pore-water pressure; kx and ky this is not exactly the case due to slight differences in the
are the hydraulic conductivity in the x and y directions, re- position of the critical slip surfaces (Fig. 3a), especially for
spectively; gw is the unit weight of water; and m is the coef- Htot/Hexc = 1 where the critical slip surface is restricted to
ficient of volume change of clay expressed as change in the base of the model. The observed difference in Fst is
porosity per unit change in effective stress (Kenney and small however. Results from Fig. 2 show that the factor of
Lau 1984). In the case of isotropic hydraulic conductivity safety decreases with an increase in time owing to negative
conditions (kx = ky), eq. [7] can be written as excess pore pressure dissipation. It can be seen that an in-
 2   2  crease in Htot/Hexc leads to a higher Flt. Moreover, the time
@uw k @ uw @ 2 uw @ uw @ 2 uw to achieve long-term conditions Flt increases with an in-
½8 ¼ þ ¼ cvs þ
@t mg w @x2 @y2 @x2 @y2 crease in the ratio Htot/Hexc, which reflects both the change
in time for pore pressure equalization that is influenced by
where cvs is the coefficient of swelling–consolidation. In the the total clay layer thickness and the change in long-term
present study, the coefficient of consolidation (cvs) is de- flow net. As indicated in Fig. 3b, this also reflects the
fined in two-dimensional (2-D) conditions according to change in critical failure surface.
Christian and Boehmer (1970):
To obtain a better appreciation of the results, Fig. 4
k E 0 ð1  y0 Þ presents the normalized factor of safety, defined as R = (F –
½9 cvs ¼ Flt)/(Fst – Flt), as a function of the time parameter (T(Hexc)),
g w ð1 þ y0 Þð1  2y0 Þ
defined as T(Hexc) = cvst/(Hexc)2. For the case where the soil
where E’ and y’ are the drained elastic Young’s modulus is excavated to the impervious substratum, i.e., Htot/Hexc = 1,
and Poisson’s ratio, respectively. The values of E’ and y’, T(Hexc) reaches a value close to 0.33 at the end of consolida-
defined in Table 1, are typical of those for lightly overcon- tion, thus respecting the idea introduced by Eigenbrod

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490 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 2. Factor of safety as a function of time for different cut geometries (Htot/Hexc).
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Fig. 3. Critical slip surface for the different cut geometries (a) im- Hexc becomes larger than 1.8. The slight increase in T(Hexc)
mediately after excavation, and (b) for long-term conditions. for values of Htot/Hexc equal to or larger than 1.8 could be
seen as negligible for practical purposes. Moreover, Fig. 5b
presents T(Hexc) for the long term normalized to the case
where Htot/Hexc = 1 in a logarithm–logarithm diagram and
as a function of the geometry. The broken line in Fig. 5b
represents Terzaghi (1925) one-dimensional (1-D) theory of
consolidation, stipulating that the time to achieve full con-
solidation is proportional to the square of the drainage dis-
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tance. It is observed that the present results differ from this

