LABU2060 Lesson 2.2 Team and Leadership Skills Audit Form

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LABU2060 Effective Communication in Business

Lesson 2.2 Team and Leadership Skills Audit Form

Team and leadership skills audit:

Please put a 😊 (Good work) or (Need some work) in the columns below:

Team skills You Your team members

Prepare for the events.

Understand personal and functional roles.

Clearly ask for specific information or action.

Act autonomously to implement ideas.

Give comments on others’ work and support for one


Help decide communication preferences for the team.

Engage in productive problem-solving by maintaining a

constructive tone, taking responsibility for solutions, and

seeking consensus.

Establish and maintain a personal and professional

reputation (by paying attention, staying on tasks, and

participating/ leading as appropriate).

Get acquainted with participants, build rapport, and

understand others’ interests.

Project confidence and competence while responding to

others’ interests and emotions.

Adapted from Cyphert, D. (2021). “A Developmental Framework for Professional

Communication Competence: Language Awareness in Context.”
LABU2060 Effective Communication in Business
Lesson 2.2 Team and Leadership Skills Audit Form


 What processes did you go through to produce the final product (the slides for


 How did individual team members help each other during the process?

 Was teamwork necessary in achieving outcomes in this activity? How?

 What was your role just then? Did you see yourself more of a leader or team member? Or both?

Were you a time-keeper/ reporter/ ‘devil’s advocate’?

 Did you see good teamwork?

- If yes, what did you and your members do well?

- If not, how can you and your members improve?

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