theory. The time factor varies more rapidly for Htot/Hexc <
1.8, which is mostly due to the change in location of the
critical failure surface. However, for Htot/Hexc > 1.8, the
time for pore pressure equalization is almost independent of
the clay layer thickness.
Full pore pressure equilibration can be reached if Flt is
larger than 1 and the process is not interrupted by global
failure of the cut. For such cases, Leroueil (2001) indicated
that 50% of the difference between the short- and long-term
factors of safety is lost in about 20% of the time required to
reach full pore pressure equilibrium. In Fig. 6, T(Hexc) is
normalized with respect to the time required to reach full
pore pressure equilibrium. The first observation is that all
(1975). However, this is not true for excavation geometries the normalized curves are essentially the same for whatever
differing from Htot/Hexc = 1. The results again show that value of Htot/Hexc. The second observation is that 50% of the
T(Hexc) at the end of consolidation increases with an increase difference between the short- and long-term factors of safety
in Htot/Hexc. is lost in about 8% of the time to reach long-term condi-
Taking a closer look at the case where Htot/Hexc = 1, one tions. The time for which one can rely on the short-term fac-
observes that T(Hexc) = 0.33 is reached at an R value of tor of safety can thus be very short, especially in soft clay
0.015. Recognizing the similarity between the different deposits (Leroueil 2001).
curves in Fig. 4, time for full pore pressure dissipation for
all geometries is assumed to be obtained when R = 0.015. Comparison with field observations
The time factor T(Hexc) for the long term (taken at R =
0.015 for all geometries) can thus be plotted as a function Test excavation at Saint-Hilaire
of the geometry of the cut (Fig. 5a). Figure 5a shows that, The Saint-Hilaire test excavation (Lafleur et al. 1988a,
for Htot/Hexc values between 1 and 2, the value of T(Hexc) 1988b) was performed in a sensitive clay deposit from east-
increases with an increase in the thickness of the clay de- ern Canada. The excavation is 8 m deep and 62 m2 in area
posit. Thereafter, for Htot/Hexc equal to or larger than 2, with four slopes of 188, 278,3 348, and 458 to the horizontal.
T(Hexc) increases only slightly. This is because the location The soil is composed of 0.6 m of sand underlain by 33 m of
of the long-term critical slip surface varies with the ratio Champlain Sea clay. The clay has a vane shear strength that
Htot/Hexc and the relative influence with time of the geome- increases in a regular manner with depth from about 30 kPa
try on pore pressures close to the cut decreases when Htot/ at 4 m to about 77 kPa at 20 m. Several failures were re-
3 Note that 278 is roughly equivalent to the 2:1 slope per the geometry utilized in the theoretical analysis in this paper.

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Fig. 4. Normalized factor of safety (R) as a function of the time factor (T(Hexc)).
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Fig. 5. (a) Time factor (T(Hexc)) for the long term (R = 0.015) as a of approximately 6 months is necessary to achieve pore
function of the geometry of the cut. (b) Time factor (T(Hexc)) for pressure equilibrium in the 278 and 188 slopes that have not
the long term normalized to the case where Htot/Hexc = 1 as a func- been affected by failure. In the field, coefficients of
tion of the geometry. The broken line shows the time variation as a swelling–consolidation can be evaluated on the basis of
For personal use only.

function of the square of the height. small-strain shear modulus (Gmax) and in situ hydraulic per-
meability tests (see Leroueil and Hight (2003) and referen-
ces therein). This method was successfully applied at
different sites in eastern Canada by Laflamme and Leroueil
(1999, 2003). For the clayey deposit at Saint-Hilaire, the co-
efficient of permeability was measured to be relatively con-
stant at 7.0  10–10 m/s (Laflamme and Leroueil 1999).
Gmax, deduced from piezocone tests at great depths, shows a
linear increase from 10 MPa at 2 m depth to 43 MPa at
32 m (Laflamme and Leroueil 1999). Assuming a Poisson’s
ratio of 0.25, the average small-strain modulus of elasticity
can be estimated at 72 MPa. Incorporating this value into
eq. [9], the average coefficient of swelling–consolidation is
estimated to be 4.0  10–6 m2/s for this case study.
With respect to the numerical analyses performed in this
paper, the case of Saint-Hilaire represents a cut geometry of
Htot/Hexc = 4.12. From the results of Fig. 5a, such a cut ge-
ometry in clay leads to a time parameter T(Hexc) at long
term in the order of 2.1 and a back-calculated cvs of
½10 2
cvs ¼ TðHexc ÞHexc =t ¼ 8:64  106 m2 =s

The calculated cvs value is 2.15 times the value deduced

from in situ tests. This is very small when coefficients of
swelling–consolidation are considered.

Excavation at Rivière-Vachon
The Rivière-Vachon cut, situated 600 km east of Québec
city, was performed in 1996 by the Quebec Ministry of
Transport to improve the safety of a curve in Road 138.
ported in the 458 and 348 slopes during or shortly after the This cut slopes at 208 to the horizontal and is 24 m high.
excavation. Only shallow soil movements were observed in The soil deposit is composed of a low-plasticity clay and
the 278 slope, in particular upon thawing of the soil after silt, with a preconsolidation pressure (s p0 ) that is nearly con-
the first winter. Pore pressure observations were reported by stant with depth and equal to about 400 kPa. The total thick-
Lafleur et al. (1988a, 1988b). The results show that a period ness of the deposit (Htot) deduced from Laflamme and

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Fig. 6. Normalized factor of safety (R) as a function of the time parameter (T(Hexc)) normalized to long-term conditions.
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Leroueil (1999) is 55 m. Hydraulic conductivity measured in The two case histories presented herein show that the time
the laboratory and in situ with a self-boring permeameter is parameter T(Hexc) to reach long-term conditions following
equal to about 1.16  10–9 m/s. Elastic parameters for this the cut in a clayey deposit may be different from 0.33 for
clayey soil were deduced from piezocone tests and resulted different values of Htot/Hexc. As a comparison, the time to
in estimated values of 100 MPa for Gmax and 250 MPa of E’ reach pore pressure equilibrium would have been estimated
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(Laflamme and Leroueil 1999). Using the latter and assuming as 1 month and 2 months for the Saint-Hilaire and Rivière-
y’ of 0.25, one obtains an approximate coefficient of Vachon cases, respectively, if the idea considered by Eigen-
swelling–consolidation of 3.5  10–5 m2/s for this clay deposit. brod (1975) had been followed.
Time to reach steady-state pore-water pressure conditions All the analyses presented in this paper consider the case
in the slope was calculated to be approximately 250 days at where the lower boundary is impervious. In many cases in
a depth of 30 m below the surface and 350 days at a depth reality, however, the lower bound is free-draining; an aqui-
of 20 m (Laflamme and Leroueil 1999). The Rivière- fer is often present below the base of a clay stratum.
Vachon cut represents a geometry of Htot/Hexc = 2.29, and Although it is beyond this paper to analyze this in detail,
thus a time parameter (T(Hexc)) to reach long-term condi- we anticipate the results of Fig. 5 to be applicable. In this
tions of 2 according to Fig. 5a. Assuming that steady-state case, the geometrical term Htot/Hexc should be divided by 2
conditions were reached in the slope at 350 days and mak- (i.e., two free-draining boundaries).
ing use of eq. [10], one obtains a back-calculated coefficient
of swelling–consolidation of 3.8  10–5 m2/s. This gives a
value of 1.09 for the ratio of in situ to calculated cvs, which
is very small. Numerical analyses have been performed to study the
Even if limited, these two cases indicate that the approach evolution of the factor of safety following the excavation of
developed in this paper seems reasonable. a cut in a clayey soil. The results show that there is a rela-
tion between the time for full pore pressure equalization and
the geometry (i.e., Htot/Hexc) of the cut for a given set of
Practical implications and limitations of the clayey soil properties. Consequently, the time during which
method one can rely on the short-term factor of safety depends on
Results from the two case histories indicate that the time the geometry of the cut. In the case of a cut geometry differ-
parameter to reach long-term conditions may be directly es- ing from Htot = Hexc, the time parameter T(Hexc) at steady-
timated from Fig. 5a when the geometry of the excavation is state pore pressure conditions will differ from the case con-
known. Reliable knowledge of the coefficient of swelling– sidered by Eigenbrod (1975).
consolidation is critical, however, to estimate the time to Furthermore, it is shown that T(Hexc) increases with an in-
reach full pore pressure equilibration in the slope. In the crease in the thickness of the clayey deposit until it reaches
present case histories, the values of cvs were deduced based a value of 1.9 at a geometry of Htot/Hexc of about 1.8. Then,
on small-strain shear modulus and hydraulic conductivity the value of T(Hexc) only slightly increases with Htot/Hexc
tests reliably measured on site. On the other hand, the re- equal to or larger than 1.8. This slight increase could be
sults from numerical simulations presented herein assume seen as constant for practical reasons.
soil properties typical of those for eastern Canada clays, Results obtained in the present study show that 50% of
and the results could be different in other clay deposits. It the difference between the short- and long-term factors of
is thought, however, that the trends obtained are applicable safety is lost in about 8% of the time to reach equilibration
to other clays. of pore pressures. For a geotechnical engineer, this means

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that the time during which one can rely on the short-term Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colo., June 1960. ASCE,
strength of the clayey soil following excavation may be rel- New York. pp. 533–554.
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